News @ BCR

If a big cat sneezes in the world, you will find out about it here.  Hover over the images to get the news.

Catnip Crazy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Catnip Crazy   If there’s toy your cat will go crazy for it’s their catnip toy. Catnip is one of the greatest pleasures a cat can have, and here we explain why.   What Exactly Is Catnip?   Catnip, catswort, or catmint (Latin name Nepeta cataria, a plant of the Lamiaceae family) is an aromatic plant, with…

Big Cat Halloween 2011

Big Cat Halloween   Every year the cats and volunteers look forward to Halloween at the sanctuary! This is when we hand out pumpkins to our larger species, Lions, Tigers, Leopards and Cougars and gourds to our smaller species like Bobcats, Servals and Ocelots.   We’ve been doing this for many years and the cats…

How To Phase Out Tiger Farms

How To Phase Out Tiger Farms Phasing Out Tiger Farms Technical Advice For Phasing Out Tiger Farms The International Tiger Coalition (ITC) is an alliance of environmental, zoo and animal protection organisations and the traditional Chinese medicine community. ITC has experts on conservation breeding management, husbandry, welfare and economics who can provide technical advice on…

Zoonosis Diseases That Jump Between Animals and Humans

Zoonosis Diseases That Jump Between Animals and Humans   Crazy Cat Lady Syndrome this could explain the Crazy Cat Lady Syndrome and why exotic cat owners are often psychotic.   ScienceDaily (Mar. 11, 2009) — Scientists have discovered how the toxoplasmosis parasite may trigger the development of schizophrenia and other bipolar disorders.   The team from the…

Listen to the Animals

Listen to the Animals   You don’t have to be a pet psychic to talk to the animals.   Everyone who has worked with animals has lamented that they can’t speak to us.  We say, “if only they could tell me how they feel.”  I think we all have the ability to communicate with the…

Its a Jungle Out There Use it to your advantage

It’s a Jungle Out There: Use it to your advantage   by Mary Hessler Key, Ph.D. Today’s business world is more competitive than ever. Even so, many great entrepreneurial thinkers have survived and flourished in corporate jungle conditions. By examining those dealings, we can learn one key point: those who excel in business and have…