DOB Appx: 12/27/16Arrived 1/31/17Released into the wild: 7/20/2017Nova was brought to Big Cat Rescue on January 31, 2017 when she was approximately seven weeks old. She had apparently been separated from her mom during a storm. A well-meaning person captured her in a bucket and kept her alive for five days until the Florida Wildlife Commissions stepped in. She was given to a school owned facility that housed non-releasable wild animals. The caregivers felt that because of her feisty attitude she might be a candidate for release. That is when they called Big Cat Rescue.This three minute video from February 2017 tells you all about how Nova came to be at Big Cat Rescue. She her arrival, her first exam, which she did NOT like at all, etc.This two and a half minute video is from May 2017 and shows you our new rehab center and shows you how much this feisty little girl has grown. Videos of Nova during her rehab
Learn more about our wild bobcat Rehab and Release program at Jamie's presentation all about about our wild bobcat Rehab and Release program and see some bobcats that have previously gone through our program and are now living wild and free.
(Funny) LETTER TO THE MANAGEMENTDear Sir/Madam:Your organization has single-handedly brought the American economy to a halt, and destroyed the internet. This apparently is being caused by a camera that has been installed for one of your new residents named “Nova.”We have received numerous complaints from our clients regarding this new resident at your facility, to wit:- Plastic surgery has had to be performed on faces that have been frozen in one expression from smiling;- Bodily injuries have been caused by persons being startled and falling off their chairs when said resident attacks the camera;- Stomach and throat issues have arisen, and various muscles have been pulled, due to laughing too hard;- Equipment problems (i.e., ruined keyboards and monitors) from projectile fluids;- Clothing has had to be replaced due to incontinence issues from laughter;- Employees have been calling in sick and/or watching said resident at their desks, thus stopping the flow of work at their facilities;And last, but certainly not least, one of our clients had a relative who he claims died laughing.We have examined these complaints and find them all to be valid after watching said resident for approximately two days. We do find, however, that more research needs to be completed. Therefore, our office will be closed for approximately one month while we conduct this research.Thank you for your attention.Sincerely,Iwanta Kisserbelly, PartnerCatz, Kats, Morekatz and a Rat
UPDATE - July 20, 2017 Nova was released back into the wild.
Feisty little Nova did not waste any time sprinting to freedom.Afton will make a polished video using footage from all the different camera angles as soon as she gets some time at her desk. We want to that the intern who was handed the phone to capture this video for you. She had not done it before and was very nervous but we think she did great.Photos of Nova's RealeasePutting out a wildlife cam so we can come back later and see how she is doing.Getting everything ready
Run, Nova, Run
Jamie being interviewed sharing Nova's story with the world.
THANK YOU, Keeper Brittany Mira for capturing this wonderful event in photos.
UPDATE - 7/27/2017 Nova In the Wild
Nova is doing well a week after her release. Check out this image captured just yesterday. (The quality is low resolution because this is just a thumbnail uploaded by the camera trap)