Skip the Bobcat is an Internet Sensation

Skip the Bobcat Rescue

bobcats are sweet...when they are asleep
bobcat on heating pad
bobcat shattered pelvis
Jamie Veronica and Skip the bobcat

I was right in the middle of sending an email to LaWanna about some promotions she was dreaming up for the site when Honey Wayton, our gift shop manager called and relayed an urgent message. A woman had called to say they had found a bobcat alongside the highway and had it loose in their SUV and wanted to know what to do next because it was getting pretty mad. Obviously this was their first bobcat rescue, because no one makes that mistake twice. 

 I called the woman who said her name was Nici and she said that the bobcat laying alongside the road had caught her eye. Her husband, Skip had chased him down with a blanket, scooped him up and put him in the back of the car. He was dragging his back end, so the chase wasn’t much of a challenge, but picking up a VERY mad bobcat made him a fury of claws and teeth.

Nici said they were two blocks from their home and that they could just leave him in the car for us to deal with, if we wanted. As I frantically brought up a map to see that she was 2 and a half hours away, I didn’t think that was a great idea. I asked if she had a pet carrier that they could just plop the blanketed cat into before he fully regained his senses.

She didn’t but her friend Lorie did. Turns out that all three of them had visited Big Cat Rescue in the past and were eager to do anything they could to help save this skinny, crushed little bobcat. My instructions had been to completely envelope the cat in thick blanketing and take the top off the carrier, if necessary, to accommodate the entire bundle, and then bolt the top back on. I don’t know why that didn’t work for them, but I called Nici back a few minutes later, after starting Jamie on her way to Mt. Plymouth, and Nici said, “I hope you guys will name this bobcat Skip, after my husband because he is so brave!”

bobcats are sweet...when they are asleepSlashing teeth and claws be danged, Skip had managed to get a grip on the bobcat’s scruff and lifted him into the carrier. Even though Lorie had brought over a German Shepherd sized crate the bobcat managed to go spread eagle over the entire door making it a real effort to push him into the pile of blankets in the carrier. Kind of like baptizing a cat in a cereal bowl.

They covered him up and waited with him while I called every vet I could find between there and Tampa. My concern was that the cat would go into shock before we could get him to a vet here, so I just needed someone to do a preliminary check and stabilize him. By the time I had called a dozen vets and a couple of rehabbers two hours had passed and Jamie was nearly there.

Our old van is a 1998 and has seen better days. It was shuddering so badly that Jamie Veronica had taken it into a station to check the tires but they were OK and the shudder happened even when sitting still. I’m no mechanic, but sounded like a rod knocking to me and I was sweating whether or not the van would even make it to the Mt. Dora area, NW of Orlando.

Once I gave up on finding a vet near the bobcat, or even on the way home, who would give him the courtesy of even the most basic care, which I assured them I would pay in advance if necessary, I began to try and sort out what to do when he arrived in Tampa.

If Jamie didn’t break down, she and the bobcat should be back in town around 6 pm. Our primary vet, Dr. Wynn had a previous engagement hosting a dozen people at 6pm. I asked if I should contact Florida Veterinary Specialist or our secondary vet, Dr. Dave Murphy. Dr. Wynn said she would call her clinic and see if Dr. Dave Danielson might be willing to look at the bobcat. He had worked with native bobcats before that we brought in, and was willing to help.

bobcat on heating padAnother frantic call from Honey and Howard and I were on our way to the sanctuary to give tours. We have a Free Teachers promotion going on and instead of having 2 or 3 groups of twenty showing up at 3pm we had 9 such tour groups yesterday and it turns out 12 groups today including a wedding. It was the biggest single day the sanctuary has ever had. It was probably good timing because otherwise I might have made Jamie crazy by calling every five minutes and asking, “Where are you now?”

During one such call Jamie said she would need me to bring the squeeze cage to the vet’s office. How we were going to get the bobcat out of the carrier and into the squeeze cage was yet to be determined, but getting it there was the first step. As soon as my tour ended I trotted across the parking lot to the on site West – Boensch Cat Hospital. I chatted with Jack, who was recovering in the hospital from a nasty accident he had with the front gate, while I loaded the squeeze cage into my truck. Jack is doing fine and is living proof that cats do have nine lives.

I ordered pizzas for pick up because I knew Jamie hadn’t eaten since this morning and didn’t know if the vet and his staff would be skipping dinner to fit this bobcat, now named Skip, into their already hectic evening schedule. Jamie already had Skip inside and he was well on his way to a long, deep sleep by the time I arrived. She said they had tipped the crate up on end and hand injected him through the grated door. Within only a couple of minutes he was sleeping…or so we thought.

bobcat shattered pelvisOn the x-ray table he began blinking and trying to sit up, so he got a little more ketamine and went back to sleep. The first x-ray showed the crushed pelvis and Dr. Danielson asked if we wanted to go any further as this was going to be a lot of major surgery with limited hope of recovery. I told him we had spent more than $7500 on the last bobcat who needed plates, so we were willing to spend the money as long as the cat didn’t have any cat-killer diseases that would make him unfit for release. The blood tests were done and he had a clean bill of health so the only other obstacle, which was determined later during a sonogram was that he has internal bleeding and his spleen may be beyond recovery. Only a couple days of quiet rest and careful observation will let us know if he is going to live long enough to have the work done.

The vet tech Heather pulled ticks off Skip while Jamie checked his ears for mites, his fur for fleas and Dr. Danielson powdered his raw, purple rump, bruised badly from the impact. Judging by his pearly white fangs we guessed his age to be around two years old and while finely muscled, he only weighed a mere 17 lbs.

After consulting Dr. Wynn by phone, Dr. Danielson decided to take a lot more x-rays and did all of the other work, such as flea treatment and tests, so that in a couple of days, if the spleen is still operational, Skip could go to FVS for the precision plating and pinning necessary to give him full mobility.

We waited to make sure he would wake up OK from the anesthesia, which he did rather quickly, and then covered him up to rest quietly in the dark over night. Being a wild cat, close proximity to humans is very agitating. His whole life has been based upon the knowledge that man is to be avoided at all costs.

If Skip makes it through the night we may set up cameras to monitor him tomorrow so that he isn’t being exposed to constant stress.

Jamie Veronica and Skip the bobcatWe have been posting his progress at along with photos and we will be posting video soon.

You can check on him there and post your wishes for a speedy recovery.

I am very thankful for all the love that has been focused his way and if love can mend a broken bobcat, then Skip will surely be ready to run free again soon.

Carole Baskin, CEO of Big Cat Rescue

Skip's Facebook Fans

bobcats are sweet...when they are asleep
bobcat on heating pad
bobcat shattered pelvis
Jamie Veronica and Skip the bobcat

Injured bobcat rescued along S.R. 46 licking wounds at Tampa facility

To watch live UStream TV camera of Skip's recuperation, go to:

It was just another ho-hum drive along State Road 46 when Nici Haerter caught an unusual sighting: a bobcat nestled in a field.

A cat lover, Haerter quickly pulled over.

"I thought, 'wow, I get to see a live bobcat!'" the 44-year-old musician recalled Thursday. "Then he put his head down. Then I knew something was wrong."

The bobcat had been hit by a vehicle — its hip was twisted and it was dragging one leg. Haerter, who has five feral cats she rescued, called her husband, Skip, who jumped into action. Through the Mount Plymouth couple's efforts, the bobcat, affectionately called "Skip," is on the mend at the Big Cat Rescue in Tampa.

"When she did call me, it was not a surprise," said Skip Haerter, a 49-year-old unemployed construction superintendent. "She is just that kind of a girl."

Skip Haerter was prepared to handle the dangerous task of getting the bobcat to safety — he said he has wrestled distressed alligators in the past and once helped to train a Bengal tiger.

"I know the rules," said Haerter, who ignored his own fears of approaching the bobcat.

He grabbed a blanket. He threw it on himself first, slowly moving toward the bobcat. Then, he laid it across the big cat's body.

The covering gives such an animal the appearance of safety and is more likely to remain calm when a human approaches it, according to Big Cat Rescue experts.

Haerter picked up the cat — estimated at 2 to 3 years old and weighing about 17 pounds — and put it in the back of his truck. But it wasn't long until he and his wife realized they needed something more to keep the cat secure.

"He was very angry. He's got very long arms," Skip Haerter said. "I knew enough to keep away from him."

A friend of the couple came by with a dog cage big enough to fit a German shepherd. Haerter wrestled with the cat until he got it into the cage, escaping without injury.

Keeping tabs on 'Skip's' recovery

But then they weren't sure what to do with the cat.

Calls to veterinarians and rescue groups were fruitless — none would take in the cat. Finally, they learned about and got in touch with Big Cat Rescue. The group's president, Jamie Veronica, made the two-hour trip to pick up the distressed cat.

The outlook wasn't good. The bobcat had a shattered pelvis, heavy internal bleeding and they suspected he might have a damaged spleen.

"He was in such dire straits," said Carole Baskin, Big Cat Rescue's founder and chief executive officer.

Several days passed after the Dec. 28 rescue before the bobcat was stabilized enough for surgery to insert two plates in its pelvis and a screw in its hip.

The bobcat has been recovering in a small cage at the rehab center, where a live video stream allows people to watch its progress online. The stream has gotten more than 28,000 views.

"It's nuts," Nici Haerter said. "People are obsessed with him."

"Skip" will spend four to six weeks in the smaller cage before moving on to a 1,200-foot rehab area. There is no human contact or sound, and rats introduced for food will run through the area randomly to help maintain the bobcat's wildlife instincts.

In late spring or early summer, the bobcat will be released into the wild in an area close to where he was found. Big Cat Rescue workers hope to find a property owner near S.R. 46 with at least 40 acres of quiet, native forest land who is willing to allow the cat to be released there.

'God led me to this animal'

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The area around S.R. 46, which stretches from Sanford to Mount Dora, is home to animals ranging from raccoons to deer to turkeys to Florida black bears.

"It's a wonderful wildlife area," said Joy Hill, spokeswoman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, adding that bobcat fatalities on that road are rare.

A dirt-floored concrete tunnel beneath the roadway with fences bordering the road allows critters, mostly bears, to travel freely without becoming an accident victim. It has helped to reduce animal injuries, Hill said.

As for Nici Haerter, she is relieved "Skip" is in safe hands with Big Cat Rescue, founded in 1992, which works to reduce the number of large cats that are abused, abandoned or injured.

"It's amazing. I really feel like God led me to this animal," she said. "He would've died. But I saw his little head sticking out."

Skip’s Facebook Fans

Skip the Bobcat became a Facebook Phenomenon over the New Year’s Week of 2010-2011

You can join the conversation at or watch Skip in the on site Cat Hospital at

Big Cat Rescue’s posts are in bold, followed by Skip’s 193 pages of well wishes from his Facebook fans. His chat window on UStream was even more voluminous, but is deleted each time the system resets, so we were unable to capture it, but it was very much like the following.

Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL

Bobcat needs emergency vet! Hit by car in Mt. Plymouth at noon. Now in a carrier in a garage. Jamie is on her way from Tampa but is two hours away. I’ve called 10 local vets and no one will treat the cat for shock until we arrive. If you know a vet between Mt. Plymouth and Tampa please call them and ask if they will treat the cat until we get there.

December 28, 2010 at 1:45pm

Chris Poole, Florida Potter, Lorena Bourque Herndon and 115 others like this.


Stephanie Winters good luck!

December 28, 2010 at 1:47pm


Pattie Huggins Deitrick Good luck…. I wish I was able to help… Prayers sent!!!

December 28, 2010 at 1:47pm


Jacquelyn Rapp-Blake wish I knew a vet in that area-good luck and let us know how the poor bobcat does?

I sent you a smiley!

December 28, 2010 at 1:48pm


Stacy Watts how could they say no!? Hope you can get to him/her in time. Thank you for all you do.

December 28, 2010 at 1:48pm


Vivian Wolpers sending up prayers for the bobcat to survive !!!

December 28, 2010 at 1:48pm


Aurora Tännenbaum And WHY will none of these vets treat the hurt animal? That’s what vets are for! To help all animals, not just to help furry-fluffy pets!

December 28, 2010 at 1:49pm


Wendy Wojcik Where is Mt Plymouth??

December 28, 2010 at 1:49pm


Diane Mentzer Oh no! I hope someone is able to help.

December 28, 2010 at 1:50pm


Angela Goodson Abbott That’s about as sorry as anything I’ve heard…NO vet in the area will treat the poor thing for shock just until someone can get there?? Seriously, WTF???? All I can offer are prayers and good wishes, too. Hang in there “Bob!”

December 28, 2010 at 1:51pm


Kimberly Jones You’ve got to be kidding me!!! Not even vets that are used with the national wildlife service? Ugh!! That’s inexcusable!!

December 28, 2010 at 1:51pm


Christi Miller Saying prayers

December 28, 2010 at 1:51pm


Johna Whitesell what about vets at the FWC or Busch Wildlife?

December 28, 2010 at 1:53pm


Mary Thompson How sad.

December 28, 2010 at 1:53pm



December 28, 2010 at 1:54pm


Sonya Cabral Thats terrible!!! What is wrong with vets??? They won’t treat wild animals only pets! { wish i knew someone there!!! I send all my prayers that this poor bobcat survives!!! Hang in there BOB!!!

December 28, 2010 at 1:55pm


Kristal Roebuck Hope this baby can be saved. Sending up prayers also ?

December 28, 2010 at 1:55pm


Kristal Roebuck Go Jamie go!!!

December 28, 2010 at 1:56pm


Patrice Ann Cartolano Marotta If you were up by me in N. Illinois my vet treats big cats.

December 28, 2010 at 1:57pm


Sally Chancellor Peters boo hiss on the locals ; an animal is an animal. praying for the bobcat.

December 28, 2010 at 1:57pm


Sally Chancellor Peters why on earth are people clicking that they like this?

December 28, 2010 at 1:58pm


Heather Aday mt plymouth is north west of orlando

December 28, 2010 at 1:58pm


Aurora Tännenbaum At age 15, I’ve already cared for cheetahs, jaguars and servals during an internship and these folks are grown-up veterinarians scared of a bobcat!? ô.O Isn’t there something like professional honor anymore? -.-

December 28, 2010 at 1:59pm


Nanda González Poor animal. nobody goes there to see the cat.

December 28, 2010 at 1:59pm


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL People click the Like button because there isn’t an Important button, not that they like a cat being hit by a car.

December 28, 2010 at 2:00pm


Jessica Newton people are clicking like instead of posting in terms to wish their likes to help them get the help for the kitty! im too far i live in GA… drive that car fast!

December 28, 2010 at 2:00pm


Sally Chancellor Peters ok thanks for explaination!! shame on the vets in that area.

December 28, 2010 at 2:02pm


Heather Aday here’s one not far from there…call them? worth a shot or they can direct u to someone else?

East Lake Animal Clinic

31415 CR 435, Sorrento, FL (352) 735-2882

December 28, 2010 at 2:02pm


Jennifer Hertzog Miller Praying for a happy ending! Keep us posted…..

December 28, 2010 at 2:02pm


Sally Chancellor Peters keep us posted!

December 28, 2010 at 2:02pm


Margie Anderson Linnane That’s not right. 🙁 What is wrong with these animal doctors, shame on them.

December 28, 2010 at 2:03pm


Pattie Huggins Deitrick Wow… Aurora… You are so right!! You can make a difference… Your job is to become a vet and teach show what professsional honor is!!

December 28, 2010 at 2:03pm


Diane Supowit I am praying!

December 28, 2010 at 2:04pm


Donna Ralphs I don’t know about Florida’s laws but the domestic animal vets here in Mass I’m told are NOT allowed BY LAW to treat a wild animal if they aren’t trained for wild animals too.

December 28, 2010 at 2:05pm


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL I called E.Lk first and they were helpful but their vet is there alone and in surgery all day. We have Ehrlich Rd Animal Hospital and FVS here in Tampa who will see him, but I was trying to find help closer to where he is so that he doesn’t die from shock.

December 28, 2010 at 2:06pm


Sarah Jane Maxey poor kitty!! I hope he’ll be alright! I pray for him!

December 28, 2010 at 2:06pm


Aurora Tännenbaum ?@ Pattie Huggins Deitrick: After finishing school I applied to study vet. medicin, but here in Germany it’s all about marks at school and my diploma was 0.8 points too low. I was told to wait 5 years to *maybe* get a place at an university. -.-

December 28, 2010 at 2:07pm


Diane Supowit Praying for him to pull through and for peace, AND a vet to get there asap!!

December 28, 2010 at 2:08pm


Jennifer Wehman Boyd Is someone just randomly calling vets in that area? I think that should be done. But we shouldnt have 10 people doing it. Is anyone actually making the calls?

December 28, 2010 at 2:08pm


Vicki Eddy sorry, wish I was near, how bad? You should be able to at least get a vet tech or two to help, they sometimes know more than the actual vets…hope cat wil be ok….prayers…

December 28, 2010 at 2:09pm


Pattie Huggins Deitrick

I know it is a wild kitty, but this is what I found!! maybe it can help!!

Step 1: Examine the cat for shock; gently lift the upper lip so the gum is visible. Pale or white gums indicate the cat is almost certainly in shock and may have seri…ous internal injuries and/or bleeding. If the gums are pink the cat is probably not in shock.

Step 2: Place the cat on its side on a blanket, towel, or jacket with its head extended.

Step 3: Clear the cat’s airway.

Step 3a: Place one hand over the cat’s head so that your thumb and index finger fall just behind the long canines (fang teeth), the head resting against your palm.

Step 3b: Gently tilt the cat’s head back so its nose is pointing upward. Push your thumb toward your finger; the mouth will open.

Step 3c: Gently pull out the cat’s tongue to keep the airway open. If the cat resists your attempt to pull the tongue out, do not repeat Step 3.

Step 4: Elevate the cat’s hindquarters slightly by placing them on a pillow or folded towel.

Step 5: Stop the bleeding immediately.

Step 6: To conserve body heat, wrap the cat in a blanket or jacket.

Step 7: Transport the cat to the veterinarian immediately.See More

December 28, 2010 at 2:09pm


Jennifer Harmon

Here’s the thing- most likely the vets won’t treat the animal “until someone gets there” because they don’t want to be stuck with an abandoned bobcat or (even worse in their eyes) the bill if no one shows up or follows through. It’s total c…rap. They’re not afraid of the cat, theres ways of dealing with even the most fractious animals- and if its shocky enough to have been able to be crated, there is no issue!!! they’re afraid of losing $. I’ve been working in the veterinary business (and I totally mean it when I use that word “business”) for many years, and am getting out of it to do law enforcement (animal control) cuz I just can’t take the corruption and profiteering that goes on anymore. Some situations require special action. Regardless the outcome, you think it would be good PR for a vet to do this!!! Ugh, I get so disgusted talking about this. Best luck, kitty, and Godspeed.See More

December 28, 2010 at 2:11pm


Ted Heine It makes me so angry that “vets” are not bound by the same ethical and moral considerations as human doctors. They certainly charge enough, yet can pick and choose which suffering animals to help. That’s just disgusting, inhumane and EVIL!

December 28, 2010 at 2:16pm


Janet Powell Bisson Please, please be ok little furball……

December 28, 2010 at 2:16pm


Aurora Tännenbaum ?@ Jennifer Harmon : Hearing this is really repelling >.<

December 28, 2010 at 2:16pm


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL We have offered to pay the bill, in advance via cc. Have called these in the area so far: East Lake, Pet Care of Apopka, Longwood, Mt Dora, Palmetto, Shamrock, Lake Vet, Winter Park, a vet named Jason, and all were either on vacation, off today or overloaded already. Some gave no reason other than to say they “don’t do wildlife.”

December 28, 2010 at 2:16pm


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL I have a few leads on the far East side of Orlando, but that just adds to his drive time to get the bobcat back to our vets here, so hoping to find someone midway.

December 28, 2010 at 2:18pm


Ted Heine PS…I realized this when my own cat had a traumatic injury which resulted in her losing a leg. The very well known veterinary school and hospital which shall remain nameless……but is in West Philadelphia….told me that they were under no obligation to treat her…and they left her linger in a cage with a shattered femur for two days until they were sure I could pay them.

December 28, 2010 at 2:19pm


Kreative Altruism i love you guys

you almost make me cry

i wish i was more able to help you guys

December 28, 2010 at 2:19pm


Janet Ladwig Prayers from my family to the cat. How sad…if you don’t LOVE animals you shouldn’t be a vet.

December 28, 2010 at 2:19pm


Angelina M Wormald need to know how young the cat is…so the vets that I call will know…I WILL DO MY BEST

December 28, 2010 at 2:20pm


Margaret Hill are there any vet schools along the way?

December 28, 2010 at 2:21pm


Ashley Wunderlin IVE CALLED 6 vets all of which have said no and thats B.S WISH U GUYS WERE IN OHIO I COULD BE MORE HELP THEN BUT IM STILL TRYING

December 28, 2010 at 2:23pm



December 28, 2010 at 2:25pm


Jennifer Harmon

Again- too ‘overloaded’ for an emergency?! I just… Have a real hard time getting right with this. Feline anatomy is feline anatomy. And it’s not like were talking about a full grown panther, here! It’s an injured, shocky bobcat. Ive dealt… with them before (previous animal control exp at calls before fish & game arrived & a drop @ the shelter), and in my experience, dealing with an unhappy adult Rottweiler is way worse, lol! It’s simply unethical. I’m saddened by it. Again, I’m wishing the best ?See More

December 28, 2010 at 2:25pm


Candace Thompson any Zoo’s with Vets?

December 28, 2010 at 2:26pm


Maegan Gaudreau Make sure you call any zoos between Tampa and Mt. Plymouth to ask if there vet is available to help, they obviously deal with wild animals so they at least can’t give the excuse that they don’t do that…

December 28, 2010 at 2:26pm


Snow Bop It’s not like the bobcat was injured naturally, and that nature should take its course. The bobcat was hit by a car – HUMAN interference – therefore, humans should intervene. Wish there was something I could do… Thank you BCR for everything you are doing for the injured kitty!!

December 28, 2010 at 2:27pm


Katherine Craig oh no! please keep us posted on how things are going.

December 28, 2010 at 2:30pm


Michele Sanchez Ortiz ?: 2840 E Irlo Bronson Highway, Kissimmee Florida 34744 Telephone 407-847-4472

Try these people

December 28, 2010 at 2:31pm


Mark LaughingBear BCR, Jennifer may have hit on it. Is there a Fish & Game unit in the area, or an animal control department that could at least stabilize the poor kitty?

December 28, 2010 at 2:33pm


Deanna Moores Has anybody tried calling a vet at a zoo or Busch Gardens or any of the animal parks in Orlando? There’s a vet at Fishhawk that interned with a zoo…you could try them? 813-681-9080

December 28, 2010 at 2:34pm


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL The vet school is in Gainesville, so out of the way. Zoo between here and there is Lowry Park and their vet, Dr. Murphy is already available to us here in Tampa. Our vet is calling around here in Tampa to make sure the 25lb male bobcat can get in right away upon arrival which should be 5:30 to 6 pm EST.

December 28, 2010 at 2:34pm


Cindy Rose Fries Stump Did you try Animal Kingdom?

December 28, 2010 at 2:36pm


Maegan Gaudreau Central Florida Zoo (407) 323-4450 about 20 minutes from Mt. Plymouth. I’m in Massachusetts at work, so I didn’t call, I hope that helps.

December 28, 2010 at 2:39pm


Allison Meese Kavanagh Good luck! People are idiots, shame on these vets 🙁 Brings tears to my eyes…

December 28, 2010 at 2:41pm


Angelina M Wormald

Found one that will help if you still need help. Here is the info they do ask that you pay upfront grrr

Here is the info:ANIMAL CLINIC 192

2840 E Irlo Bronson Mem Hwy

Kissimmee, FL 34744

Phone: 407-847-4472

…Fax: 407-847-8843See More

December 28, 2010 at 2:42pm


Angelina M Wormald if you can’t take the bobcat there let me know so that I can call them back and let them know that their services are no longer needed PLEASE

December 28, 2010 at 2:43pm


Kat Sullivan

What about this one in Deland? It’s farther east, but not far from where the bobcat is. They treat wildlife.

Erin Hall Holder, DVM

115 E Euclid Avenue * DeLand FL 32724

(O) 386.734.9899 * (F) 386.734.1960

… * FloridaWild@cfl.rr.comSee More

December 28, 2010 at 2:43pm


Peggy Robey Whatever the outcome,and I do pray it’s a good one,I want to say THANK YOU for doing your very best to save this life..It’s important to do something to help,rather than stand around always expecting someone else to step up to the plate and do the right thing!! Prayers for his/her survival and again Thank You for trying.

December 28, 2010 at 2:47pm


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL Dr. Wynn arranged with Dr. Danielson to see the vet at Ehrilch Animal Hospital. The person who rescued the cat said he is wrapped in blankets and seems quite content to be resting in the carrier. They said he put up a fight going in to the carrier, so hopefully his back and pelvis are not broken beyond repair.

December 28, 2010 at 2:47pm


Heather Greene Animal lovers are the greatest people. hope everything works out. I’m praying for the little guy. ?

December 28, 2010 at 2:48pm


Angelina M Wormald Oh good at least someone will see him and lets all hope for the best for this baby…I will let the vet that I called know that his services are no longer needed THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me know 🙂 PLEASE keep us informed of the progress of this beautiful cat

December 28, 2010 at 2:50pm


Katherine Craig Kissimmee closer?

December 28, 2010 at 2:51pm


Lisa Olson Oh no, hope he will be ok

December 28, 2010 at 2:53pm


Ashley Wunderlin AMEN

December 28, 2010 at 2:54pm


Donna Raihl Hope he/she gets better!

December 28, 2010 at 2:56pm


Iliana Marie Malcolm ?**Aurora for some high-up decision-making leadership position** :)GL Kitty!!

December 28, 2010 at 2:56pm


Silvia Loehrer OMG!! My prayers are with the kitty b-cat…I wish I knew of a vet in that area….I’ll ask around!

December 28, 2010 at 3:00pm


Anthony Scott Jones Well I hope he makes it!!! resting in the carrier is good , Glad someone is gonna HELP!!! 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 3:02pm


Melissa Koblin Hope the little guy is ok!

December 28, 2010 at 3:03pm


JoAnn Paolantonio Thank you to BCR, Dr.’s Wynn & Danielson, Ehrilch Animal H. & the angel who rescued of Bobcat. I hope we can get a picture of the rescuer, the Bobcat & the story…

December 28, 2010 at 3:04pm


Karen Norris-Rocha Positive wishes and prayers to the precious bobcat. Please keep us posted on his condition Seeing an animal injured just breaks my heart. But to know there are actually people who care and are making a difference gives me hope for mankind.

December 28, 2010 at 3:05pm


Printing Graphics This needs a share button

December 28, 2010 at 3:07pm


Amanda Lyn I absolutely love my vet- he has a heart of gold. Saved my dog’s life and his staff is beyond caring. He would probably be able to help- hes in Brandon @ Brandon Lakes Animal Hospital.

December 28, 2010 at 3:13pm


Lori Tuscano Jurkowski wish I was there, not that I am a vet, buyt I could help

December 28, 2010 at 3:14pm


Judy Taylor Have you contacted University of Penna. Veterinary College and Hospital. I know someone commented badly about them earlier but this is a different circumstance. Worth a try anyway.

December 28, 2010 at 3:16pm


Kathleen Robertson have you tried any zoos to se if they’re vets would help?

December 28, 2010 at 3:16pm


Amy Milligan ?(((((GOOD VIBES))))) are being sent to BCR for their efforts on behalf of this injured kitty AND!!! (((((PRAYERS FOR A SUCCESSFUL RECOVERY))))) are being sent to the injured bobcat!!!! (((((THANKS))))) are being sent out to the vets that are treating this kitty!!!

December 28, 2010 at 3:20pm


Kathy Foreman Werner

I’m in the clermont/minneola area. I don’t know the area well enough but our vet is South Lake Animal Clinic on Highway 50 between 8th & 12th Streets. Call them 352-394-2202 OR the vet trama center in groveland 244 W. Orange St,

Groveland,… FL 34736


they’re right on highway 50See More

December 28, 2010 at 3:22pm


Jennifer Harmon I am beyond relieved to know that the little guy (or girl! ;)…) will soon be getting the help it needs. Yeay BCR and yeay wonderful, compassionate people!!!!! 🙂 x a million (at least!!! lol)

December 28, 2010 at 3:24pm


Jennifer LaMond I am so not surprised that Dr. Danielson at Ehrlich Animal Hospital stepped up…. he is the absolute best!!! He took care of my little one in his last minutes and he holds a very special place in my heart!! God bless him, BCR and Ehrlich Animal Hospital!!! Prayers for the big cat and BCR!!

December 28, 2010 at 3:25pm


Silvia Loehrer Surely there is a VET out there that can help!!!!!!!

Looks like this location is north west of Orlando…near Sanford or Tavares if anyone lives nearby and can offer vet assistance.

December 28, 2010 at 3:26pm


Kathy Foreman Werner my 2 neighbors in Minneola are groomers & they highly recommend Dr. Z here in Minneola on 27 His # is: (352) 394-7444 (the name of the office is All Care Animal Hospital)

December 28, 2010 at 3:27pm


Silvia Loehrer As big as Orlando is…there has to be a kind VET that can help out.

December 28, 2010 at 3:27pm


Ken Weyrauch WOW lots of people looking to help. That is great. hopefully this bobcat is okay.

December 28, 2010 at 3:28pm


Kathy Foreman Werner so glad someone is able & WILLING to help

December 28, 2010 at 3:29pm


Megan Watson I’m so sorry to hear about this and I agree that vets should be held by the same ethical obligations as doctors. Most sure do charge enough which causes people distress in itself. I realize people need to have the money to care for a pet but it shouldn’t be to the point of making people bankrupt. And I agree also it is very much a business. I wish the cat a speedy recovery

December 28, 2010 at 3:30pm


Colleen Tracey hope you guys took the pictures of ur adventure of getting that kitty 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 3:30pm


Elizabeth Meade Praying for his recovery! & BLESS the Cat’s rescuer & BCR & all those assisting!!! Makes my heart sing to read all the advise & help being offered!! I now live too far away to be of assistance beyond what has already been offered but I’m so happy to see the quick response from everyone! The faster the cat is treated the better his chances of his recovery! We’re praying!

December 28, 2010 at 3:30pm


Carrie Leo did this cat get the medical attention it needed? Is it doing ok? I just read the post just now. I wish I could help!

December 28, 2010 at 3:37pm


Carissa Trotter oh god i hope the cat makes it

December 28, 2010 at 3:39pm


Fancy Katt Hugs to the BobCat

December 28, 2010 at 3:41pm


Kae De Ville Any luck yet? How is the cat?

December 28, 2010 at 3:43pm


Rebecca Vernon I’m glad to hear he or she put up a fight about going into the crate…although of course bobcats are notoriously bad-tempered…but hopefully that means he’s not too badly injured or dying.

December 28, 2010 at 3:45pm


Cindy Khalsa not sure how close dade city, brooksville is but bet Peggy Flemig the holisitci vet would help

December 28, 2010 at 3:46pm


Suzie Buck I wish I was closer I would treat it myself…..

December 28, 2010 at 3:49pm


Jihmns Sulek oh my, i hope he’s ok

December 28, 2010 at 3:54pm


Donna Coffey crossing fingers and saying prayers for bobcat…please please let us now how he/she is!

December 28, 2010 at 4:03pm


Ginny Carlson How I wish you were closer! My GREAT vet would. My prayers with the poor creature!

December 28, 2010 at 4:05pm


Helen Cooley How Is he? Is he alright? did you make it in time?

December 28, 2010 at 4:14pm


Amanda Baker How is he? Has someone helped yet

December 28, 2010 at 4:17pm


Eddie Hale It’s absolutely amazing how everyone is pulling together for this wild cat. Very cool:)

December 28, 2010 at 4:19pm


Katie Mikszewski Rest Please kick us updated on the kitty’s status!

December 28, 2010 at 4:20pm


Marie Council So glad to know a vet was found who will help. I was astonished that some refused. In such an emergency situation, they should make an effort even if they don’t normally treat wild animals.

December 28, 2010 at 4:24pm


Carol Walker Oh my gosh that’s awful, Vets need to realize in that area its their job is to save, help animals , WTH is wrong with people these days????????

December 28, 2010 at 4:34pm


Carol Walker Hope the bob cat can be saved.

December 28, 2010 at 4:34pm


Tiena Harvey Ellis Poor kitty. Healing blessings on it way for the little guy!

December 28, 2010 at 4:36pm


Lorena Bourque Herndon Kudos to the vet that offered to help this baby. I would be more than happy to make a donation to the vet’s office to help with his care. Can someone post the name of the vet, etc. and how we would go about making a donation – or should we just make it to BCR?

December 28, 2010 at 5:12pm


Kris Barrett Daugherty Prayers for bobcat and dr working on him! Blessings to the person who picked him up and to BCR for taking care of things. Blessings to everyone here who wants to help.

December 28, 2010 at 5:15pm


Jodi Cohen Huge prayers for a speedy recovery for the ‘big’ little fellow!

December 28, 2010 at 5:22pm


Cat Stanley SHARED!

December 28, 2010 at 5:30pm


Michael James Kelly Hoping he is going to be ok here

December 28, 2010 at 5:31pm


Jennifer Parsons I hope he pulls through! Yay to BCR and all the help from everyone!

December 28, 2010 at 5:40pm


Susan Hoover I’m surprised the Florida fish & game didn’t have someone who could help!

I am so glad that there was, finally, a vet who would/could treat the shocky bobcat near the pick-up point.

December 28, 2010 at 5:47pm


Kathy Shane hope he will be ok

December 28, 2010 at 5:52pm


Laura Kloss Please post how the bobcat is doing.

December 28, 2010 at 5:56pm


Sam Snell Pore bobcat!:(

December 28, 2010 at 6:01pm


Shelley AndJim Poston thanks for helping him/her. so sorry I know no one in the area. keep us posted & keep up the great work!

December 28, 2010 at 6:16pm


Kim Cisco i’m late to this or i would have made some calls, even though i’m on the west coast. i hope you found someone and he is being treated at this moment.

December 28, 2010 at 6:32pm


Jocelyn Owens keep us posted on how he’s doing. i’ll be praying for him. poor thing 🙁

December 28, 2010 at 6:43pm


Terri Halle Only posts WITH LINKS get a ‘share’ button . . . Otherwise it’s considered a status update and/or personal comment.

December 28, 2010 at 6:54pm


Sue Ross Zielenski Please let us know how he or she is doing!

December 28, 2010 at 7:01pm


Candy Feldt God bless you at BCR.

December 28, 2010 at 7:26pm


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL Thanks everyone. I just got back from the vet’s office. I have some photos that Jamie took with her phone. I will post them in a new thread here.

December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm


Rich Gomez I hope he/she’s fine now… 🙁

December 28, 2010 at 8:41pm


Lacy Wynterz any new updates on the bobcat

December 28, 2010 at 9:05pm


Judy Roberts Purvis What kinds of vets are these that won’t help an injured animal? Hope I never have need of one of them.

December 28, 2010 at 9:32pm


Jennifer Ruggiero Hansen Poor kitty!

December 28, 2010 at 9:46pm


Robbie Lorraine I hope I NEVER meet any such cruel vet.

December 28, 2010 at 10:06pm


Judy Roberts Purvis

I had an unpleasant experience with a vet once. I was trying to save two one week old kittens. They got to where they wouldn’t eat and were crying all the time. I called a local vet but they wouldn’t see the kittens because they were clos…ing early. I then called a vet 30 miles away and they told me to bring the kittens right in. One died before I got there but the vet did check out the other though didn’t give me much hope. The point is that this vet at least took the time to try to help. Needless to say, this is the vet I take all my animals to now even though it’s further for me to travel.See More

Wednesday at 12:02am


Bobbie Tharp Carter I hope you found someone. Prayers for the bobcat coming.

Wednesday at 12:16am


Patricia Morris MacDonald My God, why would none of the vets treat him for shock? That’s terrible!

Thursday at 8:25am




Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL

Jamie got the cat. Says he is alert and TOTALLY bobcat. Will arrive at vet in 30 minutes. I’m bringing dinner so everyone can work straight through to save him.

December 28, 2010 at 5:18pm

Chris Poole, JoAnn Paolantonio, Breawna Smith and 349 others like this.


Beryl Bales Yay…way to go Jamie!

December 28, 2010 at 5:18pm


Allison Friedman Thank you BCR for all you do! Good job!

December 28, 2010 at 5:19pm


Amy O’Donnell Wow. Y’all are incredible. Thank you for caring fro the cats.

December 28, 2010 at 5:19pm


Pattie Huggins Deitrick Thanks so much for the update!! He or she will be in my prayers… Great work as always!!!

December 28, 2010 at 5:19pm


Colleen Tracey YAY!!!! YIPEEEE a great way to end the old year! a live bobcat! 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 5:20pm


Helen Cooley Thank you so much for letting us know !!! good luck!

December 28, 2010 at 5:20pm


Mike Bond Great work,enjoy your updates.

December 28, 2010 at 5:21pm


Nancy Ellis Bless you all!!!!!

December 28, 2010 at 5:21pm


Angel Camacho This is amazing! Great job guys! Hope the bobcat is OK. Please keep us posted and post a picture of the beautiful kitty when it’s back on it’s paws.

December 28, 2010 at 5:22pm


Steve Knox Hope it turns out good please keep us posted

December 28, 2010 at 5:23pm


Gina Rodriguez Buchardt God will bless yall for all of your good animal deeds!

December 28, 2010 at 5:23pm


Stephanie Turner Doran Praying for ya’ll and the cat.

December 28, 2010 at 5:23pm


Kitty Dolan Praying like mad for him! Thanks BCR you and the cats are always first in my heart! Every one we save is one small step towards keeping these great cats safe and free.

December 28, 2010 at 5:23pm


Lisa Olson Yay that is good news, keep us posted on his progress!

December 28, 2010 at 5:23pm


Michelle Bafik-Vehslage Best of luck… You all are wonderful.. Plz keep us posted… TY

December 28, 2010 at 5:24pm


Ashley Paro Thank you for keeping us updated… my prayers are out to the bobcat. God bless you all for everything you do.

December 28, 2010 at 5:24pm


Marie Council Great news. I hope he survives and will be ok.

December 28, 2010 at 5:25pm


Bonnie Kelley you guys are so wonderful, hope to see pics when he feels better!!!

December 28, 2010 at 5:26pm


Beth Giannosa BCR, y’all ROCK !! Thank you for caring for the big cats and doing all you do to educate the public and us, your adoring fans ! Good luck to the little Bobcat…hope all goes well 🙂 Tribe Giannosa will be purring and praying for him !!

December 28, 2010 at 5:26pm


Beth Thiel Good Luck…my fingers are crossed

December 28, 2010 at 5:27pm


Tina Todd Great News! On the other hand, what a shame that none of the other vets would even consider looking at him… They wouldn’t be MY vet for long, after that…

December 28, 2010 at 5:28pm


Sheila Fath Great team work BCR, praying that the bobcat will be ok. Thanks for the update. Please let us know how he or she is when the vet has had a look.

December 28, 2010 at 5:29pm


Kristal Roebuck I am so happy to hear the good news! Thank you Jamie and everyone at BCR! Hope the bobcat will be ok and thanks for keeping us all updated. 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 5:30pm


Diana Britt You guys are the best!

December 28, 2010 at 5:32pm


Rebecca Vernon I love that quote – alert and totally bobcat. Having worked with wildlife, I know just what that’s like!

December 28, 2010 at 5:32pm


Ashley Burleson wonderful news! kudos to BCR!

December 28, 2010 at 5:34pm


August P. Doggest Yay! I have seen wild bobcats…and you have your hands full!! Thanks for the work you do!!

December 28, 2010 at 5:34pm



December 28, 2010 at 5:35pm


Alex Foxx Awesome! You are the best!!

December 28, 2010 at 5:35pm


Molly McFerran Great to hear….You guys & gals at BCR are angels.

December 28, 2010 at 5:36pm


Jada Hope offering up a prayer for Bobcat

December 28, 2010 at 5:38pm


Becky Fredericks Praying for a good outcome! ? ? ?

December 28, 2010 at 5:38pm


Colleen Tracey this would be the bestest xmas/kwanna/hakkuah gift … a life being saved 😉 a wild life!

December 28, 2010 at 5:41pm



December 28, 2010 at 5:42pm


Califia Hurtado Good luck! I hope he pulls through!

December 28, 2010 at 5:43pm


Brian Howle Big Cat Prayers all around. Bob to the Cat, y’all!

December 28, 2010 at 5:48pm


Stephanie Humphries Pahren Best of luck!

December 28, 2010 at 5:49pm


Melissa Garman Scandariato If he is healed ok, will he be returned back into the wild?

December 28, 2010 at 5:50pm


Maria Velandia awesome job guys!!

December 28, 2010 at 5:55pm


Mary Thompson God Bless you all for your work and dedication I hope things work out for the poor baby.

December 28, 2010 at 5:57pm


Eilene Wood Praying for the Bobcat. he seems a feisty kitty.

December 28, 2010 at 6:01pm


Marcus Taylor Good luck with it. I’m sure the great team will save him

December 28, 2010 at 6:02pm


Sammy Williams How wonderful! You’re so sweet bringing dinner! Help that bobcat and send him back home! =D

December 28, 2010 at 6:02pm


Nicole Zimmerman whew… I will send up a prayer for him!

December 28, 2010 at 6:03pm


Kathy Shane so glad hes being saved. thank you

December 28, 2010 at 6:05pm


Sonya Alden prayers are going up for you and your team and for a very special bobcat who will be in your care tonite…much love and many blessings from vermont…

December 28, 2010 at 6:07pm


Linda Davis please keep up the posts and, thank you so much for doing this…

December 28, 2010 at 6:09pm


Tiena Harvey Ellis Yeah! Thanks for such dedication to our wild kitties. Many Healing blessing for bobcat as well blessing for team that will help him. BCR you are the best!

December 28, 2010 at 6:09pm


Linda Jones Richardson Thanks for letting us know. He’s so lucky to have dedicated people who care.

December 28, 2010 at 6:12pm


Angela Goodson Abbott He sounds like real scrapper! That’s a good sign, right? I’ll be hoping and praying with everyone else! (Just curious…who was the thoughtful person who picked him up out of the road, initially saving him? They deserve some thanks, too, so thank you!)

December 28, 2010 at 6:13pm


Connie WoundedArrows picture!!!

December 28, 2010 at 6:20pm


Kim Cisco bravo!

December 28, 2010 at 6:21pm


Kim Rogers God bless you!

December 28, 2010 at 6:25pm


Randy Whittington Wow, that is so awesome! You guys are amazing.

December 28, 2010 at 6:26pm


Ashley Tyler Wonderful news! Well wishes for the recovery for the Kitty! Thanks for all You do BCR!

December 28, 2010 at 6:26pm


Olga Cisneros Hope cat will be okay 🙂 Sending good vibes….

December 28, 2010 at 6:28pm


De Ja Foster Yipeeee…way to go Everyone !!

December 28, 2010 at 6:29pm


Diane M. Duhaime Awesome!! Will keep the prayers going that he continues to do ok!!! Hope he isn’t seriously injured!!! Thank you for doing what you do for the animals!!!

December 28, 2010 at 6:33pm


Karen Swain Sending prayers for the kitty…

December 28, 2010 at 6:43pm


Carissa Trotter Sending you guys all the love in the world and I hope the bob cat makes it!!!! we are all praying and hold our breath

December 28, 2010 at 6:43pm


Cathy Heasley-Fann praying …

December 28, 2010 at 6:44pm


Suzanne Manser all the best, hope it goes well.

December 28, 2010 at 6:56pm


Hope Gold Thank you, God Bless!

December 28, 2010 at 7:01pm


Christina Bond Bless all y’all!

December 28, 2010 at 7:02pm


Christopher Shaber Glad to hear that you got there in time. What happened to him exactly?

December 28, 2010 at 7:12pm


Sam Snell Ya!!!I’ll pray!

December 28, 2010 at 7:22pm


Mack David ?:-))…xo

December 28, 2010 at 7:24pm


Patricia Massari sending you and the bobcat every good thought i have ?

December 28, 2010 at 7:26pm


Shannon Fenner Laurer Great news, any better news yet???

December 28, 2010 at 7:26pm


Janet Davis Thank you for posting an update. I hope all turns out well.

December 28, 2010 at 7:27pm


Alexis Blanton I’m so glad to hear that… I was there when the call came through and couldn’t stop wondering what happened. Best wishes Bobcat buddy!!! Bless every one of you helping with this (thank God for people like you and for Big Cat Rescue!)

December 28, 2010 at 7:30pm


Elizabeth Meade I vote to name him “Lucky”! Because that is one LUCKY Bobcat!! Prayers still going out for his full recovery!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:38pm


Dana Stangel you guys rock.

December 28, 2010 at 7:45pm


Sonya Cabral I’m praying that he makes it!!! I honestly wished that vets would come to their senses and help wildlife too!!! All creatures need help from vets too when they need help!!! They are gods creatures too as well as our furrypets!!!!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:49pm


Janet M. Dean praying for the bobbie!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:57pm


Silvia Loehrer Please let us know who the vet is because I would like to donate to whoever helped the bobcat. Thank goodness for cool people and nice vets/assistants…I feel relieved now…XOXOXO

December 28, 2010 at 7:57pm


Amy Milligan ?@Sonya Cabral….. My kitties are not my pets! It’s the other way around….. I am their human and they run things in my house!

December 28, 2010 at 8:00pm


Silvia Loehrer Oh and thank you Big Cat Rescue for caring enough for our wildlife!XOXOXO I am donating to you as well!

December 28, 2010 at 8:02pm


Sharon Jenkins I meant to send a message earlier. I do energy healing and sent distance healing when i saw the message about the bobcat. Works wonderfully for animals. *BCR may contact me anytime you need healing sent for one of the animals*, no charge of course. I do it because i love animals.

December 28, 2010 at 8:59pm


Laura Cole Thoughts and Prayers are being sent for Skip….Poor guy!! Thank you BCR for your big hearts and dedication….Way Awesome!!! ?

December 28, 2010 at 9:58pm


Breawna Smith Thanks Jamie, hugs and prayers I am sending to help him feel better.

December 28, 2010 at 10:35pm


Silvia Loehrer I just got done donating to you guys…thanks again for helping this beautiful kitty…the least I could do!

December 28, 2010 at 11:34pm



Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL

Bobcat has broken pelvis and some internal bleeding. Did X-rays and bloodwork.

December 28, 2010 at 7:44pm via iPhone

Noelia Forman, Chris Poole, Janie Little Marlow and 34 others like this.


Sandi Krick will say a prayer for the baby……

December 28, 2010 at 7:44pm


Shannon Heitt howd it happen?

December 28, 2010 at 7:44pm


Dan Drum Frawley Get well soon

December 28, 2010 at 7:44pm


Cara Wilson ? ? ?

December 28, 2010 at 7:44pm


Sammy Williams oh no! Internal bleeding is bad!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:44pm


Sue Drake oh poor thing, do you know if he’s going to be okay yet ?

December 28, 2010 at 7:44pm


Lesa Cox oh no!! what happened!! I will be in prayer for Him!

December 28, 2010 at 7:44pm


Shannon Fenner Laurer Thanks for the update! Prayers being sent for the poor thing and a positive outcome!

December 28, 2010 at 7:45pm


Patricia Morris MacDonald Dislike!!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:45pm


Jessica Bray ?:( will be saying a prayer for him!

December 28, 2010 at 7:45pm


Linda Reilly hang in there, buddy!

December 28, 2010 at 7:45pm


Alexis Blanton he was hit by a car… Please keep the updates coming, THANK YOU!!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:45pm


Suzie Buck Sending healing prayers and thoughts for the poor thing. Maybe he will rise like the mythical Phoenix and walk again. Please keep us updated, I am pulling for him and I will let my coven know to send healing energy to the poor little guy.

December 28, 2010 at 7:46pm 4 people4 people like this. ·


Pattie Huggins Deitrick So glad you got him/her there!! Prayers for the little sweetheart!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:46pm


Kathy Rivera Oh no pray for quick recovery for this poor bobcat..

December 28, 2010 at 7:46pm


Amanda Nicole Scaggs Thats HORRIBLE!!! Good luck and I will pray for it!!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:46pm


Robin Ross Poor kitty! I hope he recovers quickly!

December 28, 2010 at 7:46pm 2 people2 people like this. ·


Lisa Marie Babbitt Unlike – – will keep the prayers going for bobbie.

December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm


Rhonda Mengarelli Awww I hope you can fix him.Its so sad. My prayers are with him

December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm


Lynda Stephens Will s/he make it?

December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm


Debby Stenson-Leighty Thank God you guys got there when you did!

December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm


Linzee Mundtt how is he doing.any shock symptoms?? im glad he is at a vet..

December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm


Andrea Ortiz Will he be ok????? Im sure if you put a post for donations to cover surgery or any treatment people will donate! Every little bit helps! I dont have much but i’d help!

December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm ·


Helen Cooley Is he going to be alright?????????

December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm


Mack David ?:-((((((((((((((((….xxoo

December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm


Maria Hancock Bobcat + car = bad news bobcat. TG you all are there to help. poor dear. I will pray.

December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm 4 peopleYou and 3 others like this. ·


Vivian Wolpers It sounds like confinement for the pelvis to mend…. I hope the internal bleeding is not too serious.. I am praying for the bobcat to recover !!

December 28, 2010 at 7:48pm


Penny Forest Kolacki Poor baby, I hope all goes well

December 28, 2010 at 7:48pm


Michael Sell may the winds be with him

December 28, 2010 at 7:48pm


Qsita Gamble I don’t like this =(

December 28, 2010 at 7:49pm


Lesa Cox ok i have been outta the loop I found out what is going on.. I will be in prayer.. poor beautiful thing..

December 28, 2010 at 7:49pm 1 personYou like this. ·


Bonnie Kelley get well bobcat!!! you guys are lifesavers, thanks so much! would you like to play a pic game on my cloud pic today! it is an animal we just don’t know which one it is and it is on fire!! it was sunrise. heck it could be a cat!! good luck bobby!!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:50pm


Alison Roth Prayers sent up to St, Francis for Bobcat’s speedy and full recovery. Hit by a car you say?!

December 28, 2010 at 7:50pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·


Katharine Sharp Im following his story. Kitty’s in my prayers.

December 28, 2010 at 7:51pm 1 personYou like this. ·


Michele Crow Anello Poor baby! Thank God you guys were there to help. IM sending love and prayers.

December 28, 2010 at 7:51pm


Amy Milligan BCR!!! What can I say about you that hasn’t already been said? You guys are IT!!! Sending positive and gentle vibes to the injured/sick bobcat!!! {{{{{+++++POSITIVE AND GENTLE VIBES+++++}}}}} {{{{{SPEEDY AND COMPLETE RECOVERY}}}}}

December 28, 2010 at 7:52pm


Mollie Smith Sending out good thoughts for the bobcat’s recovery!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:52pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·


Lynda Blackwood Murphy thats a tough injury for an animal. I know that he will get the best care possible and all the rehab that can be done.

December 28, 2010 at 7:52pm


Kokoro Fur?ku im sure it will be fine … coz bobcats will just not die with little injuries

but i will still send prayers so that everything will be all fine

December 28, 2010 at 7:52pm


Angela Goodson Abbott Poor Bob…do you think he’ll be okay? Will he live at BCR or can he be released back into the wild?

December 28, 2010 at 7:53pm


Elizabeth Meade

My sweet dog just had this very same thing happen about a month ago! He had internal bleeding which stopped & was reabsorbed by his body after 12 hours & we were fortunately able to afford the surgery to fix his pelvis with a plate & screws…. This is the 5th week since it’s happened & he’s made nearly a full recovery! Even uses his leg (left side pelvis was broke)

I HOPE & PRAY this Bobcat is as strong & healthy as my dog is and so helps his chances of recovery!!! See More

December 28, 2010 at 7:53pm 5 peopleYou and 4 others like this. ·


Kyle Schnarre best wishes for that bobcat UwU

December 28, 2010 at 7:53pm 1 personYou like this. ·


Sytske Kimball I hope he/she makes it!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:53pm 3 peopleYou and 2 others like this. ·


Kathy Robles Hoping the bobcat heals rapidly!

December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm


Lotta Williams Bengtsson Blessings to you and prayers for the Bobcat?

December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm


Elizabeth Meade The dog in my profile pic is the one I’m talking about

December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·


Roxanne Coryell Poor baby! Praying for him???

December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm 1 personYou like this. ·


Fran Naturale Sending comfort and love. May he recover quickly

December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm


Sonya Cabral Oh no!!!!! I’m praying for the little guy!!! i hope the sweetheart makes it!!! I love cats big and small pets and wild!!! Hang in ther little guy 🙁 You are such a sweet guy

December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm


Sheray Shardy ?:(

December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm


Katrina Gibson Ray not good…sending healing rays

December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm


Karen Norris-Rocha Prayers to the patient 🙁 I’m really hoping he will make a full recovery. Poor little guy.

December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm 2 peopleYou and Sue Drake like this. ·


Sandra Davis Poor little thang get well =(

December 28, 2010 at 7:55pm


Patti Starkey Leonard Poor baby!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:55pm


Linda Noel Sld Merchandise Prayer and good energy vibes being sent Bob’s/Barb’s (lol) way!!

December 28, 2010 at 7:55pm


Tangela Hill Hope e’thing goes well for bobcat… Bless her/his heart!

December 28, 2010 at 7:55pm


Mary Thompson Is he going to be okay?

December 28, 2010 at 7:57pm


El Burke I hope you can make kitty better! Sending healing thoughts his/her way.

December 28, 2010 at 7:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·


Eliza Howard Blessings from my family !!

December 28, 2010 at 7:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·


Jennifer Lynn Oh no 🙁

December 28, 2010 at 7:58pm


Helen Cooley Get well BOB you have the best there for you now!

December 28, 2010 at 7:58pm


Kim Harmyk Dever Will keep him in my thoughts and prayers..

December 28, 2010 at 7:58pm 1 personYou like this. ·


Kim Cisco please update with prognosis when you have it.

December 28, 2010 at 7:59pm 1 personYou like this. ·


Kerry Jordan my prayers are with the wee one…all god’s creatures…great and small…

December 28, 2010 at 7:59pm


Lynn DeBruler Barker Poor Bobcat! Praying for recovery!

December 28, 2010 at 7:59pm


Brion Vallone ?:( 🙁

December 28, 2010 at 8:00pm


Wendy Stodder Hope he’ll be ok

December 28, 2010 at 8:00pm


Jennifer Harmon

Eeeesssshhhh- I know you were saying earlier that you hoped it wasn’t a pelvic injury. That’s a real tough one, especially with a heavier boned, stocky, wild feline. Are they able to discern the source of the internal bleeding and correct i…t? I’m sure many decisions are being fraught over and weighed for and against relating to quality of life. I’m so glad it’s BCR making the decisions, as you guys know intimately the recovery and rehab of a wild cat better than anyone. I’m sure if quality can be acheived, you’ll be there every step of the way. We’re behind you no matter what you decide 🙂 See More

December 28, 2010 at 8:00pm


Anita Christine Haywood Oh no! Now what?

December 28, 2010 at 8:00pm


Darlene Masone You guys will help him/her through this, our prayers are with you!

December 28, 2010 at 8:00pm 1 personYou like this. ·


Snow Bop May human hands be guided to help heal the bobcat, so he can grow to be an awnry old cuss!

December 28, 2010 at 8:00pm


Noreen Raudabaugh Oh, no. I hope you can save him. The poor babe…

December 28, 2010 at 8:01pm 1 personYou like this. ·


Linda Moch That is awful, prayers are going out to the sweet cat and prayers to u for your help with these beautiful animals.

December 28, 2010 at 8:02pm


Edie Enders My prayers are with him/her.

December 28, 2010 at 8:03pm


Kathy Case Love and prayers to the bobcat and all those who are trying to help!!

December 28, 2010 at 8:04pm


Tammy Campbell Oh,I hope it will be OK!

December 28, 2010 at 8:05pm


Linda Noel Sld Merchandise Well, just learned Bob actually has a name after all: Skip!! Yay. Get well Skip!!!!!!!

December 28, 2010 at 8:06pm


Lisa Polo Sending healing energies!! xoxoxox

December 28, 2010 at 8:07pm


Heather Cantrell Poor Bob! My heart goes out to him! Thank goodness you were able to get to him…please keep us updated!

December 28, 2010 at 8:08pm


Mario Nistico My best wishes for this poor creature. Thanks to people like you, he has a fighting chance.

December 28, 2010 at 8:08pm


Marie Council Sure hope he is going to be ok.

December 28, 2010 at 8:09pm


Amy O’Donnell Oh, poor kitty. But s/he has a guardian angel and one more life, thanks to BCR.

December 28, 2010 at 8:15pm


Melissa Koblin Hopefully BCR got to the kitty in time…keep up the great work!

December 28, 2010 at 8:16pm


Marie Frawley On my prayer list~

December 28, 2010 at 8:19pm


Aldana Vandervoort Big Cat Rescue is incredible and God bless all the volunteers, workers and the beautiful felines that call BCR home.

December 28, 2010 at 8:19pm


Zoe Kaschkadajew feel better sweet kitty

December 28, 2010 at 8:23pm


Phoebe Katherine Raymond hope he gets better 🙁

December 28, 2010 at 8:23pm


Amanda Reynolds ?:( thank goodness he/she has you guys!

December 28, 2010 at 8:24pm


Cheryl Schaeffer Hope the bobcat makes a full and speedy recovery. I can’t imagine how anyone could hit one… I’d probably die trying to avoid it.

December 28, 2010 at 8:34pm


Lisa Ginkinger-Silverstein Prayers with the bobcat. Hope they can stop the internal bleeding asap. hope the pelvis is able to be repaired also 🙁

December 28, 2010 at 8:37pm


Kathy Dunn I hope the doc can repair the crushed pelvis…prayers for Skip

December 28, 2010 at 8:45pm


Jan Kelley Hope the cat makes it. Thank goodness for BCR.

December 28, 2010 at 8:58pm


Leslie Snowden Hoping for the best 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 9:21pm


Martha Hoffman Skinner I hope little Skip will make it … prayers are being sent his way.

December 28, 2010 at 9:32pm


Michaela Heilhecker Just wondering if you guys need OR supplies that we can’t use on Humans (they are not in sterile wrappers anymore). I sometimes get supplies from hospitals they can’t use anymore.

December 28, 2010 at 9:32pm


Catherine Anne Remy Our Prayers and thoughts go out to Skip the adorable Bob cat that he has a speedy relaxing recovery if I lived there I would come take care keep a eye on Skip as well as any Big Cat I do have some Experiance with Big Cats even if I had to bring in big baby cat milk feed them and watch over them even sleep somewhere keep a eye on the baby Skip we love ya little guy

December 28, 2010 at 9:42pm


Kristal Roebuck Hoping for a speedy recovery and thank you for coming to his rescue! Keep us posted. Sending prayers and hugs ?

December 28, 2010 at 10:07pm


Crystal Susan Bloom God, please watch over those of your creations who are ill or injured and cannot heal themselves without your help and guidance. Thank you.

December 28, 2010 at 10:27pm


Aj Silver ?:( Hope hes ok!!

December 28, 2010 at 11:51pm


Melanie Shand Praying for healing…bless you for caring for this injured being.

Wednesday at 3:16am


Martha Hoffman Skinner How is he doing this morning?

Wednesday at 9:32am


Sally Chancellor Peters speedy recovery to Bob & kudos to the staff who rescued him & those who are treating him. I wish I was closer so I could volunteer (IL)

Wednesday at 9:51am


Diane Supowit Praying for his recovery and for comfort!

Wednesday at 10:01am


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL

To see photos of Skip the bobcat who was rescued today and rushed back to Tampa to see a vet, check out Jamie Veronica in facebook, or maybe this link can get you to her album of rehab bobcats. His will be the most recent photos!/album.php?aid=333474&id=772945452 or go to Carole Baskin where I posted just his photos on my profile.

December 28, 2010 at 8:03pm

Silvia Loehrer, Florida Potter, Alexis Blanton and 148 others like this.


Alene Greto sharing.

December 28, 2010 at 8:04pm


Bonnie Kelley thank you so much!!!

December 28, 2010 at 8:05pm


Jeri Moll What gorgeous photos! God Bless BCR!! ? +^..^=

December 28, 2010 at 8:05pm


Stacy Watts thank you for saving him.

December 28, 2010 at 8:05pm


Marie Council I am so glad you were able to save him!

December 28, 2010 at 8:05pm


Lesa Cox will be praying big Time!!

December 28, 2010 at 8:07pm


Holly Oxenfree Oh my goodness! What a beautiful cat! I live near Mt Plymouth, so this cat was my neighbor. Poor thing! Thank you for your help in trying to save the cat. I’ll be sending good vibes.

December 28, 2010 at 8:07pm


Lesa Cox oh and THANKS for all you do.. when i get bummed about the human race.. i feel better when i get your posts…

December 28, 2010 at 8:07pm


Rebecca Hagen What happened to the kitty with the broken pelvis? Is he going to be ok?

December 28, 2010 at 8:09pm


Heather Cantrell God Bless you, Skip. You’re in good hands.

December 28, 2010 at 8:09pm


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL Skip was hit by a car. If he heals OK he will be released back to the wild. The internal bleeding is probably just from the impact and may all reabsorb. His organs all look pretty good, except for the spleen. That’s the big worry right now. Lungs are clear. No head trauma. VERY bruised from waist to tail.

December 28, 2010 at 8:12pm 2 peopleLoading…


Amber Waters Glad he was able to be seen & get some help! Poor thing.

December 28, 2010 at 8:12pm


Mary-Ann Roach keep us informed. Not every injury can be healed, but you are trying and that is what counts. Skip isn’t alone by the side of the road waiting

December 28, 2010 at 8:13pm


Kelli Polsinelli You’re in good hands Skip.

December 28, 2010 at 8:13pm


Margie Anderson Linnane Hope he/she heals up so can go back out into the world.

December 28, 2010 at 8:14pm


Kathy Farley-Panaras I hope Skip is ok and that his hip can be fixed!

December 28, 2010 at 8:15pm


Toni Tedesco Royer Thank you, BCR!

December 28, 2010 at 8:15pm


Jessica Bewsee oh, hai!

December 28, 2010 at 8:18pm


Diana Britt Those x-rays look pretty scary.

December 28, 2010 at 8:18pm


Kristen Dawley You all are doing a wonderful thing working hard to save his life! I hope Skip gets better soon 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 8:19pm


Claire Piper Poor Skip… what’s the prognosis?

December 28, 2010 at 8:21pm


Michele Crow Anello Absolutely beautiful cat!!

December 28, 2010 at 8:22pm


Rebecca Hagen Thank you for the update and for everything you do!!

December 28, 2010 at 8:22pm


Lisa Olson Yes thanks for the update and for all you do for these wonderful cats!!!

December 28, 2010 at 8:26pm


Christopher Shaber Broken pelvis? Looks like Skip may have a long road ahead of him.

December 28, 2010 at 8:27pm


Catherine Holder-Pepper he is so precious. and so pitiful. thank goodness he’s in good hands and has a chance of recovery!!! thank you BCR for what you do!

December 28, 2010 at 8:31pm


Jan McLean Please update us with Skip’s prognosis when you have a chance. Erhlich Animal Hospital is the best!

December 28, 2010 at 8:35pm


Barbara Crowell McCarthy What a sweet boy. Sending healing energy to little Skip, and much gratitude to everyone who helped to save his precious life.

December 28, 2010 at 8:36pm


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL The best thing we can do for him for the next couple of days is keep him quiet and on pain meds and if his spleen isn’t completely trashed we will attempt a plate in the pelvis. His legs look OK. It’s broken in a very bad spot though, so I don’t know if there is much the surgeons can do. We will give him every opportunity at a second chance at freedom. Bellona’s surgeries were more than 7500.00 but we will spend that to help him be free again, if we have to.

December 28, 2010 at 8:38pm


Mary-Ann Roach Everyone who has ‘friended’ BCR knows you’ll do all you can. Hoping and praying that everything works out for the best for Skip.

December 28, 2010 at 8:53pm


Eilene Wood Thank you everyone for rescuing this baby. I hope he makes it.

December 28, 2010 at 8:54pm


Lynette Tinsley I hope he will be okay. It may take a long time but please be okay Skip. We are praying for you!

December 28, 2010 at 8:56pm


Alex Foxx Thank you very much for the update and especially for saving Skip’s life. You do awesome work. My thoughts and prayers are with Skip. He is gorgeous!!

December 28, 2010 at 9:09pm


Barbara Trovato I didn’t know bobcats were so small – hope he makes it.

December 28, 2010 at 9:10pm


Angela Goodson Abbott Poor, sweet kitty…I know he’s in good hands. Thanks so much for taking such good care of him. ?

December 28, 2010 at 9:16pm


Cee Dee THANK GOD for you guys… my stomach actually hurts thinking about this poor baby all the way from CT…

December 28, 2010 at 9:45pm


Mary Thompson Is he going to make it?

December 28, 2010 at 10:21pm


Debi Gungor lovely photos ,u guys are doing a great job,do u have many bobcats in the wild there in US ,

Wednesday at 4:36am


Eileen Edgecomb How is Skip doing?

Wednesday at 7:30am


From Skip’s Facebook Photo Album

Jennifer LaMond, Timothy Fairclough, Darla Ostenson and 671 others like this.


Betty Johnson Glad he’s getting treated promptly.

December 28, 2010 at 9:23pm


Deirdre Zang Thank God for people like you guys I mean it!!!!!!!

December 28, 2010 at 9:24pm


El Burke I just want to hold him gently and stroke his ears to let him know it will be okay… poor feline… 🙁

December 28, 2010 at 9:25pm


Michael Collins I’m hoping for the best!! Thanks BCR for caring!

December 28, 2010 at 9:25pm


Vivian Wolpers Glad he is in safe hands to nurse him back to health…

December 28, 2010 at 9:25pm


Shannon Cohen Poor baby!! He is so lucky you saved him!!

December 28, 2010 at 9:25pm


Ginny Carlson POOR Baby!!

Prayers for a speedy recovery

December 28, 2010 at 9:25pm


Myra Ryckmen I hope this little guy will recover quickly.

December 28, 2010 at 9:25pm


Ashley Paro beautiful and we are praying for a speedy recovery…

December 28, 2010 at 9:25pm


Holly Hill I’m so glad that BCR is one of the charities on the Combined Federal Campaign, and that I was able to help support your work.

December 28, 2010 at 9:26pm


Mack David ?(((HUGS)))…xo

December 28, 2010 at 9:26pm


Lisa Kane AWWW Looks so helpless!! Poor baby! 🙁

December 28, 2010 at 9:26pm


Araceli Molina OMG! Praying for Skip 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 9:26pm


Katrina Gibson Ray sending healing energy

December 28, 2010 at 9:27pm


Andrea Ortiz Praying for a full recovery!!!! Hope and wish he can be released! Thank you for saving him!

December 28, 2010 at 9:27pm


Lisa Polo Sending healing energies Skip’s way…. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoox

December 28, 2010 at 9:27pm


Wilda Komora hope he heals , thanks for sharing these pictures. Best of luck

December 28, 2010 at 9:27pm


Lisa Ginkinger-Silverstein poor baby boy 🙁 prayers with you Skip :'(

December 28, 2010 at 9:28pm


Amy Evangelisto BCR is AMAZING! Praying that he will be alright! Such a beautiful young cat.

December 28, 2010 at 9:28pm


Alexis Blanton Oh! Bless you little buddy and you Jamie for all you’ve done for him and everyone that played a role in helping! 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 9:28pm


Melanie Lowe i hope you guys know that you are some of the few real heroes out there

December 28, 2010 at 9:28pm


Lisa Kane Please keep us posted on his recovery

December 28, 2010 at 9:28pm


Cathy Artzner Toth He’s beautiful!! Prayers sent! I was just talking to a friend of mine who works for Seminole Animal Control. She told me we have a large amount of those guys in my area in Longwood. Sadly, one was killed up the street from me a couple weeks ago. They are so amazing. Give him kitty kisses for me.

December 28, 2010 at 9:29pm


Marcia Nichols Thank you for what you do! And Thank you for sharing!

December 28, 2010 at 9:29pm


Stacey V-AwarenessHelps Citraro This is so sad but it sounds good that he will make it through okay. Thank you so much for being there for him and your dedication to his care. You guys are wonderful. It breaks my heart to see animals hurt, especially if people are involved.

December 28, 2010 at 9:29pm


Linda Schafer How is he doing? You guys are such a blessing. You guys do such great work. It is so great that there are people like Big Cat Rescue in the world.

December 28, 2010 at 9:29pm


Linda Reilly he seems like he is in good hands!

December 28, 2010 at 9:30pm


Jennifer Albold Will it heal good enough for him to br released or will he have to live at the sanctuary?

December 28, 2010 at 9:31pm


Li Ha saying prayers for this beautiful baby that he pulls through.. please keep us posted on his recovery

December 28, 2010 at 9:31pm


Mary Sahlsteen Earnest prayers going out to him. May God bless Jamie and BCR and the vet office!

December 28, 2010 at 9:31pm


Kathy Rivera Would love to see the out coming of Skip please keep post how Skip is going so far…would love to see Skip be safe in your place…

December 28, 2010 at 9:32pm


Cindy Davis Please keep us updated on this sweetheart. ?

December 28, 2010 at 9:32pm


Jrad Tiran my god what happened to them? …judging from the hip and stomach area ..they look very underweight

December 28, 2010 at 9:33pm


Michelle Campione Awe good luck kitty!

December 28, 2010 at 9:33pm


She Szimanski Not sure I wanted to see pictures of the sweet little guy until you know he is going to make it. If his spleen injuries are too severe, then it really won’t matter how many hearts are broken.

December 28, 2010 at 9:33pm


William Dager He looks so young. A pelvic fracture is pretty bad for a feline. I’m glad he found you. Wishing him the best and a full recovery. Know he is in the best hands now.

December 28, 2010 at 9:34pm


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL With all the love being focused on him I am very optimistic that he will recover miraculously and be running free again by spring.

December 28, 2010 at 9:34pm 7 peopleLoading…


Misty Maher Y’all do such an awesome job. May GOD bless You and the bobcat!

December 28, 2010 at 9:35pm


Lisa Eagle Shuping God bless all of you for taking such care of one of His creatures, with so much love!

December 28, 2010 at 9:35pm


Donna Thomas God bless you guys and all you do for the cats. They are truely amazing animals that need protection. Sending prayers and healing thoughts!

December 28, 2010 at 9:35pm


Rebecca Mary Romoshan God Bless you all at the BCR. You are all angels….hope Skip makes a full recovery. Breaks my heart to see any animal hurt. They are beautiful creatures (ALL cats). ?

December 28, 2010 at 9:37pm


Jrad Tiran whoops my bad ..i just saw william dager post on the pelvic fracture …i knew something was wrong …glad to see he was rescued : )

December 28, 2010 at 9:37pm


Holly Oxenfree How did you know the bobcat was hit? I’m thankful to whomever contacted you.

December 28, 2010 at 9:37pm


William Dager I know humans can have their spleen removed, but I’m not sure about felines. Would that be an option if it is too damaged?

December 28, 2010 at 9:37pm


Rebecca Baker love and light to kitty

December 28, 2010 at 9:37pm


Jan Kelley Poor Skip. Hope you’re able to help him.

December 28, 2010 at 9:37pm


Debbie Biamonte Get better Skip…we need you

December 28, 2010 at 9:38pm


Deb Wentzel Aww, I hope he can be rehabilitated

December 28, 2010 at 9:39pm


Lynda Stephens Yes, BCR, all hearts are swelling with love for Skip, you & his rescuers. Our love will make the difference.

December 28, 2010 at 9:39pm


Dana Gilkey what a beautiful creature! thank-you for helping him! he looks on the thin side but guess that is becos he is young & wild? fingers crossed for this kitty!

December 28, 2010 at 9:42pm


Fran Harrington Big kisses to you and Skip. Thank you for making a difference!!

December 28, 2010 at 9:42pm


Sonya Cabral

Thank you Jamie for all you do to help these innocent animals!!! I sure hopes that he makes it!!! There are people that just don’t give a a darn about these innocent animals!!! Hang in there skip you sweet little guy!!!! Hope you have a spe…edy recovery!!!!

See More

December 28, 2010 at 9:43pm


Kim Haller Thank you for working to save Skip!

December 28, 2010 at 9:44pm


Melanie Spangler ReMine So beautiful! Love to you, Skip, and thank you guys for helping him!

December 28, 2010 at 9:46pm


Heather Rodman Ohh…..

December 28, 2010 at 9:47pm


Kimberly Hayes cant wait!

