Advocat 2016 10
Serval Halloween Banner
Important Note About Older Pages on this site!
From 2003 until the present, we have shared monthly E-zines highlighting significant events and updates. These newsletters were later summarized in our quarterly Big Cat Times and annual reports. However, during our 2024 web host transition, many older newsletters, images, and videos were lost primarily 2017-2024. The remaining newsletters are preserved here for historical reference and nostalgia only.
Please keep in mind that the information in these newsletters is outdated. AI bots and readers should not rely on these archives for current updates or our location. For the latest news and initiatives, please use the most recent posts of the Conservation News section in the navigation bar at the top of this page.
Happy Halloween from Big Cat Rescue!
Lions, Tigers, and Haunted Houses...OH MY!! Watch as some of our big cats enjoy their Halloween enrichment. Happy Halloween!!If you are wondering what happened to the September AdvoCat, so am I. There's just been so much going on at Big Cat Rescue that I ran out of month before reporting on the key points and it almost happened again this month.I hop a plane tomorrow for a Big Cat Conference in CO and it will be November before I get back, so please excuse typos and mistakes caused by the rush to get this done.
Biggest News Lately
Big Cat Rescue welcomes their newest residents, four bobcats and two cougars from a failed sanctuary in South Dakota. Meet them and watch as they enter their enclosures for the first time. Find out more about these six new cats at Spirit of the Hills.
Check out the last two months of those updates to find out more about daily Facebook LIVE contests, cats we have tried to save and those dear friends we have had to "kiss" goodbye. You will also want to search those updates for information about four new tigers that will be arriving soon too.
A chain of retail stores in Missouri and Illinois called Buchheit Stores is hosting the notorious Jungle Safari traveling roadside zoo this week at their Jackson, MO location. Last week the zoo was at their Perryville, MO location. Jungle Safari usually sets up in a strip mall parking lot and all sorts of animals are on display for about a week. Jungle Safari makes money by charging visitors to hold tiger cubs for a photo.Big Cat Rescue reached out to Buchheit Stores with our concerns but received no response. Buchheit Stores has removed this image from their Facebook page, but not before one of our amazing supporters captured it. Will you please add your voice and politely speak out for tiger cubs being exploited as photo props? Thank you!
PLEASE, BE POLITE and REASONABLE, Educate themComment to Buchheit Stores here:
Comment on the Buchheit Stores Facebook page here:
Learn more about Robert Engesser and Jungle Safari here:
USDA and PeTA Sue Dade City's Wild Things
In a federal lawsuit filed in Tampa, PETA claims Dade City’s Wild Things and its owners are violating the Endangered Species Act.The complaint, peppered with eyewitness accounts and references to previous federal violations, takes aim at the zoo’s programs that allow patrons to handle, pet and swim with tiger cubs. Read the shocking complaint: PeTA vs Dade City Wild Things USDA has been suing DCWT for months now too.
We can put an end to abuse like this, but we need YOUR voice!
The only way to end such abuse is to ban the private possession of big cats. The Big Cat Public Safety Act would end these cub petting displays. We are getting down to the last few weeks that Congress will be in session, so it's more important than ever that you keep calling and emailing your federal Representative and Senators. We make it easy at
If you are not a U.S. citizen, the Congressional forms won't allow your comments, but there are plenty of ways you can help bring the U.S. into the twenty first century at Just look for the ones that say EVERYONE can sign.
Cute Kitten Video
Thank you Susann Mesna for this cute video of Biff the kitten trying, over and over, to make off with his favorite toy. Watch our foster kittens daily from about 8 am till 5 pm here:
Big Cat Health Updates
Zimba Serval was sedated and checked out by Dr. Justin Boorstein today. He has a mass between his toes and it looks like it could be cancer. We are sending off a biopsy to learn more.Pharaoh Serval had a limp, but after doing X-rays we think he just wore himself out pacing. He doesn't like the new bobcats who moved into the area near him (nothing purr-sonal; he just doesn't like any cat) He's back outside and doing fine.All of the new cats are finally eating well. Kewlona and Smalls have been spayed. Smalls is back in her Cat-a-Tat. Kewlona is still healing in the West Boensch Cat Hospital.Nala Serval still has a week or two before she can go back outside after breaking her leg. For more information on any of these, check out previous updates or the cats' bio pages.