Peaches Serval
Female Serval
Born 4/18/1994 - Died 4/8/2011
Rescued 6/27/1997
Peaches arrived at Big Cat Rescue on 6/27/97. Servals, indigenous to Africa, are capable of leaping ten feet into the air to catch a bird in flight. Peaches spent her young life confined to a small, concrete-and-steel dog run where she produced litters of kittens to meet the growing demand for exotic pets. When her owner had no use for her anymore, she was fortunate to end up at Big Cat Rescue. She now lives in a large grassy habitat where she can do all the things that come naturally to her at her leisure. Her first day in her new 1200 square foot Cat.a.tat was enough to bring tears to the most jaded eyes as she embraced with wonder and such enthusiasm the ability to leap through the brush chasing after insects. Peaches is very petite and is one of the cutest servals at the sanctuary.
Peaches lived at the sanctuary in a large grassy habitat where she could do all the things that came naturally to her, at her leisure. Her first day in her new 1200 square foot Cat-a-Tat was enough to bring tears to the most jaded eyes as she embraced with wonder and such enthusiasm the ability to leap through the brush chasing after insects. Peaches was very petite and was one of the cutest servals at the sanctuary. We will miss her so much.
Peachy my Peach, you were such a lovely lady.
You had the cutest face, out of all of the servals.
I loved to feed you, as you would daintily approach lockout with hisses.
I prayed for you extensively after you went into the cat hospital for seizures (the same day as Canyon for his dew claw surgery).
I worried, but was overjoyed as you didn't seize anymore and became strong enough and well enough to go back to an enclosure (this time far from the tour path to avoid the stress of people).
Monday of this week, BethAnn and I, although we weren't cleaning servals, made a pitstop to check out Cybil's new digs, enjoyed some hisses from Lucky Lady, and some hisses and a visit from you.
You walked slowly into lockout, as daintily as ever, hissing all the way, as if to say "I know it's morning time, and I don't eat until evening, but I know you're both feeders and I'm hungry and in lockout so make with some food, would ya?"
We spoke of our love for you, and how cute you were. I mentioned that I felt you had the cutest face out of any of the servals.
Peaches, you were deeply loved, not just for your cuteness, but for your personality. We're all blessed for the time we were able to spend with you...Meredith P, Volunteer Senior Keeper
Just last Sunday I cleaned your enclosure and told you how well you looked, content to be back in a more secluded spot and lay in the dappled sunlight coming through the trees. It made me happy to be there with you Miss Peaches as the time we spent together was so precious...Lynda L, Volunteer
I had just met you recently but fell for you right away. You had the sweetest little face. You were such a pretty little girl. I was so sad when I heard you were not well. And I was very sad today. But you are now free to roam in the tall grasses over the rainbow bridge. I know you will be missed dearly by many....Kim D, Volunteer
Peaches what a sweet girl, I will miss you so much, but will never forget you. Run free in the sunshine...Kym M, Volunteer Keeper
I was very honored and humbled to be able to say good-bye to Peaches. She was already gone but her spirit knew we were there.She was loved by all here at BCR, myself included. I now fully realize how very difficult it is for Jamie and Carole to make these difficult decisions on the spot. Peaches will be missed by many, but she was loved by Peaches n' Cream...Regina R, Volunteer Senior Keeper
We each fall in love with certain animals here at the sanctuary for so many different reasons. I fell in love with Peaches years ago when she was assigned as my "operant" cat. She was so shy that she would rarely come into her lockout to eat while keepers were around. She would wait until the feeders were far enough away before she would creep in to eat. I was so happy that I worked with her enough that she'd come into eat, at least with me. She began to trust me and we bonded. Each day I volunteered, I'd always go over with a little bag of enrichment treats and call out, as I quietly approached, "where's my pretty Peaches?" I'd see the palm fronds begin to sway and she would slowly emerge. She'd grab her goody bag and take it off into her wooded area and enjoy it so much. I will always remember that sight, her walking off into the woods, only now she's walked off where I'll never physically see her again. She's free to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants now.....lots of love my pretty Peaches... Julie H, Volunteer Senior Keeper
Although I never met Peaches, it is very sad to hear another beautiful cat passed away. Even though I'm still new here, I know what we do here for these cats, is better than where they came from, and I feel privileged to be a part of this sanctuary...Regina T, Volunteer
Unknown May 3, 2011 Peaches! To me you were the most beautiful Serval and the most shy. I spent many a morning peering through palm fronds and logs to try and see your pretty face! I also remember you were a master hunter of frogs and lizards! I was so pleased to see you come out of your shell in your new enclosure on the tour path! Guests time and again would ooo and ahh over you when you came our way! I am so saddened though that you have left us. You are no longer in a cage and free to chase and catch all the frogs and lizards you can! Enjoy your new found freedom little one!
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