Big Cat Rescue

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Law Enforcement

Big Cat Rescue Assists Law Enforcement

Big Cat Rescue gets no funding from the government, but often steps in to help government agencies.When states pass laws to ban the private possession of big cats, they always include a grandfather clause that allows the people who have big cats to keep them, but doesn't allow them to buy or breed more.  There is usually a requirement that people register their big cats with the state, when such a law is passed, so that the state knows if the person is compliant.When people refuse to comply with new laws the state will sometimes seize the animals, if they think the public is at risk.  That often results in years of legal battles between the state and the lawbreakers who use wild animals in their money making schemes.State law enforcement agencies are not equipped to provide years of care to animals that can cost thousands of dollars per year in food and vet care alone.

That's when they call on Big Cat Rescue.

We will provide the best care and environment the cats have ever known, during the long court cases, and we do it for free.Sometimes we cannot tell you the name or the horrific stories of abuse that these animals have suffered until after the last appeals court has ruled in favor of the state.For the protection of the cats, from the criminals who would often, rather see them dead than living the good life at Big Cat Rescue, we must ask that you not take photos, videos or talk about some specific animals if your tour guide indicates that they are in the Big Cat Witness Protection Program.

What About Kenny Hetrick / Tiger Ridge Cats?

ALMOST FOUR YEARS…that is how long Big Cat Rescue has waited to officially introduce our four big cats which were seized in 2015 from Ohio’s Tiger Ridge Exotics roadside zoo and owner/operator Kenny Hetrick by the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA). We are so excited for you, our amazing supporters, to get to know our three precious female tigers DutchessJasmine and Sapphire and gorgeous male black leopard Jinx. We know you will fall in love with them just as we have!Find out more at video shows you a little about the enclosures where our cats live.