Big Cat Rescue Wants YOU

The Plight of Tigers in the United States

What is Pay to Play and Why is it SO Wrong?

 Big Cats Make Bad Pets and Should Not Be Bred as Props or For Their Parts.

Freeland Film Festival Panel: Tigers In America

How do all the issues around cub petting, roadside pseudo zoos, exotic pets, wildlife trafficking, canned hunts, tiger farms, etc actually affect true conservation in the wild? At the beginning of quarantine in March 2020, many people could be found binge-watching Netflix’s, Tiger King. What many do not realize is that there are more captive tigers in the United States than the total number of tigers in the wild! Watch the discussion with some of the world’s experts on the situation for captive big cats in the United States and around the world. This panel discussion is extremely informative covering the many interconnected issues.  If you have ever wondered how to explain some of the issues to friends and family, I highly recommend watching or listening to this all the way through.