Big Cat Rescue

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FunFest Productions, Inc is an event production company in Michigan that had regularly brought Marcus Cook's atrocious "White Tiger Discovery" sideshow to their music festivals and carnivals over the past few summers. The advertisements for one of their upcoming 4th of July festivals advertised the tigers as "back by popular demand", so Big Cat Rescuers emailed the company explaining why this wasn't a good idea. It turns out we had nothing to worry about -- the company canceled the white tiger exhibit a month ago, likely after complaints. What's more, they've put a new corporate policy on their website banning all exotic animal acts in the future, making them a big front-runner, in our opinion, for responsibility. It reads:

"FunFest Productions, Inc. prohibits the exhibition of inherently dangerous wild animals at its events. Animals such as elephants, tigers, lions, bears, primates, and reptiles may pose a potential safety hazard to the public and the use of wild and exotic animals in traveling shows raises concerns about their welfare. FunFest Productions, Inc. is committed to supporting the humane treatment of animals and ensuring the comfort and enjoyment of our guests."

More and more event companies seem to be moving in this direction every year as they find out that having lions and tigers doesn't necessarily bring more "fun" to their event, but more controversy and liability. Between this new commitment, the new USDA regulations on captive tigers and cub-petting, and the long-awaited shutdown of Tiger Temple, it seems like captive tigers are having a pretty good year so far.

The photo above was not at a FunFest Production event, but rather is typical of these types of fairs.

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