December 28, 2010 at 9:47pm


Esmeralda Martinez Sending Skip positive thoughts!

December 28, 2010 at 9:47pm


AileenLiddy Bahia-Bulldogs I can’t believe no local vet would help to see him. I’m glad he is doing better. I hope he recovers soon. Poor baby and god bless him. I’m glad we have people like you to save and care for this helpless animals.

December 28, 2010 at 9:50pm


Kim Cisco thank you to the BCR team for your devotion to helping wildlife! … prayers being said for skip’s recovery.

December 28, 2010 at 9:53pm


Phyllis Sobczyk poor baby…….is he going to make it?

December 28, 2010 at 9:53pm


Donna DeSantis Williams Glad to hear he is doing better!

December 28, 2010 at 9:54pm


Melissa Koblin Good luck Skip!! Thanks BCR!

December 28, 2010 at 9:56pm


Heather White aww

December 28, 2010 at 9:57pm


Clemencia Giron he ok?

December 28, 2010 at 9:58pm


Rhonda Mengarelli Prayers an thoughts are with him.He couldnt be in better hands. Keep us posted

December 28, 2010 at 9:59pm


Carolyn Schellhardt Please tell me that Skip is okay.

December 28, 2010 at 10:00pm


Robin Dougherty bless you guys for helping this beautiful wild creature!

December 28, 2010 at 10:04pm


Gayle Hutchens oh, poor guy. I had one that came to my yard for water. Animal control said I was on his route. They’re so beautiful.

December 28, 2010 at 10:04pm


Zawadi Sacrilege Get well soon skip 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 10:05pm


Dominique Veillette omg, i just want to cuddle him. Is he ok ? will he be ok ? I was just at the BCR 2 weeks ago when i visited from Montreal. I loved your place and i WILL go back ! Come on Skip, i want to see you next time i go !! hugzzzzz

December 28, 2010 at 10:07pm


Sharon Cutshaw Hope she will be better

December 28, 2010 at 10:09pm


Amber Bruno ?

December 28, 2010 at 10:09pm


Terry Cassada Deason Poor baby! Hope he is up and about soon. So glad you were able to get to him.

December 28, 2010 at 10:10pm


Padme A Tea Dear Ones: am sending distant healing to help Skip recover. Blessings to you for helping him. H’s gorgeous.

All Love

Padme A’Tea

December 28, 2010 at 10:11pm


Krystal Gill Praying for the best

December 28, 2010 at 10:12pm


Dena Hough Clark For Christmas my sister gave me a visit to BCR…..hope to see Skip up and around when I come over. Thanks for all you do!!

December 28, 2010 at 10:15pm


Meleah Kirby Thank you to Jamie and everyone at BCR for all you do to help the cats. I hope Skip gets well soon!

December 28, 2010 at 10:17pm


Sammy Barnes Makes me wanna cry. Hate it when animals hurt for no reason.

December 28, 2010 at 10:17pm


Mary Thompson What’s the story here is he going to make it?

December 28, 2010 at 10:19pm


Anne Good hope he gets better, Iam surprised no vets would help him.

December 28, 2010 at 10:19pm


Talia Barr Get well soon Skip!! 😀

December 28, 2010 at 10:19pm


Carissa Trotter Jamie you are so wonderful…….you really are.

December 28, 2010 at 10:20pm


Sue Brooks hope he’ll be ok

December 28, 2010 at 10:21pm


Donna Raihl Get well baby Skip. We are praying for you!!

December 28, 2010 at 10:21pm


Randy Whittington I do hope he pulls through! He certainly has the best care now.

December 28, 2010 at 10:22pm


Kristal Roebuck What a sweetie! And so tiny! Have a super speedy recovery Skip. Thank goodness for Jamie and BCR! ?

December 28, 2010 at 10:22pm


Rosemary Woolever You all do great things. Thank you!

December 28, 2010 at 10:22pm


Tisa Sutherland Please get well soon little one

December 28, 2010 at 10:25pm


Deborah Good Thank god someone had called you! In good hands now.

December 28, 2010 at 10:27pm


Shawn Young Prayers for a speedy recovery Skip!!!!!!! Sending healing energies your way!!!!!!!!

December 28, 2010 at 10:28pm


Chrissy Phillips Thanks for taking care of this beautiful lil guy! I’m sure he will be grateful when he’s back to hunting and enjoying himself again! 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 10:33pm


Michelle Klein-Hass Feel better, little fella…thinking good thoughts for you, little one.

December 28, 2010 at 10:35pm


Nina Rozankovich-Woeachko Get better Baby!

December 28, 2010 at 10:37pm


Rebecca Vernon Oh…our boy Skippy is just a little guy. Poor little flat kitty. I hope he feels better soon, and his spleen is okay. I used to see one that hung out in the field next to the old farmhouse where I lived. I tried talking to him at first, thinking he was a housecat from a distance. As I got closer I realized, Wait a minute, that’s an awful big – and very serious-looking – kitty! He just sat there in the field looking like he thought I was crazy for talking to him… I was probably disturbing his dinner.

December 28, 2010 at 10:37pm


Brandi Bandy He’s so tiny, sending lots of love & healing to him, I hope he pulls though with flying colors and hopefully you can release him 🙂

December 28, 2010 at 10:37pm


Sandra Sego Schrotenboer Get better little fella! Thanks for all you folks do at the Big Cat Rescue! God Bless You

December 28, 2010 at 10:40pm


Heather Cantrell Feel better, little Skip-aroo! You’re in good hands.

December 28, 2010 at 10:43pm


Marie Frawley Thank you for all your rescue efforts on behalf of all the cat lovers that have a voice…

December 28, 2010 at 10:47pm


Colleen Tracey Keep us posted on Skips recovery and thanks for getting him! u will make a difference in the wild life conservation !

December 28, 2010 at 10:56pm


Patricia Massari much ? to skip and blessings to all of you at bcr!!

December 28, 2010 at 11:01pm


Diane Dusty Bauman Poor baby, hope he’ll be able to walk again. He is quite thin!

December 28, 2010 at 11:01pm


Karen M Sulewski Poor Skip!!

December 28, 2010 at 11:04pm


Anne Vineyard He is so beautiful, I hope all goes well!

December 28, 2010 at 11:08pm


Laurie M Jones u found a vet to treat the shock? whew….

December 28, 2010 at 11:10pm


Silvia Loehrer what a beautiful kitty…thank goodness you are in safe hands. Keep us posted on his progress…please

December 28, 2010 at 11:15pm


Carrie Gleason Please keep posting and keeping us informed on Skip’s progress!!! BCR is the BEST!!!

December 28, 2010 at 11:17pm


Rondi Kay Abbott Please keep us informed updated on the poor bobcat’s condition!!

December 28, 2010 at 11:17pm


Mary Dail Poor baby. Stay with us little boy.

December 28, 2010 at 11:26pm


Brian Howle There once was a bobcat named Skip

Got hit by a car, broke his hip

His future was lamey, until saved by Jamie

and Big Cat Rescue, ’cause local vets didn’t do ZIP!


December 28, 2010 at 11:40pm ·


Lamia Harb Ohhhhh Skip 🙁 hope you get better love ?

December 28, 2010 at 11:45pm


Judy Leach You guys are awesome!

December 28, 2010 at 11:46pm


Midnyte Blacke is that a baby bobcat? bec he sure is little, My American Bobtail is bigger than him..I hope he makes a full recovery, so precious!

Wednesday at 12:09am


Elaine Livingston I hope he will be ok.

Wednesday at 12:13am


Diane Campbell So So Cute!!

Wednesday at 12:22am


Sylvia Klasson Miller God bless Skip, and God bless all of you who care for him and so many others!

Wednesday at 12:29am


Alice Rebeck O’Connor You are angels for the animals!!! Get well beautiful kitty!

Wednesday at 12:37am


Carol Walker Get well Skip.

Wednesday at 12:44am


Victoria Garcia Get well little boy !

Wednesday at 1:25am


Olga Cisneros best wishes little kitty. hang in there. bless you all for your work 🙂

Wednesday at 1:36am


Candy Feldt poor baby… hoping all works out in her/his favor.

Wednesday at 1:55am


Arvind Christopher Get well Skip hang in there. bless you

Wednesday at 2:18am


Rik Chandler I am a retired X-ray tech and the x-ray made me cringe! Keep up the good work!

Wednesday at 3:35am


Gill Tyson Thinking of you Skip, get well soon.

Wednesday at 3:56am


Suzy Hochstenbach Thank you, your very special people !

And a vet who doesn’t help an injured animal is NO vet, but a profiteer.

Wednesday at 4:50am


Cathy Kuras Dygert So glad you were able to get him before it was too late! You guys are awesome!

Wednesday at 5:48am


Kathy Shane i hope he will be ok

Wednesday at 8:13am


Judy Bauernfeind Thank you for what you do.

Wednesday at 8:19am


Michelle Able I pray skip heals quickly!

Wednesday at 8:34am


Marie Council Bless his heart, I hope he is going to be all right.

Wednesday at 8:58am


Amanda Reynolds Where can we find the updates on him?

Wednesday at 9:05am


Gerda Mink oh

Wednesday at 9:33am


Yvonne Perkins get well little man……prayers and love x

Wednesday at 10:04am


Mike Bond Just beautiful, i pray for his recovery.

Wednesday at 10:19am


Tammy Berry thank you jamie for going all out to help this beautiful baby, keep us updated & prayers will be said for a full recovery.

Wednesday at 10:21am


Kitty Hawk Stewart I pray for his speedy recovery!

Wednesday at 10:26am


Cynthia Horne-Hunley Jamie, you (and BCR) ROCK!!!! Thank you for looking out for the little guy.

Wednesday at 10:55am


Roman Osipov Guys you are awesome! Thank you for taking care of those kittehs!

Wednesday at 11:02am


Damia Turek I am anxiously waiting to hear that Skip’s spleen is functioning OK and he will be able to have the surgery to repair his pelvis …..I hope this brave guy has several more lives left !

Wednesday at 11:06am


Tara Green Childers Thank God for all of you. To see your love & dedication to these beautiful cats restores some of my dwindling faith in this world!!

Wednesday at 11:36am


Linda Tappan Thanks so much to all of you at BCR for what you do! And for Skip and Nic for not leaving him on the roadside!

Wednesday at 12:16pm


Joyce Garite Brady Good luck little one….

Wednesday at 2:35pm


Vicki Eddy PRAYERS…

Wednesday at 2:58pm


Bill Somrak Purring for Skip’s recovery. Thanks BCR …

Wednesday at 3:56pm


Linda Davis o that poor baby…makes you want to give him a hug and hold his little paw! prayin’ for him…very grateful for the updates! thank you!

Wednesday at 4:40pm


David Lester get well little furry one, get well

Wednesday at 4:59pm


Nuria Rodriguez Poor little guy. I hope you get better quickly sweet boy! Bless BCR for bringing him in.

Wednesday at 5:06pm


Carolyne Wood What ever his fate will be..we know you all did your very best and with all your love and compassion. Thank You BCR for all you do!

Wednesday at 6:13pm


Rachel Castle Farmer Hope he’s ok 🙁

Wednesday at 6:49pm


Laura Kloss Is the cat ok?

Wednesday at 7:45pm


Patricia Sheridan Praying for you Skip! You are in our thoughts & prayers in Texas. Big Hugs & Kisses! Sending Lots of Love your way! Get Better Soon!!! XOXOXOXOXO

Wednesday at 8:58pm


Fanny Charpentier Get well little boy. Kisses from France. Good job BCR. You’re the Best!

Wednesday at 9:45pm


Jennifer G. Sherwood poor kitty – I hope you can do something for him

Thursday at 8:25am


Kaushani Ghosh i pray to god..that he gets well as soon as possible !!

Thursday at 9:29am


Vicki Eddy Poor baby…

Thursday at 10:29am


Angelina M Wormald keep praying and hoping that this little guy pulls through PLEASE HE HAS GOTTEN THIS FAR…EVERYDAY IS A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION

Thursday at 10:42am


Bob Bennett Such a beautiful cat, here’s to a full recovery

Thursday at 11:05am


Barb Campbell Sending prayers and well wishes from Canada! Bless your hearts

Thursday at 11:43pm


Rachel Alonzo many good thoughts and vibes coming ur way Skip-i hope u will make it!!;)))

Yesterday at 1:52am


Big Cat Rescue – Tampa FL I pulled these from Jamie Veronica’s album because she may not be able to accept all the new friend requests for you guys to see the photos, but she will be updating her site as she gets photos, so it is worth trying.

Yesterday at 11:49am 5 peopleLoading…


Eliza Howard All blessings for you Skip!!!!

Yesterday at 11:49am


Lynda Stephens Skip, I’m having some wonderful catnip tea, thinking about how much you will be enjoying playing with catnip in the years to come. XOXOXO

Yesterday at 11:50am


Mary Thompson Be strong and fight Skip we love you.

Yesterday at 11:51am


Kristine Busch such a handsome boy.. good luck sweet skip xoxoxox

Yesterday at 11:54am


Jane E. Faulkner Here’s wishing Skip a full and speedy recovery. Thank you BCR for all that you do! Skip is so lucky to be in the hands of such capable and dedicated people.

Yesterday at 11:56am


Nora Mutao Frost come on boy. Its not as hard as it seems.

11:56amoNora Mutao Frost come on boy. Its not as hard as it seems.Yesterday at 11:56amoTammy Dulaney Bless BCR & Skip!Yesterday at 12:00pmoAlan Cordova Aww poor guy, hope he's doing well.Yesterday at 12:00pmoSheryl Bottner Be strong, Skip. Fight as hard as you can to stay here!Yesterday at 12:01pmoRachel Castle Farmer Bless his little heart! I hope he pulls through. Prayers are with him and the staff that are caring for him! You guys are awesome!!!Yesterday at 12:04pmoJerrica Beek be strong , ?Yesterday at 12:04pmoKris Barrett Daugherty waiting for news...keep watching Jamie's wall as well....prayers, prayers, prayers for Skip and his doctors....Yesterday at 12:04pmoMarie Hopkins We had a cat who was hit by a car with resulting multiple fractures of the pelvis. I couldn't afford the expensive surgery so the vet advised to keep him confined and quiet and said he might recover but would have a limp. He made a full recovery and no limp. Hoping Skip will do as well!Yesterday at 12:07pmoEl Burke Just read Jamie's post and he's doing great!! Yay Skip!!Yesterday at 12:07pmoNagy Alexandra I'm rooting for him! He's a survivor. ^..^ Thank you, BCR for helping the big cats :)Yesterday at 12:08pmoKris Barrett Daughertyfrom Jamie Veronica's wall just now:45 minutes in to surgery and Skip is doing great. Dr. Hay has just installed a couple of metal plates to hold Skip's pelvis together. The team at Veterinary Surgical Services on Paula Drive in Tampa has b...een exceptional!See MoreYesterday at 12:10pmoMichelle Morton So happy to hear that! Thanks for the update Kris!Yesterday at 12:12pmoCindy Askew thank all of you who have taken the time taking care of this animal.Yesterday at 12:13pmoLinzee Mundtt oh that is great.thanks so much to the surgival team..blessings to them all and to skipYesterday at 12:14pmoKelli Polsinelli Prayers for you little one.Yesterday at 12:17pmoEilene Wood Keep hanging on Skip, we all are with you sweetie!!Yesterday at 12:24pmoRwm Tiger i hope skip is getting better :)Yesterday at 12:26pmoVicki Eddy UPDATE PLEASE>?Yesterday at 12:34pmoLisa Polo If anyone would like to light a healing candle for Skip, I put together a virtual candle lighting group.. Just click the link :) at 12:35pmoDara G. Carritt I cant wait to hear how Skip is doing!Yesterday at 12:36pmoDamia Turek Hang in there little guy Skip - your determination to survive is strong - and my wholehearted thanks & appreciation to the awesome surgical team that is determined to do everything they can to help you survive .Yesterday at 12:42pmoNanda González Let's hope it recovers quickly to resume normal activities :-) and we can see it.Yesterday at 12:44pmoKris Barrett Daugherty Look up Jamie Veronica's wall - she is with Skip and will have updates before they post on BCR - that is what I'm told.Yesterday at 12:44pmoSilvia Loehrer I read that he is doing great if that helps nerves are shot!..LolYesterday at 12:44pmoLlyn Walker god bless this bob cat, hope he gets well soon!Yesterday at 12:53pmoVicki Eddy Checkin every day!Yesterday at 12:54pmoMelanie Lowe the world is rooting for you little one...but no pressure :D you are doing great keep it upYesterday at 12:55pmoHeather Cantrell Jamie's last post said he's doing great so far. Sending Skip some more love...Yesterday at 12:57pmoLisa Cupp Vollenweider You all do such wonderful work, I admire your dedication...God bless you all!23 hours agooRobin O'Connor C'mon Skipper!!!23 hours agooLinda Davis I know he can live without his spleen cause I lost mine...are they removing it too? Will that be a problem for a cat in the wild? God bless him.23 hours agooLinda Davis extra blessings for the whole team that's taking care of him!23 hours agooKris Barrett Daugherty more from Jamie:Dr. Hay has completed installing the plates in the left side of Skip's pelvis and is now resetting and placing a screw in the right side of the pelvis which had been separated from part of his vertebrae.23 hours agooDebbie Watroba This is so amazing!! It is just so gratifying to have all these great people come together for this beautiful animal! And to be able to actual keep us all updated on this surgery! What a great gift Dr Hay has! God bless you for your efforts on behalf of this little wild bobcat.23 hours agooRondi Kay Abbott You can do it Skip!!!!!!23 hours agooChristine Evert C'mon Skip! Your recovery is my wish for the New Year! You've got the cattitude to rock this surgery!23 hours agooEilene Wood Yes, a beautiful gift Dr. Hay has, God given!! Thank you Dr. Hay and your staff!! You are the best!! Skip thanks you too!!23 hours agooChrissi Barnett You guys rock! Thank you for sharing this with us. Go Skip!!!22 hours agooKelly Kosinski This has been a beautiful saga to follow, in spite of Skip's horrific injuries. I cheer you all, you wonderful well-wishers. The love you have shown is truly inspiring that one day there will be Peace on Earth and good-will toward ALL!! Hang in there Skip, I will be watching. xoxo?22 hours agooMarloes Lucy Duizer Oh gosh, horrible fracture! Hope it heals good.22 hours agooEliza Howard All blessings for Tony and Skip !!!!22 hours agooSusanne Brandofino WOW!!! Still praying, sending love ?22 hours agooSasha Root He's lucky to have you to help him!22 hours agooSandra Lachs Prayers for Skip's recovery. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!22 hours agooMargo Bangert Heal Skip! Heal! Thank you all for your work.22 hours agooMelissa Rice Helms All my love and prayers have been sent to Skip since you picked him up. There are so very many people that love him and are praying for him. I can't help but cry with hope for him every time I see an update.22 hours agooRobin Bead hope little skip makes it!!22 hours agooEric Krotzer My cats and I are pulling for Skip to pull through!!!!!22 hours agooLinzee Mundtt oh wow ..i hope it all heals nicely22 hours agooBrian HowleAs a writer, I can tell all of you: this writes itself. Besides knowing Skip is such a little fighter and that the staff at BCR and their circle of Vets are doing a yeoman's job to save him - all you folks who give support, positive energy..., prayers and love for this little bobcat just amaze me. A random collection of decent, good, caring Americans? In this time of self-indulgence? Who woulda thunk it ...I'm really looking forward to writing about Skip's sojourn to share with my local readership next issue!!! :)See More22 hours agooCathy J Stone Kline WOW!22 hours agooVaughn Boyd amazing!22 hours agooJudy Leach Lets all send a donation to BCR for Skip! They really do a great service to these wild animals that don't have anyone else.22 hours agooChristine Andrade Poor baby - but he is in the best hands!22 hours agooDoug Rose Thank you for the work you do to help big cats!21 hours agooSilvia Loehrer I want to thank the couple Skip and Cici (hope I didn't butcher your name)that never left Skip's side...if it wasn't for your help, Skip wouldn't have had a chance. Thank you so much!21 hours agooJudy Leach

