Thank You!  Your clicks through the years helped feed a big cat!

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Give to Big Cat Rescue


Clicking the “Feed a Big Cat” bone was just one way to support Big Cat Rescue. Visitors who do a few extra things on the site can raise funds to provide more many pounds of food. Take a look … it’s easy to make an even bigger difference!

Take Action on this Thank You page.

You have the power to double the amount of food your click pays for simply by patronizing our sponsors through their ads. These companies are willing to provide additional funding for feeding rescued animals who have been abused, neglected or abandoned, but are now receiving care and compassion.  Click on their logos to double the amount of today’s click to feed the cats.

Make Big Cat Rescue your home page and visit daily.

Click here for simple instructions on how to make Big Cat Rescue your home page. This is a great way to remind yourself to click each day, while spreading the word to others.

Sign up to get our free monthly ezine and double your clicks.

You can double the impact of your clicks by signing up for free as an AdvoCat.  New members will get a free entry into a drawing to win a Big Cat Expedition, and get our free monthly E-zine with the latest rescue news and how you can help.  Only new sign ups qualify.   Sign up now!

Tell potential sponsors about Big Cat Rescue.

Advertising dollars do more on Big Cat Rescue. They put companies in touch with highly qualified consumers and then go on to pay for free 5 oz. portions of food for exotic cats in need. Big Cat Rescue can play a pivotal role in the lives of hundreds of exotic cats who are abused or killed each year through your free clicks.

For more information on sponsoring Big Cat Rescue visit Adopt-A-Cat.

Shop online and help provide food for animals in need.

Thousands of exotic pets are abused, neglected or abandoned each day in the United States. Many are harmed beyond the ability to fully heal. However, you can help provide food for the many exotic cats currently living at Big Cat Rescue by shopping online at Big Cat Rescue’s Store .

Purchase Big Cat Rescue merchandise.

At you can buy Big Cat Rescue items such as t-shirts and tote bags that will help fund food for animals in need. Great for yourself, or as gifts!

Tell your friends and family about Big Cat Rescue.

By spreading the word, you’ll help increase the number of visitors to Big Cat Rescue and the amount of funding we generate for feeding the big cats. Word of mouth — telling 5 or 10 friends who tell 5 or 10 friends — is a powerful way to help these defenseless animals.

Post a banner or link to Big Cat Rescue on your own Web site.

Include Big Cat Rescue URL in your outgoing emails.

A great way to help Big Cat Rescue is to include our URL in the signature block of your outgoing emails. You’ll automatically spread the word with every message you send! Feel free to copy and paste the sample text below for use in your signature block:

Big Cat Rescue needs your help in feeding previously abused big cats who are now living their lives in a protective sanctuary! Help feed these cats every day with a simple click, at no cost to you. Visit today!

In some email programs, like Outlook, you can cut and paste the bone into your signature so that the picture and link go out on all your emails to remind you and your friends to click for the cats.

Common Questions

What is Big Cat Rescue?

Why are abandoned exotic animals so important?

What is Big Cat Rescue’s privacy policy?

What is Big Cat Rescue’s communications policy?

Is Big Cat Rescue a nonprofit organization?

Can I link my Web site to Big Cat Rescue?

Can I make a financial donation directly to Big Cat Rescue?

Where can I find more information on wild animal charities?

How can I volunteer?

What is Big Cat Rescue?

Big Cat Rescue is an online activism site that gives Internet users the daily opportunity to quickly make a difference in the life of an abandoned or neglected animal at Big Cat Rescue. In less than a minute, visitors to Big Cat Rescue can click on the “Feed a Big Cat in Need” bone and, at no cost to them, provide food for an animal at the sanctuary. This food is paid for by Big Cat Rescue’s sponsors.

Care of our cats. The narrow mission of Big Cat Rescue is to provide the best permanent home we can for the abused, abandoned and retired cats in our care.  We do this by building enclosures in a very natural habitat with foliage and shelter on our 67 acre site, by providing the best nutritional and medical care possible, and by having active operant conditioning and enrichment programs to provide for their physical and psychological well being.

Education. The broader mission of the sanctuary is to reduce the number of cats that suffer the fate of abandonment and/or abuse and to encourage preservation of habitat and wildlife.  We urge people to behave in a way that will support these goals by teaching people about the plight of the cats, both in the wild and in captivity. We accomplish this through educational guided tours, educational programs for young people, and by maintaining a website that is the world’s largest and best resource for information about exotic cats. More…

Why are abandoned animals so important?

There are over 10,000 tigers in private hands across America. Thousands of them are neglected or treated cruelly. Big Cat Rescue would like to do more to save them, but we have a lot of big cats that we have already rescued depending on us daily for food.  Your help in feeding them, generated by your clicks, enables us to do more for the cats we have not yet been able to rescue.

Why am I seeing cookie requests when I visit your site? Are they required?

There are two situations in which this may occur. First, some of our underwriting sponsors (whose banners are loaded from their sites, not ours) may attempt to drop cookies for tracking purposes. Second, we may drop cookies to track your click history, in order to show you how often you have clicked.

What is Big Cat Rescue’s privacy policy?

Big Cat Rescue deeply respects the privacy of its visitors. You are not required to provide any personal information to visit the site and feed an abandoned animal free of charge. If you sign up to make your clicks count more, you will be added to our monthly ezine mailing that tells you about recent rescues and ways you can get involved in saving big cats, and our extensive privacy policy is HERE.  You can opt out at the bottom of each monthly issue if you decide you don’t want to hear about big cats anymore.

What is Big Cat Rescue’s communication policy?

Big Cat Rescue respectfully requests that people do not send unsolicited messages promoting Big Cat Rescue to people they do not know, or post inappropriately to newsgroups or in other places. We understand that this is done with good intentions. However, anything regarded as unsolicited email (spam) is not helping our cause but, in fact, is hurting it. Unsolicited email can alienate people who might otherwise visit Big Cat Rescue and help feed and care for abandoned animals.

Is Big Cat Rescue a nonprofit organization?

Yes, Big Cat Rescue is a nonprofit organization. Please visit our About Us page for more information.

Can I link my Web site to Big Cat Rescue?

Yes, anyone can link to Big Cat Rescue. Click here for more information and a collection of bones and banners. Another great way to help is to include Big Cat Rescue URL ) in the signature block of your outgoing messages. You can also cut and paste the Bone into your website and outgoing emails.

Can I make a financial donation directly to Big Cat Rescue?

Yes, Big Cat Rescue receives no government funding and relies entirely on generous people like you to keep up our good work. Click HERE.

Where can I find more information on wild animal charities?

A good place to start is with The Global Federation of Sanctuaries.  All of the accredited rescue facilities that take good care of their animals are listed there.

You can also find information about specific charities on-line from places like Guidestar or the National Charities Information Bureau, available either through their Web site or by writing to NCIB, 19 Union Square West, New York, New York 10003.


By making Big Cat Rescue your home page, it will be the first page that appears when you access the Internet. This is a great way to remind yourself to visit daily!

Visit our FAQs for more information on how donations are calculated.