
Nairobi Serval

Female Serval

Born 4/1/1993 - Died 7/6/2016

Rescued  7/7/1994

Nairobi was the mascot in a pet store window until she came to live at Big Cat Rescue July 7, 1994. The pet store owner was afraid that she would bite the small children who were always taunting her and she was right.

Nairobi spends her days lounging in her huge natural Cat.a.tat and can often be found draped over her favorite log without a care in the world.

On July 6, 2016 Nairobi was on the observation chart for being a little possessive of her food at breakfast.  In the afternoon she was found to be breathing hard, so we brought her into the on site Windsong Memorial and Dr. Justin Boorstein rushed in to do diagnostics.  Her Xrays showed that her lungs were completely encased in cancer and he found other masses in the abdomen.  At 23 years of age there was nothing we could do, but give her a peaceful transition over the rainbow bridge. 

Nairobi Serval

2016 July Nairobi in Respiratory Distress

Tributes to Nairobi Serval

Sharon DowerJul 18, 2016 I cried at the news. i will miss youi so much pretty girl.

Lynda LichtJul 9, 2016 "The highest tribute to the dead is not grief, but gratitude." Thank you Nairobi for being a part of our lives. I'll always think of you as our serval momma - wise and looking out for all of us.

Sharon HenryJul 6, 2016 I'd like to think that Little Feather was waiting for you at Heaven's front gate. Two little angels crossing over together. While our world dims, heaven just got a little bit brighter. Love you Nairobi girl.

Unknown Jul 6, 2016 ohh Nairobi... I am so thankful we got to have a long talk this past Saturday. I kept telling you how pretty you were and it was the first time you didn't hiss at me... I thought we were finally agreeing with me :) Run free sweet girl!

Carole BaskinJul 6, 2016 We cried so many tears for Little Feather yesterday, that we were almost cried out by today when you decided it was time to go. Almost...

Marie SchoubertJul 6, 2016 Oh no, not you Nairobi! You were always my favorite serval. I love them all, but I always had a thing for this little girl with her skinny tail and gorgeous face. Poor baby! I hope you are happy up there now with all your friends. Don't forget about us... Because we will never forget YOU. R.I.P. little Angel. Love you! 

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Little Feather