Big Cat Rescue

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March for Lions Kids

For Adults, go to is a collection of goodies for kids to celebrate the March For Lions event.  Getting children excited about and involved in saving big cats and wild life in general is very important so why not make it fun for them to participate.

Kids Lion Stationery

Your are never too young to be a voice for animals.  Here is something for kids to use to make a difference.  Kids can write a letter asking lawmakers asking for laws to stop letting people play with baby lions. Below are seven different versions of Kids' Lion Stationery. Click on one of them and wait for the fill size version to completely load in your browser before printing it. OR, you can right click on the one you like and choose to "Save Targeted File" to download the stationery to your computer for later printing.

Make a Lion Cookie Box

(Featuring Cameron, Joseph, & Nikita) Click on a thumbnail below to get the pull size version. each cookie box is around1 mb or larger so please give the full size image time to fully load before printing it.  OR, you can right click on the one you like and choose to "Save Targeted File" to download the stationery to your computer for later printing. Print, Cut out, Fold, Tape or glue, Let Dry, and add a cookie to your gift box.

Lion Word Scramble Game

Click on the thumbnail below to load the full sized version in your browser.  Wait for the page to fully load before printing. OR, you can right click on it and choose to "Save Targeted File" to download the stationery to your computer for later printing.

March For Lions Bracelets

Featuring Photos of Cameron, Joseph, & Nikita - Print on white card stock, cut out,  wrap about child's wrist and tape the ends together.  You can trim off the parts that are too long. Click on a small picture below to open the bracelet full size.  Wait for the bracelet to fully load in your browser then print it.  OR, you can right click on it and choose to "Save Targeted File" to download the bracelet to your computer for later printing. 4C 4D 5 5B 5C 5D 6 6B 6Bsmall 6C 6D 7 7B 7C 7D

Telling Time Worksheets

Telling time practice worksheets to print.   Click on a small picture below to open the full size worksheet.  Wait for the page to fully load in your browser then print it.  OR, you can right click on it and choose to "Save Targeted File" to download the worksheet to your computer for later printing.

Lion Door Hanger

Door hangers to print, cut out and hang on your door knob.  There are two per sheet.  Click on a small picture below to open the door hangers full size.  Wait for the page to fully load in your browser then print it.  OR, you can right click on it and choose to "Save Targeted File" to download the doorhangers to your computer for later printing.

Match Cats to Their Species Game

How well do you know the cats that live at Big Cat Rescue. See if you can match the cats' names to the right species. Click on the thumbnail below to see it full size.  Wait for the full size version to fully load in your browser before printing.

Maze Game - Help The Lion Escape to Freedom

Find the correct path to help the lion escape to freedom. Click on the thumbnail below to see it full size.  Wait for the full size version to fully load in your browser before printing.

 What Do You See?   I See a Lion, a Tiger, and a Monkey

cover170x170-WhatDoUCWilly Wizard sends your child off on a reading adventure to see a lion, a monkey, and a tiger.   Bright colorful cartoon graphics and big color photos or real lions and tigers. Children will learn about:  The colors green, red, blue and purple. They will learn about lions, tigers, and sharing.  They will learn that reading is fun and funny.  They will enjoy the rhyming and humor.  You might even get a chuckle or two while reading this to younger children.Get the FREE iBook for iPads from iTunes   Get the FREE PDF version

Your feedback is valued.

Feel free to leave your comments below.  We are interested in knowing what you did or did not like and what suggestions you might have.