Media 2006
Big Cat Rescue was in the Media 118 times in 2006
Directory of all Press and Media for Big Cat Rescue
342 12/29/06 Shannon and Chuck Reinighaus, Editors of The Grande Life magazine did almost a full page story on Big Cat Rescue and why there are so many abandoned big cats. Read it on page 30 HERE
341 12/25/06 Nancy Grace hosted Jack Hanna on CNN and ran a clip of Scott Lope talking about the booming exotic pet trade as he stood in front of Nikita the lioness at Big Cat Rescue. When you read the transcript you can’t help but notice that as long as there were animals in front of the host, Jack Hanna could barely get a word in edgewise about why we need bans on these exotic animals as pets (even though he tried repeatedly) because all the host wanted to talk about was if she could pet and hold the animals. When animals are being presented like pets, people just aren’t hearing the message that they don’t make good pets. Read it HERE.
340 12/23/06 David Ovalle, of the Miami Herald, in a follow up story about a 4 year old who was mauled by a cougar at a birthday party, quoted Carole Baskin as saying, “While their lips say, `These animals make bad pets,’ their actions show wild animals being leashed, bottle-fed and fondled — and actions speak louder than words.” More HERE or here in PDF
339 12/22/06 Carole Baskin’s letter to the editor about a man parading a tiger around at a fair was published in the Kamloops News and the authorities in British Columbia are seeking penalties against Kim Carlton of Siberian Magic.
338 12/21/06 In the UK, thanks to Daphne Butters, an AdvoCat, Our Cats Magazine has published articles about Big Cat Rescue and has included one in their 2006 Annual book.
337 12/15/06 Big Cat Rescue was featured in the book called Adventure Vacations for Animal Lovers by Stephanie Ocko as a great place to visit.
336 12/12/06 Thanks to Diana Rao, the Carrollwood/Northdale/Cheval Community News newspaper, YOUR PETS section, features the article about “Big Cat Rescue’s gift shop for holiday needs” that previously ran in the Village View.
335 12/12/06 Scott Lope and Julie Hanan submitted a nice article to Tampa Bay Womanthat was published in their Nov. Dec. issue.
334 12/10/06 Carole Baskin’s interview on Radio 97X ran again.
333 12/7/06 The Village View did a full page photo and suggestion that their readers support Big Cat Rescue with their holiday shopping.
332 12/4/06 Der Spiegel, the Germany equivalent of our Time Magazine, did a story on the big cat crisis in America that is fostered by our lack of laws and enforcement. Reporter Philip Bethge wrote about the deaths of Haley Hildebrand, Vince Lowe, Joy Holiday and reported on the mauling of Roy Horn and others. His report included the sad truth about what often happens to the cats when they escape, when they are killed for doing what comes naturally and how they end up in road side zoos in the care of people who pride themselves on being big game hunters. He used Gloria Johnson as an example of people who support the white tiger trade so that they can use the animals as props. Most of the cases cited were in Florida where he spoke with FWCC officials, viewed photos of the people who had been killed, and learned that the state has done little to control the problem. An English translation is available HERE
Oprah331 11/30/06 Welcome Snowbirds Magazine did a full color, three page spread in their special coffee table edition for December.
330 11/26/06 Susan Heeger included Big Cat Rescue in her article inO, The Oprah Magazine called “Where the Wild Things Go” as one of five accredited rescue facilities that provide a permanent home to big cats. See it here.
329 11/16/06 Ch. 10 CBS Wildside‘s Randy Rauch did a great segment on Big Cat Rescue’s big cats having big birds for Thanksgiving. Watch this 3 1/2 minute video of the making of the CBS “WildSide” show. Our cameras get you closer than what aired on TV HERE
328 11/15/06 The TampaBay Business Journal‘s Corporate & Charity Exchange had a full page ad devoted to Big Cat Rescue that was sponsored by Regions Bank.
327 11/14/06 Ann Canterbury submitted a very nice article about Big Cat Rescue that was published in The Fawn Ridger magazine.
326 11/9/06 The Tampa Tribune‘s Metro Section featured Big Cat Rescue with a story called Big Cats Crazy for Leftover Pumpkins by Rob Shaw. The photos showed Shere Khan swimming and having fun with a pumpkin donated by East Lake United Methodist Church.