21 hours agooLisa Duque Zilinski Amazing. Thank you for sharing these. Prayers going out to Skip, Dr. Hay, his team and BCR!21 hours agooJennifer Sandifer Thanks for everything you do, BCR! You're all awesome! Happy New Year, Skip!21 hours agooLes Habitants The little guy is kind of like a bionic bobcat now.21 hours agooLaura Kloss Go Skip!21 hours agooLinzee Mundtt woohoo blessings xox20 hours agooElizabeth KlobucharI have a question for the staff: This is a fabulous rescue story, but why didn't the people who first found him call the DNR? I do NOT live in FL & yes, do understand that there is a real likelihood that they would have felt that putting down might be best. However, I do know of many times (in my state) they have helped with securing & even transporting injured animals (especially when a medical plan is in place). Very happy this worked out so well but have wondered if they could have helped expedite the first part.See More20 hours agooKerry Jordan just as soon as i am totally convinced that people just SUCK...and are a virus on planet eart...something this...and makes me aware that many people bring good things to the table19 hours agooDebbie Watroba I will definitely be sending a donation tho Big Cat rescue in Tampa! I can't believe the wonderful work you are doing!19 hours agooJan Kelley Thanks Dr. Hay. Today you worked true surgical magic. Blessings!18 hours agooCathy McLean Way to Go BCR!!!! Another success story!!! Thanks for all you do for these cats.....Godbless you all!!!18 hours agooAngel Villano Happy New Year Skip..... :) I knew you were a fighter.... Thank you St Francis and all at BCR!! Every state should have a chapter in it. Can't wait to see "The Skipster" up and around in due time.18 hours agooCarmencita Falcon Keep up the fantastic work are the greatest!! Happy New Year!!18 hours agooColleen Algeo Kasperek The poor thing! I had a full knee replacement a few years ago. It's NO fun and I understood what was going on. This fellow only knows he's in pain.17 hours agooJacq Ranches Good job all of you! please keep up the good work....Every time i look at your site, i shed a tear because of the cruelty some monsters perpertrate on these amazing animals......16 hours agooRik Chandler After x-rays look a lot better than than the before images. Here is hoping for a good outcome.15 hours agooJudith Brown Get well soon Skip! Many blessings to everyone who is helping him heal! :DI sent you a smiley! Want to see it? hours agooCarol Walker Hope Skip gets better!12 hours agooSylvia Klasson Miller Will keep praying for our sweet Skip! He is so blessed to have his special friends nurturing him! Love you!11 hours agooSylvia Klasson Miller Jamie -- you are someone very special. Thanks for all you do, and Happy New Year!11 hours agooRonald Mclean why did someone put my full body scan on here..I pissed :)7 hours agooLian Martin-Hill Healing thoughts for Skip. Please get better.4 hours ago 1 personYou like this.  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLRead Skip's saga here: the BobcatDecember 28, 2010 at 11:02pmJennifer LaMond, JoAnn Paolantonio, Jeff Kremer and 158 others like this.oRwm Tiger now that is a cute photoDecember 28, 2010 at 11:03pmoIndigo Tiger God Bless BCR, & all involved w/this rescue!! U guys r AWESOME!!! Praying for a full recovery....December 28, 2010 at 11:04pmoMia McDonald Here's hoping Skip makes it through the night....December 28, 2010 at 11:08pmoPattie Huggins Deitrick Wow... You guys are awesome!! So happy Skip is in great care!! Prayers from my mouth to God's ears that this little darling makes it through all this!! Please keep us all posted on his progress!! God bless you all for caring so much!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:09pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen I hope Skip will be okay!December 28, 2010 at 11:11pm 1 personYou like this. ·oAnn Eastham Best of luck to the little fighter!!December 28, 2010 at 11:13pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oSandra Davis GET WELL SKIP!December 28, 2010 at 11:13pmoVivian Wolpers his name is Skip now? great... praying for him to recover ....December 28, 2010 at 11:14pm 1 personYou like this. ·oNicole Brown Awwwwww Skip, story made me cry... *sniff*I hope you get better!December 28, 2010 at 11:15pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oCarrie Gleason Best wishes for skip! BCR and all the humans who are involved and care are most definitely guaranteed a place in Heaven! It's always WONDERFUL to know that there are still people who care in this world! Thanks to the Veterinarian who is helping Skip! Please keep posting regarding Skip!December 28, 2010 at 11:16pmoSonya Cabral I cried when i saw his pic & read about what happened to him!!! Hang in there you sweet baby!!! I pray that you will make it threw the night!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:20pmoAmy Milligan ?{{{{{SKIP}}}}} non-contact cyber-hugs to you big guy! Thank you to the people that found Skip, thank you to the FANTASTIC vet and vet techies for helping this furry friend! BCR as usual goes above and beyond the call of duty on behalf of the kitties!December 28, 2010 at 11:22pm 1 personYou like this. ·oAmy Milligan If I have missed a few people that need to be thanked for their efforts on behalf of Skip..... I apologize and Thank you indeed!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:23pmoLes Habitants An injured bobcat loose in a back of a SUV can't be good. Thanks for taking the time and stopping to help an injured animal. Hope Skip has a speedy recovery you're in good hands at BCRDecember 28, 2010 at 11:30pm 1 personYou like this. ·oJennifer Harmon I am so so happy. I don't get emotional much, but this story has really touched me. Bravo to everyone involved & keep fighting, Skip. This is why I love BCR- such hope from such chaotic beginnings! I can sleep better tonight, lol. Thanks for the timely and thorough updates :)December 28, 2010 at 11:32pm 2 peopleYou and Noreen Raudabaugh like this. ·oSarah C Braun Hugs to Skip!December 28, 2010 at 11:33pm 1 personYou like this. ·oMelissa A. Arnold Podolak I hope you will be able to help him...December 28, 2010 at 11:36pmoRichard Wilson PRAYING that this beautiful cat will pull thrua huge THANK YOU 2 the staff @ BCR-u always go above & beyondDecember 28, 2010 at 11:37pm 1 personYou like this. ·oKatie Yates Thank you BCR and everyone that was involved in helping this little guy. Praying that Skip pulls through.December 28, 2010 at 11:37pmoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Prayers for Skip!!!!! And a huge thank you to BCR for doing such an awesome job rescuing these beautiful animals!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:37pmoAmy Epps Stewart Much love sent to Skip for a speedy recovery. And thank you to everyone who made the effort to help this poor little guy out!December 28, 2010 at 11:38pm 1 personYou like this. ·oJanet Davis Thank you so much for posting updates, and the great care you are giving Skip and all the other rescued cats! I will keep them all in my prayers.December 28, 2010 at 11:40pm 1 personYou like this. ·oDena Ginkinger Garcia I wish Skip a fast & speedy recovery. Thank you for helping him and so many other cats!!December 28, 2010 at 11:42pm 1 personYou like this. ·oLamia Harb Ohhhh my that's heart breaking :(Hope Skip has a speedy recovery ?December 28, 2010 at 11:42pmoLisa Polo Keeping Skip in my prayers and sending him continous healing energies!! xoDecember 28, 2010 at 11:43pm 1 personYou like this. ·oRebecca Vernon If I had a new van to donate to you guys, I would. As it is, I can only afford a few dollars but I will send them, for Skip's care. I only wish I could send more.December 28, 2010 at 11:43pmoKathi Trott Turner Get well buddy!December 28, 2010 at 11:45pmoKelly Kosinski Stay strong Skip and hang in there! Love and prayers from Arizona?December 28, 2010 at 11:50pm 1 personYou like this. ·oAmy O'Donnell BCR--Tampa's Boddhisatva central. Poor Skip. He's in good hands now!December 28, 2010 at 11:50pmoKaren Christopherson Hang in there skip!! Everyone is pulling for you to make a complete recovery.December 28, 2010 at 11:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·oLiz Kowalsky You can do it Skip!!!!! C'mon kitty!!!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·oMary Thompson Thoughts and prayers for him I hope he makes it.Wednesday at 12:34amoMari Fielder Greatly hoping that Skip will make a full recovery. Hang in there kitty!Wednesday at 12:42amoKelly Barron crossed fingers and good vibes for Skip to make a full recovery and get back to being a happy healthy bobcat soon!Wednesday at 1:02amoChad Snyder I had to put my cat, Bandit, down today. Tore me up. Reading this stroy about Skip has been good for me. Just saying...thanks BCR for being there to do the right thing by those who can't do for themselves.Wednesday at 1:05amoBecky Fredericks Prayers and healing for Skip. And grateful thanks for all the wonderful people involved in his rescue. ? ? ?Wednesday at 1:28amoJennifer Godfrey Might be good to change the wording so people don't misread Skip as a verb - pass (skip) the bobcat, skip over the bobcat... "Bobcat named Skip" or "Bobcat, Skip" ... Or maybe call him Skipper to still honor the rescuer.Wednesday at 2:28amoAl Tate Just "some internal bleeding" is good news. Hoping the little warrior can make it through the next couple of days.Wednesday at 2:50amoBeth Bursley praying for SkipWednesday at 2:58amoKathy Maynard Cournoyer OH MY GOSH- he was only 17 lbas...geesh my house cat outweights him by 2 lbs.... hope he gets better and fatter :) soonWednesday at 3:33amoCaroline Carlson Abrom Am so thankful for everyone involved in the rescue of Skip. You all are amazing people! Am praying hard that this beautiful cat makes it through the night and to a full recovery.Wednesday at 3:50amoAdawn F YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I wish I could be there to help, and one day.. I will!!! Hope everything goes well, I will be watching for updates!Wednesday at 4:42amoDonna Coffey I donated for Skip but did it through the 'matching' funds you have up on your site. That way, my donation was doubled. I hope my donation helps just a little bit for Skip. Get well soon, buddy!Wednesday at 6:48amoEliza Howard All blessings are with Skip !!Wednesday at 7:03amoEileen Edgecomb WOW! great story! Right people, at the right place at the right time. Prayers for Skip's recovery.Wednesday at 7:27amoSharon Niesen Good luck, Skip and thank goodness for the caring people that found you and for Big Cat Rescue!Wednesday at 7:39amoTeresa Peck Praying for a speedy recovery for SKIP!!! woo hoo that was my Aunt and Uncle that found this cat and now has a chance to live a full life.. thanks Nici and SkipWednesday at 8:09amoNoreen Raudabaugh You people rock!!! I'll be thinking about Skip and all of you today, and hoping for the best.Wednesday at 8:11amoNoreen Raudabaugh Hugs to you, Chad!!! I'm sure your kitty knew a lot of love.Wednesday at 8:13amoJane Alexander Barcroft I have just sent in a donation to the general fund, and salute all the people who were prepared to save this boy.Wednesday at 8:53amoMichelle Congdon I'm trying not to cry here.... I hope Skip will be OK, and I sincerely thank all of you at BCR for everything you're doing to help him and all the other animals you care for ?Wednesday at 8:53amoLesley C Irminger Poor thing, best wishes to a speedy recovery for this cute little guy. Glad the family that saw him decided to stop. Many people would just drive on by.Wednesday at 10:23amoNancy O'Connell Fenton Jennings From the people, brave and caring enough to stop to the BCR people who care enough to fight for these glorious creatures to the Vet's who tend to them , Thank you SO much for all your unselfish acts of kindness and I'm sure the hours upon hours you donate to such a worthy cause. I applaud you ALL. !Wednesday at 10:46amoDawn Lisowski Oh, poor baby! :'(*prays for Skip to pull through and be healthy*Wednesday at 2:12pmoAmy Boyer Poor guy, looks like he has been through a lot... I will say prayers for him & a speedy recovery...Thursday at 10:05amoElizabeth MeadeAs I posted on other updates about Skip, my dog just went through this same thing, infact his x-ray was nearly identical! We also had a plate & screws inserted to repair the damage done. It's week 5 and my dog is playing with his kitty play...mates and uses his leg now and acts totally normal. He only picks it up when he runs away from me to play, which he is quickly told to calm down so he doesn't over-do it. So, if Skips internal organs are not too badly traumatized I have high hopes for his recovery! Thanks again to BCR, the rescuers & the vet & staff for the love & care Skip is receiving now! ? ? ? Words can't describe how much this warms my heart!See MoreThursday at 6:08pm  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip made it through the night. He hasn't moved his back end though, even when we gave him a pain shot this morning.Wednesday at 10:01amChris Poole, Carissa Trotter, Lenore Infanti and 173 others like this.oLisa Polo Continuing to send healing energies Skip's Way!!Wednesday at 10:03amoDiane Mentzer Poor guy! I'm glad he has you all to look out for him.Wednesday at 10:03amoTammy Havlik Waters Poor baby, I hope he pulls through this and makes a full recovery...Wednesday at 10:03amoStu Elman He still has me pulling for him.Wednesday at 10:03amoMichelle Congdon Thank you for the update!!! Hoping he'll be okWednesday at 10:03amoNoreen Raudabaugh Nice to hear he made it through the night, but that's probably not real good news. I feel hooked to this story, and will be projecting whatever positive energy I can to Skip and your people. Thanks for doing what you can for those helpless creatures who need you.Wednesday at 10:04amoDiane Supowit What is his prognosis?Wednesday at 10:04amoKathi Trott Turner Yayy!! Hang in there buddy and before you know it you will be out doing cat things again soon! Sending scratches your way from chilly VA!Wednesday at 10:04amoNancy Matthews Ewe Come on Skip hang in ere! You can get better!!!Wednesday at 10:05amoLaura Balzekas i feel bad for him, someone obviously hit him with their car and didn't even stop to see what they hit. If I ever hit something "knck on wood" I sure would stop and see if it was alive and could be saved.Wednesday at 10:06amoAl Tate Maybe he's too self-aware about his injury and doesn't know he can try to move.Wednesday at 10:07amoCorriene Tiffin so so sad poor little mite, hopes he pulls through and gets better real soon xWednesday at 10:07amoMelissa Philipps ?:( very much dislikeWednesday at 10:08amoKim Haller Keep on fighting, Skip! Thanks BCR for continuing to help the little guy!Wednesday at 10:09amoHeather Greene You can do it!! ?Wednesday at 10:09amoSue Drake every hour he survives is good news, healing takes time & Skip is in the best hands, Thanks for the up-dates BCRWednesday at 10:10amoDiana Perry-Walsh Hopin' for the best but it sounds like he may have nerve damage and that is usually something they cannot repair. Only mother nature will tell.Wednesday at 10:10amoKerstin Wulff Can he move his toes?Wednesday at 10:10amoMary Thompson I hope he continues to fight thank you for what you are doing and for keeping us posted.Wednesday at 10:10amoLyn Reid Sorry my iPad went a little haywire! Anyway best wishes x 3!Wednesday at 10:10amoNicole Zimmerman still praying!!Wednesday at 10:10amoRegina La Croix Thank you for doing work like this - it warms my heart. Hoping Skip rallies,Wednesday at 10:11amoStacey Hopkins Please fight, Skip. I'm pulling for you.Wednesday at 10:11amoCarusio MystWolf Please do what you can to save him. The poor thing deserves a second chance.Wednesday at 10:11amoAshley Elizabeth Jones Hanna Awe :(Wednesday at 10:11amoJulie Hornick Hope he makes it -- thanks BCR for doing so much for Skip.Wednesday at 10:11amoAlex Foxx I'm hopeful that Skip will make a full recovery. Continuing to send positive vibes your way. He's a trooper and I think he'll be back out there where he belongs. Thanks for the update!Wednesday at 10:12amoCindy D. Wren Like the fact he made it through the night but concerned about his back end. Hopefully it is just temporary. Come on Skip, a lot of people are pulling for you!Wednesday at 10:13amoMichelle Able I hope he gets better!Wednesday at 10:13amoYa Stra-Le bless him and all of you great people who have helped him, from the startWednesday at 10:13amoDiane M. Duhaime Thanks for the updates!! We are all pulling for Skip and want to continue to know how he is doing!! Thank you all for your hard work and devotion!!Wednesday at 10:13amoMona Cayabyab Many thanks for all that you do BCR! Skip is in good hands!! Hang in there buddy!!!! ?Wednesday at 10:13amoKatrina Gibson Ray hope he gets better, sending healing thoughts and energyWednesday at 10:13amoSheryl Grimes My cat got hit by a car. He was'nt moving at all when I brought him home. A few days laters he hopped up and was moving again. A bit of a stagger now and then but he was fine. So come Skip! If Max could do it so can you!Wednesday at 10:14amoKristal Roebuck Come on cutie pie! We are all pulling for you hun. Sending you good thoughts for a full and speedy recovery ?Wednesday at 10:15amoJennifer Depew Sending positive thoughts and tons of hope for this little guy.Wednesday at 10:15amoDaniel Cedilotte will he be able to make a full recovery or is he in too much of a bad shape? I hope for the full recovery but I know there are times when nothing can be done.Wednesday at 10:16amoDiane M. Duhaime After my cat got hit by a car, the vet didn't think he would make it. His jaw was broken in 2 places, his nose and eye were all swollen up, he looked awful! We had to feed him through a feeding tube for a while and he had a rough time for a few weeks, but now you would never know anything ever happened to him! He is now too fat and full of the dickens!! Runs all over the house, jumping up and over furniture! So am praying for the same for Skip!!!Wednesday at 10:17amoBeryl Bales Ditto Diane!Wednesday at 10:18amoKim Cisco prayers being sent for skip. rest up little one and gather your strength, you can do it! recovery!Wednesday at 10:19amoColleen Tracey whoohooo!!! now thats a big sigh of relief ...well for now .... hes gonna feel groggy for a while ... glad that he made it thru the night ...Wednesday at 10:19amoRhonda Mengarelli Come on Skip you can do it,we are all praying for youWednesday at 10:20amoPatricia Massari Many thoughts and prayers to Skip ?Wednesday at 10:20amoJoyce Garite Brady Feel better skipWednesday at 10:22amoKayleigh Harrison Thinking of Skip! Wishing him good health and a long life, thanks to you guys!Wednesday at 10:23amoDebbie Watroba Continued prayers for Skip and gratitude to BCR for all the love, dedication and sacrifice to help wild animals.Wednesday at 10:23amoJennifer Wehman Boyd I hope and pray Skip makes a full recovery!Wednesday at 10:23amoBonnie Kelley i hope that is just the pain doing that! i would hate to see him crippled, but he would lead the best life possible if bcr had anything to do with it. thanks for the update!!Wednesday at 10:25amoAmanda Nicole Scaggs Aww We will keep praying for him!!Wednesday at 10:25amoLes Habitants That's encouraging news. Hang in there little guy !Wednesday at 10:26amoPatricia Morris MacDonald Hang in there, Skip!Wednesday at 10:27amoDeana Koopman Oh no. I thought about him, I sincerely hope and pray the poor little guy isn't paralyzed =(Wednesday at 10:30amoDebi Gungor come on skip u can be strong little one xxxWednesday at 10:31amoAldana Vandervoort you can do it Skip!!!!Wednesday at 10:32amoAngel Camacho Baby bopcat will recover just fine! Poor thing has been through a lot and has a bit of a recovery to still go through. He's in the best hands possible and trust he will pull through! I really need to make a little donation to this organization. Is there an easy way to do this?Wednesday at 10:33amoSheila Fath Hi Skip, Praying so hard for you to be healed, hang on you've got good people looking after you. Thanks BCR for going the extra mile for this little guy, xxxWednesday at 10:33amoBoni J Rychener sending love and positive energy skip's way...Wednesday at 10:33amoBeth David-Hower awww I hope he feels better~Wednesday at 10:34amoBrouns Robin if he only knew how many people over the hole world are supporting him and keeping their fingers crossed...Wednesday at 10:34amoRita Nunn Sure hope he makes a good recovery. It's wonderful you have the resources to spend that much on one little bobcat. I totally agree they all need to be saved, but I can't imagine how you manage to FEED them all, let alone do all these expensive medical procedures.Wednesday at 10:35amoAmy Milligan Skip! Get better big guy!Wednesday at 10:35amoDavid Bartosic Poor Skip. And BLESS you for caring for him.Wednesday at 10:42amoJennifer HarmonI don't think I'd be moving my back end much either after having it crushed, and suffering internal bleeding!!! The day after a bad tangle is always miserable. There's still so much swelling going on and raw tissue damage- hopefully nothing... truly neurologic. Besides, he hasn't had his surgery yet, it's a long road. Yall know that! But I've seen miracles. Animals battling through things where I was like "no way", and they made astounding recoveries :). Skip's already proven to be a toughie. Keep up the great work, guys!!! ?See MoreWednesday at 10:50amoDeanna Voorhees Praying for Skip. Love and hugs coming your way to little boy.Wednesday at 10:51amoNora Mutao Frost I'm glad to hear it too. I was rooting for him :DWednesday at 10:52amoAmy O'Donnell Good sign, yeah? We'll all be keeping our fingers crossed and praying for the little guy.Wednesday at 10:52amoCathy Houdelette Bonner Praying for Skip. Thanks for all that you do for God's creatures.Wednesday at 10:55amoEileen Edgecomb many good things came together for Skip...prayers going up for complete healing!Wednesday at 11:07amoKristine Busch i have my fingers and toes crossed for you skip!!! xoxoxoxWednesday at 11:08amoNagy Alexandra I hope Skip will be okay. He deserves a long life :) Thank you guys for all your hard work.Wednesday at 11:08amoBrian Howle Down but not out ... Skip is one lucky feline ... you guys are the absolute best! Thank you for all you do :)Wednesday at 11:09amoMary Hartwick Garcia Hope the poor animal improves.Wednesday at 11:10amoAminah Ameeri Sending good wishes and glad he made it through the night. When will get his surgery?Wednesday at 11:27amoSonali Shah I hope he is better soon.Wednesday at 11:32amoAraceli Molina Praying for you Skip, God still gives us Miracles, and I pray you will be One of many.:-)Wednesday at 11:32amoJenny Langlow So thankful that there are people like you and all the folks at BCR.Wednesday at 11:37amoCarol Lloyd Glad to hear he made it! I'm praying for the poor thing!Wednesday at 11:38amoMari Fielder Good to hear, hopefully there will be good news about his spleen too.Wednesday at 11:40amoMelanie Lowe well if good thoughts being put out means anything he has many people out there thinking of him and hoping for him to make a full recoveryWednesday at 11:41amoMelanie Shand Keep the faith. Still praying for healing...Wednesday at 11:44amoRebecca Anderson Skip has been in my thoughts. Thank you for all your great work.Wednesday at 11:47amoElizabeth Meade Glad he made it thru the night! Has his internal bleeding subsided?? Is surgery to fix his pelvis an option?? If he pulls thru & recovers successfully where is he going? Will he be staying at BCR?Wednesday at 11:48amoJanice Spitaleri Wolfe We are all pulling for the little guy.Wednesday at 11:48amoAlexis Blanton You can do it Skip! You have sooo many people rooting for you ? and so many great people taking care of you!!!Wednesday at 11:50amoRobin Dougherty the poor lamb! please keep us posted!Wednesday at 11:53amoAnthony W. Calabrese much love to Skip from Ufo, Lucio, Smushi and me ? :3Wednesday at 11:58amoSandra Davis Hang in there SKIP Sending you hugs and kisses and prayers too!Wednesday at 12:06pmoMeleah Kirby Bless his heart. Praying for him and those who are working to help him.Wednesday at 12:09pmoJennifer L. Moore Hope he makes it, poor guyWednesday at 12:27pmoLauren Quigley Betz I wish the best for Skip. He deserves to have a full recovery! God Bless Big Cat Rescue and SkipWednesday at 12:31pmoEilene Wood We are praying for yo Skip, hang in there sweetie.Wednesday at 12:36pmoHeather Cantrell Come on,Skipper! You can do it!Wednesday at 12:39pmoSonya Cabral I'm so glad that he has made it threw the night!!! I'm glad that there are people like Jamie who devotes herself to saving & helping these defenceliss animals!!! Good job guys!!! Hang in there skip you are a sweet little guy!!!Wednesday at 12:39pmoMarie Council Come on Skip, you gotta pull through. Lots of people are pulling for you. Please get well.Wednesday at 12:47pmoChris Naven Pearce Give it time, he's had a very rough time :0)Wednesday at 12:48pmoSue Reimer Hutchinson Poor fellow ...Wednesday at 12:52pmoMo RepeatDat Mielke prayers!!Wednesday at 12:59pmoNici Haerter So glad our Skip made it through the night!! My husband, Skip, is the "bobcat handler--more like wrestler" that helped capture this poor cat!! Our prayers are with him and, BCR,--you are the GREATEST!! What would we do without you!!???!! Please keep us updated!!! So anxious to hear more!!Wednesday at 1:36pmoJennifer LaMond Still praying for Skip and for those caring for him... thank you BCR, Dr. Danielson and all involved!!! Your dedication and love for these big cats doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated!! xoxoWednesday at 1:38pmoNigel Duffett Praying for you skip. Keep fighting buddyWednesday at 1:50pmoSharon Moore KEEP ON PRAYING!!Wednesday at 1:52pmoTangela Hill Glad you made it thru the night! Prayin' for you Skip! Keep fightin' n' gettin' better! Here's my kiss...Wednesday at 2:01pmoErica Bertram Sending ya strength little guy-Wednesday at 2:04pmoCaroline Carlson Abrom So happy to hear that little boy made it through the night! I'm still praying!Wednesday at 2:06pmoLenore Infanti God bless himWednesday at 2:08pmoJessica Bishop From the looks of his x-ray it didn't look good at all, I fear that he may have paralysis in his hind quarters, if he was to have paralysis, what then would you do could he have an optimal life with BCR and would you take him on, or would you Euthanize him, I sure hope he dose pull through this, he has been in my prayers, I know your busy but if you do have the time to answer what his chances are with BCR if in the event he was paralized, Deeply concernd...:-(Wednesday at 2:18pmoRobin O'Connor Thank you for doing what you do...Skip, keep fighting!Wednesday at 2:24pmoBarbara Trovato If his pelvis is smashed to smithereens, it would be pretty hard to move. Poor thing.Wednesday at 2:27pmoColleen Tracey?3 cheers for Nici and Skip the bobcat wrestler =^^=Nici Haerter So glad our Skip made it through the night!! My husband, Skip, is the "bobcat handler--more like wrestler" that helped capture this poor cat!! Our prayers are with him and, B...CR,--you are the GREATEST!! What would we do without you!!???!! Please keep us updated!!! So anxious to hear more!!See MoreWednesday at 2:45pmoMia McDonald Praying for a full recovery for Skip....Wednesday at 2:49pmoAngel Camacho Are there any updates on Skip? I've been thinking about him all day. :(Wednesday at 2:52pmoBrian Howle ?"Totally bobcat!" ... Love that assesment of Skip by Jamie!!! Best quote since Pam Ravencroft's "Blah blah, vampire emergency blah!" :)Wednesday at 2:52pmoDorita ReyenLots of love and prayers are with you all, Skip and BCR. He is in the best of hands.There is a little bulldog that comes to one of the festivals I attend. He was paralyzed in the hind quarters after and accident. His owners rigged up a l...ittle "wagon" that supports his back end and he can pull himself around with his front legs. He even has an umbrella for rainy days!See MoreWednesday at 2:53pmoJustin Buzzini he's probably just taking it easy. its natural to not move something around right after it just got fixed. rest and TLC is all he needs.Wednesday at 3:08pmoNikki Neilon Skip hope you are better soon!Wednesday at 3:08pmoDonna Coffey Comeon Skippy baby, you can do it :)))Wednesday at 3:33pmoPeggy Robey Prayers for his FULL recovery..I'm curious if the driver who hit him stopped to help?Wednesday at 4:04pmoPeggy Robey Never mind..I read his full story..God Bless the folks who DID stop..Wednesday at 4:07pmoJoyce McNevin God Bless u all who are working to save Skip and Skip youre in our prayers for recovery and full life ahead of you. Thanks again BCR and those who captured him tooWednesday at 4:15pmoSue Fair Sending healing energy your way Skip. Stay strong!!!!Wednesday at 4:15pmoLinda Davis o please God, just one more miracle...Wednesday at 4:51pmoCynthia Carr Kelly What would we do without dedicated people like Nici, Skip and Jamie - and everyone else at BCR - who go to such extraordinary lengths to save these beautiful animals? We're pulling for Skip up here in PA. Please keep us updated.Wednesday at 5:18pmoRosemarie Plaetke doesn't look good? ... sorry guys to hear that. too bad that it hit him so badly.Wednesday at 5:31pmoMichael Collins Hoping for a full recovery!!Wednesday at 5:44pmoLeo Daher I hope he can recover fully, poor thing.Wednesday at 5:49pmoBarbara Crowell McCarthy Nici, people like you and your husband help me keep my faith in mankind. Many blessings on you both! Keeping little Skip in my prayers this evening...Wednesday at 6:51pmoJames Morgans C'mon Skip. Hang in there buddy.Wednesday at 7:29pmoMelissa Pollard Sending lots of good thoughts for you, Skip! You can do it!Wednesday at 7:44pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen Hoping and praying that Skip will be able to go through the surgery. A special thanks to the couple who stopped to pick him up on the road! Not everyone would have shown such compassion.Wednesday at 8:32pmoSilvia Loehrer Oh Skip, please pull through love...Wednesday at 9:11pmoJohn Petrucco You know how to HOP your name is SKIP all there is left to do is JUMP back up on your feet and bounce out of there! Let's go, time to kick it up a notch!Thursday at 1:12am 1 personKatherine Craig likes this.  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLDr Wynn spoke w/ Dr Blair who doesn't think Skip's shattered pelvis can be fixed surgically. We are consulting other bone specialists before we give up. He got fluids and is eating well but not urinating or defecating so we are worried that he can't; which means even cage rest can't help. Your love and healing thoughts may be his only chance. Not giving up yet.Wednesday at 7:54pmChris Poole, Debbie Huckaby, JoAnn Paolantonio and 235 others like this.oBrett Hall paws crossed! ?Wednesday at 7:55pmoMelissa Gordon So sad : ( Good luck Skip!Wednesday at 7:55pmoKasia Varsak God bless Skip! Praying for the poor little buddy tonight!Wednesday at 7:55pmoMichael Sell I shall send all of my nergies his way,,and ask the winds for help in his recovery.Wednesday at 7:55pmoMaria Hancock I dont know what to say. Sending skip healing vibes & for you all keeping him comfortable thru this trauma.Wednesday at 7:55pmoKelli Polsinelli Prayers sent.Wednesday at 7:55pmoTorri Chandler Poor thing. Prayers for himWednesday at 7:55pmoLinzee Mundtt thats too bad..Wednesday at 7:55pmoRomana Welch Come on Skip your in my prayersWednesday at 7:56pmoRose Jackson ???????Wednesday at 7:56pmoGabrielle Annabella Rose Watson I really hope he recovers. Poor thing. ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoHelen Azar Sending positive thoughts! ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoPenny Forest Kolacki Will keep prayingWednesday at 7:56pmoLesa Cox i will be praying harder! This beautiful animal needs to live we need his beauty and love...Wednesday at 7:56pmoEliza Howard All prayers and blessings for you Skip ? ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoWendy WhodatCakegirl Westfaul Sending much love...and hopeful thoughts for a viable alternative...(my high school mascot was the bobcat, so they are very special to me)Wednesday at 7:56pmoLora Fleming Poor baby ... do what's best for HIM : ( We're pulling for you Skip!!Wednesday at 7:56pmoMelissa Olson Awe poor baby I will pray to God for himWednesday at 7:56pmoDiane Supowit I AM PRAYING HARDCORE FOR HIM!!!!Wednesday at 7:56pmoBarbara Crowell McCarthy Come on, Skip. You can do it! ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoAngel Villano cats have 9 lives...please let this be Skip's #1 and he has 8 to go. Not giving up on you yet Skip either.Wednesday at 7:56pmoClarisse Ann Bradley I'm praying for him.Wednesday at 7:56pmoJulie Peterson ?Wednesday at 7:57pmoToni Tedesco Royer my prayers will be to St. Frances..protector of animalsWednesday at 7:57pmoDee Dee Rayburn Im praying for u sweet baby!!!!!!!!!!Do whats best for the poor man. I hate to see an animal suffer!!!!!!!!!!Wednesday at 7:57pmoDiane Supowit My brother was involved in a major car accident and suffered a shattered pelvis. He died 8 days later. BUT, healing is still possible! Let us all come together and pray for Skip's healing and recovery!Wednesday at 7:57pmoElise Evans Sad story; yet we are still hoping for the best outcome. Thanks to all who are helping poor Skip.Wednesday at 7:57pmoAmy Swanson Awww get better Skip - best wishes and a fast recovery!Wednesday at 7:57pmoDee Dee Rayburn Thank u for all u do!Wednesday at 7:58pmoLisa Polo Awwww healing energies, candles lit, and prayers abound for Skip!! xoxoxox ?Wednesday at 7:58pmoEilene Wood Lots of good positive healing thoughts.Wednesday at 7:58pmoJudy Jackson Williamson Love and many healing thoughts and prayers headed your way. Cats are so resilient. May Skip prove to be as well! ? ?Wednesday at 7:58pmoKristine Busch Please don't give up yet Skip!! XoxoWednesday at 7:59pmoStephen Parker Poor kitty.Wednesday at 7:59pmoGayle Boddy Clark awww thought and prayers heading Skips way! ?Wednesday at 7:59pmoJennifer Wehman Boyd So sad :-(Wednesday at 7:59pmoSherry Scales Sending prayers to Skip - come on buddy you gotta make it!Wednesday at 7:59pmoDiane Supowit Pray, pray, pray!!!Wednesday at 8:00pmoScott White Many good thoughts for Skip!Wednesday at 8:00pmoLee Miles Bradford Poor little guy. Sending good thoughts his way.Wednesday at 8:00pmoMelissa Koblin thinking happy healing strong Skip!Wednesday at 8:00pmoSusan Roberts Kiernan Poor thing. ill b thinkin bout himWednesday at 8:00pmoSheryl Bottner So not fair. Don't give up, Skip.Wednesday at 8:00pmoRomie K. Francis Fye Oh there must be some way...... A miracle please!Wednesday at 8:00pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Im was up late last night thinking about this little guy...I hope and pray that a miracle can be worked...If there's any surgeon that could fix him, It would be Henry Bianucci in Mt. Pleasant, SC...he has operated on several of my pets and rescues...he just fixed a broken spinal cord-vertibrae on a dog that everyone else said would never walk....3 months later, she's great! It would be worth emailing or faxing him the xrays and results...I would be happy to assist in any way i could help from here in Charleston.Wednesday at 8:01pmoJeri Lynn Thompson ?*hugs* to all helping care for Skip. I hope this has a good outcome. He and all caring for him are in my prayers.Wednesday at 8:01pmoDebra Taylor sending good vibes Skip's wayWednesday at 8:01pmoNoreen Raudabaugh Hoping so very hard that handsome Skip pulls through. Trusting that you'll do everything you can and will make the best decisions possible.Wednesday at 8:02pmoCindy D. Wren Come on Skip! Sending lots of healing thoughts your way.Wednesday at 8:02pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Sending my love and healing thoughts to Skip!Wednesday at 8:03pmoShannon Cohen Praying for the little angel Skp.!!Wednesday at 8:03pmoShelley Miller Praying for Skip, you, and the bone specialist, that there may be a positve outcome.Wednesday at 8:04pmoPaul Deutsch I hope he gets better!Wednesday at 8:04pmoLisa Kane AWWWW! That is awful! At least he is not in pain!!Wednesday at 8:04pmoSuzanne Palmer Sending love and prayers to Skip ~ ~ ? ~~Wednesday at 8:04pmoKathy Maynard Cournoyer sending him much positive energy- hope you can find a way to help- and if he needs to be put down- then at least you all can take comfort in the fact that he will go in a peaceful sleep instead of starving to death or enduring pain for too long.Wednesday at 8:04pmoEsmeralda Martinez Sending positive thoughts to Skip and co.Wednesday at 8:05pmoBeth David-Hower Im glad you are not giving up on this baby!!! thank you for your determination!!Wednesday at 8:05pmoLisa Kane Thank you for not giving up and keeping us posted!Wednesday at 8:05pmoCandi Ausman Prayers for Skip!Wednesday at 8:05pmoRobin Ross Hang in there, Skip! ?Wednesday at 8:05pmoDeana Koopman This makes me so sad =( Poor thing gets hit by a car, there's practically no where for him to be out in the "wild" and now he's got very minimal chances to recover. Makes me want to cry for him, and for all the people who have been struggling to save him.Wednesday at 8:05pmoSandra Davis God will help you SKIP!Hugs and kisses and prayersWednesday at 8:06pmoDominique Veillette tomorrow will be a better day for him. It just has to be. Hugzzz to you sweet Skip. You're just so darn cute.Wednesday at 8:07pmoMaria Velandia hope is all we have now.Wednesday at 8:08pmoPatricia Presley My prayers are with little Skip always! He is a little fighter and he will not give up!The poor baby needs all the prayers he can get!!!Wednesday at 8:08pmoBrett Hall to think some idiot hit him and left him like he wasn't worth anything. I applaud the BCR for taking him in.Wednesday at 8:09pmoAnna Rouselle DeGrandchamp Sorry to hear about Skip!!! What happened and what kind of cat is a picture for us to see!!! Heal my poor kitty!!! ?Wednesday at 8:10pmoBonnie Kelley oh no oh no oh no! skip fight, fight, fight! oh baby they worked so hard please baby get better for us!!Wednesday at 8:10pmoRita Rodriguez Jackson Get well Skippy.. I will pray for you again tonight sweet baby.. ? Everyone is pulling for you baby!!Wednesday at 8:10pmoNatalie Lane Sending prayers and positive, healing energy to our boy Skip! He's a fighter, or he wouldn't even have made it this far. Thank you so much to Jamie, BCR, and all who are working so hard to save him... We are all pulling for you, little buddy!! ?Wednesday at 8:11pmoKathy Farley-Panaras Prayers for Skip!Wednesday at 8:11pmoShelly Maslak My thoughts are with this poor babyWednesday at 8:11pmoMarcella Careta Praying to St. Francis asking for his help with Skip no matter what the outcome is.Wednesday at 8:11pmoRhonda Mengarelli If anyone can help him you guys can,If he cant be fixed then god will take care of him.Again prayers are with skip and of course all of you that are there trying to save his precious lifeWednesday at 8:12pmoAlex Foxx Love and healing thoughts to dear Skip. He has the best caring for him. I pray for a miracle worker to fix his broken pelvis. No giving up yet. Hang in there, Skip!Wednesday at 8:13pmoJayme Griffiths Prayers for Skip, there's an excellent ortho doc out in Town and Country not too far from you guys...def prayers....Wednesday at 8:13pmoSarah S. Patton Thank you BCR for doing your best for Skip. I am praying that a second opinion will be good, and they can repair his pelvis. Hope and love to Skip.Wednesday at 8:13pmoChris Naven Pearce Thoughts are with SkipWednesday at 8:14pmoDonna Ralphs My heat's aching for this sweet young kitty. :( Skip is clearly already deep in the hearts of many here who cherish these special cats. Thank you sooo much BCR for doing everything possible to give him the best chance...and for letting us know how things progress. We love you Skippers! ?Wednesday at 8:15pmoMarie Council So sad. Still hoping.Wednesday at 8:15pmoBetsy Ross Best wish for you Skip.Wednesday at 8:15pmoAshley R Richard ?:( Please God help this beautiful creature!Wednesday at 8:16pmoDana Gilkey very sad news. i know sometimes animals can't be avoided but there are those people who don't even try to AVOID them! he must have nerve damage and/or damage to internal organs. doesn't sound good. poor baby. just hope he isn't suffering! prayers for you, sweetheart!Wednesday at 8:16pmoCameo Haddan Healing thoughts to Skip...gratitude to all that care for him!Wednesday at 8:18pmoAndrea Ortiz Positive energy, thoughts, prayers. He WILL get better and will recoverWednesday at 8:19pmoKarie Vander Werf Have you talked to the University of Florisda? They have world renowned specialists who fix pelvises like that every day. Talk to them - can't hurt!!! Dr Isaza is an awesome wildlife specialist and the surgeons are amazing.Wednesday at 8:19pmoWendy Stodder I want him to live but don't let him suffer. He doesn't deserve that :-(Wednesday at 8:19pmoLotta Williams Bengtsson ?Wednesday at 8:19pmoTina Reed Poor kitty. I am not a Vet by any means, nor have I seen Skips x-rays. I work in a specialty vet clinic. I have seen multiple hit by cars not walk, and not urinate or deficate. The pain/swelling can cause them not to want to do either. I pray this is the same for Skip. Any possibility of placing a urinary catheter for the time being to help relieve this poor guy?Wednesday at 8:20pmoLisa Polo Hi Everyone I have lit a virtual candle for Skip here.. the group is BCRYou can also light one click the link ? at 8:20pm ·oKyle Thorleifson C'mon Skip hang in there buddy. We need you to get well soon!!!!!Wednesday at 8:21pmoHeather Greene Hope it's not his time, he's a fighter. ?Wednesday at 8:22pmoMichael Collins Still hoping and praying for the best. It's really sad....Wednesday at 8:22pmoMags Shoebooty Featherbottom ?:(Big kisses and hugsWednesday at 8:23pmoLauren Quigley Betz I believe anything can be fixed and that he deserves the chance. We all need to slow down when we drive and be careful. I see many dead animals on my ride to work and I can't help but think that some of them would be alive if we all slowed down.Wednesday at 8:23pmoIndigo Tiger Sorry 2 hear that!! Poor Skip! =(Sending lots of Love, Light, prayers and Warrior Reiki for Skip's injuries ? ? ?Wednesday at 8:23pmoCarusio MystWolf Oh please do what you can. We're all praying for him and wish the best.Wednesday at 8:24pmoAshley Evans I am so proud of big cat rescue!!!!!!!!Wednesday at 8:24pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Our vet is continuing to consult with others and we have connections at UoF. Skip is on pain injections day and night, so at least he isn't suffering while we try to find help for him. He has the hospital here to himself, so it is quiet & warm.Wednesday at 8:26pm 15 peopleLoading...oDawn Freeman My Prayers are with him.Wednesday at 8:27pmoFrieda Corley The poor little thing. I hope it can be repaired. Such a tragedy if it can't. :(Wednesday at 8:27pmoMichele Crow Anello Still in my prayers...praying for the best.Wednesday at 8:29pmoKim Lopresti Johnson sending prayers, I know you do right by Skip!!!!Wednesday at 8:29pmoClair Pacetti thts so sad i hope he gets betterWednesday at 8:29pmoJerilyn Heiner Gauthier I applaud and appreciate your efforts to save him.Wednesday at 8:30pmoDeanna Voorhees Praying Praying Praying... God loves little Skip to take care of him... And he brought him to the right people. Thanks so much for being there for him. Thoughts and Prayers through the night!! xoxox Skip!Wednesday at 8:30pmoJessica Godfrey Hang in there little one! You're in my thoughts sweetie.Wednesday at 8:32pmoDana Gilkey people need to be more careful driving. could have been a human as well. had a brother killed standing beside his disabled truck in florida. tragic whether a beloved human or animal! my heart has tears for you skip!Wednesday at 8:33pmoKristin Miller I am so profoundly touched by this story. I'll be praying for the miracle Skip and his helping angels deserve.Wednesday at 8:33pmoRobert LyonsCome on Skip, the humans aren't giving up, don't you ! You can pull through this Skip, please, who ever or whatever is the bigger power in the universe, don't let this be the end for Skip . I am not going to be able to sleep worrying that... he might get put down . There has to be something else that can be done to help him . Please someone or somethinmg help him get better . Don't put him down, you woudn't put your grandmother down , even if she ask to be , and Skip isn't asking, he just wants to live . I'm sending good, healing thoughts to you Skip . Please get better !!!!!See MoreWednesday at 8:34pmoJoyce McNevin we're here for ya Skip, dont give up, we arent!!! God Bless u all working with himWednesday at 8:34pmoDebbie Messner Rodriguez Sending prayers and healing thoughts for Skip...Thank all of you for what you are doing for the little guy.Blessings to all~Wednesday at 8:35pmoLeslie Snowden How sad, thank u for trying!!!! BCR rocks!Wednesday at 8:35pmoMarsha Saintz Lessig God bless himWednesday at 8:36pmoNahnie Myles Poor baby! I hope little Skip gets better :-S But no matter what happens I am so glad you guys are trying everything to give him a chance at life ?Wednesday at 8:37pmoJada Hope Awwww, Skip! C'mon buddy! I'm praying for you.Wednesday at 8:38pmoPatrice Kumaran Positive thoughts being sent his way.Wednesday at 8:39pmoTiena Harvey Ellis Poor Baby! Many healing blessings for the little guy.If it not meant to be he will at least know he was loved.Wednesday at 8:39pmoClaire Piper oh Skip. So sorry for this. So sorry.Wednesday at 8:41pmoAnn Zettervall That is so unbelievably sad.Wednesday at 8:43pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen Whatever the outcome, I'm so thankful that he is being made comfortable and is not in pain. I know you will do what is best for him!Wednesday at 8:43pm ·oCarissa Trotter keep up the good fight.... we know you will all do your very best for this special bob cat.Wednesday at 8:44pmoKaren Allard Healing thoughts are going out to you Skip. Hang in there little buddy if you can! So much love for you. And thank you BCR for such a courageous attempt. As Tiena says, at least he knows that he is loved! Praying to St. Francis, Aine, Archangel Ariel and Archangel Raphael!Wednesday at 8:45pmoDara G. Carritt my prayers are with Skip...Wednesday at 8:46pmoJennifer Depew Still praying for Skip. Poor, poor wild baby. Hope and Faith coming your way little guy.Wednesday at 8:46pmoCyndi Dallow So hope he has a chance at a meaningful recovery.Wednesday at 8:46pmoDonna Raihl Prayers for Skip! Non stop praying for him! Come on Skip!!!! You can make it little boy!!!Wednesday at 8:46pmoKay Buckner ?:( Poor Skip.Wednesday at 8:46pmoRita Rodriguez Jackson Just lit a candle on Lisa Polo's link above.. Try this link it was so awesome. Thanks for the link Lisa.. <Wednesday at 8:47pmoAlison Roth Prayers going up to St. Francis - who looks after all the animals...Skip you are in my thoughts. Pull thru big guy!Wednesday at 8:48pmoLes Habitants Get well little guy, keep fighting.... As long as you don't give up the good people at BCR will do everything they can to get you healthy and running in the woods again. Hang in thereWednesday at 8:48pmoLaura E. Felton Dont give up and we wont give up on our prayersWednesday at 8:52pmoNellie Workman Prayers for SkipWednesday at 8:53pmoMeadow Milligan i hope he gets better :( he is cuteWednesday at 8:54pmoSilvia Loehrer OMG....I hope that something can be done. I am staying hopeful and vigilent for the Skip.Wednesday at 8:54pmoBarbara Runcie White light and prayers going out for Skip.Wednesday at 8:54pmoShe SzimanskiI hold anyone who tries to help the wild felines of this world in high regard, and am thankful for anyone who is able to make these efforts. However I am still mindful of the fact that a wild cat after being so wounded whether the pain is m...asked or not is probably far from comfortable, think of the fear and terror you would experience being poked and prodded by giant naked apes who can'y speak your language. My grandest hope for Skip is that he will have peace in some form or another, because I am quite sure he does not know anything of love in his current condition. Bravo for BCR doing their best and fighting for the little guy's life, but it is silly to try and tell ourselves that he knows they are there to help.See MoreWednesday at 8:55pmoRondi Kay Abbott Never give up!!! Praying for Skip and all of you who are trying to help him!!!Wednesday at 8:57pmoMarcella Mirande-Ketcham So sad. I will pray for him not to suffer.Wednesday at 8:59pmoMarcella Mirande-Ketcham So sad. I will pray for him not to suffer.Wednesday at 8:59pmoKathy Farley-Panaras Hang in there Skip! you made it this far. With God all things are possible. Praying for a speedy recovery and for the vets taking care of him!Wednesday at 9:01pmoAndrea Tomich Ohnstad It's possible you're right, She. I'm sure Skip is terrified. Either way, I hope for peace for him. If it's in the form of being healed and becoming a rescue at BCR, that's great. And if he does pass, at least he won't have died on a cold asphalt road. THANK YOU to BCR for coming to this cat's aid!Wednesday at 9:02pmoArlene Hoffer Oh dear. I do hope the very best for Skip....but if he can't live a decent life, that is, if he can't walk or even walk properly, please....I beg of you....don't do some barbaric "miraculous" surgery on him and then make him submit his remaining life to some prosthetic "get up". I'm NOT saying something terrible here, and I'm pulling for him....Wednesday at 9:02pmoChristine Mcnamara Reinsel Hang in there skip!Wednesday at 9:03pmoSue Brooks prayingWednesday at 9:04pmoShara Johnson please, please, please let him be alright...BCR and the kind couple who stopped to help are truly herosWednesday at 9:04pmoDena Richardson Definitely praying for his recovery!!!!Wednesday at 9:06pmoJennifer Depew Lit a candle suggested by Lisa Polo. Here's the link. Thanks Lisa.You can also light one click the link ? at 9:07pmoRoger Schultz Jr. I sure hope Skip can be saved! Poor little guy!Wednesday at 9:08pmoSheryl Braswell Our Maine coon cat was hit by an suv 15 years ago. He had basicly the same sort of break. He couldn't urinate or deficate. Vet refused to operate. We brought him home to tell him goodbye. Well, he started getting better. Was able to use the bathroom within a week. Was walking within a month. Was blind in one eye. Lived another 10 years. It just took time for him to heal himself.Wednesday at 9:10pm 1oAnne Good I wish I could actually do something to help him.Wednesday at 9:13pmoAlex Foxx Skip may be terrified, but I truly believe that on some level he knows BCR's kind people are trying to help him. Kindness is a universal language. And they always put the cat's best interest first.Wednesday at 9:14pm ·oColleen Mulloy Smolen We are pulling for the little fella. Prayers coming his way.Wednesday at 9:16pmoTina Todd IF he passes, it won't be cold and wet on the side of the road, and maybe he'll have a proper burial. He may just surprise you though, and be the Big Cat, and pull through. Here's hoping... ^..^Wednesday at 9:17pm ·oSteffi Finnerty Thoughts & prayers with you all. You are doing your best for Skip.Love & healing thoughts ?Wednesday at 9:21pmoDelores Lee Thanks for the update. Saying a prayer for Skip with tears in my eyes.Wednesday at 9:22pmoDorita Reyen Lots of loving prayers for you, little guy. We all hope that you can find a way to bless us with your presence on this earth.Bless you all at BCR for helping.Wednesday at 9:22pmoShi Silverleaf My prayers are with Skip and I"m praying for his excellent recovery and healing. Keep us updated!!!Wednesday at 9:22pmoAmanda ReynoldsNever give up! Several members of my family have been given a ZERO to 2% chance of recovery or coming out of a coma state and guess what? Both my Father and Aunt did the "impossible" claimed by doctors. This has really touched my heart......I LOVE all cats, big and small. It's so sad to see that people are such careless drivers. I see house pets like this all the time, even on my 20 mph street. Breaks my heart :( I really hope he comes around and that they can make the repairs needed. I will be keeping Skip in my thoughts and prayers and spreading the word as well!See MoreWednesday at 9:24pmoMari Fielder I hope you get a different second opinion and that Skip will pull through. Any update on his spleen yet?Wednesday at 9:26pmoChristi Miller Many Many hearfelt prayers that he will hang in there- so happy there are people like you who care & will give him the time he needs to heal- maybe he will come out of it like the Sheryl' maine coon didWednesday at 9:26pmoArlene Hoffer Tina Todd, you are SO right! IF, and I say IF, he passes, he's in a safe, warm loving place. But Sheryl B, as you wrote, your' beautiful Maine Coon lived another happy 10 years after a similar injury! Hang in there Skipster! Sky is the limit!Wednesday at 9:28pmoEileen Danielson I'm rushing my love to Skip and all the little (and big) furry ones you rescue... God Bless you for the work you do. I would like to share my artist husband's site with you.. I think you'll enjoy it DanielsonFineArt.comWednesday at 9:31pmoRobin Dougherty this is awful. poor little bobcat! --thank you so much, BCR, for caring!Wednesday at 9:31pmoAngela Goodson AbbottPoor Skip...lots of love and prayers for you and all of those around you who are helping you.Bless the beasts and the children...for in this world they have no choice, they have no voice...Bless the beasts and the children...for this worl...d can never be the world they see...Light their way when the darkness surrounds them...Give them love let it shine all around them.This song always comes to mind...See MoreWednesday at 9:39pmoCat Stanley Prayers going up for Skip! Our best wishes & heartfelt wishes that he can be saved. ?Wednesday at 9:40pmoKelly Kosinski I am heartsick yet hopeful. I continue to pray for Skip's recovery and comfort regardless of the outcome. Thank you BCR for all you do.Wednesday at 9:42pmoMichelle West Tears... A very very sad thing happened to him. Keeping him calm and pain free until he heals or cannot go on. I am hoping with my whole heart he can recover....Wednesday at 9:44pmoJanet Powell Bisson I believe in time like the present :)........Just believe!!!Wednesday at 9:44pmoMichelle West Thank you BCRWednesday at 9:44pmoSally Chancellor Peters sad news. hope this changes for the betterWednesday at 9:45pmoAmy Milligan ?{{{{{SKIP}}}}} +++++{{{{{POSITIVE VIBES}}}}}+++++{{{{{BCR}}}}}+++++{{{{{Dr. Wynne}}}}}+++++{{{{{LOVE}}}}}+++++{{{{{St. Francis we NEED!!! your intercession}}}}}Wednesday at 9:47pmoMartha Dilts Positive healing energy being sent. Hang tough, Skip, you're in good hands.Wednesday at 9:48pmoDana Gilkey Isn't it truly AMAZING that we live in a Country that treasures Wildlife so very much! Thank-you, BCR!Wednesday at 9:48pmoDawn Lannin Sending healing thoughts to You Skip....please dont suffer! I am always hopeful that You will get better and be free in the Bobcat world real soonWednesday at 9:51pmoShannon M. Skevakis If he's not urinating or defecating... fixing his pelvis is the least of his problems... sad story... unfortunatelyWednesday at 9:52pmoChristina Hibler I was also touched by this story,how wonderful to see people at their best,united by a common concern ,focused on making the world a better place one big cat (or little =) cat ) at time and in doing so making it a better place for us ,sending all my good energy to skip and his care givers ,and a thank you to everyone who's helped by just being themselves and caring =)Wednesday at 9:54pmoJustine Pinckard sending healing thoughts & lots of love!Wednesday at 9:55pmoDiane Dusty Bauman Oh, that's so sad! I'm so sorry for the little things. Thanks for not giving up...he my be a miracle!!!!!Wednesday at 9:55pmoStacy Kligerman Keep the faith kitty puss....will say a prayer for you! =^..^=Wednesday at 9:56pmoCarolyn Schellhardt Prayers and more prayers going out to Skip.Wednesday at 9:57pmoJennifer Lupo Love and prayers are headed you way! We love you skip! Hang in there!Wednesday at 9:59pmoBenita Ross So, sadWednesday at 10:00pmoRosanne Labbato Patsy I will pray for a miracle for him!Wednesday at 10:08pmoRebecca Baker sending love and light i know how hard it can be we had a cat rescue and now we have the unadoptales blind back injuries one eye ect.Wednesday at 10:09pmoHeather Cantrell Hang in there, Skipper...Wednesday at 10:10pmoTina Todd We all love the Kitty's. Big or Small. Kitty's Rock! Sending loads of Kitty Love to Skip, and all the other kitty's that have no one. :) Yes, Kitty, you have Some One. ^..^Wednesday at 10:12pmoKathryn Reis doesn't sound good! Sending good wishes anyway!Wednesday at 10:15pmoErica Posada Angel He is in my prayersWednesday at 10:16pmoMelissa Harlow Poor Skip. I hope he gets a late Christmas miracle!Wednesday at 10:17pmoColleen Tracey talked to a friend of my who is a cat lover and told her about Skip. She thought Skip was cute! but in unfortunate situation. She told me that she will add him in her prayers. :)Wednesday at 10:19pmoMary Thompson I hope he is given every chance I will continue to pray.Wednesday at 10:22pmoPatricia Massari i wish skip a miracle...they do happen!! ? to you skip boy...thanks bcr for being a beacon of compassion in a world that needs it!Wednesday at 10:26pmoColleen Tracey lit a virtual candle for Skip ;)Wednesday at 10:28pmoSusie Gaitan ?:/ All you can do is your best.Wednesday at 10:32pmoMeleah Kirby This is so sad, I have tears in my eyes from reading the update. I am continuing to pray for him. I know BCR will do everything they can and consult with every vet possible before giving up on the little guy.Wednesday at 10:35pmoLucille Fortier Fight on Skip!Wednesday at 10:36pmoNina J Patrick Sending love and light to Skip...Wednesday at 10:38pmoLinda Rose Crenshaw praying for SkipWednesday at 10:39pmoKris Barrett Daugherty Prayers for Skip and the doctors.Wednesday at 10:39pmoCindy Hawbaker May he not be in pain and be able to Run someday again! Blessings Be! ;*()Wednesday at 10:43pmoCindy Chyz Casteel This is unbearably sad. Praying that a miracle finds Skip.Wednesday at 10:44pmoMelissa A. Arnold Podolak I hope something can be done.Wednesday at 10:45pmoNina Rozankovich-Woeachko Come on Skip! You area miracle!Wednesday at 10:55pmoMichelle Able Love and prayers for skip!Wednesday at 10:56pmoAnita Christine Haywood Awe, sorry to hear this. Sometimes things just aren't meant to be and as sad as it is there might not be an answer. I will pray for God's will. You can't say you didn't try to help...Wednesday at 10:57pmoNancy Matthews Ewe come on Skip!!! you can do it!!!Wednesday at 11:06pmoJan Doerter So beautiful, hope Skip can be saved and survives.Wednesday at 11:10pmoEl Burke Sweet Skip, don't give up yet. You are safe now.Wednesday at 11:11pmoAlesia Abatie sending best wishes and hugs to Skip!Wednesday at 11:13pmoNancy Gelonek Johnson Love and prayers to Skip. Praying for a miracle for the baby. If, however, God needs him elsewhere, he has spread love and compassion to a few more good souls. Hang in there BCRWednesday at 11:18pmoTammie Ekkelboom Prayers and positive healing thoughts to this little beauty. Tears in my eyes, but not giving up hope. Hang in there, Skip. And thank you BCR. ?Wednesday at 11:24pmoJessica Stanton C'mon, Skip! You can do it! So lucky to have someone stop for him and end up with BCR...someone has to try! *crossing paws*Wednesday at 11:28pmoZawadi Sacrilege Please do whatever you can to save him. It wasn't his fault he got hit, poor little guy.Wednesday at 11:32pmoLisa Polo Hi Everyone I have lit a virtual candle for Skip here.. the group is BCRYou can also light one click the link ? Please light a candle for Skip.. at 11:39pmoSonali Shah We are praying for a speedy recoveryWednesday at 11:42pmoKaren Swain Sending prayers for a miraculous recovery for Skip, however, I am also certain that BCR will do what is best for this precious kitty, and if that's to keep him painfree until it's time to relieve him of his suffering, then I trust them to do so. God bless your little kitty heart Skip, and know that you've touched so many of us, and made us realize what really matters in this world.Wednesday at 11:51pmoCat Listening you precious living thing pure love to youThursday at 12:08amoSylvia Klasson Miller Skip is in my prayers.Thursday at 12:29amoPaula Cat ? Sending Lots of Love & Healing Vibes ? Years ago a feral cat in our neighborhood who visited occasionally for food showed up on my doorstep with a fractured pelvis. While his injury wasn't as bad as Skip's, I couldn't afford surgery and pins. The vet suggested I keep him caged for 2 months and let it heal itself. It worked and within a few months he jumped and ran like he never had an injury and did so for over a decade. I will pray for Skip. ?Thursday at 12:39amoBrian Howle And yet, somewhere out there, Justin Bieber is yet again going on stage? Just not right ... everyone pray to the Big Guy for a world that makes sense, where a little bobcat beats the odds and prevails and the rest of us can believe again.Thursday at 12:41amoKaren Marcus A lesson that we all need to drive slower esp. on back roads where there is more wildlife. God bless the little guy.Thursday at 12:46amoDebra Hancock Prayers going up for Skip...God Bless his heart and heal his poor little body!Thursday at 1:24amoOlga Cisneros Still sending good vibes :) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skip, get well soon!! :DThursday at 1:26amoCarol Corey Leuenberger I'm so sorry - I Skip makes it.Thursday at 1:29amoBarbara Trovato This doesn't sound like it's moving in the right direction, not good at all. Is his spinal cord crushed? Hoping for better news tomorrow . . . xoxoxo to Skip.Thursday at 1:35amoBarbara Trovato ?@BCR, please read Sheryl Braswell's comment on how her own cat healed from the same inoperable injury, and he couldn't pee or poo at first. Maybe the painkillers are having a constipating effect on Skip?Thursday at 1:40amoRandy Whittington Hang in there little Skip. It's so heartwarming and inspiring to see such compassion and caring from BCR and everyone posting here!Thursday at 1:48amoEilene Wood A friend sent this to me: The kitty I found hit could not urinate or deficate on her own for almost two weeks!! If Skip is eating that's a great sign!!Thursday at 1:53amoNora Mutao Frost but...he's a pretty big kitty. He deserves at least a tryThursday at 2:06amoKimmie D Roberts he has all my love, prayers and thoughts! I pray he gets better soon!Thursday at 2:11amoAnn Eastham Please pull through, little one!Thursday at 2:29amoMia McDonald Thanks for keeping us posted...:0(Thursday at 2:52amoRuth Williamson My healing thoughts r DEFINATELY with poor little Skip & do hope with all of my heart that something can b done about it. Send all of my love.Thursday at 2:59amoCaroline Carlson Abrom Please don't give up! So many people are praying for this precious boy. Just breaks my heart.Thursday at 3:50amoDebi Gungor awww skip come on little fella xxxxThursday at 4:54amoDonna Coffey Hang in there Skip..we all need a new years miracle, and none of us would be happier than if it were you. Please?Thursday at 5:10amoJanet Yancey Poor baby - I feel for him - I know what it's like to see someone you love - suffering and not in good shape - Do not feel guilty if you do what you have to do - know what I mean ??Thursday at 5:52amoNagy Alexandra I wish I could do something... I'm praying for him from Hungary. Hope he'll be fine. He deserves a chance in life. I know you're doing everything you can, I'm sure Skip appreciates it.Thursday at 6:04amoDora Arsenault I hope poor Skip recovers, it would be so sad if he cannot be saved.Thursday at 6:29amoColleen Tracey I m hoping that if there a specialist do works with pelvis/hip replacement who might wants to try a new way of performing on crushed pelvis/hips proceduresThursday at 6:35amoKathy Shane hope he will be okThursday at 7:24amoKate Maas Jenna and I are praying for a miracle!Thursday at 7:29amoDiane M. Duhaime Praying for a miracle for Skip!!! I know you will do whatever is in the best interest for Skip, even if that means putting him to sleep. But praying that isn't necessary and Skip will go on to a full recovery!!!Thursday at 7:42amoGinny Carlson Love and prayers are his. Thank you for your care of this poor baby.Thursday at 7:47amoAlexis Blanton ?*praying* ? ? ?Thursday at 7:57amoNoreen Raudabaugh Checking in again and hoping for the best...Thursday at 8:31amoDena Ginkinger Garcia My prayers are with skip!Thursday at 8:40amoShauna Fulco I read Skip's story, Bless you BCR, prayers for u and SkipThursday at 8:57amoChristopher Shaber so if his hip can't be fixed what does that mean for Skip? No rehab prospects or (shudder to think) euthanasia?Thursday at 9:01amoSharon Moore aww that dont sound good,but ill keep praying theres always hope!!Thursday at 9:41amoTeresa Waynick McCauley What a shame!! You guy's are GREAT!! Not many people would have even tried.Thursday at 9:52amoMelanie Shand With you all -& Skip, too- in heart, thoughts, and prayers. Come on, Skip!!Thursday at 10:08amoJuana Soto I hope he gets well soon.Thursday at 4:42pmoLaura Kloss I'm praying for Skip. God bless you all.Thursday at 6:28pmoCarrie Gleason Sending healing & loving thoughts!Thursday at 11:01pm Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip pooped! He also managed to drag himself from squeeze cage to larger cage area. Not using left leg and no urine yet so he's not out of the woods yet.Thursday at 9:49amKim Harmyk Dever, Fiona Giannandrea, Donna Raihl and 486 others like this.oAngel Camacho OMG! This is great news!Thursday at 9:50amoSheryl Bottner Yay! Poop is a good sign.Thursday at 9:50amoMichelle Congdon Yay Skip!!!!! Come on, buddy, PEE!!Thursday at 9:50amoAmy Epps Stewart Well, it's a 'poop' in the right direction! GO SKIP!Thursday at 9:50amoRobert Brown Get Well Soon Skip!Thursday at 9:51amoHeather Greene Now just need a "number one"! Yeah Skip! =)Thursday at 9:51amoAdawn F Great to hear good news in the morning.. hopefully the good news keeps coming. You guys are awesome.Thursday at 9:51amoEilene Wood WooHOO!! for poop, I am a supporter of some horse rescues (don't own a horse, just 3 cats) but I know how important poop is!!Thursday at 9:51amoMariana Pires One step at a time!Thursday at 9:51amoDebi Gungor come on skip :) xxxThursday at 9:51amoDiane Supowit I am still praying for him and will keep on doing so!!Thursday at 9:52amoCorriene Tiffin He will soon, it's jsut a matter of time xThursday at 9:52amoLinda Davis see? there is a God and he's helpin' our Skip!...come on everyone...pray HARDER !!!Thursday at 9:52amoJanet Davis Keep praying everyone!Thursday at 9:52amoAl Tate Never underestimate the will to live. Hoping the best for the little warriorThursday at 9:52amoRebecca Belofsky Shuer Hooray, he pooped! Our paws are crossed for more positive news.Thursday at 9:53amoPatricia Massari YAY!!! Come on pee!! I ? you Skip!! Sending you every healing thought I can!!!Thursday at 9:53amoJanet Powell Bisson I never thought I'd be sooooo excited about "poop"....way to go Skip...come on little can do it!!!!!Thursday at 9:53amoLisa Nunez Shorts often do you get hundreds of people waiting for poop? LOLOLThursday at 9:53am ·oIndigo Tiger Skip u r in my thots n prayers baby!!! Sending more Love, Light and Warrior Reiki energy for continued healing for this courageous lil fighter!!! ? ? ? TYVM Jamie & BCR 4 giving him this chance....God Bless u all! =)Thursday at 9:54amoNicole Zimmerman that's a great start! Will keep praying!Thursday at 9:54amoRhonda Mengarelli Keep going Skip.... Still saying my prayers for him.He's going to get better I can feel itThursday at 9:54amoCindy Hawbaker ?~that is great news,Skip we are all pulling for you@in our prayers!Blessed Be ;*)Thursday at 9:54amoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Yeah Skip! You can do it little buddy! We are all pulling for you!Thursday at 9:55amoSally Chancellor Peters Great news though!! Maybe cage rest will be enough!!Thursday at 9:55amoDebbie McManigal Ellsworth Come on Skip, you can do it! Come on buddy.Thursday at 9:56amoJennifer Depew God and hundreds of people believe in you Skip. Positive thoughts and hope being sent your way. Poop is progress buddy. Fingers crossed for continued progress.Thursday at 9:56amoSally Chancellor Peters we want pee!! we want pee!Thursday at 9:56amoDonna Coffey Come on can do it buddy! We're all pullin' for ya!!!! GOOO (and I mean GO!) Skippy!Thursday at 9:56amoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Never thought I'd be happy about poop before, but in this case I'm ecstatic!! Keep up the good work Skip and we will keep praying!!!!Thursday at 9:56amoEmma Bagwell I don't think I have ever been so relieved to hear that a cat has done a number 2!Thinking of you skip! xxThursday at 9:56amoTammy Berry our prayers are reaching you skip, come on baby we are all rooting for you....let you be the good news story of the new year!!Thursday at 9:56amoKathi Trott Turner Yay Skip!! Keep it up buddy!Thursday at 9:57amoRobert Lyons Yay !!!!! Come on Skip, you can pee, I know it . Thank you, whoever or whatever is responsible for these improvements in Skip ! Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!! Keep up the progress Skip, I'm sending more good and healinh thoughts your way a.Thursday at 9:59amoPhyllis Sobczyk YIPPIE!!! KEEP GOIN LIL DUDE!Thursday at 10:00amoSue Brooks it's an improvement...still prayin'Thursday at 10:01amoSharon Moore keep it up!!Thursday at 10:01amoLisa Polo Yay!! But it IS improvement and that is a good sign!! Yay all the healing energies and LOVE are helping.. Going to continue on my quest of having folks lighting a candle for him!! LOVE YOU SKIP!!You can do it lil guy I just know you can!Thursday at 10:01amoSuzanne Manser Wonderful news. Strange to feel happy about a big little cat pooping but yay! Keeping everything crossed. XThursday at 10:02amoLauren Quigley Betz If he can crawl and poop I'm confident he'll urinate. Go Skip, you can do it. I'm sending healing energy Skips way. Thanks for helping him.Thursday at 10:02amoNora Mutao Frost Wow I never thought hearing about a cat pooping would be good news but lol. I really hope this turns out okay.Thursday at 10:02amoDebra Hancock Prayers going up for Skip and hoping he will be a strong kitty and pull through!Thursday at 10:02amoJim Harrington Just in time for New Years!Thursday at 10:02amoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Sorry, I was trying to like a comment just now and accidentally deleted but don't know whoThursday at 10:03amoEric Krotzer Me and my four cats are pulling for skip!!!!Thursday at 10:03amoDale Sullivan it's a small step towards the right direction!Thursday at 10:04amoJim Helmer prayers are with him for full recovery...God bless you and all your efforts BCR.Thursday at 10:04amoBrian Howle I can't honestly say I've ever been happier to hear that a poop took place. Guess that verifies that BCR is the ... naw, too easy! Paws crossed! :)Thursday at 10:04amoSarah Hoey He's in my thoughts! I hope he gets better soon! Poor lil guy. D:Thursday at 10:05amoSue Drake one step at a time Skip, sending lots of love and best wishes all the way from the UK, from me & my 2 cats, Kevin & Smokey Jo xThursday at 10:05amoPatricia Morris MacDonald Go Skip!Thursday at 10:06amoSylvia Myers Thank you for the update. Hang in there Skip!!Thursday at 10:06amoCarol Lloyd Awesome news!!! Love and prayers for Skip! If he's drinking, surely the urine will come. Bless him. :)Thursday at 10:06amoLora Fletcher Great news! Keeping him in my thoughts ?Thursday at 10:07amoLisa Polo Here is where u can light a virtual candle for SKIP!! I began a group just for him! :o) at 10:07amoPammy Rae come on skippy boy!!!! you can do it!!!!!! :@ ))Thursday at 10:07amoBonnie Kelley oh god!!! wow how wonderful who would have thought poop would excite us!! hope he pees soon!! such a tiny guy, i wish him a safe and speedy recovery, well it does not have to be speedy just hope he gets well any way he can. we love you skip!!!Thursday at 10:07amoTammy Denham That's great. Thanks for the update. Keep us informed and hopefully all will work out great inthe end.Thursday at 10:07amoDonna Arsenault Bryant This has to be the only place on fb where the updates are about poop and everyone likes it. rofl. Thank you for the update. Pulling for him to recover.Thursday at 10:08amoLynda Stephens BCR, believe it was Lisa Polo that started a virtual candle lighting for Skip. Can you post so all of his followers get the link? at 10:10amoCindy D. Wren Good sign, though, right? more positive healing energy coming your way, Skip!Thursday at 10:11amoLynda Stephens Sorry, that should have the // after HTTP:Thursday at 10:12amoHeather Greene ?128+ people like poop... This makes me giggle. Team Skip! =)Thursday at 10:14amoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Yea for poopies....Come on Peepee, lets go!Thursday at 10:20amoCameo Haddan Yeaaaa to poop!!! Heal Skip Heal...a healing chant or cheer. I've got the pom-poms out for Skip to pee!!!Thursday at 10:22amoKris Barrett Daugherty The prayer warriers are working it for Skip! I firmly believe that Skip will be healed...Thursday at 10:23amoKaren Allard Keep the good thoughts flowing and the prayers coming. It's a start Skip!Thursday at 10:23amoJessica Stanton That's great! Keep it up, little guy! You got a ton of people pulling for ya!Thursday at 10:23amoAngela Goodson Abbott Progress is progress...keep it up Skip! We're all rooting for you! ?Thursday at 10:24amoPammy Rae tip!!!! run the tap in the surgery... always works for at 10:24amoDena Richardson Yeah! Good news so far. Keep it up Skip!!Thursday at 10:24amoApril Peterson he will pee. he has to. hes come to far not to. come on skip prove to these people that you are a fighter!!!!Thursday at 10:25amoChristina Bond ?'s to Skip!Thursday at 10:27amoJoe Matocha Yahoo!!! Go Skip!Thursday at 10:29amoColleen Tracey Whoohooo he pppppoooooooeeeed!!!!!! Dang it. !! No pee! :(Thursday at 10:29amoEliza Howard Yes !!!!Thursday at 10:29amoDeanna Floyd The Lord is taking good care of him! Get well soon Skip!Thursday at 10:30amoHillary Jollimore Pooping is good.Thursday at 10:31amoAraceli Molina Still praying for you Skip, and thinking about you. Like I said yesterday, God still gives us Miracles and I hope u r one of many. Skip, u should know we care if we get excited because u popped!!!! :-)Thursday at 10:31amoShezael Zael Gogogo Skip we all except you to pee (OMG What am I saying oO),I really hope he will be fine soon Keep it up Skip !Thursday at 10:32amoMichelle Able Good news! Keep fighting skip!Thursday at 10:33amoRita Lawrence Thanks for the update. Skip is in my prayers.Thursday at 10:34amoAldana Vandervoort come on Skip!!! I have been praying for you all week!Thursday at 10:35amoLeslie Cannon ?@Lisa Polo-candle litThursday at 10:37amoFrieda Corley YAY!! Any progress is good. With time, hopefully everything will start to work.Thursday at 10:38amoSiân Obermaier C'mon Skips kidneys n bladder, give him a widdle as well as a poop, fingers crossed. Thanks from the UK for the update.Thursday at 10:39amoNagy Alexandra I'm so happy for him! Yes, he's not out of the woods yet, but he had the first steps.Thursday at 10:39amoJeanne Stuart Yeah Skip! Just sent in my donation. My nickname is Angelica. I read that one of your Bobcats there has the same name. How could I not send in?Thursday at 10:39amoBarbara Crowell McCarthy Hurray for Skip!!! Now if only I could feel as happy about the "presents" my kitties leave in their box for me... ;-)Thursday at 10:41amoAngelina M Wormald COME ON SKIP LETS GET THROUGH THIS. YOU CAN DO THIS. EVERYONE KEEP PRAYING AND HOPING THAT HE PULLS THROUGH PLEASEThursday at 10:45amoLynette Tinsley I lit a candle for Skip! Check out the link above! It is really great! There are almost 40 candles lit from around the world for little Skip! Go Skip!Thursday at 10:47amoAmanda June Morton Come on Skip! You can do this!! Show them what you are made of! Lots of prayers headed your way!Thursday at 10:52amoJoyce Garite Brady good luck little oneThursday at 10:54amoSandy Hoitinga poop is good, but pee is better. If his kidneys are failing, that is NOT a good sign.Thursday at 10:56amoRebecca Vernon Yay poop! That is great news! Go Skip!!Thursday at 10:58amoSilvia Loehrer I am praying for you can do it! XOXOThursday at 10:59amoMelanie Lowe keep fighting little guyThursday at 10:59amoAdam Cheattouten Skip Rocks! Thanks for the update!Thursday at 11:01amoLisa Marie Babbitt Candle lit - - hang in there little buddy.Thursday at 11:01amoAlex DiGiacomo i know what's it's like with the uncertainty, my cat just came back from having his sutures out and it was a rough two weeks ^^ i hope skip does as well as my cat did, stay strong Skip and dont give up!Thursday at 11:01amoSilvia Loehrer I pray for Skip, to "skip" right out of the danger zone cause he has a lot of bobcat left in him and things to do here! My pug and I are paraying for you to pee soon...XOXOXOThursday at 11:02amoHl Rankin Was it a good one? not too runny, no blood, etc?Thursday at 11:03amoEl Burke That makes me happy. I was holding my part maine coon cat, Thor last night (he's a mama's boy) and telling him about Skip and that he needs to think of his relative too and hope that his bowels and such begin to work. Thor instantly began purring. I told him they'd make good friends, since Thor is a large cat... LOL. YAY SKIP!! Don't give up sweet Bobcat!Thursday at 11:06amoLevi Gray I never thought I would see a facebook message on my list with over 250 people liking it and the 2nd word being "Pooped".Thursday at 11:06am ·oNan Kesti This little guy deserves to LIVE, so I hope and pray that with all these positive thoughts and prayers he will.Thursday at 11:07amoMarianne Weaver I Love you guys! I was almost fearful to watch his journey, but never stopped thinking of him and what the outcome might be. I will be stopping in Florida for a week in Feb. And will make time to come by! All my ? !Thursday at 11:09amoPaula Retter Nolte Go Skip go!!!!Thursday at 11:12amoNoreen Raudabaugh Woohoo!!! I've never been so happy to hear that a kitty moved its bowels. Skip's a fighter. So glad to hear he's taking some baby steps toward recovery.Thursday at 11:14amoDorita Reyen Whoooppeeee! Pooooopppie!Thursday at 11:14amoColleen TraceyDr Wynn spoke w/ Dr Blair who doesn't think Skip's shattered pelvis can be fixed surgically. We are consulting other bone specialists before we give up. He got fluids and is eating well but not urinating or defecating so we are worried that... he can't; which means even cage rest can't help. Your love and healing thoug...hts may be his only chance. Not giving up yet.Lets hope that Skip will prove them wrong!!!!!!!!!! Keep on Pooping and Peeing!See MoreThursday at 11:16amoTiena Harvey Ellis Come on Baby you can do it. More healing blessings coming your way.Thursday at 11:18amoJustin Buzzini as i said, TLC, and a little time. many wild animals can take care of themselves. wolves can heal wounds, tigers could easily blend well with their surroundings, and cougars always get their prey (no, not those cougars). but i believe the phrase "Skip Pooped" is the ultimate definition on the year 2010. yay :P.Thursday at 11:24amoKaren Pastore Never was so happy to hear that an animal pooped!!!!!!!! YES!!!Thursday at 11:24amoBarbara Runcie More white light coming to Skip. Never underestimate the power of white light.Thursday at 11:26amoDawn Freeman Awesome! Poop is good! Healing prayers are heading your way! Get stronger Skip! xoxoThursday at 11:28amoBeth Giannosa Skip, we know your will to survive is STRONG ! You've got hundreds of people praying for you, and hundreds more cats/dogs/ect...purring for you. YOU CAN DO THIS !! BCR will do all they can to help you, so will we....all you have to do is show them that you want to live. So, once you pee, they will figure out the rest ! Blessings and healing love and light are being sent along with this message !! ? ? ?Thursday at 11:29amoDeb Penny McManus When my cat broke his leg the vet told me that as long as both ends of the bone were in the same cat, it would heal. Let's hope she was right. Hang in there Skip, you have a lot of life left to enjoy.Thursday at 11:29amoMarie Council Please, please get well Skip.Thursday at 11:30amoDee Iminurputer Yay Skip!Thursday at 11:31amoWormald Angelina M PLEASE PRAY FOR SKIP HE NEEDS US AND HE HAS STOLEN OUR HEARTS AND I AM PLEASED TO SAY THATThursday at 11:31amoLisa Polo Keep him in your prayers and light a candle here.. at 11:31amoLinda Reilly come on, Skipper!!!! you can do itThursday at 11:32amoLaura E. Felton Awww i am sending prayers and love to himThursday at 11:34amoJohn Palmer Never underestimate the power of nature or prayer. Yet, I've saved injured house cats, spent thousands, only for them to be miserable. It is so hard to know what the right thing is in these situations. But I absolutely support this organization. We also need to put our money into protecting the habitat of the Earth's dwindling wild animal populations. It is their future and ours too.Thursday at 11:37amoJennifer LaMondWonderful, little Skip... keep up the good fight. Your strength is shining through!! Keeping you and all the BCR workers and Vets that are working on you close in thought and prayer! I lit a candle for you and appreciate those who shared... the link to do so!! I'm passing along so others can do the same, if they like. you Skip!!See MoreThursday at 11:38amoJenny TowhillThere is an incredible orthopedic surgeon in London who may be able to advise. He has cats walking that most other vets would have given up on. His name is David Kydd and his website is the local vets send him their most difficult cases, I know its far away but I am sure he could advise over the internetSee MoreThursday at 11:42amoAmy O'Donnell Never thought I'd be glad to hear that a cat. . .Thursday at 11:44amoChris Naven Pearce Still pulling for you buddy :0)Thursday at 11:45amoAmanda Nicole Scaggs Aww that is great news. I hope he pees soon!Thursday at 11:45amoKim Haller Come on, Skip!Thursday at 11:47amoAshley Hawes ?:)Thursday at 11:50amoAmy Milligan Okay St. Francis of Assisi..... PLEASE help Skip the bobcat! He needs to start peeing! His kidneys need to work! Please BLESS!!! the couple that rescued Skip! Please BLESS!!! the vets treating SKIP!!!! Please BLESS!!! the vet techies treating Skip!!!! Please BLESS!!! BCR and all their staff and animals so that they may continue to provide the care and support the kitties need!!! {{{{SKIP}}}}} {{{{{+++POSITIVE+++VIBES+++}}}}}!!!Thursday at 11:52amoDonna Raihl Thank you LORD!!!! GO SKIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 11:55amoChristiane Lappe keep my fingers crossed for that great little fighter!Thursday at 11:55amoBrett Hall C'mon Skip! Paws are still crossed for youuu! ???Thursday at 11:56amoDiane Dusty Bauman That's Awesome!!!!!Thursday at 11:57amoAmanda Reynolds Praying that he pulls through! Thought about him all night!Thursday at 11:59amoArlene Hoffer OooRah! The mighty Skip has managed to begin the healing! Come on Skip! We love ya buddy and we're all pulling for you! I sent off a donation for the Skippers and hoping for the best! You can do it Skip! We love you!Thursday at 12:00pmoAmy Milligan I never thought I'd be so happy to hear about the bowel movements of a bobcat!!! :-) Now be a really good boy Skip and start peeing!!! (please!!!). Pee on the table. Pee on the vets. Pee on the vet techies. Pee on the floor. Just please start peeing NOW big guy!!! {{{LOVE}}} {{{POSITIVE VIBES}}}Thursday at 12:01pmoAmy Milligan Thanks to everyone that 'liked' my St. Francis of Assisi comment! I am a severely LAPSED Catholic so if any of you are 'good' Catholics you probably have a little more 'clout' with the appropriate powers that be! Please get to bothering St. Francis so he sends his healing powers to Skip and everyone caring for him! THANKS!!!Thursday at 12:04pmoMeleah Kirby I'm so glad he has made some progress. Praying for him to continue getting better.Thursday at 12:07pmoDeanna Voorhees THANK GOD FOR POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT SKIP!! FIGHT LITTLE BOY FIGHT!!! :)Thursday at 12:08pmoNatalie Lane Way to "go", Skip! I think that Skip the bobcat has the heart of a lion and will keep fighting like one!! EVERYONE: light a candle for Skip at Lisa Polo's link above- it's awesome! Thank you for sharing it, Lisa. We continue to pray for this boy and his complete healing and recovery. ?Thursday at 12:11pmoPatricia Sheridan Praying for you Sweet Skip! XOXOXOXOThursday at 12:24pmoKim Lopresti Johnson thank you for keeping us posted and not giving up on him. Good news tho, will keep the prayers comingThursday at 12:31pmoAlicia Harvey One step on the road to recovery.Hoping that Skip continues to improve.Thursday at 12:34pmoSusan Roberts Kiernan So happy he went. show us some pee now. u can do it!Thursday at 12:44pmoDawn Getyina SO glad to hear that, will keep him in my prayers!Thursday at 12:45pmoMaria Hancock but thats improvement!! come skip you can do it! survival instincts!Thursday at 12:47pmoJudy Rice Norcia Thanks for the good news update!!Thursday at 12:48pmoMichele Sanchez Ortiz YAY!Thursday at 1:00pmoSandra Davis X0X0 Yay SKIP!Thursday at 1:01pmoHeather Cantrell Hooray for poop! Keep up the good work, Skipster! Baby steps can lead to giant steps. We'll keep praying for some pee..Thursday at 1:02pmoCaroline Carlson Abrom YESSS!! That is such GREAT news! Prayed and prayed for him last night. You can do it little guy! Thank you, wonderful people at BCR, for all that you are doing. You all are amazing people and all of your hard work is so appreciated!Thursday at 1:03pmoZeki Gunay Sent him Reiki just now.Thursday at 1:04pmoDeborah Good Well hopefully he makes it. Good news thoughThursday at 1:10pmoSonya Cabral I cried when I heard and saw pics of skips injury!!! I still cry!!! I'm glad that skip is doing good!!! If people would pay attention to their driving this wouldn't happen!!! Hang in there skip you sweet little boy!!! I'm praying for you to make a speedy recovery!!!Thursday at 1:16pmoTammie Ekkelboom This news just made my morning! More positive and healing thoughts coming your way, Skip!! ? ?Thursday at 1:18pmoNancy Matthews Ewe Go Skip GO!!!! We need a Christmas miracle!!!Thursday at 1:20pmoSherri Wilson Reyes Sooo very excited about the pooping!! Saying prayers for peepee!!!! Please God, heal Skip!!!Thursday at 1:23pmoDeana Koopman I'm glad he did #2. Here's to hoping #1 happens soon and he starts to move around even more! Hoping and praying for Skip!Thursday at 1:26pmoMary Thompson Still praying for this guy.Thursday at 1:28pmoGerri Paniccia knowing this actually gave me comfort/a sign of progess.. but funny since i don't have kids and get annoyed when friends post that so-so went on the big girl/boy potty..Thursday at 1:38pmoJoyce McNevin One step at a time, that's great Skip....good going we luv ya and not giving up on can do it!!Thursday at 1:39pmoDeb Wentzel So happy to hear that, I am still thinking of him & praying that he is able to have surgeryThursday at 1:43pmoBarbara Trovato This is great news! He pooped, and I'm sure peeing will not be far behind! Thanks to all the wonderful people at BCR and the vets who have helped him.Thursday at 1:58pmoMichelle West Wonderful - keeping my fingers crossed for him!Thursday at 2:02pmoKaren Norris-Rocha Yay!!!!!! As a nursing student, I have learned to appreciate the value of a poop from a patient! GO SKIP!!!!! Now, onto the peeing. I know he will do it! Can he have surgery on his pelvis? Prayers continue for this little fighter :)Thursday at 2:04pmoOlga Cisneros baby steps... You GO SKip!!!Thursday at 2:31pmoRichard Brown It's kinda sad we are happy for poop and sad for not having pee but hey we all love to see these animals get back on there feet after they get sick! So what the heck "Yay poop!" &"Come on pee!"Thursday at 2:43pmoMelissa A. Arnold Podolak glad to see some improvement, and hope it continues...Thursday at 3:10pmoKathy Shane glad to see alittle progress with himThursday at 3:29pmoDamia Turek You're a trooper Skip ! Sending all my prayers your way .Thursday at 3:45pmoCandy Feldt sounds more hopeful... (keeping fingers and toes Xd)Thursday at 4:06pmoRuth Hart poor thing I hope he gets better.Thursday at 4:15pmoPammy Rae to all my us friends i said tap... in usa thats aforcett.. sorry.... just turni t on maybe he wud like to drink from it like our cats do too....skippy wud be a great hope for the new year and the for...castQ (cats\)Thursday at 4:42pmoPammy Rae cum on skip... show us some light for the new year.....we all need some focus.... and .. everyone dont foget to donate to bcr match for match!!! also purrfect santury and ark rain who burnt to the round i know its a struggle but they need us....Thursday at 4:45pmoDorothy Scanlan Sending good Karma his way...Thursday at 4:51pmoKristen Dawley Never been so happy to hear about a bobcat pooping :) hope he continues to get better!Thursday at 5:15pmoLes Habitants That's good news, just checked the webcam and he was awake and alert. He's sleeping now, get some rest little guy and hang in thereThursday at 5:45pmoCharlene Picard But he's that much closer! Keep up the good works, BCR!Thursday at 6:06pmoRobin Dougherty poor sweet little skip!Thursday at 6:08pmoSilvia Loehrer I am watching him live...not sure if he peed, but we think he did. Anybody hear more news about his spleen?You can watch him live here... at 6:25pmoKim Harmyk Dever You go Skip. We are rooting for you.Thursday at 7:12pmoMichael Collins Some progress is better than no progress. Encouraging for sure!!Thursday at 7:13pmoMichelle Morton Watching the live feed - he just urinated!!!Thursday at 7:35pmoJennifer Lovelady YAY! Who'd have thought poop could be so exciting.Thursday at 7:38pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen Prayers do work! I hope Skip continues to improve, and I will continue to pray for him!Thursday at 9:42pmoJames Morgans Hang in there Skippy!Thursday at 10:00pmoAmy Milligan ?@Michelle Morton..... YAY!!! Skippy peed!!! Glad to hear it!!! Go Skippy!!! Get pooping!!! Get peeing!!! Get better!!! {{{{{SKIP}}}}} {{{{{LOVE}}}}}Thursday at 11:31pmoAnita Christine Haywood I'll keep praying for the little guy.Yesterday at 10:41amoHl Rankin If there is a God in heaven, I will someday meet the jerk who ran into Skip, and devote five busy minutes to him with an axe handle.21 hours ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLCheck on Skip's recovery LIVE with our hospital cam :)BigCatHospital on USTREAM: This is the recovery cage inside the West Boensch Cat Hospital at Big CatJennifer LaMond, JoAnn Paolantonio, Kim Harmyk Dever and 276 others like this.+Claire Bivins This is so cool! Thank you!Thursday at 2:18pm+Jessica Dawn Miller Awwwww be rescued, during the holidays- hope you have a great recovery- sweetiepie- you're so cute!!:)Thursday at 2:18pm+Jenn Hansen Get well soon Skip. =33 ?Thursday at 2:19pm+Jamie Malmqvist I agree with Claire! Thanks guys!Thursday at 2:19pm+Susan Hughes I live just down the road from Big Cat.Is there any volunteer work I can do?Thursday at 2:20pm+Tamz Wagner I like how you have a phone number up in case anyone sees a cat in distress. Very cool. And the cat is funny. It's like he knows the camera is there lolThursday at 2:20pm+Jenny Barker i would like this a whole lot better if it were not for the noisy ad that just burst in . . .Thursday at 2:21pm+Elise Evans Thank you, this is great! I hope for his complete recovery.Thursday at 2:21pm+Angie Pyle I pray Skip gets better....thank you for being angels on earth for these wonderful animals!Thursday at 2:21pm+Michelle Klein-Hass Sleepy recovering kitteh. Good luck, little one!Thursday at 2:23pm+Gayle Boddy Clark is Skip doing better today?Thursday at 2:23pm+Marie Anne Lefebvre I hope Skip gets better very soon...Thursday at 2:24pm+Eileen Edgecomb How is Skip?Thursday at 2:25pm+Jenny Bean Sturtevant Awwwww, get well soon Skip!Thursday at 2:26pm+Lisa Tibbetts We're sending our love and get well wishes for little Skip! Get better quickly little guy!Thursday at 2:27pm+Patricia Morris MacDonald I almost hate to watch in case he doesn't make it. It would be even more upsetting after seeing video of him.Thursday at 2:28pm+Celeste Widman He's sleeping and looks more chilled out. This is a good sign. Yes?Thursday at 2:28pm+Natalie Lane We are pulling for you, little Skip! I think the man who rescued Skip (who Skip was named for) should be be COMMENDED and APPLAUDED!! Not many people would stop to help & actually pick up a wild animal in those circumstances. Thank you, "human Skip"!! I would like to know more about this kindhearted "stranger", wouldn't you?Thursday at 2:29pm 1+Heather Greene So who's going to take the first peepee watch?!? ;)Thursday at 2:29pm+Debi Gungor come on skip ,hes gorgeous well done human skip for rescuing him xx this cam is greta xxThursday at 2:30pm+Randy Whittington This is so cool to be able to see him live! Thanks guys. We're pulling for you Skip!Thursday at 2:31pm+Rhonda Mengarelli he seems to know you guys are trying to help him.He looks so relaxed in the videoThursday at 2:32pm+Amanda Nicole Scaggs This was awesome!! Thank you!!! I hope he has a strong recovery!!!Thursday at 2:33pm+Nagy Alexandra He's so adorable. I hope, he'll be okay.Thursday at 2:33pm+Deborah Caron Oh, I wish I lived any where near Tampa. Would love to help with this wonderful project. As for now, all I can do is support. Prayers keep on coming, Skip! Hang in there!Thursday at 2:34pm+Sue Drake I was a bit worried until I saw his head move just then. I SO hope he makes it . He's a beautiful cat .Thursday at 2:35pm+Lisa PoloLove IT!!! Thanks for allowing us all to observe Skip!! You canlight a virtual candle here and send Skip healing energies and prayers. I put a group together just for him. Just click on the link. MoreThursday at 2:36pm+Colleen TraceySkip and Nici should get some kind of a honouary big cat plaque for saving Skip the bobcat. It s wonderful to see him laying there but ..... as you guys at the BCR said that hes not out of the woods yet , it would great that we re ALL mo...nitoring him ..:)Hope things do go well for Skip the Bobcat ;)See MoreThursday at 2:37pm+Kirsten Moodie Sleepy Head lolThursday at 2:40pm+De Ja Foster Thank You SO much for all you do BCR! >^..^<Thursday at 2:43pm+Amy Milligan ?@Lisa Polo..... thanks for posting the link! I just lit a candle for Skip! Start peeing NOW!!! big guy!!! You can do it!!! {{{LOVE}}}Thursday at 2:45pm+Colleen Tracey skippy s awake!!!!! go to the link now !!!Thursday at 2:46pm+Colleen Tracey moved his left leg a little !! yahooohooooooooooooooooooThursday at 2:47pm+Candi Durkin Poor baby- at least with dogs and cats with broken hips you can wrap a towell under their bellies like a sling and get them moving around a bit - guess with awild animal that's out of the questionThursday at 2:47pm+Judit Tövissy He moved his left hind leg, I hope that means he's gonna be okay :)Thursday at 2:47pm+Connie WoundedArrows he's looking better!!!!Thursday at 2:48pm+Colleen Tracey ?@ candi hes a wake!!!! go look nowThursday at 2:48pm+Terri Halle Looks exhausted and probably is pretty stressed.Thursday at 2:50pm+Gabriele Herbst Geb Schön Get well, soon, sweety !!!!Thursday at 2:50pm+Angela Goodson Abbott Awesome! Nice to see him sitting up. He doesn't seem terribly stressed right now, that's good! Sure hope he recovers...?Thursday at 2:51pm+Andrea Tomich Ohnstad THANK YOU BCR for posting this for us! I agree--I think I saw him move his left leg a little. I am pulling for him!Thursday at 2:51pm+Angela Goodson Abbott And to the guy he's named after, Thank You! If not for you this sweet guy wouldn't even have had a chance. Bless you! ?Thursday at 2:53pm+Tricia LymeMom poor little guy....hoping for a speedy recovery ?Thursday at 2:54pm+Colleen Tracey ?@ candi , he has crushed pelvis theres no way u can put a sling on him ..Thursday at 2:55pm+Sue Drake ?@ BCR, what are his chances of recovery & IF he recovers, will he ever be able to be released back into the wild again ?Thursday at 2:57pm+Jody Holzhauer Poor kitty!! :(Thursday at 3:00pm+Kelly Borg Absolutely adorable! Thanks BCR for letting us be able to see him recover. Mostly looks sleepy right now. But that does seem like a good sign for recovery!Thursday at 3:01pm+Silvia Loehrer Oh, look at him...he is soooooo adorable. He just had his head up for a minute. Oh, I hope he makes it! That stain almost looks like pee...probably is something else, though...hoping and praying for his New Year to come and give him a chance at a full recovery. Skip, give us a New Years present...peee buddy...pee. :)Thursday at 3:03pm+Debbie McManigal Ellsworth come on little buddy, you can do it.Thursday at 3:04pm+Sue Reimer Hutchinson Poor wee fellow ... hope that he recovers well ...Thursday at 3:06pm+Jessalynne Deanna Zondra Peters awe!!! He's so cute! Poor little guy. :'(Thursday at 3:10pm+Sawsan Al-Hadhrami He's adorable! It's heartbreaking to see him dragging his useless left leg around :(:( He just fell asleep in his food!Thursday at 3:12pm+Heather Greene The candle lighting is so cool! =) I'm on my phone can't wait to check out the web cam when I get home!Thursday at 3:13pm+Kayla Barber hope he gets better soonThursday at 3:13pm+Drucie Peterson Bless his little baby heart....I hope he makes it.Thursday at 3:13pm+Colleen Tracey He moved!! AGAIN! hes now sleeping on his right side! PAWSTIVE SIGNS!! WHOHOOOOThursday at 3:21pm+Christy LeDuc Was it wishful thinking that I thought I saw pee on the cover when Skip rolled over a couple of minutes ago.Thursday at 3:22pm+Colleen Tracey he breathing good ! > good signThursday at 3:23pm+Debi Gungor aww hes turned round and i missed it xThursday at 3:27pm+Kat McFeaters Keep fighting the good fight Skip ?Thank you for allowing us to hopefully watch the miracle of his recovery.Thursday at 3:29pm+Robin Dougherty so incredible to watch him just breathe!Thursday at 3:45pm+Fran Harrington Thank you for sharing his recovery. Sending positive thoughts and love his way. You people at BCH are really, really great!! Keep up the great work!!Thursday at 3:51pm+Damia Turek I LOVE this live cam ! Thanks for sharing ! Skip is so beautiful ....Thursday at 3:53pm+El Burke He breaks my heart. I wish I could just pet him. I just watched him and his head was up, looking around a bit, then he put his head down and sighed. :( I hope you can help him get better. I know you all will do the best you can.Thursday at 3:55pm+Danielle Burdt Wake up Skip :)Thursday at 3:59pm+Sheri Freeman King This is very cool!!! I'm praying for Skip's speedy recovery ?Thursday at 3:59pm+Mary Thompson This is great thanks for sharing I hope he makes it.Thursday at 4:34pm+Holly Oxenfree Skip looks kind of relaxed, very even and slow breathing.Thursday at 4:44pm+Robin Dougherty hello, chip! slightly awake, i see? i can see from your stretched paw that you are feeling fine!Thursday at 5:00pm+Nora Mutao Frost Hiss...hiss...hiss claw....hey whered you go I just wanted to play. Ooo food...nomThursday at 5:11pm+Mario Nistico Still not moving his back legs?Thursday at 5:11pm+Colleen Tracey SKIP ATE!!! WHOHOOO!!!!!! SAW HIM EATING SOME PIECES OF MEATThursday at 5:13pm+Debbie Massey Glad he seems better,time will tell.Thursday at 5:21pm+Heather Cantrell Skip, you're even more beautiful than I thought. Feel better!Thursday at 5:30pm+Kevin Da Kat he is so beautiful, always on his guard, but seems to know he's in safe hands..Thursday at 5:41pm 3 peopleArlene Hoffer and 2 others like this. ·+Arlene Hoffer Keeping our paws crossed for you Skip. We all love you and we're all rooting for ya buddy!Thursday at 5:46pm+Colleen Tracey he even moved around in the cage he even stood up for a moment then laid down again ! fought with the water cup ! yep TOTALLY BOBCAT ATTITUDE!Thursday at 5:56pm+Colleen Tracey lets hope he pees!Thursday at 5:57pm+Colleen Tracey Still sleeping ?Thursday at 6:15pm+Roberta Lioness Bown awesome :)Thursday at 6:17pm+Rebecca Vernon This is great!He's drinking water, looking around and grooming himself, these all seem like good signs.Thursday at 6:18pm+Kimberly Jones He peed!!! :D I saw him do it on cam!! He's eating and grooming and moving and drinking! :D Yay!!!! Go Skip!!! :)Thursday at 6:21pm+Sam Snell He looks so relaxed.Thursday at 6:24pm+Donna Coffey He really peed? YAY! He's grooming himself now...a very good sign. I saw him move around a bit and use one of his back legs some :) GO SKIP!Thursday at 6:28pm+Donna Coffey Stretching out that one back leg...a great sign!Thursday at 6:29pm+Rebecca Vernon He's stretching out his right leg...but not the left one, I haven't seen that move yet.Thursday at 6:33pm+Rondi Kay Abbott Praying that Skip makes it!!!Thursday at 6:34pm+Suzie Buck Go Skip.. We at the Smolen home are praying for you..Thursday at 6:38pm+Dorita Reyen It's so great to be able to watch his recovery. Thank you! He is looking livlier.Thursday at 6:43pm+Arlene Hoffer I just checked in again, and I understand he peed and stretched his back leg! Way To Go Skip! You can do it buddy! We love ya!!!Thursday at 6:46pm+Eilene Wood Yea, for Skip!! Time and prayer for healing. I don't know about anmals, but probably being in shock, it took awhile for all the normal functions to kick in?Thursday at 7:06pm+Lily Chaves Wow. He's moving. Hi Skip. You're looking good.Thursday at 7:13pm+Eilene Wood Yes, Skip and Nici thank you so much for saving this little guy,he had his guardian angels, looking over him. Thank you Lisa for the candle link. I've been lighting candles since 2006, I never heard of this candle link, well I never really was on a computer until then, for personal stuff, just work. I started lighting candles when Barbaro the race horse broke down on the race track. Now my friends and I like candles for animals/humans.Thursday at 7:14pm+Noreen Raudabaugh So beautiful, moving and sad at the same time. I love seeing him move, but I want to reach out and help him! Thank you again, BCR. Your karma must be amazing. May good things come to all of you.Thursday at 7:14pm+Janet Ladwig Skip, God sent people to help you for a reason-Hang in there little buddy! Thanks to those who stopped to help & those continuing to help. I am not sure that I would know what to do-learning so much!Thursday at 7:15pm+Noreen Raudabaugh I'm pretty sure we saw both feet move a bit.Thursday at 7:16pm+Eilene Wood I saw his little foot move just a little!! :)Thursday at 7:21pm+Betsy Pheil Did I see Skip urinate? Hope so!Thursday at 7:32pm+Kathy Farley-Panaras skip looks pretty good considering. Feel sorry for him trying to get around. Noticed he is going to the potty! He has a long recovery ahead of him but he will make it!Thursday at 7:33pm+Lily Chaves Did he pee? That spot wasn't yellow before. Yay.Thursday at 7:34pm+Karen Norris-Rocha He pee'd!!!!!Thursday at 7:34pm+Debra Schaefer Did Skip just pee? I can't tell if what I am seeing is a shadow or if I saw lots of urine being absorbed into his cage liner. Oh please let Skip be getting his functions back!Thursday at 7:34pm+Karen Norris-Rocha I'm in tears watching him move around - but I'm so happy he's fighting. I just pray they can fix his hip...Thursday at 7:35pm+Tabatha Lewis i think i seen him pee!! this is awesome !!Thursday at 7:36pm+Michelle Morton He definitely urinated - quite a bit, too. I hope he can get some fresh bedding soon.Thursday at 7:40pm+Rebecca Vernon He peed, I watched him do it. He's dragging himself around using his front legs, which is heartbreaking to see, but he did just pee.Thursday at 7:42pm+Michele Crow Anello ?7:35pm I see Skip is trying to stand, but the poor baby can't understand why he can't use he back legs, so sad:( I am praying Skip will have a Happy and Healthy New Year.Thursday at 7:42pm+Colleen Tracey Let's ask the BCR to take a pix of the cage liner to check if Skip did peed during the night ??Thursday at 7:43pm+Michele Crow Anello ?7:44pm Well he just went doo dee!!!! Never thought I would be saying this but great news!!!:) DOO DOO!!Thursday at 7:46pm+Tabatha Lewis he moved to the middle and sat for a few sec's and then yellow appeared on the blanket by his bottom. my girl's said " mom he pee'd". my girl's are praying for skip and very interested in watching his recovery because there grandparent's are skip and nici the people who rescued skip and hope he gets better.Thursday at 7:46pm+Samantha KowalskyTHANK YOU for this stream! I just happened to log in, and was JUST IN TIME to see him have a BM! It didn't just fall out, he pushed it out. That's a great sign that his spine can still send signals to his lower body! :DNever thought I'd be happy to see a cat poop, lol!See MoreThursday at 7:51pm+Shannon Cohen OMG I am soooo happy!! I have been thinking about him!! Thank you guys!!Thursday at 8:07pm+Shannon Cohen Get well soon little skip. :)Thursday at 8:10pm+Toni Tedesco Royer This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing. He has so many people praying for him and watching him like this makes us feel that he belongs to us (which he does)! Bless you BCR.Thursday at 8:11pm+Tracey Miles Poor baby...he does not look happy. he keeps crying...Thursday at 8:30pm+Tracey Miles I saw him move and kind of sit up and am glad to see others have seen him pee. He seems to be so uncomfortable that he can't relax. He keeps trying to lay or sleep and then wakes up repeatedly and kind of crys like he is either in pain or doesnt understand what is going on. I hope u can fix him up and he can recover quickly....Thursday at 9:39pm+Lisa Polo Don't forget to light a virtual candle and send healing energies and prayers his way... at 10:54am+Llyn Walker good luck skip. :)19 hours ago+Gabriele Herbst Geb Schön Wow, he already startet to eat. That´s great !!!!18 hours ago+Amy O'Donnell Thanks for letting us see Skip. He's gonna be fine, thanks to y'all at BCR.16 hours ago+Lora Fleming YAY!!! Thank you for caring about the wild animals!2 hours ago+Monica Spires please start the year off and Donate any amount and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR! $25 will feed a bobcat for 2weeks! bigcatrescue.org2 hours ago+Karen Patrick Webb If Skip can't run will he remain at BCR?about an hour ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLGreat news! Skip peed and is going in tomorrow morning for surgery. Dr. Wynn found a bone specialist who says he thinks he can get Skip back on his feet, he just isn't sure he will ever run. It's a first step & worth a try. You can watch Skip at Fairclough, Silvia Loehrer, JoAnn Paolantonio and 188 others like this.? Karen Norris-Rocha Thank GOD!!! I'm so happy :) Sending TONS of prayers and positive thoughts!!!! Thank You!!Thursday at 7:41pm? Jody Melissa I'm so glad!!!Thursday at 7:42pm? Linzee Mundtt that is great news..i wish him the best ..blessings..the camera is a great idea tooThursday at 7:42pm? Tiena Harvey Ellis That is fantastic! Many blessings for young Skip. He really derserves a second chance.Thursday at 7:42pm? Carole Bakke thank goodness. prayersThursday at 7:42pm? Linda Reilly even skipper never runs again, he will always have a wonderful life and home at BCR...Thursday at 7:42pm? Kayla Barber thats awesome newsThursday at 7:42pm? Tiena Harvey Ellis Since he won't be able to run does that mean he will become a permanent resident at BCR?Thursday at 7:43pm? Lisa Polo YA YA YA YA!!1Thursday at 7:43pm? Linzee Mundtt i see him moving his head i take it he is not sedated but prolly on pain meds????Thursday at 7:43pm? Chris Naven Pearce Atta boy Skip, good luck with your surgery and remember you have to walk first and then worry about running :0)Thursday at 7:43pm? Diane Supowit Praise God! I will keep on praying for Skip!Thursday at 7:44pm? Jrad Tiran i love ustream ..glad to see you guys on it : )Thursday at 7:44pm? Nora Mutao Frost I've heard doctors tell paralized people they'll never walk again only for them to turn around and do it anyways. Do it Skip!! Show'm whatcha made of!Thursday at 7:44pm? Robert Lyons Yay, Skip !!!! I knew you good do it ! This is such great news, thank you again to whoever or whatever in the universe is watching out for and helping Skip, and thank you Big Cat Rescue for your helping Skip too . This is such great news !!!!!Thursday at 7:44pm? Michele Sanchez Ortiz That's wonderful!!!Thursday at 7:44pm? Sue Drake looks like peeing isn't all he's done lol good luck with the surgery tomorrow Skip =)Thursday at 7:45pm? Rod Waddell I'm thankful for that and for people like those at BCR and other upstanding sanctuaries! Great newsThursday at 7:45pm? Ryan Kennedy he just messed and is trying to move away from it! poor cat :( you all are wonderful for all you are doing for this animal!Thursday at 7:45pm? Patricia Presley My prayers are with Skip and all the Doctors and all the helpers.You are in my prayers Little Skip!Thursday at 7:45pm? Melissa Olson im so happy for skip. he just pooped in the video and thats such a positive step.Thursday at 7:45pm? Aldana Vandervoort God is watching out for Skip!Thursday at 7:45pm? Colleen Tracey Yah and a bunch of us will be waiting in the virtual waiting room with coffee and sandwiches ! LOLThursday at 7:46pm? Lorelei Kathleen Hickman many prayers for Skip!!!Thursday at 7:46pm? Connie WoundedArrows He poooooped!Thursday at 7:46pm? Aminah Ameeri great!!!Have been watching him on the video> Glad to hear he will have a chance? Now when is dinner??Thursday at 7:46pm? Deborah Budesa This is joyful news. Dear God, can we please have one more miracle before this year ends?Thursday at 7:47pm? Tammy Perkins Awesome!!!! Thank you Scott and all of BCR for everything you do for these cats. Society would be a MUCH better place if more people had your heart and compassion for all God's creatures. Hope everyone there has a terrific new year! And thx for all the updates on Skip!Thursday at 7:47pm? Ryan Kennedy and I was just thinking, if this surgery is not successful has been contacted to see if they will donate/personalize a wheeler for you?Thursday at 7:48pm? Brian Howle So proud of Skip for being such a fighter ... and there you have positive proof of the power of prayer! BCR rules! :)Thursday at 7:48pm? Susan Roberts Kiernan Yeaaa! great news!Thursday at 7:48pm? Jake StandingDown He'll prob. have to stay @ BCR if he can't run, I'd assume. Bobcats eat all those tiny Agilent critters.Thursday at 7:48pm? Mia McDonald that is FANTASTIC news!!!!!!Thursday at 7:49pm? Robert Hodge Great news! Hope he continues getting better!Thursday at 7:50pm? Lynda Stephens Our prayers are being answered.Thursday at 7:51pm? Maria Farmer Bartholow He was looking into the camera when I logged on!Thursday at 7:51pm? Diane Dusty Bauman I've never been so excited that an animal peed & pooped!!!!!Thursday at 7:51pm? Carusio MystWolf Thank the spirits! This is great news. Give Skip our love BCR. Keep doing the good things you do!Thursday at 7:52pm? Li Ha this is good news.. been watching this beautiful baby on the webcam, please continue to keep us posted on his progress saying many prayersThursday at 7:53pm? Suzie Buck Its not much be we sent a small donation your way. I hope it helps. We are so very happy to see how well he is doing here.. we are praying he does well tomorrow.Thursday at 7:54pm? Gail Oehlbeck Phillips Such awesome news!!Thursday at 7:54pm? Lisa Polo Keep lighting those virtual candles for Skip here.. :)? at 7:54pm? Lisa Polo Ya!! GREAT NEWS!Thursday at 7:54pm? Lisa Olson yay may Skip be healthier soon :)Thursday at 7:55pm? Diane M. Duhaime Fantastic!!!!Thursday at 7:55pm? Michele Crow Anello EXCELLENT NEWS!!!!! Skip has so many people praying for him and thanks to the angels who found him and to you who drove him to get proper care. See love and prayer does work:)Thursday at 7:55pm? Sheryl Bottner Really good news! I just saw Skip poop on the cam. If he can never run, will he live at the sanctuary?Thursday at 7:55pm? Michele Sanchez Ortiz What a beautiful cat! I love his face! Good luck tomorrow Skip!Thursday at 7:56pm? Hansi Schaffer Brittain Can't "like" this news enough!Thursday at 7:56pm? Leslie Snowden OMG, that is great news!!!! :)Thursday at 7:56pm? Leslie Snowden Thank u!!!Thursday at 7:56pm? Amy VJ As you know, eating and peeing are the best signs! Good luck!Thursday at 7:56pm? Eliza Howard My kids are elated me too ?? for Skip !!Thursday at 7:57pm? Romie K. Francis Fye I knew it! I knew with all of our positive energy, prayers, etc..... That Skip would be okay! Thursday at 7:57pm? Melissa Pollard This is the best news i've heard all day! I'm all teary eyed now GO SKIP! ?Thursday at 7:58pm? Janet Mathis Arnold Thanks for posting this!Thursday at 7:58pm? Ashley Jager You can do it skip ! We are pulling for you Thursday at 7:58pm? Steve Shelby Sending lots of prayers. Was going to send money but apparently prayers are the in thing now. Hope the exchange rate works out.Thursday at 7:59pm? Allison Friedman That's amazing. One step at a time. Thanks for updating.Thursday at 8:00pm? Martha Wexler thank goodness!Thursday at 8:00pm? Connie Halsey I really hope he can survive and has the kind of personality that will allow him to be happy at the Sanctuary if he can't go back to the wild!Thursday at 8:02pm? Marie Council What good news!!!Thursday at 8:02pm? Debra Hancock God bless the surgeon and we pray Skip will be back on his feet step at a time!Thursday at 8:02pm? Marie Anne Lefebvre YAY!!! Good luck Skip!!!! Thank you so much BCR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 8:02pm? Toni Tedesco Royer How wonderful! Thank you St. Frances and keep your hands on this little one!Thursday at 8:04pm? Nagy Alexandra I'm so happy for you Skip. Get well soon! :) I'm watching you live. You're gergeous!Thursday at 8:04pm? John Petrucco I told you! Just a HOP SKIP and a JUMP away from being back on your paws buddy!!Thursday at 8:05pm? Melanie Lowe one puddy step at a time you can do it SkipThursday at 8:05pm? Elise Evans Been watching Skip on the web cam and sending along positive thoughts for his recovery. Thank you, BCR, for your commitment to the wonderful creatures in your care. It is great to see that there are so very many good people in this world who are praying for this little guy's recovery.Thursday at 8:07pm? Heather Cantrell Such good news! I sent a donation the other night through the matching funds thingy...I don't know if it'll go straight to Skip, but maybe it can help cover something. This little angel deserves a second chance!Thursday at 8:09pm? Janet Powell Bisson That just brought "happy tears" to my eyes......that is EXCELLENT news!!....Keep up the good work BCR :)Thursday at 8:10pm? Gee Whiz McGee Oh jeez, somebody clean up his poop over there!Thursday at 8:11pm? Caroline Carlson Abrom Hallelujah! Thank you Lord! Thank you sooooooooooo much BCR!! We are all so overjoyed by this wonderful news!!!Thursday at 8:13pm? Christine Andrade Let's go Skip! You can do it!Thursday at 8:14pm? JoAnn Paolantonio good news indeed!Thursday at 8:14pm? Stephanie Winters he is sawing logs right now...I can see his little side go up and down...Thursday at 8:15pm? Arlene Hoffer Alright Skip! Pooping up a storm! Way To Go, buddy, literally! We love you buddy! Rest up and get well darling boy, you can do it!Thursday at 8:15pm? Bonnie Kelley bcr stands for best care round!!! thanks so much for all you do!!!Thursday at 8:17pm? Janet Davis That's amazing! Thank you too a BCR teachers, supporters, and vets.Thursday at 8:19pm? Alex Foxx Whoo hoo! I've been waiting all night and day for this news! It's even better than expected because he peed! I am so proud of Skip and elated beyond words. Thursday at 8:20pm? Amanda Reynolds I was afraid to watch get too attached but I am so glad I did because I see some poopy right beside him! Sooo happy to hear he is peeing now too!!!Thursday at 8:24pm? Sonya Cabral Awesome!!!!!!! I'm sooooooo happy that our beloved skip has finally peed, he is having surgery tomorrow!!! I'm also happy that there is a vet that can make him better, butI'm crying that he might never be able to run again!!! Hang in there you sweet boy that you are skip, there are millions of people who love you and are praying for you to make a sppedy recovery!!! :) GO SKIP!!! GO SKIP!!! :)Thursday at 8:25pm? Alex Foxx I can't wait to go home to log onto the webcam. Can't get it on my phone. Sorry I missed him poo! Thank you BCR and Skip, the wonderful man who chased him down, and the awesome veterinarians! Go Skip, go!Thursday at 8:27pm? Silvia Loehrer I also donated, but through their paypal option site...this was a piece of cake...just wanted to post the link for anyone that would like to do it through can also donate using a cc card using this link... at 8:29pm? Silvia Loehrer Thank goodness he is going in for surgery tommorrow! That is such great news!!! We are all in this with you Skip!! May you get through the surgery with flying colors!! XOXOXOThursday at 8:31pm? Kris Barrett Daugherty If he can't run BCR will definitely keep him right? I just donated and am watching the Skip cam. BCR rocks! I'll keep praying.Thursday at 8:32pm? Les Habitants Good news. I'm watching the live cam and he's alert and snarling so he still has lots of fight in him. Get well little guyThursday at 8:32pm? Silvia Loehrer I also want to send loving thoughts and energy to the surgeon that isn't giving up on Skip either!!! We love you and thank you so much for helping Skip...blessings to you and your loving staff...XOXOXOThursday at 8:32pm? Michelle Congdon Oh thank god!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 8:34pm? Dena Richardson Such great news! Good luck in surgery tomorrow Skip! I'll be praying for your speedy recovery! Thursday at 8:35pm? Sasha E. Vides Yay! I was beginning to worry. So happy :)Thursday at 8:35pm? Arlene Hoffer How wonderful! Someone just came in and slowly, gently removed Skip's poop with big tweezers...Skip moved about alertly, ready to defend himself, but he was cool, he didn't freak out....he's definitely not sure of his surroundings, but he's cool and taking it all in. Then they lowered the lights, all the while slow and calm....great job all you Hospital folk, Great Job!Thursday at 8:36pm? Ann Zettervall I am so glad Skip will get surgery! I hope it goes well enough that he can walk again.Thursday at 8:37pm? Florida Potter was very happy to see skip poo!!!? he sure looks spirited...? Wishing him BEST of luck tomorrowThursday at 8:44pm? Amanda Nicole Scaggs That is GREAT news!!!!!Thursday at 8:45pm? Michelle Able Yeah!!! I pray his surgey goes well and for his speedy recovery!Thursday at 8:46pm? Annarosa Berman Fantastic news. Thanks for helping this beautiful creature.Thursday at 8:47pm? Holly Oxenfree Yay!!!!!!!Thursday at 8:48pm? Torri Chandler That is great news. Prayer are with him for a full recovery!!Thursday at 8:50pm? Donna Ralphs Woo Hooooo!!! (Doing cartwheels!!!)Thursday at 8:53pm? Eilene Wood Great news!! Praying for Skip.Thursday at 8:57pm? Sammy Williams If Skip cant run, he wont be able to hunt! That would be bad! Will you have to make some ultimate decision once he finishes recovery?Thursday at 8:58pm? Eilene Wood Let's light the candles for Skip. at 9:05pm? Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Other cats, like Ace and Alachua Bob were rehab bobcats who could not heal well enough to run and they live out a quiet life here, away from the tour route, just getting room service twice a day.Thursday at 9:07pm 11 peopleLoading...? Donna Ralphs Nice, spoiled kitties ;) They deserve it!Thursday at 9:08pm? Rosemarie Plaetke did the surgeon make a prognosis re. walking?Thursday at 9:09pm? Kimberly Jones Thank you for all that you are doing for him at BCR! :)Thursday at 9:09pm? Les Habitants ?" If you make your best effort to be kinder, nurture compassion, make the world a better place, then you can say 'At least I've done my best’." ~ Dalai Lama Thanks to the rescuers who stopped to help Chip, the doctors and of course BCR for showing so much compassion and giving the little guy a chance. Hope the surgery is successful and he recovers. You are all indeed doing the best you can. ThanksThursday at 9:10pm? Suzie Buck Someday when I get my Act together, and come down to intern. (working on my Zoology degree here) I will be honored to meet all the small critters and learn all i can about there care. I have wanted to come and work at BCR since I first hear of them.Thursday at 9:10pm? Deborah Caron Oh this is wonderful news!!! What an incredible start to a new year. I've been waiting for this good news all day. Thursday at 9:10pm? Richard Brown yay!!!!Thursday at 9:11pm? Annette Johnson-Braswell Way to go Skip!!Thursday at 9:15pm? Jane Alexander Barcroft If our boy can just get around when the surgeon has done his magic, it's good. Miss Jane had a vet for her house kitties who repaired a broken pelvis in his own domestic cat, and she lived a long and happy life motivating all over his house, including on the ceiling if he held her up to it.Thursday at 9:24pm? Sandra Davis Yay =)Thursday at 9:25pm? Ann Eastham Yay Little Skip! Let all your inner frustration fuel your recovery! Be a little pisser!!Thursday at 9:27pm? Donna Raihl GO SKIP! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! May God be with the hands and mind of Dr. Wynn who is helping Skip back on his feet. God be with you all!!Thursday at 9:28pm? Ruth Williamson Hoorraaah!!!!! That's wonderful news. Good luck!!!!Thursday at 9:38pm? Chris Tremlett Yay! You go, Skip! And many thanks to the wonderful docs helping take care of him!Thursday at 9:38pm? Jada Hope I've never been so happy to hear about a cat peeing before!!! Yay Skip!Thursday at 9:44pm? Lynne Lewis Donahue Oh yay! I've been afraid to see the updates, but this IS good news!!Thursday at 9:52pm? Amanda Reynolds EXCELLENT!!! Will be praying for him!!! I'm sooooooooo happy to hear, what a little fighter! Gotta love him :)Thursday at 9:54pm? Angie Krohne Pontynen Thank you BCR and the Vets and Techs who did not give up on Skip! Such great news!Thursday at 9:56pm? Andrea Ortiz Positive positivism!!!! keep it coming!Thursday at 9:57pm? Barbara Trovato He peed, the news keeps getting better and better! The live cam is off, I guess the turned the lights off so he can sleep?Thursday at 10:02pm? Snow Bop Wow, that really is great news!!Thursday at 10:06pm? Karen MacNeill Swartz Hoping for a healing new year for Skip and relieved he is in the best hands, especially with this cold weather!Thursday at 10:12pm? Ashley R Richard YAY!! SKIP!!Thursday at 10:20pm? Pati Renteria Oh, it's so CUTE!!!!!!Thursday at 10:23pm? Meleah Kirby Thank you to the bone specialist who is willing to try and help him and to everyone at BCR for not giving up on him.Thursday at 10:29pm? Melinda Whitfield So so glad he is better and can have surgery. I was so worried.Thursday at 10:48pm? Frances Pappas our prayers r with you Skip,,,XOXOXOThursday at 10:56pm? Amy Milligan Good boy Skippykins! I am so happy that you have pooped and peed! (and that's not something I say very often!!!). Okay, it's not something I've ever said to anyone/anything but the sentiment is real! Thanks to EVERYONE that helped Skip! To his rescuers, BCR, the vets, the vet techies, and everyone pulling for him on facebook! GO Skip GO!!! Thanks to St. Francis of Assisi for intervening and sending his healing powers to Skip/etc.!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 11:47pm? Lynette O'Brien Yes!Yesterday at 12:02am? Susie Gaitan Yay for Skip!!!Yesterday at 12:22am? Eilene Wood Amy I've never said pped and pooped before either, but since I've become involved witih horse rescue, I've said this many times, horse people "get it" or should I say "animal" people "get it". Everyone thank you for giving this beautiful boy a chance, I know he feels the love.Yesterday at 1:29am? Dana Gilkey the news just makes me want to cry w/joy! give skip lots of hugs from me and a big kiss! and once again, thank-you for all you do!!! peace!Yesterday at 1:34am? Kimmie D Roberts yeahhhh go skipper!Yesterday at 4:46am? Pammy Rae YAY SKIPPY!!!! COME ON DOWN...! lol.. pee poo and come thro!!! routin for ya baby!!!!Yesterday at 5:28am? Stacy Kligerman I told ya all you needed was FAITH! : )Yesterday at 6:04am? Donna Coffey If Skippy makes it but can't run, will BCR be able to take him in? I know you have limited room and I'll challenge everyone out there that's pulling for Skip to go to the BCR website and donate just 1 or 2 dollars @ the matching grant (your donation will be doubled) to help pay Skippy's bills. I already donated...will you?Yesterday at 6:27am? Donna Coffey ?:::Still saying prayers to St. Frances and St. Gertrude (the latter is the patron saint of cats) for Skip in his surgery today. I have to work alll day so won't be able to check on his progress until late this afternoon...please let it be good news! Amen :)::::Yesterday at 6:28am? Donna Arsenault Bryant I wish I could donate but my husband was laid off 3 days before Christmas. I will post the donate link on my site again though.Yesterday at 6:53am? Donna Arsenault Bryant I can't find the donate link for the matching funds so I can post on my site. Can someone post it?Yesterday at 6:55am? Donna Coffey Donna, those links above "should" work. If not go to and click around. :) You'll find it. And btw..THANK YOU from Skip!Yesterday at 7:06am? Donna Arsenault Bryant I found it and found the matching one, embedded it on my site. :) I have dj's on there too from an online radio show. Some of them may even put an ad for it. We'll see. Thanks for the link. Here's the link to the matching donate page. at 7:06am? Donna Arsenault Bryant BTW - For those of us that can't donate, you can copy and paste the donate link to your facebook status, post the link on every site you go to like myspace, etc. If you have a blog or other type of site, mine is a social site like facebook, embed the ad on your site so we can get some funds for BCR.Yesterday at 7:07am? Donna Arsenault Bryant Here's my status, copy and paste it to yours if you want to.?? Big Cat Rescue is trying to save a bobcat that was hit by a car. You can help by donating here and right now, funds are being matched! Pretty... cool.See MoreYesterday at 7:11am? Donna Arsenault Bryant Alright, I've taken over the post here. lol. Here's a challenge to all of you following this bobcat's rescue. Let's take this donating post viral. In other words, all of you post the donating status to your page and encourage all of your friends to post it as well and let's see how many people we can get involved in raising money! Let's make it a New Year's BCR Party right here! For Skip, let's POST!!Yesterday at 7:19am? Arlene Hoffer I love how thrilled we all are for the Mighty Skipster when he poops and pees! I understand he's going in to surgery today, and I feel so hopeful! You guys at BCR and this hospital are the best! Paws crossed for ya Skip! We love you!Yesterday at 7:42am? Llyn Walker I hope it works.18 hours ago? Caroline Am I know Skip's injuries are much worse than my Baron's bad knee was...But, the day after surgery, when Baron was not supposed to be jumping AT ALL, he jumped on the couch as soon as he got home! I hope Skip makes a full recovery as well. Dr Hay is great!8 hours ago? Amy Milligan Yay!!! Baron!!! I love happy endings!about an hour ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLI set up the transport cage next to Skip's cage tonight so he can move off the wet blanket and be ready for his ride to the vet tomorrow. If you don't see him on UStream, he's probably in the other side. Lungs starting to congest from impact so surgery will be touch and go. Send the loving thoughts!Thursday at 10:11pmSandra Roberts-April, Kym Marszal, Toni Brodnick and 241 others like this.oKathy Farley-Panaras will keep Skip in my prayers!Thursday at 10:12pmoKelly Nance hang in there Skip.Thursday at 10:12pmoRebecca Barrar Petrilak Keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.Thursday at 10:12pmoWanda Wilson Tierman Fight with all you have !Thursday at 10:12pmoMichelle Bafik-Vehslage Blessings said... St Francis will be watching over, Skip..Thursday at 10:12pmoRuthann Seitz Kling i hope everything works outThursday at 10:12pmoCrystal Codina I think i missed it. How did he get injured?Thursday at 10:12pmoScott Cote prayers going your way Skip .... pull through boy, nothing hurts you ...Thursday at 10:12pmoVivian Wolpers I send not only lots of loving thoughts.... I send up prayers for the surgery to go well !!!Thursday at 10:13pmoLinda Davis got hit by a carThursday at 10:13pmoCarla Hlatky Hope all works out! I'll be visiting Big Cat on my trip to Tampa!Thursday at 10:13pmoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Oh no!! Praying for Skip!!!!!!Thursday at 10:13pmoEliza Howard All my familys blessings and prayers for you Skip-? ?Thursday at 10:13pmoLinzee Mundtt ustream is off ...blessings for skip..Thursday at 10:14pmoCara Wilson ? ? ?Thursday at 10:14pmoJanet Naylor Vandenabeele Hang in there, little dude!Thursday at 10:14pmoTammy Wragg oh sending love and prayers for skip, i hope he makes it..he just has too...Thursday at 10:14pmoMelissa Koblin Lots of love and good thoughts!!! ?Thursday at 10:14pmoKrystal Grohman Sending prayers & healing thoughts to Skip..Thursday at 10:14pmoLinda Moch Prayers that the surgery goes well also. Loving thoughts coming Skips way.Thursday at 10:14pmoAndrea Kartchner Cupp Even if he passes on he does so with much love and comfort. Obviously I hope he spends a long, healthy spoiled life at the sanctuary (if he can't be released). You guys are wonderful. ? to Skip and prayers for a sweet recovery :)Thursday at 10:15pmoLinda Davis come on God, what better way to end the year than with another miracle...You brought him to it, please bring him through it...Thursday at 10:15pm ·oBrian Howle Stongheart, Skip!Thursday at 10:15pmoLisa Olson Oh no my Skip love, hang on guy you can make it!!!Thursday at 10:15pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen He's fought so hard and come so far, I'm praying he'll make it!Thursday at 10:15pmoAnita 'Greenberg' Beaudet I'll keep him in my prayers!!Thursday at 10:16pmoNina Lyman purring and praying for SkipThursday at 10:16pmoLisa Olson Me too AngieThursday at 10:16pmoBonnie Kelley oh please let him be alright!!! i am wishing so hard for him!Thursday at 10:16pmoLeslie Snowden Angel Skip is in my prayers, hope somehow he can recover :)Thursday at 10:17pmoJane Alexander Barcroft So many people love you, Skip! can you feel it? Hang in there!Thursday at 10:17pmoLinda Reilly keep you in our thoughts, skip! be strong buddy, only good things await you after this!Thursday at 10:17pmoAlison Roth All my best thoughts and prayers Skip!Thursday at 10:17pmoMary Thompson I watched him for a while today and he seemed to peaceful I will continue to pray he will make it.Thursday at 10:17pmoLuanne Seiverd McKnight Sending prayers and warm wishes for Skip...I hope he makes it through this journey..Thursday at 10:18pmoLisa PoloSending healing and protective energies Skip's way!!Please light a virtual candle and say a prayer and send healing energies to Skip during his surgery as well as recovery.. Thanks!Click on the link MoreThursday at 10:18pmoChristine Calder thoughts and prayersThursday at 10:18pmoJeri Lynn Thompson praying for the little guy!Thursday at 10:20pmoJoanie Maverick Team Skip all the way. Hope he holds on.Thursday at 10:20pmoSonya Cabral We are praying for you skip!!! May god help you to make it!!! What a sweet little boy you are!!! LOTS OF LOVE & PRAYERS for you skip!!!Thursday at 10:21pmoRhonda Mengarelli awwww he's come so far PLEASE Skip you can pull through this.God is watching over you,he wont let you suffer anymore then you need to.I'm praying for you Skip and all of those who are trying to help you.Please keep us all up on what is happeningThursday at 10:22pmoAshley R Richard Lots of loving thoughts and healing energy!!!Thursday at 10:24pmoJerrica Beek ?Thursday at 10:24pmoAmanda June Morton Sending loving thoughts and prayers for skip and his care providers.. you have a whole team cheering for you..Thursday at 10:24pmoKaren Hampton Come on Skip,you can do it xxxThursday at 10:24pmoLucille Fortier My prayers are with Skip!Thursday at 10:25pmoKaren Swartz Hang in there Skip! You will make it. Be Strong!!!Thursday at 10:25pmoLee Miles Bradford Sending good thoughts your way Skip! Poor little guy.Thursday at 10:25pmoRandy Whittington You guys are doing an incredible job of working to save Skip. It's such a wonderful thing to see! You're going to pull through Skip, I just know it.Thursday at 10:26pmoMeleah Kirby Sending lots of love and prayers for Skip.Thursday at 10:27pmoClifford J. Weyrauch GO SKIP!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!Thursday at 10:27pmoKen Weyrauch Much love for SKIP!! good luck buddyThursday at 10:27pmoAngela Goodson Abbott Come on Skip, you can do it, buddy...we're all thinking about you and praying for you. You've made it this far and we aren't giving up on you! Be strong sweet boy! ?Thursday at 10:28pmoDorita Reyen He really has come a long way. Let's all keep praying and sending out loving healing energy his way. Bless you little Skip!Thursday at 10:28pmoRachel DeFauw Sending lots of prayers for Skip. I have a big heart for animals and it hurts me to think he's suffering. I hope he pulls through. Sending lots of love and prayers to him, wherever his journey takes him?Thursday at 10:28pmoDeborah Caron We're all with you Skip. Just feel our loving and healing thoughts and prayers double strength.Thursday at 10:28pmoMary Thompson I tried to see him just now but it was off.Thursday at 10:28pmoBlair Bocock We are all pulling for you little man. Healing thoughts for a productive surgery. I was watching you on the webcam and you are such a cutie.Thursday at 10:30pmoLes Habitants ? good luck little guy, hope all goes well and we see you soonThursday at 10:30pmoJoyce A. Bendishaw Thoghts and prayers and God Bless you for making the trip and doing all you can to save Skip!Thursday at 10:31pmoTiffanie M Kines Hunt saying prayers for skip and the docs! and for BCR!Thursday at 10:32pmoWilliam Dager Hang in there SKIP..Thursday at 10:36pmoRobert Lyons Sending lots of loving thoughts and healing thoughts to Skip and the vets that are going to make him better . Keep up the great progress, Skip !!!!! .Thursday at 10:36pmoChantal Sullivan prayers....Thursday at 10:36pmoJulie Shaw Well send healing thoughtsThursday at 10:36pmoCaroline Burgess Nelson Prayers and love to Skip!Thursday at 10:37pmoColleen Tracey If the lungs starts to congest the dr won t do the surgery til its clear. That's not a good sign! :( hopefully that they have something to relieve the congestion. Come on Skip ... Plz make the last day of the year a miraculous day!Thursday at 10:41pmoBarbara Trovato What's the wet blanket for? Lungs getting congested from impact of accident - didn't know that was a side effect. Poor little guy, everybody's pulling for him! It made my day this morning when I found out he'd pooped, and now he's peed, too. Good luck tomorrow, little buddy!Thursday at 10:42pmoLinda Crowder Manous Poor Skip. I'm so sorry.Thursday at 10:42pmoMia McDonald we are...thanks for the update.Thursday at 10:44pmoCindy Hawbaker God will here the prayers and make his choice,Blessings to Skip in this life and next! ;*()Thursday at 10:45pmoCindy Hawbaker God will here the prayers and make his choice,Blessings to Skip in this life and next! ;*()Thursday at 10:45pmoRondi Kay Abbott The power of prayer is amazing and I know that Skip will pull through!!Thursday at 10:46pmoKate A Shaffer Goode God is watching over his creatures, Hes watching you Skip and He will direct the Drs in the right direction to help you!! He wont let you suffer, Hes with you!!Thursday at 10:47pmoKaren Christopherson Come on Skip we are all holding you in our warm embrace and willing you to heal. Praying for a New Years miracle for you and all of us. gentle ear scratches.Thursday at 10:47pmoGinny Gugliucci Healy Come on Skip!!!! You can do this beautiful boy! Please ?Thursday at 10:48pmoRobin Dougherty the poor little lamb!Thursday at 10:48pmoAlex Foxx It brings tears just thinking of all your fans, Skip. Everyone loves you and wants you to pull through this. I'll be praying and sending healing energy your way. Go Skip!Thursday at 10:49pmoDarlene Richardson My thoughts and prayers are with Skip and for all of the wonderful people that are helping him ... ?Thursday at 10:49pmoDebbie Messner Rodriguez Loving and healing thoughts and prayers coming his way!" We're all pulling for you Skip"...Thanks again to all of you for all you do for these animals?Thursday at 10:53pmoMelinda Whitfield Praying for those who will perform the surgery tomorrow and praying for Skip...Thursday at 10:54pmoNina Rozankovich-Woeachko You got this Skip! Be strong Baby!Thursday at 10:56pmoCarrie Gleason LOVING THOUGHTS BEING SENT!!!Thursday at 10:56pmoDebbie Drammeh Prayers are with you Skip!!, You're a strong boy..Stay strong!!..Lots of healing energy coming your way!!..Thank you BCR for all you are doing!Thursday at 10:58pmoColleen Mulloy Smolen He's in our thoughts and prayers. You can make it Skip!Thursday at 11:00pmoDeana Koopman Oh Skip. This makes me so sad, I'm almost crying thinking about him. For him to not make it is just so heartbreaking. I don't want him to suffer, but I was so hoping he'd get better. If the surgery is a success, it will be a wonderful thing. If not, I hope he is happy & pain-free in kitty heaven.Thursday at 11:04pmoJewels Jazlin PRAYERS for Skip!!Thursday at 11:04pmoLenore Infanti Xoxox much prayers!!!!Thursday at 11:06pmoTammy Dulaney Love you Skip! Blessings your way!Thursday at 11:08pmoShannon Sopoci Corn My thoughts and prayers are with you skip and with the amazing people who are fighting to help you through this. BRC thank you for being a vessel of love and compassion for god's creatures.Thursday at 11:09pmoConnie Halsey Little feisty one, I'm pulling for you to make it! I am worried about the congestion though.... :(Thursday at 11:10pmoMelissa A. Arnold Podolak Loving thoughts are on their way...Thursday at 11:11pmoDena Richardson Hang in there little Skip. You can make it through! All of us here are sending loving thoughts and praying for your recovery!!Thursday at 11:17pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Wow, this is so stressful...feel helpless. I am praying and hoping that things will get better for Skip. He is a beautiful creature that deserves the chance that yall are giving him!Thursday at 11:18pmoAndrea Tomich Ohnstad God bless little Skip and everyone who's working to save him. It's amazing to experience such wonderful kindness and love for a wild creature. Prayers to you all. And if it's time to cross over, Skip, may flights of angels see thee to thy rest.Thursday at 11:21pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Channel is offline??? I hope everythings ok!Thursday at 11:21pmoShawn Hegerich Prayers for SkipThursday at 11:23pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt After Skips recovery, yall should have a big celebration and invite all of his followers on FB so we can all bring donations , needed items and such to help out your tremendous efforts! It would be well worth the 8-9 hr. drive from Charleston!Thursday at 11:23pmoJessy Carrington I hope he pulls through all this. His life has just begun. Skip is such a amazing cat and it would be a tragedy to all if we lost him. This little bobcats life has just started and he has so much more ahead of him. Thank you BCR for giving him the chance to live that life to the fullest. Thank you for caring, if only everyone was like the amazing people that are at BCR the world would be a better place for everyone and every living thing on this planet.Thursday at 11:24pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Skip stay strong for the surgery! We all love you and are sending you positive healing vibes!Thursday at 11:25pmoBreawna Smith Praying and sending airhugs.Thursday at 11:35pmoNancy Gelonek Johnson We are all here for you and youir doctors, Skip! Healing thoughts, hugs, tummy sugars and prayers for you and the doctors. BCR is the best and they will do everything humanly possible for you.Thursday at 11:36pmoAngel Camacho Skip is in my thoughts constantly. My puppy and kitty are cheering for him too!Thursday at 11:36pmoEl Burke Stay strong lil one. Soon you will be fixed and on the road to recovery. You will have a good life with BCR, so don't give up yet. My furbabies are all purring for you. ?Thursday at 11:36pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL UStream is on, but the lights in cat hospital go off at 9pm so their internal clocks don't get messed up while confined inside.Thursday at 11:39pm 2 peopleLoading...oBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Vet says the congestion is normal a couple days after a car strike. Probably from the internal bleeding. Xrays were clear the day of, but now he is a little wheezy. Not too bad. Just letting you know.Thursday at 11:40pm 12 peopleLoading...oAmy MilliganOkay St. Francis of Assisi..... sorry to keep pestering you BUT!!! please send your healing powers to Skip the bobcat. Please send the gift of steady hands and determination to the vets operating on Skip. Please send good vibes to the vet t...echies that are also caring for Skip. {{{{{POSITIVE VIBES}}}}} {{{{{LOVE}}}}} {{{{{RECOVERY}}}}} {{{{{BCR}}}}}See MoreThursday at 11:42pm ·oJoyce McNevin Skip, you're in our prayers, don't give up just yet, hang in're young, give it all u got....we're with ya!Thursday at 11:43pmoLisa Fleming Philpot Sending him healing light and love.Thursday at 11:44pmoAllison Friedman My happy thoughts are coming your way skip! You are already such a fighter!Thursday at 11:49pmoJune Kramer good luck skip!!!!Thursday at 11:52pmoAngel Villano It will all work out....It sounds as if you have the best of the best helping you and prayers from everyone else. Soon all this will be but a bad memory and you'll be nursed back to health by very special people. St. Frances is watching over you tonight and he will be with you during your surgery tomorrow. I'm sure you will be on a lot of peoples minds for the next few days and I hope you can feel the love they all have for you.Thursday at 11:53pmoMelanie Smith love and prayers and hugs and kisses, good luck skip!Yesterday at 12:04amoDanielle Gastineau Cool, I'll watch a little when I get home.Yesterday at 12:05amoAnita Christine Haywood Wow look at all the prayers. Add mine to the list. I will pray for Skip tonight. Healing prayers are on their way.Yesterday at 12:07amoEl Burke I wish there was some way to stop the poor creatures from walking onto roads, highways, etc. It breaks my heart every time I see a dead animal on the side of the road and I imagine how terrified they must have been before they were hit. I am so grateful to all those people who help the poor things before it's too late. And especially grateful to Nici, Skip Sr (human rescuers) and BCR for helping those you have!Yesterday at 12:08am ·oNancy Matthews Ewe Hang in there Skip!!! We know you can take it and get back up on those beautiful furry paws!!1Yesterday at 12:09amoMelanie Shand You got 'em. Prayers, love reiki...the whole nine yards. COME ON, SKIP!Yesterday at 12:12amoAndrew K. Moldenhauer I hope all goes smooth for him!Sad to be in that position, at least he's in loving CARE!!!!!!!Yesterday at 12:14amoAmy O'Donnell Keeping the faith for the little Bobcat named Skip. Come on, buddy! You're in good hands, now it's up to you!Yesterday at 12:15amoAlesia Abatie Sending best wishes and a hug to Skip!Yesterday at 12:20amoSilvia Loehrer I don't think I will get much sleep tonight and at 9 am I am gonna' be even more of a I am praying and everything you can imagine right now! He will pull through and surprise us all. Goodnight little one....tomorrow you are going to show us what you're already made of. We love the cat in you! We all will be waiting for you to get back on that camera, so we can just sit on our computers and stare at ya' ALL DAY!Yesterday at 12:23amoVicky Zulli Belveduto Too sad to even read about.Yesterday at 12:30amoDebbie Watroba Loving thoughts and prayers for Skip. ?Yesterday at 12:31amoTrish Mitchell Consider major loving thoughts sent. ?Yesterday at 12:31amoAlex Foxx Thanks for the update. Really appreciated!Yesterday at 12:40amoKerri Simson I hope he pulls thru... thank u BCR for all that you do....true god sendsYesterday at 12:42amoSylvia Klasson Miller God bless Skip, and God bless you for taking care of him! He and you will again be in my prayers.Yesterday at 12:51amoWendy Boorstein DAMNGOOD LUCK SKIPYesterday at 1:02amoLinda Winstanley Thoughts and prayers xxYesterday at 1:19amoKimmie D Roberts Ill be praying for you skip! Should you walk the rainbow bridge our prayers and luv will followYesterday at 1:21amoKim Cisco prayers sent!Yesterday at 1:28amoAj Silver Best and loving thoughts sent!!Yesterday at 1:30amoRachel Alonzo good thoughts and vibes your way Skip ;)) I hope u make it ?Yesterday at 1:44amoDebi Gungor Awww skip you was doing so well last night , come on little boy fight xxxxYesterday at 3:34amoMichelle MortonThanks for the update about the lung congestion, BCR. I realize it's still touch & go, but I feel a little more hopeful than I did after first reading about the congestion. I watched him for so many hours today - I will be so brokenhearted ...if he doesn't pull through. *Sending positive vibes and love* Stay tough, Skip!Excuse me while I go & give my kitties extra hugs now.See MoreYesterday at 4:12amoDonna Coffey Comeon can make're a tough lil cat! If you only knew how many people were pulling for you!Yesterday at 4:57amoEliza Howard My family is praying for you beautiful Skip all love and blessings your way GODSPEED to recovery and a great life at B.C.R.Yesterday at 5:04amoNagy Alexandra I woke up an hour ago and the first thing I did was turning on my computer to check on Skip :) I'm praying for him, and sending all my happy thougths. Yesterday I sent my mom the link of the livestream. She called me an hour later: "He's not moving... Tell me that he's just sleeping, tell me immediately". Of course XD So she's rooting for Skip as well. Many loving thoughts from Hungary :)Yesterday at 5:13am ·oDora Arsenault Prayers for SkipYesterday at 5:20amoJudit Tövissy Good luck Skip, we are rooting for you even as far as Hungary :) Lots of love, pull through this one too.Yesterday at 5:22amoNagy Alexandra Skip is so lucky that he's in the BCR's care. Thank you BCR for all the work you do.Yesterday at 5:22amoChristine Evert Good luck Skip!Yesterday at 5:56amoRich Gomez Aww... Thank you BCR for the hard work. :) Skip I hope you will feel better soon. :)Yesterday at 6:05amoCarusio MystWolf Please do what you can for him. He deserves this! Good luck Skip, we love you!Yesterday at 6:29amoNora Mutao Frost Youll do it Skip keep it up, show them what big cats can do!Yesterday at 6:35amoDonna Coffey I'll be worried all day at work wondering how Skip is and praying he comes through the surgery okay...comeon Skippy boy, you can make it!Yesterday at 6:40amoDonna Coffey PS...thank you BCR for coming to Skip's rescue. You all totally rawk :)Yesterday at 6:40amoDeborah Jo Williams Sending good thoughts your way Skip.Yesterday at 6:59amoHeather Adler Sending positive energy to all your cats.Yesterday at 7:03amoHeather Cantrell Rooting for you, Skip!Yesterday at 7:08amoKathy Shane I hope he will be okYesterday at 7:12amoJanice Spitaleri Wolfe He is in my thoughts already.Yesterday at 7:16amoToni Brodnick Sending Skip loving thoughtsYesterday at 7:34amoNora Edwards Best of wishes to Skip. Praying for a quick and complete recovery.Yesterday at 7:39amoDorita Reyen Lighting more candles and sending more prayers for Skip and all the people caring for him now. Thanks, BCR!Yesterday at 7:47amoDiane M. Duhaime Good luck, Skip!!!Yesterday at 7:59amoSue Fair Good luck Skip :))Yesterday at 8:00amoBeth GiannosaSending positive, healing energies to Skip...we know you have the will to live, and the strength to survive, just hang in there buddy !!! To the Dr's operating on Skip-steady, loving, healing hands to treat him ! Many thanks to BCR for all... you've already done, and will be doing in the future ! Looking forward to watching Skip's recovery....because it's just a matter of time now. HE WILL HEAL, AND RECOVER !! No doubt in MY mind !! Go Skip go !!! The Giannosa tribe will continue to pray and purr for you, with much ? in our hearts ! :)See MoreYesterday at 8:04amoHolly Delgado praying for Skip...and BCR staff...I know how hard this must be ...pull through little guy...Yesterday at 8:06amoLaura E. Felton Awww thoughts and prayers are sentYesterday at 8:07amoArlene Hoffer Paws crossed for you Skip! We love you buddy!Yesterday at 8:09amoMariana Pires Good luck Skip :)I sent you a smiley! Want to see it? at 8:23amoDebbie Biamonte Awww...will say a prayer for him...Please be strong SkipYesterday at 8:26amoSharon Moore IM STILL PRAYING,PLEASE KEEP ME POSTED!!Yesterday at 8:41amoMarcia Katz I'm sending you love Skip! BCR is a place for survivors so you have the best team by your side!!! We are all praying for you!Yesterday at 8:47amoLisa Hoffman Schneeman I'm praying for you SkipYesterday at 8:50amoAraceli Molina Loves Skip! You're In good hands, and its God who uses those hands, so let God's will be done. Hugs and Kisses Buddy!Yesterday at 8:58amoMonica Hancock sending my warmest healthiest thoughts and just made a $100 donation.Yesterday at 9:03amoKipi Martin Harbour Still saying prayers for Skip !!!!!!Yesterday at 9:10amoPatricia Morris MacDonald Please keep us updated!Yesterday at 9:26amoAmy Milligan ?{{{{{LOVING THOUGHTS}}}}} {{{{{THANK YOU ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI and ST. GERTRUDE}}}}} {{{{{THANKS YOU BCR}}}}} {{{{{THANKS YOU TO THE VETS AND VET TECHIES}}}}}Yesterday at 9:30amoNici Haerter This is wonderful news---we are all praying for you Skip!!! Cant wait to hear the update after surgery!!!Yesterday at 9:52amoKimberly Jones Hang in there Skip!!! Keep fighting!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you! We love you Skip!Yesterday at 10:09amoSilvia Loehrer I am up and waiting for great ya' Skip! Can't wait to see ya' in the recovery room getting well....Yesterday at 10:13amoAnn Hartley ?Yesterday at 10:17amoPaul Deutsch I hope he's going to be OK - it makes me nervous that he isn't on the ustream feed...Yesterday at 10:17amoAminah Ameeri Does anyone know if Skip has made it through the surgery yet?? and is my ustream just down or is everyones?Yesterday at 10:39amoLisa Polo Don't forget to light a virtual candle and send healing energies and prayers his way... at 10:54amoCeleste Widman Live and be happy, Skip!!!!Yesterday at 11:03amoMarianne Weaver Heros.... here's to the big cat soldiers of love! For every caring and compassionate effort and passionate drive to save each one that comes your way and to all of those elsewhere who conserve our animals... May you be blessed for eternity! ? U ~ I am honored to call you friends~Yesterday at 12:00pmoPatricia Sheridan Praying for you, Skip! May God protect you! Big Hugs & Kisses! Lots of Love! XOXOYesterday at 12:07pmoDamia Turek Hang in there little guy - we're all routing for ya !Yesterday at 12:36pmoDiane Supowit Praying!Yesterday at 12:42pmoVicki Eddy hugs, prayers and kisses~Yesterday at 12:50pmoMichelle Able Prayers his way!Yesterday at 12:56pmoLela Brisco-Titus our Love, Prayers and Blessings are being sent. Hang in there little buddy21 hours agooHl Rankin ooohhh man, that is a scary xray even as a thumbnail. Doesn't look good, but I'll spark up a candle and hope for the best!21 hours agooMartha Hoffman Skinner Praying for him.21 hours agooTerry Brodner God Bless you, skip. ?21 hours agooVicki Eddy When I heard..and saw pick, u were in my heart!!7 minutes ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSearch Jamie Veronica for Skip updates as she is with himYesterday at 10:44amJeff Kremer, Chris Poole, Carolyn Cruz Yurkins and 60 others like this.oJeanne Stuart Still sending energy to Skip. I don't want to disturb Veronica.Yesterday at 10:48amoSilvia Loehrer Thank you so much.Yesterday at 10:52amoLisa Polo Don't forget to light a virtual candle and send healing energies and prayers his way... at 10:53amoBrian Howle Same here. But should it be, "Ommmm ... ommmm ... ommmm" or "Nommm ... nommm ... nommm?" Fight the good fight, Skip!Yesterday at 10:54amoLaura Grove Jeanne: you don't have to disturb Veronica. Just checked out her page. She posted some pictures about an hour ago that can be viewed by everyone... And thanks to all of you at Big Cat Rescue for doing what you do!Yesterday at 10:55am 1 personYou like this. ·oLeslie Cannon you can't see her page unless you "friend" her.Yesterday at 11:00amoAmanda Reynolds awww....poor baby :( thankfully he is in great hands! Praying he pulls through, what a strong boy!Yesterday at 11:01amoAnna Rouselle DeGrandchamp So I take it that Skip is the the picture of that beautiful tiger!!! Good luck...please do all you can to save him he is beautiful!!!Yesterday at 11:04amoKim MacDonald Grant all paws at our house are crossed for Skip!!! (and that is a LOT of paws)Yesterday at 11:05amoHolly Oxenfree Thank you all so much for helping Skip, and thank you to the specialists!!Yesterday at 11:10amoRich Gomez I really wish he's going to be okay... :)Yesterday at 11:14amoJoyce Garite Brady happy new yearYesterday at 11:18amoDebbie Massey fingers crossedYesterday at 11:18amoJodie Stein Bell I know Skip got HBC and I saw the x-ray of his pelvis. What exactly are they doing for him surgically????Yesterday at 11:30amoDebi Gungor thanx bcr xxxYesterday at 11:30amoRhonda Mengarelli Prayers are with Skip and all working with himYesterday at 11:34am 1 personYou like this. ·oColleen Tracey Some of us can t check on skips progress via jamie.. Is there another page we can look and read about skip. I feel like I'm ion a waiting room anxiously waiting for the results of the surgery ! Pacing back n forth in there !! LOLYesterday at 11:34amoSandra Lachs Prayers for Skip.Yesterday at 11:38amoSally Chancellor Peters there are lots of people on FB by that name. how can we find her?Yesterday at 11:40amoDebbie Watroba Still praying for Skip and the dedicated doctors and technicians helping him. God bless all of you!Yesterday at 11:41am 2 peopleYou and Amanda Reynolds like this. ·oSheila Fath Anna, Skip is the young Bobcat who was hit by a vehicle, rescued by BCR, and is presently undergoing surgery, we think for an injury to his pelvis. Skip is in the photos of the operating theatre at the top of the page. The beautiful Tiger is the BCR profile. Keep everything crossed for Skip. xYesterday at 11:53am 1 personYou like this. ·oBruce R. Johnson Hoping for a full, or at least a partial recovery for Skip.Yesterday at 11:59amoSissy Dorothy Clark Hadley aww facebook wont let me send jamie a friend request :( now i cant get skip updates from herYesterday at 12:14pmoMelissa Pollard For those of you looking for the right Jamie Veronica, here's her profile link: at 12:31pmoAmanda Reynolds I really think he's going to do great, gotta stay positive! he's come so far :)Yesterday at 12:45pm 2 peopleYou and Rhonda Mengarelli like this. ·oHeather Cantrell Jamie's FB Wall:!/profile.php?id=772945452&sk=wallYesterday at 12:54pmoShannon M. Skevakis Glad to hear that he urinated and defecated... that adds a lot to his prognosis. Really hope he pulls through the surgery and does well. You are all so great for helping him. He is so fortunate.Yesterday at 1:02pmoHeather Cantrell Jamie just posted some new X-Rays showing Skip's new hardware. I'm so happy for Skip!22 hours ago 1 person Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLDr. Hay has completed installing the plates in the left side of Skip's pelvis and is now resetting and placing a screw in the right side of the pelvis which had been separated from part of his vertebrae. See new photos by Jamie Veronica in album below.22 hours agoJeff Kremer, Janie Little Marlow, Nanda González and 171 others like this.oSusanne Brandofino still praying ?22 hours agooPatricia Morris MacDonald Come on, Skip! Hang in there, buddy!22 hours agooCynthia Whittler Kudos to all of you. You are all fabulous!!!22 hours agooCher March Prayers said!22 hours agooAlex Foxx I second that.22 hours agooJudy Chance The pix are amazing! Good luck to Skip and god bless to Dr. Hay!22 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer and 2 others like this. ·oKim Haller You're so close, Skip! Keep on fighting! Thanks BCR and Dr. Hay!22 hours agooGerri Paniccia Thank you Dr. Hay.22 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Lisa Polo, Silvia Loehrer and Amy Milligan like this. ·oLisa Olson Me too!22 hours agooLisa Polo Big Hugs and kisses to Big Cat Rescue, Dr. Hay, Skip, and all involved in his rescue and care!22 hours agooLisa Polo Continuing to send healing energies for a successful and speedy recovery for Skip! ?22 hours agooLinda Reilly might need to change his name to Steve Austin after this! good luck, Dr. Hay and good luck skip!22 hours agooCathy Houdelette Bonner Looks very promising. Good work!22 hours agooChristine Mortimer Turso Truly amazing! Thank God he landed in your hands! To a speedy recovery a happy long life! Good Luck Skip!!!!22 hours agooMary Lou Phillipson-Valdes Dr hay is the best...he placed pins in both knees of my Yorkie and she's been great!!!!! wonderful person too! Skip's in great hands..22 hours agooArlene Hoffer Yay! Looking good....I got online just now JUST to find out about Skip. I'm so glad....his new bionic status looks great! Looks like he'll need a Spa Retreat at BCR!22 hours agooChristy Matsuoka Hang in there, Skip! And thanks to BCR & Dr Hay for caring!22 hours agooDebbie McManigal Ellsworth Come on buddy! You can do it! We are all rooting for you! Soon this will be behind you.22 hours agooLinzee Mundtt bless them all and skip22 hours agooKathy Shane it's amazing what you guys can do. thank you for helping this kitty. keep us posted on how he's doing, please.22 hours agooMichaela Heilhecker How I wish I could help, I guess I'll just keep praying.22 hours agooJoanie Maverick Go, Skip, go!22 hours agooJohn PalmerI have a crushed right elbow. It has 22 screws and 4 plates but it works about half way. I also have 3 crushed fused vertabrae. The pain never goes away without narcotics. If Little Skip makes it he has a hard life in front of him. At least... he will be able to do it at BCR where he will be cared for really well. But a cat is not a human. It remains to be seen if he will have the quality of life a wild cat should have. There are so many unknown factors. It is so difficult to know what is best. But still I salute you BCR and I will support you with money as best as I can. You are wonderful.See More22 hours agooCheryl McClary Sending prayers and LOVE ? for this lil guy. Bless you BCR and the vet for the wonderful work!22 hours agooJohn Palmer Dr. Hay is my hero!22 hours agooNoreen Raudabaugh It's so wonderful to see y'all doing all you can to help Skip. It really does warm the heart, and is exactly what we all need more of in the coming new year... more compassion and kindness. 'Cause they can't say it themselves, I feel it necessary to say it for them: "You guys are amazing! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts." Wishing all of you and Skip a fabulous new year.22 hours agooLisa Polo I put this virtual candle group together for Skip.. you can say a prayer, send healing energies and light a candle for Skip.. Just click on the link. hours agooDeanna Voorhees I feel like I am sitting outside the OR waiting for news... I am there with you Skip in spirit.22 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Mary Lou Phillipson-Valdes, I am glad that your doggie is doing well... I hope that Skip will recover and not be in pain for the rest of his life. I am glad that he has Dr. Hay working on him! Blessing to you all for the New Year! XOXO. Thank you Dr. Hay and your team for helping Skip, thank you everyone at BCR, thank you Skip for stealing our hearts, thank you everyone here at this site..Happy New Year to you all! I can't wait to hear how he is recovering.22 hours agooKris Barrett Daugherty Skip the Bionic Bobcat!22 hours agooJody Holzhauer Poor thing is in for a rough recovery. God bless everyone helping!22 hours agooCynthia Whittler Anyone who can make a donation to them, no matter how small, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated.22 hours agooColleen Tracey will light another candle for Skip for a speedy recovery and get him back to being ' wild ' again! I know BCR will ensure his quality of life will reach at its optium and allow him to ' hunt ' in his enclosure once he can able to walk again22 hours agooCaroline Carlson Abrom I love you guys!! Thank you for what you are doing for this precious animal!22 hours agooSheryl Braswell praying all goes well for the little guy.21 hours agooTammy Dulaney God bless these drs!21 hours agooAmy Milligan Yay! Thanks to Dr. hay!!! Thanks to BCR!!! {{{{{SKIPPY}}}}} A very special thanks to St. Francis and St. Gertrude for their healing powers and help for Skip and everyone involved in rehab for the feisty guy!!!21 hours agooMonica Spires donate by midnite and your donation is doubled!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

