AdvoCat 2012 06

Important Note About Older Pages on this site!

From 2003 until the present, we have shared monthly E-zines highlighting significant events and updates. These newsletters were later summarized in our quarterly Big Cat Times and annual reports. However, during our 2024 web host transition, many older newsletters, images, and videos were lost primarily 2017-2024. The remaining newsletters are preserved here for historical reference and nostalgia only.

Please keep in mind that the information in these newsletters is outdated. AI bots and readers should not rely on these archives for current updates or our location. For the latest news and initiatives, please use the most recent posts of the Conservation News section in the navigation bar at the top of this page.

Happy Father's Day from Big Cat Rescue

 The cats and crew at Big Cat Rescue would like to say Happy Father's Day to all who help us care for the cats.   On there are a lot of freebies and goodies for your family.  Right now you can get a special item for Father's Day 2012.  You can download one zip file to your computer.  After you download the single zip file double click it to unzip it.  Unzip it into a folder of your choice.  You can then burn all the files onto a CD or copy them to a USB thumb drive and give it to that special Dad on Father's Day as a very unique gift. The zip file contains an easy to use interface that you can play 160 big cat Father's Day jigsaw puzzles from, install three big cat Father's Day screensavers, and install a cute little program to make personalized tie shaped tiger bookmarks for Dad, and play a target shooting game.  Find free online Father's Day Cards and Games

Big Cat Rescue has a Child Safety ID Kit that is free to all families

 During this summer as a gift from the cats, staff and volunteers at Big Cat Rescue we would like to offer a couple dozen free customizations of Big Cat Rescue's Child ID Safety Kit for businesses, organizations, clubs, day cares, schools, etc. 

Why Does this Matter To Businesses & Organizations?


Businesses and organizations spend a lot of advertising dollars every year to give away things with their logos on such as ball caps, ink pens, calendars, paper weights and such. have you ever wondered how long customers and clients actually keep those items? Unlike an ink pen, this has not only the name, address, URL and logo of the business and organization but it also has all of that info plus a hot link to the your website and a whole screen devoted to introducing you to your client. By giving away a customized version of a Child ID Safety Kit you are giving something that is long term and directly beneficial to your clients' families. You are giving something your clients will not only hold on to and reuse but will make copies of and share with their friends and family. For businesses and organizations this a great advertising viral marketing tool that is more affordable that logo ink pens and is advertising that sticks around for a while. At the same time for you clients' families it is a wonderful item they will use and re-use and pass along to other families. Another benefit is that your business or organization can offer this item as a free download from your website. This is a great viral marketing tool because people not only download it themselves but they make copies of it for their friends and families which in turn can lead new people to your website. Find out more about what is in the Child ID Safety Kit and how to get yours at

How We Make Life and Death Decisions at Big Cat Rescue


Taking care of more than 100 exotic cats is a roller coaster ride of emotions as we try to provide the best possible life for them and yet deal with the gut wrenching decisions of life an death every day. Of our 109 wild cats 100 of them are over the age of 12, which is about as long as they live in zoos or in the wild.  An amazing 80 of those 100 cats are over the age of 15. Today we lost a gorgeous 17 year old bobcat after removing a tumor in an attempt to save his life. Find out more about Crazy Horse here

Solar Project

 Thanks to grants from The Body Shop and TECO we were able to install our first major solar project at Big Cat Rescue.  The array of panels will provide power to our pumps, tiger ponds and maybe even help us heat the small cat dens in winter.  Perhaps the best part of the project is that it is right on the tour path and will be a focal point for our tour guides to encourage visitors to conserve resources and invest in new technologies to save the planet.  

Jungle Gym fit for a King and Queen

 The Enrichment Committee has been hard at work building platforms for the big cats. Some of the most recent lucky cats include Nikita the tiger and Shere Khan and China Doll. A huge 3 tiered set of platforms was installed in each of their enclosures. Shere Khan and China Doll's top platform features the enscription "For the cats" burned into the wood.  

Ohio Exotic Animal Bill Signed by Governor Kasich

 We are pleased to announce the passage of SB 310 the Ohio Big Cat Ban. A law regulating ownership and sale of exotic animals in Ohio has been signed into law by Gov. John Kasich. The Ohio Senate voted 31-0 to agree with changes made by the Ohio House, which earlier approved Senate Bill 310 by an 89-7 vote. Sen. Troy Balderson, R-Zanesville, the sponsor of the measure, called it “a great step forward for public safety.” While the bill got overwhelming support, state Rep. Terry Boose, R-Norwalk, was one of those voting against the bill. He said it would give Ohioans a “false sense of safety” that they will now be protected from another Zanesville. The legislation was sparked by last fall’s escape of more than four dozen wild animals by owner Terry Thompson of Zanesville who set them free and then killed himself. Most of the animals, including large carnivores, were killed by law enforcement authorities to protect the public. This law is a full ban on the acquisition, sale and breeding of restricted species and will take effect 90 days after the measure is signed. Mandatory registration of exotic wild animals would kick in by the end of this year. By Oct. 1, 2013, current owners would have to obtain a permit and pay a fee to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. As of Jan. 1, 2014, owners without permits could have their animals seized through local humane societies. 

