hear big cats


MaleSiberian/Bengal TigerDOB 1/1/93Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 9/9/2000Died 6/18/13 Sarmoti is an acronym for Siegfried And Roy, Masters Of The Impossible.  Despite the great name for a working cat, he was retired earlier than all of his buddies because he doesn't do tricks.   He came here at the same time as Bengali, his brother.  While Bengali is very social, playful, and loves to play pranks on all the keepers, Sarmoti is the more serious of the two.  Sarmoti has developed quite an interest in the operant conditioning program here at BCR, he loves the attention that it brings to him, but loves the treats even more. Tigers are solitary animals who stay together only when young or when mating.  Brothers will strike out on their own to lay claim to their own territory, sometimes encompassing 400 square miles.  Adult brothers will even kill each other over territorial issues.  Tigers are no longer "burning bright" in our world's most famous tiger preserves. Read what these investigators have discovered HERE.    This video was taken just two days before SARMOTI died. 

Tributes to SARMOTI Tiger

BethAnn Bluder Jun 20, 2013I loved how when I was out there cleaning he would climb on his big red ball and attack it, maybe to show me what he would like to do to me.He always made me a little nervous when he followed me around the enclosure but I loved himfor his determination.Lynda Licht Jun 20, 2013I had heard all the stories of how he didn't like buckets and would guard his poop getting quite growly - but I only know the Sarmoti of late. A kind, sleepy tiger that looked up at me with curiosity and friendship. Occasionally he'd walk over to where I was looking for poop but he would simply lay down nearby as if seeking some company to share the morning sunshine. Farewell good friend, with love I send you on your way.Rich Bluder Jun 20, 2013I was not your best friend,but we has lots of good time picking up poop together . We played hide & seek . Going to miss you .Regina Rinaldi Jun 19, 2013My Mo-Mo is gone. I've been giving SARMOTI his meds and caring for him quite a while now and it truly breaks my heart to lose this sweet gentle creature who fiercely protected his poop from being picked up, and who played with his red ball after getting his meds. I was one of the first faces he saw when returning from Gainesville after getting his tail amputated and he chuffed at me as if to say Thank God I'm home at BCR and he fell asleep in his safety gate and we had to clip the transport cage to the safety gate so he could peacefully sleep there. My heart breaks into a million pieces and the tears are flowing freely while I sit at my computer at work. How do you explain to co-workers the incredible pain I feel right now? He is free now: free from pain, free from the cage wire that kept him enclosed all these years, but he will be missed by especially me. One of my favorites for sure. I LOVE YOU MO-MO. Run free say hi to Buffy and Nini for me.Unknown Jun 19, 2013Farewell, beautiful Sarmoti, I'll miss your stumpy rump. <3Unknown Jun 19, 2013When I lived in the barn and Sarmoti was still in the back enclosure by the barn, we would sit and watch each other. Whenever I went to sit outside, he would come over and lie down with his tongue slightly out. His big eyes would gaze at me at I always enjoyed this interaction with him.It is sad that he is physically gone . . . I agree with Marie's thought that he will always be with us :)Diana Rao Jun 18, 2013As Sarmotti spent most of his time off the tour path I never really got to know him but the few times I did see him he was impressive. Like Marie said, none of our cats are ever gone because they live on in our memories. RIP Sarmotti!Marie Schoubert Jun 18, 2013He was the King of all the Kings to me. Scared everybody... oh yes he was the best tiger... Couldn't believe he was gone today. But again, he is not really gone... he will always be with us! Keep an eye on your bothers Sarmoti and don't you ever forget us. Love Forever!!!Big Cat Education Jun 18, 2013Sarmoti always really scared me. When I cleaned his cage, he followed me and growled, and would charge at the side of the cage or into the lockout door. In the last few months he was so tired and not feeling well, so he wasn't attacking me anymore. How I wish he was, because then I would have known he was feeling good. He was always so fierce and wild around me. I really respect him for that, and for all he has lived through. I hope Flavio will not miss him too much. Rest in peace, brave boy--until we meet again.More Memorials at


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