325 11/9/06 The Tampa Tribune‘s NW Section was all about Big Cat Rescue with a story called A Dash of Pumpkin Spice by Bob Shaw. The photos showed China Doll, Zabu, Cameron and the volunteers having fun with pumpkins donated after Halloween.
324 11/9/06 Village Views magazine did a huge spread of photos and story about volunteers Julie Hanan and Barbara Frank and their devotion to the cats. You can see it online by reading pages 19, 20 & 21 here
323 11/8/06 Duncan Strauss interviewed Carole Baskin for his live show on WMNF 88.5 FM called Talking Animals. You can hear the interview by clicking HERE and then clicking on the hyperlink that says November 8, 2006.
322 11/5/06 Anthony Flint, Correspondent for the Boston Globe published today that if you visit Tampa-St.Petersburg you have to see Big Cat Rescue.
321 11/1/06 UK Cat magazine ‘OUR CATS’ started a series of articles written by Daphne Butters, based on her experiences on her annual visits from England to Big Cat Rescue, 2001- 2006. This series will run in the magazine, published every two weeks, for the next 10 issues, ending in spring 2007.
320 10/27/06 Although not mentioned in the reports, Big Cat Rescue assisted ABC News in these undercover investigations: ABC did an undercover investigation that you can watch online HERE. Be sure to watch all of the clips listed there. They start out the same but are very different. What they do share in common is the grim truth that some people are using animals in ways that put the public in deadly contact with dangerous animals.
319 10/25/06 Creative Loafing‘s cover story was about the Lowry Park escape and shooting death of Enshalla the tigress. In the article, two of Big Cat Rescue’s volunteers, Brian Czarnik and Coleen Kremmer, were quoted and Big Cat Rescue’s safety protocols were praised by reporter Alex Pickett.
318 10/21/06 Tampabay’s Best Magazine‘s editor, Leslie Joy Ickowitz, mentioned in her column how lucky the area’s residents are to have Big Cat Rescue and the magazine gave us a quarter page ad about the Fur Ball, that was full color and donated by Teasdale Worldwide, our pro bono strategic marketing firm, and mentioned our Fur Ball in their calendar of fun things to do this time of year.
317 10/20/06 Amy Scherzer devoted an 1/8th of a page in City Times to the fun photos from the Fur Ball and describing the event in the St. Pete Times.
316 10/20/06 Brooke Palmer wrote in TBT the Tampa Bay Times about the Fur Ball describing it as a Grrrrreat Time For Big Cats.
315 10/19/06 The Tampa Tribune‘s Baylife Section by Maria Johnson called Scene & Heard ran a headline that read: “2006 Fur Ball Raises $50,000 for Big Cat Rescue”. They did a nice recap on the Fur Ball and posted a photo of Howie and Carole Baskin along with Jamie Hess from Regions Bank in their Safari Costume Formal attire and the photo of a couple of guests (who were previously married at Big Cat Rescue) in pith helmets and “Cats” styled face paint.
314 10/18/06 Alex Pickett mentioned Big Cat Rescue’s superior personnel training to Lowry Park’s in Creative Loafing‘s expose on the death of Enshalla the tigress and Herman the chimp. Read it HERE
313 10/12/06 The Northwest section of the Tampa Tribune used a great picture of Scott Lope doing operant conditioning with Cameron the lion and listed the 2006 Fur Ball as its Best Bet for entertainment this weekend.
312 10/13/06 Karey Burek of the Observer News (Apollo Beach) used Big Cat Rescue as a photo and info resource for her article on bobcats in Florida.
311 10/12/06 Jack Harris, Tedd Webb and Sharon Taylor hosted Carole Baskin on the 970 WFLA Morning Show to talk about the Fur Ball and Big Cat Rescue.
310 10/12/06 Carole Baskin was live on air with Skip Mahaffey on the 103.5 Morning Show to talk about the Fur Ball and Big Cat Rescue.
309 10/12/06 Nancy Alexander at 100.7 The Mix announced the 2006 Fur Ball.
308 10/11/06 The Carrollwood News did a story on the Fur Ball and the mountain lion cubs rescued by Big Cat Rescue.
307 10/11/06 Tampa Bay’s Channel 10 news mentioned Big Cat Rescue as offering the top prize in a cat contest to benefit
306 10/10/06 The CBS Channel 8 station is running a 20 second PSA all this week publicizing the Fur Ball as part of their sponsorship of Big Cat Rescue.
