Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse Bobcat
Male Bobcat
Born 4/17/1995 - Died 6/1/2012
Rescued 6/6/1995
Crazy Horse came to live at Big Cat Rescue along with Levi, Two Toes, and eight other Bobcats in June 1995. They had all originally been destined to become part of a fur coat harvest. Instead of being hand-raised, he was raised by his mother, therefore Crazy Horse has never been very trustworthy of humans. He will usually hiss and run away when approached. He does participate in the operant conditioning program with his roommates and as a result his personality is improving. A large enclosure was built for him, with Two Toes, Tiger Lilly, and Levi, with tons of brush and lots of places to hide.
"A very great vision is needed and the man who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky." by Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse the Bobcat Passes Away After Surgery
Thanks to some of the very best volunteers in the industry and the processes we have in place for noting changes in our cats, Crazy Horse was observed to be off his food and acting strange about 3 weeks ago. To look at him, you couldn't see the mass in his armpit, until he was sedated and laid out on his back. The mass was the size of a grapefruit, and was purple and red from infection. We sent out samples for testing, but were pretty sure the results would come back as cancer. We wondered if it would be kinder to him to just put him out of his misery right then, rather than wait for test results and subject him to being confined in the Cat Hospital. At the age of 17, we feared his life would soon be cut short and we were torn as to what would be best for Crazy Horse. We opted to wait a few days and see. The tests came back mixed. Three tests. Three different results.
Meanwhile he had been on antibiotics for the infection and living in the West Boensch, onsite Cat Hospital, under the every vigilant watch of the Skip-A-Holics and our staff. We thought he would try to kill himself to escape the hospital cages, but turned out to be a very patient patient. He got his name because he is about half crazy and has never liked being anywhere near people.
About a week ago, he was re-evaluated by the vets to see if the antibiotics had helped. The swelling had gone down to about the size of an orange and all of the red and purple coloring had returned to healthy flesh tones. He was on the mend, but we still didn't know if the mass were an abscess or cancer.
On May 31, we took him in to see Dr. Wynn at the Ehrlich Animal Hospital. We had some cause to be hopeful, as he appeared to have gained a little weight, but he had been refusing to eat off a plate. He would only eat if fed from a stick, so we wondered if perhaps the mass was putting pressure against his throat or chest and causing the discomfort. As you can see in the photos below, the mass had continued to shrink a bit. It was the size of a small orange and moved pretty freely, so Dr. Wynn felt that she could surgically remove the mass, and we opted to try.
Three hours later, the mass had been separated from all of the muscle and blood supply lines, and the incision was sewn and stapled shut. I have a picture of the mass, which was the size of Dr. Wynn's palm, but it was just too gruesome to post here. During the exam Dr. Wynn had discovered a bad tooth, so as soon as Crazy Horse's armpit was sewn up he was rushed to another surgery suite to have the tooth removed and a flap made over the hole. To keep him from chewing at the staples, which come out in a week or so, he was fitted with an e collar. The mass is being sent out again to see if we can get consistent results this time on the whole thing instead of just the biopsies.
We don't know how much time this has bought for Crazy Horse. We are always ambivalent about these kinds of procedures. On the one hand, cancer is often an exotic cat's get-out-of-jail-free card because we don't want to submit them to traumatic surgery, nauseating cancer treatment drugs and only have them live a few months in misery. On the other hand we have removed tumors and had cats live another year of a pretty good life where they seemed happy up until the end. It's always a tough call and we make each one based upon what we believe would be in the best interest of the cat involved.
We appreciate that your support makes it possible for us to make those hard decisions entirely upon the best interest of the cat and not out of a lack of funding or a lack of understanding.
Just as I finished writing this our Operations Manager called me to tell me that Crazy Horse the bobcat has died. And now I sit here wondering; did we do the right thing? Should we have put him to sleep three weeks ago? Did we just make his last three weeks miserable by keeping inside the Cat Hospital? Or did we all have to go through all of the past 3 weeks and the surgery to make sure we were doing the right thing for Crazy Horse? If he had lived another year, we would have been glad to have done it, but to have him die so soon only adds to the pain involved in making this decision for him and for others in the future. - Carole Baskin
Vet Dr Wynn with Crazy Horse Bobcat
Vet Dr Wynn with Crazy Horse Bobcat
Jamie Veronica and Vet Dr Wynn with Crazy Horse Bobcat
Jamie Veronica and Vet Dr Wynn with Crazy Horse Bobcat
Vet Dr Wynn with Crazy Horse Bobcat
Just as I finished writing this our Operations Manager called me to tell me that Crazy Horse the bobcat has died. And now I sit here wondering; did we do the right thing? Should we have put him to sleep three weeks ago? Did we just make his last three weeks miserable by keeping inside the Cat Hospital? Or did we all have to go through all of the past 3 weeks and the surgery to make sure we were doing the right thing for Crazy Horse? If he had lived another year, we would have been glad to have done it, but to have him die so soon only adds to the pain involved in making this decision for him and for others in the future.
Tributes to Crazy Horse Bobcat
Lynda Licht Jun 6, 2012 CH, you will always hold a special place for me - the first cat at BCR to swat my bucket. You taught me a valuable lesson that day and I knew I could learn a lot more looking into your large eyes. We may not have had much time together but I'll forever cherish your bobcat ways and wisdom.
Regina Rinaldi Jun 4, 2012 Mr. Feisty bob is what your name should have been. Doesn't mean we loved you any less. In fact, I sometimes favor the feisty ones. Always loved and forever free Crazy Horse. You always reminded me of Neil Young everytime I heard your name.
Unknown Jun 1, 2012 Oh Crazy Horse, you have left us so suddenly!! I was hoping that your feisty bobcat disposition would pull you through. I will always remember your beautiful, mesmerizing eyes and gorgeous coat! There is certainly one very handsome bobcat boy playing with Two Toes and all the bobcats (Tacoma, Windsong, Nikki Bob, Rocky, Rufus and oh so many others in bobcat heaven. I always loved the musical lockouts at feeding and being startled by you and or Levi, no matter how many times you did it, while rounding the bend in the palms while cleaning. I am so glad I was able to spend some time sitting with you before you went into the hospital and while you were there on Sunday. You will be missed and always loved and you are now free! Good bye fierce one!