News @ BCR

If a big cat sneezes in the world, you will find out about it here.  Hover over the images to get the news.

Big Cat Attacks 2000-2005

See recent big cat killings, maulings, escapes and stats here: See 2006-2010 big cat killings, maulings, escapes and stats here: See 1919-1999 big cat killings, maulings, escapes and stats here: 2005 December 18, 2005 Zoo tiger kills man who was fleeing arrest. Gerber said the man was naked when he was found. His clothes had been ripped…

Support Big Cat Rescue this International Tiger Day

International Tiger Day

Human-tiger conflict is one of the biggest threats to keeping the tiger from going extinct. When a human is attacked by a tiger, the natural reaction is to demand the killing of the tiger. Reducing the opportunities for this human-tiger conflict to occur plays a critical role in preserving the tiger.

One proven, very cost effective way to reduce the number of attacks is to place solar powered street lights on the paths that run along the perimeter of these villages. Predators avoid lighted areas.

Cheetah on Grass

2004 Endangered Species Cat List

IUCN Red List for All Cats According to the IUCN, all 36 of the listed cat species have a negative global population trend. Acinonyx jubatus Cheetah Hunting Leopard Vulnerable Decreasing Acinonyx jubatus hecki Northwest African Cheetah Endangered Unknown Acinonyx jubatus venaticus Asiatic Cheetah Critically Endangered Decreasing Caracal caracal Caracal African Caracal Asian Caracal Desert Lynx…

Give Day

GIVE DAY 2024 – A DAY TO SAVE THE WORLD’S MOST BEAUTIFUL CATS Central and South America are home to some of the most beautiful wild cats in the world. You may not even have heard of some of them because they don’t get the same attention as their big “iconic” cousins like lions, tigers,…

Nakoma lion

Date of birth 1996 Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 1997 Crossed Rainbow Bridge July 12, 1998 Nakoma was bought for $200 at an auction in Bushnell in early 1997. His previous owner tried to keep him lower than 40 pounds for as long as possible so tourists would pay to have their picture taken safely…


Cats Move To Arkansas

Why did the cats of Big Cat Rescue move to Arkansas? Big Cat Rescue entered into an agreement with Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge, an accredited sanctuary in Arkansas, to move all but one of Big Cat Rescue’s cats to Turpentine Creek where we will continue to fund their care for the rest of their lives…



The Great American Teach In This year (2023) Deb Quimby coordinated the Great American Teach In What is The Great American Teach In or GATI as it’s commonly known? We don’t know exactly when The Great American Teach In began, but we’ve been participating since the 1990’s. Prior to this rebranding to GATI, it would…