Big Cat Facts

This creates a selection of the cat fact pages, such as /bobcat-facts, /lion-facts, etc. It’s another category that is non political.

Pallas Cat Facts

Pallas Cat Facts

Common Name: Manul  (a.k.a. Pallas’s Cat) Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata (Vertebrata) Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Felidae Genus: Felinae (Octocolobus) Species: manul Misc: Peter Pallas who first described this cat, erroneously suggested that it was the ancestor of the Persian breeds of domestic cats because of its long fur, stocky build and flattened face. Captive…

Fishing Cat Facts

Fishing Cat Facts

Fishing Cat Common Name: Fishing CatKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)Class: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: Felinae (Prionailurus)Species: viverrinus Misc.: This is yet another example of a cat that disproves the misconception that cats don’t like water. This cat received its Latin name from its civet-like appearance (the viverridae family) from Bennet (1833) who first described the Fishing Cat…

Lynx Facts

Lynx Facts

Canada Lynx Common Name: Canadian LynxKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)Class: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: Felinae (Lynx)Species: canadensis Misc: The debate continues whether or not the Canadian Lynx is in fact a separate species from the Eurasian (a.k.a. Siberian or Iberian) Lynx, or merely a sub-species. Experts are evenly divided on this subject, but for now, it remains…

Margay Facts

Margay Facts

MARGAY Common Name: Margay Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata (Vertebrata) Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Felidae Genus: Felinae (Leopardus) Species: wiedii Misc: Of all of the felines, the Margay is most adapted for a true arboreal life. It is the only cat to possess the ability to rotate its hind legs 180° , enabling it to…

Snow Leopard Facts

Snow Leopard Facts

  Snow Leopards Hear about Snow Leopards: Common Name: Snow LeopardKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)Class: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: Pantherinae UnciaSpecies: uncia Misc.: This species, like the clouded leopard, is one of those that is somewhere between the small cats and the great cats in that it can’t purr like the small cats and it can’t roar…

Leopard Facts

Leopard Facts

Leopard Common Name: LeopardKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)Class: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: Pantherinae PantheraSpecies: pardus (asian) Sub-species: According to genetic analysis, nine subspecies are recognized. These include: Panthera pardus pardus in Africa, Panthera pardus nimr in Arabia, Panthera pardus saxicolor in Southwest Asia, Panthera pardus melas in Java, Panthera pardus kotiya in Sri Lanka, Panthera pardus fusca in…

Florida Panther Facts

Florida Panther Facts

Protect the Florida Panther or Lose Her Forever What is the Species? Puma concolor coryi. The Florida Panther is a unique subspecies of cougar that has adapted to the subtropical environment of Florida. Schoolchildren picked the panther as the state animal in 1981. This large charismatic umbrella species is the mascot for dozens of schools across…



Working together to protect Florida’s panther. Florida panthers are in a fight for their lives! These iconic cats are facing multiple threats from habitat depletion and prey loss to vehicle collisions and the risk of losing their federal protective status. This catfight is ongoing and must be won one battle at a time. Show your…

Liger Facts

Liger Facts

Hear this page: Where do Ligers Come From? Irresponsible breeders is the short answer. A liger is the result of breeding a male lion to a tigress. A tigon is the result of breeding a male tiger to a lioness. Since lions and tigers do not exist in the same areas, this is not something…