Earn Money Saving Cats

Would you change the way you shop if it meant...


You could earn money while saving cats?


Cruelty Free - No animal testing


Safer Around My Pets and Family - Made from nature's bounty without toxic chemicals


More Convenient - Because it is delivered straight to my door


Better for the Environment - Concentrated so that there is less packaging to throw away


Cheaper - Because I'm not paying for the extra packaging and middle men


Effective - Because a lot of products claim all of the above, but they don't work


Earn Money Saving Cats95% of the people who ordered their products last month will order again this month, so it is obvious that the products are great.   It is also risk free.  I you don't like it, you just send it back and get a full refund. Big Cat Bonus - It only costs $29.00 for a lifetime membership to be able to order all of their products online.  From then on, any time you order 5% of your grocery shopping goes to Big Cat Rescue. The supporter who showed this to me makes more than $15,000 a month doing this from her home.  She wants to show you how you can just be a shopper who is saving the planet and big cats or, if you are interested, can show you how she is making money by helping others. If you would like to know more let us know by  contacting Cindy Wines cindy@total-wellness.info or call the office number  208-882-4400 or home number 208-875-8884  at Earth and Animal Wellness to answer your questions.  [si-contact-form form='1']  


Cat Chat Show Notes July 17 2013


Does USDA Regulate Lion Meat?