Nirvana Ocelot
Female Ocelot
Born 6/20/94 - Died 3/22/17
Rescued 7/24/94
Nirvana came to Big Cat Rescue from a broker on 7/27/94. He had left her at the vet’s office for dead because she was so dehydrated. Ocelots were once in great demand as pets thanks to their striking coats and small size. However, as with most exotic cats, their unpredictable nature and propensity for spraying soon changes people’s minds.
Many of these once beloved pets end up abandoned, sold to canned hunts or ultimately euthanized. Nirvana was rescued and raised at Big Cat Rescue where she now passes the time climbing trees, catnapping in her man-made cave and spraying the unsuspecting passersby. Nirvana also participates in the operant training program and is one of the specially selected cats that BCR Interns work with each week.
More About Nirvana
** Today at Big Cat Rescue, October 16th are two photos of Nirvana as well as photos of other cats here.
** Today at Big Cat Rescue, November 5th are a couple photos of nosey Nirvana checking out a coffee cup as well as photo of other cats here.
** Stealing images become harder... Thankfully. Someone asked us on Facebook what kind of cat this was; we knew it was an altered photo of Nirvana our ocelot. See the altered image and the original image and learn how to find your photos through Google.
** Today at Big Cat Rescue, January 25th See a photo of Nirvana on her ramp. There are also photos of feeding cats on this page.
** Today at Big Cat Rescue, September 8th. See a photo of Nirvana that looks like an Elvis impersonation pose. There are also some fun photos of other cats and volunteers doing what they do.
** Walkabout Video from May 3rd, 2014 has a little footage of Nirvana and Amazing grace.
** Walkabout Video of October 21, 2013 also has a little footage of Nirvana.
** (about ocelots in general) 5 Defendants Illegally Sold and Purchased Ocelots and Lied To Cover Up The Sales
** Nirvana is mentioned in the Keeper Walkabout (January 2009) as are many of the other cats.
** Nirvana is in the quarterly newsletter, "The Big Cat Times" Nirvana the ocelot had a swollen cheek. Turns out she had a few bad teeth. She was taken to Ehrlich. Animal Hospital where volunteer vet. Dr. Wynn extracted ...
** On this page find out about ear rings that have photos of Raindance or Nirvana on them.
** Nirvana was mentioned and photoed in a magazine article
** Nirvana made "The Big Cat Times" in 2011. Nirvana was moved to a different enclosure. Since her previous home was in a location that did not lend itself to expansion it was connected to the Crazy Bobs ...
2/4/17 update:
Nirvana Ocelot: She is 22 and was recently sedated to check out her thyroid levels as she is on medication for thyroid issues and in order to give her the correct dose she required follow up blood work. Her thyroid disease is under control now, but now that it is, her kidney values are reading more accurately. She has significant kidney disease. Her thyroid medication has been adjusted and she is being kept in the cat hospital for the time being as the ulcer on her eye returned and she requires eye drops 4 times a day.
3/22/17 Nirvana's Last Day.
Nirvana was so happy to be done with her eyedrops and back out in her Cat-a-Tat, but within a couple of days she stopped eating. No amount of coaxing could get her to eat. She was active in the evenings, and drinking a lot, but when the Keepers would try to feed her she acted like everything offered tasted bad. Tonight Dr. Justin came out to run her blood work again and her kidney levels had increased so dramatically that it was clearly her time to go. We gathered around and helped ease her across that Rainbow Bridge.
If you ever spent more than a few minutes with Nirvana, you have a "Nirvana story." Tell us yours in the comments to let her know that you remembered her for the little comedian in soft fuzzy pajamas that she was.