21 hours agooMonica Spires

21 hours agooYa Stra-Le btw the donation thru is really doubled! :) i tried!21 hours agooDonna Coffey AMEN...and thank God for Dr. Hay AND BCR AND especially the people that cared enough to stop for Skip. Haven't found the newest updates yet, but then again I've only been home 5 minutes! LOL18 hours agooDonna Coffey Can't wait till he's back online. I'll probably spend the weekend babysitting him from Ohio! LOL :::waves at Skip!::::18 hours agooSherry Anthony poor baby!16 hours agooCarolyn Nassif God bless you all!14 hours ago 1 personYou like this. Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSurgery went well! Skip is on his way back to Big Cat Rescue!!Keep him in your thoughts during his long road to recovery :)21 hours ago CommentJennifer LaMond, Brigitte Latton Brdije, Arlene Hoffer and 431 others like this.oJake StandingDown YAY!21 hours agooChristopher Shaber Excellent news. How is his spleen?21 hours agooMichelle Klein-Hass Yay! Mazel-tov, kitteh!21 hours agooMonica Spires I got a Bobcat Buddy sponsorship ... can I put Skips name on certificate?21 hours agooRhonda Mengarelli I having been praying from the start and will keep praying for skip and all of you that helped him.You guys are the BEST21 hours agooJoyce McNevin YAYYYY We knew u could do it!!! Thanks so much all of u involved with're the GREATEST!! God Bless21 hours agooVivian Wolpers Hurray !!!21 hours agooBrian Howle Yay, Skip!!!!!! Now I can start celebrating the New Year with added fervor and enjoyment! Happy New Year, everybody! (Especially Dr. Hay and BCR)21 hours agooMonica SpiresMATCHING GRANT IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM AND LOIS MODGLINThanks to the generosity of the family of William and Lois Modglin of Glendale, California, this grant provides that any donations to Big Cat Rescue that indicate they are to be submitted ...for a match from this grant will be matched dollar for dollar by a donation from this grant immediately upon receipt of you donation up to the $200,000 maximum. This 100% match means your donation has twice the impact!

21 hours agooKaren Norris-Rocha He's been on my mind constantly. I've got everyone in on the prayers and positive thoughts! Thank you!!!!21 hours agooSandra Lachs Great news!21 hours agooChristina Decoste Thank you for all the updates, BCR. And thank you for doing all you can to rescue this precious life.21 hours agooEl Burke Yay Skip!!! Sending love your way little one! ?21 hours agooSusanne Brandofino YAY! Dr Hay and the folks there at BCR are guys and gals ROCK!!!Come on Skip...we're with ya, buddy ?21 hours agooDe Adney I've been praying for him. God bless all who are helping him.21 hours agooEliza Howard Thank Goodness !!!!21 hours agooDebi Binkley Praying for the little guy on his road to recovery! Blessings to you all for everything you do!21 hours agooLynda Stephens Standing Ovation to Dr Hay & Team!!!21 hours agooKelly LeBel Sending good thoughts to Skip!!21 hours agooMarie Frawley Yay Skip! Great team work:)21 hours agooDebbie Drammeh That's so wonderful. Will keep praying for his recovery..Will Skip reside at BCR when he is recovered..I am so happy, This is such great news!!..Stay strong Skip! ?21 hours agooLinda Reilly we are rooting for you, big skip!!!21 hours agooClaes Nordström we keep our fingers crossed for skip, and a happy new year to all of you at BCR21 hours agooChantal Sullivan Makes MY New Year !! good news for 2011..prayers do work ! HNY skip...& all @ BCR what a dedicated team & Skip's saviors...Yay..21 hours agooKim Lopresti Johnson this is great, Hope BCR has a great new year.21 hours agooNanda González Everything going well with the skip.21 hours agooGabriele Herbst Geb Schön He is in good Hands and will do well !!! He just has ,too.21 hours agooJudy Rice Norcia Already 100 "Likes" for this good news!! A lot of us are following closely.21 hours agooNora Edwards Get well, Skip.21 hours agooSheri Freeman King Such good news! Get well soon Skip!!! Kudos to the doctors and BCR!!!21 hours agooMelinda Whitfield Is physical therapy the next step? I started PT for my lower back/pelvis today. Skip and I can be PT buddies!21 hours agooDena Richardson Yeah!!! Good news for the New Year!!!21 hours agooLisa Kane Thanks for keeping us updated!! Thanks for not giving up on him!!21 hours agooLori Johnson Poor little guy. Skip is lucky to have you all at BCR. Great job and thanks for all you do for these amazing animals!21 hours agooCarol Lloyd Awesome!21 hours agooLisa Olson Whooohoooo!21 hours agooLaurie Johnson Great work Team! Sending lots of healing energy Skip's way. Hang tough, Baby!21 hours agooBetsy Ross Go Skip, so glad to hear...prayers for a speedy recovery21 hours agooLes Habitants YAY! Skip21 hours agooBonnie Warren ?? Sending healing thoughts his way :^)21 hours agooDeborah Caron Thank goodness!! Big sigh of relief. I know it's not all over yet, but just so amazing how strong this little guy is! Thank you BCR for all that you do.21 hours agooNora Mutao Frost Its gonna be hard, but you'll be just fine. Keep on going Skip me and my daughter are rooting for you!21 hours agooPatricia Massari This is the BEST news I've heard in a long time!! So glad you were able to do the surgery and that Skip is getting better...? you Skip and wish you many years of life!21 hours agooChristine Kreevich Shellard What a way to start off the New Year. Yay Skip, so happy surgery went well. I will continue to keep him in my prayers.21 hours agooSue Fair You go Skippy! Stay strong. Can't wait to meet you :))21 hours agooPatricia Presley My prayers are with Little Skip always! Love you Little Skip,you are in my prayers Baby kitty!21 hours agooRita Bagala Awesome-theres no better high than helping an animal in all must be thrilled-kudos!!21 hours agooHolly Blue Prayers up for Skip's speedy recovery and Happy New Year to all you wonderful people at BCR x x x21 hours agooYa Stra-Le yay! Hang in there little warrior. Good job bcr and helpers!21 hours agooLorraine Kinnaird ?:-Dsuch gd news x21 hours agooCheryl Schaeffer YAY, Skip!!!!! I hope the video feed goes back on so we can watch over him.21 hours agooCindy Chyz Casteel This is the best news!!!!!! Yay!21 hours agooBarbara Crowell McCarthy Wonderful news to end the year with! Hope 2011 sees Skip making a full recovery!21 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Thank goodness...what a relief! Will you have him on ustream for observation soon?21 hours agooKatharine Kipp Good news to start the New Year off knowing that Skip is on the road to recovery. These are the things that I like to hear about. Thank you for doing such a good job in taking care of these wonderful big cats.21 hours agooMonica Spires hours agooDawn Skis Get better soon, Skip!21 hours agooAlex Foxx Awesome news, great way to start celebrating the new year. Thank you BCR, Dr. Hay, and all who are rooting for Skip. You go, Skip. The people that mattered most never gave up on you!21 hours agooMonica Spires donate by midnite and your donation is doubled!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR! To donate online visit

21 hours agooEilene Wood WooHOO!! I just feel that Skip's a fighter, he's young, seems to have that fighting spirit. Happy New Year Skip!!21 hours agooHeather Cantrell Hooray! He's got a long road ahead of him, but I know he'll get the best care! Dr Hay and BCR...god bless you for what you do!21 hours agooNina Rozankovich-Woeachko Way to go Skip! We knew you could do it!21 hours agooTina Reed I apologize if this question has been asked before. Will Skip stay at BCR now, or are you hoping to release him back into the wild? If he will be released, will you place a tracking device on him so that you can monitor him? I worry about a wild animal with implants. You never now what can happen with implants. I have seen animals who have had implants for years suddenly have problems.21 hours agooKayleigh Rhodes What a lovely New Year gift to everyone at BCR! Well done to everyone involved, may all of your New Year be blessed with happiness :-) Xx21 hours agooMonica Spires I believe he will become a resident of BCR...21 hours agooSandra Davis God is watching over you SKIP X0X021 hours agooLisa Cupp Vollenweider What is the vet's name? He did a fantastic job!!21 hours agooNagy Alexandra OMG! I'm so relieved. I'm truly happy for him. [My cat (his name is Io) is sick, pour soul. I'm just so happy to hear good news.]21 hours agooJan Swanson Great news!21 hours agooNici Haerter I knew he would pull through! What a fighter!!21 hours agooElizabeth Meade Yay!!! Fantastic news to start off the new year with! I imagine that he will not be able to be returned to the wild....will he be residing at BCR? I would looooooove to meet the Famous Skip next time I come to FL!!!21 hours agooLisa Marie Babbitt I believe the matching grant goes for another year - - but we're already more than a quarter way. Wonderful to see the support for these phenomenal creatures.21 hours agooMartha Hoffman Skinner Calling on Patron Saint for Animals .. St. Francis of Assisi ....21 hours agooStu Elman Yay, Skip!21 hours agooSheila Story Yay Skip!!!! My sister's ten-year-old cat died yesterday, so it's been kind of sad in our family. I hope the vets and rescuers know what a comfort it is to some of us to have a few of these terrible things made right. May God's blessings rain down and bring you joy in the coming year.21 hours agooBarry Rodberg While most people are getting ready to party, you guys and gals are extremely selfless putting the life of that beautiful cat before your own. I applaud all of you.21 hours ago

oKim Haller So glad to hear! Healing prayers going out for Skip!21 hours agooMichelle Able Terrific news! Keep fighting skip!21 hours agooAraceli Molina OMG! Great news as we head into this new year. Thank You Lord, for You have heard my prayers. :-)21 hours agooKen Weyrauch GO SKIP!!!21 hours agooTerry Cassada Deason Hang in there Skip! You're a fighter and I know you can do it.21 hours agooKim Cisco great news! thankx to all who helped in him getting this surgery and who will help in his recovery and rehab!21 hours agooAmanda Reynolds What a fighter!! Gotta love the power of prayer and hope :). We LOVE skip !!! So glad things went well.21 hours agooMary Thompson Always.20 hours agooMonica Spires Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

*THANK YOU & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!20 hours agooLi Ha my question is as a few have asked, bless you for all the work you do and thank goodness skips surgery went well, have been saying lots of prayers... but if he is able to walk, not run, and with those implants is he still going to be released back into the wild, or will you be keeping him at bcr to live out his life safely?20 hours agooDebi Gungor thinkin of you skip ,see you later on webcam xxx20 hours agooChloe Coombs Yeah!20 hours agooJrad Tiran Woot again thank you for the ustream link I enjoyed last night : )20 hours agooChris McAlister Skip is in my thoughts and prayers.20 hours agooDamia Turek Accolades to all ! Yeah !20 hours agooDebbie Watroba Thanks to all the wonderful people who never gave up and thanks to God who must have been overwhelmed by all the prayers for Skip!20 hours agooMeleah Kirby I've been thinking about him all day. So glad the surgery went well. Will continue praying for a successful recovery.20 hours agooNuria Rodriguez Praying you will get better really soon Skip!19 hours agooRyan Bridges I am so glad the surgery went good for Skip. Prayers to you!19 hours agooSharon Moore i will continue to pray and keep him in my thoughts!!19 hours agooLorelei Kathleen Hickman many prayers for a speedy and complete recovery for Skip!19 hours agooKristine Busch That is awesome, good job little boy!!19 hours agooDonna Coffey Thank God! I was worried all day at work...when I got home the FIRST thing, here I am checking on Skip. Prayers around the world were answered for this very special little cat!!!!!18 hours agooDiane Supowit I pray that Skip makes a full and complete recovery and thank God at how well he's doing. He is already a Miracle Cat!! YEAAHHH!!!! Thanks to all who cared for him and will continue to do so, God bless u all! *applause*18 hours agooRomie K. Francis Fye Awesome as I said yesterday with all of our positive energy and prayers I knew Skip would be okay!16 hours agooChris Naven Pearce Great news for the New Year ... you go Skip :0)16 hours agooMonica Spires please start the year off and Donate any amount and your donation is DOUBLED!!

*THANK YOU & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!2 hours ago Skip the bobcat arrives back at Big Cat Rescue to rest and recover :)Donna Raihl, Jennifer LaMond, Brigitte Latton Brdije and 205 others like this.oSammy Williams That is one gorgeous and huge van21 hours agooChristina Decoste Wild van! Must get a lot of double- and triple-takes from the public as it's being driven around.21 hours agooPatricia Presley Thank you for all your hard work and loving care for all the cats!21 hours agooLynette Tinsley Love the van wrap!!21 hours agooLori Johnson Nice! The Big Cat Limo!21 hours agooDena Richardson So happy he made it through surgery!21 hours agooTerry Cassada Deason Love the van!21 hours agooAlex Foxx Welcome back, Skip. Speedy recovery, big guy!21 hours agooLisa Olson Yay! Happy New Year Skip and BCR21 hours agooLucille Fortier Quick recovery, Skip! Happy New year21 hours agooJoe Sneden thats a wicked cool van i want one!21 hours agooBrian Howle All the kids home for New Year's Eve! Wa to the Hoo, y'all!:)21 hours agooMary Thompson Can't wait to see him on Ustream.21 hours agooDiane Dusty Bauman That's so great!!!!21 hours agooHeather Cantrell Happy New Year's to all the kitties!21 hours agooAnnette Johnson-Braswell Way to go!!! No other way to go but up now!!!20 hours agooHaoie Tails That is one pimped out ride20 hours agooBeth Elcox Good to hear! Happy New Years!20 hours agooChris Milson Good :)20 hours agooAraceli Molina Get well Quick, Skip :-) I hope to c u soon at BCR.20 hours agooGoonerette Hall just lov the van great20 hours agooJack Savethewildcats Yutzy I bet "big cat" from fantasy factory would love this van20 hours agooLeslie Cannon If I remember right, the van was about to break down on the way to get skip. Maybe there is a mechanic out there who could donate some work on it!20 hours agooTrista Cronin can't imagine how slow that trek down the BCR driveway must have been!20 hours agooNora Mutao Frost he needs it. Some kinda spa thingy going for him ;) Some kitty massages lol joking20 hours agooTiffanie M Kines Hunt What an awesome van! I'm so glad the surgery went well and Skip is back at BCR to recover! God Bless all of you!20 hours agooMelanie Lowe happy homecoming20 hours agooRita Rodriguez Jackson Welcome home Skippy!! We are still praying that you have a speedy recvery!! ?19 hours agooDonna Coffey Welcome home Skippy! You're a scrappy little thing...looks like all our prayers are being answered...and if you can't return to the wild, I'll just betcha BCR becomes your new home...and IF it does, you let me know and I'll sponsor ya!!!! :)18 hours agooJustin Buzzini saw skip on the cam. he's going to do great. buy him some snuggies and broasted turkey-legs and he'll be alright. but seriously, he'd appreciate an XL shag fabricated snuggie, alot :P.18 hours agooDonna Raihl Oh so wonderful! What a blessing. I am reading about Carole Baskin the founder of Big Cat Rescue. She is my hero!!!Read about her here: hours agooDonna Raihl Get well little Skip ! We all love you and God Bless Big Cat Rescue!!16 hours agooRoni Dorf Skip speedy recovery and a healthy new year and long life!11 hours agooCarol Bowen keeping my fingers crossed3 hours agooMarcia Katz Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful news to wake up to! Thank you BCR/Jamie for all you do for our beloved big kitty friends! You guys are amazing! Happy New Year!!!!2 hours ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLLAST CHANCE TO GIVE A TAX-DEDUCTIVE DONATION TO BCR FOR 2010! Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

21 hours agoJeff Kremer, Lisa Polo, Chris Poole and 61 others like this.*oKaren Norris-Rocha I donated last night, I hope I did it right so it gets doubled...didn't see that :(21 hours agooLindsay Marie Ferguson Donated! Yay for kitties.20 hours agooRobert Bell COME ON PEOPLE!!! This is a GREAT opportunity to double up!! BCR is THE best wildlife sanctuary for big cats! Please Donate! :)20 hours agooLynda Stephens Donated & Shared!20 hours agooAlicia Harvey Don't think it happens if we donate from the UK?20 hours agooAnne Castellano Done. You guys are wonderful.20 hours agooLisa Olson Will do as soon as I get home!20 hours agooGerri Paniccia agree with robert...c'mon folks..36k fans on facebook and your contribution gets these kitties. bcr's great work has been ever-so-evident with the efforts to help save skip.20 hours agooEl Burke Just donated. I dedicated it to all those felines who couldn't be saved.20 hours agooKitty MacAlpine I'd've donated to take advantage of the doubling but only takes credit cards. So I just made a small regular donation instead.20 hours agooEl Burke Hey it helps Kitty and all those cats are very grateful to you. :)20 hours agooHeather Cantrell Donated and shared. Good luck!20 hours agooAngie Krohne Pontynen Donation made.20 hours agooChristina Bond Monthly donation set up! This was so easy:)19 hours agooPatricia Sheridan Donation made. Thank you for all you do!19 hours agooLisa Olson Done, Happy New Year BCR!!!!!18 hours agooAlison Roth A small donation in honor of my "little" cats past and present! Get well Skip!18 hours agooDonna Coffey Happiest of New Years BCR!!!! With Skip on the mend, I'd bet it's celebration time in Tampa tonight!18 hours agooMarly Barker How can you not take advantage of that matching contribution. Thanks to the family of William and Lois Modglin for their generosity and thank you BCR for all the wonderful work you do, hope 2011 is a wonderful year for the big cats!18 hours agooLyn Reid Just donated for Skip, keep on hanging in there. Hope you have a happier healing Hogmanay from Scotland.18 hours agooLori Salas Donated and share to. Thanks for taking care of the big cats..Happy New Year to all!!!! God Bless!!18 hours agooEilene Wood I just donated too!!17 hours agooLisa Polo DONE! :)17 hours agooNancy Ellis Whew! Glad I saw this just in time!!! Happy New Year to some of the world's most special people....and kitties. :)17 hours agooMaggie Russell A donation for all the big cats17 hours agooDeborah Caron I just donated $25 and I'm challenging other BCR fans to do the same or better. After following the saga of Skip for the past several days we are all now poignantly aware of the dedication, selflessness, perseverance and love involved in BCR's mission. In these last few hours of 2010 let's make a huge donation surge!!! Start 2011 off with hope and support for the's for their lives. Happy 2011 everyone!14 hours agooDeborah Caron Oh, and don't forget....your donation is doubled!!!!14 hours agooTracey Miles Rich I just donated $25 and set it up for monthly...this is an incredible cause as Deborah defined so perfectly. I have worried and checked on Skip all day. Everyone, please help this wonderful organization.14 hours agooTerry Cassada Deason I donated today before the deadline. Glad to be able to help Skip and all the other cats. I have been constantly keeping a check on him since he was brought in. Hope he's up and about soon.13 hours ago   Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip the bobcat is back at Big Cat Rescue and will be up on UStream soon. Jamie, Justin and Dr Hay's staff celebrated with sparklers in the parking lot after a long, tense day21 hours ago via iPhoneChris Poole, Willow Hecht, Darla Ostenson and 273 others like this.oAlexis Blanton You all ROCK! :)21 hours agooSteve Knox Great job everyone21 hours ago ·oTami Shafer Walters Great news!21 hours agooMary Thompson I can't wait to see him bless his heart and a big thanks from us for what was done.21 hours agooNagy Alexandra Thank God, he's okay and safe. Thank you BCR for your work.21 hours agooSue Fair Thank you all. Glad to have people like you in the world. Rest little Skip. Heal quickly.21 hours agooTracy Green Thank you all for being the kind of amazing people who would do anything in their power to save a life that others might deem doomed or insignificant. Your dedication is inspiring, and your updates on Skip bring tears to my eyes. Happy New Year!21 hours agooMelissa Koblin Skip is a lucky kitty...thanks BCR! Just wondering, what are the odds of Skip being able to be released?21 hours agooEliza Howard Yes great news !!!!21 hours agooColleen Tracey any left for us ?!?!?! LOL20 hours agooRhonda Mengarelli Will skip be on the same channel he's been on??? Can't wait to see him20 hours agooKaren Norris-Rocha That's awesome!!! Their dedication should be celebrated. Way to go Team Skip!!!!!20 hours agooLaura Grove Excellent news! Been on the edge of my seat, following events as they unfolded. Thanks yet again for all that you do!20 hours agooSandra Davis Thats great news !20 hours agooDe Ja Foster As they should have! They are all Angels! Thank you Everyone for helping Skip and for being so Awesome as to let us all take this journey with you!! > .. <20 hours agooSue Drake you people are amazing, today is my birthday & this is the best news I could have wished for !20 hours agooMonica Spires please donate by midnight.... and it will be doubled!!! LAST CHANCE TO GIVE A TAX-DEDUCTIVE DONATION TO BCR FOR 2010! Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

20 hours agooDonna Smith The cats of Florida are very lucky to have you and your team...Thank you for all you do for them. And the doctors20 hours agooDeborah Good Here to a happy new year for skip and healthy20 hours agooDebi Gungor happy new year skip xhope you have a full recovery xxxx20 hours agooLorraine Kinnaird Cats rule Ok! Wat fabulous news!20 hours agooGerri Paniccia sparklers after a long day and hoping to toast Skip and All's efforts into the New Year..thoughts & prayers to a new beginning.20 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Thank goodness he is doing great! Now I can celebrate!20 hours agooPammy Raeyayayyayayyayayayay2.5 hrs to new year here in uk.. bcr i love u so much cnst wait to come back again nxt year 2011... ive been every year since 2006 and my friends caroline sheen and more have come on my recco....we adore u.... finggre sc...rossed for skippy!!!! that wud be our \ny joy!See More20 hours agooLinzee Mundtt Ive never met them but i love them and every one at BCR..hugs and blessings for a healthy new year to skip20 hours agooRosemarie Plaetke bcr: this was an ending of 2010 for you .... all the best for you & all cats in the new year!20 hours agooLisa Cupp Vollenweider Dr. Hay...YOU ARE THE BEST!!! The staff too!! Will drink a toast to you all and to the success of Skip's surgery!20 hours agooMissy Kimsey Excellent outcome.20 hours agooKristin Boggs What is the prognosis?20 hours agooGabrielle Boyce good outcome promising a good year!20 hours agooMeagan Fulford YAY!!! Thank you BCR, the vet staff and doctors, his brave rescuers, and everyone else involved with Skip! You are all angels and have changed the life of that cat forever!!!20 hours agooMonica Spires Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!!

*THANK YOU & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!20 hours agooNora Mutao Frost but its not dark enough yet.20 hours agooPammy Rae i donated to the fund.... imn mem of willaim and lois.... and ill post it again.. bcr we love u xxx20 hours agooMaggie Patterson Yeah!!20 hours agooAngie Krohne Pontynen What a great way to start the New Year! Thanks to everyone involved in rescuingSkipt and not giving up on him!!!20 hours agooLinda Davis I just gave and what a blessing you all are!20 hours agooNoreen Raudabaugh What a novel way to unwind! Have a wonderful evening, you angels at BCR. :)20 hours agooElise Evans Thank you BCR, vet staff and all involved in Skip's rescue. Your kindness and dedication are uplifting. I know my donation will be put to good use!20 hours agooDeb Wentzel So glad he made it through!!20 hours agooElizabeth Meade He Vets rock!!! BCR rocks!!! Skip's rescuers rock!!! Happy New Year Skip!!! May you have a looooooong & healthy life!! Happy New Year to BCR & all those mentioned above! ???19 hours agooTricia LymeMom ?\o/ so glad Skip pulled through...everyone deserves to celebrate!19 hours agooLinzee Mundtt im glad they got fleas and ticks of him too..bless him..i dont have a job but when i get some extra cash im gonna send it for favorite dog was a runt a black poodle his name was i love his name.. :P19 hours agooEilene Wood Thank you Jamie, Justin and Dr. Hay, Happy New Year from Skip and all his followers.19 hours agooBrigitte Latton Brdije This is SOOOOOO Great, wath you done! ? ? ?19 hours agooCaroline Carlson Abrom Hoorayyyyyy!!!! Overjoyed at this news! Thank you wonderful rescuers, vets and people at BCR!! You have made a great start to the New Year for us all!19 hours agooJody Melissa So, so, so glad to hear it!!!19 hours agooDiana Perry-Walsh I believe Skip will have a Happy New Year!!!19 hours agooDeborah Budesa It's my great honor to share the planet with these special folks who gave it their all to give young Skip a second chance. Thank you doesn't seem adequate but it's all I can manage through these happy tears! May God bless them all!19 hours agooRita Rodriguez Jackson Yay Skippy.. You had angels watching over you and so many of us lighting candles and praying for you sweet boy!! Thank you BCR for not giving up and him.. ?19 hours agooVicky Zulli Belveduto THANK GOD!!!!!!!!19 hours agooMarly Barker OMG, that is wonderful news. After yesterday's x-rays and description, I didn't have much hope, Dr Hay and staff, thanks you are miracle workers!!! I will be saying a prayer for Skip, that he makes a good recovery and doesn't have to suffer with pain. thank you guys for your great work.19 hours agooKelly Kosinski I cheer you all and wish you the HAPPIEST New Year. Stay strong Skip, your will is enlivening. I pray for your robust recovery. ?19 hours agooDarlene Ijams I'm behind you Skip.18 hours agooDiane Supowit Oh, thank You, God!! Been praying for Skip so much!!! SO GLAD!!!18 hours agooSally Chancellor Peters Praise God!! Hope is on the mend now. Thanks to those who have worked so hard to save him. I wish we had them here where I live. He is gorgeous. Here's to a speedy recovery for Skip!! [-]18 hours agooVicky Zulli Belveduto Now that's a wonderful way to start the New Year.......with Good News!!! Bless you BCR and all those who helped Skip!!18 hours agooJennifer Ruggiero Hansen We love you Skip!17 hours agooDebbie Massey How are his lungs?Still have fluid?16 hours agooBeth Milton yay!11 hours agooAmy Milligan Great big Canadian thanks to all involved with caring for and rehabing Skip!!!about an hour agooMartha Hoffman Skinner Anxious to see how the little guy is doing!8 minutes ago  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLHelp us keep an eye on Skip the bobcat as he awakens from a full day of surgery by Dr. Hay at Veterinary Surgical Services to repair his shattered pelvis. He is in the small squeeze cage for now to keep him from moving around too much. Poole, Jeff Kremer, Silvia Loehrer and 130 others like this.oMichelle Klein-Hass Get better, little sweetie!18 hours agooDeborah Armstrong Poor baby.... I'm glad he's resting safe!!18 hours agooSonya Lee Pull through, little buddy.18 hours agooAngel Camacho I've been watching over that little prince... He's gotten a second chance at life thanks to your organization. You are all angels! Thank you again for keeping us updated.18 hours agooBarbara Runcie Get well, little guy18 hours agooEliza Howard Blessings for Skip ? ?18 hours agooAlene Greto Thank you for keeping us updated. (Sharing)18 hours agooEl Burke Oh we're watching... lol18 hours agooJanet Davis Thank you to Dr. Hay and all the BCR staff. We wish Skip a speedy recovery.18 hours ago 3 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer and Debi Binkley like this. ·oTammie Ekkelboom Oh, he's eating a lot!!! :D He's so beautiful!!!!!! Go Skip!18 hours agooAlex Foxx Awesome, thanks again for the updates and for saving his life. You guys rock! Get well, Skip, you trooper!18 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer, Arlene Hoffer and Eilene Wood like this. ·oLisa Hemmerle Hats off to the vets who fed him without patting! It would have been all in my power not to have sneaked a sedated big cat a pat in!18 hours ago 7 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer, Arlene Hoffer, JoAnn Paolantonio and 3 others like this. ·oEliza Howard Hungry beautiful baby. :) :) Thank you B.C.R.18 hours agooRosemarie Plaetke I am so lucky... watch you feeding him.... he is doing so well how he responds to your food. reaching for it. he moves his left leg.this little guy is hungry ... so much food!18 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer, Arlene Hoffer and Eilene Wood like this. ·oJudy Jackson Williamson Bless you all at Big Cat Rescue! ?18 hours agooRenee Eva Patricia Awwww ?18 hours agooFran Harrington Thank you to the Drs!!! I have great Drs for all my animals and sure do appreciate them, so thank you again for saving this guy!!18 hours agooEilene Wood He's so cute!! Is this normal breathing for a bobcat? I didnt notice this last night.18 hours agooKimberly Jones Keep fighting and being tough beautiful boy! We love you! ?18 hours agooCindy Heisler Maybury Thank you to everyone who worked so hard since Skip has been rescued and for all the wonderful people in the operating room-God Bless all of you! Thanks for letting us view his recovery!18 hours agooJoAnn PaolantonioThank you to the medical team that is taking care of Skip. I appreciate your dedication to all animals domstic and wild.Skip looks like he not quite sure what is going on however I can sense he is calm and peaceful within this journey he is... having in this life cycle in this moment in time. Om Shanti Amen.See More18 hours agooScott White So happy for Skip!18 hours agooLori Beth Kidd Poor lil fellow. I hope he's got good pain meds! Get well soon, Skip! ?18 hours agooKiersten B Greenfield So happy Skip is recovering!!18 hours agooBrigitte Latton Brdije Love you Skip!!! ? ? ? <you will make it!18 hours agooCarolyn Schellhardt Bon chance, Skip!!! I'm praying for you!!!17 hours agooHolly Oxenfree ??????.•*¨?`*•.¸????????¸.•*¨`*•?.?????????????????? ????? ????????????* ?H?A?P?P?Y?? * ?N?E?W? * ?Y?E?A?R? *???????????? ????? ????????????17 hours agooRuth Leikam You can do it, Skip! Sending lots of love and prayers to you!17 hours agooHannah Haunert this is way cool17 hours agooBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL is Dr. Hay's clinic. Let him know you love what he did for Skip the bobcat at Big Cat Rescue17 hours ago 11 peopleLoading...oKitty Dolan Praying like mad for Skip, I think he knows by now that he is in the best hands he could be in, BCR. All he has to do is get well and either go back to the wild if he can or spend his days at BCR either way he is a winner. A million cat kisses to him and BCR.16 hours ago Michelle Morton like this. ·oCarol Davidson Bruce BCR, you rock!! Thanks for caring.16 hours agooAlex Foxx Yep, I will be sure to let Dr. Hay and staff know how much I appreciate their heroic efforts!16 hours agooSherry Anthony most beautiful site "A beautiful Male Lion" and a White tiger" Resting together and getting better at the hospital. Bless their hearts!16 hours agooRachel DeFauw I emailed Dr. Hay and his staff at to say thank you. I am so happy that Skip survived the surgery. Now prayers, hugs and love to get him through a long recovery. Thank you BCR for all that you've done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15 hours agooLotta Williams Bengtsson Lots of ? to all kind people with big hearts!15 hours agooKaren Norris-Rocha Just logged back on to see our guy and it's Off-Air...hope Skip is ok...15 hours agooSilvia Loehrer He looked great when I was on. Visiting hours end at 9 p.m. Eastern time, US so that he can rest and all. He ate and had a great appetite! I am so happy! I wonder what time we can log on tomorrow morning to see him?15 hours agooAmy O'Donnell Just sent an email to the vet's office. Saw Skip earlier on cam. He's so cute, and his little chest was going up and down. Hope he doesn't mind his butt shaved, though. Poor kitty, he's going to be better than before. Keep Calm and Carry On!14 hours agooRosemarie Plaetke ?@sherry anthony: just a good, healthy photo of cameron & zabu at bcr ...a couple. there are good videos on them on bcr's website. they have a good life together & enjoy it as you can see.14 hours agooLinda Crowder Manous I'm so glad he made it through surgery. Sending lots of positive kitty energy his way.14 hours agooSandra Davis Get a good nights rest SKIP I will be dreaming And praying for you xoxo14 hours agooMonica Spires Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!!

