Purr-Fection Ocelot Sees the Vet Part 1

[vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_modal modal_on="image" btn_img="id^103209|url^https://bigcatrescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Purr-Fection-Ocelot-Sees-the-Vet-Part-1.jpg|caption^null|alt^Purr-Fection Ocelot Sees the Vet Part 1|title^Purr-Fection Ocelot Sees the Vet Part 1|description^Purr-Fection Ocelot Sees the Vet Part 1" modal_size="medium" overlay_bg_opacity="80" modal_border_style="dotted" modal_border_width="2" modal_border_radius="0" img_size="80"][embed]https://www.facebook.com/bigcatrescue/videos/10155121413491957/[/embed]Purr-fection Ocelot is 21 years old and has been just amazingly healthy but she's stopped eating, so Dr. Justin Boorstein and Big Cat Rescuers are doing diagnostics to find out why. Most exotic cats only live to be 10 or 12, so Purr-fection is the equivalent of being over 100 years old, if she were a purr-son.[/ultimate_modal][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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