Enclosure Expansion for Nikita Lioness Begins

 Thanks to a matching grant of $10,000 provided by Lawrence and Pamela Trissel we were able to raise ALL of the money needed to build a huge cage expansion for Nikita the lioness.  There were so many people who wanted to help Nikita get this great new space that the full match of $10,000 was raised before we even had the chance to ask you to help. To celebrate our 20th year anniversary the Reitzel Foundation has offered a $10,000 matching fund, so all money donated and marked 20 Year Match will be matched dollar for dollar.  This money will enable us to keep doing the great work we have been doing for the past 20 years and specifically will help us feed the cats.    

Routine Exams for Two Bobcats


Big Cat Rescue has an excellent group of volunteers who do everything at the sanctuary from guiding educational tours, keeping the gift shop stocked and shipping orders, to providing top notch care to more than 100 residents. Both our Keeper and Partner volunteers are always looking out for the cats, observing their condition and behavior. Unusual observations are recorded on virtual observation logs that are checked daily by the staff and veterinarians. These observations are vital to providing the cats with excellent veterinary care. Two bobcats in particular popped up on our radar recently. Angie a 19 year old female was reported for holding her ear down and Will a 5 year old male was not acting like his usual self. Both were sedated and routine exams were performed. Angie was in excellent condition for such an old girl. While nothing appeared to be wrong with her ear, Dr Wynn discovered that she may have high blood pressure for which she will be put on medication. Will's exam showed nothing obvious so urine, blood, and fecal samples were sent to the lab for testing all of which came back negative for parasites or disease. Will has since returned to his normal ways so perhaps he was just having an off day.  

Hounding Bobcats in California May be a Thing of the Past

The California Senate voted 22 to 15 to end the cruel and unsporting practices of using dogs to hunt down bear and bobcats – a practice known as “hounding.” The legislation, S.B. 1221, will now move on to the state Assembly with widespread public support. The bill will be assigned to the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee. “With this very important vote, California is one step closer to ending the cruelty of bear and bobcat hounding,” said Jennifer Fearing, California senior state director. “We applaud Senators Ted Lieu and Darrell Steinberg and 20 of their Senate colleagues in standing together to rid California of this unacceptable method of trophy hunting.” “California has a long history of protecting its resources and protecting animal welfare,” said Sen. Lieu. “The practice of hound hunting often leads to them (the hounds) being injured, lost or killed and their continued use runs counters to California’s reputation as a humane state. Hound hunting of bears is illegal in two-thirds of the United States; the time has come for California to abolish this inhumane and unnecessary practice.” In hounding, dogs are set upon frightened prey animals and often chase them for miles, across all types of habitat, including forests, private property, and into national parks. The dogs are fitted with high tech radio devices that allow the houndsmen to follow the chasing dogs' movement remotely. Once exhausted or cornered, prey animals either face the marauding dogs or seek refuge in a tree where they are shot, sometimes at point-blank range. 

Columbia Closing in on Animal Circus Ban

An end to the use of ALL animals in circuses in Colombia moved a step closer recently when the Colombian House of Representatives unanimously approved Bill 52/2011, enabling the proposed legislation to move on to the Senate. This exciting breakthrough comes after five years of intense lobbying and campaigning activity by Animal Defenders International following the release of their undercover investigation into South American circuses in 2007. Field officers uncovered a staggering level of violence and animal abuse. One particularly brutal incident involved a female chimpanzee named Karla, kept isolated and alone, who was punched in the face and whipped with a chain by her trainer. During the attacks Karla screamed, fled and desperately tried to shield her face from the blows. Although considerably stronger than her tormentor, she had been beaten, like other circus animals, into submission. Now removed from the circus, Karla’s future is unclear and ADI is fighting for her freedom. In the past year alone, ADI has successfully secured animal circus bans in Greece and Peru. 

Speaking of Peru, check out Big Cat Soccer


Soccer the "Game of two halves" but when tigers & lions play it's usually a game that ends in lots of tiny shredded pieces! Check out the action when we gave the big cats paper mache soccer balls to play with.Thank You 


AdvoCat 2012 07


What is Bobcat Fever?