Californians for Bobcats

Californians: Stop Wildlife Crime!

CA_wildlife_060812.jpgGood news! Assembly Bill 2179, which targets wildlife crime in California, has passed all hurdles in the state's lower house. Now we need you to push it through the Senate.Please contact your senator today to express support for this animal-friendly legislation.AB 2179, introduced by Assembly MemberMichael Allen (D-Santa Rosa), will facilitate the Department of Fish and Game's ability to prosecute and penalize anyone who violates Fish and Game regulations. (Read more here.)Wildlife exploiters who benefit from poor law enforcement have come out in full force in opposition to this bill. The Legislature needs to hear from people likeyou who want our wildlife and wild places protected.If you write your senator, please personalize the message. If you call (find your senator's contact information here), simply say:"Hello. I am calling from [name of your town] in support of AB 2179. This bill will help protect wildlife and the environment by providing the Departmentof Fish and Game with a more efficient and cost-effective civil penalties process so that those who violate wildlife laws are held accountable. I hope that Senator [your senator's name] will vote in favor of this bill when it comes up for a vote. Thank you."This action alert is for residents of the following states only: California


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AdvoCat 2012 08