JoJo the Caravel Hissing
Male Serval / Caracal Hybrid AKA Caravel
Born 1/1/03 - Died 9/13/17
Rescued 9/1/13
9/13/17 This morning JoJo was laying on his side, unable to move anything but his eyes. Jamie rushed him to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay to see Dr. Justin. The ultrasound of JoJo's heart indicated that it was not able to contract normally, which was cutting off circulation to all of his limbs. All of his major blood vessels showed little to no blood flow.There was nothing we can do to repair his failing heart, which is likely malformed, like most of his other organs, due to the un natural cross breeding of serval to caracal, so we made the sad decision to euthanize.When Dr. Justin gets off work today he will come to the sanctuary to do a necropsy to see if there is anything more we can learn from the situation. Hissy and he was, JoJo was much loved here and will be missed.
Meet Jo Jo the Caracal Serval Hybrid
JoJo the Caravel Hissing During Rescue
I first met JoJo the Caracal / Serval hybrid at the South Florida Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in 2005 after a hurricane had taken down the perimeter fencing and dumped piles of deadfall on the cages.
The owner, Dirk Neugebohm, had ended up in the hospital with a heart attack from trying to clean the mess up by himself.
He wrote from what he thought was his deathbed back then to anyone and everyone he could think of asking for help; and asking for help was not something that came easily to this hard working German.
What we found, when Howard and I visited, was a man who was way in over his head. Donations were almost non existent, the cages were old, dilapidated, small and concrete floored. The freezer had been damaged and he had lost his food supply, so we sent food and volunteers to help him clean up and rebuild.
The tiger back then was Sinbad, who lived in what is commonly used for housing parrots. An oval corn crib cage with a metal roof. Sinbad died recently after a snake bite, leaving Krishna, pictured, as the only remaining tiger. We had a donor and a sanctuary (Safe Haven in NV) that were willing to take Krishna, but we were told that the Florida Wildlife Commission had found someone less than 6 miles away to take him.
Dirk managed to keep his sanctuary afloat, if just barely, for the next 8 years, but a couple days ago one of his volunteers, Vickie Saez, who we had been helping for the past couple of years with infrastructure and social networking, contacted us to say that Dirk was dying of brain cancer in the hospital and that she had convinced him to let the animals go to other homes. She said the Florida Wildlife Commission had arranged for most of the homes, but that Dirk was very happy that we could take JoJo. Our sweet Caracal, Rose, had died July 31st and her cage was empty.
We were told that all of the other cats had new homes waiting, except for Nola the cougar, but she was very ill. We offered to pay a vet to do blood work on her to make sure that she was not contagious. We were concerned because she had a history of some very contagious diseases, which had left her severely debilitated. What concerned us was that her caretaker said she looked bloated.
A vet had arrived to help with the transfer of two leopards to a place in Jupiter. He sedated Nola to see what was wrong.
We are told that he palpitated three melon sized tumors in her abdomen and that with every touch of her belly she exuded foamy blood from her nose and anus. He was sure that there was no hope for her and humanely euthanized her.This photo was Nola back in 2011. While we were sad that we would not be able to give Nola a new home here at Big Cat Rescue we are glad that she is not suffering any more.
JoJo at Big Cat Rescue
JoJo has arrived at Big Cat Rescue and settled in nicely. It is quite possibly his first time to walk on the soft earth.
His cage has been a small (maybe 60 square feet) of concrete and chain link for at least 8 years and probably longer. He is thought to be about 10 years old. Sometimes breeders hybridize exotic cats because there are no laws on the books that regulate them, but in Florida, the inspectors say, "If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck; it's a duck."
JoJo now has 1,200 square feet of earth, bushes, trees and grass.He really likes the grass. Are you hearing the Beetles lyric, "JoJo left his home in Homestead-Miami looking for some Florida grass?"
His diet has only been chicken necks for as far back as anyone can remember. I think he is really going to like the menu at Big Cat Rescue.