Alexa Privacy

Privacy Policy for Alexa Skills and Alexa Briefing

Big Cat Rescue is a charity partner with Amazon so that you can donate securely on any Alexa enabled device.This privacy policy describes how Big Cat Rescue protects your (“you”, “the user”) privacy and your data. Before using any of our Alexa Skills (“our skills”), please read this policy and our Alexa Skills Terms of Use, as well as the Alexa Terms of Use and the Privacy Policies by the Amazon Digital Services LLC (with its affiliates, “Amazon”).Regarding Amazon, “Alexa” means their Alexa Voice Service which includes third party services (like our skills) and other related Software.If you use one of our skills you fully agree to this privacy policy.

Terms of Use for Alexa Skills

This Terms of Use are an agreement between you (the "user”) and Big Cat Rescue (“BCR”, “us” or “we”). Before using any of our Alexa Skills (“our skills”), please read this agreement and our Alexa Skills Privacy Policy as well as the Alexa Terms of Use by the Amazon Digital Services LLC (with its affiliates, “Amazon”).Regarding Amazon, “Alexa” means their Alexa Voice Service which includes third party services (like our skills) and other related Software.If you use one of our skills you fully agree to this Terms of Use.


Our skills or parts of it may discontinue at any time or might contain errors. You use our skills on your own responsibility. Any information should not be seen as an advice.


Our skills or parts of it may change or be updated at any time. Further, our Terms of Use might change. You can find a link to this agreement on the description page of the skill in the Alexa App or in the Alexa Store. Your continued use of our skill after changes of the Terms of Use or the skill itself will be seen as your acceptance of both.

For You

Big Cat Rescue loves developing Alexa Skills for you and we love to make things better by developing products and services.


When you use our skills you have to talk to Alexa. This voice input is sent to Amazon and us where we use it to understand what our skill should do for you. This is absolutely necessary for our service to give you an appropriate answer.


We never share your personal data with others when you use our skills.To improve our services we analyze automatically how often utterances are spoken and other analytics. This is done automatically by Amazon in the Amazon Developer Portal.For some of our skills it is necessary to save data for you in our databases. This data is only connected to your Alexa-UserId but never to your name or any other personal information. In the case of our skills we save your progress through the games or the skills so that it is customized to you. Otherwise we could not provide you this service.


Our skills, games or briefings or parts of them may change or be updated at any time. Further, this Privacy Policy might change. You can find a link to this policy on the description page of the skill in the Alexa App or in the Alexa Store. Your continued use of our skill after changes of the Privacy Policy or the skill itself will be seen as your acceptance of both.


