Cub Abuse at Colossalcon Kalahari Resort

Cub Abuse at Colossalcon in the Kalahari Resort

Cubs Abused at ColossalconOnce again the annual anime convention called Colossalcon at the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio will exploit tiger and lion cubs. Event organizers are charging attendees $175 for a “shared 30-minute hands-on session with a baby cat.” The sessions have already sold out.How many exhausted cubs will be handled, deprived of sleep and gawked at during the 4-day event? How many will get sick? How many will cry out for the mothers they were torn away from?Last year we asked our newsletter supporters to contact Colossalcon event organizers, but their pleas to stop the cub petting sessions fell on deaf ears. This year we are asking ALL of our supporters to contact Colossalcon organizers and the Kalahari Resort and let them know animal lovers do NOT want to see baby tiger and lion cubs bred and used as entertainment and photo props.Can we count on you to speak up for these cubs?Take action here:


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