Articles About BCR

This creates a selection of articles that have been written about Big Cat Rescue.

Tigers Unleashed on Fatal Attractions w Carole Baskin

Fatal Attractions Tigers Unleashed First Aired on Animal Planet in November 2011 Part 1 of 6 Part 2 of 6 Part 3 of 6 Part 4 of 6 Part 5 of 6 Part 6 of 6 Bella, TJ and Modnic the tigers who came from the Savage Kingdom –…

Why Big Cat Rescue Didnt Have a Fur Ball in 2011

Charities trim fundraising events to reflect economic reality ST. PETERSBURG — On the social calendar, the hint of cool weather promises a whirl of galas, banquets and soirees that raise money for a good cause. But with an uncertain economy prompting corporations and individuals to be more discerning in their giving, some organizations are rethinking…

Carole Baskin on CNN Discussing Tiger Farms

Carole Baskin on CNN Discussing Tiger Farms   ISSUES WITH JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL VELEZ-MITCHELL: Coming up next, are beautiful, majestic tigers being exploited? We`re going to examine a tug-of-war over tigers. We`re going to get both sides of this story. We`re going to go dig deep because these animals can`t speak for themselves. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)…

Live recovering bobcat video draws 50,000 hits in two weeks

Skip the Bobcat touches lives world wide TAMPA – Rescuing stray cats is nothing new for Nici and Skip Haerter, but their latest rescue is no ordinary cat. “I love animals and there was never a question in my mind. I’d do whatever it took,” Nici said. While driving down Highway 46 in Sorrento, Nici…

Injured bobcat rescued along S.R. 46 licking wounds at Tampa facility

To watch live UStream TV camera of Skip’s recuperation, go to:,0,1697113.story?page=2&medium=4198958 It was just another ho-hum drive along State Road 46 when Nici Haerter caught an unusual sighting: a bobcat nestled in a field. A cat lover, Haerter quickly pulled over. “I thought, ‘wow, I get to see a live bobcat!’” the 44-year-old musician…