Privacy on,,, our Amazon store, our Amazon Merch or our Alexa for Amazon skills & (the “Sites”) are part of a non profit organization and as part of its mission to end the suffering and abuse of exotic cats provides services that enable visitors to their web sites to contact elected officials and stay current on important issues. Unless otherwise stated, for the purposes of this privacy policy Big Cat Rescue will be referred to as “Us” or “We.”Subject to the privacy limitations inherent with email and non-secure Web sites, We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This document outlines our privacy policy and explains what We do with the personal information that We collect from users of this Site.WhiteTigerZabuLionCameron2013We update this privacy policy from time to time and these changes to the privacy policy will be posted on the Site. It is your obligation to review this privacy policy. If you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy, you may contact us via email at information is gathered about you and how do We use it?If you use any of the special services available through the Site, you will be asked to submit certain information, names and email addresses. This information is used to permit you to receive any information you may have requested from and any additional communications the company may deem appropriate in relation to your request.When you send a message or sign a petition through, We ask for your name, address, e-mail address and other optional information that you may chose to provide. We also collect and store the full text of the message you send through our service. This is necessary to deliver your message and to identify you to the recipient.User hereby releases Big Cat Rescue from any liability or damages arising from the use or publication of any of User’s letter(s) contained on you sign-up for Vote Monitor, a weekly e-mail report of key Congressional votes, We ask for your ZIP code and e-mail address in order to identify your members of Congress and send you a weekly message about how they voted on key legislation.If you use our “Tell-a-Friend” feature to e-mail a link to to a friend, you will need to provide us with both your email address as well as that of your friend(s). We will automatically send your message to this person(s), as well as invite them to visit the Site. We use their information for the sole purpose of sending the Tell-A-Friend e-mail.If you click the “Remember Me” option, We will place a cookie in your browser to remember your personal information. This cookie is a file that contains your name, address, and e-mail address information as you entered it on the message form. The next time you send a message, We will retrieve that information from the cookie and automatically enter it on the message form for you. A couple of things to remember about cookies:Cookies are stored on your hard drive, not on our site. Most browsers are set up to accept cookies, but you can configure your browser to refuse cookies or to notify you when you’ve received one. If you reject cookies, though, you will not be able to use the Remember Me feature.We also collect IP addresses to help us understand how our visitors access the Site, so We can make our Site easier to find and to improve our users’ overall experience when they visit any and all of these services you will also be offered the opportunity to opt into a service that will send you alerts on issues and votes on issues selected by you or that We feel may be of interest to you based on your other voluntarily provided information. We also may send you updates about the services or features of in an attempt to alert you to better ways to use our services.Will We disclose any of your personal information?We disclose your name, address, phone number and e-mail address to the recipient of the message you send through our service. This information is required because most government officials and media contacts will not accept messages they receive from unidentified correspondents.We will not disclose any information about individual users, except as described in this Privacy Statement, or to comply with applicable laws or valid legal process, or to protect the rights or property of Big Cat Rescue.We will not share, rent nor sell the information you provide.  We may disclose aggregate, non personal information about Site users in order to describe our service to prospective business partners and other third parties, and for other lawful purposes.Will We use your information for direct mailings?You are using the Site to engage in civic participation, which is the mission of the Site. Occasionally we may send you a message or mail regarding animals, laws, products and services or news that might be of interest to you. If you do not want to receive such messages, simply send an e-mail to with “remove me from the list” in the subject line.In addition, We may contact you via e-mail for the following reasons:To send you a copy of a message you have sent through our service.If you send us a message about the Site, is it private?There is an area on the Site which permits you to submit comments and feedback about the Site. Any feedback submitted becomes the property of Big Cat Rescue; We may use your feedback to make improvements to the Site, for marketing purposes, or to contact you.What else should you know about your privacy?Keep in mind that your name, address, and e-mail address, as well as any information about yourself that you include in the messages you send through the Site, will be read by the recipient of your message and/or his or her staff. That’s really the point of the Site – to enable you to communicate with your elected officials, other government officials and those in the media. Remember that whenever you disclose personal information in your messages you send to others, that information can be collected and used by the recipients and may even be forwarded to other parties.FURTHERMORE, WHILE WE DO OUR BEST TO PROTECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION, WE CANNOT ENSURE OR WARRANT THE SECURITY OF ANY INFORMATION YOU TRANSMIT TO US, AND YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.What restrictions are there on the data I submit or post on reserve the right to review all public postings submitted to the Site including See Me profiles and photos and Letters to Leaders. Letters that contain profanity, advocate specific violence against an individual or a group or other objectionable postings will be removed and will not be subject to refunds or other is a privately run, non-partisan site, so We reserve the right to not publish any commentary for any reason We choose. Profanity and threats will (among other reasons) prevent commentaries from being posted. All postings are at our discretion. We reserve the right not to publish any letter for any reason We choose. Profanity, threats and objectionable material (among other reasons) prevent Letters to Leaders from being posted.Children’s Privacy StatementThis children’s privacy statement explains Big Cat Rescue’s practices with respect to the online collection and use of personal information from children under the age of thirteen, and provides important information regarding their rights under federal law with respect to such information.This Site is not directed to children under the age of thirteen and we do NOT knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen as part of the Site. We screen users who wish to provide personal information in order to prevent users under the age of thirteen from providing such information. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received personally identifiable information from a user under the age of thirteen as part of the Site, we will delete such information from our records. If we change our practices in the future, we will obtain prior, verifiable parental consent before collecting any personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen as part of the Site.Because we do not collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen as part of the Site, we also do NOT knowingly distribute such information to third parties.We do NOT knowingly allow children under the age of thirteen to publicly post or otherwise distribute personally identifiable contact information through the Site.Because we do not collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen as part of the Site, we do NOT condition the participation of a child under thirteen in the Site’s online activities on providing personally identifiable information.Questions Regarding PrivacyIf you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, our privacy practices, or your dealings with us, please contact us by writing to: Carole Baskin, Founder of Big Cat Rescue12802 Easy Street Tampa, FL 33625813.920.4130 fax 813.885.4457MakeADifference



