Latest from Big Cat Rescue



Callie Cougar Female Cougar Date of Birth: 1992-2002 Callie was a perfectly healthy cat who, unfortunately, died from eating hay that had been placed inside her den.  Like colic in a horse, her stomach twisted and she passed quickly. We miss her terribly.



Elijah Caracal   8/1/1997-5/18/2002   Elijah was born with defective kidneys. He only lived to be five years old, but was greatly loved during his short time with us.   More Memorials at

Saskwatch Lynx

Saskwatch Lynx

Saskwatch Female Canada Lynx 1987 – 2001 Tributes to Saskwatch Lynx “Another cat that I have fond memories of is Saskwatch the Canadian Lynx. No matter how sick she became at the end, she always seemed to remain in good spirits. I will remember her gorgeous silver mane and how it was almost always hard…

Kimba Caracal

Kimba Caracal

Kimba Female Caracal Date of Birth: 1986-2001 Kimba was the master of disguises and no doubt walks among us again in disguise. More Memorials at



Fleetwood Cougar Male Cougar Date of Birth: 1997-2001 In early July of 2007, I was fortunate enough to spend a week in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. This trip was more than just a much needed vacation, it also enabled me to fulfill a commitment made six years ago. This commitment was a promise made…



Axel Tiger Axel was a circus cat who arrived in 2001 and died in 2001.  He was the first of the circus cats to die here, so this was a letter to his owners dated 10/8/01: This was I wasn’t sure who would be the person to answer this question, so I copied both of…



Zazu   Female Leopard Cat Date of Birth: 1980-1999 Zazu may have been shy, but she was brave to have lived her life of confinement with dignity.  (no actual photos of Zazu) More Memorials at