Accidents and Animal Injury
- place animal in carrying case as quickly and gently as possible
- notify Director keep the animal warm, quiet, and isolated give water if dehydrated
The animals that you will be caring for at Big Cat Rescue will be cared for in a HANDS OFF fashion because they are wild animals. All of the animals possess effective means for defending themselves when they feel it is necessary, including teeth, claws, odor, etc. Remember, any animal can and will bite if sufficiently provoked or frightened – even the family dog. However, by following common sense rules and using your knowledge of the individual animal and its natural behaviors, no person is likely to be hurt.
You will be responsible for making the time to get thoroughly acquainted with the animals (also allowing them to become familiar with you). All of them have personalities; all have natural behaviors characteristic of the species. Your personal knowledge of the individual animal will be your greatest insurance against mishaps. The confidence you gain through experience will be sensed by the animal and will minimize the stress associated with being handled.
- use common sense, always work with animals in a calm, controlled, but confident manner
- when approaching an animal, signal your presence by talking to the animal and make your movements toward it slow and deliberate
- handle animals gently but firmly, be in control
- during handling, provide reassurance to the animal through verbal and tactile (touch) communication
- be receptive to the animal’s comfort/feelings; problems can be avoided through knowledge, sensitivity, and prevention
- the keys to success in working with and training animals are patience, determination, and repetition
Human First Aid
Note: I am not a medical doctor. Please consult a professional for human first aid.
- don’t panic
- enlist help from Director, another Volunteer, or responsible group member
- if necessary, replace animal in carrying case as calmly and quickly as possible
- wash bite thoroughly, get first aid if needed
- report injury to Operations Manager, help fill out accident report
- report to closest hospital if necessary.
- avoid panic, maintain group control; instruct people to go to the nearest building or cage that they can be safely lock into
- attempt to recapture animal, enlist assistance of another Volunteer or Operations Manager
- report incident to Director and local authorities