305 10/8/06 The Tampa Tribune ran Carole Baskin’s letter about why zoos don’t really need to breed animals any more in their Opinion section.
304 10/3/06 Tim and Michelle, of Channel 10′s Studio 10 interviewed Scott and Carole about the sanctuary and the Fur Ball. See it here.
303 9/29/06 Maurna Bales ran a paragraph about our annual Fur Ball in her Connect section of the Tampa Tribune.
302 9/27/06 The Tampa Tribune‘s NW Section featured a cover story by Jessica Bosque about Big Cat Rescue’s Operation Manager, Scott Lope’s nomination for Animal Planet’s Hero of the Year Award. The story was a half page with a large photo of Scott talking to a tiger.
301 9/27/06 Jessica Bosque of the Tampa Tribune’s NW News and Town N Country News did a story about Scott Lope’s nomination for Animal Planet’s Hero of the Year.
300 9/17/06 Tim Chitwood at the reported on the Shriners Circus using tigers in GA and linked to Big Cat Rescue to let readers know more about tigers in circus acts. He quoted volunteer Elizabeth Jordan of Big Cat Rescue telling of her observance of abuse and discovered that no back ground checks appear to be performed on the clowns despite the fact that one named Spanky had a long list of child molestation charges.
299 9/13/06 The Cox radio station Magic 94.9 sent out a mailer to 9000 of their supporters telling them about the Fur Ball.
298 9/8/06 Peter Marder, Publisher of Women’s News devoted the entire inside front page of his newspaper to the story of the mother/daughter team of Founders; Carole Baskin and Jamie Veronica at Big Cat Rescue.
297 9/4/06 The Tampa Tribune graciously donated and began running quarter page ads for the Fur Ball that will run up until the event on October 13. The ad copy was created and donated by Teasdale Worldwide.
296 9/1/06 Kristen Levine talked about Big Cat Rescue’s joint efforts with other animal protection agencies to increase pet adoptions at Florida’s Largest Homeshows in her PetCetera column carried on
295 9/1/06 Atlanta Magazine did a piece called Undiscovered Florida by Carolyn Deariso who concluded her article with a half page and photo of Shere Khan at Big Cat Rescue suggesting that everyone visit us.
294 8/31/06 The Charity Guide listed us in their top 5 recommendations of places to volunteer and save big cats HERE
293 8/24/06 Investigator Tanya Arja from Fox 13 reported that Lowry Park’s training lags others. The keeper who was left alone to tend the tigers when one escaped and was shot to death had been on the job for less than a month and had been trained to care for tigers only two weeks. Busch Gardens said they train their tiger keepers for 3 – 9 months. By stark contrast, Big Cat Rescue requires their keepers to work with the smaller cats, such as bobcats and servals, for a year and a half before they can even apply to work with the big cats and then they must train for another 3 months to a year under direct supervision of someone that is already certified to work with the tigers, lions, leopards and cougars. The AZA, USDA and FWCC admitted that they do not have any standardized training protocols.
292 8/24/06 Brian Czarnik of Big Cat Rescue, a former employee of Lowry Park Zoo was interviewed by Fox 13 and Channel 28 about the shooting death of Enshalla, a Sumatran tiger who was shot to death by Lex Salisbury as she tried to escape at Lowry Park Zoo after an inexperienced keeper left her door open. Fox 13 Report
291 8/24/06 Carole Baskin was interviewed live on WFLA .970 Radio about Enshala the Sumatran tiger who was killed at the Lowry Park Zoo after her cage door had been left open. Carole explained that in zoos the cats are kept in tiny cells at night and the only time they spend out of them are during business hours. Any cat would try to escape from that.
290 8/23/06 Mari Robyn Jones of the Tampa Tribune interviewed Carole Baskin about the Sumatran tiger that was shot to death by Lex Salisbury while trying to escape from Lowry Park Zoo. Carole told her that it illustrates why these cats do not belong in captivity.
289 8/15/06 Florida Sports Magazine had a full page in color about Adventure Outfitters doing a “Climb for the Snow Leopards” that will benefit Big Cat Rescue in July 2007 when they ascend 24,758 foot high Mustagh Ata.