*THANK YOU & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!14 hours agooAnnette Johnson-Braswell been watching him since yesterday, and I hope and pray that he will do alright. Our prayers are with him. God Bless all who is involved in his care!13 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Happy New Year Skip and friends!!! XOXOXOMuch Love and Blessings from Florida!13 hours agooHolly Cat It says its offline on my computer, could that be cause im not in the US?Thanks so much for saving him. Its so great that there are such caring people in the world.Cant wait to come and visit one day when im finally done with all my study.7 hours agooMichelle Morton Holly, they turn off the lights after 9pm US Eastern Time, and I think they turn off the online video feed then too. I think it should be back up again to coincide with daylight hours here - maybe in an hour or two from now.7 hours agooColleen Tracey skip s monitor wasn't on ?!?! :( wanted to see if the guy doing ok4 hours agooShe Szimanski This 'ustream' thing is a great idea for being able to keep a close eye on your patients while still attending to the rest of business and life. I hope all is still well with his recovery, since the channel is offline.4 hours agooAnnette Johnson-Braswell he has a lot of love and prayers for him! Just waiting to see how he did through the night! Prayers are still with him...Happy New Year Skip and BCR!!3 hours agooColleen Tracey our baby is on!!! looking good, about to fight with water cup .... good sign! LOL3 hours agooLisa PoloGood Morning all the Skip the bobcat supporters and fans out there.. don't forget to keep the healing virtual candles lit throughout his recovery.. they go out every 48 hours.... Thank ya Kindly xo More3 hours agooBonnie Kelley oh skip with the bare bottom! don't be embarrassed it is for the good hon!! we promise not to look!!! oh skip we are so happy you have pulled through so far! our thoughts and prayers are with you. you sweet precious cat!! thank goodness for bcr and jamie and her crew!!2 hours ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip is live on UStream right now and has pulled through his first night after major surgery to repair a pelvis shattered by a car strike this week. Bandy, Sandra Roberts-April, Joanne L McGonagle and 114 others like this.oRachel Castle Farmer Hang in there Skip! I know you can do it!! :)3 hours agooBeth Giannosa Thanks SO much BCR for enabling us to keep a watch over Skip. As you can tell.....we all ? him very much !!!3 hours agooElise Spears Skip the amazing Bobcat!!!! GDspeed!3 hours agooAllie Maheral Hang in there Skip!3 hours agooShezael Zael I saw him move his 'back leg' (sorry do not know the english word for it) He looks better and better ! Gogo Skip !!!3 hours agooGoonerette Hall im rooting for you buddy get better soon from london england3 hours agooLisa PoloYay! Good Morning all the Skip the bobcat supporters and fans out there.. don't forget to keep the healing virtual candles lit throughout his recovery.. they go out every 48 hours.... Thank ya Kindly xo More3 hours agooDeanna Floyd SO blessed to have people lilke the Big Cat Rescue! Have a GREAT SPEEDY recovery Skip! We're ALL praying for you!3 hours agooBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL ?9:58 VERY exciting to see Skip stand up on ALL FOUR feet, turn around and lay back down. The new hips seem to be working!3 hours agooChristine Evert Wonderful to see him move his legs and standing up! Happy New Year Skip, a new lease on life!3 hours agooCarol Safford DeBeradinis He looks like he is doing well. Looking forward to seeing him better each day. Thank you for taking such good care of him!3 hours agooSue Drake just saw him 'stand' on those back legs. He's a strong boy. Incredible job BCR & co !3 hours agooLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Thank you Lisa for that link, I just lit mine for Skip! Congrats BCR for all the wonderful work you do!!!!3 hours agooNoreen Raudabaugh We just got to see him stand on all four paws too! He has a cheering section, and I hope he can feel the love. Y'all at BCR are some amazing angels, and I wish for karma to find each and every one of you this year.3 hours agooEliza Howard This is fantastic news thank you.B.C.R.3 hours agooMelinda Whitfield Someone is on the chat with the video feed posting very obscene things -- BCR can you please block them?3 hours agooBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL My chat window only shows the last couple of posts. What is the offender's handle?3 hours agooKim Haller So excited for Skip's progress! Sending prayers for healing and recovery!3 hours agooMelinda Whitfield David_Koresh is his handle. It's awful what he is posting.3 hours agooMelinda Whitfield He keeps posting every few seconds.3 hours agooAshley Burleson BCR and Dr. H you have proven once again that u can work miracles! almost cried when i read that he stood up! Have a wonderful new year!3 hours agooColleen Long Such a beauty..keep resting, brave many are hoping for you to run free again.3 hours agooLaurie Johnson Happy New Year, Skip! Wishing you a quick recovery and a healthy 20113 hours agooMonica Spires please start the year off and Donate any amount and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

2 hours agooDebbie Massey BCR,Will Skip stay with you when he recovers?2 hours agooMonica Spires on BCR home page they hope to release him...once he is fully recovered back to where he was found (by state law) but he will recovered at BCR for a while :)2 hours agooRomana Welch cool get well Skip2 hours agooGerri Paniccia good morning sweetie!!2 hours agooDebbie Watroba He looks pretty comfortable. This is such a miracle!2 hours agooRon Hopper YAY! GO SKIP!2 hours agooFelicia Raphael He's been moving a little - looking straight at the camera. He's so beautiful. He seems comfortable. Thanks for taking such good care of him.2 hours agooMichelle Klein-Hass Keep on healin' up there Skip! We love you! ?about an hour agooMichele Crow Anello So happy, great news for the new year, Skip looks great! All are payers have been answered!! :)about an hour agooLyn Reid Wishing you all the best for 2011 Skip, the couple who rescued him, all at BCR and Dr Hay and his team.about an hour agooUros Ralovic awwww...he's up & watching around :))about an hour agooLesa Cox awesome good news!!about an hour agooEilene Wood Skip is so cute!! He really looks so good, alert!! Happy New Year Skip and BCR!!about an hour agooMelanie Lowe just watched breathlessly as he got up and turned around alert and moving slowly but surely :Dabout an hour agooMelanie Lowe he seems to have finally tired himself out and is ready for a little healing nap :D57 minutes agooDeborah Good I hope he will be able to walk after all this.55 minutes agooEilene Wood Time for kitty nap!!! Rest is good Skip, you have been through so much in less than a week. Thank you for your special angels that found you and called BCR.43 minutes agooBonnie Kelley can't wait for the fur to grow back skip!!but you are beautiful anyway!!!33 minutes agooLeigh Ann Frontz Christenson Skip is so cute I'm praying for you baby!!! =) Thank you to BCR for saving this sweet little guy. BCR is amazing I love looking at your fb page wish I lived closer so I could visit in person!31 minutes agooTiena Harvey Ellis Come on Skip. I'm pulling for you baby!27 minutes agooLinzee Mundtt he looks good on ustream..woot14 minutes agooFran Harrington He's looking great!! I hope that he's feeling great too :)4 minutes agooMichelle Able Keep fighting skip! Praying for ya!3 minutes ago · LikeI was right in the middle of sending an email to LaWanna about some promotions she was dreaming up for the site when Honey Wayton, our gift shop manager called and relayed an urgent message.A woman had called to say they had found a bobcat alongside the highway and had it loose in their SUV and wanted to know what to do next because it was getting pretty mad.Obviously this was their first bobcat rescue, because no one makes that mistake twice.  I called the woman who said her name was Nici and she said that the bobcat laying alongside the road had caught her eye.  Her husband, Skip had chased him down with a blanket, scooped him up and put him in the back of the car.  He was dragging his back end, so the chase wasn’t much of a challenge, but picking up a VERY mad bobcat made him a fury of claws and teeth.Nici said they were two blocks from their home and that they could just leave him in the car for us to deal with, if we wanted.  As I frantically brought up a map to see that she was 2 and a half hours away, I didn’t think that was a great idea.  I asked if she had a pet carrier that they could just plop the blanketed cat into before he fully regained his senses.She didn’t but her friend Lorie did.  Turns out that all three of them had visited Big Cat Rescue in the past and were eager to do anything they could to help save this skinny, crushed little bobcat.  My instructions had been to completely envelope the cat in thick blanketing and take the top off the carrier, if necessary, to accommodate the entire bundle, and then bolt the top back on.  I don’t know why that didn’t work for them, but I called Nici back a few minutes later, after starting Jamie on her way to Mt. Plymouth, and Nici said, “I hope you guys will name this bobcat Skip, after my husband because he is so brave!”Slashing teeth and claws be danged, Skip had managed to get a grip on the bobcat’s scruff and lifted him into the carrier.  Even though Lorie had brought over a German Shepherd sized crate the bobcat managed to go spread eagle over the entire door making it a real effort to push him into the pile of blankets in the carrier.  Kind of like baptizing a cat in a cereal bowl.They covered him up and waited with him while I called every vet I could find between there and Tampa.  My concern was that the cat would go into shock before we could get him to a vet here, so I just needed someone to do a preliminary check and stabilize him.  By the time I had called a dozen vets and a couple of rehabbers two hours had passed and Jamie was nearly there.Our old van is a 1998 and has seen better days.  It was shuddering so badly that Jamie Veronica had taken it into a station to check the tires but they were OK and the shudder happened even when sitting still.  I’m no mechanic, but sounded like a rod knocking to me and I was sweating whether or not the van would even make it to the Mt. Dora area, NW of Orlando.Once I gave up on finding a vet near the bobcat, or even on the way home, who would give him the courtesy of even the most basic care, which I assured them I would pay in advance if necessary, I began to try and sort out what to do when he arrived in Tampa.If Jamie didn’t break down, she and the bobcat should be back in town around 6 pm.  Our primary vet, Dr. Wynn had a previous engagement hosting a dozen people at 6pm.  I asked if I should contact Florida Veterinary Specialist or our secondary vet, Dr. Dave Murphy.  Dr. Wynn said she would call her clinic and see if Dr. Dave Danielson might be willing to look at the bobcat.  He had worked with native bobcats before that we brought in, and was willing to help.Another frantic call from Honey and Howard and I were on our way to the sanctuary to give tours.  We have a Free Teachers promotion going on and instead of having 2 or 3 groups of twenty showing up at 3pm we had 9 such tour groups yesterday and it turns out 12 groups today including a wedding.  It was the biggest single day the sanctuary has ever had.  It was probably good timing because otherwise I might have made Jamie crazy by calling every five minutes and asking, “Where are you now?”During one such call Jamie said she would need me to bring the squeeze cage to the vet’s office.  How we were going to get the bobcat out of the carrier and into the squeeze cage was yet to be determined, but getting it there was the first step.  As soon as my tour ended I trotted across the parking lot to the on site West – Boensch Cat Hospital.  I chatted with Jack, who was recovering in the hospital from a nasty accident he had with the front gate, while I loaded the squeeze cage into my truck.  Jack is doing fine and is living proof that cats do have nine lives.I ordered pizzas for pick up because I knew Jamie hadn’t eaten since this morning and didn’t know if the vet and his staff would be skipping dinner to fit this bobcat, now named Skip, into their already hectic evening schedule.   Jamie already had Skip inside and he was well on his way to a long, deep sleep by the time I arrived.  She said they had tipped the crate up on end and hand injected him through the grated door.  Within only a couple of minutes he was sleeping…or so we thought.On the x-ray table he began blinking and trying to sit up, so he got a little more ketamine and went back to sleep.  The first x-ray showed the crushed pelvis and Dr. Danielson asked if we wanted to go any further as this was going to be a lot of major surgery with limited hope of recovery.  I told him we had spent more than $7500 on the last bobcat who needed plates, so we were willing to spend the money as long as the cat didn’t have any cat-killer diseases that would make him unfit for release.  The blood tests were done and he had a clean bill of health so the only other obstacle, which was determined later during a sonogram was that he has internal bleeding and his spleen may be beyond recovery.  Only a couple days of quiet rest and careful observation will let us know if he is going to live long enough to have the work done.The vet tech Heather pulled ticks off Skip while Jamie checked his ears for mites, his fur for fleas and Dr. Danielson powdered his raw, purple rump, bruised badly from the impact.  Judging by his pearly white fangs we guessed his age to be around two years old and while finely muscled, he only weighed a mere 17 lbs.After consulting Dr. Wynn by phone, Dr. Danielson decided to take a lot more x-rays and did all of the other work, such as flea treatment and tests, so that in a couple of days, if the spleen is still operational, Skip could go to FVS for the precision plating and pinning necessary to give him full mobility.We waited to make sure he would wake up OK from the anesthesia, which he did rather quickly, and then covered him up to rest quietly in the dark over night.  Being a wild cat, close proximity to humans is very agitating.  His whole life has been based upon the knowledge that man is to be avoided at all costs.If Skip makes it through the night we may set up cameras to monitor him tomorrow so that he isn’t being exposed to constant stress.We have been posting his progress at along with photos and we will be posting video soon.You can check on him there and post your wishes for a speedy recovery.I am very thankful for all the love that has been focused his way and if love can mend a broken bobcat, then Skip will surely be ready to run free again soon.Carole Baskin, CEO of Big Cat RescueIf you would like to help Skip and other bobcats like him get a second chance at freedom, please donate at the top right of this page or here:

Skip's Facebook Fans

bobcats are sweet...when they are asleep
bobcat on heating pad
bobcat shattered pelvis
Jamie Veronica and Skip the bobcat

