Cheyenne Serval
Cheyenne Serval
Female Serval
Born 1/23/80 - Died 1/14/2004
Arrived in the mid 1990s
Cheyenne arrived to live on Easy Street as a zoo reject. She was sold at auction because she was fat and sway backed and not the perfect representation of the sleek Serval she was supposed to be. She looks much older than her paperwork indicates. She is fully clawed, but has an even disposition. Cheyenne received special care due to her advanced age and died 1/14/04.
Cheyenne Serval
Tributes to Cheyenne Serval
Becky Gagliardo Apr 15, 2016 Miss you Cheyenne. I remember in the winter time when it got cold - you always got a big comforter in your den to keep you nice and toasty. Your are now with all your boys from the Ongo section, take care of them for me.
“Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins.” - Cheyenne
In 2019 I was asked about my engagement ring and wedding band and this is what I recall: Don Lewis never really proposed, until the day we were married. When he and Gladys divorced he said he wanted to give her a year to be settled in and sure that's what she wanted before we would get married. It was always just assumed that we would marry if we were ever both free to do so.
He did give me a plain gold band shortly thereafter, but it wasn't noteworthy enough for me to have captured it in my diary. In the months between the time of Gladys' marriage and ours, Don had bought a 4 carat, cubic zirconia CZ solitaire for me at a yard sale. I think he paid $14 for it and the street value was about $60. There wasn't a magic moment of him proposing with it that I recall. He just bought it and handed it to me while we were standing there. I loved it and it was a beautiful ring. My grandmother always commented on how much she liked it, so somewhere along the line, after Don was long gone, and I had married Howie, I gave it to her. When my grandmother died, my mother offered the ring back to me, but I declined.
As for to the gold wedding band. I was feeding a serval (Cheyenne or Arizona, I think) and they reached up and sliced it right off my finger. I used to tell that story all the time to illustrate just how dangerous and strong these cats are. It wasn’t worth repairing, given that Don had been gone a long time, and I don’t still have it, so I don’t recall what I did with it. - Carole Baskin