288 8/11/06 Maurna Bales announced the Fur Ball would celebrate Friday the 13th in theTampa Tribune Volunteer Connect section.
287 8/10/06 The St. Pete Times did a story on aging animals in the area and included Buffy’s story and his photo in color.
286 8/8/06 The Denver Post’s Joey Bunch quoted Carole Baskin in reference to the potential closure of Prairie Wind.
285 8/6/06 Carole Baskin was quoted on the Sioux City Journal’s web site on Congress ending a tax scam that unfairly compensated hunters.
284 8/6/06 Carole Baskin was interviewed on the Chadd and Kristi morning show on theMagic 94.9 and WDUV The Dove.
283 Steve and Cathy Tidler owners of Our Town Brandon ran a full page, full color story in their April 2006 publication.
282 8/4/06 The Tampabay Times did a cover story on the oldest animals in the area, and of course, that story would not be complete without our Buffy, the retired circus tiger, who lives at Big Cat Rescue. Buffy was the centerfold and while Scratch the cougar is actually 8 years older than Buffy, he didn’t make the final cut.
281 7/26/06 Bill Murphy’s One Tank Trips featured us again with a live visit to our Summer Camp. Russell Rhodes and the studio was all abuzz about Big Cat Rescue for the full two hour program and even had Zabu the white tigress superimposed over the weather map on Fox 13.
280 7/24/06 The Tampa Tribune’s Amy Williams gave us a photo and pitch in her column, Things To Do.
279 7/19/06 Volunteers Julie Hanan and Diana Rao were successful in producing an article called A Wild Adventure in Volunteering for the The Carrollwood Village paper and on their web site HERE
278 7/8/06 On the front page of the NW Section and for a full color half page inside, Jonathan Kaminski of the Tampa Tribune covered Chris Simm’s visit to Big Cat Rescue with a story entitled, Bucs’ Quarterback Brings Kids, Big Cats Together. Read it HERE
277 7/5/06 We were mentioned on nearly a half page article on the front cover of theTown N Country News in respect to Chris Simms choosing Big Cat Rescue as one of only three places he will be taking the kids from the Children’s Home which also includes Busch Gardens and the Florida Aquarium.
276 7/1/06 The Verizon Phone book gave us a 2/3 page photo for Simba the Leopard in their Tampa directory and listed us in Must See Attractions.
275 6/15/06 Greg Snow’s Tampa Bay’s Best Magazine did a great article on the cougar cubs who were orphaned by a hunter and promoted our Fur Ball and Wedding opportunities as well using lots of great glossy photos.
274 7/3/06 The CBS sponsored NFL home site ran the same story below giving us national coverage of Chris Simms visit to Big Cat Rescue. Chris has already called to schedule more time here thanks to his good relationship with our Operations Manager Scott Lope and he hopes to bring his friends and family soon.
273 7/2/2006 The Chicago Star did a cover story on Big Cat Rescue with one full page photo of Natasha and Willow the fur farm rescues and a half page photo of Shere Khan and China Doll. The story was written by Carole Schrock. The Hillsborough County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau sent a copy to us, thanking us for representing Tampa so well and saying that this sort of coverage was worth more than 18,000 in the advertising world.
272 7/1/06 The Buccaneer’s newpaper reported that Chris Simms’ new Wild Adventures program kicked off on Friday with an educational trip to Big Cat Rescue, home to cheetahs, lions, lynxes, bobcats and many other feline wonders. More HERE
271 6/30/06 Ch 10 did an awesome job of showing Buccaneer Quarterback Chris Simms’ love for kids and animals as he hosted a visit to Big Cat Rescue for the kids of the Children’s Home. Chris combined two of his favorite charities for a day that neither will ever forget.
270 6/30/06 Fox Ch 13 coverd Buccaneer’s Quarterback Chriss Simms as he brought one of his other favorite charities, the Children’s Home to Big Cat Rescue.
269 6/30/06 Ch 8 coverd the visit to Big Cat Rescue by Buccaneer quarterback, Chris Simms and his entourage from the Children’s Home.
268 6/14/06 Big Cat Rescue was the entire front cover of the Venice Gondolier Sun‘s Entertainment section called Let’s Go. News reporter and book author, Kim Cool did a three page spread inside about the sanctuary and the cats who call it home.
