
InSitu 2017

Big Cat Rescue’s In Situ Conservation Work 2017 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats Click the pins on the map, or the species on the left, to get all of the details! Research and Articles by Lauren Buckingham See Current year in situ work at: See InSitu work from 2016 and before here: Almost two decades…

InSitu 2016

InSitu 2016

Big Cat Rescue’s In Situ Conservation Work 2016 Saving Wild Places for Wild Cats Click the pins on the map, or the species on the left, to get all of the details! Research and Articles by Lauren Buckingham See Current year in situ work at: See InSitu work from 2017 and before here: In 2016 Big…

Saving Fishing Cats in the Wild

Fishing Cat Summary The Fishing Cat Working Group (FCWG) was founded in spring 2011 with the aim of compiling and disseminating information about the Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverrinus), one of four small cat species considered endangered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and encouraging conservation action for the species. Of the FCWG conservationists, some are involved in…

Big Cat Fences

Big Cat Fences

Building Fences to Protect Big Cats The Corbett Foundation is a charitable, non-profit and non-governmental organization solely committed to the conservation of wildlife. They work towards a harmonious coexistence between human beings and wildlife across some of the most important wildlife habitats in India, namely Corbett Tiger Reserve, Kanha and Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserves, Kaziranga Tiger…

2010 Big Cat Rescue is International in its Scope of Services

2010 Big Cat Rescue is International in its Scope of Services   Summary:  Between January 1, 2008 and September 10, 2010 Big Cat Rescue provided $393,405.75 in scholarships to provide housing, transportation, utilities, food, training and entertainment to 57 interns arriving in Tampa, FL from 10 countries and 18 states.  Grants to projects saving wild…

Update on BCR’s participation in WWF Cambodia project

Update: Big Cat Rescue’s participation in WWF Cambodia project “The dogs left for Cambodia yesterday fully trained on your scats; thank you once again!” Barney Long, Senior Program Officer – WWF Asian Species Conservation wrote to Big Cat Rescue today.   Marie and I were excited to hear the scat detection dogs are on their way to…

BCR leopards answer the call to save tigers in Indochina

How does picking up after our leopards help save tigers in Indochina?? Big Cat Rescue was recently contacted by the Sr. Program Officer of World Wildlife Fund’s Asian Species Conservation Program asking for assistance with a major initiative in tiger conservation. In mid-December, WWF will begin their 5 month program “Tiger Conservation in the Cambodian…

Dogs Save Tigers

Dogs Save Tigers   The breaking dawn flashed hues of pale pink and light blue across the ocean. The air smelled of low tide as the sea gulls gathered to catch their first bite of the day. Everything was pointing towards a perfect Indian Summer day when, in every direction as far as the eyes…

Saving Small Cats

Saving Small Cats   Often overlooked, small wild cats are important and in trouble: An interview with small cat specialist Dr. Jim Sanderson   Rhett A. Butler, August 5, 2008   While often over-shadowed by their larger and better-known relatives like lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars, small cats are important indicators of the health…

2007 Big Cat Rescue is International in its Scope of Services

2007 Big Cat Rescue is International in its Scope of Services   Big Cat Rescue’s vision is a world where the animals we share it with are treated with respect and caring and where habitat is preserved to insure the indefinite future survival of these wonderful gifts of nature.  In creating such a world, we…