Whistleblower Policy

Big Cat Rescue Whistleblower Policy

Lion and Tiger Friends at Big Cat RescueBig Cat Rescue is committed to maintaining a workplace where employees are free to raise good faith concerns regarding the sanctuary's business practices, specifically: (1) reporting suspected violations of law on the part of the sanctuary, including but not limited to federal laws and regulations; (2) providing truthful information in connection with an inquiry or investigation by a court, agency, law enforcement, or other governmental body; and (3) identifying potential violations of sanctuary policy.An employee who wishes to report a suspected violation of law or sanctuary policy may do so confidentially by contacting the CEO.The sanctuary expressly prohibits any form of retaliation, including harassment, intimidation, adverse employment actions, or any other form of retaliation, against employees who raise suspected violations of law, cooperate in inquiries or investigations, or identify potential violations of sanctuary policies. Any employee who engages in retaliation will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.Any employee who believes that he or she has been subjected to any form of retaliation as a result of reporting a suspected violation of law or policy should immediately report the retaliation to the CEO. Supervisors who receive complaints of retaliation must immediately inform the CEO.Reports of suspected violations of law or policy and reports of retaliation will be investigated promptly and in a manner intended to protect confidentiality, consistent with a full and fair investigation. The CEO will conduct or designate other internal or external parties to conduct the investigations. The investigating parties will notify the concerned individuals of their findings directly. A summary of all such reports will be presented to the Board of Directors.In the event that a report of a suspected violation of law or policy or retaliation involves the CEO, any employee may report the violation to any member of the Board of Directors and the Board will appoint a member of the Board not related to the CEO to assume the responsibilities above that are normally assigned to the CEO. 


CEO Performance


HR 2210 a Bill to End Canned Hunting