Skip the Bobcat became a Facebook Phenomenon over the New Year’s Week of 2010-2011You can join the conversation at or watch Skip in the on site Cat Hospital at Cat Rescue’s posts are in bold, followed by Skip’s 193 pages of well wishes from his Facebook fans. His chat window on UStream was even more voluminous, but is deleted each time the system resets, so we were unable to capture it, but it was very much like the following.Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLBobcat needs emergency vet! Hit by car in Mt. Plymouth at noon. Now in a carrier in a garage. Jamie is on her way from Tampa but is two hours away. I've called 10 local vets and no one will treat the cat for shock until we arrive. If you know a vet between Mt. Plymouth and Tampa please call them and ask if they will treat the cat until we get there.December 28, 2010 at 1:45pmChris Poole, Florida Potter, Lorena Bourque Herndon and 115 others like this.oStephanie Winters good luck!December 28, 2010 at 1:47pmoPattie Huggins Deitrick Good luck.... I wish I was able to help... Prayers sent!!!December 28, 2010 at 1:47pmoJacquelyn Rapp-Blake wish I knew a vet in that area-good luck and let us know how the poor bobcat does?I sent you a smiley!December 28, 2010 at 1:48pmoStacy Watts how could they say no!? Hope you can get to him/her in time. Thank you for all you do.December 28, 2010 at 1:48pmoVivian Wolpers sending up prayers for the bobcat to survive !!!December 28, 2010 at 1:48pmoAurora Tännenbaum And WHY will none of these vets treat the hurt animal? That's what vets are for! To help all animals, not just to help furry-fluffy pets!December 28, 2010 at 1:49pmoWendy Wojcik Where is Mt Plymouth??December 28, 2010 at 1:49pmoDiane Mentzer Oh no! I hope someone is able to help.December 28, 2010 at 1:50pmoAngela Goodson Abbott That's about as sorry as anything I've heard...NO vet in the area will treat the poor thing for shock just until someone can get there?? Seriously, WTF???? All I can offer are prayers and good wishes, too. Hang in there "Bob!"December 28, 2010 at 1:51pmoKimberly Jones You've got to be kidding me!!! Not even vets that are used with the national wildlife service? Ugh!! That's inexcusable!!December 28, 2010 at 1:51pmoChristi Miller Saying prayersDecember 28, 2010 at 1:51pmoJohna Whitesell what about vets at the FWC or Busch Wildlife?December 28, 2010 at 1:53pmoMary Thompson How sad.December 28, 2010 at 1:53pmoAshley Wunderlin IM CALLING VETS TO HELPDecember 28, 2010 at 1:54pmoSonya Cabral Thats terrible!!! What is wrong with vets??? They won't treat wild animals only pets! { wish i knew someone there!!! I send all my prayers that this poor bobcat survives!!! Hang in there BOB!!!December 28, 2010 at 1:55pmoKristal Roebuck Hope this baby can be saved. Sending up prayers also ?December 28, 2010 at 1:55pmoKristal Roebuck Go Jamie go!!!December 28, 2010 at 1:56pmoPatrice Ann Cartolano Marotta If you were up by me in N. Illinois my vet treats big cats.December 28, 2010 at 1:57pmoSally Chancellor Peters boo hiss on the locals ; an animal is an animal. praying for the bobcat.December 28, 2010 at 1:57pmoSally Chancellor Peters why on earth are people clicking that they like this?December 28, 2010 at 1:58pmoHeather Aday mt plymouth is north west of orlandoDecember 28, 2010 at 1:58pmoAurora Tännenbaum At age 15, I've already cared for cheetahs, jaguars and servals during an internship and these folks are grown-up veterinarians scared of a bobcat!? ô.O Isn't there something like professional honor anymore? -.-December 28, 2010 at 1:59pmoNanda González Poor animal. nobody goes there to see the cat.December 28, 2010 at 1:59pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL People click the Like button because there isn't an Important button, not that they like a cat being hit by a car.December 28, 2010 at 2:00pmoJessica Newton people are clicking like instead of posting in terms to wish their likes to help them get the help for the kitty! im too far i live in GA... drive that car fast!December 28, 2010 at 2:00pmoSally Chancellor Peters ok thanks for explaination!! shame on the vets in that area.December 28, 2010 at 2:02pmoHeather Aday here's one not far from them? worth a shot or they can direct u to someone else?East Lake Animal Clinic31415 CR 435, Sorrento, FL (352) 735-2882December 28, 2010 at 2:02pmoJennifer Hertzog Miller Praying for a happy ending! Keep us posted.....December 28, 2010 at 2:02pmoSally Chancellor Peters keep us posted!December 28, 2010 at 2:02pmoMargie Anderson Linnane That's not right. :( What is wrong with these animal doctors, shame on them.December 28, 2010 at 2:03pmoPattie Huggins Deitrick Wow... Aurora... You are so right!! You can make a difference... Your job is to become a vet and teach show what professsional honor is!!December 28, 2010 at 2:03pmoDiane Supowit I am praying!December 28, 2010 at 2:04pmoDonna Ralphs I don't know about Florida's laws but the domestic animal vets here in Mass I'm told are NOT allowed BY LAW to treat a wild animal if they aren't trained for wild animals too.December 28, 2010 at 2:05pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL I called E.Lk first and they were helpful but their vet is there alone and in surgery all day. We have Ehrlich Rd Animal Hospital and FVS here in Tampa who will see him, but I was trying to find help closer to where he is so that he doesn't die from shock.December 28, 2010 at 2:06pmoSarah Jane Maxey poor kitty!! I hope he'll be alright! I pray for him!December 28, 2010 at 2:06pmoAurora Tännenbaum ?@ Pattie Huggins Deitrick: After finishing school I applied to study vet. medicin, but here in Germany it's all about marks at school and my diploma was 0.8 points too low. I was told to wait 5 years to *maybe* get a place at an university. -.-December 28, 2010 at 2:07pmoDiane Supowit Praying for him to pull through and for peace, AND a vet to get there asap!!December 28, 2010 at 2:08pmoJennifer Wehman Boyd Is someone just randomly calling vets in that area? I think that should be done. But we shouldnt have 10 people doing it. Is anyone actually making the calls?December 28, 2010 at 2:08pmoVicki Eddy sorry, wish I was near, how bad? You should be able to at least get a vet tech or two to help, they sometimes know more than the actual vets...hope cat wil be ok....prayers...December 28, 2010 at 2:09pmoPattie Huggins DeitrickI know it is a wild kitty, but this is what I found!! maybe it can help!!Step 1: Examine the cat for shock; gently lift the upper lip so the gum is visible. Pale or white gums indicate the cat is almost certainly in shock and may have seri...ous internal injuries and/or bleeding. If the gums are pink the cat is probably not in shock.Step 2: Place the cat on its side on a blanket, towel, or jacket with its head extended.Step 3: Clear the cat's airway.Step 3a: Place one hand over the cat's head so that your thumb and index finger fall just behind the long canines (fang teeth), the head resting against your palm.Step 3b: Gently tilt the cat's head back so its nose is pointing upward. Push your thumb toward your finger; the mouth will open.Step 3c: Gently pull out the cat's tongue to keep the airway open. If the cat resists your attempt to pull the tongue out, do not repeat Step 3.Step 4: Elevate the cat's hindquarters slightly by placing them on a pillow or folded towel.Step 5: Stop the bleeding immediately.Step 6: To conserve body heat, wrap the cat in a blanket or jacket.Step 7: Transport the cat to the veterinarian immediately.See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 2:09pmoJennifer HarmonHere's the thing- most likely the vets won't treat the animal "until someone gets there" because they don't want to be stuck with an abandoned bobcat or (even worse in their eyes) the bill if no one shows up or follows through. It's total c...rap. They're not afraid of the cat, theres ways of dealing with even the most fractious animals- and if its shocky enough to have been able to be crated, there is no issue!!! they're afraid of losing $. I've been working in the veterinary business (and I totally mean it when I use that word "business") for many years, and am getting out of it to do law enforcement (animal control) cuz I just can't take the corruption and profiteering that goes on anymore. Some situations require special action. Regardless the outcome, you think it would be good PR for a vet to do this!!! Ugh, I get so disgusted talking about this. Best luck, kitty, and Godspeed.See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 2:11pmoTed Heine It makes me so angry that "vets" are not bound by the same ethical and moral considerations as human doctors. They certainly charge enough, yet can pick and choose which suffering animals to help. That's just disgusting, inhumane and EVIL!December 28, 2010 at 2:16pmoJanet Powell Bisson Please, please be ok little furball......December 28, 2010 at 2:16pmoAurora Tännenbaum ?@ Jennifer Harmon : Hearing this is really repelling >.<December 28, 2010 at 2:16pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL We have offered to pay the bill, in advance via cc. Have called these in the area so far: East Lake, Pet Care of Apopka, Longwood, Mt Dora, Palmetto, Shamrock, Lake Vet, Winter Park, a vet named Jason, and all were either on vacation, off today or overloaded already. Some gave no reason other than to say they "don't do wildlife."December 28, 2010 at 2:16pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL I have a few leads on the far East side of Orlando, but that just adds to his drive time to get the bobcat back to our vets here, so hoping to find someone midway.December 28, 2010 at 2:18pmoTed Heine PS...I realized this when my own cat had a traumatic injury which resulted in her losing a leg. The very well known veterinary school and hospital which shall remain nameless......but is in West Philadelphia....told me that they were under no obligation to treat her...and they left her linger in a cage with a shattered femur for two days until they were sure I could pay them.December 28, 2010 at 2:19pmoKreative Altruism i love you guysyou almost make me cryi wish i was more able to help you guysDecember 28, 2010 at 2:19pmoJanet Ladwig Prayers from my family to the cat. How sad...if you don't LOVE animals you shouldn't be a vet.December 28, 2010 at 2:19pmoAngelina M Wormald need to know how young the cat the vets that I call will know...I WILL DO MY BESTDecember 28, 2010 at 2:20pmoMargaret Hill are there any vet schools along the way?December 28, 2010 at 2:21pmoAshley Wunderlin IVE CALLED 6 vets all of which have said no and thats B.S WISH U GUYS WERE IN OHIO I COULD BE MORE HELP THEN BUT IM STILL TRYINGDecember 28, 2010 at 2:23pmoDale Sullivan STUPID PEOPLE. NO WONDER I PREFER ANIMALS AT TIMES LIKE THIS!December 28, 2010 at 2:25pmoJennifer HarmonAgain- too 'overloaded' for an emergency?! I just... Have a real hard time getting right with this. Feline anatomy is feline anatomy. And it's not like were talking about a full grown panther, here! It's an injured, shocky bobcat. Ive dealt... with them before (previous animal control exp at calls before fish & game arrived & a drop @ the shelter), and in my experience, dealing with an unhappy adult Rottweiler is way worse, lol! It's simply unethical. I'm saddened by it. Again, I'm wishing the best ?See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 2:25pmoCandace Thompson any Zoo's with Vets?December 28, 2010 at 2:26pmoMaegan Gaudreau Make sure you call any zoos between Tampa and Mt. Plymouth to ask if there vet is available to help, they obviously deal with wild animals so they at least can't give the excuse that they don't do that...December 28, 2010 at 2:26pmoSnow Bop It's not like the bobcat was injured naturally, and that nature should take its course. The bobcat was hit by a car - HUMAN interference - therefore, humans should intervene. Wish there was something I could do... Thank you BCR for everything you are doing for the injured kitty!!December 28, 2010 at 2:27pmoKatherine Craig oh no! please keep us posted on how things are going.December 28, 2010 at 2:30pmoMichele Sanchez Ortiz ?: 2840 E Irlo Bronson Highway, Kissimmee Florida 34744 Telephone 407-847-4472Try these peopleDecember 28, 2010 at 2:31pmoMark LaughingBear BCR, Jennifer may have hit on it. Is there a Fish & Game unit in the area, or an animal control department that could at least stabilize the poor kitty?December 28, 2010 at 2:33pmoDeanna Moores Has anybody tried calling a vet at a zoo or Busch Gardens or any of the animal parks in Orlando? There's a vet at Fishhawk that interned with a could try them? 813-681-9080December 28, 2010 at 2:34pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL The vet school is in Gainesville, so out of the way. Zoo between here and there is Lowry Park and their vet, Dr. Murphy is already available to us here in Tampa. Our vet is calling around here in Tampa to make sure the 25lb male bobcat can get in right away upon arrival which should be 5:30 to 6 pm EST.December 28, 2010 at 2:34pmoCindy Rose Fries Stump Did you try Animal Kingdom?December 28, 2010 at 2:36pmoMaegan Gaudreau Central Florida Zoo (407) 323-4450 about 20 minutes from Mt. Plymouth. I'm in Massachusetts at work, so I didn't call, I hope that helps.December 28, 2010 at 2:39pmoAllison Meese Kavanagh Good luck! People are idiots, shame on these vets :( Brings tears to my eyes...December 28, 2010 at 2:41pmoAngelina M WormaldFound one that will help if you still need help. Here is the info they do ask that you pay upfront grrrHere is the info:ANIMAL CLINIC 1922840 E Irlo Bronson Mem HwyKissimmee, FL 34744Phone: 407-847-4472...Fax: 407-847-8843See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 2:42pmoAngelina M Wormald if you can't take the bobcat there let me know so that I can call them back and let them know that their services are no longer needed PLEASEDecember 28, 2010 at 2:43pmoKat SullivanWhat about this one in Deland? It's farther east, but not far from where the bobcat is. They treat wildlife.Erin Hall Holder, DVM115 E Euclid Avenue * DeLand FL 32724(O) 386.734.9899 * (F) * FloridaWild@cfl.rr.comSee MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 2:43pmoPeggy Robey Whatever the outcome,and I do pray it's a good one,I want to say THANK YOU for doing your very best to save this life..It's important to do something to help,rather than stand around always expecting someone else to step up to the plate and do the right thing!! Prayers for his/her survival and again Thank You for trying.December 28, 2010 at 2:47pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Dr. Wynn arranged with Dr. Danielson to see the vet at Ehrilch Animal Hospital. The person who rescued the cat said he is wrapped in blankets and seems quite content to be resting in the carrier. They said he put up a fight going in to the carrier, so hopefully his back and pelvis are not broken beyond repair.December 28, 2010 at 2:47pmoHeather Greene Animal lovers are the greatest people. hope everything works out. I'm praying for the little guy. ?December 28, 2010 at 2:48pmoAngelina M Wormald Oh good at least someone will see him and lets all hope for the best for this baby...I will let the vet that I called know that his services are no longer needed THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me know :) PLEASE keep us informed of the progress of this beautiful catDecember 28, 2010 at 2:50pmoKatherine Craig Kissimmee closer?December 28, 2010 at 2:51pmoLisa Olson Oh no, hope he will be okDecember 28, 2010 at 2:53pmoAshley Wunderlin AMENDecember 28, 2010 at 2:54pmoDonna Raihl Hope he/she gets better!December 28, 2010 at 2:56pmoIliana Marie Malcolm ?**Aurora for some high-up decision-making leadership position** :)GL Kitty!!December 28, 2010 at 2:56pmoSilvia Loehrer OMG!! My prayers are with the kitty b-cat...I wish I knew of a vet in that area....I'll ask around!December 28, 2010 at 3:00pmoAnthony Scott Jones Well I hope he makes it!!! resting in the carrier is good , Glad someone is gonna HELP!!! :)December 28, 2010 at 3:02pmoMelissa Koblin Hope the little guy is ok!December 28, 2010 at 3:03pmoJoAnn Paolantonio Thank you to BCR, Dr.'s Wynn & Danielson, Ehrilch Animal H. & the angel who rescued of Bobcat. I hope we can get a picture of the rescuer, the Bobcat & the story...December 28, 2010 at 3:04pmoKaren Norris-Rocha Positive wishes and prayers to the precious bobcat. Please keep us posted on his condition Seeing an animal injured just breaks my heart. But to know there are actually people who care and are making a difference gives me hope for mankind.December 28, 2010 at 3:05pmoPrinting Graphics This needs a share buttonDecember 28, 2010 at 3:07pmoAmanda Lyn I absolutely love my vet- he has a heart of gold. Saved my dog's life and his staff is beyond caring. He would probably be able to help- hes in Brandon @ Brandon Lakes Animal Hospital.December 28, 2010 at 3:13pmoLori Tuscano Jurkowski wish I was there, not that I am a vet, buyt I could helpDecember 28, 2010 at 3:14pmoJudy Taylor Have you contacted University of Penna. Veterinary College and Hospital. I know someone commented badly about them earlier but this is a different circumstance. Worth a try anyway.December 28, 2010 at 3:16pmoKathleen Robertson have you tried any zoos to se if they're vets would help?December 28, 2010 at 3:16pmoAmy Milligan ?(((((GOOD VIBES))))) are being sent to BCR for their efforts on behalf of this injured kitty AND!!! (((((PRAYERS FOR A SUCCESSFUL RECOVERY))))) are being sent to the injured bobcat!!!! (((((THANKS))))) are being sent out to the vets that are treating this kitty!!!December 28, 2010 at 3:20pmoKathy Foreman WernerI'm in the clermont/minneola area. I don't know the area well enough but our vet is South Lake Animal Clinic on Highway 50 between 8th & 12th Streets. Call them 352-394-2202 OR the vet trama center in groveland 244 W. Orange St,Groveland,... FL 34736352-429-7707they're right on highway 50See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 3:22pmoJennifer Harmon I am beyond relieved to know that the little guy (or girl! ;)...) will soon be getting the help it needs. Yeay BCR and yeay wonderful, compassionate people!!!!! :) x a million (at least!!! lol)December 28, 2010 at 3:24pmoJennifer LaMond I am so not surprised that Dr. Danielson at Ehrlich Animal Hospital stepped up.... he is the absolute best!!! He took care of my little one in his last minutes and he holds a very special place in my heart!! God bless him, BCR and Ehrlich Animal Hospital!!! Prayers for the big cat and BCR!!December 28, 2010 at 3:25pmoSilvia Loehrer Surely there is a VET out there that can help!!!!!!!Looks like this location is north west of Orlando...near Sanford or Tavares if anyone lives nearby and can offer vet assistance.December 28, 2010 at 3:26pmoKathy Foreman Werner my 2 neighbors in Minneola are groomers & they highly recommend Dr. Z here in Minneola on 27 His # is: (352) 394-7444 (the name of the office is All Care Animal Hospital)December 28, 2010 at 3:27pmoSilvia Loehrer As big as Orlando is...there has to be a kind VET that can help out.December 28, 2010 at 3:27pmoKen Weyrauch WOW lots of people looking to help. That is great. hopefully this bobcat is okay.December 28, 2010 at 3:28pmoKathy Foreman Werner so glad someone is able & WILLING to helpDecember 28, 2010 at 3:29pmoMegan Watson I'm so sorry to hear about this and I agree that vets should be held by the same ethical obligations as doctors. Most sure do charge enough which causes people distress in itself. I realize people need to have the money to care for a pet but it shouldn't be to the point of making people bankrupt. And I agree also it is very much a business. I wish the cat a speedy recoveryDecember 28, 2010 at 3:30pmoColleen Tracey hope you guys took the pictures of ur adventure of getting that kitty :)December 28, 2010 at 3:30pmoElizabeth Meade Praying for his recovery! & BLESS the Cat's rescuer & BCR & all those assisting!!! Makes my heart sing to read all the advise & help being offered!! I now live too far away to be of assistance beyond what has already been offered but I'm so happy to see the quick response from everyone! The faster the cat is treated the better his chances of his recovery! We're praying!December 28, 2010 at 3:30pmoCarrie Leo did this cat get the medical attention it needed? Is it doing ok? I just read the post just now. I wish I could help!December 28, 2010 at 3:37pmoCarissa Trotter oh god i hope the cat makes itDecember 28, 2010 at 3:39pmoFancy Katt Hugs to the BobCatDecember 28, 2010 at 3:41pmoKae De Ville Any luck yet? How is the cat?December 28, 2010 at 3:43pmoRebecca Vernon I'm glad to hear he or she put up a fight about going into the crate...although of course bobcats are notoriously bad-tempered...but hopefully that means he's not too badly injured or dying.December 28, 2010 at 3:45pmoCindy Khalsa not sure how close dade city, brooksville is but bet Peggy Flemig the holisitci vet would helpDecember 28, 2010 at 3:46pmoSuzie Buck I wish I was closer I would treat it myself.....December 28, 2010 at 3:49pmoJihmns Sulek oh my, i hope he's okDecember 28, 2010 at 3:54pmoDonna Coffey crossing fingers and saying prayers for bobcat...please please let us now how he/she is!December 28, 2010 at 4:03pmoGinny Carlson How I wish you were closer! My GREAT vet would. My prayers with the poor creature!December 28, 2010 at 4:05pmoHelen Cooley How Is he? Is he alright? did you make it in time?December 28, 2010 at 4:14pmoAmanda Baker How is he? Has someone helped yetDecember 28, 2010 at 4:17pmoEddie Hale It's absolutely amazing how everyone is pulling together for this wild cat. Very cool:)December 28, 2010 at 4:19pmoKatie Mikszewski Rest Please kick us updated on the kitty's status!December 28, 2010 at 4:20pmoMarie Council So glad to know a vet was found who will help. I was astonished that some refused. In such an emergency situation, they should make an effort even if they don't normally treat wild animals.December 28, 2010 at 4:24pmoCarol Walker Oh my gosh that's awful, Vets need to realize in that area its their job is to save, help animals , WTH is wrong with people these days????????December 28, 2010 at 4:34pmoCarol Walker Hope the bob cat can be saved.December 28, 2010 at 4:34pmoTiena Harvey Ellis Poor kitty. Healing blessings on it way for the little guy!December 28, 2010 at 4:36pmoLorena Bourque Herndon Kudos to the vet that offered to help this baby. I would be more than happy to make a donation to the vet's office to help with his care. Can someone post the name of the vet, etc. and how we would go about making a donation - or should we just make it to BCR?December 28, 2010 at 5:12pmoKris Barrett Daugherty Prayers for bobcat and dr working on him! Blessings to the person who picked him up and to BCR for taking care of things. Blessings to everyone here who wants to help.December 28, 2010 at 5:15pmoJodi Cohen Huge prayers for a speedy recovery for the 'big' little fellow!December 28, 2010 at 5:22pmoCat Stanley SHARED!December 28, 2010 at 5:30pmoMichael James Kelly Hoping he is going to be ok hereDecember 28, 2010 at 5:31pmoJennifer Parsons I hope he pulls through! Yay to BCR and all the help from everyone!December 28, 2010 at 5:40pmoSusan Hoover I'm surprised the Florida fish & game didn't have someone who could help!I am so glad that there was, finally, a vet who would/could treat the shocky bobcat near the pick-up point.December 28, 2010 at 5:47pmoKathy Shane hope he will be okDecember 28, 2010 at 5:52pmoLaura Kloss Please post how the bobcat is doing.December 28, 2010 at 5:56pmoSam Snell Pore bobcat!:(December 28, 2010 at 6:01pmoShelley AndJim Poston thanks for helping him/her. so sorry I know no one in the area. keep us posted & keep up the great work!December 28, 2010 at 6:16pmoKim Cisco i'm late to this or i would have made some calls, even though i'm on the west coast. i hope you found someone and he is being treated at this moment.December 28, 2010 at 6:32pmoJocelyn Owens keep us posted on how he's doing. i'll be praying for him. poor thing :(December 28, 2010 at 6:43pmoTerri Halle Only posts WITH LINKS get a 'share' button . . . Otherwise it's considered a status update and/or personal comment.December 28, 2010 at 6:54pmoSue Ross Zielenski Please let us know how he or she is doing!December 28, 2010 at 7:01pmoCandy Feldt God bless you at BCR.December 28, 2010 at 7:26pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Thanks everyone. I just got back from the vet's office. I have some photos that Jamie took with her phone. I will post them in a new thread here.December 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoRich Gomez I hope he/she's fine now... :(December 28, 2010 at 8:41pmoLacy Wynterz any new updates on the bobcatDecember 28, 2010 at 9:05pmoJudy Roberts Purvis What kinds of vets are these that won't help an injured animal? Hope I never have need of one of them.December 28, 2010 at 9:32pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Poor kitty!December 28, 2010 at 9:46pmoRobbie Lorraine I hope I NEVER meet any such cruel vet.December 28, 2010 at 10:06pmoJudy Roberts PurvisI had an unpleasant experience with a vet once. I was trying to save two one week old kittens. They got to where they wouldn't eat and were crying all the time. I called a local vet but they wouldn't see the kittens because they were early. I then called a vet 30 miles away and they told me to bring the kittens right in. One died before I got there but the vet did check out the other though didn't give me much hope. The point is that this vet at least took the time to try to help. Needless to say, this is the vet I take all my animals to now even though it's further for me to travel.See MoreWednesday at 12:02amoBobbie Tharp Carter I hope you found someone. Prayers for the bobcat coming.Wednesday at 12:16amoPatricia Morris MacDonald My God, why would none of the vets treat him for shock? That's terrible!Thursday at 8:25am   Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLJamie got the cat. Says he is alert and TOTALLY bobcat. Will arrive at vet in 30 minutes. I'm bringing dinner so everyone can work straight through to save him.December 28, 2010 at 5:18pmChris Poole, JoAnn Paolantonio, Breawna Smith and 349 others like this.oBeryl Bales Yay...way to go Jamie!December 28, 2010 at 5:18pmoAllison Friedman Thank you BCR for all you do! Good job!December 28, 2010 at 5:19pmoAmy O'Donnell Wow. Y'all are incredible. Thank you for caring fro the cats.December 28, 2010 at 5:19pmoPattie Huggins Deitrick Thanks so much for the update!! He or she will be in my prayers... Great work as always!!!December 28, 2010 at 5:19pmoColleen Tracey YAY!!!! YIPEEEE a great way to end the old year! a live bobcat! :)December 28, 2010 at 5:20pmoHelen Cooley Thank you so much for letting us know !!! good luck!December 28, 2010 at 5:20pmoMike Bond Great work,enjoy your updates.December 28, 2010 at 5:21pmoNancy Ellis Bless you all!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 5:21pmoAngel Camacho This is amazing! Great job guys! Hope the bobcat is OK. Please keep us posted and post a picture of the beautiful kitty when it's back on it's paws.December 28, 2010 at 5:22pmoSteve Knox Hope it turns out good please keep us postedDecember 28, 2010 at 5:23pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt God will bless yall for all of your good animal deeds!December 28, 2010 at 5:23pmoStephanie Turner Doran Praying for ya'll and the cat.December 28, 2010 at 5:23pmoKitty Dolan Praying like mad for him! Thanks BCR you and the cats are always first in my heart! Every one we save is one small step towards keeping these great cats safe and free.December 28, 2010 at 5:23pmoLisa Olson Yay that is good news, keep us posted on his progress!December 28, 2010 at 5:23pmoMichelle Bafik-Vehslage Best of luck... You all are wonderful.. Plz keep us posted... TYDecember 28, 2010 at 5:24pmoAshley Paro Thank you for keeping us updated... my prayers are out to the bobcat. God bless you all for everything you do.December 28, 2010 at 5:24pmoMarie Council Great news. I hope he survives and will be ok.December 28, 2010 at 5:25pmoBonnie Kelley you guys are so wonderful, hope to see pics when he feels better!!!December 28, 2010 at 5:26pmoBeth Giannosa BCR, y'all ROCK !! Thank you for caring for the big cats and doing all you do to educate the public and us, your adoring fans ! Good luck to the little Bobcat...hope all goes well :) Tribe Giannosa will be purring and praying for him !!December 28, 2010 at 5:26pmoBeth Thiel Good fingers are crossedDecember 28, 2010 at 5:27pmoTina Todd Great News! On the other hand, what a shame that none of the other vets would even consider looking at him... They wouldn't be MY vet for long, after that...December 28, 2010 at 5:28pmoSheila Fath Great team work BCR, praying that the bobcat will be ok. Thanks for the update. Please let us know how he or she is when the vet has had a look.December 28, 2010 at 5:29pmoKristal Roebuck I am so happy to hear the good news! Thank you Jamie and everyone at BCR! Hope the bobcat will be ok and thanks for keeping us all updated. :)December 28, 2010 at 5:30pmoDiana Britt You guys are the best!December 28, 2010 at 5:32pmoRebecca Vernon I love that quote - alert and totally bobcat. Having worked with wildlife, I know just what that's like!December 28, 2010 at 5:32pmoAshley Burleson wonderful news! kudos to BCR!December 28, 2010 at 5:34pmoAugust P. Doggest Yay! I have seen wild bobcats...and you have your hands full!! Thanks for the work you do!!December 28, 2010 at 5:34pmoAshley Wunderlin YAY IM SO HAPPY THAT MAKES ME WANNA CRY TEARS OF JOYDecember 28, 2010 at 5:35pmoAlex Foxx Awesome! You are the best!!December 28, 2010 at 5:35pmoMolly McFerran Great to hear....You guys & gals at BCR are angels.December 28, 2010 at 5:36pmoJada Hope offering up a prayer for BobcatDecember 28, 2010 at 5:38pmoBecky Fredericks Praying for a good outcome! ? ? ?December 28, 2010 at 5:38pmoColleen Tracey this would be the bestest xmas/kwanna/hakkuah gift ... a life being saved ;) a wild life!December 28, 2010 at 5:41pmoRuth Leikam GOOD LUCK WITH HIM!!!December 28, 2010 at 5:42pmoCalifia Hurtado Good luck! I hope he pulls through!December 28, 2010 at 5:43pmoBrian Howle Big Cat Prayers all around. Bob to the Cat, y'all!December 28, 2010 at 5:48pmoStephanie Humphries Pahren Best of luck!December 28, 2010 at 5:49pmoMelissa Garman Scandariato If he is healed ok, will he be returned back into the wild?December 28, 2010 at 5:50pmoMaria Velandia awesome job guys!!December 28, 2010 at 5:55pmoMary Thompson God Bless you all for your work and dedication I hope things work out for the poor baby.December 28, 2010 at 5:57pmoEilene Wood Praying for the Bobcat. he seems a feisty kitty.December 28, 2010 at 6:01pmoMarcus Taylor Good luck with it. I'm sure the great team will save himDecember 28, 2010 at 6:02pmoSammy Williams How wonderful! You're so sweet bringing dinner! Help that bobcat and send him back home! =DDecember 28, 2010 at 6:02pmoNicole Zimmerman whew... I will send up a prayer for him!December 28, 2010 at 6:03pmoKathy Shane so glad hes being saved. thank youDecember 28, 2010 at 6:05pmoSonya Alden prayers are going up for you and your team and for a very special bobcat who will be in your care tonite...much love and many blessings from vermont...December 28, 2010 at 6:07pmoLinda Davis please keep up the posts and, thank you so much for doing this...December 28, 2010 at 6:09pmoTiena Harvey Ellis Yeah! Thanks for such dedication to our wild kitties. Many Healing blessing for bobcat as well blessing for team that will help him. BCR you are the best!December 28, 2010 at 6:09pmoLinda Jones Richardson Thanks for letting us know. He's so lucky to have dedicated people who care.December 28, 2010 at 6:12pmoAngela Goodson Abbott He sounds like real scrapper! That's a good sign, right? I'll be hoping and praying with everyone else! (Just curious...who was the thoughtful person who picked him up out of the road, initially saving him? They deserve some thanks, too, so thank you!)December 28, 2010 at 6:13pmoConnie WoundedArrows picture!!!December 28, 2010 at 6:20pmoKim Cisco bravo!December 28, 2010 at 6:21pmoKim Rogers God bless you!December 28, 2010 at 6:25pmoRandy Whittington Wow, that is so awesome! You guys are amazing.December 28, 2010 at 6:26pmoAshley Tyler Wonderful news! Well wishes for the recovery for the Kitty! Thanks for all You do BCR!December 28, 2010 at 6:26pmoOlga Cisneros Hope cat will be okay :) Sending good vibes....December 28, 2010 at 6:28pmoDe Ja Foster Yipeeee...way to go Everyone !!December 28, 2010 at 6:29pmoDiane M. Duhaime Awesome!! Will keep the prayers going that he continues to do ok!!! Hope he isn't seriously injured!!! Thank you for doing what you do for the animals!!!December 28, 2010 at 6:33pmoKaren Swain Sending prayers for the kitty...December 28, 2010 at 6:43pmoCarissa Trotter Sending you guys all the love in the world and I hope the bob cat makes it!!!! we are all praying and hold our breathDecember 28, 2010 at 6:43pmoCathy Heasley-Fann praying ...December 28, 2010 at 6:44pmoSuzanne Manser all the best, hope it goes well.December 28, 2010 at 6:56pmoHope Gold Thank you, God Bless!December 28, 2010 at 7:01pmoChristina Bond Bless all y'all!December 28, 2010 at 7:02pmoChristopher Shaber Glad to hear that you got there in time. What happened to him exactly?December 28, 2010 at 7:12pmoSam Snell Ya!!!I'll pray!December 28, 2010 at 7:22pmoMack David ?:-))...xoDecember 28, 2010 at 7:24pmoPatricia Massari sending you and the bobcat every good thought i have ?December 28, 2010 at 7:26pmoShannon Fenner Laurer Great news, any better news yet???December 28, 2010 at 7:26pmoJanet Davis Thank you for posting an update. I hope all turns out well.December 28, 2010 at 7:27pmoAlexis Blanton I'm so glad to hear that... I was there when the call came through and couldn't stop wondering what happened. Best wishes Bobcat buddy!!! Bless every one of you helping with this (thank God for people like you and for Big Cat Rescue!)December 28, 2010 at 7:30pmoElizabeth Meade I vote to name him "Lucky"! Because that is one LUCKY Bobcat!! Prayers still going out for his full recovery!!December 28, 2010 at 7:38pmoDana Stangel you guys rock.December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoSonya Cabral I'm praying that he makes it!!! I honestly wished that vets would come to their senses and help wildlife too!!! All creatures need help from vets too when they need help!!! They are gods creatures too as well as our furrypets!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 7:49pmoJanet M. Dean praying for the bobbie!!December 28, 2010 at 7:57pmoSilvia Loehrer Please let us know who the vet is because I would like to donate to whoever helped the bobcat. Thank goodness for cool people and nice vets/assistants...I feel relieved now...XOXOXODecember 28, 2010 at 7:57pmoAmy Milligan ?@Sonya Cabral..... My kitties are not my pets! It's the other way around..... I am their human and they run things in my house!December 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoSilvia Loehrer Oh and thank you Big Cat Rescue for caring enough for our wildlife!XOXOXO I am donating to you as well!December 28, 2010 at 8:02pmoSharon Jenkins I meant to send a message earlier. I do energy healing and sent distance healing when i saw the message about the bobcat. Works wonderfully for animals. *BCR may contact me anytime you need healing sent for one of the animals*, no charge of course. I do it because i love animals.December 28, 2010 at 8:59pmoLaura Cole Thoughts and Prayers are being sent for Skip....Poor guy!! Thank you BCR for your big hearts and dedication....Way Awesome!!! ?December 28, 2010 at 9:58pmoBreawna Smith Thanks Jamie, hugs and prayers I am sending to help him feel better.December 28, 2010 at 10:35pmoSilvia Loehrer I just got done donating to you guys...thanks again for helping this beautiful kitty...the least I could do!December 28, 2010 at 11:34pm  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLBobcat has broken pelvis and some internal bleeding. Did X-rays and bloodwork.December 28, 2010 at 7:44pm via iPhoneNoelia Forman, Chris Poole, Janie Little Marlow and 34 others like this.oSandi Krick will say a prayer for the baby......December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoShannon Heitt howd it happen?December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoDan Drum Frawley Get well soonDecember 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoCara Wilson ? ? ?December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoSammy Williams oh no! Internal bleeding is bad!!December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoSue Drake oh poor thing, do you know if he's going to be okay yet ?December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoLesa Cox oh no!! what happened!! I will be in prayer for Him!December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoShannon Fenner Laurer Thanks for the update! Prayers being sent for the poor thing and a positive outcome!December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoPatricia Morris MacDonald Dislike!!!December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoJessica Bray ?:( will be saying a prayer for him!December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoLinda Reilly hang in there, buddy!December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoAlexis Blanton he was hit by a car... Please keep the updates coming, THANK YOU!!!December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoSuzie Buck Sending healing prayers and thoughts for the poor thing. Maybe he will rise like the mythical Phoenix and walk again. Please keep us updated, I am pulling for him and I will let my coven know to send healing energy to the poor little guy.December 28, 2010 at 7:46pm 4 people4 people like this. ·oPattie Huggins Deitrick So glad you got him/her there!! Prayers for the little sweetheart!!December 28, 2010 at 7:46pmoKathy Rivera Oh no pray for quick recovery for this poor bobcat..December 28, 2010 at 7:46pmoAmanda Nicole Scaggs Thats HORRIBLE!!! Good luck and I will pray for it!!!December 28, 2010 at 7:46pmoRobin Ross Poor kitty! I hope he recovers quickly!December 28, 2010 at 7:46pm 2 people2 people like this. ·oLisa Marie Babbitt Unlike - - will keep the prayers going for bobbie.December 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoRhonda Mengarelli Awww I hope you can fix him.Its so sad. My prayers are with himDecember 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoLynda Stephens Will s/he make it?December 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoDebby Stenson-Leighty Thank God you guys got there when you did!December 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoLinzee Mundtt how is he doing.any shock symptoms?? im glad he is at a vet..December 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoAndrea Ortiz Will he be ok????? Im sure if you put a post for donations to cover surgery or any treatment people will donate! Every little bit helps! I dont have much but i'd help!December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm ·oHelen Cooley Is he going to be alright?????????December 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoMack David ?:-((((((((((((((((....xxooDecember 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoMaria Hancock Bobcat + car = bad news bobcat. TG you all are there to help. poor dear. I will pray.December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm 4 peopleYou and 3 others like this. ·oVivian Wolpers It sounds like confinement for the pelvis to mend.... I hope the internal bleeding is not too serious.. I am praying for the bobcat to recover !!December 28, 2010 at 7:48pmoPenny Forest Kolacki Poor baby, I hope all goes wellDecember 28, 2010 at 7:48pmoMichael Sell may the winds be with himDecember 28, 2010 at 7:48pmoQsita Gamble I don't like this =(December 28, 2010 at 7:49pmoLesa Cox ok i have been outta the loop I found out what is going on.. I will be in prayer.. poor beautiful thing..December 28, 2010 at 7:49pm 1 personYou like this. ·oBonnie Kelley get well bobcat!!! you guys are lifesavers, thanks so much! would you like to play a pic game on my cloud pic today! it is an animal we just don't know which one it is and it is on fire!! it was sunrise. heck it could be a cat!! good luck bobby!!!December 28, 2010 at 7:50pmoAlison Roth Prayers sent up to St, Francis for Bobcat's speedy and full recovery. Hit by a car you say?!December 28, 2010 at 7:50pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oKatharine Sharp Im following his story. Kitty's in my prayers.December 28, 2010 at 7:51pm 1 personYou like this. ·oMichele Crow Anello Poor baby! Thank God you guys were there to help. IM sending love and prayers.December 28, 2010 at 7:51pmoAmy Milligan BCR!!! What can I say about you that hasn't already been said? You guys are IT!!! Sending positive and gentle vibes to the injured/sick bobcat!!! {{{{{+++++POSITIVE AND GENTLE VIBES+++++}}}}} {{{{{SPEEDY AND COMPLETE RECOVERY}}}}}December 28, 2010 at 7:52pmoMollie Smith Sending out good thoughts for the bobcat's recovery!!December 28, 2010 at 7:52pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oLynda Blackwood Murphy thats a tough injury for an animal. I know that he will get the best care possible and all the rehab that can be done.December 28, 2010 at 7:52pmoKokoro Fur?ku im sure it will be fine ... coz bobcats will just not die with little injuriesbut i will still send prayers so that everything will be all fineDecember 28, 2010 at 7:52pmoAngela Goodson Abbott Poor you think he'll be okay? Will he live at BCR or can he be released back into the wild?December 28, 2010 at 7:53pmoElizabeth MeadeMy sweet dog just had this very same thing happen about a month ago! He had internal bleeding which stopped & was reabsorbed by his body after 12 hours & we were fortunately able to afford the surgery to fix his pelvis with a plate & screws.... This is the 5th week since it's happened & he's made nearly a full recovery! Even uses his leg (left side pelvis was broke)I HOPE & PRAY this Bobcat is as strong & healthy as my dog is and so helps his chances of recovery!!! See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 7:53pm 5 peopleYou and 4 others like this. ·oKyle Schnarre best wishes for that bobcat UwUDecember 28, 2010 at 7:53pm 1 personYou like this. ·oSytske Kimball I hope he/she makes it!!December 28, 2010 at 7:53pm 3 peopleYou and 2 others like this. ·oKathy Robles Hoping the bobcat heals rapidly!December 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoLotta Williams Bengtsson Blessings to you and prayers for the Bobcat?December 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoElizabeth Meade The dog in my profile pic is the one I'm talking aboutDecember 28, 2010 at 7:54pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oRoxanne Coryell Poor baby! Praying for him???December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm 1 personYou like this. ·oFran Naturale Sending comfort and love. May he recover quicklyDecember 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoSonya Cabral Oh no!!!!! I'm praying for the little guy!!! i hope the sweetheart makes it!!! I love cats big and small pets and wild!!! Hang in ther little guy :( You are such a sweet guyDecember 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoSheray Shardy ?:(December 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoKatrina Gibson Ray not good...sending healing raysDecember 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoKaren Norris-Rocha Prayers to the patient :( I'm really hoping he will make a full recovery. Poor little guy.December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm 2 peopleYou and Sue Drake like this. ·oSandra Davis Poor little thang get well =(December 28, 2010 at 7:55pmoPatti Starkey Leonard Poor baby!!December 28, 2010 at 7:55pmoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Prayer and good energy vibes being sent Bob's/Barb's (lol) way!!December 28, 2010 at 7:55pmoTangela Hill Hope e'thing goes well for bobcat... Bless her/his heart!December 28, 2010 at 7:55pmoMary Thompson Is he going to be okay?December 28, 2010 at 7:57pmoEl Burke I hope you can make kitty better! Sending healing thoughts his/her way.December 28, 2010 at 7:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·oEliza Howard Blessings from my family !!December 28, 2010 at 7:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·oJennifer Lynn Oh no :(December 28, 2010 at 7:58pmoHelen Cooley Get well BOB you have the best there for you now!December 28, 2010 at 7:58pmoKim Harmyk Dever Will keep him in my thoughts and prayers..December 28, 2010 at 7:58pm 1 personYou like this. ·oKim Cisco please update with prognosis when you have it.December 28, 2010 at 7:59pm 1 personYou like this. ·oKerry Jordan my prayers are with the wee one...all god's creatures...great and small...December 28, 2010 at 7:59pmoLynn DeBruler Barker Poor Bobcat! Praying for recovery!December 28, 2010 at 7:59pmoBrion Vallone ?:( :(December 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoWendy Stodder Hope he'll be okDecember 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoJennifer HarmonEeeesssshhhh- I know you were saying earlier that you hoped it wasn't a pelvic injury. That's a real tough one, especially with a heavier boned, stocky, wild feline. Are they able to discern the source of the internal bleeding and correct i...t? I'm sure many decisions are being fraught over and weighed for and against relating to quality of life. I'm so glad it's BCR making the decisions, as you guys know intimately the recovery and rehab of a wild cat better than anyone. I'm sure if quality can be acheived, you'll be there every step of the way. We're behind you no matter what you decide :) See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoAnita Christine Haywood Oh no! Now what?December 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoDarlene Masone You guys will help him/her through this, our prayers are with you!December 28, 2010 at 8:00pm 1 personYou like this. ·oSnow Bop May human hands be guided to help heal the bobcat, so he can grow to be an awnry old cuss!December 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoNoreen Raudabaugh Oh, no. I hope you can save him. The poor babe...December 28, 2010 at 8:01pm 1 personYou like this. ·oLinda Moch That is awful, prayers are going out to the sweet cat and prayers to u for your help with these beautiful animals.December 28, 2010 at 8:02pmoEdie Enders My prayers are with him/her.December 28, 2010 at 8:03pmoKathy Case Love and prayers to the bobcat and all those who are trying to help!!December 28, 2010 at 8:04pmoTammy Campbell Oh,I hope it will be OK!December 28, 2010 at 8:05pmoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Well, just learned Bob actually has a name after all: Skip!! Yay. Get well Skip!!!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 8:06pmoLisa Polo Sending healing energies!! xoxoxoxDecember 28, 2010 at 8:07pmoHeather Cantrell Poor Bob! My heart goes out to him! Thank goodness you were able to get to him...please keep us updated!December 28, 2010 at 8:08pmoMario Nistico My best wishes for this poor creature. Thanks to people like you, he has a fighting chance.December 28, 2010 at 8:08pmoMarie Council Sure hope he is going to be ok.December 28, 2010 at 8:09pmoAmy O'Donnell Oh, poor kitty. But s/he has a guardian angel and one more life, thanks to BCR.December 28, 2010 at 8:15pmoMelissa Koblin Hopefully BCR got to the kitty in time...keep up the great work!December 28, 2010 at 8:16pmoMarie Frawley On my prayer list~December 28, 2010 at 8:19pmoAldana Vandervoort Big Cat Rescue is incredible and God bless all the volunteers, workers and the beautiful felines that call BCR home.December 28, 2010 at 8:19pmoZoe Kaschkadajew feel better sweet kittyDecember 28, 2010 at 8:23pmoPhoebe Katherine Raymond hope he gets better :(December 28, 2010 at 8:23pmoAmanda Reynolds ?:( thank goodness he/she has you guys!December 28, 2010 at 8:24pmoCheryl Schaeffer Hope the bobcat makes a full and speedy recovery. I can't imagine how anyone could hit one... I'd probably die trying to avoid it.December 28, 2010 at 8:34pmoLisa Ginkinger-Silverstein Prayers with the bobcat. Hope they can stop the internal bleeding asap. hope the pelvis is able to be repaired also :(December 28, 2010 at 8:37pmoKathy Dunn I hope the doc can repair the crushed pelvis...prayers for SkipDecember 28, 2010 at 8:45pmoJan Kelley Hope the cat makes it. Thank goodness for BCR.December 28, 2010 at 8:58pmoLeslie Snowden Hoping for the best :)December 28, 2010 at 9:21pmoMartha Hoffman Skinner I hope little Skip will make it ... prayers are being sent his way.December 28, 2010 at 9:32pmoMichaela Heilhecker Just wondering if you guys need OR supplies that we can't use on Humans (they are not in sterile wrappers anymore). I sometimes get supplies from hospitals they can't use anymore.December 28, 2010 at 9:32pmoCatherine Anne Remy Our Prayers and thoughts go out to Skip the adorable Bob cat that he has a speedy relaxing recovery if I lived there I would come take care keep a eye on Skip as well as any Big Cat I do have some Experiance with Big Cats even if I had to bring in big baby cat milk feed them and watch over them even sleep somewhere keep a eye on the baby Skip we love ya little guyDecember 28, 2010 at 9:42pmoKristal Roebuck Hoping for a speedy recovery and thank you for coming to his rescue! Keep us posted. Sending prayers and hugs ?December 28, 2010 at 10:07pmoCrystal Susan Bloom God, please watch over those of your creations who are ill or injured and cannot heal themselves without your help and guidance. Thank you.December 28, 2010 at 10:27pmoAj Silver ?:( Hope hes ok!!December 28, 2010 at 11:51pmoMelanie Shand Praying for healing...bless you for caring for this injured being.Wednesday at 3:16amoMartha Hoffman Skinner How is he doing this morning?Wednesday at 9:32amoSally Chancellor Peters speedy recovery to Bob & kudos to the staff who rescued him & those who are treating him. I wish I was closer so I could volunteer (IL)Wednesday at 9:51amoDiane Supowit Praying for his recovery and for comfort!Wednesday at 10:01am Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLTo see photos of Skip the bobcat who was rescued today and rushed back to Tampa to see a vet, check out Jamie Veronica in facebook, or maybe this link can get you to her album of rehab bobcats. His will be the most recent photos!/album.php?aid=333474&id=772945452 or go to Carole Baskin where I posted just his photos on my profile.December 28, 2010 at 8:03pmSilvia Loehrer, Florida Potter, Alexis Blanton and 148 others like this.oAlene Greto sharing.December 28, 2010 at 8:04pmoBonnie Kelley thank you so much!!!December 28, 2010 at 8:05pmoJeri Moll What gorgeous photos! God Bless BCR!! ? +^..^=December 28, 2010 at 8:05pmoStacy Watts thank you for saving him.December 28, 2010 at 8:05pmoMarie Council I am so glad you were able to save him!December 28, 2010 at 8:05pmoLesa Cox will be praying big Time!!December 28, 2010 at 8:07pmoHolly Oxenfree Oh my goodness! What a beautiful cat! I live near Mt Plymouth, so this cat was my neighbor. Poor thing! Thank you for your help in trying to save the cat. I'll be sending good vibes.December 28, 2010 at 8:07pmoLesa Cox oh and THANKS for all you do.. when i get bummed about the human race.. i feel better when i get your posts...December 28, 2010 at 8:07pmoRebecca Hagen What happened to the kitty with the broken pelvis? Is he going to be ok?December 28, 2010 at 8:09pmoHeather Cantrell God Bless you, Skip. You're in good hands.December 28, 2010 at 8:09pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Skip was hit by a car. If he heals OK he will be released back to the wild. The internal bleeding is probably just from the impact and may all reabsorb. His organs all look pretty good, except for the spleen. That's the big worry right now. Lungs are clear. No head trauma. VERY bruised from waist to tail.December 28, 2010 at 8:12pm 2 peopleLoading...oAmber Waters Glad he was able to be seen & get some help! Poor thing.December 28, 2010 at 8:12pmoMary-Ann Roach keep us informed. Not every injury can be healed, but you are trying and that is what counts. Skip isn't alone by the side of the road waitingDecember 28, 2010 at 8:13pmoKelli Polsinelli You're in good hands Skip.December 28, 2010 at 8:13pmoMargie Anderson Linnane Hope he/she heals up so can go back out into the world.December 28, 2010 at 8:14pmoKathy Farley-Panaras I hope Skip is ok and that his hip can be fixed!December 28, 2010 at 8:15pmoToni Tedesco Royer Thank you, BCR!December 28, 2010 at 8:15pmoJessica Bewsee oh, hai!December 28, 2010 at 8:18pmoDiana Britt Those x-rays look pretty scary.December 28, 2010 at 8:18pmoKristen Dawley You all are doing a wonderful thing working hard to save his life! I hope Skip gets better soon :)December 28, 2010 at 8:19pmoClaire Piper Poor Skip... what's the prognosis?December 28, 2010 at 8:21pmoMichele Crow Anello Absolutely beautiful cat!!December 28, 2010 at 8:22pmoRebecca Hagen Thank you for the update and for everything you do!!December 28, 2010 at 8:22pmoLisa Olson Yes thanks for the update and for all you do for these wonderful cats!!!December 28, 2010 at 8:26pmoChristopher Shaber Broken pelvis? Looks like Skip may have a long road ahead of him.December 28, 2010 at 8:27pmoCatherine Holder-Pepper he is so precious. and so pitiful. thank goodness he's in good hands and has a chance of recovery!!! thank you BCR for what you do!December 28, 2010 at 8:31pmoJan McLean Please update us with Skip's prognosis when you have a chance. Erhlich Animal Hospital is the best!December 28, 2010 at 8:35pmoBarbara Crowell McCarthy What a sweet boy. Sending healing energy to little Skip, and much gratitude to everyone who helped to save his precious life.December 28, 2010 at 8:36pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL The best thing we can do for him for the next couple of days is keep him quiet and on pain meds and if his spleen isn't completely trashed we will attempt a plate in the pelvis. His legs look OK. It's broken in a very bad spot though, so I don't know if there is much the surgeons can do. We will give him every opportunity at a second chance at freedom. Bellona's surgeries were more than 7500.00 but we will spend that to help him be free again, if we have to.December 28, 2010 at 8:38pmoMary-Ann Roach Everyone who has 'friended' BCR knows you'll do all you can. Hoping and praying that everything works out for the best for Skip.December 28, 2010 at 8:53pmoEilene Wood Thank you everyone for rescuing this baby. I hope he makes it.December 28, 2010 at 8:54pmoLynette Tinsley I hope he will be okay. It may take a long time but please be okay Skip. We are praying for you!December 28, 2010 at 8:56pmoAlex Foxx Thank you very much for the update and especially for saving Skip's life. You do awesome work. My thoughts and prayers are with Skip. He is gorgeous!!December 28, 2010 at 9:09pmoBarbara Trovato I didn't know bobcats were so small - hope he makes it.December 28, 2010 at 9:10pmoAngela Goodson Abbott Poor, sweet kitty...I know he's in good hands. Thanks so much for taking such good care of him. ?December 28, 2010 at 9:16pmoCee Dee THANK GOD for you guys... my stomach actually hurts thinking about this poor baby all the way from CT...December 28, 2010 at 9:45pmoMary Thompson Is he going to make it?December 28, 2010 at 10:21pmoDebi Gungor lovely photos ,u guys are doing a great job,do u have many bobcats in the wild there in US ,Wednesday at 4:36amoEileen Edgecomb How is Skip doing?Wednesday at 7:30am From Skip's Facebook Photo AlbumJennifer LaMond, Timothy Fairclough, Darla Ostenson and 671 others like this.oBetty Johnson Glad he's getting treated promptly.December 28, 2010 at 9:23pmoDeirdre Zang Thank God for people like you guys I mean it!!!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 9:24pmoEl Burke I just want to hold him gently and stroke his ears to let him know it will be okay... poor feline... :(December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoMichael Collins I'm hoping for the best!! Thanks BCR for caring!December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoVivian Wolpers Glad he is in safe hands to nurse him back to health...December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoShannon Cohen Poor baby!! He is so lucky you saved him!!December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoGinny Carlson POOR Baby!!Prayers for a speedy recoveryDecember 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoMyra Ryckmen I hope this little guy will recover quickly.December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoAshley Paro beautiful and we are praying for a speedy recovery...December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoHolly Hill I'm so glad that BCR is one of the charities on the Combined Federal Campaign, and that I was able to help support your work.December 28, 2010 at 9:26pmoMack David ?(((HUGS)))...xoDecember 28, 2010 at 9:26pmoLisa Kane AWWW Looks so helpless!! Poor baby! :(December 28, 2010 at 9:26pmoAraceli Molina OMG! Praying for Skip :)December 28, 2010 at 9:26pmoKatrina Gibson Ray sending healing energyDecember 28, 2010 at 9:27pmoAndrea Ortiz Praying for a full recovery!!!! Hope and wish he can be released! Thank you for saving him!December 28, 2010 at 9:27pmoLisa Polo Sending healing energies Skip's way.... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxDecember 28, 2010 at 9:27pmoWilda Komora hope he heals , thanks for sharing these pictures. Best of luckDecember 28, 2010 at 9:27pmoLisa Ginkinger-Silverstein poor baby boy :( prayers with you Skip :'(December 28, 2010 at 9:28pmoAmy Evangelisto BCR is AMAZING! Praying that he will be alright! Such a beautiful young cat.December 28, 2010 at 9:28pmoAlexis Blanton Oh! Bless you little buddy and you Jamie for all you've done for him and everyone that played a role in helping! :)December 28, 2010 at 9:28pmoMelanie Lowe i hope you guys know that you are some of the few real heroes out thereDecember 28, 2010 at 9:28pmoLisa Kane Please keep us posted on his recoveryDecember 28, 2010 at 9:28pmoCathy Artzner Toth He's beautiful!! Prayers sent! I was just talking to a friend of mine who works for Seminole Animal Control. She told me we have a large amount of those guys in my area in Longwood. Sadly, one was killed up the street from me a couple weeks ago. They are so amazing. Give him kitty kisses for me.December 28, 2010 at 9:29pmoMarcia Nichols Thank you for what you do! And Thank you for sharing!December 28, 2010 at 9:29pmoStacey V-AwarenessHelps Citraro This is so sad but it sounds good that he will make it through okay. Thank you so much for being there for him and your dedication to his care. You guys are wonderful. It breaks my heart to see animals hurt, especially if people are involved.December 28, 2010 at 9:29pmoLinda Schafer How is he doing? You guys are such a blessing. You guys do such great work. It is so great that there are people like Big Cat Rescue in the world.December 28, 2010 at 9:29pmoLinda Reilly he seems like he is in good hands!December 28, 2010 at 9:30pmoJennifer Albold Will it heal good enough for him to br released or will he have to live at the sanctuary?December 28, 2010 at 9:31pmoLi Ha saying prayers for this beautiful baby that he pulls through.. please keep us posted on his recoveryDecember 28, 2010 at 9:31pmoMary Sahlsteen Earnest prayers going out to him. May God bless Jamie and BCR and the vet office!December 28, 2010 at 9:31pmoKathy Rivera Would love to see the out coming of Skip please keep post how Skip is going so far...would love to see Skip be safe in your place...December 28, 2010 at 9:32pmoCindy Davis Please keep us updated on this sweetheart. ?December 28, 2010 at 9:32pmoJrad Tiran my god what happened to them? ...judging from the hip and stomach area ..they look very underweightDecember 28, 2010 at 9:33pmoMichelle Campione Awe good luck kitty!December 28, 2010 at 9:33pmoShe Szimanski Not sure I wanted to see pictures of the sweet little guy until you know he is going to make it. If his spleen injuries are too severe, then it really won't matter how many hearts are broken.December 28, 2010 at 9:33pmoWilliam Dager He looks so young. A pelvic fracture is pretty bad for a feline. I'm glad he found you. Wishing him the best and a full recovery. Know he is in the best hands now.December 28, 2010 at 9:34pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL With all the love being focused on him I am very optimistic that he will recover miraculously and be running free again by spring.December 28, 2010 at 9:34pm 7 peopleLoading...oMisty Maher Y'all do such an awesome job. May GOD bless You and the bobcat!December 28, 2010 at 9:35pmoLisa Eagle Shuping God bless all of you for taking such care of one of His creatures, with so much love!December 28, 2010 at 9:35pmoDonna Thomas God bless you guys and all you do for the cats. They are truely amazing animals that need protection. Sending prayers and healing thoughts!December 28, 2010 at 9:35pmoRebecca Mary Romoshan God Bless you all at the BCR. You are all angels....hope Skip makes a full recovery. Breaks my heart to see any animal hurt. They are beautiful creatures (ALL cats). ?December 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoJrad Tiran whoops my bad ..i just saw william dager post on the pelvic fracture ...i knew something was wrong ...glad to see he was rescued : )December 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoHolly Oxenfree How did you know the bobcat was hit? I'm thankful to whomever contacted you.December 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoWilliam Dager I know humans can have their spleen removed, but I'm not sure about felines. Would that be an option if it is too damaged?December 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoRebecca Baker love and light to kittyDecember 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoJan Kelley Poor Skip. Hope you're able to help him.December 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoDebbie Biamonte Get better Skip...we need youDecember 28, 2010 at 9:38pmoDeb Wentzel Aww, I hope he can be rehabilitatedDecember 28, 2010 at 9:39pmoLynda Stephens Yes, BCR, all hearts are swelling with love for Skip, you & his rescuers. Our love will make the difference.December 28, 2010 at 9:39pmoDana Gilkey what a beautiful creature! thank-you for helping him! he looks on the thin side but guess that is becos he is young & wild? fingers crossed for this kitty!December 28, 2010 at 9:42pmoFran Harrington Big kisses to you and Skip. Thank you for making a difference!!December 28, 2010 at 9:42pmoSonya CabralThank you Jamie for all you do to help these innocent animals!!! I sure hopes that he makes it!!! There are people that just don't give a a darn about these innocent animals!!! Hang in there skip you sweet little guy!!!! Hope you have a spe...edy recovery!!!!See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 9:43pmoKim Haller Thank you for working to save Skip!December 28, 2010 at 9:44pmoMelanie Spangler ReMine So beautiful! Love to you, Skip, and thank you guys for helping him!December 28, 2010 at 9:46pmoHeather Rodman Ohh.....December 28, 2010 at 9:47pmoKimberly Hayes cant wait!December 28, 2010 at 9:47pmoEsmeralda Martinez Sending Skip positive thoughts!December 28, 2010 at 9:47pmoAileenLiddy Bahia-Bulldogs I can't believe no local vet would help to see him. I'm glad he is doing better. I hope he recovers soon. Poor baby and god bless him. I'm glad we have people like you to save and care for this helpless animals.December 28, 2010 at 9:50pmoKim Cisco thank you to the BCR team for your devotion to helping wildlife! ... prayers being said for skip's recovery.December 28, 2010 at 9:53pmoPhyllis Sobczyk poor he going to make it?December 28, 2010 at 9:53pmoDonna DeSantis Williams Glad to hear he is doing better!December 28, 2010 at 9:54pmoMelissa Koblin Good luck Skip!! Thanks BCR!December 28, 2010 at 9:56pmoHeather White awwDecember 28, 2010 at 9:57pmoClemencia Giron he ok?December 28, 2010 at 9:58pmoRhonda Mengarelli Prayers an thoughts are with him.He couldnt be in better hands. Keep us postedDecember 28, 2010 at 9:59pmoCarolyn Schellhardt Please tell me that Skip is okay.December 28, 2010 at 10:00pmoRobin Dougherty bless you guys for helping this beautiful wild creature!December 28, 2010 at 10:04pmoGayle Hutchens oh, poor guy. I had one that came to my yard for water. Animal control said I was on his route. They're so beautiful.December 28, 2010 at 10:04pmoZawadi Sacrilege Get well soon skip :)December 28, 2010 at 10:05pmoDominique Veillette omg, i just want to cuddle him. Is he ok ? will he be ok ? I was just at the BCR 2 weeks ago when i visited from Montreal. I loved your place and i WILL go back ! Come on Skip, i want to see you next time i go !! hugzzzzzDecember 28, 2010 at 10:07pmoSharon Cutshaw Hope she will be betterDecember 28, 2010 at 10:09pmoAmber Bruno ?December 28, 2010 at 10:09pmoTerry Cassada Deason Poor baby! Hope he is up and about soon. So glad you were able to get to him.December 28, 2010 at 10:10pmoPadme A Tea Dear Ones: am sending distant healing to help Skip recover. Blessings to you for helping him. H's gorgeous.All LovePadme A'TeaDecember 28, 2010 at 10:11pmoKrystal Gill Praying for the bestDecember 28, 2010 at 10:12pmoDena Hough Clark For Christmas my sister gave me a visit to BCR.....hope to see Skip up and around when I come over. Thanks for all you do!!December 28, 2010 at 10:15pmoMeleah Kirby Thank you to Jamie and everyone at BCR for all you do to help the cats. I hope Skip gets well soon!December 28, 2010 at 10:17pmoSammy Barnes Makes me wanna cry. Hate it when animals hurt for no reason.December 28, 2010 at 10:17pmoMary Thompson What's the story here is he going to make it?December 28, 2010 at 10:19pmoAnne Good hope he gets better, Iam surprised no vets would help him.December 28, 2010 at 10:19pmoTalia Barr Get well soon Skip!! :-DDecember 28, 2010 at 10:19pmoCarissa Trotter Jamie you are so really are.December 28, 2010 at 10:20pmoSue Brooks hope he'll be okDecember 28, 2010 at 10:21pmoDonna Raihl Get well baby Skip. We are praying for you!!December 28, 2010 at 10:21pmoRandy Whittington I do hope he pulls through! He certainly has the best care now.December 28, 2010 at 10:22pmoKristal Roebuck What a sweetie! And so tiny! Have a super speedy recovery Skip. Thank goodness for Jamie and BCR! ?December 28, 2010 at 10:22pmoRosemary Woolever You all do great things. Thank you!December 28, 2010 at 10:22pmoTisa Sutherland Please get well soon little oneDecember 28, 2010 at 10:25pmoDeborah Good Thank god someone had called you! In good hands now.December 28, 2010 at 10:27pmoShawn Young Prayers for a speedy recovery Skip!!!!!!! Sending healing energies your way!!!!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 10:28pmoChrissy Phillips Thanks for taking care of this beautiful lil guy! I'm sure he will be grateful when he's back to hunting and enjoying himself again! :)December 28, 2010 at 10:33pmoMichelle Klein-Hass Feel better, little fella...thinking good thoughts for you, little one.December 28, 2010 at 10:35pmoNina Rozankovich-Woeachko Get better Baby!December 28, 2010 at 10:37pmoRebecca Vernon Oh...our boy Skippy is just a little guy. Poor little flat kitty. I hope he feels better soon, and his spleen is okay. I used to see one that hung out in the field next to the old farmhouse where I lived. I tried talking to him at first, thinking he was a housecat from a distance. As I got closer I realized, Wait a minute, that's an awful big - and very serious-looking - kitty! He just sat there in the field looking like he thought I was crazy for talking to him... I was probably disturbing his dinner.December 28, 2010 at 10:37pmoBrandi Bandy He's so tiny, sending lots of love & healing to him, I hope he pulls though with flying colors and hopefully you can release him :)December 28, 2010 at 10:37pmoSandra Sego Schrotenboer Get better little fella! Thanks for all you folks do at the Big Cat Rescue! God Bless YouDecember 28, 2010 at 10:40pmoHeather Cantrell Feel better, little Skip-aroo! You're in good hands.December 28, 2010 at 10:43pmoMarie Frawley Thank you for all your rescue efforts on behalf of all the cat lovers that have a voice...December 28, 2010 at 10:47pmoColleen Tracey Keep us posted on Skips recovery and thanks for getting him! u will make a difference in the wild life conservation !December 28, 2010 at 10:56pmoPatricia Massari much ? to skip and blessings to all of you at bcr!!December 28, 2010 at 11:01pmoDiane Dusty Bauman Poor baby, hope he'll be able to walk again. He is quite thin!December 28, 2010 at 11:01pmoKaren M Sulewski Poor Skip!!December 28, 2010 at 11:04pmoAnne Vineyard He is so beautiful, I hope all goes well!December 28, 2010 at 11:08pmoLaurie M Jones u found a vet to treat the shock? whew....December 28, 2010 at 11:10pmoSilvia Loehrer what a beautiful kitty...thank goodness you are in safe hands. Keep us posted on his progress...pleaseDecember 28, 2010 at 11:15pmoCarrie Gleason Please keep posting and keeping us informed on Skip's progress!!! BCR is the BEST!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:17pmoRondi Kay Abbott Please keep us informed updated on the poor bobcat's condition!!December 28, 2010 at 11:17pmoMary Dail Poor baby. Stay with us little boy.December 28, 2010 at 11:26pmoBrian Howle There once was a bobcat named SkipGot hit by a car, broke his hipHis future was lamey, until saved by Jamieand Big Cat Rescue, 'cause local vets didn't do ZIP!YOU GUYS RULE! :)December 28, 2010 at 11:40pm ·oLamia Harb Ohhhhh Skip :( hope you get better love ?December 28, 2010 at 11:45pmoJudy Leach You guys are awesome!December 28, 2010 at 11:46pmoMidnyte Blacke is that a baby bobcat? bec he sure is little, My American Bobtail is bigger than him..I hope he makes a full recovery, so precious!Wednesday at 12:09amoElaine Livingston I hope he will be ok.Wednesday at 12:13amoDiane Campbell So So Cute!!Wednesday at 12:22amoSylvia Klasson Miller God bless Skip, and God bless all of you who care for him and so many others!Wednesday at 12:29amoAlice Rebeck O'Connor You are angels for the animals!!! Get well beautiful kitty!Wednesday at 12:37amoCarol Walker Get well Skip.Wednesday at 12:44amoVictoria Garcia Get well little boy !Wednesday at 1:25amoOlga Cisneros best wishes little kitty. hang in there. bless you all for your work :)Wednesday at 1:36amoCandy Feldt poor baby... hoping all works out in her/his favor.Wednesday at 1:55amoArvind Christopher Get well Skip hang in there. bless youWednesday at 2:18amoRik Chandler I am a retired X-ray tech and the x-ray made me cringe! Keep up the good work!Wednesday at 3:35amoGill Tyson Thinking of you Skip, get well soon.Wednesday at 3:56amoSuzy Hochstenbach Thank you, your very special people !And a vet who doesn't help an injured animal is NO vet, but a profiteer.Wednesday at 4:50amoCathy Kuras Dygert So glad you were able to get him before it was too late! You guys are awesome!Wednesday at 5:48amoKathy Shane i hope he will be okWednesday at 8:13amoJudy Bauernfeind Thank you for what you do.Wednesday at 8:19amoMichelle Able I pray skip heals quickly!Wednesday at 8:34amoMarie Council Bless his heart, I hope he is going to be all right.Wednesday at 8:58amoAmanda Reynolds Where can we find the updates on him?Wednesday at 9:05amoGerda Mink ohWednesday at 9:33amoYvonne Perkins get well little man......prayers and love xWednesday at 10:04amoMike Bond Just beautiful, i pray for his recovery.Wednesday at 10:19amoTammy Berry thank you jamie for going all out to help this beautiful baby, keep us updated & prayers will be said for a full recovery.Wednesday at 10:21amoKitty Hawk Stewart I pray for his speedy recovery!Wednesday at 10:26amoCynthia Horne-Hunley Jamie, you (and BCR) ROCK!!!! Thank you for looking out for the little guy.Wednesday at 10:55amoRoman Osipov Guys you are awesome! Thank you for taking care of those kittehs!Wednesday at 11:02amoDamia Turek I am anxiously waiting to hear that Skip's spleen is functioning OK and he will be able to have the surgery to repair his pelvis .....I hope this brave guy has several more lives left !Wednesday at 11:06amoTara Green Childers Thank God for all of you. To see your love & dedication to these beautiful cats restores some of my dwindling faith in this world!!Wednesday at 11:36amoLinda Tappan Thanks so much to all of you at BCR for what you do! And for Skip and Nic for not leaving him on the roadside!Wednesday at 12:16pmoJoyce Garite Brady Good luck little one....Wednesday at 2:35pmoVicki Eddy PRAYERS...Wednesday at 2:58pmoBill Somrak Purring for Skip's recovery. Thanks BCR ...Wednesday at 3:56pmoLinda Davis o that poor baby...makes you want to give him a hug and hold his little paw! prayin' for him...very grateful for the updates! thank you!Wednesday at 4:40pmoDavid Lester get well little furry one, get wellWednesday at 4:59pmoNuria Rodriguez Poor little guy. I hope you get better quickly sweet boy! Bless BCR for bringing him in.Wednesday at 5:06pmoCarolyne Wood What ever his fate will be..we know you all did your very best and with all your love and compassion. Thank You BCR for all you do!Wednesday at 6:13pmoRachel Castle Farmer Hope he's ok :(Wednesday at 6:49pmoLaura Kloss Is the cat ok?Wednesday at 7:45pmoPatricia Sheridan Praying for you Skip! You are in our thoughts & prayers in Texas. Big Hugs & Kisses! Sending Lots of Love your way! Get Better Soon!!! XOXOXOXOXOWednesday at 8:58pmoFanny Charpentier Get well little boy. Kisses from France. Good job BCR. You're the Best!Wednesday at 9:45pmoJennifer G. Sherwood poor kitty - I hope you can do something for himThursday at 8:25amoKaushani Ghosh i pray to god..that he gets well as soon as possible !!Thursday at 9:29amoVicki Eddy Poor baby...Thursday at 10:29amoAngelina M Wormald keep praying and hoping that this little guy pulls through PLEASE HE HAS GOTTEN THIS FAR...EVERYDAY IS A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTIONThursday at 10:42amoBob Bennett Such a beautiful cat, here's to a full recoveryThursday at 11:05amoBarb Campbell Sending prayers and well wishes from Canada! Bless your heartsThursday at 11:43pmoRachel Alonzo many good thoughts and vibes coming ur way Skip-i hope u will make it!!;)))Yesterday at 1:52amoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL I pulled these from Jamie Veronica's album because she may not be able to accept all the new friend requests for you guys to see the photos, but she will be updating her site as she gets photos, so it is worth trying.Yesterday at 11:49am 5 peopleLoading...oEliza Howard All blessings for you Skip!!!!Yesterday at 11:49amoLynda Stephens Skip, I'm having some wonderful catnip tea, thinking about how much you will be enjoying playing with catnip in the years to come. XOXOXOYesterday at 11:50amoMary Thompson Be strong and fight Skip we love you.Yesterday at 11:51amoKristine Busch such a handsome boy.. good luck sweet skip xoxoxoxYesterday at 11:54amoJane E. Faulkner Here's wishing Skip a full and speedy recovery. Thank you BCR for all that you do! Skip is so lucky to be in the hands of such capable and dedicated people.Yesterday at 11:56amoNora Mutao Frost come on boy. Its not as hard as it seems.Yesterday at 11:56amoTammy Dulaney Bless BCR & Skip!Yesterday at 12:00pmoAlan Cordova Aww poor guy, hope he's doing well.Yesterday at 12:00pmoSheryl Bottner Be strong, Skip. Fight as hard as you can to stay here!Yesterday at 12:01pmoRachel Castle Farmer Bless his little heart! I hope he pulls through. Prayers are with him and the staff that are caring for him! You guys are awesome!!!Yesterday at 12:04pmoJerrica Beek be strong , ?Yesterday at 12:04pmoKris Barrett Daugherty waiting for news...keep watching Jamie's wall as well....prayers, prayers, prayers for Skip and his doctors....Yesterday at 12:04pmoMarie Hopkins We had a cat who was hit by a car with resulting multiple fractures of the pelvis. I couldn't afford the expensive surgery so the vet advised to keep him confined and quiet and said he might recover but would have a limp. He made a full recovery and no limp. Hoping Skip will do as well!Yesterday at 12:07pmoEl Burke Just read Jamie's post and he's doing great!! Yay Skip!!Yesterday at 12:07pmoNagy Alexandra I'm rooting for him! He's a survivor. ^..^ Thank you, BCR for helping the big cats :)Yesterday at 12:08pmoKris Barrett Daughertyfrom Jamie Veronica's wall just now:45 minutes in to surgery and Skip is doing great. Dr. Hay has just installed a couple of metal plates to hold Skip's pelvis together. The team at Veterinary Surgical Services on Paula Drive in Tampa has b...een exceptional!See MoreYesterday at 12:10pmoMichelle Morton So happy to hear that! Thanks for the update Kris!Yesterday at 12:12pmoCindy Askew thank all of you who have taken the time taking care of this animal.Yesterday at 12:13pmoLinzee Mundtt oh that is great.thanks so much to the surgival team..blessings to them all and to skipYesterday at 12:14pmoKelli Polsinelli Prayers for you little one.Yesterday at 12:17pmoEilene Wood Keep hanging on Skip, we all are with you sweetie!!Yesterday at 12:24pmoRwm Tiger i hope skip is getting better :)Yesterday at 12:26pmoVicki Eddy UPDATE PLEASE>?Yesterday at 12:34pmoLisa Polo If anyone would like to light a healing candle for Skip, I put together a virtual candle lighting group.. Just click the link :) at 12:35pmoDara G. Carritt I cant wait to hear how Skip is doing!Yesterday at 12:36pmoDamia Turek Hang in there little guy Skip - your determination to survive is strong - and my wholehearted thanks & appreciation to the awesome surgical team that is determined to do everything they can to help you survive .Yesterday at 12:42pmoNanda González Let's hope it recovers quickly to resume normal activities :-) and we can see it.Yesterday at 12:44pmoKris Barrett Daugherty Look up Jamie Veronica's wall - she is with Skip and will have updates before they post on BCR - that is what I'm told.Yesterday at 12:44pmoSilvia Loehrer I read that he is doing great if that helps nerves are shot!..LolYesterday at 12:44pmoLlyn Walker god bless this bob cat, hope he gets well soon!Yesterday at 12:53pmoVicki Eddy Checkin every day!Yesterday at 12:54pmoMelanie Lowe the world is rooting for you little one...but no pressure :D you are doing great keep it upYesterday at 12:55pmoHeather Cantrell Jamie's last post said he's doing great so far. Sending Skip some more love...Yesterday at 12:57pmoLisa Cupp Vollenweider You all do such wonderful work, I admire your dedication...God bless you all!23 hours agooRobin O'Connor C'mon Skipper!!!23 hours agooLinda Davis I know he can live without his spleen cause I lost mine...are they removing it too? Will that be a problem for a cat in the wild? God bless him.23 hours agooLinda Davis extra blessings for the whole team that's taking care of him!23 hours agooKris Barrett Daugherty more from Jamie:Dr. Hay has completed installing the plates in the left side of Skip's pelvis and is now resetting and placing a screw in the right side of the pelvis which had been separated from part of his vertebrae.23 hours agooDebbie Watroba This is so amazing!! It is just so gratifying to have all these great people come together for this beautiful animal! And to be able to actual keep us all updated on this surgery! What a great gift Dr Hay has! God bless you for your efforts on behalf of this little wild bobcat.23 hours agooRondi Kay Abbott You can do it Skip!!!!!!23 hours agooChristine Evert C'mon Skip! Your recovery is my wish for the New Year! You've got the cattitude to rock this surgery!23 hours agooEilene Wood Yes, a beautiful gift Dr. Hay has, God given!! Thank you Dr. Hay and your staff!! You are the best!! Skip thanks you too!!23 hours agooChrissi Barnett You guys rock! Thank you for sharing this with us. Go Skip!!!22 hours agooKelly Kosinski This has been a beautiful saga to follow, in spite of Skip's horrific injuries. I cheer you all, you wonderful well-wishers. The love you have shown is truly inspiring that one day there will be Peace on Earth and good-will toward ALL!! Hang in there Skip, I will be watching. xoxo?22 hours agooMarloes Lucy Duizer Oh gosh, horrible fracture! Hope it heals good.22 hours agooEliza Howard All blessings for Tony and Skip !!!!22 hours agooSusanne Brandofino WOW!!! Still praying, sending love ?22 hours agooSasha Root He's lucky to have you to help him!22 hours agooSandra Lachs Prayers for Skip's recovery. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!22 hours agooMargo Bangert Heal Skip! Heal! Thank you all for your work.22 hours agooMelissa Rice Helms All my love and prayers have been sent to Skip since you picked him up. There are so very many people that love him and are praying for him. I can't help but cry with hope for him every time I see an update.22 hours agooRobin Bead hope little skip makes it!!22 hours agooEric Krotzer My cats and I are pulling for Skip to pull through!!!!!22 hours agooLinzee Mundtt oh wow ..i hope it all heals nicely22 hours agooBrian HowleAs a writer, I can tell all of you: this writes itself. Besides knowing Skip is such a little fighter and that the staff at BCR and their circle of Vets are doing a yeoman's job to save him - all you folks who give support, positive energy..., prayers and love for this little bobcat just amaze me. A random collection of decent, good, caring Americans? In this time of self-indulgence? Who woulda thunk it ...I'm really looking forward to writing about Skip's sojourn to share with my local readership next issue!!! :)See More22 hours agooCathy J Stone Kline WOW!22 hours agooVaughn Boyd amazing!22 hours agooJudy Leach Lets all send a donation to BCR for Skip! They really do a great service to these wild animals that don't have anyone else.22 hours agooChristine Andrade Poor baby - but he is in the best hands!22 hours agooDoug Rose Thank you for the work you do to help big cats!21 hours agooSilvia Loehrer I want to thank the couple Skip and Cici (hope I didn't butcher your name)that never left Skip's side...if it wasn't for your help, Skip wouldn't have had a chance. Thank you so much!21 hours agooJudy Leach You can donate online at or send a donation to BCR 12802 Easy st. Tampa FL 3362521 hours agooLisa Duque Zilinski Amazing. Thank you for sharing these. Prayers going out to Skip, Dr. Hay, his team and BCR!21 hours agooJennifer Sandifer Thanks for everything you do, BCR! You're all awesome! Happy New Year, Skip!21 hours agooLes Habitants The little guy is kind of like a bionic bobcat now.21 hours agooLaura Kloss Go Skip!21 hours agooLinzee Mundtt woohoo blessings xox20 hours agooElizabeth KlobucharI have a question for the staff: This is a fabulous rescue story, but why didn't the people who first found him call the DNR? I do NOT live in FL & yes, do understand that there is a real likelihood that they would have felt that putting down might be best. However, I do know of many times (in my state) they have helped with securing & even transporting injured animals (especially when a medical plan is in place). Very happy this worked out so well but have wondered if they could have helped expedite the first part.See More20 hours agooKerry Jordan just as soon as i am totally convinced that people just SUCK...and are a virus on planet eart...something this...and makes me aware that many people bring good things to the table19 hours agooDebbie Watroba I will definitely be sending a donation tho Big Cat rescue in Tampa! I can't believe the wonderful work you are doing!19 hours agooJan Kelley Thanks Dr. Hay. Today you worked true surgical magic. Blessings!18 hours agooCathy McLean Way to Go BCR!!!! Another success story!!! Thanks for all you do for these cats.....Godbless you all!!!18 hours agooAngel Villano Happy New Year Skip..... :) I knew you were a fighter.... Thank you St Francis and all at BCR!! Every state should have a chapter in it. Can't wait to see "The Skipster" up and around in due time.18 hours agooCarmencita Falcon Keep up the fantastic work are the greatest!! Happy New Year!!18 hours agooColleen Algeo Kasperek The poor thing! I had a full knee replacement a few years ago. It's NO fun and I understood what was going on. This fellow only knows he's in pain.17 hours agooJacq Ranches Good job all of you! please keep up the good work....Every time i look at your site, i shed a tear because of the cruelty some monsters perpertrate on these amazing animals......16 hours agooRik Chandler After x-rays look a lot better than than the before images. Here is hoping for a good outcome.15 hours agooJudith Brown Get well soon Skip! Many blessings to everyone who is helping him heal! :DI sent you a smiley! Want to see it? hours agooCarol Walker Hope Skip gets better!12 hours agooSylvia Klasson Miller Will keep praying for our sweet Skip! He is so blessed to have his special friends nurturing him! Love you!11 hours agooSylvia Klasson Miller Jamie -- you are someone very special. Thanks for all you do, and Happy New Year!11 hours agooRonald Mclean why did someone put my full body scan on here..I pissed :)7 hours agooLian Martin-Hill Healing thoughts for Skip. Please get better.4 hours ago 1 personYou like this.  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLRead Skip's saga here: the BobcatDecember 28, 2010 at 11:02pmJennifer LaMond, JoAnn Paolantonio, Jeff Kremer and 158 others like this.oRwm Tiger now that is a cute photoDecember 28, 2010 at 11:03pmoIndigo Tiger God Bless BCR, & all involved w/this rescue!! U guys r AWESOME!!! Praying for a full recovery....December 28, 2010 at 11:04pmoMia McDonald Here's hoping Skip makes it through the night....December 28, 2010 at 11:08pmoPattie Huggins Deitrick Wow... You guys are awesome!! So happy Skip is in great care!! Prayers from my mouth to God's ears that this little darling makes it through all this!! Please keep us all posted on his progress!! God bless you all for caring so much!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:09pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen I hope Skip will be okay!December 28, 2010 at 11:11pm 1 personYou like this. ·oAnn Eastham Best of luck to the little fighter!!December 28, 2010 at 11:13pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oSandra Davis GET WELL SKIP!December 28, 2010 at 11:13pmoVivian Wolpers his name is Skip now? great... praying for him to recover ....December 28, 2010 at 11:14pm 1 personYou like this. ·oNicole Brown Awwwwww Skip, story made me cry... *sniff*I hope you get better!December 28, 2010 at 11:15pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oCarrie Gleason Best wishes for skip! BCR and all the humans who are involved and care are most definitely guaranteed a place in Heaven! It's always WONDERFUL to know that there are still people who care in this world! Thanks to the Veterinarian who is helping Skip! Please keep posting regarding Skip!December 28, 2010 at 11:16pmoSonya Cabral I cried when i saw his pic & read about what happened to him!!! Hang in there you sweet baby!!! I pray that you will make it threw the night!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:20pmoAmy Milligan ?{{{{{SKIP}}}}} non-contact cyber-hugs to you big guy! Thank you to the people that found Skip, thank you to the FANTASTIC vet and vet techies for helping this furry friend! BCR as usual goes above and beyond the call of duty on behalf of the kitties!December 28, 2010 at 11:22pm 1 personYou like this. ·oAmy Milligan If I have missed a few people that need to be thanked for their efforts on behalf of Skip..... I apologize and Thank you indeed!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:23pmoLes Habitants An injured bobcat loose in a back of a SUV can't be good. Thanks for taking the time and stopping to help an injured animal. Hope Skip has a speedy recovery you're in good hands at BCRDecember 28, 2010 at 11:30pm 1 personYou like this. ·oJennifer Harmon I am so so happy. I don't get emotional much, but this story has really touched me. Bravo to everyone involved & keep fighting, Skip. This is why I love BCR- such hope from such chaotic beginnings! I can sleep better tonight, lol. Thanks for the timely and thorough updates :)December 28, 2010 at 11:32pm 2 peopleYou and Noreen Raudabaugh like this. ·oSarah C Braun Hugs to Skip!December 28, 2010 at 11:33pm 1 personYou like this. ·oMelissa A. Arnold Podolak I hope you will be able to help him...December 28, 2010 at 11:36pmoRichard Wilson PRAYING that this beautiful cat will pull thrua huge THANK YOU 2 the staff @ BCR-u always go above & beyondDecember 28, 2010 at 11:37pm 1 personYou like this. ·oKatie Yates Thank you BCR and everyone that was involved in helping this little guy. Praying that Skip pulls through.December 28, 2010 at 11:37pmoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Prayers for Skip!!!!! And a huge thank you to BCR for doing such an awesome job rescuing these beautiful animals!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:37pmoAmy Epps Stewart Much love sent to Skip for a speedy recovery. And thank you to everyone who made the effort to help this poor little guy out!December 28, 2010 at 11:38pm 1 personYou like this. ·oJanet Davis Thank you so much for posting updates, and the great care you are giving Skip and all the other rescued cats! I will keep them all in my prayers.December 28, 2010 at 11:40pm 1 personYou like this. ·oDena Ginkinger Garcia I wish Skip a fast & speedy recovery. Thank you for helping him and so many other cats!!December 28, 2010 at 11:42pm 1 personYou like this. ·oLamia Harb Ohhhh my that's heart breaking :(Hope Skip has a speedy recovery ?December 28, 2010 at 11:42pmoLisa Polo Keeping Skip in my prayers and sending him continous healing energies!! xoDecember 28, 2010 at 11:43pm 1 personYou like this. ·oRebecca Vernon If I had a new van to donate to you guys, I would. As it is, I can only afford a few dollars but I will send them, for Skip's care. I only wish I could send more.December 28, 2010 at 11:43pmoKathi Trott Turner Get well buddy!December 28, 2010 at 11:45pmoKelly Kosinski Stay strong Skip and hang in there! Love and prayers from Arizona?December 28, 2010 at 11:50pm 1 personYou like this. ·oAmy O'Donnell BCR--Tampa's Boddhisatva central. Poor Skip. He's in good hands now!December 28, 2010 at 11:50pmoKaren Christopherson Hang in there skip!! Everyone is pulling for you to make a complete recovery.December 28, 2010 at 11:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·oLiz Kowalsky You can do it Skip!!!!! C'mon kitty!!!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·oMary Thompson Thoughts and prayers for him I hope he makes it.Wednesday at 12:34amoMari Fielder Greatly hoping that Skip will make a full recovery. Hang in there kitty!Wednesday at 12:42amoKelly Barron crossed fingers and good vibes for Skip to make a full recovery and get back to being a happy healthy bobcat soon!Wednesday at 1:02amoChad Snyder I had to put my cat, Bandit, down today. Tore me up. Reading this stroy about Skip has been good for me. Just saying...thanks BCR for being there to do the right thing by those who can't do for themselves.Wednesday at 1:05amoBecky Fredericks Prayers and healing for Skip. And grateful thanks for all the wonderful people involved in his rescue. ? ? ?Wednesday at 1:28amoJennifer Godfrey Might be good to change the wording so people don't misread Skip as a verb - pass (skip) the bobcat, skip over the bobcat... "Bobcat named Skip" or "Bobcat, Skip" ... Or maybe call him Skipper to still honor the rescuer.Wednesday at 2:28amoAl Tate Just "some internal bleeding" is good news. Hoping the little warrior can make it through the next couple of days.Wednesday at 2:50amoBeth Bursley praying for SkipWednesday at 2:58amoKathy Maynard Cournoyer OH MY GOSH- he was only 17 lbas...geesh my house cat outweights him by 2 lbs.... hope he gets better and fatter :) soonWednesday at 3:33amoCaroline Carlson Abrom Am so thankful for everyone involved in the rescue of Skip. You all are amazing people! Am praying hard that this beautiful cat makes it through the night and to a full recovery.Wednesday at 3:50amoAdawn F YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I wish I could be there to help, and one day.. I will!!! Hope everything goes well, I will be watching for updates!Wednesday at 4:42amoDonna Coffey I donated for Skip but did it through the 'matching' funds you have up on your site. That way, my donation was doubled. I hope my donation helps just a little bit for Skip. Get well soon, buddy!Wednesday at 6:48amoEliza Howard All blessings are with Skip !!Wednesday at 7:03amoEileen Edgecomb WOW! great story! Right people, at the right place at the right time. Prayers for Skip's recovery.Wednesday at 7:27amoSharon Niesen Good luck, Skip and thank goodness for the caring people that found you and for Big Cat Rescue!Wednesday at 7:39amoTeresa Peck Praying for a speedy recovery for SKIP!!! woo hoo that was my Aunt and Uncle that found this cat and now has a chance to live a full life.. thanks Nici and SkipWednesday at 8:09amoNoreen Raudabaugh You people rock!!! I'll be thinking about Skip and all of you today, and hoping for the best.Wednesday at 8:11amoNoreen Raudabaugh Hugs to you, Chad!!! I'm sure your kitty knew a lot of love.Wednesday at 8:13amoJane Alexander Barcroft I have just sent in a donation to the general fund, and salute all the people who were prepared to save this boy.Wednesday at 8:53amoMichelle Congdon I'm trying not to cry here.... I hope Skip will be OK, and I sincerely thank all of you at BCR for everything you're doing to help him and all the other animals you care for ?Wednesday at 8:53amoLesley C Irminger Poor thing, best wishes to a speedy recovery for this cute little guy. Glad the family that saw him decided to stop. Many people would just drive on by.Wednesday at 10:23amoNancy O'Connell Fenton Jennings From the people, brave and caring enough to stop to the BCR people who care enough to fight for these glorious creatures to the Vet's who tend to them , Thank you SO much for all your unselfish acts of kindness and I'm sure the hours upon hours you donate to such a worthy cause. I applaud you ALL. !Wednesday at 10:46amoDawn Lisowski Oh, poor baby! :'(*prays for Skip to pull through and be healthy*Wednesday at 2:12pmoAmy Boyer Poor guy, looks like he has been through a lot... I will say prayers for him & a speedy recovery...Thursday at 10:05amoElizabeth MeadeAs I posted on other updates about Skip, my dog just went through this same thing, infact his x-ray was nearly identical! We also had a plate & screws inserted to repair the damage done. It's week 5 and my dog is playing with his kitty play...mates and uses his leg now and acts totally normal. He only picks it up when he runs away from me to play, which he is quickly told to calm down so he doesn't over-do it. So, if Skips internal organs are not too badly traumatized I have high hopes for his recovery! Thanks again to BCR, the rescuers & the vet & staff for the love & care Skip is receiving now! ? ? ? Words can't describe how much this warms my heart!See MoreThursday at 6:08pm  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip made it through the night. He hasn't moved his back end though, even when we gave him a pain shot this morning.Wednesday at 10:01amChris Poole, Carissa Trotter, Lenore Infanti and 173 others like this.oLisa Polo Continuing to send healing energies Skip's Way!!Wednesday at 10:03amoDiane Mentzer Poor guy! I'm glad he has you all to look out for him.Wednesday at 10:03amoTammy Havlik Waters Poor baby, I hope he pulls through this and makes a full recovery...Wednesday at 10:03amoStu Elman He still has me pulling for him.Wednesday at 10:03amoMichelle Congdon Thank you for the update!!! Hoping he'll be okWednesday at 10:03amoNoreen Raudabaugh Nice to hear he made it through the night, but that's probably not real good news. I feel hooked to this story, and will be projecting whatever positive energy I can to Skip and your people. Thanks for doing what you can for those helpless creatures who need you.Wednesday at 10:04amoDiane Supowit What is his prognosis?Wednesday at 10:04amoKathi Trott Turner Yayy!! Hang in there buddy and before you know it you will be out doing cat things again soon! Sending scratches your way from chilly VA!Wednesday at 10:04amoNancy Matthews Ewe Come on Skip hang in ere! You can get better!!!Wednesday at 10:05amoLaura Balzekas i feel bad for him, someone obviously hit him with their car and didn't even stop to see what they hit. If I ever hit something "knck on wood" I sure would stop and see if it was alive and could be saved.Wednesday at 10:06amoAl Tate Maybe he's too self-aware about his injury and doesn't know he can try to move.Wednesday at 10:07amoCorriene Tiffin so so sad poor little mite, hopes he pulls through and gets better real soon xWednesday at 10:07amoMelissa Philipps ?:( very much dislikeWednesday at 10:08amoKim Haller Keep on fighting, Skip! Thanks BCR for continuing to help the little guy!Wednesday at 10:09amoHeather Greene You can do it!! ?Wednesday at 10:09amoSue Drake every hour he survives is good news, healing takes time & Skip is in the best hands, Thanks for the up-dates BCRWednesday at 10:10amoDiana Perry-Walsh Hopin' for the best but it sounds like he may have nerve damage and that is usually something they cannot repair. Only mother nature will tell.Wednesday at 10:10amoKerstin Wulff Can he move his toes?Wednesday at 10:10amoMary Thompson I hope he continues to fight thank you for what you are doing and for keeping us posted.Wednesday at 10:10amoLyn Reid Sorry my iPad went a little haywire! Anyway best wishes x 3!Wednesday at 10:10amoNicole Zimmerman still praying!!Wednesday at 10:10amoRegina La Croix Thank you for doing work like this - it warms my heart. Hoping Skip rallies,Wednesday at 10:11amoStacey Hopkins Please fight, Skip. I'm pulling for you.Wednesday at 10:11amoCarusio MystWolf Please do what you can to save him. The poor thing deserves a second chance.Wednesday at 10:11amoAshley Elizabeth Jones Hanna Awe :(Wednesday at 10:11amoJulie Hornick Hope he makes it -- thanks BCR for doing so much for Skip.Wednesday at 10:11amoAlex Foxx I'm hopeful that Skip will make a full recovery. Continuing to send positive vibes your way. He's a trooper and I think he'll be back out there where he belongs. Thanks for the update!Wednesday at 10:12amoCindy D. Wren Like the fact he made it through the night but concerned about his back end. Hopefully it is just temporary. Come on Skip, a lot of people are pulling for you!Wednesday at 10:13amoMichelle Able I hope he gets better!Wednesday at 10:13amoYa Stra-Le bless him and all of you great people who have helped him, from the startWednesday at 10:13amoDiane M. Duhaime Thanks for the updates!! We are all pulling for Skip and want to continue to know how he is doing!! Thank you all for your hard work and devotion!!Wednesday at 10:13amoMona Cayabyab Many thanks for all that you do BCR! Skip is in good hands!! Hang in there buddy!!!! ?Wednesday at 10:13amoKatrina Gibson Ray hope he gets better, sending healing thoughts and energyWednesday at 10:13amoSheryl Grimes My cat got hit by a car. He was'nt moving at all when I brought him home. A few days laters he hopped up and was moving again. A bit of a stagger now and then but he was fine. So come Skip! If Max could do it so can you!Wednesday at 10:14amoKristal Roebuck Come on cutie pie! We are all pulling for you hun. Sending you good thoughts for a full and speedy recovery ?Wednesday at 10:15amoJennifer Depew Sending positive thoughts and tons of hope for this little guy.Wednesday at 10:15amoDaniel Cedilotte will he be able to make a full recovery or is he in too much of a bad shape? I hope for the full recovery but I know there are times when nothing can be done.Wednesday at 10:16amoDiane M. Duhaime After my cat got hit by a car, the vet didn't think he would make it. His jaw was broken in 2 places, his nose and eye were all swollen up, he looked awful! We had to feed him through a feeding tube for a while and he had a rough time for a few weeks, but now you would never know anything ever happened to him! He is now too fat and full of the dickens!! Runs all over the house, jumping up and over furniture! So am praying for the same for Skip!!!Wednesday at 10:17amoBeryl Bales Ditto Diane!Wednesday at 10:18amoKim Cisco prayers being sent for skip. rest up little one and gather your strength, you can do it! recovery!Wednesday at 10:19amoColleen Tracey whoohooo!!! now thats a big sigh of relief ...well for now .... hes gonna feel groggy for a while ... glad that he made it thru the night ...Wednesday at 10:19amoRhonda Mengarelli Come on Skip you can do it,we are all praying for youWednesday at 10:20amoPatricia Massari Many thoughts and prayers to Skip ?Wednesday at 10:20amoJoyce Garite Brady Feel better skipWednesday at 10:22amoKayleigh Harrison Thinking of Skip! Wishing him good health and a long life, thanks to you guys!Wednesday at 10:23amoDebbie Watroba Continued prayers for Skip and gratitude to BCR for all the love, dedication and sacrifice to help wild animals.Wednesday at 10:23amoJennifer Wehman Boyd I hope and pray Skip makes a full recovery!Wednesday at 10:23amoBonnie Kelley i hope that is just the pain doing that! i would hate to see him crippled, but he would lead the best life possible if bcr had anything to do with it. thanks for the update!!Wednesday at 10:25amoAmanda Nicole Scaggs Aww We will keep praying for him!!Wednesday at 10:25amoLes Habitants That's encouraging news. Hang in there little guy !Wednesday at 10:26amoPatricia Morris MacDonald Hang in there, Skip!Wednesday at 10:27amoDeana Koopman Oh no. I thought about him, I sincerely hope and pray the poor little guy isn't paralyzed =(Wednesday at 10:30amoDebi Gungor come on skip u can be strong little one xxxWednesday at 10:31amoAldana Vandervoort you can do it Skip!!!!Wednesday at 10:32amoAngel Camacho Baby bopcat will recover just fine! Poor thing has been through a lot and has a bit of a recovery to still go through. He's in the best hands possible and trust he will pull through! I really need to make a little donation to this organization. Is there an easy way to do this?Wednesday at 10:33amoSheila Fath Hi Skip, Praying so hard for you to be healed, hang on you've got good people looking after you. Thanks BCR for going the extra mile for this little guy, xxxWednesday at 10:33amoBoni J Rychener sending love and positive energy skip's way...Wednesday at 10:33amoBeth David-Hower awww I hope he feels better~Wednesday at 10:34amoBrouns Robin if he only knew how many people over the hole world are supporting him and keeping their fingers crossed...Wednesday at 10:34amoRita Nunn Sure hope he makes a good recovery. It's wonderful you have the resources to spend that much on one little bobcat. I totally agree they all need to be saved, but I can't imagine how you manage to FEED them all, let alone do all these expensive medical procedures.Wednesday at 10:35amoAmy Milligan Skip! Get better big guy!Wednesday at 10:35amoDavid Bartosic Poor Skip. And BLESS you for caring for him.Wednesday at 10:42amoJennifer HarmonI don't think I'd be moving my back end much either after having it crushed, and suffering internal bleeding!!! The day after a bad tangle is always miserable. There's still so much swelling going on and raw tissue damage- hopefully nothing... truly neurologic. Besides, he hasn't had his surgery yet, it's a long road. Yall know that! But I've seen miracles. Animals battling through things where I was like "no way", and they made astounding recoveries :). Skip's already proven to be a toughie. Keep up the great work, guys!!! ?See MoreWednesday at 10:50amoDeanna Voorhees Praying for Skip. Love and hugs coming your way to little boy.Wednesday at 10:51amoNora Mutao Frost I'm glad to hear it too. I was rooting for him :DWednesday at 10:52amoAmy O'Donnell Good sign, yeah? We'll all be keeping our fingers crossed and praying for the little guy.Wednesday at 10:52amoCathy Houdelette Bonner Praying for Skip. Thanks for all that you do for God's creatures.Wednesday at 10:55amoEileen Edgecomb many good things came together for Skip...prayers going up for complete healing!Wednesday at 11:07amoKristine Busch i have my fingers and toes crossed for you skip!!! xoxoxoxWednesday at 11:08amoNagy Alexandra I hope Skip will be okay. He deserves a long life :) Thank you guys for all your hard work.Wednesday at 11:08amoBrian Howle Down but not out ... Skip is one lucky feline ... you guys are the absolute best! Thank you for all you do :)Wednesday at 11:09amoMary Hartwick Garcia Hope the poor animal improves.Wednesday at 11:10amoAminah Ameeri Sending good wishes and glad he made it through the night. When will get his surgery?Wednesday at 11:27amoSonali Shah I hope he is better soon.Wednesday at 11:32amoAraceli Molina Praying for you Skip, God still gives us Miracles, and I pray you will be One of many.:-)Wednesday at 11:32amoJenny Langlow So thankful that there are people like you and all the folks at BCR.Wednesday at 11:37amoCarol Lloyd Glad to hear he made it! I'm praying for the poor thing!Wednesday at 11:38amoMari Fielder Good to hear, hopefully there will be good news about his spleen too.Wednesday at 11:40amoMelanie Lowe well if good thoughts being put out means anything he has many people out there thinking of him and hoping for him to make a full recoveryWednesday at 11:41amoMelanie Shand Keep the faith. Still praying for healing...Wednesday at 11:44amoRebecca Anderson Skip has been in my thoughts. Thank you for all your great work.Wednesday at 11:47amoElizabeth Meade Glad he made it thru the night! Has his internal bleeding subsided?? Is surgery to fix his pelvis an option?? If he pulls thru & recovers successfully where is he going? Will he be staying at BCR?Wednesday at 11:48amoJanice Spitaleri Wolfe We are all pulling for the little guy.Wednesday at 11:48amoAlexis Blanton You can do it Skip! You have sooo many people rooting for you ? and so many great people taking care of you!!!Wednesday at 11:50amoRobin Dougherty the poor lamb! please keep us posted!Wednesday at 11:53amoAnthony W. Calabrese much love to Skip from Ufo, Lucio, Smushi and me ? :3Wednesday at 11:58amoSandra Davis Hang in there SKIP Sending you hugs and kisses and prayers too!Wednesday at 12:06pmoMeleah Kirby Bless his heart. Praying for him and those who are working to help him.Wednesday at 12:09pmoJennifer L. Moore Hope he makes it, poor guyWednesday at 12:27pmoLauren Quigley Betz I wish the best for Skip. He deserves to have a full recovery! God Bless Big Cat Rescue and SkipWednesday at 12:31pmoEilene Wood We are praying for yo Skip, hang in there sweetie.Wednesday at 12:36pmoHeather Cantrell Come on,Skipper! You can do it!Wednesday at 12:39pmoSonya Cabral I'm so glad that he has made it threw the night!!! I'm glad that there are people like Jamie who devotes herself to saving & helping these defenceliss animals!!! Good job guys!!! Hang in there skip you are a sweet little guy!!!Wednesday at 12:39pmoMarie Council Come on Skip, you gotta pull through. Lots of people are pulling for you. Please get well.Wednesday at 12:47pmoChris Naven Pearce Give it time, he's had a very rough time :0)Wednesday at 12:48pmoSue Reimer Hutchinson Poor fellow ...Wednesday at 12:52pmoMo RepeatDat Mielke prayers!!Wednesday at 12:59pmoNici Haerter So glad our Skip made it through the night!! My husband, Skip, is the "bobcat handler--more like wrestler" that helped capture this poor cat!! Our prayers are with him and, BCR,--you are the GREATEST!! What would we do without you!!???!! Please keep us updated!!! So anxious to hear more!!Wednesday at 1:36pmoJennifer LaMond Still praying for Skip and for those caring for him... thank you BCR, Dr. Danielson and all involved!!! Your dedication and love for these big cats doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated!! xoxoWednesday at 1:38pmoNigel Duffett Praying for you skip. Keep fighting buddyWednesday at 1:50pmoSharon Moore KEEP ON PRAYING!!Wednesday at 1:52pmoTangela Hill Glad you made it thru the night! Prayin' for you Skip! Keep fightin' n' gettin' better! Here's my kiss...Wednesday at 2:01pmoErica Bertram Sending ya strength little guy-Wednesday at 2:04pmoCaroline Carlson Abrom So happy to hear that little boy made it through the night! I'm still praying!Wednesday at 2:06pmoLenore Infanti God bless himWednesday at 2:08pmoJessica Bishop From the looks of his x-ray it didn't look good at all, I fear that he may have paralysis in his hind quarters, if he was to have paralysis, what then would you do could he have an optimal life with BCR and would you take him on, or would you Euthanize him, I sure hope he dose pull through this, he has been in my prayers, I know your busy but if you do have the time to answer what his chances are with BCR if in the event he was paralized, Deeply concernd...:-(Wednesday at 2:18pmoRobin O'Connor Thank you for doing what you do...Skip, keep fighting!Wednesday at 2:24pmoBarbara Trovato If his pelvis is smashed to smithereens, it would be pretty hard to move. Poor thing.Wednesday at 2:27pmoColleen Tracey?3 cheers for Nici and Skip the bobcat wrestler =^^=Nici Haerter So glad our Skip made it through the night!! My husband, Skip, is the "bobcat handler--more like wrestler" that helped capture this poor cat!! Our prayers are with him and, B...CR,--you are the GREATEST!! What would we do without you!!???!! Please keep us updated!!! So anxious to hear more!!See MoreWednesday at 2:45pmoMia McDonald Praying for a full recovery for Skip....Wednesday at 2:49pmoAngel Camacho Are there any updates on Skip? I've been thinking about him all day. :(Wednesday at 2:52pmoBrian Howle ?"Totally bobcat!" ... Love that assesment of Skip by Jamie!!! Best quote since Pam Ravencroft's "Blah blah, vampire emergency blah!" :)Wednesday at 2:52pmoDorita ReyenLots of love and prayers are with you all, Skip and BCR. He is in the best of hands.There is a little bulldog that comes to one of the festivals I attend. He was paralyzed in the hind quarters after and accident. His owners rigged up a l...ittle "wagon" that supports his back end and he can pull himself around with his front legs. He even has an umbrella for rainy days!See MoreWednesday at 2:53pmoJustin Buzzini he's probably just taking it easy. its natural to not move something around right after it just got fixed. rest and TLC is all he needs.Wednesday at 3:08pmoNikki Neilon Skip hope you are better soon!Wednesday at 3:08pmoDonna Coffey Comeon Skippy baby, you can do it :)))Wednesday at 3:33pmoPeggy Robey Prayers for his FULL recovery..I'm curious if the driver who hit him stopped to help?Wednesday at 4:04pmoPeggy Robey Never mind..I read his full story..God Bless the folks who DID stop..Wednesday at 4:07pmoJoyce McNevin God Bless u all who are working to save Skip and Skip youre in our prayers for recovery and full life ahead of you. Thanks again BCR and those who captured him tooWednesday at 4:15pmoSue Fair Sending healing energy your way Skip. Stay strong!!!!Wednesday at 4:15pmoLinda Davis o please God, just one more miracle...Wednesday at 4:51pmoCynthia Carr Kelly What would we do without dedicated people like Nici, Skip and Jamie - and everyone else at BCR - who go to such extraordinary lengths to save these beautiful animals? We're pulling for Skip up here in PA. Please keep us updated.Wednesday at 5:18pmoRosemarie Plaetke doesn't look good? ... sorry guys to hear that. too bad that it hit him so badly.Wednesday at 5:31pmoMichael Collins Hoping for a full recovery!!Wednesday at 5:44pmoLeo Daher I hope he can recover fully, poor thing.Wednesday at 5:49pmoBarbara Crowell McCarthy Nici, people like you and your husband help me keep my faith in mankind. Many blessings on you both! Keeping little Skip in my prayers this evening...Wednesday at 6:51pmoJames Morgans C'mon Skip. Hang in there buddy.Wednesday at 7:29pmoMelissa Pollard Sending lots of good thoughts for you, Skip! You can do it!Wednesday at 7:44pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen Hoping and praying that Skip will be able to go through the surgery. A special thanks to the couple who stopped to pick him up on the road! Not everyone would have shown such compassion.Wednesday at 8:32pmoSilvia Loehrer Oh Skip, please pull through love...Wednesday at 9:11pmoJohn Petrucco You know how to HOP your name is SKIP all there is left to do is JUMP back up on your feet and bounce out of there! Let's go, time to kick it up a notch!Thursday at 1:12am 1 personKatherine Craig likes this.  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLDr Wynn spoke w/ Dr Blair who doesn't think Skip's shattered pelvis can be fixed surgically. We are consulting other bone specialists before we give up. He got fluids and is eating well but not urinating or defecating so we are worried that he can't; which means even cage rest can't help. Your love and healing thoughts may be his only chance. Not giving up yet.Wednesday at 7:54pmChris Poole, Debbie Huckaby, JoAnn Paolantonio and 235 others like this.oBrett Hall paws crossed! ?Wednesday at 7:55pmoMelissa Gordon So sad : ( Good luck Skip!Wednesday at 7:55pmoKasia Varsak God bless Skip! Praying for the poor little buddy tonight!Wednesday at 7:55pmoMichael Sell I shall send all of my nergies his way,,and ask the winds for help in his recovery.Wednesday at 7:55pmoMaria Hancock I dont know what to say. Sending skip healing vibes & for you all keeping him comfortable thru this trauma.Wednesday at 7:55pmoKelli Polsinelli Prayers sent.Wednesday at 7:55pmoTorri Chandler Poor thing. Prayers for himWednesday at 7:55pmoLinzee Mundtt thats too bad..Wednesday at 7:55pmoRomana Welch Come on Skip your in my prayersWednesday at 7:56pmoRose Jackson ???????Wednesday at 7:56pmoGabrielle Annabella Rose Watson I really hope he recovers. Poor thing. ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoHelen Azar Sending positive thoughts! ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoPenny Forest Kolacki Will keep prayingWednesday at 7:56pmoLesa Cox i will be praying harder! This beautiful animal needs to live we need his beauty and love...Wednesday at 7:56pmoEliza Howard All prayers and blessings for you Skip ? ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoWendy WhodatCakegirl Westfaul Sending much love...and hopeful thoughts for a viable alternative...(my high school mascot was the bobcat, so they are very special to me)Wednesday at 7:56pmoLora Fleming Poor baby ... do what's best for HIM : ( We're pulling for you Skip!!Wednesday at 7:56pmoMelissa Olson Awe poor baby I will pray to God for himWednesday at 7:56pmoDiane Supowit I AM PRAYING HARDCORE FOR HIM!!!!Wednesday at 7:56pmoBarbara Crowell McCarthy Come on, Skip. You can do it! ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoAngel Villano cats have 9 lives...please let this be Skip's #1 and he has 8 to go. Not giving up on you yet Skip either.Wednesday at 7:56pmoClarisse Ann Bradley I'm praying for him.Wednesday at 7:56pmoJulie Peterson ?Wednesday at 7:57pmoToni Tedesco Royer my prayers will be to St. Frances..protector of animalsWednesday at 7:57pmoDee Dee Rayburn Im praying for u sweet baby!!!!!!!!!!Do whats best for the poor man. I hate to see an animal suffer!!!!!!!!!!Wednesday at 7:57pmoDiane Supowit My brother was involved in a major car accident and suffered a shattered pelvis. He died 8 days later. BUT, healing is still possible! Let us all come together and pray for Skip's healing and recovery!Wednesday at 7:57pmoElise Evans Sad story; yet we are still hoping for the best outcome. Thanks to all who are helping poor Skip.Wednesday at 7:57pmoAmy Swanson Awww get better Skip - best wishes and a fast recovery!Wednesday at 7:57pmoDee Dee Rayburn Thank u for all u do!Wednesday at 7:58pmoLisa Polo Awwww healing energies, candles lit, and prayers abound for Skip!! xoxoxox ?Wednesday at 7:58pmoEilene Wood Lots of good positive healing thoughts.Wednesday at 7:58pmoJudy Jackson Williamson Love and many healing thoughts and prayers headed your way. Cats are so resilient. May Skip prove to be as well! ? ?Wednesday at 7:58pmoKristine Busch Please don't give up yet Skip!! XoxoWednesday at 7:59pmoStephen Parker Poor kitty.Wednesday at 7:59pmoGayle Boddy Clark awww thought and prayers heading Skips way! ?Wednesday at 7:59pmoJennifer Wehman Boyd So sad :-(Wednesday at 7:59pmoSherry Scales Sending prayers to Skip - come on buddy you gotta make it!Wednesday at 7:59pmoDiane Supowit Pray, pray, pray!!!Wednesday at 8:00pmoScott White Many good thoughts for Skip!Wednesday at 8:00pmoLee Miles Bradford Poor little guy. Sending good thoughts his way.Wednesday at 8:00pmoMelissa Koblin thinking happy healing strong Skip!Wednesday at 8:00pmoSusan Roberts Kiernan Poor thing. ill b thinkin bout himWednesday at 8:00pmoSheryl Bottner So not fair. Don't give up, Skip.Wednesday at 8:00pmoRomie K. Francis Fye Oh there must be some way...... A miracle please!Wednesday at 8:00pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Im was up late last night thinking about this little guy...I hope and pray that a miracle can be worked...If there's any surgeon that could fix him, It would be Henry Bianucci in Mt. Pleasant, SC...he has operated on several of my pets and rescues...he just fixed a broken spinal cord-vertibrae on a dog that everyone else said would never walk....3 months later, she's great! It would be worth emailing or faxing him the xrays and results...I would be happy to assist in any way i could help from here in Charleston.Wednesday at 8:01pmoJeri Lynn Thompson ?