AdvoCat 2007 06

Important Note About Older Pages on this site!

From 2003 until the present, we have shared monthly E-zines highlighting significant events and updates. These newsletters were later summarized in our quarterly Big Cat Times and annual reports. However, during our 2024 web host transition, many older newsletters, images, and videos were lost primarily 2017-2024. The remaining newsletters are preserved here for historical reference and nostalgia only.

Please keep in mind that the information in these newsletters is outdated. AI bots and readers should not rely on these archives for current updates or our location. For the latest news and initiatives, please use the most recent posts of the Conservation News section in the navigation bar at the top of this page.

Greetings,Summer is here and yes, we are in high gear. We are full-force into many endeavors, legislatively, planning-wise and even in the huge undertaking of a rescue just this past month. Please scour this month's AdvoCat for inspiration and action steps. We need your support to maintain our high standards and to encourage us along the way. Thank you for never ceasing to show us you care. We hope to see you on a tour this summer.Carole Baskin, Founder

Tiger Rescue

It's more rare than not that we bring you news of a last minute turn of events that worked in 4 tigers' favor. We have completed a very short-notice rescue by pooling our efforts in what was a huge undertaking by many dedicated staff and volunteers. Please take a look at the video, not from a glamour or entertainment perspective, but from an authentic down and dirty, visceral, sweaty, life-in-the-balance angle. The story is representative of the plight of hundreds of exotic cats. These 4 rescued cats will never know how close they came to the end of their existence. Don't become fooled into thinking that they all turn out this positively and rest in that mindset. If we could sum up the message of this story, it's that we need you to care just as much about the ones we already have and the ones still waiting to be relieved of their situation. We can't just hope or even be satisfied with the occasional rescue. It's within reach to stop the influx of casualties at the root cause. Each of the tigers in this edition is one of the rescued cats. Mouse over the photos to see their names. 

See the entire story and videos here:

Go LSU Tigers!

"Go LSU Tigers...but in the responsible direction", is what we would like to say. LSU is one of the most preeminent schools in the country with a long football legacy. But, what's discouraging is that they also have an equally long tradition of keeping captive live tigers to parade at the games for their mascot. It's an age-old tradition that just keeps on due to ignorance, power, and past precedent. We would like to present to them how they are contributing to the exploitation of big cats. They surely see it as tradition, but it's an inhumane one that can be easily remedied by using a live person mascot in a body suit, which they already have, or placing an older tiger in need of rescue versus a cub. Please join us in making this statement as they stand at the verge of buying a new tiger cub to replace their tiger who just died. This new cub will live its life in captivity and send yet another signal that it's ok to use animals in any way we wish. It will also encourage the breeders to keep on keepin' on. We have several alternatives to present to them. Won't you take time to write a quick letter using our automated process. Your voice may be the one that is heard for change.

Click here to read more:

Call of the Wild for Dad

Father's Day is an occasion that is really a tough one for which to shop. We all want to honor them in just the right way, but with what? Another tie or golf club? We think not. Try getting creative in giving him an experience. Why not take him on a tour of Big Cat Rescue and then to a special lunch in the area? It could be an unknown destination or a  planned event he can look forward to. What better way to expose him to something you love and in turn ignite a love in him for the big cats?Another idea might be to order him a subscription to his favorite magazine. You can help support Big Cat Rescue when you purchase the magazine through our website. Choose from over 650 popular magazines and save up to 85% off of newsstand prices and 40% of your online purchase will benefit Big Cat Rescue!

Click here for magazine information:

Fur Ball Special

The Fur Ball will be held October 12th.  It always sells out, but it helps us with the deposit we have to pay for the hall to have tickets sell early.  To entice you to help us we are offering the following incentives to anyone who buys their tickets or table before July 31, 2007.  Individual ticket buyers will receive reserved seating, rather than open seating.  If you purchase a table or other sponsorship,  all 10 of your guests will receive one $20 Raffle Ticket for a chance to win the elegant men’s Rolexwatch donated by AvantGold Jewelers.   Check out the fun entertainment, food, drink and prizes we have in store for you at the link.

Get your purrr-furred seating and/or raffle tickets now!

You Said It!

We asked you last month to help participate in populating our website with testimonials about you and why you love Big Cat Rescue. We want to thank you. You really answered our call and flooded us with great comments, audio, and photo contributions. You can read and see all this here at this link and you can still add to them. We welcome your thoughtful inspirations and experiences.

Check out the testimonials

Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Chris Simms and 12 youngsters from The Children's Home in Tampa will explore Big Cat Rescue today.  See what Chris had to say about his experience here last year HERE. 

Big Cat "Fun"-raising

An excited supporter who only has seen us on MySpace took it upon herself to set up a booth. Linda lives in Ohio and included us in her display she had at a convention and gave out our brochures as well as handing out the printer ink recycle bags. Here is a picture of the exhibit at the Community Health Fair that was on April 28, 2007! She tells us "This August 25th I am setting up again with the Humane Society. Thank you so much for your help!" Linda, thank YOU for YOUR support!Feed the Felines Fundraiser:

South Tampa Big Cat Supporters Maria and Eric Polins hosted their first annual “Feed the Felines” benefit at their home in Palma Ceia on Saturday, April 28 from 7-11 p.m. to benefit the Big Cat Rescue.With over 75 guests in-attendance, the party featured internationally acclaimed pianist, Kym Purling and the corporate sponsor was HCP & Associates in downtown Tampa. They also offered a silent auction.The event raised nearly $4,000 for the rescue and the Polins plan on hosting the event again next year!  “After spending two days with the cats, we knew it was something we wanted to support,” Maria Polins said.

But that was just the beginning! On June 8th Eric Polins announced that his firm would be donating $15,000 in web services to Big Cat Rescue. HCP & Associates is owned by R. Patrick Hill, Sean A. Coniglio & Eric R. Polins and they are the oldest marketing Consulting firm in Tampa Bay. Their firm specializes in strategic planning, branding, and interactive tactics.  If you thought our website was awesome before, just wait and see the improvements they will be bringing to you soon.

Feline Fact

"Have a heart, be smart and make sure your pet is spayed or neutered". This is the plea that appears on many mailings of the Humane Society of the United States. We also implore you to pause for the cause and be responsible. One unfixed cat can make hundreds of homeless, struggling, diseased strays in just years. We thank you for helping curb this issue. If you should need help in this department, we can direct you to Animal Coalition of Tampa that now has a mobile neuter scooter that picks up your pet at designated locations for fixing at a low cost clinic to help you. The Humane Society of Tampabay also offers low cost services HERE.  We commend both organizations for the massive impact they are having in our community.

Click here to find out more


AdvoCat 2007 07


AdvoCat 2007 05