Laws for Cats

This is a selection of everything that is going on legislatively for cats.

CITES CoP17 PreInfo

I get a notice, once a day, of all the stuff that’s going on with the Federal Register.  Today I was looking for some good news, that I don’t see posted yet, but more on that later. Buried in pages and pages about everything you can imagine was a pretty good synopsis of what you…

BCR and 23 NGOs ask for zero demand for tiger parts

BCR and 23 NGOs ask for zero demand for tiger parts

Nagpur: As delegates prepare for the 3rd Asia ministerial conference on tiger conservation in Delhi, over 23 NGOs and bodies in the country want a commitment to zero demand for tiger parts in order to achieve zero poaching. The Asia ministerial conference will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday. More than 700…

State of Wild Tigers 2016

Tiger conservation is a story of contrasts. Throughout Asia, wild tigers (Pantera tigris) face constant pressures from poachers, deforestation and development. We saw the worst of this last week when Cambodia declared that its tiger population had goneextinct. Despite these ever-present threats, however, tigers have started to claw their way back in other countries, most…



URGENT ACTION REQUIRED TO END TIGER FARMING AND TRADE As delegates prepare for the 3rd Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation, from April 12 to 14, 2016 in New Delhi, we the undersigned urge Ministers to make a commitment at this meeting to Zero Demand for tiger parts in order to achieve Zero Poaching. Conservation…

USFWS Rescinds Generic Tiger Loophole

USFWS Rescinds Generic Tiger Loophole

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Strengthens Protections for Captive Tigers under the Endangered Species Act April 5, 2016 In an effort to strengthen protections for certain captive tigers under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has finalized a rule declaring that captive “generic” tigers — tigers of unknown genetic background or…

USDA Cracks Down on Abuse of Tiger Cubs

USDA Cracks Down on Abuse of Tiger Cubs

United States Department of Agriculture Cracks Down on Abuse of Tiger Cubs by Roadside Menageries In response to a 2012 legal petition filed by The Humane Society of the United States, World Wildlife Fund, Detroit Zoological Society, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Born Free USA, Big Cat Rescue, Fund for Animals and Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries, the U.S. Department…