267 6/8/06 Tampa Tribune correspondant, Judy S. Gray announced Big Cat Rescue’s Leave No Pet Behind bash Sunday June 11 as part of a nationwide advocacy effort orchestrated by the Humane Society Legislative Fund, based in Washington to ensure that our pets are included in disaster plans across the country.
266 6/8/06 Sean Ledig of the Tampa Tribune did a longer story on the Carole Baskin’s resignation. Get all the facts HERE
265 6/7/06 The Tampa Tribune‘s Sean Ledig did a brief introductory report saying that Carole Baskin resigned from the AAC.
264 6/3/06 The Associated Press‘ reporter Andrea Fanta interviewed Carole Baskin and Gloria Johnson and did a nice job of illustrating why cuddling big cats and walking them on leashes makes people want to buy them as pets, thus perpetuating the problem that creates so many unwanted and abandoned exotic cats. Read it HERE
263 6/2/06 Maurna Bales wrote about our upcoming Fundraiser called Leave No Pets Behind in the metro section of the Tampa Tribune.
262 5/22/06 The Tampa Tribune listed us with a picture of Sarmoti the tiger in their Going Out section with details about how to visit Big Cat Rescue.
261 5/18/06 Julie Hanan and Carole Baskin were quoted extensively by Ruth O’Kelly Lynch in the Royal Gazette about the circus side show operated by Kay Rosaire of Sarasota, Florida coming to Bermuda now that 90% of the people polled are expressing disgust for these types of animal shows.
260 5/13/06 Shere Khan was featured on the cover of the USBorne Discovery Internet Linked book called Big Cats by Jonathan Sheikh-Miller and
Stephanie Turnbull.
259 5/13/06 Featured in Imago Magazine by Isabelle Celeste as a sanctuary to see and support and mentioned as a supporter of the Art Expose.
258 5/8/06 The Tampa Bay Business Journal applauded Pyper Paul + Kenney for winning best of show in the Addy Awards for some of its work done by Michael Shillig including that donated to Big Cat Rescue.
257 5/5/06 Carole Baskin was quoted favorably in the Michigan paper called Home Town Life about the exploitation of exotic cats as pets.
256 5/3/06 Howard Baskin was quoted in a great article about the success of our rezoning in the Tampa Tribune‘s NW section.
255 5/1/06 Accent on Tampa Bay featured Big Cat Rescue as a great place to visit with a half page in their magazine including color photos.
254 4/16/06 Florida Travel and Lifestyles May/June issue described Big Cat Rescue as “an unsurpassed refuge” and featured our sanctuary next to a half page photo of a tiger in their commentary on Florida sanctuaries.
253 4/15/06 The New Floridian Magazine featured Big Cat Rescue in their April edition.
252 4/14/06 The St. Pete Times‘ reporter Jackie Ripley writes that it was the Hillsborough County Commissioners who came to the rescue in Big Cat Rescue’s recent zoning request with a 6-0 vote in favor of the sanctuary’s plans. She gave the sanctuary a third of a page with nice photos of Zabu and Cameron. Read it online here.
251 4/14/06 In an update that showed a tiger trainer’s cat ate her the Duluth News states that the finding is the most compelling case for not making pets of wild animals. More here.
250 4/13/06 Sean Ledig of The Tampa Tribune reported on Big Cat Rescue’s zoning win with unanimous support by the Board of County Commissioners. He gave the story about a quarter of a page with precious photos of Artemis, Orion and Ares, the orphaned baby mountain lions.
249 4/9/06 Reporter Robin Washington, who used to own an ocelot as a kid, knows that exotic cats don’t make good pets. His article in the Duluth News quotes Carol Baskin here.
248 4/6/06 Kiley Miller of The Burlington, Iowa Hawk Eye Newspaper quoted Carole Baskin on suggestions for providing care to a Canada Lynx and Bobcat that the Oakland Mills Nature Center took in when their owner said she was too sick to care for them any more. He pointed out that their territory should have measured in miles not feet and that the best thing the center can do is provide them with lots of space and things to do.
247 4/2/06 The St. Pete Times did a story with a quarter page photo of Cameron the lion about our rezoning request that has been approved by the Hearing Master to add Intern Housing and which will go before the BOCC to ask for additional parking and an alternate access.
