Big Cat Rescue

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Animal Lover Dream Vacation Winner Review of Big Cat Rescue

Animal Lover Dream Vacation Winners

 Hear what the 2012 Animal Lover Dream Vacation winners said about their trip of a lifetime: 

"Winning the Animal Lover's Dream Vacation truly was like a dream for me. I've always loved big cats and have supported BCR for several years. Seeing the cats again was awesome and the keeper tour, where my fiancée and I got to make enrichment for the cats, was probably my favorite part of the trip. My fiancée would say his favorite part was the feeding tour because we happened to be there on "whole prey" day, where the cats were given whole rabbits or rats, (already dead). Although meeting Carole and Howard was really incredible too!! Discussing current big cat issues with Carole was very enlightening. The resort hotel that we stayed at, (courtesy of BCR), was simply fantastic! We had a beautiful view of the beach from our balcony and the amenities at the hotel were fantastic! This trip did not disappoint! Thank you Big Cat Rescue for an awesome trip and for all that you do for the cats!! Can't wait to visit again one day!  Amy Godwin and Mario Caballero"

AnimalLoverDreamVacationAmyMarioGodwinThe 2011 winners of the Animal Lover Dream Vacation said on their first day:

"It has already been so much more than expected!  We are having the greatest time!"

Dennis and Marcia Coakley watch Regina do Operant Training w Grace the ocelot They followed up with this letter: Dear Carole, Thank you so much for all the care you and your team took for our visit.Linda, Regina and Becky made us very welcome, and each brought their individual spark and personality to the picture we gained of the BCR story. We felt/feel extremely fortunate, and blessed to have had this gift. Thank your husband for handling the travel details, too, of course. We have spent much rather addictive time looking at our photos, and the photos and video on the BCR FB page and site, and showing many to our family and friends.I am sure you are familiar with this tendency. Look for a note and contribution from us soon. We look forward to returning, and sending many folks, and their support, your way. Best wishes,Marcia 

Other reviews that are evident from these recent awards


Top Day Trip for Families

 2012 CBS Tampa ranks BCR as one of the top "Day Trips for Families" 

PC Magazine Names Big Cat Rescue in Top 12 Favorite Charities 2011

Big Cat Rescue, which takes in retired circus lions and tigers, also rescues other big cats from people who tried to keep them as pets, and otherwise offers sanctuary to large cats that are not eligible for release into the wild. It's focused on educating people about the unsuitability of the animals as pets, working toward passing laws against roadside zoos, and shutting down breeding programs like the exotic pet trade. They also take in injured wild cats and rehabilitate them for release. The group has a video cam set up in the sanctuary, and they regularly post videos of the big cats. The cats eat a massive amount every day, naturally, so Big Cat Rescue relies on donations and paid tour groups to support them.—Arielle Rochette  PC Magazine 

The People's Choice

 Thanks to all of you who voted for Big Cat Rescue, we won the People's Choice Award at the WEDU Be More Awards!  Big Cat Rescue won against 90 contenders for the People's Choice Award. WEDU has a viewing audience that includes 16 central Florida counties. Big Cat Rescue has won this award three years in a row, validating to us that many of your share our vision. 

Voters Say Big Cat Rescue is Deserving

 2011 Winner in Toyota's 100 Cars for Good  Big Cat Rescue was given a beautiful Toyota Tundra for being the top voted charity during their competition week.  9/2/2011  The Tampa Bay Business Journal awarded Big Cat Rescue in 3 categories:  Best Black Tie Event  Favorite Retreat and Team Building Venue and Second Best Fundraiser