Selena Bobcat
Female Bobcat
Born 4/24/1995 - Died 8/24/2012
Rescued 6/6/1995
Selena came to Big Cat Rescue in June, 1995 with her brother, Levi, and nine other Bobcats who had been destined to become fur coats. These kittens were the best of the sixty kits that had been produced that year and were going to be skinned and the pelts exhibited at a trade show. Selena is very shy despite the influence of her outgoing roommates; Divinity, Apache, and Takoma. Most of our bobcats were rescues from fur farms. The deal Our Co-Founder made with the three fur farms we discovered in the U.S. was that he would pay top dollar for every cat and kitten they had as long as the fur farmer would agree to never buy and breed cats again for slaughter. It came at a time that the public outcry was against the fur industry. Many of these animals were purchased at auctions where the uncaring owners were dumping the cats with no concern about their welfare. There is much controversy over whether we did the right thing by paying the ransom for these cats. We still accept many unwanted cats each year, but do not pay for them and typically require that their owner surrender their license, in an attempt to keep people from just trading in their cats each year for a newer, cuter model. We have to turn away more than 100 cats each year due to a lack of space and funds and the lack of regulation of the exotic pet trade. Read more about our Evolution of Thought
Selena Bobcat
Tributes to Selena Bobcat
Regina Rinaldi Aug 28, 2012 A fur farm rescue, you had the best life possible. Surrounded by keepers who loved you unconditionally and who were willing to do what it took to help increase your appetite. But it was just not to be and you were ready to leave us. You knew we loved you and you also know you will be missed.
Unknown Aug 27, 2012 Selena, you were saved from a horrible desination and I am grateful I got to be part of the team in taking care of you, you were dearly loved and a beautiful girl, rest in peace sweet girl
Unknown Aug 25, 2012She was a beautiful bob who I so enjoyed seeing on my tours. I will miss her.
Pam Rodriguez Aug 25, 2012Selena was another cat who was dearly loved. She had a much better life at BCR, and for that I am thankful.
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