*hugs* to all helping care for Skip. I hope this has a good outcome. He and all caring for him are in my prayers.Wednesday at 8:01pmoDebra Taylor sending good vibes Skip's wayWednesday at 8:01pmoNoreen Raudabaugh Hoping so very hard that handsome Skip pulls through. Trusting that you'll do everything you can and will make the best decisions possible.Wednesday at 8:02pmoCindy D. Wren Come on Skip! Sending lots of healing thoughts your way.Wednesday at 8:02pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Sending my love and healing thoughts to Skip!Wednesday at 8:03pmoShannon Cohen Praying for the little angel Skp.!!Wednesday at 8:03pmoShelley Miller Praying for Skip, you, and the bone specialist, that there may be a positve outcome.Wednesday at 8:04pmoPaul Deutsch I hope he gets better!Wednesday at 8:04pmoLisa Kane AWWWW! That is awful! At least he is not in pain!!Wednesday at 8:04pmoSuzanne Palmer Sending love and prayers to Skip ~ ~ ? ~~Wednesday at 8:04pmoKathy Maynard Cournoyer sending him much positive energy- hope you can find a way to help- and if he needs to be put down- then at least you all can take comfort in the fact that he will go in a peaceful sleep instead of starving to death or enduring pain for too long.Wednesday at 8:04pmoEsmeralda Martinez Sending positive thoughts to Skip and co.Wednesday at 8:05pmoBeth David-Hower Im glad you are not giving up on this baby!!! thank you for your determination!!Wednesday at 8:05pmoLisa Kane Thank you for not giving up and keeping us posted!Wednesday at 8:05pmoCandi Ausman Prayers for Skip!Wednesday at 8:05pmoRobin Ross Hang in there, Skip! ?Wednesday at 8:05pmoDeana Koopman This makes me so sad =( Poor thing gets hit by a car, there's practically no where for him to be out in the "wild" and now he's got very minimal chances to recover. Makes me want to cry for him, and for all the people who have been struggling to save him.Wednesday at 8:05pmoSandra Davis God will help you SKIP!Hugs and kisses and prayersWednesday at 8:06pmoDominique Veillette tomorrow will be a better day for him. It just has to be. Hugzzz to you sweet Skip. You're just so darn cute.Wednesday at 8:07pmoMaria Velandia hope is all we have now.Wednesday at 8:08pmoPatricia Presley My prayers are with little Skip always! He is a little fighter and he will not give up!The poor baby needs all the prayers he can get!!!Wednesday at 8:08pmoBrett Hall to think some idiot hit him and left him like he wasn't worth anything. I applaud the BCR for taking him in.Wednesday at 8:09pmoAnna Rouselle DeGrandchamp Sorry to hear about Skip!!! What happened and what kind of cat is a picture for us to see!!! Heal my poor kitty!!! ?Wednesday at 8:10pmoBonnie Kelley oh no oh no oh no! skip fight, fight, fight! oh baby they worked so hard please baby get better for us!!Wednesday at 8:10pmoRita Rodriguez Jackson Get well Skippy.. I will pray for you again tonight sweet baby.. ? Everyone is pulling for you baby!!Wednesday at 8:10pmoNatalie Lane Sending prayers and positive, healing energy to our boy Skip! He's a fighter, or he wouldn't even have made it this far. Thank you so much to Jamie, BCR, and all who are working so hard to save him... We are all pulling for you, little buddy!! ?Wednesday at 8:11pmoKathy Farley-Panaras Prayers for Skip!Wednesday at 8:11pmoShelly Maslak My thoughts are with this poor babyWednesday at 8:11pmoMarcella Careta Praying to St. Francis asking for his help with Skip no matter what the outcome is.Wednesday at 8:11pmoRhonda Mengarelli If anyone can help him you guys can,If he cant be fixed then god will take care of him.Again prayers are with skip and of course all of you that are there trying to save his precious lifeWednesday at 8:12pmoAlex Foxx Love and healing thoughts to dear Skip. He has the best caring for him. I pray for a miracle worker to fix his broken pelvis. No giving up yet. Hang in there, Skip!Wednesday at 8:13pmoJayme Griffiths Prayers for Skip, there's an excellent ortho doc out in Town and Country not too far from you guys...def prayers....Wednesday at 8:13pmoSarah S. Patton Thank you BCR for doing your best for Skip. I am praying that a second opinion will be good, and they can repair his pelvis. Hope and love to Skip.Wednesday at 8:13pmoChris Naven Pearce Thoughts are with SkipWednesday at 8:14pmoDonna Ralphs My heat's aching for this sweet young kitty. :( Skip is clearly already deep in the hearts of many here who cherish these special cats. Thank you sooo much BCR for doing everything possible to give him the best chance...and for letting us know how things progress. We love you Skippers! ?Wednesday at 8:15pmoMarie Council So sad. Still hoping.Wednesday at 8:15pmoBetsy Ross Best wish for you Skip.Wednesday at 8:15pmoAshley R Richard ?:( Please God help this beautiful creature!Wednesday at 8:16pmoDana Gilkey very sad news. i know sometimes animals can't be avoided but there are those people who don't even try to AVOID them! he must have nerve damage and/or damage to internal organs. doesn't sound good. poor baby. just hope he isn't suffering! prayers for you, sweetheart!Wednesday at 8:16pmoCameo Haddan Healing thoughts to Skip...gratitude to all that care for him!Wednesday at 8:18pmoAndrea Ortiz Positive energy, thoughts, prayers. He WILL get better and will recoverWednesday at 8:19pmoKarie Vander Werf Have you talked to the University of Florisda? They have world renowned specialists who fix pelvises like that every day. Talk to them - can't hurt!!! Dr Isaza is an awesome wildlife specialist and the surgeons are amazing.Wednesday at 8:19pmoWendy Stodder I want him to live but don't let him suffer. He doesn't deserve that :-(Wednesday at 8:19pmoLotta Williams Bengtsson ?Wednesday at 8:19pmoTina Reed Poor kitty. I am not a Vet by any means, nor have I seen Skips x-rays. I work in a specialty vet clinic. I have seen multiple hit by cars not walk, and not urinate or deficate. The pain/swelling can cause them not to want to do either. I pray this is the same for Skip. Any possibility of placing a urinary catheter for the time being to help relieve this poor guy?Wednesday at 8:20pmoLisa Polo Hi Everyone I have lit a virtual candle for Skip here.. the group is BCRYou can also light one click the link ? at 8:20pm ·oKyle Thorleifson C'mon Skip hang in there buddy. We need you to get well soon!!!!!Wednesday at 8:21pmoHeather Greene Hope it's not his time, he's a fighter. ?Wednesday at 8:22pmoMichael Collins Still hoping and praying for the best. It's really sad....Wednesday at 8:22pmoMags Shoebooty Featherbottom ?:(Big kisses and hugsWednesday at 8:23pmoLauren Quigley Betz I believe anything can be fixed and that he deserves the chance. We all need to slow down when we drive and be careful. I see many dead animals on my ride to work and I can't help but think that some of them would be alive if we all slowed down.Wednesday at 8:23pmoIndigo Tiger Sorry 2 hear that!! Poor Skip! =(Sending lots of Love, Light, prayers and Warrior Reiki for Skip's injuries ? ? ?Wednesday at 8:23pmoCarusio MystWolf Oh please do what you can. We're all praying for him and wish the best.Wednesday at 8:24pmoAshley Evans I am so proud of big cat rescue!!!!!!!!Wednesday at 8:24pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Our vet is continuing to consult with others and we have connections at UoF. Skip is on pain injections day and night, so at least he isn't suffering while we try to find help for him. He has the hospital here to himself, so it is quiet & warm.Wednesday at 8:26pm 15 peopleLoading...oDawn Freeman My Prayers are with him.Wednesday at 8:27pmoFrieda Corley The poor little thing. I hope it can be repaired. Such a tragedy if it can't. :(Wednesday at 8:27pmoMichele Crow Anello Still in my prayers...praying for the best.Wednesday at 8:29pmoKim Lopresti Johnson sending prayers, I know you do right by Skip!!!!Wednesday at 8:29pmoClair Pacetti thts so sad i hope he gets betterWednesday at 8:29pmoJerilyn Heiner Gauthier I applaud and appreciate your efforts to save him.Wednesday at 8:30pmoDeanna Voorhees Praying Praying Praying... God loves little Skip to take care of him... And he brought him to the right people. Thanks so much for being there for him. Thoughts and Prayers through the night!! xoxox Skip!Wednesday at 8:30pmoJessica Godfrey Hang in there little one! You're in my thoughts sweetie.Wednesday at 8:32pmoDana Gilkey people need to be more careful driving. could have been a human as well. had a brother killed standing beside his disabled truck in florida. tragic whether a beloved human or animal! my heart has tears for you skip!Wednesday at 8:33pmoKristin Miller I am so profoundly touched by this story. I'll be praying for the miracle Skip and his helping angels deserve.Wednesday at 8:33pmoRobert LyonsCome on Skip, the humans aren't giving up, don't you ! You can pull through this Skip, please, who ever or whatever is the bigger power in the universe, don't let this be the end for Skip . I am not going to be able to sleep worrying that... he might get put down . There has to be something else that can be done to help him . Please someone or somethinmg help him get better . Don't put him down, you woudn't put your grandmother down , even if she ask to be , and Skip isn't asking, he just wants to live . I'm sending good, healing thoughts to you Skip . Please get better !!!!!See MoreWednesday at 8:34pmoJoyce McNevin we're here for ya Skip, dont give up, we arent!!! God Bless u all working with himWednesday at 8:34pmoDebbie Messner Rodriguez Sending prayers and healing thoughts for Skip...Thank all of you for what you are doing for the little guy.Blessings to all~Wednesday at 8:35pmoLeslie Snowden How sad, thank u for trying!!!! BCR rocks!Wednesday at 8:35pmoMarsha Saintz Lessig God bless himWednesday at 8:36pmoNahnie Myles Poor baby! I hope little Skip gets better :-S But no matter what happens I am so glad you guys are trying everything to give him a chance at life ?Wednesday at 8:37pmoJada Hope Awwww, Skip! C'mon buddy! I'm praying for you.Wednesday at 8:38pmoPatrice Kumaran Positive thoughts being sent his way.Wednesday at 8:39pmoTiena Harvey Ellis Poor Baby! Many healing blessings for the little guy.If it not meant to be he will at least know he was loved.Wednesday at 8:39pmoClaire Piper oh Skip. So sorry for this. So sorry.Wednesday at 8:41pmoAnn Zettervall That is so unbelievably sad.Wednesday at 8:43pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen Whatever the outcome, I'm so thankful that he is being made comfortable and is not in pain. I know you will do what is best for him!Wednesday at 8:43pm ·oCarissa Trotter keep up the good fight.... we know you will all do your very best for this special bob cat.Wednesday at 8:44pmoKaren Allard Healing thoughts are going out to you Skip. Hang in there little buddy if you can! So much love for you. And thank you BCR for such a courageous attempt. As Tiena says, at least he knows that he is loved! Praying to St. Francis, Aine, Archangel Ariel and Archangel Raphael!Wednesday at 8:45pmoDara G. Carritt my prayers are with Skip...Wednesday at 8:46pmoJennifer Depew Still praying for Skip. Poor, poor wild baby. Hope and Faith coming your way little guy.Wednesday at 8:46pmoCyndi Dallow So hope he has a chance at a meaningful recovery.Wednesday at 8:46pmoDonna Raihl Prayers for Skip! Non stop praying for him! Come on Skip!!!! You can make it little boy!!!Wednesday at 8:46pmoKay Buckner ?:( Poor Skip.Wednesday at 8:46pmoRita Rodriguez Jackson Just lit a candle on Lisa Polo's link above.. Try this link it was so awesome. Thanks for the link Lisa.. <Wednesday at 8:47pmoAlison Roth Prayers going up to St. Francis - who looks after all the animals...Skip you are in my thoughts. Pull thru big guy!Wednesday at 8:48pmoLes Habitants Get well little guy, keep fighting.... As long as you don't give up the good people at BCR will do everything they can to get you healthy and running in the woods again. Hang in thereWednesday at 8:48pmoLaura E. Felton Dont give up and we wont give up on our prayersWednesday at 8:52pmoNellie Workman Prayers for SkipWednesday at 8:53pmoMeadow Milligan i hope he gets better :( he is cuteWednesday at 8:54pmoSilvia Loehrer OMG....I hope that something can be done. I am staying hopeful and vigilent for the Skip.Wednesday at 8:54pmoBarbara Runcie White light and prayers going out for Skip.Wednesday at 8:54pmoShe SzimanskiI hold anyone who tries to help the wild felines of this world in high regard, and am thankful for anyone who is able to make these efforts. However I am still mindful of the fact that a wild cat after being so wounded whether the pain is m...asked or not is probably far from comfortable, think of the fear and terror you would experience being poked and prodded by giant naked apes who can'y speak your language. My grandest hope for Skip is that he will have peace in some form or another, because I am quite sure he does not know anything of love in his current condition. Bravo for BCR doing their best and fighting for the little guy's life, but it is silly to try and tell ourselves that he knows they are there to help.See MoreWednesday at 8:55pmoRondi Kay Abbott Never give up!!! Praying for Skip and all of you who are trying to help him!!!Wednesday at 8:57pmoMarcella Mirande-Ketcham So sad. I will pray for him not to suffer.Wednesday at 8:59pmoMarcella Mirande-Ketcham So sad. I will pray for him not to suffer.Wednesday at 8:59pmoKathy Farley-Panaras Hang in there Skip! you made it this far. With God all things are possible. Praying for a speedy recovery and for the vets taking care of him!Wednesday at 9:01pmoAndrea Tomich Ohnstad It's possible you're right, She. I'm sure Skip is terrified. Either way, I hope for peace for him. If it's in the form of being healed and becoming a rescue at BCR, that's great. And if he does pass, at least he won't have died on a cold asphalt road. THANK YOU to BCR for coming to this cat's aid!Wednesday at 9:02pmoArlene Hoffer Oh dear. I do hope the very best for Skip....but if he can't live a decent life, that is, if he can't walk or even walk properly, please....I beg of you....don't do some barbaric "miraculous" surgery on him and then make him submit his remaining life to some prosthetic "get up". I'm NOT saying something terrible here, and I'm pulling for him....Wednesday at 9:02pmoChristine Mcnamara Reinsel Hang in there skip!Wednesday at 9:03pmoSue Brooks prayingWednesday at 9:04pmoShara Johnson please, please, please let him be alright...BCR and the kind couple who stopped to help are truly herosWednesday at 9:04pmoDena Richardson Definitely praying for his recovery!!!!Wednesday at 9:06pmoJennifer Depew Lit a candle suggested by Lisa Polo. Here's the link. Thanks Lisa.You can also light one click the link ? at 9:07pmoRoger Schultz Jr. I sure hope Skip can be saved! Poor little guy!Wednesday at 9:08pmoSheryl Braswell Our Maine coon cat was hit by an suv 15 years ago. He had basicly the same sort of break. He couldn't urinate or deficate. Vet refused to operate. We brought him home to tell him goodbye. Well, he started getting better. Was able to use the bathroom within a week. Was walking within a month. Was blind in one eye. Lived another 10 years. It just took time for him to heal himself.Wednesday at 9:10pm 1oAnne Good I wish I could actually do something to help him.Wednesday at 9:13pmoAlex Foxx Skip may be terrified, but I truly believe that on some level he knows BCR's kind people are trying to help him. Kindness is a universal language. And they always put the cat's best interest first.Wednesday at 9:14pm ·oColleen Mulloy Smolen We are pulling for the little fella. Prayers coming his way.Wednesday at 9:16pmoTina Todd IF he passes, it won't be cold and wet on the side of the road, and maybe he'll have a proper burial. He may just surprise you though, and be the Big Cat, and pull through. Here's hoping... ^..^Wednesday at 9:17pm ·oSteffi Finnerty Thoughts & prayers with you all. You are doing your best for Skip.Love & healing thoughts ?Wednesday at 9:21pmoDelores Lee Thanks for the update. Saying a prayer for Skip with tears in my eyes.Wednesday at 9:22pmoDorita Reyen Lots of loving prayers for you, little guy. We all hope that you can find a way to bless us with your presence on this earth.Bless you all at BCR for helping.Wednesday at 9:22pmoShi Silverleaf My prayers are with Skip and I"m praying for his excellent recovery and healing. Keep us updated!!!Wednesday at 9:22pmoAmanda ReynoldsNever give up! Several members of my family have been given a ZERO to 2% chance of recovery or coming out of a coma state and guess what? Both my Father and Aunt did the "impossible" claimed by doctors. This has really touched my heart......I LOVE all cats, big and small. It's so sad to see that people are such careless drivers. I see house pets like this all the time, even on my 20 mph street. Breaks my heart :( I really hope he comes around and that they can make the repairs needed. I will be keeping Skip in my thoughts and prayers and spreading the word as well!See MoreWednesday at 9:24pmoMari Fielder I hope you get a different second opinion and that Skip will pull through. Any update on his spleen yet?Wednesday at 9:26pmoChristi Miller Many Many hearfelt prayers that he will hang in there- so happy there are people like you who care & will give him the time he needs to heal- maybe he will come out of it like the Sheryl' maine coon didWednesday at 9:26pmoArlene Hoffer Tina Todd, you are SO right! IF, and I say IF, he passes, he's in a safe, warm loving place. But Sheryl B, as you wrote, your' beautiful Maine Coon lived another happy 10 years after a similar injury! Hang in there Skipster! Sky is the limit!Wednesday at 9:28pmoEileen Danielson I'm rushing my love to Skip and all the little (and big) furry ones you rescue... God Bless you for the work you do. I would like to share my artist husband's site with you.. I think you'll enjoy it DanielsonFineArt.comWednesday at 9:31pmoRobin Dougherty this is awful. poor little bobcat! --thank you so much, BCR, for caring!Wednesday at 9:31pmoAngela Goodson AbbottPoor Skip...lots of love and prayers for you and all of those around you who are helping you.Bless the beasts and the children...for in this world they have no choice, they have no voice...Bless the beasts and the children...for this worl...d can never be the world they see...Light their way when the darkness surrounds them...Give them love let it shine all around them.This song always comes to mind...See MoreWednesday at 9:39pmoCat Stanley Prayers going up for Skip! Our best wishes & heartfelt wishes that he can be saved. ?Wednesday at 9:40pmoKelly Kosinski I am heartsick yet hopeful. I continue to pray for Skip's recovery and comfort regardless of the outcome. Thank you BCR for all you do.Wednesday at 9:42pmoMichelle West Tears... A very very sad thing happened to him. Keeping him calm and pain free until he heals or cannot go on. I am hoping with my whole heart he can recover....Wednesday at 9:44pmoJanet Powell Bisson I believe in time like the present :)........Just believe!!!Wednesday at 9:44pmoMichelle West Thank you BCRWednesday at 9:44pmoSally Chancellor Peters sad news. hope this changes for the betterWednesday at 9:45pmoAmy Milligan ?{{{{{SKIP}}}}} +++++{{{{{POSITIVE VIBES}}}}}+++++{{{{{BCR}}}}}+++++{{{{{Dr. Wynne}}}}}+++++{{{{{LOVE}}}}}+++++{{{{{St. Francis we NEED!!! your intercession}}}}}Wednesday at 9:47pmoMartha Dilts Positive healing energy being sent. Hang tough, Skip, you're in good hands.Wednesday at 9:48pmoDana Gilkey Isn't it truly AMAZING that we live in a Country that treasures Wildlife so very much! Thank-you, BCR!Wednesday at 9:48pmoDawn Lannin Sending healing thoughts to You Skip....please dont suffer! I am always hopeful that You will get better and be free in the Bobcat world real soonWednesday at 9:51pmoShannon M. Skevakis If he's not urinating or defecating... fixing his pelvis is the least of his problems... sad story... unfortunatelyWednesday at 9:52pmoChristina Hibler I was also touched by this story,how wonderful to see people at their best,united by a common concern ,focused on making the world a better place one big cat (or little =) cat ) at time and in doing so making it a better place for us ,sending all my good energy to skip and his care givers ,and a thank you to everyone who's helped by just being themselves and caring =)Wednesday at 9:54pmoJustine Pinckard sending healing thoughts & lots of love!Wednesday at 9:55pmoDiane Dusty Bauman Oh, that's so sad! I'm so sorry for the little things. Thanks for not giving up...he my be a miracle!!!!!Wednesday at 9:55pmoStacy Kligerman Keep the faith kitty puss....will say a prayer for you! =^..^=Wednesday at 9:56pmoCarolyn Schellhardt Prayers and more prayers going out to Skip.Wednesday at 9:57pmoJennifer Lupo Love and prayers are headed you way! We love you skip! Hang in there!Wednesday at 9:59pmoBenita Ross So, sadWednesday at 10:00pmoRosanne Labbato Patsy I will pray for a miracle for him!Wednesday at 10:08pmoRebecca Baker sending love and light i know how hard it can be we had a cat rescue and now we have the unadoptales blind back injuries one eye ect.Wednesday at 10:09pmoHeather Cantrell Hang in there, Skipper...Wednesday at 10:10pmoTina Todd We all love the Kitty's. Big or Small. Kitty's Rock! Sending loads of Kitty Love to Skip, and all the other kitty's that have no one. :) Yes, Kitty, you have Some One. ^..^Wednesday at 10:12pmoKathryn Reis doesn't sound good! Sending good wishes anyway!Wednesday at 10:15pmoErica Posada Angel He is in my prayersWednesday at 10:16pmoMelissa Harlow Poor Skip. I hope he gets a late Christmas miracle!Wednesday at 10:17pmoColleen Tracey talked to a friend of my who is a cat lover and told her about Skip. She thought Skip was cute! but in unfortunate situation. She told me that she will add him in her prayers. :)Wednesday at 10:19pmoMary Thompson I hope he is given every chance I will continue to pray.Wednesday at 10:22pmoPatricia Massari i wish skip a miracle...they do happen!! ? to you skip boy...thanks bcr for being a beacon of compassion in a world that needs it!Wednesday at 10:26pmoColleen Tracey lit a virtual candle for Skip ;)Wednesday at 10:28pmoSusie Gaitan ?:/ All you can do is your best.Wednesday at 10:32pmoMeleah Kirby This is so sad, I have tears in my eyes from reading the update. I am continuing to pray for him. I know BCR will do everything they can and consult with every vet possible before giving up on the little guy.Wednesday at 10:35pmoLucille Fortier Fight on Skip!Wednesday at 10:36pmoNina J Patrick Sending love and light to Skip...Wednesday at 10:38pmoLinda Rose Crenshaw praying for SkipWednesday at 10:39pmoKris Barrett Daugherty Prayers for Skip and the doctors.Wednesday at 10:39pmoCindy Hawbaker May he not be in pain and be able to Run someday again! Blessings Be! ;*()Wednesday at 10:43pmoCindy Chyz Casteel This is unbearably sad. Praying that a miracle finds Skip.Wednesday at 10:44pmoMelissa A. Arnold Podolak I hope something can be done.Wednesday at 10:45pmoNina Rozankovich-Woeachko Come on Skip! You area miracle!Wednesday at 10:55pmoMichelle Able Love and prayers for skip!Wednesday at 10:56pmoAnita Christine Haywood Awe, sorry to hear this. Sometimes things just aren't meant to be and as sad as it is there might not be an answer. I will pray for God's will. You can't say you didn't try to help...Wednesday at 10:57pmoNancy Matthews Ewe come on Skip!!! you can do it!!!Wednesday at 11:06pmoJan Doerter So beautiful, hope Skip can be saved and survives.Wednesday at 11:10pmoEl Burke Sweet Skip, don't give up yet. You are safe now.Wednesday at 11:11pmoAlesia Abatie sending best wishes and hugs to Skip!Wednesday at 11:13pmoNancy Gelonek Johnson Love and prayers to Skip. Praying for a miracle for the baby. If, however, God needs him elsewhere, he has spread love and compassion to a few more good souls. Hang in there BCRWednesday at 11:18pmoTammie Ekkelboom Prayers and positive healing thoughts to this little beauty. Tears in my eyes, but not giving up hope. Hang in there, Skip. And thank you BCR. ?Wednesday at 11:24pmoJessica Stanton C'mon, Skip! You can do it! So lucky to have someone stop for him and end up with BCR...someone has to try! *crossing paws*Wednesday at 11:28pmoZawadi Sacrilege Please do whatever you can to save him. It wasn't his fault he got hit, poor little guy.Wednesday at 11:32pmoLisa Polo Hi Everyone I have lit a virtual candle for Skip here.. the group is BCRYou can also light one click the link ? Please light a candle for Skip.. at 11:39pmoSonali Shah We are praying for a speedy recoveryWednesday at 11:42pmoKaren Swain Sending prayers for a miraculous recovery for Skip, however, I am also certain that BCR will do what is best for this precious kitty, and if that's to keep him painfree until it's time to relieve him of his suffering, then I trust them to do so. God bless your little kitty heart Skip, and know that you've touched so many of us, and made us realize what really matters in this world.Wednesday at 11:51pmoCat Listening you precious living thing pure love to youThursday at 12:08amoSylvia Klasson Miller Skip is in my prayers.Thursday at 12:29amoPaula Cat ? Sending Lots of Love & Healing Vibes ? Years ago a feral cat in our neighborhood who visited occasionally for food showed up on my doorstep with a fractured pelvis. While his injury wasn't as bad as Skip's, I couldn't afford surgery and pins. The vet suggested I keep him caged for 2 months and let it heal itself. It worked and within a few months he jumped and ran like he never had an injury and did so for over a decade. I will pray for Skip. ?Thursday at 12:39amoBrian Howle And yet, somewhere out there, Justin Bieber is yet again going on stage? Just not right ... everyone pray to the Big Guy for a world that makes sense, where a little bobcat beats the odds and prevails and the rest of us can believe again.Thursday at 12:41amoKaren Marcus A lesson that we all need to drive slower esp. on back roads where there is more wildlife. God bless the little guy.Thursday at 12:46amoDebra Hancock Prayers going up for Skip...God Bless his heart and heal his poor little body!Thursday at 1:24amoOlga Cisneros Still sending good vibes :) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skip, get well soon!! :DThursday at 1:26amoCarol Corey Leuenberger I'm so sorry - I Skip makes it.Thursday at 1:29amoBarbara Trovato This doesn't sound like it's moving in the right direction, not good at all. Is his spinal cord crushed? Hoping for better news tomorrow . . . xoxoxo to Skip.Thursday at 1:35amoBarbara Trovato ?@BCR, please read Sheryl Braswell's comment on how her own cat healed from the same inoperable injury, and he couldn't pee or poo at first. Maybe the painkillers are having a constipating effect on Skip?Thursday at 1:40amoRandy Whittington Hang in there little Skip. It's so heartwarming and inspiring to see such compassion and caring from BCR and everyone posting here!Thursday at 1:48amoEilene Wood A friend sent this to me: The kitty I found hit could not urinate or deficate on her own for almost two weeks!! If Skip is eating that's a great sign!!Thursday at 1:53amoNora Mutao Frost but...he's a pretty big kitty. He deserves at least a tryThursday at 2:06amoKimmie D Roberts he has all my love, prayers and thoughts! I pray he gets better soon!Thursday at 2:11amoAnn Eastham Please pull through, little one!Thursday at 2:29amoMia McDonald Thanks for keeping us posted...:0(Thursday at 2:52amoRuth Williamson My healing thoughts r DEFINATELY with poor little Skip & do hope with all of my heart that something can b done about it. Send all of my love.Thursday at 2:59amoCaroline Carlson Abrom Please don't give up! So many people are praying for this precious boy. Just breaks my heart.Thursday at 3:50amoDebi Gungor awww skip come on little fella xxxxThursday at 4:54amoDonna Coffey Hang in there Skip..we all need a new years miracle, and none of us would be happier than if it were you. Please?Thursday at 5:10amoJanet Yancey Poor baby - I feel for him - I know what it's like to see someone you love - suffering and not in good shape - Do not feel guilty if you do what you have to do - know what I mean ??Thursday at 5:52amoNagy Alexandra I wish I could do something... I'm praying for him from Hungary. Hope he'll be fine. He deserves a chance in life. I know you're doing everything you can, I'm sure Skip appreciates it.Thursday at 6:04amoDora Arsenault I hope poor Skip recovers, it would be so sad if he cannot be saved.Thursday at 6:29amoColleen Tracey I m hoping that if there a specialist do works with pelvis/hip replacement who might wants to try a new way of performing on crushed pelvis/hips proceduresThursday at 6:35amoKathy Shane hope he will be okThursday at 7:24amoKate Maas Jenna and I are praying for a miracle!Thursday at 7:29amoDiane M. Duhaime Praying for a miracle for Skip!!! I know you will do whatever is in the best interest for Skip, even if that means putting him to sleep. But praying that isn't necessary and Skip will go on to a full recovery!!!Thursday at 7:42amoGinny Carlson Love and prayers are his. Thank you for your care of this poor baby.Thursday at 7:47amoAlexis Blanton ?*praying* ? ? ?Thursday at 7:57amoNoreen Raudabaugh Checking in again and hoping for the best...Thursday at 8:31amoDena Ginkinger Garcia My prayers are with skip!Thursday at 8:40amoShauna Fulco I read Skip's story, Bless you BCR, prayers for u and SkipThursday at 8:57amoChristopher Shaber so if his hip can't be fixed what does that mean for Skip? No rehab prospects or (shudder to think) euthanasia?Thursday at 9:01amoSharon Moore aww that dont sound good,but ill keep praying theres always hope!!Thursday at 9:41amoTeresa Waynick McCauley What a shame!! You guy's are GREAT!! Not many people would have even tried.Thursday at 9:52amoMelanie Shand With you all -& Skip, too- in heart, thoughts, and prayers. Come on, Skip!!Thursday at 10:08amoJuana Soto I hope he gets well soon.Thursday at 4:42pmoLaura Kloss I'm praying for Skip. God bless you all.Thursday at 6:28pmoCarrie Gleason Sending healing & loving thoughts!Thursday at 11:01pm Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip pooped! He also managed to drag himself from squeeze cage to larger cage area. Not using left leg and no urine yet so he's not out of the woods yet.Thursday at 9:49amKim Harmyk Dever, Fiona Giannandrea, Donna Raihl and 486 others like this.oAngel Camacho OMG! This is great news!Thursday at 9:50amoSheryl Bottner Yay! Poop is a good sign.Thursday at 9:50amoMichelle Congdon Yay Skip!!!!! Come on, buddy, PEE!!Thursday at 9:50amoAmy Epps Stewart Well, it's a 'poop' in the right direction! GO SKIP!Thursday at 9:50amoRobert Brown Get Well Soon Skip!Thursday at 9:51amoHeather Greene Now just need a "number one"! Yeah Skip! =)Thursday at 9:51amoAdawn F Great to hear good news in the morning.. hopefully the good news keeps coming. You guys are awesome.Thursday at 9:51amoEilene Wood WooHOO!! for poop, I am a supporter of some horse rescues (don't own a horse, just 3 cats) but I know how important poop is!!Thursday at 9:51amoMariana Pires One step at a time!Thursday at 9:51amoDebi Gungor come on skip :) xxxThursday at 9:51amoDiane Supowit I am still praying for him and will keep on doing so!!Thursday at 9:52amoCorriene Tiffin He will soon, it's jsut a matter of time xThursday at 9:52amoLinda Davis see? there is a God and he's helpin' our Skip!...come on everyone...pray HARDER !!!Thursday at 9:52amoJanet Davis Keep praying everyone!Thursday at 9:52amoAl Tate Never underestimate the will to live. Hoping the best for the little warriorThursday at 9:52amoRebecca Belofsky Shuer Hooray, he pooped! Our paws are crossed for more positive news.Thursday at 9:53amoPatricia Massari YAY!!! Come on pee!! I ? you Skip!! Sending you every healing thought I can!!!Thursday at 9:53amoJanet Powell Bisson I never thought I'd be sooooo excited about "poop"....way to go Skip...come on little can do it!!!!!Thursday at 9:53amoLisa Nunez Shorts often do you get hundreds of people waiting for poop? LOLOLThursday at 9:53am ·oIndigo Tiger Skip u r in my thots n prayers baby!!! Sending more Love, Light and Warrior Reiki energy for continued healing for this courageous lil fighter!!! ? ? ? TYVM Jamie & BCR 4 giving him this chance....God Bless u all! =)Thursday at 9:54amoNicole Zimmerman that's a great start! Will keep praying!Thursday at 9:54amoRhonda Mengarelli Keep going Skip.... Still saying my prayers for him.He's going to get better I can feel itThursday at 9:54amoCindy Hawbaker ?~that is great news,Skip we are all pulling for you@in our prayers!Blessed Be ;*)Thursday at 9:54amoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Yeah Skip! You can do it little buddy! We are all pulling for you!Thursday at 9:55amoSally Chancellor Peters Great news though!! Maybe cage rest will be enough!!Thursday at 9:55amoDebbie McManigal Ellsworth Come on Skip, you can do it! Come on buddy.Thursday at 9:56amoJennifer Depew God and hundreds of people believe in you Skip. Positive thoughts and hope being sent your way. Poop is progress buddy. Fingers crossed for continued progress.Thursday at 9:56amoSally Chancellor Peters we want pee!! we want pee!Thursday at 9:56amoDonna Coffey Come on can do it buddy! We're all pullin' for ya!!!! GOOO (and I mean GO!) Skippy!Thursday at 9:56amoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Never thought I'd be happy about poop before, but in this case I'm ecstatic!! Keep up the good work Skip and we will keep praying!!!!Thursday at 9:56amoEmma Bagwell I don't think I have ever been so relieved to hear that a cat has done a number 2!Thinking of you skip! xxThursday at 9:56amoTammy Berry our prayers are reaching you skip, come on baby we are all rooting for you....let you be the good news story of the new year!!Thursday at 9:56amoKathi Trott Turner Yay Skip!! Keep it up buddy!Thursday at 9:57amoRobert Lyons Yay !!!!! Come on Skip, you can pee, I know it . Thank you, whoever or whatever is responsible for these improvements in Skip ! Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!! Keep up the progress Skip, I'm sending more good and healinh thoughts your way a.Thursday at 9:59amoPhyllis Sobczyk YIPPIE!!! KEEP GOIN LIL DUDE!Thursday at 10:00amoSue Brooks it's an improvement...still prayin'Thursday at 10:01amoSharon Moore keep it up!!Thursday at 10:01amoLisa Polo Yay!! But it IS improvement and that is a good sign!! Yay all the healing energies and LOVE are helping.. Going to continue on my quest of having folks lighting a candle for him!! LOVE YOU SKIP!!You can do it lil guy I just know you can!Thursday at 10:01amoSuzanne Manser Wonderful news. Strange to feel happy about a big little cat pooping but yay! Keeping everything crossed. XThursday at 10:02amoLauren Quigley Betz If he can crawl and poop I'm confident he'll urinate. Go Skip, you can do it. I'm sending healing energy Skips way. Thanks for helping him.Thursday at 10:02amoNora Mutao Frost Wow I never thought hearing about a cat pooping would be good news but lol. I really hope this turns out okay.Thursday at 10:02amoDebra Hancock Prayers going up for Skip and hoping he will be a strong kitty and pull through!Thursday at 10:02amoJim Harrington Just in time for New Years!Thursday at 10:02amoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Sorry, I was trying to like a comment just now and accidentally deleted but don't know whoThursday at 10:03amoEric Krotzer Me and my four cats are pulling for skip!!!!Thursday at 10:03amoDale Sullivan it's a small step towards the right direction!Thursday at 10:04amoJim Helmer prayers are with him for full recovery...God bless you and all your efforts BCR.Thursday at 10:04amoBrian Howle I can't honestly say I've ever been happier to hear that a poop took place. Guess that verifies that BCR is the ... naw, too easy! Paws crossed! :)Thursday at 10:04amoSarah Hoey He's in my thoughts! I hope he gets better soon! Poor lil guy. D:Thursday at 10:05amoSue Drake one step at a time Skip, sending lots of love and best wishes all the way from the UK, from me & my 2 cats, Kevin & Smokey Jo xThursday at 10:05amoPatricia Morris MacDonald Go Skip!Thursday at 10:06amoSylvia Myers Thank you for the update. Hang in there Skip!!Thursday at 10:06amoCarol Lloyd Awesome news!!! Love and prayers for Skip! If he's drinking, surely the urine will come. Bless him. :)Thursday at 10:06amoLora Fletcher Great news! Keeping him in my thoughts ?Thursday at 10:07amoLisa Polo Here is where u can light a virtual candle for SKIP!! I began a group just for him! :o) at 10:07amoPammy Rae come on skippy boy!!!! you can do it!!!!!! :@ ))Thursday at 10:07amoBonnie Kelley oh god!!! wow how wonderful who would have thought poop would excite us!! hope he pees soon!! such a tiny guy, i wish him a safe and speedy recovery, well it does not have to be speedy just hope he gets well any way he can. we love you skip!!!Thursday at 10:07amoTammy Denham That's great. Thanks for the update. Keep us informed and hopefully all will work out great inthe end.Thursday at 10:07amoDonna Arsenault Bryant This has to be the only place on fb where the updates are about poop and everyone likes it. rofl. Thank you for the update. Pulling for him to recover.Thursday at 10:08amoLynda Stephens BCR, believe it was Lisa Polo that started a virtual candle lighting for Skip. Can you post so all of his followers get the link? at 10:10amoCindy D. Wren Good sign, though, right? more positive healing energy coming your way, Skip!Thursday at 10:11amoLynda Stephens Sorry, that should have the // after HTTP:Thursday at 10:12amoHeather Greene ?128+ people like poop... This makes me giggle. Team Skip! =)Thursday at 10:14amoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Yea for poopies....Come on Peepee, lets go!Thursday at 10:20amoCameo Haddan Yeaaaa to poop!!! Heal Skip Heal...a healing chant or cheer. I've got the pom-poms out for Skip to pee!!!Thursday at 10:22amoKris Barrett Daugherty The prayer warriers are working it for Skip! I firmly believe that Skip will be healed...Thursday at 10:23amoKaren Allard Keep the good thoughts flowing and the prayers coming. It's a start Skip!Thursday at 10:23amoJessica Stanton That's great! Keep it up, little guy! You got a ton of people pulling for ya!Thursday at 10:23amoAngela Goodson Abbott Progress is progress...keep it up Skip! We're all rooting for you! ?Thursday at 10:24amoPammy Rae tip!!!! run the tap in the surgery... always works for at 10:24amoDena Richardson Yeah! Good news so far. Keep it up Skip!!Thursday at 10:24amoApril Peterson he will pee. he has to. hes come to far not to. come on skip prove to these people that you are a fighter!!!!Thursday at 10:25amoChristina Bond ?'s to Skip!Thursday at 10:27amoJoe Matocha Yahoo!!! Go Skip!Thursday at 10:29amoColleen Tracey Whoohooo he pppppoooooooeeeed!!!!!! Dang it. !! No pee! :(Thursday at 10:29amoEliza Howard Yes !!!!Thursday at 10:29amoDeanna Floyd The Lord is taking good care of him! Get well soon Skip!Thursday at 10:30amoHillary Jollimore Pooping is good.Thursday at 10:31amoAraceli Molina Still praying for you Skip, and thinking about you. Like I said yesterday, God still gives us Miracles and I hope u r one of many. Skip, u should know we care if we get excited because u popped!!!! :-)Thursday at 10:31amoShezael Zael Gogogo Skip we all except you to pee (OMG What am I saying oO),I really hope he will be fine soon Keep it up Skip !Thursday at 10:32amoMichelle Able Good news! Keep fighting skip!Thursday at 10:33amoRita Lawrence Thanks for the update. Skip is in my prayers.Thursday at 10:34amoAldana Vandervoort come on Skip!!! I have been praying for you all week!Thursday at 10:35amoLeslie Cannon ?@Lisa Polo-candle litThursday at 10:37amoFrieda Corley YAY!! Any progress is good. With time, hopefully everything will start to work.Thursday at 10:38amoSiân Obermaier C'mon Skips kidneys n bladder, give him a widdle as well as a poop, fingers crossed. Thanks from the UK for the update.Thursday at 10:39amoNagy Alexandra I'm so happy for him! Yes, he's not out of the woods yet, but he had the first steps.Thursday at 10:39amoJeanne Stuart Yeah Skip! Just sent in my donation. My nickname is Angelica. I read that one of your Bobcats there has the same name. How could I not send in?Thursday at 10:39amoBarbara Crowell McCarthy Hurray for Skip!!! Now if only I could feel as happy about the "presents" my kitties leave in their box for me... ;-)Thursday at 10:41amoAngelina M Wormald COME ON SKIP LETS GET THROUGH THIS. YOU CAN DO THIS. EVERYONE KEEP PRAYING AND HOPING THAT HE PULLS THROUGH PLEASEThursday at 10:45amoLynette Tinsley I lit a candle for Skip! Check out the link above! It is really great! There are almost 40 candles lit from around the world for little Skip! Go Skip!Thursday at 10:47amoAmanda June Morton Come on Skip! You can do this!! Show them what you are made of! Lots of prayers headed your way!Thursday at 10:52amoJoyce Garite Brady good luck little oneThursday at 10:54amoSandy Hoitinga poop is good, but pee is better. If his kidneys are failing, that is NOT a good sign.Thursday at 10:56amoRebecca Vernon Yay poop! That is great news! Go Skip!!Thursday at 10:58amoSilvia Loehrer I am praying for you can do it! XOXOThursday at 10:59amoMelanie Lowe keep fighting little guyThursday at 10:59amoAdam Cheattouten Skip Rocks! Thanks for the update!Thursday at 11:01amoLisa Marie Babbitt Candle lit - - hang in there little buddy.Thursday at 11:01amoAlex DiGiacomo i know what's it's like with the uncertainty, my cat just came back from having his sutures out and it was a rough two weeks ^^ i hope skip does as well as my cat did, stay strong Skip and dont give up!Thursday at 11:01amoSilvia Loehrer I pray for Skip, to "skip" right out of the danger zone cause he has a lot of bobcat left in him and things to do here! My pug and I are paraying for you to pee soon...XOXOXOThursday at 11:02amoHl Rankin Was it a good one? not too runny, no blood, etc?Thursday at 11:03amoEl Burke That makes me happy. I was holding my part maine coon cat, Thor last night (he's a mama's boy) and telling him about Skip and that he needs to think of his relative too and hope that his bowels and such begin to work. Thor instantly began purring. I told him they'd make good friends, since Thor is a large cat... LOL. YAY SKIP!! Don't give up sweet Bobcat!Thursday at 11:06amoLevi Gray I never thought I would see a facebook message on my list with over 250 people liking it and the 2nd word being "Pooped".Thursday at 11:06am ·oNan Kesti This little guy deserves to LIVE, so I hope and pray that with all these positive thoughts and prayers he will.Thursday at 11:07amoMarianne Weaver I Love you guys! I was almost fearful to watch his journey, but never stopped thinking of him and what the outcome might be. I will be stopping in Florida for a week in Feb. And will make time to come by! All my ? !Thursday at 11:09amoPaula Retter Nolte Go Skip go!!!!Thursday at 11:12amoNoreen Raudabaugh Woohoo!!! I've never been so happy to hear that a kitty moved its bowels. Skip's a fighter. So glad to hear he's taking some baby steps toward recovery.Thursday at 11:14amoDorita Reyen Whoooppeeee! Pooooopppie!Thursday at 11:14amoColleen TraceyDr Wynn spoke w/ Dr Blair who doesn't think Skip's shattered pelvis can be fixed surgically. We are consulting other bone specialists before we give up. He got fluids and is eating well but not urinating or defecating so we are worried that... he can't; which means even cage rest can't help. Your love and healing thoug...hts may be his only chance. Not giving up yet.Lets hope that Skip will prove them wrong!!!!!!!!!! Keep on Pooping and Peeing!See MoreThursday at 11:16amoTiena Harvey Ellis Come on Baby you can do it. More healing blessings coming your way.Thursday at 11:18amoJustin Buzzini as i said, TLC, and a little time. many wild animals can take care of themselves. wolves can heal wounds, tigers could easily blend well with their surroundings, and cougars always get their prey (no, not those cougars). but i believe the phrase "Skip Pooped" is the ultimate definition on the year 2010. yay :P.Thursday at 11:24amoKaren Pastore Never was so happy to hear that an animal pooped!!!!!!!! YES!!!Thursday at 11:24amoBarbara Runcie More white light coming to Skip. Never underestimate the power of white light.Thursday at 11:26amoDawn Freeman Awesome! Poop is good! Healing prayers are heading your way! Get stronger Skip! xoxoThursday at 11:28amoBeth Giannosa Skip, we know your will to survive is STRONG ! You've got hundreds of people praying for you, and hundreds more cats/dogs/ect...purring for you. YOU CAN DO THIS !! BCR will do all they can to help you, so will we....all you have to do is show them that you want to live. So, once you pee, they will figure out the rest ! Blessings and healing love and light are being sent along with this message !! ? ? ?Thursday at 11:29amoDeb Penny McManus When my cat broke his leg the vet told me that as long as both ends of the bone were in the same cat, it would heal. Let's hope she was right. Hang in there Skip, you have a lot of life left to enjoy.Thursday at 11:29amoMarie Council Please, please get well Skip.Thursday at 11:30amoDee Iminurputer Yay Skip!Thursday at 11:31amoWormald Angelina M PLEASE PRAY FOR SKIP HE NEEDS US AND HE HAS STOLEN OUR HEARTS AND I AM PLEASED TO SAY THATThursday at 11:31amoLisa Polo Keep him in your prayers and light a candle here.. at 11:31amoLinda Reilly come on, Skipper!!!! you can do itThursday at 11:32amoLaura E. Felton Awww i am sending prayers and love to himThursday at 11:34amoJohn Palmer Never underestimate the power of nature or prayer. Yet, I've saved injured house cats, spent thousands, only for them to be miserable. It is so hard to know what the right thing is in these situations. But I absolutely support this organization. We also need to put our money into protecting the habitat of the Earth's dwindling wild animal populations. It is their future and ours too.Thursday at 11:37amoJennifer LaMondWonderful, little Skip... keep up the good fight. Your strength is shining through!! Keeping you and all the BCR workers and Vets that are working on you close in thought and prayer! I lit a candle for you and appreciate those who shared... the link to do so!! I'm passing along so others can do the same, if they like. you Skip!!See MoreThursday at 11:38amoJenny TowhillThere is an incredible orthopedic surgeon in London who may be able to advise. He has cats walking that most other vets would have given up on. His name is David Kydd and his website is the local vets send him their most difficult cases, I know its far away but I am sure he could advise over the internetSee MoreThursday at 11:42amoAmy O'Donnell Never thought I'd be glad to hear that a cat. . .Thursday at 11:44amoChris Naven Pearce Still pulling for you buddy :0)Thursday at 11:45amoAmanda Nicole Scaggs Aww that is great news. I hope he pees soon!Thursday at 11:45amoKim Haller Come on, Skip!Thursday at 11:47amoAshley Hawes ?:)Thursday at 11:50amoAmy Milligan Okay St. Francis of Assisi..... PLEASE help Skip the bobcat! He needs to start peeing! His kidneys need to work! Please BLESS!!! the couple that rescued Skip! Please BLESS!!! the vets treating SKIP!!!! Please BLESS!!! the vet techies treating Skip!!!! Please BLESS!!! BCR and all their staff and animals so that they may continue to provide the care and support the kitties need!!! {{{{SKIP}}}}} {{{{{+++POSITIVE+++VIBES+++}}}}}!!!Thursday at 11:52amoDonna Raihl Thank you LORD!!!! GO SKIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 11:55amoChristiane Lappe keep my fingers crossed for that great little fighter!Thursday at 11:55amoBrett Hall C'mon Skip! Paws are still crossed for youuu! ???Thursday at 11:56amoDiane Dusty Bauman That's Awesome!!!!!Thursday at 11:57amoAmanda Reynolds Praying that he pulls through! Thought about him all night!Thursday at 11:59amoArlene Hoffer OooRah! The mighty Skip has managed to begin the healing! Come on Skip! We love ya buddy and we're all pulling for you! I sent off a donation for the Skippers and hoping for the best! You can do it Skip! We love you!Thursday at 12:00pmoAmy Milligan I never thought I'd be so happy to hear about the bowel movements of a bobcat!!! :-) Now be a really good boy Skip and start peeing!!! (please!!!). Pee on the table. Pee on the vets. Pee on the vet techies. Pee on the floor. Just please start peeing NOW big guy!!! {{{LOVE}}} {{{POSITIVE VIBES}}}Thursday at 12:01pmoAmy Milligan Thanks to everyone that 'liked' my St. Francis of Assisi comment! I am a severely LAPSED Catholic so if any of you are 'good' Catholics you probably have a little more 'clout' with the appropriate powers that be! Please get to bothering St. Francis so he sends his healing powers to Skip and everyone caring for him! THANKS!!!Thursday at 12:04pmoMeleah Kirby I'm so glad he has made some progress. Praying for him to continue getting better.Thursday at 12:07pmoDeanna Voorhees THANK GOD FOR POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT SKIP!! FIGHT LITTLE BOY FIGHT!!! :)Thursday at 12:08pmoNatalie Lane Way to "go", Skip! I think that Skip the bobcat has the heart of a lion and will keep fighting like one!! EVERYONE: light a candle for Skip at Lisa Polo's link above- it's awesome! Thank you for sharing it, Lisa. We continue to pray for this boy and his complete healing and recovery. ?Thursday at 12:11pmoPatricia Sheridan Praying for you Sweet Skip! XOXOXOXOThursday at 12:24pmoKim Lopresti Johnson thank you for keeping us posted and not giving up on him. Good news tho, will keep the prayers comingThursday at 12:31pmoAlicia Harvey One step on the road to recovery.Hoping that Skip continues to improve.Thursday at 12:34pmoSusan Roberts Kiernan So happy he went. show us some pee now. u can do it!Thursday at 12:44pmoDawn Getyina SO glad to hear that, will keep him in my prayers!Thursday at 12:45pmoMaria Hancock but thats improvement!! come skip you can do it! survival instincts!Thursday at 12:47pmoJudy Rice Norcia Thanks for the good news update!!Thursday at 12:48pmoMichele Sanchez Ortiz YAY!Thursday at 1:00pmoSandra Davis X0X0 Yay SKIP!Thursday at 1:01pmoHeather Cantrell Hooray for poop! Keep up the good work, Skipster! Baby steps can lead to giant steps. We'll keep praying for some pee..Thursday at 1:02pmoCaroline Carlson Abrom YESSS!! That is such GREAT news! Prayed and prayed for him last night. You can do it little guy! Thank you, wonderful people at BCR, for all that you are doing. You all are amazing people and all of your hard work is so appreciated!Thursday at 1:03pmoZeki Gunay Sent him Reiki just now.Thursday at 1:04pmoDeborah Good Well hopefully he makes it. Good news thoughThursday at 1:10pmoSonya Cabral I cried when I heard and saw pics of skips injury!!! I still cry!!! I'm glad that skip is doing good!!! If people would pay attention to their driving this wouldn't happen!!! Hang in there skip you sweet little boy!!! I'm praying for you to make a speedy recovery!!!Thursday at 1:16pmoTammie Ekkelboom This news just made my morning! More positive and healing thoughts coming your way, Skip!! ? ?Thursday at 1:18pmoNancy Matthews Ewe Go Skip GO!!!! We need a Christmas miracle!!!Thursday at 1:20pmoSherri Wilson Reyes Sooo very excited about the pooping!! Saying prayers for peepee!!!! Please God, heal Skip!!!Thursday at 1:23pmoDeana Koopman I'm glad he did #2. Here's to hoping #1 happens soon and he starts to move around even more! Hoping and praying for Skip!Thursday at 1:26pmoMary Thompson Still praying for this guy.Thursday at 1:28pmoGerri Paniccia knowing this actually gave me comfort/a sign of progess.. but funny since i don't have kids and get annoyed when friends post that so-so went on the big girl/boy potty..Thursday at 1:38pmoJoyce McNevin One step at a time, that's great Skip....good going we luv ya and not giving up on can do it!!Thursday at 1:39pmoDeb Wentzel So happy to hear that, I am still thinking of him & praying that he is able to have surgeryThursday at 1:43pmoBarbara Trovato This is great news! He pooped, and I'm sure peeing will not be far behind! Thanks to all the wonderful people at BCR and the vets who have helped him.Thursday at 1:58pmoMichelle West Wonderful - keeping my fingers crossed for him!Thursday at 2:02pmoKaren Norris-Rocha Yay!!!!!! As a nursing student, I have learned to appreciate the value of a poop from a patient! GO SKIP!!!!! Now, onto the peeing. I know he will do it! Can he have surgery on his pelvis? Prayers continue for this little fighter :)Thursday at 2:04pmoOlga Cisneros baby steps... You GO SKip!!!Thursday at 2:31pmoRichard Brown It's kinda sad we are happy for poop and sad for not having pee but hey we all love to see these animals get back on there feet after they get sick! So what the heck "Yay poop!" &"Come on pee!"Thursday at 2:43pmoMelissa A. Arnold Podolak glad to see some improvement, and hope it continues...Thursday at 3:10pmoKathy Shane glad to see alittle progress with himThursday at 3:29pmoDamia Turek You're a trooper Skip ! Sending all my prayers your way .Thursday at 3:45pmoCandy Feldt sounds more hopeful... (keeping fingers and toes Xd)Thursday at 4:06pmoRuth Hart poor thing I hope he gets better.Thursday at 4:15pmoPammy Rae to all my us friends i said tap... in usa thats aforcett.. sorry.... just turni t on maybe he wud like to drink from it like our cats do too....skippy wud be a great hope for the new year and the for...castQ (cats\)Thursday at 4:42pmoPammy Rae cum on skip... show us some light for the new year.....we all need some focus.... and .. everyone dont foget to donate to bcr match for match!!! also purrfect santury and ark rain who burnt to the round i know its a struggle but they need us....Thursday at 4:45pmoDorothy Scanlan Sending good Karma his way...Thursday at 4:51pmoKristen Dawley Never been so happy to hear about a bobcat pooping :) hope he continues to get better!Thursday at 5:15pmoLes Habitants That's good news, just checked the webcam and he was awake and alert. He's sleeping now, get some rest little guy and hang in thereThursday at 5:45pmoCharlene Picard But he's that much closer! Keep up the good works, BCR!Thursday at 6:06pmoRobin Dougherty poor sweet little skip!Thursday at 6:08pmoSilvia Loehrer I am watching him live...not sure if he peed, but we think he did. Anybody hear more news about his spleen?You can watch him live here... at 6:25pmoKim Harmyk Dever You go Skip. We are rooting for you.Thursday at 7:12pmoMichael Collins Some progress is better than no progress. Encouraging for sure!!Thursday at 7:13pmoMichelle Morton Watching the live feed - he just urinated!!!Thursday at 7:35pmoJennifer Lovelady YAY! Who'd have thought poop could be so exciting.Thursday at 7:38pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen Prayers do work! I hope Skip continues to improve, and I will continue to pray for him!Thursday at 9:42pmoJames Morgans Hang in there Skippy!Thursday at 10:00pmoAmy Milligan ?@Michelle Morton..... YAY!!! Skippy peed!!! Glad to hear it!!! Go Skippy!!! Get pooping!!! Get peeing!!! Get better!!! {{{{{SKIP}}}}} {{{{{LOVE}}}}}Thursday at 11:31pmoAnita Christine Haywood I'll keep praying for the little guy.Yesterday at 10:41amoHl Rankin If there is a God in heaven, I will someday meet the jerk who ran into Skip, and devote five busy minutes to him with an axe handle.21 hours ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLCheck on Skip's recovery LIVE with our hospital cam :)BigCatHospital on USTREAM: This is the recovery cage inside the West Boensch Cat Hospital at Big CatJennifer LaMond, JoAnn Paolantonio, Kim Harmyk Dever and 276 others like this.+Claire Bivins This is so cool! Thank you!Thursday at 2:18pm+Jessica Dawn Miller Awwwww be rescued, during the holidays- hope you have a great recovery- sweetiepie- you're so cute!!:)Thursday at 2:18pm+Jenn Hansen Get well soon Skip. =33 ?Thursday at 2:19pm+Jamie Malmqvist I agree with Claire! Thanks guys!Thursday at 2:19pm+Susan Hughes I live just down the road from Big Cat.Is there any volunteer work I can do?Thursday at 2:20pm+Tamz Wagner I like how you have a phone number up in case anyone sees a cat in distress. Very cool. And the cat is funny. It's like he knows the camera is there lolThursday at 2:20pm+Jenny Barker i would like this a whole lot better if it were not for the noisy ad that just burst in . . .Thursday at 2:21pm+Elise Evans Thank you, this is great! I hope for his complete recovery.Thursday at 2:21pm+Angie Pyle I pray Skip gets better....thank you for being angels on earth for these wonderful animals!Thursday at 2:21pm+Michelle Klein-Hass Sleepy recovering kitteh. Good luck, little one!Thursday at 2:23pm+Gayle Boddy Clark is Skip doing better today?Thursday at 2:23pm+Marie Anne Lefebvre I hope Skip gets better very soon...Thursday at 2:24pm+Eileen Edgecomb How is Skip?Thursday at 2:25pm+Jenny Bean Sturtevant Awwwww, get well soon Skip!Thursday at 2:26pm+Lisa Tibbetts We're sending our love and get well wishes for little Skip! Get better quickly little guy!Thursday at 2:27pm+Patricia Morris MacDonald I almost hate to watch in case he doesn't make it. It would be even more upsetting after seeing video of him.Thursday at 2:28pm+Celeste Widman He's sleeping and looks more chilled out. This is a good sign. Yes?Thursday at 2:28pm+Natalie Lane We are pulling for you, little Skip! I think the man who rescued Skip (who Skip was named for) should be be COMMENDED and APPLAUDED!! Not many people would stop to help & actually pick up a wild animal in those circumstances. Thank you, "human Skip"!! I would like to know more about this kindhearted "stranger", wouldn't you?Thursday at 2:29pm 1+Heather Greene So who's going to take the first peepee watch?!? ;)Thursday at 2:29pm+Debi Gungor come on skip ,hes gorgeous well done human skip for rescuing him xx this cam is greta xxThursday at 2:30pm+Randy Whittington This is so cool to be able to see him live! Thanks guys. We're pulling for you Skip!Thursday at 2:31pm+Rhonda Mengarelli he seems to know you guys are trying to help him.He looks so relaxed in the videoThursday at 2:32pm+Amanda Nicole Scaggs This was awesome!! Thank you!!! I hope he has a strong recovery!!!Thursday at 2:33pm+Nagy Alexandra He's so adorable. I hope, he'll be okay.Thursday at 2:33pm+Deborah Caron Oh, I wish I lived any where near Tampa. Would love to help with this wonderful project. As for now, all I can do is support. Prayers keep on coming, Skip! Hang in there!Thursday at 2:34pm+Sue Drake I was a bit worried until I saw his head move just then. I SO hope he makes it . He's a beautiful cat .Thursday at 2:35pm+Lisa PoloLove IT!!! Thanks for allowing us all to observe Skip!! You canlight a virtual candle here and send Skip healing energies and prayers. I put a group together just for him. Just click on the link. MoreThursday at 2:36pm+Colleen TraceySkip and Nici should get some kind of a honouary big cat plaque for saving Skip the bobcat. It s wonderful to see him laying there but ..... as you guys at the BCR said that hes not out of the woods yet , it would great that we re ALL mo...nitoring him ..:)Hope things do go well for Skip the Bobcat ;)See MoreThursday at 2:37pm+Kirsten Moodie Sleepy Head lolThursday at 2:40pm+De Ja Foster Thank You SO much for all you do BCR! >^..^<Thursday at 2:43pm+Amy Milligan ?@Lisa Polo..... thanks for posting the link! I just lit a candle for Skip! Start peeing NOW!!! big guy!!! You can do it!!! {{{LOVE}}}Thursday at 2:45pm+Colleen Tracey skippy s awake!!!!! go to the link now !!!Thursday at 2:46pm+Colleen Tracey moved his left leg a little !! yahooohooooooooooooooooooThursday at 2:47pm+Candi Durkin Poor baby- at least with dogs and cats with broken hips you can wrap a towell under their bellies like a sling and get them moving around a bit - guess with awild animal that's out of the questionThursday at 2:47pm+Judit Tövissy He moved his left hind leg, I hope that means he's gonna be okay :)Thursday at 2:47pm+Connie WoundedArrows he's looking better!!!!Thursday at 2:48pm+Colleen Tracey ?@ candi hes a wake!!!! go look nowThursday at 2:48pm+Terri Halle Looks exhausted and probably is pretty stressed.Thursday at 2:50pm+Gabriele Herbst Geb Schön Get well, soon, sweety !!!!Thursday at 2:50pm+Angela Goodson Abbott Awesome! Nice to see him sitting up. He doesn't seem terribly stressed right now, that's good! Sure hope he recovers...?Thursday at 2:51pm+Andrea Tomich Ohnstad THANK YOU BCR for posting this for us! I agree--I think I saw him move his left leg a little. I am pulling for him!Thursday at 2:51pm+Angela Goodson Abbott And to the guy he's named after, Thank You! If not for you this sweet guy wouldn't even have had a chance. Bless you! ?Thursday at 2:53pm+Tricia LymeMom poor little guy....hoping for a speedy recovery ?Thursday at 2:54pm+Colleen Tracey ?@ candi , he has crushed pelvis theres no way u can put a sling on him ..Thursday at 2:55pm+Sue Drake ?@ BCR, what are his chances of recovery & IF he recovers, will he ever be able to be released back into the wild again ?Thursday at 2:57pm+Jody Holzhauer Poor kitty!! :(Thursday at 3:00pm+Kelly Borg Absolutely adorable! Thanks BCR for letting us be able to see him recover. Mostly looks sleepy right now. But that does seem like a good sign for recovery!Thursday at 3:01pm+Silvia Loehrer Oh, look at him...he is soooooo adorable. He just had his head up for a minute. Oh, I hope he makes it! That stain almost looks like pee...probably is something else, though...hoping and praying for his New Year to come and give him a chance at a full recovery. Skip, give us a New Years present...peee buddy...pee. :)Thursday at 3:03pm+Debbie McManigal Ellsworth come on little buddy, you can do it.Thursday at 3:04pm+Sue Reimer Hutchinson Poor wee fellow ... hope that he recovers well ...Thursday at 3:06pm+Jessalynne Deanna Zondra Peters awe!!! He's so cute! Poor little guy. :'(Thursday at 3:10pm+Sawsan Al-Hadhrami He's adorable! It's heartbreaking to see him dragging his useless left leg around :(:( He just fell asleep in his food!Thursday at 3:12pm+Heather Greene The candle lighting is so cool! =) I'm on my phone can't wait to check out the web cam when I get home!Thursday at 3:13pm+Kayla Barber hope he gets better soonThursday at 3:13pm+Drucie Peterson Bless his little baby heart....I hope he makes it.Thursday at 3:13pm+Colleen Tracey He moved!! AGAIN! hes now sleeping on his right side! PAWSTIVE SIGNS!! WHOHOOOOThursday at 3:21pm+Christy LeDuc Was it wishful thinking that I thought I saw pee on the cover when Skip rolled over a couple of minutes ago.Thursday at 3:22pm+Colleen Tracey he breathing good ! > good signThursday at 3:23pm+Debi Gungor aww hes turned round and i missed it xThursday at 3:27pm+Kat McFeaters Keep fighting the good fight Skip ?Thank you for allowing us to hopefully watch the miracle of his recovery.Thursday at 3:29pm+Robin Dougherty so incredible to watch him just breathe!Thursday at 3:45pm+Fran Harrington Thank you for sharing his recovery. Sending positive thoughts and love his way. You people at BCH are really, really great!! Keep up the great work!!Thursday at 3:51pm+Damia Turek I LOVE this live cam ! Thanks for sharing ! Skip is so beautiful ....Thursday at 3:53pm+El Burke He breaks my heart. I wish I could just pet him. I just watched him and his head was up, looking around a bit, then he put his head down and sighed. :( I hope you can help him get better. I know you all will do the best you can.Thursday at 3:55pm+Danielle Burdt Wake up Skip :)Thursday at 3:59pm+Sheri Freeman King This is very cool!!! I'm praying for Skip's speedy recovery ?Thursday at 3:59pm+Mary Thompson This is great thanks for sharing I hope he makes it.Thursday at 4:34pm+Holly Oxenfree Skip looks kind of relaxed, very even and slow breathing.Thursday at 4:44pm+Robin Dougherty hello, chip! slightly awake, i see? i can see from your stretched paw that you are feeling fine!Thursday at 5:00pm+Nora Mutao Frost Hiss...hiss...hiss claw....hey whered you go I just wanted to play. Ooo food...nomThursday at 5:11pm+Mario Nistico Still not moving his back legs?Thursday at 5:11pm+Colleen Tracey SKIP ATE!!! WHOHOOO!!!!!! SAW HIM EATING SOME PIECES OF MEATThursday at 5:13pm+Debbie Massey Glad he seems better,time will tell.Thursday at 5:21pm+Heather Cantrell Skip, you're even more beautiful than I thought. Feel better!Thursday at 5:30pm+Kevin Da Kat he is so beautiful, always on his guard, but seems to know he's in safe hands..Thursday at 5:41pm 3 peopleArlene Hoffer and 2 others like this. ·+Arlene Hoffer Keeping our paws crossed for you Skip. We all love you and we're all rooting for ya buddy!Thursday at 5:46pm+Colleen Tracey he even moved around in the cage he even stood up for a moment then laid down again ! fought with the water cup ! yep TOTALLY BOBCAT ATTITUDE!Thursday at 5:56pm+Colleen Tracey lets hope he pees!Thursday at 5:57pm+Colleen Tracey Still sleeping ?Thursday at 6:15pm+Roberta Lioness Bown awesome :)Thursday at 6:17pm+Rebecca Vernon This is great!He's drinking water, looking around and grooming himself, these all seem like good signs.Thursday at 6:18pm+Kimberly Jones He peed!!! :D I saw him do it on cam!! He's eating and grooming and moving and drinking! :D Yay!!!! Go Skip!!! :)Thursday at 6:21pm+Sam Snell He looks so relaxed.Thursday at 6:24pm+Donna Coffey He really peed? YAY! He's grooming himself now...a very good sign. I saw him move around a bit and use one of his back legs some :) GO SKIP!Thursday at 6:28pm+Donna Coffey Stretching out that one back leg...a great sign!Thursday at 6:29pm+Rebecca Vernon He's stretching out his right leg...but not the left one, I haven't seen that move yet.Thursday at 6:33pm+Rondi Kay Abbott Praying that Skip makes it!!!Thursday at 6:34pm+Suzie Buck Go Skip.. We at the Smolen home are praying for you..Thursday at 6:38pm+Dorita Reyen It's so great to be able to watch his recovery. Thank you! He is looking livlier.Thursday at 6:43pm+Arlene Hoffer I just checked in again, and I understand he peed and stretched his back leg! Way To Go Skip! You can do it buddy! We love ya!!!Thursday at 6:46pm+Eilene Wood Yea, for Skip!! Time and prayer for healing. I don't know about anmals, but probably being in shock, it took awhile for all the normal functions to kick in?Thursday at 7:06pm+Lily Chaves Wow. He's moving. Hi Skip. You're looking good.Thursday at 7:13pm+Eilene Wood Yes, Skip and Nici thank you so much for saving this little guy,he had his guardian angels, looking over him. Thank you Lisa for the candle link. I've been lighting candles since 2006, I never heard of this candle link, well I never really was on a computer until then, for personal stuff, just work. I started lighting candles when Barbaro the race horse broke down on the race track. Now my friends and I like candles for animals/humans.Thursday at 7:14pm+Noreen Raudabaugh So beautiful, moving and sad at the same time. I love seeing him move, but I want to reach out and help him! Thank you again, BCR. Your karma must be amazing. May good things come to all of you.Thursday at 7:14pm+Janet Ladwig Skip, God sent people to help you for a reason-Hang in there little buddy! Thanks to those who stopped to help & those continuing to help. I am not sure that I would know what to do-learning so much!Thursday at 7:15pm+Noreen Raudabaugh I'm pretty sure we saw both feet move a bit.Thursday at 7:16pm+Eilene Wood I saw his little foot move just a little!! :)Thursday at 7:21pm+Betsy Pheil Did I see Skip urinate? Hope so!Thursday at 7:32pm+Kathy Farley-Panaras skip looks pretty good considering. Feel sorry for him trying to get around. Noticed he is going to the potty! He has a long recovery ahead of him but he will make it!Thursday at 7:33pm+Lily Chaves Did he pee? That spot wasn't yellow before. Yay.Thursday at 7:34pm+Karen Norris-Rocha He pee'd!!!!!Thursday at 7:34pm+Debra Schaefer Did Skip just pee? I can't tell if what I am seeing is a shadow or if I saw lots of urine being absorbed into his cage liner. Oh please let Skip be getting his functions back!Thursday at 7:34pm+Karen Norris-Rocha I'm in tears watching him move around - but I'm so happy he's fighting. I just pray they can fix his hip...Thursday at 7:35pm+Tabatha Lewis i think i seen him pee!! this is awesome !!Thursday at 7:36pm+Michelle Morton He definitely urinated - quite a bit, too. I hope he can get some fresh bedding soon.Thursday at 7:40pm+Rebecca Vernon He peed, I watched him do it. He's dragging himself around using his front legs, which is heartbreaking to see, but he did just pee.Thursday at 7:42pm+Michele Crow Anello ?7:35pm I see Skip is trying to stand, but the poor baby can't understand why he can't use he back legs, so sad:( I am praying Skip will have a Happy and Healthy New Year.Thursday at 7:42pm+Colleen Tracey Let's ask the BCR to take a pix of the cage liner to check if Skip did peed during the night ??Thursday at 7:43pm+Michele Crow Anello ?7:44pm Well he just went doo dee!!!! Never thought I would be saying this but great news!!!:) DOO DOO!!Thursday at 7:46pm+Tabatha Lewis he moved to the middle and sat for a few sec's and then yellow appeared on the blanket by his bottom. my girl's said " mom he pee'd". my girl's are praying for skip and very interested in watching his recovery because there grandparent's are skip and nici the people who rescued skip and hope he gets better.Thursday at 7:46pm+Samantha KowalskyTHANK YOU for this stream! I just happened to log in, and was JUST IN TIME to see him have a BM! It didn't just fall out, he pushed it out. That's a great sign that his spine can still send signals to his lower body! :DNever thought I'd be happy to see a cat poop, lol!See MoreThursday at 7:51pm+Shannon Cohen OMG I am soooo happy!! I have been thinking about him!! Thank you guys!!Thursday at 8:07pm+Shannon Cohen Get well soon little skip. :)Thursday at 8:10pm+Toni Tedesco Royer This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing. He has so many people praying for him and watching him like this makes us feel that he belongs to us (which he does)! Bless you BCR.Thursday at 8:11pm+Tracey Miles Poor baby...he does not look happy. he keeps crying...Thursday at 8:30pm+Tracey Miles I saw him move and kind of sit up and am glad to see others have seen him pee. He seems to be so uncomfortable that he can't relax. He keeps trying to lay or sleep and then wakes up repeatedly and kind of crys like he is either in pain or doesnt understand what is going on. I hope u can fix him up and he can recover quickly....Thursday at 9:39pm+Lisa Polo Don't forget to light a virtual candle and send healing energies and prayers his way... at 10:54am+Llyn Walker good luck skip. :)19 hours ago+Gabriele Herbst Geb Schön Wow, he already startet to eat. That´s great !!!!18 hours ago+Amy O'Donnell Thanks for letting us see Skip. He's gonna be fine, thanks to y'all at BCR.16 hours ago+Lora Fleming YAY!!! Thank you for caring about the wild animals!2 hours ago+Monica Spires please start the year off and Donate any amount and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR! $25 will feed a bobcat for 2weeks! bigcatrescue.org2 hours ago+Karen Patrick Webb If Skip can't run will he remain at BCR?about an hour ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLGreat news! Skip peed and is going in tomorrow morning for surgery. Dr. Wynn found a bone specialist who says he thinks he can get Skip back on his feet, he just isn't sure he will ever run. It's a first step & worth a try. You can watch Skip at Fairclough, Silvia Loehrer, JoAnn Paolantonio and 188 others like this.? Karen Norris-Rocha Thank GOD!!! I'm so happy :) Sending TONS of prayers and positive thoughts!!!! Thank You!!Thursday at 7:41pm? Jody Melissa I'm so glad!!!Thursday at 7:42pm? Linzee Mundtt that is great news..i wish him the best ..blessings..the camera is a great idea tooThursday at 7:42pm? Tiena Harvey Ellis That is fantastic! Many blessings for young Skip. He really derserves a second chance.Thursday at 7:42pm? Carole Bakke thank goodness. prayersThursday at 7:42pm? Linda Reilly even skipper never runs again, he will always have a wonderful life and home at BCR...Thursday at 7:42pm? Kayla Barber thats awesome newsThursday at 7:42pm? Tiena Harvey Ellis Since he won't be able to run does that mean he will become a permanent resident at BCR?Thursday at 7:43pm? Lisa Polo YA YA YA YA!!1Thursday at 7:43pm? Linzee Mundtt i see him moving his head i take it he is not sedated but prolly on pain meds????Thursday at 7:43pm? Chris Naven Pearce Atta boy Skip, good luck with your surgery and remember you have to walk first and then worry about running :0)Thursday at 7:43pm? Diane Supowit Praise God! I will keep on praying for Skip!Thursday at 7:44pm? Jrad Tiran i love ustream ..glad to see you guys on it : )Thursday at 7:44pm? Nora Mutao Frost I've heard doctors tell paralized people they'll never walk again only for them to turn around and do it anyways. Do it Skip!! Show'm whatcha made of!Thursday at 7:44pm? Robert Lyons Yay, Skip !!!! I knew you good do it ! This is such great news, thank you again to whoever or whatever in the universe is watching out for and helping Skip, and thank you Big Cat Rescue for your helping Skip too . This is such great news !!!!!Thursday at 7:44pm? Michele Sanchez Ortiz That's wonderful!!!Thursday at 7:44pm? Sue Drake looks like peeing isn't all he's done lol good luck with the surgery tomorrow Skip =)Thursday at 7:45pm? Rod Waddell I'm thankful for that and for people like those at BCR and other upstanding sanctuaries! Great newsThursday at 7:45pm? Ryan Kennedy he just messed and is trying to move away from it! poor cat :( you all are wonderful for all you are doing for this animal!Thursday at 7:45pm? Patricia Presley My prayers are with Skip and all the Doctors and all the helpers.You are in my prayers Little Skip!Thursday at 7:45pm? Melissa Olson im so happy for skip. he just pooped in the video and thats such a positive step.Thursday at 7:45pm? Aldana Vandervoort God is watching out for Skip!Thursday at 7:45pm? Colleen Tracey Yah and a bunch of us will be waiting in the virtual waiting room with coffee and sandwiches ! LOLThursday at 7:46pm? Lorelei Kathleen Hickman many prayers for Skip!!!Thursday at 7:46pm? Connie WoundedArrows He poooooped!Thursday at 7:46pm? Aminah Ameeri great!!!Have been watching him on the video> Glad to hear he will have a chance? Now when is dinner??Thursday at 7:46pm? Deborah Budesa This is joyful news. Dear God, can we please have one more miracle before this year ends?Thursday at 7:47pm? Tammy Perkins Awesome!!!! Thank you Scott and all of BCR for everything you do for these cats. Society would be a MUCH better place if more people had your heart and compassion for all God's creatures. Hope everyone there has a terrific new year! And thx for all the updates on Skip!Thursday at 7:47pm? Ryan Kennedy and I was just thinking, if this surgery is not successful has been contacted to see if they will donate/personalize a wheeler for you?Thursday at 7:48pm? Brian Howle So proud of Skip for being such a fighter ... and there you have positive proof of the power of prayer! BCR rules! :)Thursday at 7:48pm? Susan Roberts Kiernan Yeaaa! great news!Thursday at 7:48pm? Jake StandingDown He'll prob. have to stay @ BCR if he can't run, I'd assume. Bobcats eat all those tiny Agilent critters.Thursday at 7:48pm? Mia McDonald that is FANTASTIC news!!!!!!Thursday at 7:49pm? Robert Hodge Great news! Hope he continues getting better!Thursday at 7:50pm? Lynda Stephens Our prayers are being answered.Thursday at 7:51pm? Maria Farmer Bartholow He was looking into the camera when I logged on!Thursday at 7:51pm? Diane Dusty Bauman I've never been so excited that an animal peed & pooped!!!!!Thursday at 7:51pm? Carusio MystWolf Thank the spirits! This is great news. Give Skip our love BCR. Keep doing the good things you do!Thursday at 7:52pm? Li Ha this is good news.. been watching this beautiful baby on the webcam, please continue to keep us posted on his progress saying many prayersThursday at 7:53pm? Suzie Buck Its not much be we sent a small donation your way. I hope it helps. We are so very happy to see how well he is doing here.. we are praying he does well tomorrow.Thursday at 7:54pm? Gail Oehlbeck Phillips Such awesome news!!Thursday at 7:54pm? Lisa Polo Keep lighting those virtual candles for Skip here.. :)? at 7:54pm? Lisa Polo Ya!! GREAT NEWS!Thursday at 7:54pm? Lisa Olson yay may Skip be healthier soon :)Thursday at 7:55pm? Diane M. Duhaime Fantastic!!!!Thursday at 7:55pm? Michele Crow Anello EXCELLENT NEWS!!!!! Skip has so many people praying for him and thanks to the angels who found him and to you who drove him to get proper care. See love and prayer does work:)Thursday at 7:55pm? Sheryl Bottner Really good news! I just saw Skip poop on the cam. If he can never run, will he live at the sanctuary?Thursday at 7:55pm? Michele Sanchez Ortiz What a beautiful cat! I love his face! Good luck tomorrow Skip!Thursday at 7:56pm? Hansi Schaffer Brittain Can't "like" this news enough!Thursday at 7:56pm? Leslie Snowden OMG, that is great news!!!! :)Thursday at 7:56pm? Leslie Snowden Thank u!!!Thursday at 7:56pm? Amy VJ As you know, eating and peeing are the best signs! Good luck!Thursday at 7:56pm? Eliza Howard My kids are elated me too ?? for Skip !!Thursday at 7:57pm? Romie K. Francis Fye I knew it! I knew with all of our positive energy, prayers, etc..... That Skip would be okay! Thursday at 7:57pm? Melissa Pollard This is the best news i've heard all day! I'm all teary eyed now GO SKIP! ?Thursday at 7:58pm? Janet Mathis Arnold Thanks for posting this!Thursday at 7:58pm? Ashley Jager You can do it skip ! We are pulling for you Thursday at 7:58pm? Steve Shelby Sending lots of prayers. Was going to send money but apparently prayers are the in thing now. Hope the exchange rate works out.Thursday at 7:59pm? Allison Friedman That's amazing. One step at a time. Thanks for updating.Thursday at 8:00pm? Martha Wexler thank goodness!Thursday at 8:00pm? Connie Halsey I really hope he can survive and has the kind of personality that will allow him to be happy at the Sanctuary if he can't go back to the wild!Thursday at 8:02pm? Marie Council What good news!!!Thursday at 8:02pm? Debra Hancock God bless the surgeon and we pray Skip will be back on his feet step at a time!Thursday at 8:02pm? Marie Anne Lefebvre YAY!!! Good luck Skip!!!! Thank you so much BCR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 8:02pm? Toni Tedesco Royer How wonderful! Thank you St. Frances and keep your hands on this little one!Thursday at 8:04pm? Nagy Alexandra I'm so happy for you Skip. Get well soon! :) I'm watching you live. You're gergeous!Thursday at 8:04pm? John Petrucco I told you! Just a HOP SKIP and a JUMP away from being back on your paws buddy!!Thursday at 8:05pm? Melanie Lowe one puddy step at a time you can do it SkipThursday at 8:05pm? Elise Evans Been watching Skip on the web cam and sending along positive thoughts for his recovery. Thank you, BCR, for your commitment to the wonderful creatures in your care. It is great to see that there are so very many good people in this world who are praying for this little guy's recovery.Thursday at 8:07pm? Heather Cantrell Such good news! I sent a donation the other night through the matching funds thingy...I don't know if it'll go straight to Skip, but maybe it can help cover something. This little angel deserves a second chance!Thursday at 8:09pm? Janet Powell Bisson That just brought "happy tears" to my eyes......that is EXCELLENT news!!....Keep up the good work BCR :)Thursday at 8:10pm? Gee Whiz McGee Oh jeez, somebody clean up his poop over there!Thursday at 8:11pm? Caroline Carlson Abrom Hallelujah! Thank you Lord! Thank you sooooooooooo much BCR!! We are all so overjoyed by this wonderful news!!!Thursday at 8:13pm? Christine Andrade Let's go Skip! You can do it!Thursday at 8:14pm? JoAnn Paolantonio good news indeed!Thursday at 8:14pm? Stephanie Winters he is sawing logs right now...I can see his little side go up and down...Thursday at 8:15pm? Arlene Hoffer Alright Skip! Pooping up a storm! Way To Go, buddy, literally! We love you buddy! Rest up and get well darling boy, you can do it!Thursday at 8:15pm? Bonnie Kelley bcr stands for best care round!!! thanks so much for all you do!!!Thursday at 8:17pm? Janet Davis That's amazing! Thank you too a BCR teachers, supporters, and vets.Thursday at 8:19pm? Alex Foxx Whoo hoo! I've been waiting all night and day for this news! It's even better than expected because he peed! I am so proud of Skip and elated beyond words. Thursday at 8:20pm? Amanda Reynolds I was afraid to watch get too attached but I am so glad I did because I see some poopy right beside him! Sooo happy to hear he is peeing now too!!!Thursday at 8:24pm? Sonya Cabral Awesome!!!!!!! I'm sooooooo happy that our beloved skip has finally peed, he is having surgery tomorrow!!! I'm also happy that there is a vet that can make him better, butI'm crying that he might never be able to run again!!! Hang in there you sweet boy that you are skip, there are millions of people who love you and are praying for you to make a sppedy recovery!!! :) GO SKIP!!! GO SKIP!!! :)Thursday at 8:25pm? Alex Foxx I can't wait to go home to log onto the webcam. Can't get it on my phone. Sorry I missed him poo! Thank you BCR and Skip, the wonderful man who chased him down, and the awesome veterinarians! Go Skip, go!Thursday at 8:27pm? Silvia Loehrer I also donated, but through their paypal option site...this was a piece of cake...just wanted to post the link for anyone that would like to do it through can also donate using a cc card using this link... at 8:29pm? Silvia Loehrer Thank goodness he is going in for surgery tommorrow! That is such great news!!! We are all in this with you Skip!! May you get through the surgery with flying colors!! XOXOXOThursday at 8:31pm? Kris Barrett Daugherty If he can't run BCR will definitely keep him right? I just donated and am watching the Skip cam. BCR rocks! I'll keep praying.Thursday at 8:32pm? Les Habitants Good news. I'm watching the live cam and he's alert and snarling so he still has lots of fight in him. Get well little guyThursday at 8:32pm? Silvia Loehrer I also want to send loving thoughts and energy to the surgeon that isn't giving up on Skip either!!! We love you and thank you so much for helping Skip...blessings to you and your loving staff...XOXOXOThursday at 8:32pm? Michelle Congdon Oh thank god!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 8:34pm? Dena Richardson Such great news! Good luck in surgery tomorrow Skip! I'll be praying for your speedy recovery! Thursday at 8:35pm? Sasha E. Vides Yay! I was beginning to worry. So happy :)Thursday at 8:35pm? Arlene Hoffer How wonderful! Someone just came in and slowly, gently removed Skip's poop with big tweezers...Skip moved about alertly, ready to defend himself, but he was cool, he didn't freak out....he's definitely not sure of his surroundings, but he's cool and taking it all in. Then they lowered the lights, all the while slow and calm....great job all you Hospital folk, Great Job!Thursday at 8:36pm? Ann Zettervall I am so glad Skip will get surgery! I hope it goes well enough that he can walk again.Thursday at 8:37pm? Florida Potter was very happy to see skip poo!!!? he sure looks spirited...? Wishing him BEST of luck tomorrowThursday at 8:44pm? Amanda Nicole Scaggs That is GREAT news!!!!!Thursday at 8:45pm? Michelle Able Yeah!!! I pray his surgey goes well and for his speedy recovery!Thursday at 8:46pm? Annarosa Berman Fantastic news. Thanks for helping this beautiful creature.Thursday at 8:47pm? Holly Oxenfree Yay!!!!!!!Thursday at 8:48pm? Torri Chandler That is great news. Prayer are with him for a full recovery!!Thursday at 8:50pm? Donna Ralphs Woo Hooooo!!! (Doing cartwheels!!!)Thursday at 8:53pm? Eilene Wood Great news!! Praying for Skip.Thursday at 8:57pm? Sammy Williams If Skip cant run, he wont be able to hunt! That would be bad! Will you have to make some ultimate decision once he finishes recovery?Thursday at 8:58pm? Eilene Wood Let's light the candles for Skip. at 9:05pm? Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Other cats, like Ace and Alachua Bob were rehab bobcats who could not heal well enough to run and they live out a quiet life here, away from the tour route, just getting room service twice a day.Thursday at 9:07pm 11 peopleLoading...? Donna Ralphs Nice, spoiled kitties ;) They deserve it!Thursday at 9:08pm? Rosemarie Plaetke did the surgeon make a prognosis re. walking?Thursday at 9:09pm? Kimberly Jones Thank you for all that you are doing for him at BCR! :)Thursday at 9:09pm? Les Habitants ?" If you make your best effort to be kinder, nurture compassion, make the world a better place, then you can say 'At least I've done my best’." ~ Dalai Lama Thanks to the rescuers who stopped to help Chip, the doctors and of course BCR for showing so much compassion and giving the little guy a chance. Hope the surgery is successful and he recovers. You are all indeed doing the best you can. ThanksThursday at 9:10pm? Suzie Buck Someday when I get my Act together, and come down to intern. (working on my Zoology degree here) I will be honored to meet all the small critters and learn all i can about there care. I have wanted to come and work at BCR since I first hear of them.Thursday at 9:10pm? Deborah Caron Oh this is wonderful news!!! What an incredible start to a new year. I've been waiting for this good news all day. Thursday at 9:10pm? Richard Brown yay!!!!Thursday at 9:11pm? Annette Johnson-Braswell Way to go Skip!!Thursday at 9:15pm? Jane Alexander Barcroft If our boy can just get around when the surgeon has done his magic, it's good. Miss Jane had a vet for her house kitties who repaired a broken pelvis in his own domestic cat, and she lived a long and happy life motivating all over his house, including on the ceiling if he held her up to it.Thursday at 9:24pm? Sandra Davis Yay =)Thursday at 9:25pm? Ann Eastham Yay Little Skip! Let all your inner frustration fuel your recovery! Be a little pisser!!Thursday at 9:27pm? Donna Raihl GO SKIP! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! May God be with the hands and mind of Dr. Wynn who is helping Skip back on his feet. God be with you all!!Thursday at 9:28pm? Ruth Williamson Hoorraaah!!!!! That's wonderful news. Good luck!!!!Thursday at 9:38pm? Chris Tremlett Yay! You go, Skip! And many thanks to the wonderful docs helping take care of him!Thursday at 9:38pm? Jada Hope I've never been so happy to hear about a cat peeing before!!! Yay Skip!Thursday at 9:44pm? Lynne Lewis Donahue Oh yay! I've been afraid to see the updates, but this IS good news!!Thursday at 9:52pm? Amanda Reynolds EXCELLENT!!! Will be praying for him!!! I'm sooooooooo happy to hear, what a little fighter! Gotta love him :)Thursday at 9:54pm? Angie Krohne Pontynen Thank you BCR and the Vets and Techs who did not give up on Skip! Such great news!Thursday at 9:56pm? Andrea Ortiz Positive positivism!!!! keep it coming!Thursday at 9:57pm? Barbara Trovato He peed, the news keeps getting better and better! The live cam is off, I guess the turned the lights off so he can sleep?Thursday at 10:02pm? Snow Bop Wow, that really is great news!!Thursday at 10:06pm? Karen MacNeill Swartz Hoping for a healing new year for Skip and relieved he is in the best hands, especially with this cold weather!Thursday at 10:12pm? Ashley R Richard YAY!! SKIP!!Thursday at 10:20pm? Pati Renteria Oh, it's so CUTE!!!!!!Thursday at 10:23pm? Meleah Kirby Thank you to the bone specialist who is willing to try and help him and to everyone at BCR for not giving up on him.Thursday at 10:29pm? Melinda Whitfield So so glad he is better and can have surgery. I was so worried.Thursday at 10:48pm? Frances Pappas our prayers r with you Skip,,,XOXOXOThursday at 10:56pm? Amy Milligan Good boy Skippykins! I am so happy that you have pooped and peed! (and that's not something I say very often!!!). Okay, it's not something I've ever said to anyone/anything but the sentiment is real! Thanks to EVERYONE that helped Skip! To his rescuers, BCR, the vets, the vet techies, and everyone pulling for him on facebook! GO Skip GO!!! Thanks to St. Francis of Assisi for intervening and sending his healing powers to Skip/etc.!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 11:47pm? Lynette O'Brien Yes!Yesterday at 12:02am? Susie Gaitan Yay for Skip!!!Yesterday at 12:22am? Eilene Wood Amy I've never said pped and pooped before either, but since I've become involved witih horse rescue, I've said this many times, horse people "get it" or should I say "animal" people "get it". Everyone thank you for giving this beautiful boy a chance, I know he feels the love.Yesterday at 1:29am? Dana Gilkey the news just makes me want to cry w/joy! give skip lots of hugs from me and a big kiss! and once again, thank-you for all you do!!! peace!Yesterday at 1:34am? Kimmie D Roberts yeahhhh go skipper!Yesterday at 4:46am? Pammy Rae YAY SKIPPY!!!! COME ON DOWN...! lol.. pee poo and come thro!!! routin for ya baby!!!!Yesterday at 5:28am? Stacy Kligerman I told ya all you needed was FAITH! : )Yesterday at 6:04am? Donna Coffey If Skippy makes it but can't run, will BCR be able to take him in? I know you have limited room and I'll challenge everyone out there that's pulling for Skip to go to the BCR website and donate just 1 or 2 dollars @ the matching grant (your donation will be doubled) to help pay Skippy's bills. I already donated...will you?Yesterday at 6:27am? Donna Coffey ?:::Still saying prayers to St. Frances and St. Gertrude (the latter is the patron saint of cats) for Skip in his surgery today. I have to work alll day so won't be able to check on his progress until late this afternoon...please let it be good news! Amen :)::::Yesterday at 6:28am? Donna Arsenault Bryant I wish I could donate but my husband was laid off 3 days before Christmas. I will post the donate link on my site again though.Yesterday at 6:53am? Donna Arsenault Bryant I can't find the donate link for the matching funds so I can post on my site. Can someone post it?Yesterday at 6:55am? Donna Coffey Donna, those links above "should" work. If not go to and click around. :) You'll find it. And btw..THANK YOU from Skip!Yesterday at 7:06am? Donna Arsenault Bryant I found it and found the matching one, embedded it on my site. :) I have dj's on there too from an online radio show. Some of them may even put an ad for it. We'll see. Thanks for the link. Here's the link to the matching donate page. at 7:06am? Donna Arsenault Bryant BTW - For those of us that can't donate, you can copy and paste the donate link to your facebook status, post the link on every site you go to like myspace, etc. If you have a blog or other type of site, mine is a social site like facebook, embed the ad on your site so we can get some funds for BCR.Yesterday at 7:07am? Donna Arsenault Bryant Here's my status, copy and paste it to yours if you want to.?? Big Cat Rescue is trying to save a bobcat that was hit by a car. You can help by donating here and right now, funds are being matched! Pretty... cool.See MoreYesterday at 7:11am? Donna Arsenault Bryant Alright, I've taken over the post here. lol. Here's a challenge to all of you following this bobcat's rescue. Let's take this donating post viral. In other words, all of you post the donating status to your page and encourage all of your friends to post it as well and let's see how many people we can get involved in raising money! Let's make it a New Year's BCR Party right here! For Skip, let's POST!!Yesterday at 7:19am? Arlene Hoffer I love how thrilled we all are for the Mighty Skipster when he poops and pees! I understand he's going in to surgery today, and I feel so hopeful! You guys at BCR and this hospital are the best! Paws crossed for ya Skip! We love you!Yesterday at 7:42am? Llyn Walker I hope it works.18 hours ago? Caroline Am I know Skip's injuries are much worse than my Baron's bad knee was...But, the day after surgery, when Baron was not supposed to be jumping AT ALL, he jumped on the couch as soon as he got home! I hope Skip makes a full recovery as well. Dr Hay is great!8 hours ago? Amy Milligan Yay!!! Baron!!! I love happy endings!about an hour ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLI set up the transport cage next to Skip's cage tonight so he can move off the wet blanket and be ready for his ride to the vet tomorrow. If you don't see him on UStream, he's probably in the other side. Lungs starting to congest from impact so surgery will be touch and go. Send the loving thoughts!Thursday at 10:11pmSandra Roberts-April, Kym Marszal, Toni Brodnick and 241 others like this.oKathy Farley-Panaras will keep Skip in my prayers!Thursday at 10:12pmoKelly Nance hang in there Skip.Thursday at 10:12pmoRebecca Barrar Petrilak Keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.Thursday at 10:12pmoWanda Wilson Tierman Fight with all you have !Thursday at 10:12pmoMichelle Bafik-Vehslage Blessings said... St Francis will be watching over, Skip..Thursday at 10:12pmoRuthann Seitz Kling i hope everything works outThursday at 10:12pmoCrystal Codina I think i missed it. How did he get injured?Thursday at 10:12pmoScott Cote prayers going your way Skip .... pull through boy, nothing hurts you ...Thursday at 10:12pmoVivian Wolpers I send not only lots of loving thoughts.... I send up prayers for the surgery to go well !!!Thursday at 10:13pmoLinda Davis got hit by a carThursday at 10:13pmoCarla Hlatky Hope all works out! I'll be visiting Big Cat on my trip to Tampa!Thursday at 10:13pmoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Oh no!! Praying for Skip!!!!!!Thursday at 10:13pmoEliza Howard All my familys blessings and prayers for you Skip-? ?Thursday at 10:13pmoLinzee Mundtt ustream is off ...blessings for skip..Thursday at 10:14pmoCara Wilson ? ? ?Thursday at 10:14pmoJanet Naylor Vandenabeele Hang in there, little dude!Thursday at 10:14pmoTammy Wragg oh sending love and prayers for skip, i hope he makes it..he just has too...Thursday at 10:14pmoMelissa Koblin Lots of love and good thoughts!!! ?Thursday at 10:14pmoKrystal Grohman Sending prayers & healing thoughts to Skip..Thursday at 10:14pmoLinda Moch Prayers that the surgery goes well also. Loving thoughts coming Skips way.Thursday at 10:14pmoAndrea Kartchner Cupp Even if he passes on he does so with much love and comfort. Obviously I hope he spends a long, healthy spoiled life at the sanctuary (if he can't be released). You guys are wonderful. ? to Skip and prayers for a sweet recovery :)Thursday at 10:15pmoLinda Davis come on God, what better way to end the year than with another miracle...You brought him to it, please bring him through it...Thursday at 10:15pm ·oBrian Howle Stongheart, Skip!Thursday at 10:15pmoLisa Olson Oh no my Skip love, hang on guy you can make it!!!Thursday at 10:15pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen He's fought so hard and come so far, I'm praying he'll make it!Thursday at 10:15pmoAnita 'Greenberg' Beaudet I'll keep him in my prayers!!Thursday at 10:16pmoNina Lyman purring and praying for SkipThursday at 10:16pmoLisa Olson Me too AngieThursday at 10:16pmoBonnie Kelley oh please let him be alright!!! i am wishing so hard for him!Thursday at 10:16pmoLeslie Snowden Angel Skip is in my prayers, hope somehow he can recover :)Thursday at 10:17pmoJane Alexander Barcroft So many people love you, Skip! can you feel it? Hang in there!Thursday at 10:17pmoLinda Reilly keep you in our thoughts, skip! be strong buddy, only good things await you after this!Thursday at 10:17pmoAlison Roth All my best thoughts and prayers Skip!Thursday at 10:17pmoMary Thompson I watched him for a while today and he seemed to peaceful I will continue to pray he will make it.Thursday at 10:17pmoLuanne Seiverd McKnight Sending prayers and warm wishes for Skip...I hope he makes it through this journey..Thursday at 10:18pmoLisa PoloSending healing and protective energies Skip's way!!Please light a virtual candle and say a prayer and send healing energies to Skip during his surgery as well as recovery.. Thanks!Click on the link MoreThursday at 10:18pmoChristine Calder thoughts and prayersThursday at 10:18pmoJeri Lynn Thompson praying for the little guy!Thursday at 10:20pmoJoanie Maverick Team Skip all the way. Hope he holds on.Thursday at 10:20pmoSonya Cabral We are praying for you skip!!! May god help you to make it!!! What a sweet little boy you are!!! LOTS OF LOVE & PRAYERS for you skip!!!Thursday at 10:21pmoRhonda Mengarelli awwww he's come so far PLEASE Skip you can pull through this.God is watching over you,he wont let you suffer anymore then you need to.I'm praying for you Skip and all of those who are trying to help you.Please keep us all up on what is happeningThursday at 10:22pmoAshley R Richard Lots of loving thoughts and healing energy!!!Thursday at 10:24pmoJerrica Beek ?Thursday at 10:24pmoAmanda June Morton Sending loving thoughts and prayers for skip and his care providers.. you have a whole team cheering for you..Thursday at 10:24pmoKaren Hampton Come on Skip,you can do it xxxThursday at 10:24pmoLucille Fortier My prayers are with Skip!Thursday at 10:25pmoKaren Swartz Hang in there Skip! You will make it. Be Strong!!!Thursday at 10:25pmoLee Miles Bradford Sending good thoughts your way Skip! Poor little guy.Thursday at 10:25pmoRandy Whittington You guys are doing an incredible job of working to save Skip. It's such a wonderful thing to see! You're going to pull through Skip, I just know it.Thursday at 10:26pmoMeleah Kirby Sending lots of love and prayers for Skip.Thursday at 10:27pmoClifford J. Weyrauch GO SKIP!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!Thursday at 10:27pmoKen Weyrauch Much love for SKIP!! good luck buddyThursday at 10:27pmoAngela Goodson Abbott Come on Skip, you can do it, buddy...we're all thinking about you and praying for you. You've made it this far and we aren't giving up on you! Be strong sweet boy! ?Thursday at 10:28pmoDorita Reyen He really has come a long way. Let's all keep praying and sending out loving healing energy his way. Bless you little Skip!Thursday at 10:28pmoRachel DeFauw Sending lots of prayers for Skip. I have a big heart for animals and it hurts me to think he's suffering. I hope he pulls through. Sending lots of love and prayers to him, wherever his journey takes him?Thursday at 10:28pmoDeborah Caron We're all with you Skip. Just feel our loving and healing thoughts and prayers double strength.Thursday at 10:28pmoMary Thompson I tried to see him just now but it was off.Thursday at 10:28pmoBlair Bocock We are all pulling for you little man. Healing thoughts for a productive surgery. I was watching you on the webcam and you are such a cutie.Thursday at 10:30pmoLes Habitants ? good luck little guy, hope all goes well and we see you soonThursday at 10:30pmoJoyce A. Bendishaw Thoghts and prayers and God Bless you for making the trip and doing all you can to save Skip!Thursday at 10:31pmoTiffanie M Kines Hunt saying prayers for skip and the docs! and for BCR!Thursday at 10:32pmoWilliam Dager Hang in there SKIP..Thursday at 10:36pmoRobert Lyons Sending lots of loving thoughts and healing thoughts to Skip and the vets that are going to make him better . Keep up the great progress, Skip !!!!! .Thursday at 10:36pmoChantal Sullivan prayers....Thursday at 10:36pmoJulie Shaw Well send healing thoughtsThursday at 10:36pmoCaroline Burgess Nelson Prayers and love to Skip!Thursday at 10:37pmoColleen Tracey If the lungs starts to congest the dr won t do the surgery til its clear. That's not a good sign! :( hopefully that they have something to relieve the congestion. Come on Skip ... Plz make the last day of the year a miraculous day!Thursday at 10:41pmoBarbara Trovato What's the wet blanket for? Lungs getting congested from impact of accident - didn't know that was a side effect. Poor little guy, everybody's pulling for him! It made my day this morning when I found out he'd pooped, and now he's peed, too. Good luck tomorrow, little buddy!Thursday at 10:42pmoLinda Crowder Manous Poor Skip. I'm so sorry.Thursday at 10:42pmoMia McDonald we are...thanks for the update.Thursday at 10:44pmoCindy Hawbaker God will here the prayers and make his choice,Blessings to Skip in this life and next! ;*()Thursday at 10:45pmoCindy Hawbaker God will here the prayers and make his choice,Blessings to Skip in this life and next! ;*()Thursday at 10:45pmoRondi Kay Abbott The power of prayer is amazing and I know that Skip will pull through!!Thursday at 10:46pmoKate A Shaffer Goode God is watching over his creatures, Hes watching you Skip and He will direct the Drs in the right direction to help you!! He wont let you suffer, Hes with you!!Thursday at 10:47pmoKaren Christopherson Come on Skip we are all holding you in our warm embrace and willing you to heal. Praying for a New Years miracle for you and all of us. gentle ear scratches.Thursday at 10:47pmoGinny Gugliucci Healy Come on Skip!!!! You can do this beautiful boy! Please ?Thursday at 10:48pmoRobin Dougherty the poor little lamb!Thursday at 10:48pmoAlex Foxx It brings tears just thinking of all your fans, Skip. Everyone loves you and wants you to pull through this. I'll be praying and sending healing energy your way. Go Skip!Thursday at 10:49pmoDarlene Richardson My thoughts and prayers are with Skip and for all of the wonderful people that are helping him ... ?Thursday at 10:49pmoDebbie Messner Rodriguez Loving and healing thoughts and prayers coming his way!" We're all pulling for you Skip"...Thanks again to all of you for all you do for these animals?Thursday at 10:53pmoMelinda Whitfield Praying for those who will perform the surgery tomorrow and praying for Skip...Thursday at 10:54pmoNina Rozankovich-Woeachko You got this Skip! Be strong Baby!Thursday at 10:56pmoCarrie Gleason LOVING THOUGHTS BEING SENT!!!Thursday at 10:56pmoDebbie Drammeh Prayers are with you Skip!!, You're a strong boy..Stay strong!!..Lots of healing energy coming your way!!..Thank you BCR for all you are doing!Thursday at 10:58pmoColleen Mulloy Smolen He's in our thoughts and prayers. You can make it Skip!Thursday at 11:00pmoDeana Koopman Oh Skip. This makes me so sad, I'm almost crying thinking about him. For him to not make it is just so heartbreaking. I don't want him to suffer, but I was so hoping he'd get better. If the surgery is a success, it will be a wonderful thing. If not, I hope he is happy & pain-free in kitty heaven.Thursday at 11:04pmoJewels Jazlin PRAYERS for Skip!!Thursday at 11:04pmoLenore Infanti Xoxox much prayers!!!!Thursday at 11:06pmoTammy Dulaney Love you Skip! Blessings your way!Thursday at 11:08pmoShannon Sopoci Corn My thoughts and prayers are with you skip and with the amazing people who are fighting to help you through this. BRC thank you for being a vessel of love and compassion for god's creatures.Thursday at 11:09pmoConnie Halsey Little feisty one, I'm pulling for you to make it! I am worried about the congestion though.... :(Thursday at 11:10pmoMelissa A. Arnold Podolak Loving thoughts are on their way...Thursday at 11:11pmoDena Richardson Hang in there little Skip. You can make it through! All of us here are sending loving thoughts and praying for your recovery!!Thursday at 11:17pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Wow, this is so stressful...feel helpless. I am praying and hoping that things will get better for Skip. He is a beautiful creature that deserves the chance that yall are giving him!Thursday at 11:18pmoAndrea Tomich Ohnstad God bless little Skip and everyone who's working to save him. It's amazing to experience such wonderful kindness and love for a wild creature. Prayers to you all. And if it's time to cross over, Skip, may flights of angels see thee to thy rest.Thursday at 11:21pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Channel is offline??? I hope everythings ok!Thursday at 11:21pmoShawn Hegerich Prayers for SkipThursday at 11:23pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt After Skips recovery, yall should have a big celebration and invite all of his followers on FB so we can all bring donations , needed items and such to help out your tremendous efforts! It would be well worth the 8-9 hr. drive from Charleston!Thursday at 11:23pmoJessy Carrington I hope he pulls through all this. His life has just begun. Skip is such a amazing cat and it would be a tragedy to all if we lost him. This little bobcats life has just started and he has so much more ahead of him. Thank you BCR for giving him the chance to live that life to the fullest. Thank you for caring, if only everyone was like the amazing people that are at BCR the world would be a better place for everyone and every living thing on this planet.Thursday at 11:24pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Skip stay strong for the surgery! We all love you and are sending you positive healing vibes!Thursday at 11:25pmoBreawna Smith Praying and sending airhugs.Thursday at 11:35pmoNancy Gelonek Johnson We are all here for you and youir doctors, Skip! Healing thoughts, hugs, tummy sugars and prayers for you and the doctors. BCR is the best and they will do everything humanly possible for you.Thursday at 11:36pmoAngel Camacho Skip is in my thoughts constantly. My puppy and kitty are cheering for him too!Thursday at 11:36pmoEl Burke Stay strong lil one. Soon you will be fixed and on the road to recovery. You will have a good life with BCR, so don't give up yet. My furbabies are all purring for you. ?Thursday at 11:36pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL UStream is on, but the lights in cat hospital go off at 9pm so their internal clocks don't get messed up while confined inside.Thursday at 11:39pm 2 peopleLoading...oBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Vet says the congestion is normal a couple days after a car strike. Probably from the internal bleeding. Xrays were clear the day of, but now he is a little wheezy. Not too bad. Just letting you know.Thursday at 11:40pm 12 peopleLoading...oAmy MilliganOkay St. Francis of Assisi..... sorry to keep pestering you BUT!!! please send your healing powers to Skip the bobcat. Please send the gift of steady hands and determination to the vets operating on Skip. Please send good vibes to the vet t...echies that are also caring for Skip. {{{{{POSITIVE VIBES}}}}} {{{{{LOVE}}}}} {{{{{RECOVERY}}}}} {{{{{BCR}}}}}See MoreThursday at 11:42pm ·oJoyce McNevin Skip, you're in our prayers, don't give up just yet, hang in're young, give it all u got....we're with ya!Thursday at 11:43pmoLisa Fleming Philpot Sending him healing light and love.Thursday at 11:44pmoAllison Friedman My happy thoughts are coming your way skip! You are already such a fighter!Thursday at 11:49pmoJune Kramer good luck skip!!!!Thursday at 11:52pmoAngel Villano It will all work out....It sounds as if you have the best of the best helping you and prayers from everyone else. Soon all this will be but a bad memory and you'll be nursed back to health by very special people. St. Frances is watching over you tonight and he will be with you during your surgery tomorrow. I'm sure you will be on a lot of peoples minds for the next few days and I hope you can feel the love they all have for you.Thursday at 11:53pmoMelanie Smith love and prayers and hugs and kisses, good luck skip!Yesterday at 12:04amoDanielle Gastineau Cool, I'll watch a little when I get home.Yesterday at 12:05amoAnita Christine Haywood Wow look at all the prayers. Add mine to the list. I will pray for Skip tonight. Healing prayers are on their way.Yesterday at 12:07amoEl Burke I wish there was some way to stop the poor creatures from walking onto roads, highways, etc. It breaks my heart every time I see a dead animal on the side of the road and I imagine how terrified they must have been before they were hit. I am so grateful to all those people who help the poor things before it's too late. And especially grateful to Nici, Skip Sr (human rescuers) and BCR for helping those you have!Yesterday at 12:08am ·oNancy Matthews Ewe Hang in there Skip!!! We know you can take it and get back up on those beautiful furry paws!!1Yesterday at 12:09amoMelanie Shand You got 'em. Prayers, love reiki...the whole nine yards. COME ON, SKIP!Yesterday at 12:12amoAndrew K. Moldenhauer I hope all goes smooth for him!Sad to be in that position, at least he's in loving CARE!!!!!!!Yesterday at 12:14amoAmy O'Donnell Keeping the faith for the little Bobcat named Skip. Come on, buddy! You're in good hands, now it's up to you!Yesterday at 12:15amoAlesia Abatie Sending best wishes and a hug to Skip!Yesterday at 12:20amoSilvia Loehrer I don't think I will get much sleep tonight and at 9 am I am gonna' be even more of a I am praying and everything you can imagine right now! He will pull through and surprise us all. Goodnight little one....tomorrow you are going to show us what you're already made of. We love the cat in you! We all will be waiting for you to get back on that camera, so we can just sit on our computers and stare at ya' ALL DAY!Yesterday at 12:23amoVicky Zulli Belveduto Too sad to even read about.Yesterday at 12:30amoDebbie Watroba Loving thoughts and prayers for Skip. ?Yesterday at 12:31amoTrish Mitchell Consider major loving thoughts sent. ?Yesterday at 12:31amoAlex Foxx Thanks for the update. Really appreciated!Yesterday at 12:40amoKerri Simson I hope he pulls thru... thank u BCR for all that you do....true god sendsYesterday at 12:42amoSylvia Klasson Miller God bless Skip, and God bless you for taking care of him! He and you will again be in my prayers.Yesterday at 12:51amoWendy Boorstein DAMNGOOD LUCK SKIPYesterday at 1:02amoLinda Winstanley Thoughts and prayers xxYesterday at 1:19amoKimmie D Roberts Ill be praying for you skip! Should you walk the rainbow bridge our prayers and luv will followYesterday at 1:21amoKim Cisco prayers sent!Yesterday at 1:28amoAj Silver Best and loving thoughts sent!!Yesterday at 1:30amoRachel Alonzo good thoughts and vibes your way Skip ;)) I hope u make it ?Yesterday at 1:44amoDebi Gungor Awww skip you was doing so well last night , come on little boy fight xxxxYesterday at 3:34amoMichelle MortonThanks for the update about the lung congestion, BCR. I realize it's still touch & go, but I feel a little more hopeful than I did after first reading about the congestion. I watched him for so many hours today - I will be so brokenhearted ...if he doesn't pull through. *Sending positive vibes and love* Stay tough, Skip!Excuse me while I go & give my kitties extra hugs now.See MoreYesterday at 4:12amoDonna Coffey Comeon can make're a tough lil cat! If you only knew how many people were pulling for you!Yesterday at 4:57amoEliza Howard My family is praying for you beautiful Skip all love and blessings your way GODSPEED to recovery and a great life at B.C.R.Yesterday at 5:04amoNagy Alexandra I woke up an hour ago and the first thing I did was turning on my computer to check on Skip :) I'm praying for him, and sending all my happy thougths. Yesterday I sent my mom the link of the livestream. She called me an hour later: "He's not moving... Tell me that he's just sleeping, tell me immediately". Of course XD So she's rooting for Skip as well. Many loving thoughts from Hungary :)Yesterday at 5:13am ·oDora Arsenault Prayers for SkipYesterday at 5:20amoJudit Tövissy Good luck Skip, we are rooting for you even as far as Hungary :) Lots of love, pull through this one too.Yesterday at 5:22amoNagy Alexandra Skip is so lucky that he's in the BCR's care. Thank you BCR for all the work you do.Yesterday at 5:22amoChristine Evert Good luck Skip!Yesterday at 5:56amoRich Gomez Aww... Thank you BCR for the hard work. :) Skip I hope you will feel better soon. :)Yesterday at 6:05amoCarusio MystWolf Please do what you can for him. He deserves this! Good luck Skip, we love you!Yesterday at 6:29amoNora Mutao Frost Youll do it Skip keep it up, show them what big cats can do!Yesterday at 6:35amoDonna Coffey I'll be worried all day at work wondering how Skip is and praying he comes through the surgery okay...comeon Skippy boy, you can make it!Yesterday at 6:40amoDonna Coffey PS...thank you BCR for coming to Skip's rescue. You all totally rawk :)Yesterday at 6:40amoDeborah Jo Williams Sending good thoughts your way Skip.Yesterday at 6:59amoHeather Adler Sending positive energy to all your cats.Yesterday at 7:03amoHeather Cantrell Rooting for you, Skip!Yesterday at 7:08amoKathy Shane I hope he will be okYesterday at 7:12amoJanice Spitaleri Wolfe He is in my thoughts already.Yesterday at 7:16amoToni Brodnick Sending Skip loving thoughtsYesterday at 7:34amoNora Edwards Best of wishes to Skip. Praying for a quick and complete recovery.Yesterday at 7:39amoDorita Reyen Lighting more candles and sending more prayers for Skip and all the people caring for him now. Thanks, BCR!Yesterday at 7:47amoDiane M. Duhaime Good luck, Skip!!!Yesterday at 7:59amoSue Fair Good luck Skip :))Yesterday at 8:00amoBeth GiannosaSending positive, healing energies to Skip...we know you have the will to live, and the strength to survive, just hang in there buddy !!! To the Dr's operating on Skip-steady, loving, healing hands to treat him ! Many thanks to BCR for all... you've already done, and will be doing in the future ! Looking forward to watching Skip's recovery....because it's just a matter of time now. HE WILL HEAL, AND RECOVER !! No doubt in MY mind !! Go Skip go !!! The Giannosa tribe will continue to pray and purr for you, with much ? in our hearts ! :)See MoreYesterday at 8:04amoHolly Delgado praying for Skip...and BCR staff...I know how hard this must be ...pull through little guy...Yesterday at 8:06amoLaura E. Felton Awww thoughts and prayers are sentYesterday at 8:07amoArlene Hoffer Paws crossed for you Skip! We love you buddy!Yesterday at 8:09amoMariana Pires Good luck Skip :)I sent you a smiley! Want to see it? at 8:23amoDebbie Biamonte Awww...will say a prayer for him...Please be strong SkipYesterday at 8:26amoSharon Moore IM STILL PRAYING,PLEASE KEEP ME POSTED!!Yesterday at 8:41amoMarcia Katz I'm sending you love Skip! BCR is a place for survivors so you have the best team by your side!!! We are all praying for you!Yesterday at 8:47amoLisa Hoffman Schneeman I'm praying for you SkipYesterday at 8:50amoAraceli Molina Loves Skip! You're In good hands, and its God who uses those hands, so let God's will be done. Hugs and Kisses Buddy!Yesterday at 8:58amoMonica Hancock sending my warmest healthiest thoughts and just made a $100 donation.Yesterday at 9:03amoKipi Martin Harbour Still saying prayers for Skip !!!!!!Yesterday at 9:10amoPatricia Morris MacDonald Please keep us updated!Yesterday at 9:26amoAmy Milligan ?{{{{{LOVING THOUGHTS}}}}} {{{{{THANK YOU ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI and ST. GERTRUDE}}}}} {{{{{THANKS YOU BCR}}}}} {{{{{THANKS YOU TO THE VETS AND VET TECHIES}}}}}Yesterday at 9:30amoNici Haerter This is wonderful news---we are all praying for you Skip!!! Cant wait to hear the update after surgery!!!Yesterday at 9:52amoKimberly Jones Hang in there Skip!!! Keep fighting!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you! We love you Skip!Yesterday at 10:09amoSilvia Loehrer I am up and waiting for great ya' Skip! Can't wait to see ya' in the recovery room getting well....Yesterday at 10:13amoAnn Hartley ?Yesterday at 10:17amoPaul Deutsch I hope he's going to be OK - it makes me nervous that he isn't on the ustream feed...Yesterday at 10:17amoAminah Ameeri Does anyone know if Skip has made it through the surgery yet?? and is my ustream just down or is everyones?Yesterday at 10:39amoLisa Polo Don't forget to light a virtual candle and send healing energies and prayers his way... at 10:54amoCeleste Widman Live and be happy, Skip!!!!Yesterday at 11:03amoMarianne Weaver Heros.... here's to the big cat soldiers of love! For every caring and compassionate effort and passionate drive to save each one that comes your way and to all of those elsewhere who conserve our animals... May you be blessed for eternity! ? U ~ I am honored to call you friends~Yesterday at 12:00pmoPatricia Sheridan Praying for you, Skip! May God protect you! Big Hugs & Kisses! Lots of Love! XOXOYesterday at 12:07pmoDamia Turek Hang in there little guy - we're all routing for ya !Yesterday at 12:36pmoDiane Supowit Praying!Yesterday at 12:42pmoVicki Eddy hugs, prayers and kisses~Yesterday at 12:50pmoMichelle Able Prayers his way!Yesterday at 12:56pmoLela Brisco-Titus our Love, Prayers and Blessings are being sent. Hang in there little buddy21 hours agooHl Rankin ooohhh man, that is a scary xray even as a thumbnail. Doesn't look good, but I'll spark up a candle and hope for the best!21 hours agooMartha Hoffman Skinner Praying for him.21 hours agooTerry Brodner God Bless you, skip. ?21 hours agooVicki Eddy When I heard..and saw pick, u were in my heart!!7 minutes ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSearch Jamie Veronica for Skip updates as she is with himYesterday at 10:44amJeff Kremer, Chris Poole, Carolyn Cruz Yurkins and 60 others like this.oJeanne Stuart Still sending energy to Skip. I don't want to disturb Veronica.Yesterday at 10:48amoSilvia Loehrer Thank you so much.Yesterday at 10:52amoLisa Polo Don't forget to light a virtual candle and send healing energies and prayers his way... at 10:53amoBrian Howle Same here. But should it be, "Ommmm ... ommmm ... ommmm" or "Nommm ... nommm ... nommm?" Fight the good fight, Skip!Yesterday at 10:54amoLaura Grove Jeanne: you don't have to disturb Veronica. Just checked out her page. She posted some pictures about an hour ago that can be viewed by everyone... And thanks to all of you at Big Cat Rescue for doing what you do!Yesterday at 10:55am 1 personYou like this. ·oLeslie Cannon you can't see her page unless you "friend" her.Yesterday at 11:00amoAmanda Reynolds awww....poor baby :( thankfully he is in great hands! Praying he pulls through, what a strong boy!Yesterday at 11:01amoAnna Rouselle DeGrandchamp So I take it that Skip is the the picture of that beautiful tiger!!! Good luck...please do all you can to save him he is beautiful!!!Yesterday at 11:04amoKim MacDonald Grant all paws at our house are crossed for Skip!!! (and that is a LOT of paws)Yesterday at 11:05amoHolly Oxenfree Thank you all so much for helping Skip, and thank you to the specialists!!Yesterday at 11:10amoRich Gomez I really wish he's going to be okay... :)Yesterday at 11:14amoJoyce Garite Brady happy new yearYesterday at 11:18amoDebbie Massey fingers crossedYesterday at 11:18amoJodie Stein Bell I know Skip got HBC and I saw the x-ray of his pelvis. What exactly are they doing for him surgically????Yesterday at 11:30amoDebi Gungor thanx bcr xxxYesterday at 11:30amoRhonda Mengarelli Prayers are with Skip and all working with himYesterday at 11:34am 1 personYou like this. ·oColleen Tracey Some of us can t check on skips progress via jamie.. Is there another page we can look and read about skip. I feel like I'm ion a waiting room anxiously waiting for the results of the surgery ! Pacing back n forth in there !! LOLYesterday at 11:34amoSandra Lachs Prayers for Skip.Yesterday at 11:38amoSally Chancellor Peters there are lots of people on FB by that name. how can we find her?Yesterday at 11:40amoDebbie Watroba Still praying for Skip and the dedicated doctors and technicians helping him. God bless all of you!Yesterday at 11:41am 2 peopleYou and Amanda Reynolds like this. ·oSheila Fath Anna, Skip is the young Bobcat who was hit by a vehicle, rescued by BCR, and is presently undergoing surgery, we think for an injury to his pelvis. Skip is in the photos of the operating theatre at the top of the page. The beautiful Tiger is the BCR profile. Keep everything crossed for Skip. xYesterday at 11:53am 1 personYou like this. ·oBruce R. Johnson Hoping for a full, or at least a partial recovery for Skip.Yesterday at 11:59amoSissy Dorothy Clark Hadley aww facebook wont let me send jamie a friend request :( now i cant get skip updates from herYesterday at 12:14pmoMelissa Pollard For those of you looking for the right Jamie Veronica, here's her profile link: at 12:31pmoAmanda Reynolds I really think he's going to do great, gotta stay positive! he's come so far :)Yesterday at 12:45pm 2 peopleYou and Rhonda Mengarelli like this. ·oHeather Cantrell Jamie's FB Wall:!/profile.php?id=772945452&sk=wallYesterday at 12:54pmoShannon M. Skevakis Glad to hear that he urinated and defecated... that adds a lot to his prognosis. Really hope he pulls through the surgery and does well. You are all so great for helping him. He is so fortunate.Yesterday at 1:02pmoHeather Cantrell Jamie just posted some new X-Rays showing Skip's new hardware. I'm so happy for Skip!22 hours ago 1 person Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLDr. Hay has completed installing the plates in the left side of Skip's pelvis and is now resetting and placing a screw in the right side of the pelvis which had been separated from part of his vertebrae. See new photos by Jamie Veronica in album below.22 hours agoJeff Kremer, Janie Little Marlow, Nanda González and 171 others like this.oSusanne Brandofino still praying ?22 hours agooPatricia Morris MacDonald Come on, Skip! Hang in there, buddy!22 hours agooCynthia Whittler Kudos to all of you. You are all fabulous!!!22 hours agooCher March Prayers said!22 hours agooAlex Foxx I second that.22 hours agooJudy Chance The pix are amazing! Good luck to Skip and god bless to Dr. Hay!22 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer and 2 others like this. ·oKim Haller You're so close, Skip! Keep on fighting! Thanks BCR and Dr. Hay!22 hours agooGerri Paniccia Thank you Dr. Hay.22 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Lisa Polo, Silvia Loehrer and Amy Milligan like this. ·oLisa Olson Me too!22 hours agooLisa Polo Big Hugs and kisses to Big Cat Rescue, Dr. Hay, Skip, and all involved in his rescue and care!22 hours agooLisa Polo Continuing to send healing energies for a successful and speedy recovery for Skip! ?22 hours agooLinda Reilly might need to change his name to Steve Austin after this! good luck, Dr. Hay and good luck skip!22 hours agooCathy Houdelette Bonner Looks very promising. Good work!22 hours agooChristine Mortimer Turso Truly amazing! Thank God he landed in your hands! To a speedy recovery a happy long life! Good Luck Skip!!!!22 hours agooMary Lou Phillipson-Valdes Dr hay is the best...he placed pins in both knees of my Yorkie and she's been great!!!!! wonderful person too! Skip's in great hands..22 hours agooArlene Hoffer Yay! Looking good....I got online just now JUST to find out about Skip. I'm so glad....his new bionic status looks great! Looks like he'll need a Spa Retreat at BCR!22 hours agooChristy Matsuoka Hang in there, Skip! And thanks to BCR & Dr Hay for caring!22 hours agooDebbie McManigal Ellsworth Come on buddy! You can do it! We are all rooting for you! Soon this will be behind you.22 hours agooLinzee Mundtt bless them all and skip22 hours agooKathy Shane it's amazing what you guys can do. thank you for helping this kitty. keep us posted on how he's doing, please.22 hours agooMichaela Heilhecker How I wish I could help, I guess I'll just keep praying.22 hours agooJoanie Maverick Go, Skip, go!22 hours agooJohn PalmerI have a crushed right elbow. It has 22 screws and 4 plates but it works about half way. I also have 3 crushed fused vertabrae. The pain never goes away without narcotics. If Little Skip makes it he has a hard life in front of him. At least... he will be able to do it at BCR where he will be cared for really well. But a cat is not a human. It remains to be seen if he will have the quality of life a wild cat should have. There are so many unknown factors. It is so difficult to know what is best. But still I salute you BCR and I will support you with money as best as I can. You are wonderful.See More22 hours agooCheryl McClary Sending prayers and LOVE ? for this lil guy. Bless you BCR and the vet for the wonderful work!22 hours agooJohn Palmer Dr. Hay is my hero!22 hours agooNoreen Raudabaugh It's so wonderful to see y'all doing all you can to help Skip. It really does warm the heart, and is exactly what we all need more of in the coming new year... more compassion and kindness. 'Cause they can't say it themselves, I feel it necessary to say it for them: "You guys are amazing! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts." Wishing all of you and Skip a fabulous new year.22 hours agooLisa Polo I put this virtual candle group together for Skip.. you can say a prayer, send healing energies and light a candle for Skip.. Just click on the link. hours agooDeanna Voorhees I feel like I am sitting outside the OR waiting for news... I am there with you Skip in spirit.22 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Mary Lou Phillipson-Valdes, I am glad that your doggie is doing well... I hope that Skip will recover and not be in pain for the rest of his life. I am glad that he has Dr. Hay working on him! Blessing to you all for the New Year! XOXO. Thank you Dr. Hay and your team for helping Skip, thank you everyone at BCR, thank you Skip for stealing our hearts, thank you everyone here at this site..Happy New Year to you all! I can't wait to hear how he is recovering.22 hours agooKris Barrett Daugherty Skip the Bionic Bobcat!22 hours agooJody Holzhauer Poor thing is in for a rough recovery. God bless everyone helping!22 hours agooCynthia Whittler Anyone who can make a donation to them, no matter how small, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated.22 hours agooColleen Tracey will light another candle for Skip for a speedy recovery and get him back to being ' wild ' again! I know BCR will ensure his quality of life will reach at its optium and allow him to ' hunt ' in his enclosure once he can able to walk again22 hours agooCaroline Carlson Abrom I love you guys!! Thank you for what you are doing for this precious animal!22 hours agooSheryl Braswell praying all goes well for the little guy.21 hours ago

