Donate cars to save big cats

Your car donation could do BIG things!

Big Cat Rescue is now able to accept noncash donations, including vehicles. We are hopeful that donated vehicles will help us make a difference as we end the trade in big cats. Car donations have an average value of over $1,600! That type of donation can make a BIG impact.For example, $1,600 would allow us to feed a big cat for 48 days.iDonateCarDonating a used car is an easy, low-stress process. You don’t need to worry about lining up potential buyers or fixing broken parts. We’ll schedule a time to take the car off your hands and provide you with the right receipts for your tax deduction. And the donation process is incredibly simple – you can give your car right on our website! Jumpstart your giving online by clicking on the Vehicle button at the top of right of this page or at:, Carole Baskin*We don’t only take cars! If you have a boat, RV, or other vehicle you’d like to give, you can donate it here as well.


AdvoCat 2015 04


Mexico Sanctuary Conference