Big Cat Rescue

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Big Cat Rescue Safety ID Kit

Big Cat Rescue has a Child Safety ID Kit that is free to all families

 During this summer as a gift from the cats, staff and volunteers at Big Cat Rescue we would like to offer a couple dozen free customizations of Big Cat Rescue's Child ID Safety Kit for businesses, organizations, clubs, day cares, schools, etc . 

Why Does this Matter To Businesses & Organizations?

 Businesses and organizations spend a lot of advertising dollars every year to give away things with their logos on them such as ball caps, ink pens, calendars, paper weights and such. Have you ever wondered how long customers and clients actually keep those items? Unlike an ink pen, this has not only the name, address, URL and logo of the business and organization but it also has all of that info plus a hot link to the your website and a whole screen devoted to introducing you to your client. By giving away a customized version of a Child ID Safety Kit you are giving something that is long term and directly beneficial to your clients' families. You are giving something your clients will not only hold on to and reuse but will make copies of and share with their friends and family. For businesses and organizations this a great advertising viral marketing tool that is more affordable that logo ink pens and is advertising that sticks around for a while. At the same time for your clients' families it is a wonderful item they will use and re-use and pass along to other families. Another benefit is that your business or organization can offer this item as a free download from your website. This is a great viral marketing tool because people not only download it themselves but they make copies of it for their friends and families which in turn can lead new people to your website. 

What is the kit?

 It is a small computer program that walks parents thru everything they need to do to make a Child ID Safety Kit complete with everything they will need to get a search and/or Amber Alert started more quickly if their child goes missing. It also has instructions on making and preserving DNA kits. DNA kits are an important tool that can reunite a child with their family faster. When a child goes missing as an infant, toddler or small child and are recovered years later they won't know who they really are or who their real parents are. Thus, DNA can speed up the process of finding and reuniting the family with their missing child. 

The kit includes:


Dental chart / record

Finger print chart

Police information form

Medical information form

Fill in info once and four Pocket ID Cards are automatically generated

Special needs instructions (if the child or mentally impaired adult has any special needs)

Instructions to create your own DNA kit & how properly preserve it

Missing Child / Missing Person Poster Maker

Amber Alert info and how to get one issued

Safety tips to help keep your child safer

What to do tips if your child goes missing

A resources list & helpful links

· We will even add new features if it is feasible to do so


Who has used it?

 During April 2012 one of our Advocats made a couple of extra special customized versions. The following two versions included not only the Child ID Safety Kit program but also a lot of games and printable goodies for the kiddos to enjoy. Here are a few quotes from Pasco County OACAC Headstart's safety event coordinator: 

"...I am extremely pleased with the cd's and have already showed them to one of my daughters who is a preschool teacher in a private daycare. Next week the daycare she is working in is doing stranger danger so she will be doing activities from your cd with her children also. I started showing it to a couple of my co-workers and they were totally psyched about using them also. I could never say thank you enough for all of the hard work that you put in for our program..."

 Here is a quote from a Tiger Scout troop leader in a neighboring state whose troop used their customized version to earn their safety badges: 

"..I presented it and the kids loved it. The parents had my one laptop screen to look over my shoulder so they were extremely impressed. They all expected some silly handouts to fill out not a professional tool with games and activities out the wazoo. It was so great!"

 Customized versions of Big Cat Rescue's Child ID Safety Kit has been used by various politicians, schools, day cares, radio stations, infant toddler stores, Health Departments, COP Neighborhood Officers, Neighborhood Associations, Girl Scout troops, Boy Scout troops, Tiger Scout troops, and even a couple Eagle Scout projects to mention just a few. It has even been used by a baby safety organization in Australia and a family safety group in western Africa. 

What is the purpose of the kit making program?


· Its purpose is simply to be a tool to help speed up the process or getting a search or Amber Alert started when a child goes missing. Those first few minutes saved can make a difference in when or if a child is recovered quickly and safely.

· Connecting parents with information to help in the search for their child.

· Teaching parents and kids a few tips on being safer.

· Getting people and organizations thinking about doing safety events.

 The kit is a small computer program that you can use and reuse for as many kids as you want. It eliminates those long agonizing minutes wasted giving info and waiting for the officer to write it all down. It eliminates the wasted time searching for names and numbers and addresses and photos for poster making. Families no longer have to spend big dollars to get a complete safety kit, they no longer have to wait until some organization offer a free safety clinic to get a child ID kit for their children. Again I will repeat this kit is re-usable so as your child ages and looks change you can simply update the parts of the kit that need updating. 

What does customization of the kit include?


· Your business or organization name, address, website link and logo in various places in the program

· You also get a whole screen to share information about your business or organization.

· You can even have a few photos included in that "About" screen.


How can the Child ID Safety Kit be distributed?

 Pretty much any way you want as long as families get it free and no one sells it or profits from it. 

· Website download


· USB thumb drive

· Sometimes we can even add games, printables and crafts to it if you'd like.

  Here is the link to the 2010 version and I will get the 2012 version uploaded in a few hours. (working on new version now) 

How to get a free customized version?

 If you re interested in a free customized version of Big Cat Rescue's Child ID Safety Kit program for your business or organization, please contact 

Qualifications to get a free customized version are:


must be a family safe business or organization

must not be in conflict with Big Cat Recue's mission

must be on the email list for Big Cat Rescue's Advocat

must agree to not sell the program but instead to give it to your clients free of charge