Shanghai Leopard Cat


Male Leopard CatDOB 1991 - 2/4/2010Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 9/25/96Shanghai arrived at Big Cat Rescue on 9/25/96. He arrived with a missing ear and was crippled because of a cat fight, but he has since blossomed into a remarkably beautiful cat despite his defects. He never had any fur below his neck until we switched his diet from chicken and turkey to primarily ground beef muscle and organs. He has since developed a beautiful coat. Shanghai is very shy, but he will watch curiously as keepers clean his enclosure. Shanghai was neutered and now shares a large enclosure with his bengal cat friends, Zulu and Zander. We do not encourage breeding of domestic wild cat hybrids. These cats are emotionally confused and often are born with life threatening defects.We do not encourage breeding of domestic wild cat hybrids. These cats are emotionally confused and often are born with life threatening defects.


Oh little Shanghai, what beautiful indomitable spirit you were. You put up a great fight and now you are now free from your crippled body and from a cage. I will miss watching you whether you were sleeping or determined to make your way over to eat! And oh what an appetite you had! Darling little boy, you will be greatly missed...Lisa, Volunteer Senior KeeperMy heart is happy and sad. Run like the wind Shanghai, you are free ...Kym, Volunteer KeeperLisa is right when she said Shanghai had an appetite!!!! Bound and determined to get to his food....what a spirit that little cat had. it is a blessing, and you will be missed...Regina, Volunteer Senior KeeperMy poor little Shanghai, you really deserved to finally go to that very special place ! Say hello to all our friends! We'll never forget you Shanghai! Marie, Volunteer Senior KeeperMore Memorials at


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