Levi Bobcat
Male Bobcat
Born 4/30/95 - Died 8/21/15
Rescue 1995
Levi came to live at Big Cat Rescue in 1995 along with 10 other Bobcats who were destined to be the next year’s fur coat harvest. Our Co-Founder had stumbled upon a facility in Omaha Nebraska that was raising Bobcats and Canadian Lynx for the purpose of harvesting the cats for their fur.
In order to spare these cats, all of them were purchased from the breeder and brought to live at the sanctuary.
Levi was neutered and lived with Tiger Lilly.
Aug 21, 2015 Levi Bobcat was euthanized by Dr. Boorstein tonight. He was dramatically losing weight, suffered from high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, and advanced kidney disease. Upon necropsy it was found that his kidneys were completely shriveled. This was not apparent in our previous blood work because the medications he was on masked the extent of his kidney failure. He was becoming increasingly anemic and dehydrated, despite being given sub q fluids repeated and injections to both stimulate his appetite and reduce his nausea. Tonight Levi made it clear that he was ready to go, so Jamie and Dr. Justin helped ease him over to the other side. He was twenty.
Levi Bobcat
Levi Bobcat When He Was a Kitten
Levi Bobcat Gets Netted
Levi Bobcat has been treated for kidney disease for a year or more, and lately his keepers say he's acting weird. Levi will usually launch himself aggressively at keepers and is always quick to come for food, treats and even his meds, because he wants to let you know that he's the boss. We decided to draw some blood and urine and see how his disease is progressing and if there is anything we can do to give him relief.
We tried catching him in his lockout, but that didn't work, so Plan B is to net him, which no one wants to do because he is so scary.
Aug 21, 2015 Levi Bobcat was euthanized by Dr. Boorstein tonight. He was dramatically losing weight, suffered from high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, and advanced kidney disease. Upon necropsy it was found that his kidneys were completely shriveled. This was not apparent in our previous blood work because the medications he was on masked the extent of his kidney failure. He was becoming increasingly anemic and dehydrated, despite being given sub q fluids repeated and injections to both stimulate his appetite and reduce his nausea. Tonight Levi made it clear that he was ready to go, so Jamie and Dr. Justin helped ease him over to the other side.
Tributes to Levi Bobcat
Lynda Licht Dec 28, 2015 Levi you taught me a lot about difficulties of giving out meds but eventually you came out to me and took your treats so well. Thank you for being patient with me. I loved your big expressive eyes and will miss our time together.
More Memorials at https://bigcatrescue.org/category/memorials/