Big Cat Rescue's Code of Honor

Big Cat Rescue's Code of Honor

1.   I will focus on what works best to achieve our mission of caring for cats & ending the trade. 

2.   I will speak my truth to the best of my ability & listen attentively as others speak theirs, with an end goal of finding solutions that work for all.

3.   I will support my fellow Rescuers early, often & unconditionally.

4.   I will be truthful & responsible for my actions, accepting my role with grace and performing to the best of my ability.

5.   I will deal with complete transparency & proactively work to resolve any conflicts directly with those involved. I will be sensitive to their feelings & in no way belittle or challenge them in front of others.  If no resolution is achieved I will ask that all involved parties meet together with the person(s) who can settle the matter.

6.   If it's not my story, I won't tell it.

7.   I will celebrate the good my fellow Rescuers do & show respect by saying please, thank you and job well done.

8.   It is my responsibility to uphold the code & address breaches of the code with my fellow Rescuers directly, privately & respectfully.

9.   I will be mindful of my tone, body language & the fact that we are all on the same path, albeit at different stages, so I will be open & gentle when asked for clarification.

10.I will trust that my fellow Rescuers share my same good intentions and will give the benefit of the doubt or seek their input in a kind and courteous way.

A huge tiger chuff to all of you who helped shape our Code of Honor from April to its final version above which was adopted by the Volunteer Committee on July 19, 2010. Please refer to this Code often as a reminder of how we are to treat each other for the sake of the cats.


AdvoCat 2010 07


R.I.P Snorkel the Tiger