Cat Chat 69

Meet Olga Bellon on Cat Chat Show 69 Bellon gets a crash course in big cat care at Big Cat Rescue to implement in the new big cat facility being built in Spain as part of AAP.  Download the  Lower Res Podcast File here.

More about Big Cat Rescue's work with AAP Primadomus

Big Cat Rescue was recruited to offer our expertise and guidance in the development of a rescue center in Spain that will be broadening their focus from primates to now include big cats.  AAP Primadomus is located on more than 400 acres in Villena and currently houses a variety of primates that have been rescued from private ownership, circuses, and laboratories. They are now expanding their focus to also rescue countless lions and tigers that are in need across their country.In an effort to prepare for this project nearly a dozen experts were invited to a symposium that focused on sharing information regarding the proper care of big cats in captivity, emergency protocol development, and enclosure design. Big Cat Rescue President Jamie Veronica and volunteer veterinarian Justin Boorstein travelled to Spain and joined experts from Italy, South Africa, France, Austria, the Netherlands and all across the United Kingdom.Over the course of three days the team worked tirelessly to provide as much information as possible to the members of not only AAP Primadomus, but its origin center Stiching AAP. Stiching AAP is a rescue center for apes, monkeys and small exotic animals in the Netherlands that was founded more than 35 years ago.The symposium was a huge success. Big Cat Rescue will continue to work with AAP remotely throughout the development process. We are so pleased to provide assistance to organizations that are saving big cats across the globe! 

Primadomus Success 2015

Dear all,It has passed almost 2 years since you came to Villena to help us in this new project for us. are very proud to inform you that we finally made this reality and wanted to share it with you, so you can witness from distance the good job we all did! We had to take some time after being able to share graphic info, that's why I contact you today, but we have had all you in mind during this time.Last Friday we rescued our 4 first animals. We are very happy to give them a better life in our facilities.I hope you enjoy!! And of course, you are all welcomed to come to visit us and see it by your own eyes.Best regards,  Pilar


AdvoCat 2015 06


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