246 3/16/06 Chris Hawes interviewed former volunteers who had left our mission prior to the year 2000 due to their failure to evolve with our understanding that exotic cats should not be bred, sold, traded or used for personal gain. The allegations were all based on things that happened many years ago and Carole Baskin responded to each of the accusations, but the full responses were not aired. To determine the truth for yourself you can read more about our Evolution of Thought.
245 3/15/06 Travel Smart listed Big Cat Rescue as one of the Top Ten Travel Destinations in Florida and featured us in their special pull out guide. They are the oldest travel consumer guide in the industry with more than 30 years of providing information with no advertising. Buy a copy HERE.
244 3/14/06 Mike Winikoff of WPSL 1590AM in Port St. Lucie on the Kindred Spirits show interviewed Carole Baskin about the issues captive wild cats face and what is finally being done legislatively to stop the breeding and trade in exotic cats in Florida.
243 2/14/06 Bay News 9‘s Chris Hawes interviewed Howard Baskin about the zoning hearing tonight and aired the story at 5 and posted it on their website.
242 2/13/06 Big Cat Rescue was featured on the Geraldo At Large show in a story about the exotic pet problem in America. This aired all across the Fox News network.
241 2/12/06 The Tampa Tribune‘s cartoonist Paul Combs did a piece for the Opinion section depicting a homeless man sitting next to a homeless python, a homeless lizard and a homeless tiger who were commiserating that they too had once been cute and cuddly but now were just considered a neighborhood nuisance.
240 2/10/06 We were not mentioned, but our Python Bill was in the Tampa TribuneMetro section in an article by Jerome R. Stockfisch.
239 2/9/06 Carole was quoted by Florida Today about the Python Bill stating that Big Cat Rescue hopes to expand the bill to cover lions, tigers and bears as well.
238 2/9/06 Bay News 9 Interviewed Carole Baskin about Big Cat Rescue’s part in the Python Bill that is intended to cover other species of dangerous exotic pets.
237 2/9/06 Carole Baskin was invited to speak at a joint press conference on the Python Bill arranged by Representative Ralph Poppell and Senator Bill Posey at the capitol in Tallahassee.
236 2/9/06 The St. Pete Times announced Kids, Cats & Candidates coming up on Feb. 11 and all of the candidates who would be attending.
235 2/8/06 Jeff Neely interviewed Howard Baskin about our upcoming rezoning in theCarrollwood News in an article entitled Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary Growing Bigger.
234 2/8/06 The St. Pete Times said, “MEOW!: The race for office can sometimes be compared to an animal house. Well, on Saturday that sentiment takes on a more literal meaning.” in speaking out Humane USA’s event at the sanctuary.
233 2/8/06 Tampa Tribune reporter Sean C. Ledig covered our upcoming Kids, Cats & Candidates Day with a headline that read: Event is Cat’s Meow for Political Candidates.
232 May 2006 Watch for Big Cat Rescue in the May issue of Florida Travel and LifestyleMagazine.
231 2/1/06 Welcome Snowbirds Magazine did a full color, three page spread in their special coffee table edition.
230 1/25/06 The Tampa Tribune‘s NW Section featured a photo of Howard Baskin beside a tiger on the cover in a piece entitled Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary Growing Bigger by Jeff Neely. This article was about our rezoning efforts for the three acre addition to our property.
229 1/21/06 The Orphaned Cougar Cubs were on the cover of the NW section of theTampa Tribune with a half page story and photos of them enjoying their first days out in their open air cat-a-tat.
228 1/18/06 The Tampa Tribune did a teaser about the first day out for the cougar cubs rescued by Big Cat Rescue.
227 1/1/06 The St. Pete Times reporter Jeffrey Solochek reported that Westchase Elementary School sold newspapers to raise 250.00 to sponsor a cat at Big Cat Rescue.
226 Channel 10′s Randy Rauch filmed a feeding tour at Big Cat Rescue.
225 Joe Bell’s Golf Show featuring Big Cat Rescue is on every Sunday night 10:30, Ch 6 on Brighthouse, or WB 38 on Direct TV beginning back in November 2006.
224 January 2006 issue of Glamour Magazine did a follow up on the August photo with a 1/3 page about Big Cat Rescue with photos of Carole, Howie and Bailey the bobcat.