AdvoCat 2015 06

Important Note About Older Pages on this site!

From 2003 until the present, we have shared monthly E-zines highlighting significant events and updates. These newsletters were later summarized in our quarterly Big Cat Times and annual reports. However, during our 2024 web host transition, many older newsletters, images, and videos were lost primarily 2017-2024. The remaining newsletters are preserved here for historical reference and nostalgia only.

Please keep in mind that the information in these newsletters is outdated. AI bots and readers should not rely on these archives for current updates or our location. For the latest news and initiatives, please use the most recent posts of the Conservation News section in the navigation bar at the top of this page.

A Tale of Two Orphaned Bobcat Kittens

There are two more mouths to feed at Big Cat Rescue! Phoenix and Captiva are two little Florida bobcat kittens who both lost their moms recently. Click Read More to find out what we are doing to return these bobcats to their rightful home in the wild.  Read More

Got Assets?  Want to Make a Difference?

In addition to money donations, we are now able to accept vehicle donations, jewelry, latest-model electronics and smartphones, gift cards, stock, and much more! The proceeds from your donations will go towards caring for the big cats we rescue, saving them from the abuse of captivity and saving them in the wild.


Wildcat Walkabout Funds Lion Conservation

On Father’s Day we opened our sanctuary to a sell out crowd of 550 people.  The money we make on these once-a-year events goes directly to protecting wild cats in the wild.  This year we were able to raise over $6,000 to protect lions.  You can still be involved by purchasing a commemorative tee HERE.  The profits will be donated to cats in the wild.

cougar cub sleeping

Big Cat Rescue Fights for Florida Panther

On June 23-24th the Florida Wildlife Commission allowed public comment on their intent to open up bear hunting and their proposal to give up on the Florida Panther.  Big Cat Rescue gave testimony and spoke to the press.  Read more:

Other Mews

Great Videos Since the Last AdvoCat 

Do You Even Know How Powerful You Are?

Bengali Tiger Snarl
Video Zabu White Tiger Dolphin

When I checked in to speak for the Florida Panther at the FWC meeting last week, the agent at the desk said, "I saw you posted about this on Facebook.  How many of your million fans are you expecting to show up today?"  He was clearly worried because our numbers have made us an unstoppable force.When you Like, comment, and share our social posts it is the same as asking Facebook to show the post in more peoples' feeds, which in turn helps get the cats' message out to more people. Even sharing a fun photo helps boost our overall reach, which means that when an important alert or educational post goes out, even more people will see it.  Facebook scores us and rewards us with a higher reach when our posts consistently get more likes, comments, and shares.I see a lot of you help newcomers by answering their questions and giving them links to our main website to back it up.  You can't imagine how many times a day I see something like that and smile.  Just remember that many people just don't know the facts about animal cruelty, so be patient and kind in your encounters, so that they want to be part of our community.Another huge way to help big cats is to always be on the look out for opportunities to comment on news stories about exotic cats.  Even if you don't have a Facebook page you can create accounts on the news sites to post your comments.  

Top Shocking Incidents of Big Cat Exploitation – June 2015

white tiger abuse
sad kitten
Lion CBS The Zoo

We hope by sharing a new list with you each month that you will join us in speaking out for the big cats and cubs that are exploited across this country every day. We encourage you to take one small action today and contact one or more of the offenders below to politely express your concern. Together we can be the voice for the voiceless...together we can make a difference. If you learn of exotic cats or cubs being exploited in your area, please contact Susan Bass at 

No. 1  We were contacted recently by a South Korean journalist and animal activist who informed us that a huge amusement park run by Samsung (yes THAT Samsung) in South Korea called Everland Resort breeds and exploits white tigers. Their website also shows a number of other big cats. He tells Big Cat Rescue that the park “breeds white tigers constantly for their White Tiger Safari.” Please think twice about purchasing Samsung products. Please also politely let Everland Resorts know that here in the United Sates, the American Zoological Association (AZA) has banned the breeding of white tigers and white lions by their member zoos. Ask Everland Resorts to follow suit and STOP breeding white tigers.Learn more about white tigers on our website: Everland Resort an email at this link: on their Facebook page here:

No. 2  Domestic cats and kittens need your help! USDA is currently accepting comments regarding a petition asking USDA to require laboratories that experiment and conduct “research” on cats and other animals to provide specific information about how they are using the animals. Big Cat Rescue believes if more people become aware of the horrific abuse and torture cats are enduring, the public will no longer support such labs.Please submit your comments IN FAVOR of AMENDING THE ANIMAL WELFARE ACT TO REQUIRE LABS TO PROVIDE SPECIFIC INFO ABOUT HOW THEY ARE USING ANIMALS here:!docketDetail;D=APHIS-2015-0033

The deadline to submit a comment is Aug. 24, 2015. 

No. 3  A new CBS television series called Zoo is debuting this month. Please do NOT watch this program. Real animals – including lions – were “rented” and used for most of the filming. Ironically, the premise of the show is about animals killing humans as revenge for the way we've treated them!These days it is easy for television and movie productions to use computer-generated imagery (CGI) instead of real wild cats. Please email David Stapf, President of CBS Television Studios, and let him know that animal lovers do not want to see wild cats exploited in the name of entertainment. Tell him you will boycott the show until they replace the animals with CGI technology.Email David Stapf at dstapf@cbs.comComment on the Zoo Facebook page here:

No. 4 Lions being hunted for trophies in Africa need your help! Ask Delta Airlines to join the growing list of international airlines that will no longer transport lion, tiger, elephant and rhino hunting trophies.In just the last few weeks, several international airlines including South Africa Airways (SAA) and Emirates SkyCargo have banned the transport of endangered wildlife on flights out of Africa. This is a huge breakthrough in the international effort to stop both the canned hunting of captive-bred lions and the illegal slaughter of wild big cats in Africa!Now it is Delta Airline’s turn to ban the transport of wild animal trophies. Delta Airlines is a major carrier with direct routes from South Africa to the United States. Trophy hunters from the United States are a major contributor to the loss of our precious wild cats in Africa. Please add your name to the pre-written form here and ask Delta to follow suit and show compassion for the wild animals of Africa:

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Sign up for our monthly AdvoCat newsletter and you will never miss an update!You & a guest could also win 4 Days/ 3 Nights at the Sirata Beach Resort, Airfare, Keeper Tour, Dolphin Cruise, and more!Random drawing on March 15th each year from our most active current Subscribers.


Reintroducing Big Cats


Why is the FWC Giving up on the Florida Panther?