Cat Chat Show Notes Aug 14 2013

Cat Chat Show 16[toc]David Lee Stanton was having technical difficulties, and I was all dressed up with no where to go, so I did episode 16 of Cat Chat by myself. 

Bengali Tiger goes "Free!" 5 2013 This morning USDA published the Big Cat Coalition’s petition in the Federal Register – comment here:!submitComment;D=APHIS_FRDOC_0001-1477 

Bobcat Rehab Release Video Released  

Celebrity visit by Luigi Baricelli

Captive Primate Safety Act is introduced 

Loose White Tiger and Black Saber Panthers! 

CNN Poll Shows 90% Think Zoos Should be Shut Down

El Salvador bans wild animals in circus acts 

Shark Week Video 

Rednecks Know You Shouldn't Pet Tigers Video 

Funny DeNiro Impurr-sonator Video 

Howard and Carole Baskin Go to Washington, DC 

China hosts tiger conference

Big Cats Love Boxes featured on The Daily Cute

USDA creates new cage standards for lions and tigers 

Lions Should Be Protected, Not on the Menu  Pages 30-31 

How Cub Petting Kills Wild Tigers

What is Killing Tiger Cubs? 

Bella Tiger Biopsy 

Who are the real animal terrorists? 

How cub petting violates the Endangered Species Act 

5 Common Cat Health Problems 

The Royal Manticoran Navy

Thanks to the ROARING generosity of The Royal Manticoran Navy, the Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, representatives from Big Cat Rescue recently tabled and spoke as part of the 35th Annual Shore Leave Science Fiction Convention in Hunt Valley, Maryland. 

Big Cat Rescuers Visit Florida Exotic Bird Sanctuary


Parrots and Pistols?

 Dart-Rifle-Practice-1 Dart-Rifle-Practice-2 Dart-Rifle-Practice-4 Dart-Rifle-Practice-5 Dart-Rifle-Practice-61 Dart-Rifle-Practice-72 Dart-Rifle-Practice-75 Dart-Rifle-Practice-83 Dart-Rifle-Practice-94 Dart-Rifle-Practice-Jenna Dart-Rifle-Practice-Jo

Who put the Con in Conservation? What does a liger look like?  Healing-power-of-cat-purring 

