News @ BCR

If a big cat sneezes in the world, you will find out about it here.  Hover over the images to get the news.

Five New Tigers Arriving

Five New Tigers Arriving

BIG CAT RESCUE IS PARTICIPATING IN THE LARGEST RESCUE OF BIG CATS IN U.S. HISTORY – WE NEED YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP US CARE FOR 5 NEW TIGERS! Big Cat Rescue is right now taking part in the largest rescue of big cats in U.S. history. A number of accredited sanctuaries are collaborating in the…

Spirit of the Hills

Spirit of the Hills

RESCUE of 7 exotic cats from South Dakota! The cats arrived at Big Cat Rescue at 6:45 am DONATE NOW TO HELP US OFFSET THE TRANSPORT COSTS! We haven’t been able to announce this until today (October 17, 2016) but we are in the process of rescuing 7 exotic cats from a troubled facility in Spearfish,…

Gregory Felzien

Gregory Felzien

Big Cat Protection is a Family Tradition I remember that it was at church, many years ago, when my mother handed me a copy of National Geographic.  She said it was a cousin of mine and commented on the strange coincidence that he and I both loved exotic cats so much. On the cover of…

Operant Conditioning Video

Operant Conditioning Video

Operant Conditioning at Big Cat Rescue Operant Conditioning: Big Cat Rescue’s Animal Training Program is based on operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which behaviors are altered by the consequences that follow them. The behaviors are not forced, but “caught”, reinforced and therefore trained. We train only natural behaviors, no entertainment types…



Big Cats are Solitary by Nature Because we are primates, who are naturally social animals, we often impose our needs and desires on cats who are solitary by nature. I can’t tell you how many times people have bemoaned the fact that most of our cats are housed alone.  People often insist the animal would…



Are Zoos as Bad as Circuses? That’s a question people usually ask me, or some variation on it, such as, “Aren’t zoos better than circuses?”  I’m always surprised that some people who absolutely hate the circus will try to justify zoos. Gallup first asked Americans about the rights of animals in 2003 and repeated the…

CITES Invitation

Dear CITES Colleagues Please join us for the Ending Tiger Trade film screening and discussion, with: Julian Rademeyer, Author & Journalist Bittu Sahgal, Editor Sanctuary Asia Quyen Vu, Executive Director, Education for Nature – Vietnam (ENV) Date: 25th Sept. Sunday Venue: Com. Room 3 Time: 17:30 – 19.30 Drinks & snacks will be provided Special…

Windsong Memorial Hospital

Windsong Memorial Hospital

Windsong Memorial Hospital The Windsong Memorial Hospital was completed in January 2015.  Nikita the tiger was the first to benefit from having a tiger sized X-ray machine on site. The X-ray table can easily handle over 1,000 pounds.  The nearest X-ray machine of this size is nearly 3 hours away. The Windsong Memorial Cat Hospital…

Wild Travels TV

When lions and tigers wind up performing in circuses, caged in roadside zoos or purchased as pets, it often ends badly. When that happens, the animals may land at Tampa’s Big Cat Rescue, where they’ll be nursed back to health. This story on the beautiful big cats is part of season two of WILD TRAVELS….

Vacation Rotation

Vacation Rotation

Vacation Rotation & FunCation   The 2.5 acre Vacation Rotation enclosure was open for business on July 30, 2013.  It took 11 months to raise the $200,000 needed and to build this huge open space where our big cats can take 2 week vacations from their home cat-a-tats. Vacation Rotation audio on the Big Cat Tour…