Big Cat Rescue

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Help Free

There are lots of ways to help save big cats from abuse and abandonment.  Some are free and some have a cost.


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Sponsor a cat / Become a member

Set up a monthly donation

Leave a Legacy:  Remember the cats in your Will

See how we spend your money here

Because of adhering to our strict policy regarding donations, and all of the other ways Big Cat Rescue is transparent in our operations, we have earned Charity Navigator‘s highest 4-star rating for “sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency” EVERY YEAR since we were first evaluated by them in 2010.  Here is a quote directly from their rating letter “Only 7% of the charities we rate have received at least 4 consecutive 4-star evaluations.” Big Cat Rescue has done it for all these consecutive years.



With an operating budget of approximately $3.5 million/year, of course Donations and Memberships are critical to our ability to care for the cats who are now located at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. And you can make a very significant difference in other important ways as well. There are many ways to support our cats and help end abuse that cost nothing. Some are actions you can take or avoid. Others are ways to make purchases you already make in ways that result in funding for the sanctuary.

Watch & Share our Videos

When you share our videos you ARE HELPING!!

Yes, watching and sharing our videos is really HELPING Save Cats!

Sharing our videos is helping introduce more people to Big Cat Rescue, the cats, and our mission through your own posts.  When you share our educational videos and others watch it YOU are helping spread the word and helping teach others about important cat issues.

Sharing our videos is encouraging social sites to show our postings to more people.  

Example, when a video on Facebook receives a lot of attention Facebook will then put it in even more people’s feeds which further increases exposure for the video.  On YouTube when a video gets a lot of attention YouTube will sometimes even add that video to the suggested videos on the side of the page which also increases viewership.

The Google Ads that display on the YouTube videos are actually raising a little bit of money for the cats, so every time you share one of our videos for your friends and family to watch YOU are not only helping pass on our mission and giving your friends something either educational or fun to watch, but you are also helping raise funds for the cats.  Sometimes, when people watch a “Just For Fun” video that YOU have shared they will go to our channel and watch additional videos.  Again, this helps the cats and our mission.

Post a Review

Please post your reviews at Facebook and Charity Navigator, as that helps others know about us and helps counter balance the 1 star reviews that animal abusers fraudulently post on those sites to bring down our overall ratings.

Be a Big Cat Rescuer!

Sign up for our emails and action alerts and never miss an opportunity to help a cat in peril here

To see current issues and take action now visit

One of the biggest impacts that animal lovers can have is to guide the conversation when it happens. This is how we do it:

1. Set up google alerts for words like tigers, cubs, lions, zoo, circus, fur, etc.

2. Sort through the results daily and find the ones that are really about cats and not Tiger Woods, the Detroit Lions, etc. and read the articles.

3. Join the conversation and steer it in the right direction. ie: explain why people shouldn’t attend circuses that use animals, or wear real fur or how having your picture made with a cub results in lions and tigers being over bred for that purpose, exploited and then discarded or warehoused.

Don’t bother getting into debates with the animal abusers and don’t make it personal. Just deliver the facts so that people who don’t know the issue can understand what they can do to end the abuse. Everything you need to know about what to say is here:

Join our Legacy Society to remember the cats in your estate planning.

See how you can investigate and expose abusers.  Be a Saber Tooth Sleuth. When you see big cat abuse take photos and post them and your report on 911 Animal Abuse site

Use your Social Networking to help build awareness by linking to us from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok etc. and watching and rating our cool videos on YouTube.

Watch and Share Our Videos

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Shopping for Gifts or Things you already Buy

You can help at no extra cost by making purchases you would otherwise make in ways that generate donations to Big Cat Rescue. Looking for gifts or items you need for yourself? Please consider these alternatives:

Big Cat Rescue Online Gift Shop: Shop in our online Gift Shop

Big Cat Rescue eBay Store: Sign up for alerts for our eBay auctions here

Social Networking for Big Cats

If you have an account at YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, or any of the myriad of social networking sites, you can help promote Big Cat Rescue.  Add us as a friend, watch, rate and embed our videos, or post photos of our cats with links to our site. Your visitors will love it and you will be helping to save the big cats!

It’s a great way to support the cats at no cost to you!

Big Cat Rescue’s sites:

Adding us as a friend on your social networking site helps raise awareness for the cats. Liking, commenting on, & sharing our posts are all actions that really do help us reach more people.

Help the Cats by Sharing our YouTube Videos

Sharing our videos is helping introduce more people to Big Cat Rescue, the cats, and our mission through your own posts.  When you share our educational videos and others watch it YOU are helping spread the word and helping teach others about important cat issues.  The Google Ads that display on the YouTube videos are actually raising a little bit of money for the cats, so every time you share one of our videos for your friends and family to watch YOU are not only helping pass on our mission and giving your friends something either educational or fun to watch, but you are also helping raise funds for the cats.  Sometimes, when people watch a “Just For Fun” video that YOU have shared they will go to our channel and watch additional videos.

Actions to Avoid

You can help by NOT doing the following and discouraging others from doing so. Click to see more about each:

– Don’t go see the new white tiger cub on display. Details on white tigers

– Don’t attend performing acts or traveling exhibits containing big cats. Why not?

– Don’t participate in offers to pet or have photos taken with a cub or adult big cat. Why not? It's illegal, for one and abusive even in foreign countries that haven't banned it.


Several times a week someone will call and ask us to promote their product or gig to our millions of fans, in exchange for the vendor giving us back some small percent.  That is always more advantageous to them than to us, and most of the time we see no meaningful contribution to the cats.  We have to post many, many fun, fluff pieces to our fans, so that on the rare occasion when we ask them to donate, or take action for the cats, they see our posts and will care enough to act.  Promoting other people’s products and gigs, just detracts from the good will we are working to build up to really benefit the cats.

A lot of people ask if they can use our images or logo to promote their products or gigs to their own fans, and we will do that on limited occasions, with donors who have already proven themselves to us, or with those who have audiences that are far larger than our own.  Because there is so much opportunity for fraud, and so many people will be contacting me and asking if you really do have permission, it is a huge hassle for us, so there are very limited exceptions.

True Fundraising The Matters

Some people really do want to raise funds for the cats and are not looking to benefit themselves in the process.  We make that easy for you with Facebook Fundraisers.  You create your own fundraiser, promote it to your own fan base and the money goes directly to Big Cat Rescue.  That helps the cats the most.  Thanks from all of us at Big Cat Rescue if this is the option you choose.

If you are doing a fundraiser for the cats through Facebook Fundraisers and would like photos of the cats to use on those fundraisers please contact and let her know what you are doing.

See how easy it is to setup a Facebook Fundraiser.  Here is a link to a page with step by step instructions and screenshots of each step.  It's really easy and quick to set up.