EIA – Expertise in Environmental Issues

 THE London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) is pleased to offer the expertise of its experienced, authoritative campaigners to journalists and writers covering environmental issues. EIA was established in 1984 to investigate, expose and campaign against the illegal trade in wildlife and the exploitation of the natural environment, and has built an international reputation for its pioneering use of undercover techniques. Working to uncover transnational organised environmental crime – such as the illegal trades in wildlife, timber and ozone-depleting substances – EIA routinely employs secret cameras, hidden tape recorders, photography, fake front companies, false identities and clandestine on-site visits to obtain hard evidence of crime. By seeking to identify and expose eco crime and then alert governments, police and customs, EIA has directly brought about significant changes in international law and the policies of governments, saving the lives of millions of rare and endangered animals, stemming flows of illegal timber and putting a stop to the devastating impacts of environmental criminals. Our major achievements include bringing about an international ivory ban in 1987; stopping the illegal wild bird trade; putting an end to the smuggling of ozone-depleting CHC gases; prompting Indonesia’s biggest ever crackdown on illegal logging; revealing the trans-Himalayan trade in big cat skins; spurring major internet companies to withdraw cetacean products; and playing a major role in bringing about the 2013 European Union Timber Regulation. EIA investigators are acknowledged experts in their respective fields, able to provide journalists with insightful background briefings and highly informed comment for both breaking news stories and deep background features. Please call us on +44 (0) 20 7354 7960 for comment, or contact our campaigners directly from the list of specialties below:   GENERAL COMMENT & STRATEGIC CAMPAIGNS OVERVIEW Julian NewmanCampaigns Directoremail Expertise: environmental crime, especially illegal logging, smuggling of ozone-depleting substances and illicit trade in electronic waste Julian joined EIA in July 1997 as an investigator after working as a journalist for six years. He has carried out field investigations into illegal logging in Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Vietnam and Laos, and wildlife crime investigations in Tanzania, Zambia, Singapore and China. He has also been involved in training local NGOs in Indonesia and Tanzania. Since 2008 he has been Campaigns Director.  CETACEANS (WHALES, DOLPHINS & PORPOISES) Clare PerryHead of Cetaceans Campaignemail Expertise: Icelandic whaling, Japanese scientific whaling, Japanese coastal whaling of small cetaceans, contaminants in whale meat, marine debris A biologist with experience in environmental consultancy and marine conservation, Clare joined EIA in 1998 to work on the Cetacean Campaign and has led many investigations into Japanese whale & dolphin hunting and Icelandic whaling, working closely on EIA’s corporate campaign to reduce the Japanese market for cetacean products. Clare has attended meetings of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) since 1999, and was a member of the IWC Scientific Committee from 1999-2004.   ELEPHANTS & RHINOCEROS Mary RiceExecutive Director & Head of Elephants Campaignemail Expertise: elephant and rhinoceros conservation issues, poaching, ivory smuggling, legal and illegal ivory trade & markets, illegal rhino horn trade, veterinary cordon fences Mary has been with EIA since 1996, joining as a volunteer before holding positions including Head of Communications & Projects and Head of Development. She is responsible for directing the long-term strategic management of EIA as well as working on specific projects and leading the Elephants Campaign.   ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME ANALYSIS Charlotte DaviesIntelligence Analystemail Expertise: environmental crime esp illegal wildlife trade (Asian big cats, ivory, rhino horn, pangolins), organised crime, crime analysis, criminology Charlotte joined EIA in 2008. She previously worked as a police crime analyst and primarily works on the illegal wildlife trade and illegal logging. She maintains an overview of other wildlife trade dynamics which are currently not subject to specific campaigns (ie, rhino horn, pangolins, lions).   FORESTS Faith DohertyHead of Forests Campaignemail Expertise: forest law, forest governance issues in SouthEast Asia (esp Indonesia & Burma/Myanmar) and China, illegal logging, timber barons, European Union Timber Regulation, human rights in Burma/Myanmar After working in the environment movement and human rights community, with a special focus on Burma/Myanmar, Faith joined EIA in the late 1990s. Her work on the Forests Campaign includes a focus on Indonesia, SouthEast Asia and the consuming countries of Western Europe. In 2000, she and a colleague were kidnapped, beaten and pressed at gunpoint to recant evidence of forestry crime in Indonesia, uncovered by EIA and its partner Telapak. Together with Indonesian partners, Faith led an EIA campaign against Indonesian timber barons resulting in an Indonesia/EU bilateral treaty through the EU Forest Law, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) action plan. Faith is currently leading EIA’s Forests Campaign.  Jago WadleyForests Campaigneremail Expertise: forest law, forest issues in SouthEast Asia and China, illegal logging, REDD+, oil palm plantations, European Union Timber Regulation Jago spent three years investigating UK and European timber imports for Greenpeace UK before joining EIA’s forest campaign in 2005. He has been involved in EIA’s illegal logging and timber trade investigations in Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Thailand, Laos, and other Asian countries, and in EIA’s timber trade regulation campaign in the EU. More recently, following three years delivering civil society training in Indonesia’s Papua and West Papua provinces, Jago has developed EIA’s work on plantations expansion, and also leads EIA’s work on REDD+.   GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT Clare PerryHead of Global Environment Campaignemail Expertise: ozone-depleting substances, climate-changing gases, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the Montreal Protocol, European Union F-Gas Regulation, F-gases in refrigerants and air-conditioning Joining EIA in 1998 to work on the Cetacean Campaign, Clare has also led the Global Environment Campaign since 2007, focusing on efforts to rid the world of climate-damaging HFCs. She regularly attends UN Montreal Protocol meetings and is working closely with retailers through the Consumer Goods Forum to persuade supermarkets to rapidly phase out HFCs.  Natasha HurleyGlobal Environment Campaigneremail Expertise: Montreal Protocol, ozone-depleting substances, EU & international climate policy, EU political process, Clean Development Mechanism, carbon markets, carbon offsetting Natasha’s work at EIA includes monitoring & combating the illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances (CFCs & HCFCs) and lobbying for an international phase-out of HFCs. She previously worked for carbon market watchdog CDM Watch in Brussels.   TIGERS Debbie BanksHead of Tigers Campaignemail Expertise: investigations and advocacy, tiger & Asian big cat conservation issues, organised wildlife crime, Asian big cat poaching and trafficking, tiger farming, trade in tiger parts and derivatives in traditional Chinese medicines, illegal trade in tiger skins and bones, trans-Himalayan smuggling routes Debbie has been with EIA since 1996, volunteering for a year before joining as a campaigner and, in 2001, becoming Tiger Campaign Leader. She is a member of the Board of the Species Survival Network (SSN) and Chair of the SSN Big Cat Working Group. She has trained several investigators on the Tigers Campaign since 1999 and has worked on projects and investigations in India, Nepal, China, Thailand, USA, Europe and Japan. Debbie has a BSc in Zoology and an MSc in Conservation.   FOOTAGE AND IMAGE LIBRARY EIA has an extensive library of documentation comprising video and film, slides, prints and digital images relating to our environmental crime investigations. For footage and film inquiries, please contact Communications Officer Emma Clark or +44 (0) 20 7354 7960. For general media inquiries, please contact Press & Communications Officer Paul Newman or +44 (0) 20 7354 7960.Cat Chat PodcastSubscribe to our weekly live Cat Chat Show in iTunes or on


AdvoCat 2013 08


A Baby Bobcat Named Faith