Big Cat Rescue

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Kamau bobcat

Kamau (meaning quiet warrior), (pronounced "come out" without the "t") rehab bobcat

Male bobcat

Approx age 1.5-2 years old

Rescued June 3, 2023

Release back to the wild:  July 25, 2023
The Journey Home: Kamau Bobcat's Triumph over Trauma

June 3, 2023 New bobcat alert, by Jamie Veronica ~ This young adult bobcat was found lying on the side of a busy highway this morning. The finder noticed it earlier when they left their neighborhood and when they returned a couple hours later the bobcat was still there. They knew it must be injured and contacted us to see if we could help. Victor, Carole and I rushed to the scene and captured him/her fairly easily. It appears as though the cat may have been hit by a car, it has some injuries to its right wrist and right knee.  It also may have some neurological damage as the pupils were two different sizes. As there are no emergency injuries, we have given fluids and are giving it some time to rest and cool off before proceeding with a veterinary exam.  I have been talking to Dr. Justin about coming out to see him as soon as he is rested up a little bit. There will be more updates soon regarding his care, depending on how he progresses throughout the day.

June 4, 2023 Update

Kamau was examined today. His bloodwork was ok, some elevations but nothing serious. It looks as though he was shot about a month ago in the wrist. His dewclaw was obliterated. Shrapnel was found in his rear foot. He was also hit by a car a few days ago resulting in a broken canine, swollen jaw, head trauma, blindness, road rash to his past wrist injury and to both knees. This poor guy has a lot stacked up against him. He was given pain medication, antibiotics and steroids. For now we are going to hold off on any surgeries and give him some time to stabilize. The first goal will be to get him eating 🤞

June 15, 2023

Update on Kamau bobcat from Jamie

Kamau has been doing really well. He has gotten feistier by the day. When he first arrived he was a shell of a bobcat, he is now full on bobcat and ready to go home. Before sending him on his way we sedated him for surgery. His broken canine was removed and the bullet was extracted from his wrist. He will have a few weeks of recovery in the outdoor rehab enclosures starting tomorrow. Then he will be released back into the wild where he belongs.

Dr. Boorstein sees Kamau rehab bobcat for his fractured canine and bullet in his foot 06 15 2023

June 16, 2023

Kamau has been moved outside for the final stage of his rehabilitation 🎉

Kamau goes back to the wild!

Kamau rehab bobcat went back to the wild on July 25, 2023