Big Cat Rescue

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Cat Chat 63

Cat Chat 63

Meet Joshua Decker from  Local Directive.  Carole met the owner of Local Directive, Lisa Meier, at a Florida Lobby Day in 2009 and Lisa offered to take over the management of Big Cat Rescue's Google AdWords grant.  As a non profit, Big Cat Rescue had been given a grant of $40,000 a month in advertising and Carole had been managing it, but it is a lot of work to do it right and Lisa and her team were looking for a way to help an animal charity, so they took the reigns in April of 2009 and have done a fantastic job. FileToday you will hear from these experts about:Why non-profits, like sanctuaries, need to be concerned with marketing?Why Social Media should be a strong consideration for that marketing effort?How to stay above the fray of fraud within social media?How a non-profit can leverage social media effectively?AdWords-Campaigns-2009-2014 AdWords-OrganicVSGrant-2009-2014 AdWords-Overview-2009-2014 AdWords-Social-2009-2014 CatChatShow63