Big Cat Rescue

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What does Big Cat Rescue do in the face of a storm like Hurricane Dorian?

LOTS more detail about what we do to prepare for disasters long before they are headed our way.

Big Cat Rescue Helping Others

Big Cat Rescue's cages are well known for being able to withstand hurricanes and our trained volunteers and staff always stay at the sanctuary to tend to the animals during storms. We have reached out to others in Florida who have exotic cats and offered to shelter their cats until the danger has passed. We have 110 cages that are built for Class I cats (lions, tigers, leopards, cougars and jaguars) but only 55 permanent residents, so there is plenty of space. We can store more than 17,000 pounds of carnivore diet on back up generators so food will not be an issue. We may be able to come pick up exotic cats in some cases if far enough ahead of the storm. If you need us call 813-920-4130 or email cat@

Will you help?

This fundraiser is to help cover the costs associated with disasters that strike Big Cat Rescue.  You can help insure that when we need your help the most, the money is here to cover the costs of preparing for and cleaning up from disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, flooding, natural disasters, interruptions in food supplies and those that could be caused by terrorists.  Any funds not used for this impending disaster will be available to the sanctuary for future threats to the cats.

2017 Video of How We Prep

2016 Video of How We Prep

Other ways to help

Amazon Wishlist for Big Cat Rescue