oTammy Dulaney God bless these drs!21 hours agooAmy Milligan Yay! Thanks to Dr. hay!!! Thanks to BCR!!! {{{{{SKIPPY}}}}} A very special thanks to St. Francis and St. Gertrude for their healing powers and help for Skip and everyone involved in rehab for the feisty guy!!!21 hours agooMonica Spires donate by midnite and your donation is doubled!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

21 hours agooYa Stra-Le btw the donation thru is really doubled! :) i tried!21 hours agooDonna Coffey AMEN...and thank God for Dr. Hay AND BCR AND especially the people that cared enough to stop for Skip. Haven't found the newest updates yet, but then again I've only been home 5 minutes! LOL18 hours agooDonna Coffey Can't wait till he's back online. I'll probably spend the weekend babysitting him from Ohio! LOL :::waves at Skip!::::18 hours agooSherry Anthony poor baby!16 hours agooCarolyn Nassif God bless you all!14 hours ago 1 personYou like this. Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSurgery went well! Skip is on his way back to Big Cat Rescue!!Keep him in your thoughts during his long road to recovery :)21 hours ago CommentJennifer LaMond, Brigitte Latton Brdije, Arlene Hoffer and 431 others like this.oJake StandingDown YAY!21 hours agooChristopher Shaber Excellent news. How is his spleen?21 hours agooMichelle Klein-Hass Yay! Mazel-tov, kitteh!21 hours agooMonica Spires I got a Bobcat Buddy sponsorship ... can I put Skips name on certificate?21 hours agooRhonda Mengarelli I having been praying from the start and will keep praying for skip and all of you that helped him.You guys are the BEST21 hours agooJoyce McNevin YAYYYY We knew u could do it!!! Thanks so much all of u involved with're the GREATEST!! God Bless21 hours agooVivian Wolpers Hurray !!!21 hours agooBrian Howle Yay, Skip!!!!!! Now I can start celebrating the New Year with added fervor and enjoyment! Happy New Year, everybody! (Especially Dr. Hay and BCR)21 hours agooMonica SpiresMATCHING GRANT IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM AND LOIS MODGLINThanks to the generosity of the family of William and Lois Modglin of Glendale, California, this grant provides that any donations to Big Cat Rescue that indicate they are to be submitted ...for a match from this grant will be matched dollar for dollar by a donation from this grant immediately upon receipt of you donation up to the $200,000 maximum. This 100% match means your donation has twice the impact!

21 hours agooKaren Norris-Rocha He's been on my mind constantly. I've got everyone in on the prayers and positive thoughts! Thank you!!!!21 hours agooSandra Lachs Great news!21 hours agooChristina Decoste Thank you for all the updates, BCR. And thank you for doing all you can to rescue this precious life.21 hours agooEl Burke Yay Skip!!! Sending love your way little one! ?21 hours agooSusanne Brandofino YAY! Dr Hay and the folks there at BCR are guys and gals ROCK!!!Come on Skip...we're with ya, buddy ?21 hours agooDe Adney I've been praying for him. God bless all who are helping him.21 hours agooEliza Howard Thank Goodness !!!!21 hours agooDebi Binkley Praying for the little guy on his road to recovery! Blessings to you all for everything you do!21 hours agooLynda Stephens Standing Ovation to Dr Hay & Team!!!21 hours agooKelly LeBel Sending good thoughts to Skip!!21 hours agooMarie Frawley Yay Skip! Great team work:)21 hours agooDebbie Drammeh That's so wonderful. Will keep praying for his recovery..Will Skip reside at BCR when he is recovered..I am so happy, This is such great news!!..Stay strong Skip! ?21 hours agooLinda Reilly we are rooting for you, big skip!!!21 hours agooClaes Nordström we keep our fingers crossed for skip, and a happy new year to all of you at BCR21 hours agooChantal Sullivan Makes MY New Year !! good news for 2011..prayers do work ! HNY skip...& all @ BCR what a dedicated team & Skip's saviors...Yay..21 hours agooKim Lopresti Johnson this is great, Hope BCR has a great new year.21 hours agooNanda González Everything going well with the skip.21 hours agooGabriele Herbst Geb Schön He is in good Hands and will do well !!! He just has ,too.21 hours agooJudy Rice Norcia Already 100 "Likes" for this good news!! A lot of us are following closely.21 hours agooNora Edwards Get well, Skip.21 hours agooSheri Freeman King Such good news! Get well soon Skip!!! Kudos to the doctors and BCR!!!21 hours agooMelinda Whitfield Is physical therapy the next step? I started PT for my lower back/pelvis today. Skip and I can be PT buddies!21 hours agooDena Richardson Yeah!!! Good news for the New Year!!!21 hours agooLisa Kane Thanks for keeping us updated!! Thanks for not giving up on him!!21 hours agooLori Johnson Poor little guy. Skip is lucky to have you all at BCR. Great job and thanks for all you do for these amazing animals!21 hours agooCarol Lloyd Awesome!21 hours agooLisa Olson Whooohoooo!21 hours agooLaurie Johnson Great work Team! Sending lots of healing energy Skip's way. Hang tough, Baby!21 hours agooBetsy Ross Go Skip, so glad to hear...prayers for a speedy recovery21 hours agooLes Habitants YAY! Skip21 hours agooBonnie Warren ?? Sending healing thoughts his way :^)21 hours agooDeborah Caron Thank goodness!! Big sigh of relief. I know it's not all over yet, but just so amazing how strong this little guy is! Thank you BCR for all that you do.21 hours agooNora Mutao Frost Its gonna be hard, but you'll be just fine. Keep on going Skip me and my daughter are rooting for you!21 hours agooPatricia Massari This is the BEST news I've heard in a long time!! So glad you were able to do the surgery and that Skip is getting better...? you Skip and wish you many years of life!21 hours agooChristine Kreevich Shellard What a way to start off the New Year. Yay Skip, so happy surgery went well. I will continue to keep him in my prayers.21 hours agooSue Fair You go Skippy! Stay strong. Can't wait to meet you :))21 hours agooPatricia Presley My prayers are with Little Skip always! Love you Little Skip,you are in my prayers Baby kitty!21 hours agooRita Bagala Awesome-theres no better high than helping an animal in all must be thrilled-kudos!!21 hours agooHolly Blue Prayers up for Skip's speedy recovery and Happy New Year to all you wonderful people at BCR x x x21 hours agooYa Stra-Le yay! Hang in there little warrior. Good job bcr and helpers!21 hours agooLorraine Kinnaird ?:-Dsuch gd news x21 hours agooCheryl Schaeffer YAY, Skip!!!!! I hope the video feed goes back on so we can watch over him.21 hours agooCindy Chyz Casteel This is the best news!!!!!! Yay!21 hours agooBarbara Crowell McCarthy Wonderful news to end the year with! Hope 2011 sees Skip making a full recovery!21 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Thank goodness...what a relief! Will you have him on ustream for observation soon?21 hours agooKatharine Kipp Good news to start the New Year off knowing that Skip is on the road to recovery. These are the things that I like to hear about. Thank you for doing such a good job in taking care of these wonderful big cats.21 hours agooMonica Spires hours agooDawn Skis Get better soon, Skip!21 hours agooAlex Foxx Awesome news, great way to start celebrating the new year. Thank you BCR, Dr. Hay, and all who are rooting for Skip. You go, Skip. The people that mattered most never gave up on you!21 hours agooMonica Spires donate by midnite and your donation is doubled!!

21 hours agooEilene Wood WooHOO!! I just feel that Skip's a fighter, he's young, seems to have that fighting spirit. Happy New Year Skip!!21 hours agooHeather Cantrell Hooray! He's got a long road ahead of him, but I know he'll get the best care! Dr Hay and BCR...god bless you for what you do!21 hours agooNina Rozankovich-Woeachko Way to go Skip! We knew you could do it!21 hours agooTina Reed I apologize if this question has been asked before. Will Skip stay at BCR now, or are you hoping to release him back into the wild? If he will be released, will you place a tracking device on him so that you can monitor him? I worry about a wild animal with implants. You never now what can happen with implants. I have seen animals who have had implants for years suddenly have problems.21 hours agooKayleigh Rhodes What a lovely New Year gift to everyone at BCR! Well done to everyone involved, may all of your New Year be blessed with happiness :-) Xx21 hours agooMonica Spires I believe he will become a resident of BCR...21 hours agooSandra Davis God is watching over you SKIP X0X021 hours agooLisa Cupp Vollenweider What is the vet's name? He did a fantastic job!!21 hours agooNagy Alexandra OMG! I'm so relieved. I'm truly happy for him. [My cat (his name is Io) is sick, pour soul. I'm just so happy to hear good news.]21 hours agooJan Swanson Great news!21 hours agooNici Haerter I knew he would pull through! What a fighter!!21 hours agooElizabeth Meade Yay!!! Fantastic news to start off the new year with! I imagine that he will not be able to be returned to the wild....will he be residing at BCR? I would looooooove to meet the Famous Skip next time I come to FL!!!21 hours agooLisa Marie Babbitt I believe the matching grant goes for another year - - but we're already more than a quarter way. Wonderful to see the support for these phenomenal creatures.21 hours agooMartha Hoffman Skinner Calling on Patron Saint for Animals .. St. Francis of Assisi ....21 hours agooStu Elman Yay, Skip!21 hours agooSheila Story Yay Skip!!!! My sister's ten-year-old cat died yesterday, so it's been kind of sad in our family. I hope the vets and rescuers know what a comfort it is to some of us to have a few of these terrible things made right. May God's blessings rain down and bring you joy in the coming year.21 hours agooBarry Rodberg While most people are getting ready to party, you guys and gals are extremely selfless putting the life of that beautiful cat before your own. I applaud all of you.21 hours ago

oMonica Spires 21 hours agooKim Haller So glad to hear! Healing prayers going out for Skip!21 hours agooMichelle Able Terrific news! Keep fighting skip!21 hours agooAraceli Molina OMG! Great news as we head into this new year. Thank You Lord, for You have heard my prayers. :-)21 hours agooKen Weyrauch GO SKIP!!!21 hours agooTerry Cassada Deason Hang in there Skip! You're a fighter and I know you can do it.21 hours agooKim Cisco great news! thankx to all who helped in him getting this surgery and who will help in his recovery and rehab!21 hours agooAmanda Reynolds What a fighter!! Gotta love the power of prayer and hope :). We LOVE skip !!! So glad things went well.21 hours agooMary Thompson Always.20 hours agooMonica Spires Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

20 hours agooLi Ha my question is as a few have asked, bless you for all the work you do and thank goodness skips surgery went well, have been saying lots of prayers... but if he is able to walk, not run, and with those implants is he still going to be released back into the wild, or will you be keeping him at bcr to live out his life safely?20 hours agooDebi Gungor thinkin of you skip ,see you later on webcam xxx20 hours agooChloe Coombs Yeah!20 hours agooJrad Tiran Woot again thank you for the ustream link I enjoyed last night : )20 hours agooChris McAlister Skip is in my thoughts and prayers.20 hours agooDamia Turek Accolades to all ! Yeah !20 hours agooDebbie Watroba Thanks to all the wonderful people who never gave up and thanks to God who must have been overwhelmed by all the prayers for Skip!20 hours agooMeleah Kirby I've been thinking about him all day. So glad the surgery went well. Will continue praying for a successful recovery.20 hours agooNuria Rodriguez Praying you will get better really soon Skip!19 hours agooRyan Bridges I am so glad the surgery went good for Skip. Prayers to you!19 hours agooSharon Moore i will continue to pray and keep him in my thoughts!!19 hours agooLorelei Kathleen Hickman many prayers for a speedy and complete recovery for Skip!19 hours agooKristine Busch That is awesome, good job little boy!!19 hours agooDonna Coffey Thank God! I was worried all day at work...when I got home the FIRST thing, here I am checking on Skip. Prayers around the world were answered for this very special little cat!!!!!18 hours agooDiane Supowit I pray that Skip makes a full and complete recovery and thank God at how well he's doing. He is already a Miracle Cat!! YEAAHHH!!!! Thanks to all who cared for him and will continue to do so, God bless u all! *applause*18 hours agooRomie K. Francis Fye Awesome as I said yesterday with all of our positive energy and prayers I knew Skip would be okay!16 hours agooChris Naven Pearce Great news for the New Year ... you go Skip :0)16 hours agooMonica Spires please start the year off and Donate any amount and your donation is DOUBLED!!

*THANK YOU & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!2 hours ago Skip the bobcat arrives back at Big Cat Rescue to rest and recover :)Donna Raihl, Jennifer LaMond, Brigitte Latton Brdije and 205 others like this.oSammy Williams That is one gorgeous and huge van21 hours agooChristina Decoste Wild van! Must get a lot of double- and triple-takes from the public as it's being driven around.21 hours agooPatricia Presley Thank you for all your hard work and loving care for all the cats!21 hours agooLynette Tinsley Love the van wrap!!21 hours agooLori Johnson Nice! The Big Cat Limo!21 hours agooDena Richardson So happy he made it through surgery!21 hours agooTerry Cassada Deason Love the van!21 hours agooAlex Foxx Welcome back, Skip. Speedy recovery, big guy!21 hours agooLisa Olson Yay! Happy New Year Skip and BCR21 hours agooLucille Fortier Quick recovery, Skip! Happy New year21 hours agooJoe Sneden thats a wicked cool van i want one!21 hours agooBrian Howle All the kids home for New Year's Eve! Wa to the Hoo, y'all!:)21 hours agooMary Thompson Can't wait to see him on Ustream.21 hours agooDiane Dusty Bauman That's so great!!!!21 hours agooHeather Cantrell Happy New Year's to all the kitties!21 hours agooAnnette Johnson-Braswell Way to go!!! No other way to go but up now!!!20 hours agooHaoie Tails That is one pimped out ride20 hours agooBeth Elcox Good to hear! Happy New Years!20 hours agooChris Milson Good :)20 hours agooAraceli Molina Get well Quick, Skip :-) I hope to c u soon at BCR.20 hours agooGoonerette Hall just lov the van great20 hours agooJack Savethewildcats Yutzy I bet "big cat" from fantasy factory would love this van20 hours agooLeslie Cannon If I remember right, the van was about to break down on the way to get skip. Maybe there is a mechanic out there who could donate some work on it!20 hours agooTrista Cronin can't imagine how slow that trek down the BCR driveway must have been!20 hours agooNora Mutao Frost he needs it. Some kinda spa thingy going for him ;) Some kitty massages lol joking20 hours agooTiffanie M Kines Hunt What an awesome van! I'm so glad the surgery went well and Skip is back at BCR to recover! God Bless all of you!20 hours agooMelanie Lowe happy homecoming20 hours agooRita Rodriguez Jackson Welcome home Skippy!! We are still praying that you have a speedy recvery!! ?19 hours agooDonna Coffey Welcome home Skippy! You're a scrappy little thing...looks like all our prayers are being answered...and if you can't return to the wild, I'll just betcha BCR becomes your new home...and IF it does, you let me know and I'll sponsor ya!!!! :)18 hours agooJustin Buzzini saw skip on the cam. he's going to do great. buy him some snuggies and broasted turkey-legs and he'll be alright. but seriously, he'd appreciate an XL shag fabricated snuggie, alot :P.18 hours agooDonna Raihl Oh so wonderful! What a blessing. I am reading about Carole Baskin the founder of Big Cat Rescue. She is my hero!!!Read about her here: hours agooDonna Raihl Get well little Skip ! We all love you and God Bless Big Cat Rescue!!16 hours agooRoni Dorf Skip speedy recovery and a healthy new year and long life!11 hours agooCarol Bowen keeping my fingers crossed3 hours agooMarcia Katz Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful news to wake up to! Thank you BCR/Jamie for all you do for our beloved big kitty friends! You guys are amazing! Happy New Year!!!!2 hours ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLLAST CHANCE TO GIVE A TAX-DEDUCTIVE DONATION TO BCR FOR 2010!

Jeff Kremer, Lisa Polo, Chris Poole and 61 others like this.*oKaren Norris-Rocha I donated last night, I hope I did it right so it gets doubled...didn't see that :(21 hours agooLindsay Marie Ferguson Donated! Yay for kitties.20 hours agooRobert Bell COME ON PEOPLE!!! This is a GREAT opportunity to double up!! BCR is THE best wildlife sanctuary for big cats! Please Donate! :)20 hours agooLynda Stephens Donated & Shared!20 hours agooAlicia Harvey Don't think it happens if we donate from the UK?20 hours agooAnne Castellano Done. You guys are wonderful.20 hours agooLisa Olson Will do as soon as I get home!20 hours agooGerri Paniccia agree with robert...c'mon folks..36k fans on facebook and your contribution gets these kitties. bcr's great work has been ever-so-evident with the efforts to help save skip.20 hours agooEl Burke Just donated. I dedicated it to all those felines who couldn't be saved.20 hours agooKitty MacAlpine I'd've donated to take advantage of the doubling but only takes credit cards. So I just made a small regular donation instead.20 hours agooEl Burke Hey it helps Kitty and all those cats are very grateful to you. :)20 hours agooHeather Cantrell Donated and shared. Good luck!20 hours agooAngie Krohne Pontynen Donation made.20 hours agooChristina Bond Monthly donation set up! This was so easy:)19 hours agooPatricia Sheridan Donation made. Thank you for all you do!19 hours agooLisa Olson Done, Happy New Year BCR!!!!!18 hours agooAlison Roth A small donation in honor of my "little" cats past and present! Get well Skip!18 hours agooDonna Coffey Happiest of New Years BCR!!!! With Skip on the mend, I'd bet it's celebration time in Tampa tonight!18 hours agooMarly Barker How can you not take advantage of that matching contribution. Thanks to the family of William and Lois Modglin for their generosity and thank you BCR for all the wonderful work you do, hope 2011 is a wonderful year for the big cats!18 hours agooLyn Reid Just donated for Skip, keep on hanging in there. Hope you have a happier healing Hogmanay from Scotland.18 hours agooLori Salas Donated and share to. Thanks for taking care of the big cats..Happy New Year to all!!!! God Bless!!18 hours agooEilene Wood I just donated too!!17 hours agooLisa Polo DONE! :)17 hours agooNancy Ellis Whew! Glad I saw this just in time!!! Happy New Year to some of the world's most special people....and kitties. :)17 hours agooMaggie Russell A donation for all the big cats17 hours agooDeborah Caron I just donated $25 and I'm challenging other BCR fans to do the same or better. After following the saga of Skip for the past several days we are all now poignantly aware of the dedication, selflessness, perseverance and love involved in BCR's mission. In these last few hours of 2010 let's make a huge donation surge!!! Start 2011 off with hope and support for the's for their lives. Happy 2011 everyone!14 hours agooDeborah Caron Oh, and don't forget....your donation is doubled!!!!14 hours agooTracey Miles Rich I just donated $25 and set it up for monthly...this is an incredible cause as Deborah defined so perfectly. I have worried and checked on Skip all day. Everyone, please help this wonderful organization.14 hours agooTerry Cassada Deason I donated today before the deadline. Glad to be able to help Skip and all the other cats. I have been constantly keeping a check on him since he was brought in. Hope he's up and about soon.13 hours ago   Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip the bobcat is back at Big Cat Rescue and will be up on UStream soon. Jamie, Justin and Dr Hay's staff celebrated with sparklers in the parking lot after a long, tense day21 hours ago via iPhoneChris Poole, Willow Hecht, Darla Ostenson and 273 others like this.oAlexis Blanton You all ROCK! :)21 hours agooSteve Knox Great job everyone21 hours ago ·oTami Shafer Walters Great news!21 hours agooMary Thompson I can't wait to see him bless his heart and a big thanks from us for what was done.21 hours agooNagy Alexandra Thank God, he's okay and safe. Thank you BCR for your work.21 hours agooSue Fair Thank you all. Glad to have people like you in the world. Rest little Skip. Heal quickly.21 hours agooTracy Green Thank you all for being the kind of amazing people who would do anything in their power to save a life that others might deem doomed or insignificant. Your dedication is inspiring, and your updates on Skip bring tears to my eyes. Happy New Year!21 hours agooMelissa Koblin Skip is a lucky kitty...thanks BCR! Just wondering, what are the odds of Skip being able to be released?21 hours agooEliza Howard Yes great news !!!!21 hours agooColleen Tracey any left for us ?!?!?! LOL20 hours agooRhonda Mengarelli Will skip be on the same channel he's been on??? Can't wait to see him20 hours agooKaren Norris-Rocha That's awesome!!! Their dedication should be celebrated. Way to go Team Skip!!!!!20 hours agooLaura Grove Excellent news! Been on the edge of my seat, following events as they unfolded. Thanks yet again for all that you do!20 hours agooSandra Davis Thats great news !20 hours agooDe Ja Foster As they should have! They are all Angels! Thank you Everyone for helping Skip and for being so Awesome as to let us all take this journey with you!! > .. <20 hours agooSue Drake you people are amazing, today is my birthday & this is the best news I could have wished for !20 hours agooMonica Spires please donate by midnight.... and it will be doubled!!! LAST CHANCE TO GIVE A TAX-DEDUCTIVE DONATION TO BCR FOR 2010! Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

Donna Smith The cats of Florida are very lucky to have you and your team...Thank you for all you do for them. And the doctors20 hours agooDeborah Good Here to a happy new year for skip and healthy20 hours agooDebi Gungor happy new year skip xhope you have a full recovery xxxx20 hours agooLorraine Kinnaird Cats rule Ok! Wat fabulous news!20 hours agooGerri Paniccia sparklers after a long day and hoping to toast Skip and All's efforts into the New Year..thoughts & prayers to a new beginning.20 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Thank goodness he is doing great! Now I can celebrate!20 hours agooPammy Raeyayayyayayyayayayay2.5 hrs to new year here in uk.. bcr i love u so much cnst wait to come back again nxt year 2011... ive been every year since 2006 and my friends caroline sheen and more have come on my recco....we adore u.... finggre sc...rossed for skippy!!!! that wud be our \ny joy!See More20 hours agooLinzee Mundtt Ive never met them but i love them and every one at BCR..hugs and blessings for a healthy new year to skip20 hours agooRosemarie Plaetke bcr: this was an ending of 2010 for you .... all the best for you & all cats in the new year!20 hours agooLisa Cupp Vollenweider Dr. Hay...YOU ARE THE BEST!!! The staff too!! Will drink a toast to you all and to the success of Skip's surgery!20 hours agooMissy Kimsey Excellent outcome.20 hours agooKristin Boggs What is the prognosis?20 hours agooGabrielle Boyce good outcome promising a good year!20 hours agooMeagan Fulford YAY!!! Thank you BCR, the vet staff and doctors, his brave rescuers, and everyone else involved with Skip! You are all angels and have changed the life of that cat forever!!!20 hours agooMonica Spires Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!!

20 hours agooNora Mutao Frost but its not dark enough yet.20 hours agooPammy Rae i donated to the fund.... imn mem of willaim and lois.... and ill post it again.. bcr we love u xxx20 hours agooMaggie Patterson Yeah!!20 hours agooAngie Krohne Pontynen What a great way to start the New Year! Thanks to everyone involved in rescuingSkipt and not giving up on him!!!20 hours agooLinda Davis I just gave and what a blessing you all are!20 hours agooNoreen Raudabaugh What a novel way to unwind! Have a wonderful evening, you angels at BCR. :)20 hours agooElise Evans Thank you BCR, vet staff and all involved in Skip's rescue. Your kindness and dedication are uplifting. I know my donation will be put to good use!20 hours agooDeb Wentzel So glad he made it through!!20 hours agooElizabeth Meade He Vets rock!!! BCR rocks!!! Skip's rescuers rock!!! Happy New Year Skip!!! May you have a looooooong & healthy life!! Happy New Year to BCR & all those mentioned above! ???19 hours agooTricia LymeMom ?\o/ so glad Skip pulled through...everyone deserves to celebrate!19 hours agooLinzee Mundtt im glad they got fleas and ticks of him too..bless him..i dont have a job but when i get some extra cash im gonna send it for favorite dog was a runt a black poodle his name was i love his name.. :P19 hours agooEilene Wood Thank you Jamie, Justin and Dr. Hay, Happy New Year from Skip and all his followers.19 hours agooBrigitte Latton Brdije This is SOOOOOO Great, wath you done! ? ? ?19 hours agooCaroline Carlson Abrom Hoorayyyyyy!!!! Overjoyed at this news! Thank you wonderful rescuers, vets and people at BCR!! You have made a great start to the New Year for us all!19 hours agooJody Melissa So, so, so glad to hear it!!!19 hours agooDiana Perry-Walsh I believe Skip will have a Happy New Year!!!19 hours agooDeborah Budesa It's my great honor to share the planet with these special folks who gave it their all to give young Skip a second chance. Thank you doesn't seem adequate but it's all I can manage through these happy tears! May God bless them all!19 hours agooRita Rodriguez Jackson Yay Skippy.. You had angels watching over you and so many of us lighting candles and praying for you sweet boy!! Thank you BCR for not giving up and him.. ?19 hours agooVicky Zulli Belveduto THANK GOD!!!!!!!!19 hours agooMarly Barker OMG, that is wonderful news. After yesterday's x-rays and description, I didn't have much hope, Dr Hay and staff, thanks you are miracle workers!!! I will be saying a prayer for Skip, that he makes a good recovery and doesn't have to suffer with pain. thank you guys for your great work.19 hours agooKelly Kosinski I cheer you all and wish you the HAPPIEST New Year. Stay strong Skip, your will is enlivening. I pray for your robust recovery. ?19 hours agooDarlene Ijams I'm behind you Skip.18 hours agooDiane Supowit Oh, thank You, God!! Been praying for Skip so much!!! SO GLAD!!!18 hours agooSally Chancellor Peters Praise God!! Hope is on the mend now. Thanks to those who have worked so hard to save him. I wish we had them here where I live. He is gorgeous. Here's to a speedy recovery for Skip!! [-]18 hours agooVicky Zulli Belveduto Now that's a wonderful way to start the New Year.......with Good News!!! Bless you BCR and all those who helped Skip!!18 hours agooJennifer Ruggiero Hansen We love you Skip!17 hours agooDebbie Massey How are his lungs?Still have fluid?16 hours agooBeth Milton yay!11 hours agooAmy Milligan Great big Canadian thanks to all involved with caring for and rehabing Skip!!!about an hour agooMartha Hoffman Skinner Anxious to see how the little guy is doing!8 minutes ago  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLHelp us keep an eye on Skip the bobcat as he awakens from a full day of surgery by Dr. Hay at Veterinary Surgical Services to repair his shattered pelvis. He is in the small squeeze cage for now to keep him from moving around too much. Poole, Jeff Kremer, Silvia Loehrer and 130 others like this.oMichelle Klein-Hass Get better, little sweetie!18 hours agooDeborah Armstrong Poor baby.... I'm glad he's resting safe!!18 hours agooSonya Lee Pull through, little buddy.18 hours agooAngel Camacho I've been watching over that little prince... He's gotten a second chance at life thanks to your organization. You are all angels! Thank you again for keeping us updated.18 hours agooBarbara Runcie Get well, little guy18 hours agooEliza Howard Blessings for Skip ? ?18 hours agooAlene Greto Thank you for keeping us updated. (Sharing)18 hours agooEl Burke Oh we're watching... lol18 hours agooJanet Davis Thank you to Dr. Hay and all the BCR staff. We wish Skip a speedy recovery.18 hours ago 3 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer and Debi Binkley like this. ·oTammie Ekkelboom Oh, he's eating a lot!!! :D He's so beautiful!!!!!! Go Skip!18 hours agooAlex Foxx Awesome, thanks again for the updates and for saving his life. You guys rock! Get well, Skip, you trooper!18 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer, Arlene Hoffer and Eilene Wood like this. ·oLisa Hemmerle Hats off to the vets who fed him without patting! It would have been all in my power not to have sneaked a sedated big cat a pat in!18 hours ago 7 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer, Arlene Hoffer, JoAnn Paolantonio and 3 others like this. ·oEliza Howard Hungry beautiful baby. :) :) Thank you B.C.R.18 hours agooRosemarie Plaetke I am so lucky... watch you feeding him.... he is doing so well how he responds to your food. reaching for it. he moves his left leg.this little guy is hungry ... so much food!18 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer, Arlene Hoffer and Eilene Wood like this. ·oJudy Jackson Williamson Bless you all at Big Cat Rescue! ?18 hours agooRenee Eva Patricia Awwww ?18 hours agooFran Harrington Thank you to the Drs!!! I have great Drs for all my animals and sure do appreciate them, so thank you again for saving this guy!!18 hours agooEilene Wood He's so cute!! Is this normal breathing for a bobcat? I didnt notice this last night.18 hours agooKimberly Jones Keep fighting and being tough beautiful boy! We love you! ?18 hours agooCindy Heisler Maybury Thank you to everyone who worked so hard since Skip has been rescued and for all the wonderful people in the operating room-God Bless all of you! Thanks for letting us view his recovery!18 hours agooJoAnn PaolantonioThank you to the medical team that is taking care of Skip. I appreciate your dedication to all animals domstic and wild.Skip looks like he not quite sure what is going on however I can sense he is calm and peaceful within this journey he is... having in this life cycle in this moment in time. Om Shanti Amen.See More18 hours agooScott White So happy for Skip!18 hours agooLori Beth Kidd Poor lil fellow. I hope he's got good pain meds! Get well soon, Skip! ?18 hours agooKiersten B Greenfield So happy Skip is recovering!!18 hours agooBrigitte Latton Brdije Love you Skip!!! ? ? ? <you will make it!18 hours agooCarolyn Schellhardt Bon chance, Skip!!! I'm praying for you!!!17 hours agooHolly Oxenfree ??????.•*¨?`*•.¸????????¸.•*¨`*•?.?????????????????? ????? ????????????* ?H?A?P?P?Y?? * ?N?E?W? * ?Y?E?A?R? *???????????? ????? ????????????17 hours agooRuth Leikam You can do it, Skip! Sending lots of love and prayers to you!17 hours agooHannah Haunert this is way cool17 hours agooBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL is Dr. Hay's clinic. Let him know you love what he did for Skip the bobcat at Big Cat Rescue17 hours ago 11 peopleLoading...oKitty Dolan Praying like mad for Skip, I think he knows by now that he is in the best hands he could be in, BCR. All he has to do is get well and either go back to the wild if he can or spend his days at BCR either way he is a winner. A million cat kisses to him and BCR.16 hours ago Michelle Morton like this. ·oCarol Davidson Bruce BCR, you rock!! Thanks for caring.16 hours agooAlex Foxx Yep, I will be sure to let Dr. Hay and staff know how much I appreciate their heroic efforts!16 hours agooSherry Anthony most beautiful site "A beautiful Male Lion" and a White tiger" Resting together and getting better at the hospital. Bless their hearts!16 hours agooRachel DeFauw I emailed Dr. Hay and his staff at to say thank you. I am so happy that Skip survived the surgery. Now prayers, hugs and love to get him through a long recovery. Thank you BCR for all that you've done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15 hours agooLotta Williams Bengtsson Lots of ? to all kind people with big hearts!15 hours agooKaren Norris-Rocha Just logged back on to see our guy and it's Off-Air...hope Skip is ok...15 hours agooSilvia Loehrer He looked great when I was on. Visiting hours end at 9 p.m. Eastern time, US so that he can rest and all. He ate and had a great appetite! I am so happy! I wonder what time we can log on tomorrow morning to see him?15 hours agooAmy O'Donnell Just sent an email to the vet's office. Saw Skip earlier on cam. He's so cute, and his little chest was going up and down. Hope he doesn't mind his butt shaved, though. Poor kitty, he's going to be better than before. Keep Calm and Carry On!14 hours agooRosemarie Plaetke ?@sherry anthony: just a good, healthy photo of cameron & zabu at bcr ...a couple. there are good videos on them on bcr's website. they have a good life together & enjoy it as you can see.14 hours agooLinda Crowder Manous I'm so glad he made it through surgery. Sending lots of positive kitty energy his way.14 hours agooSandra Davis Get a good nights rest SKIP I will be dreaming And praying for you xoxo14 hours agooMonica Spires

4 hours agooAnnette Johnson-Braswell been watching him since yesterday, and I hope and pray that he will do alright. Our prayers are with him. God Bless all who is involved in his care!13 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Happy New Year Skip and friends!!! XOXOXOMuch Love and Blessings from Florida!13 hours agooHolly Cat It says its offline on my computer, could that be cause im not in the US?Thanks so much for saving him. Its so great that there are such caring people in the world.Cant wait to come and visit one day when im finally done with all my study.7 hours agooMichelle Morton Holly, they turn off the lights after 9pm US Eastern Time, and I think they turn off the online video feed then too. I think it should be back up again to coincide with daylight hours here - maybe in an hour or two from now.7 hours agooColleen Tracey skip s monitor wasn't on ?!?! :( wanted to see if the guy doing ok4 hours agooShe Szimanski This 'ustream' thing is a great idea for being able to keep a close eye on your patients while still attending to the rest of business and life. I hope all is still well with his recovery, since the channel is offline.4 hours agooAnnette Johnson-Braswell he has a lot of love and prayers for him! Just waiting to see how he did through the night! Prayers are still with him...Happy New Year Skip and BCR!!3 hours agooColleen Tracey our baby is on!!! looking good, about to fight with water cup .... good sign! LOL3 hours agooLisa PoloGood Morning all the Skip the bobcat supporters and fans out there.. don't forget to keep the healing virtual candles lit throughout his recovery.. they go out every 48 hours.... Thank ya Kindly xo More3 hours agooBonnie Kelley oh skip with the bare bottom! don't be embarrassed it is for the good hon!! we promise not to look!!! oh skip we are so happy you have pulled through so far! our thoughts and prayers are with you. you sweet precious cat!! thank goodness for bcr and jamie and her crew!!2 hours ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip is live on UStream right now and has pulled through his first night after major surgery to repair a pelvis shattered by a car strike this week. Bandy, Sandra Roberts-April, Joanne L McGonagle and 114 others like this.oRachel Castle Farmer Hang in there Skip! I know you can do it!! :)3 hours agooBeth Giannosa Thanks SO much BCR for enabling us to keep a watch over Skip. As you can tell.....we all ? him very much !!!3 hours agooElise Spears Skip the amazing Bobcat!!!! GDspeed!3 hours agooAllie Maheral Hang in there Skip!3 hours agooShezael Zael I saw him move his 'back leg' (sorry do not know the english word for it) He looks better and better ! Gogo Skip !!!3 hours agooGoonerette Hall im rooting for you buddy get better soon from london england3 hours agooLisa PoloYay! Good Morning all the Skip the bobcat supporters and fans out there.. don't forget to keep the healing virtual candles lit throughout his recovery.. they go out every 48 hours.... Thank ya Kindly xo More3 hours agooDeanna Floyd SO blessed to have people lilke the Big Cat Rescue! Have a GREAT SPEEDY recovery Skip! We're ALL praying for you!3 hours agooBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL ?9:58 VERY exciting to see Skip stand up on ALL FOUR feet, turn around and lay back down. The new hips seem to be working!3 hours agooChristine Evert Wonderful to see him move his legs and standing up! Happy New Year Skip, a new lease on life!3 hours agooCarol Safford DeBeradinis He looks like he is doing well. Looking forward to seeing him better each day. Thank you for taking such good care of him!3 hours agooSue Drake just saw him 'stand' on those back legs. He's a strong boy. Incredible job BCR & co !3 hours agooLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Thank you Lisa for that link, I just lit mine for Skip! Congrats BCR for all the wonderful work you do!!!!3 hours agooNoreen Raudabaugh We just got to see him stand on all four paws too! He has a cheering section, and I hope he can feel the love. Y'all at BCR are some amazing angels, and I wish for karma to find each and every one of you this year.3 hours agooEliza Howard This is fantastic news thank you.B.C.R.3 hours agooMelinda Whitfield Someone is on the chat with the video feed posting very obscene things -- BCR can you please block them?3 hours agooBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL My chat window only shows the last couple of posts. What is the offender's handle?3 hours agooKim Haller So excited for Skip's progress! Sending prayers for healing and recovery!3 hours agooMelinda Whitfield David_Koresh is his handle. It's awful what he is posting.3 hours agooMelinda Whitfield He keeps posting every few seconds.3 hours agooAshley Burleson BCR and Dr. H you have proven once again that u can work miracles! almost cried when i read that he stood up! Have a wonderful new year!3 hours agooColleen Long Such a beauty..keep resting, brave many are hoping for you to run free again.3 hours agooLaurie Johnson Happy New Year, Skip! Wishing you a quick recovery and a healthy 20113 hours agooMonica Spires please start the year off and Donate any amount and your donation is DOUBLED!!

2 hours agooDebbie Massey BCR,Will Skip stay with you when he recovers?2 hours agooMonica Spires on BCR home page they hope to release him...once he is fully recovered back to where he was found (by state law) but he will recovered at BCR for a while :)2 hours agooRomana Welch cool get well Skip2 hours agooGerri Paniccia good morning sweetie!!2 hours agooDebbie Watroba He looks pretty comfortable. This is such a miracle!2 hours agooRon Hopper YAY! GO SKIP!2 hours agooFelicia Raphael He's been moving a little - looking straight at the camera. He's so beautiful. He seems comfortable. Thanks for taking such good care of him.2 hours agooMichelle Klein-Hass Keep on healin' up there Skip! We love you! ?about an hour agooMichele Crow Anello So happy, great news for the new year, Skip looks great! All are payers have been answered!! :)about an hour agooLyn Reid Wishing you all the best for 2011 Skip, the couple who rescued him, all at BCR and Dr Hay and his team.about an hour agooUros Ralovic awwww...he's up & watching around :))about an hour agooLesa Cox awesome good news!!about an hour agooEilene Wood Skip is so cute!! He really looks so good, alert!! Happy New Year Skip and BCR!!about an hour agooMelanie Lowe just watched breathlessly as he got up and turned around alert and moving slowly but surely :Dabout an hour agooMelanie Lowe he seems to have finally tired himself out and is ready for a little healing nap :D57 minutes agooDeborah Good I hope he will be able to walk after all this.55 minutes agooEilene Wood Time for kitty nap!!! Rest is good Skip, you have been through so much in less than a week. Thank you for your special angels that found you and called BCR.43 minutes agooBonnie Kelley can't wait for the fur to grow back skip!!but you are beautiful anyway!!!33 minutes agooLeigh Ann Frontz Christenson Skip is so cute I'm praying for you baby!!! =) Thank you to BCR for saving this sweet little guy. BCR is amazing I love looking at your fb page wish I lived closer so I could visit in person!31 minutes agooTiena Harvey Ellis Come on Skip. I'm pulling for you baby!27 minutes agooLinzee Mundtt he looks good on ustream..woot14 minutes agooFran Harrington He's looking great!! I hope that he's feeling great too :)4 minutes agooMichelle Able Keep fighting skip! Praying for ya!3 minutes ago · LikeI was right in the middle of sending an email to LaWanna about some promotions she was dreaming up for the site when Honey Wayton, our gift shop manager called and relayed an urgent message.A woman had called to say they had found a bobcat alongside the highway and had it loose in their SUV and wanted to know what to do next because it was getting pretty mad.Obviously this was their first bobcat rescue, because no one makes that mistake twice.  I called the woman who said her name was Nici and she said that the bobcat laying alongside the road had caught her eye.  Her husband, Skip had chased him down with a blanket, scooped him up and put him in the back of the car.  He was dragging his back end, so the chase wasn’t much of a challenge, but picking up a VERY mad bobcat made him a fury of claws and teeth.Nici said they were two blocks from their home and that they could just leave him in the car for us to deal with, if we wanted.  As I frantically brought up a map to see that she was 2 and a half hours away, I didn’t think that was a great idea.  I asked if she had a pet carrier that they could just plop the blanketed cat into before he fully regained his senses.She didn’t but her friend Lorie did.  Turns out that all three of them had visited Big Cat Rescue in the past and were eager to do anything they could to help save this skinny, crushed little bobcat.  My instructions had been to completely envelope the cat in thick blanketing and take the top off the carrier, if necessary, to accommodate the entire bundle, and then bolt the top back on.  I don’t know why that didn’t work for them, but I called Nici back a few minutes later, after starting Jamie on her way to Mt. Plymouth, and Nici said, “I hope you guys will name this bobcat Skip, after my husband because he is so brave!”Slashing teeth and claws be danged, Skip had managed to get a grip on the bobcat’s scruff and lifted him into the carrier.  Even though Lorie had brought over a German Shepherd sized crate the bobcat managed to go spread eagle over the entire door making it a real effort to push him into the pile of blankets in the carrier.  Kind of like baptizing a cat in a cereal bowl.They covered him up and waited with him while I called every vet I could find between there and Tampa.  My concern was that the cat would go into shock before we could get him to a vet here, so I just needed someone to do a preliminary check and stabilize him.  By the time I had called a dozen vets and a couple of rehabbers two hours had passed and Jamie was nearly there.Our old van is a 1998 and has seen better days.  It was shuddering so badly that Jamie Veronica had taken it into a station to check the tires but they were OK and the shudder happened even when sitting still.  I’m no mechanic, but sounded like a rod knocking to me and I was sweating whether or not the van would even make it to the Mt. Dora area, NW of Orlando.Once I gave up on finding a vet near the bobcat, or even on the way home, who would give him the courtesy of even the most basic care, which I assured them I would pay in advance if necessary, I began to try and sort out what to do when he arrived in Tampa.If Jamie didn’t break down, she and the bobcat should be back in town around 6 pm.  Our primary vet, Dr. Wynn had a previous engagement hosting a dozen people at 6pm.  I asked if I should contact Florida Veterinary Specialist or our secondary vet, Dr. Dave Murphy.  Dr. Wynn said she would call her clinic and see if Dr. Dave Danielson might be willing to look at the bobcat.  He had worked with native bobcats before that we brought in, and was willing to help.Another frantic call from Honey and Howard and I were on our way to the sanctuary to give tours.  We have a Free Teachers promotion going on and instead of having 2 or 3 groups of twenty showing up at 3pm we had 9 such tour groups yesterday and it turns out 12 groups today including a wedding.  It was the biggest single day the sanctuary has ever had.  It was probably good timing because otherwise I might have made Jamie crazy by calling every five minutes and asking, “Where are you now?”During one such call Jamie said she would need me to bring the squeeze cage to the vet’s office.  How we were going to get the bobcat out of the carrier and into the squeeze cage was yet to be determined, but getting it there was the first step.  As soon as my tour ended I trotted across the parking lot to the on site West – Boensch Cat Hospital.  I chatted with Jack, who was recovering in the hospital from a nasty accident he had with the front gate, while I loaded the squeeze cage into my truck.  Jack is doing fine and is living proof that cats do have nine lives.I ordered pizzas for pick up because I knew Jamie hadn’t eaten since this morning and didn’t know if the vet and his staff would be skipping dinner to fit this bobcat, now named Skip, into their already hectic evening schedule.   Jamie already had Skip inside and he was well on his way to a long, deep sleep by the time I arrived.  She said they had tipped the crate up on end and hand injected him through the grated door.  Within only a couple of minutes he was sleeping…or so we thought.On the x-ray table he began blinking and trying to sit up, so he got a little more ketamine and went back to sleep.  The first x-ray showed the crushed pelvis and Dr. Danielson asked if we wanted to go any further as this was going to be a lot of major surgery with limited hope of recovery.  I told him we had spent more than $7500 on the last bobcat who needed plates, so we were willing to spend the money as long as the cat didn’t have any cat-killer diseases that would make him unfit for release.  The blood tests were done and he had a clean bill of health so the only other obstacle, which was determined later during a sonogram was that he has internal bleeding and his spleen may be beyond recovery.  Only a couple days of quiet rest and careful observation will let us know if he is going to live long enough to have the work done.The vet tech Heather pulled ticks off Skip while Jamie checked his ears for mites, his fur for fleas and Dr. Danielson powdered his raw, purple rump, bruised badly from the impact.  Judging by his pearly white fangs we guessed his age to be around two years old and while finely muscled, he only weighed a mere 17 lbs.After consulting Dr. Wynn by phone, Dr. Danielson decided to take a lot more x-rays and did all of the other work, such as flea treatment and tests, so that in a couple of days, if the spleen is still operational, Skip could go to FVS for the precision plating and pinning necessary to give him full mobility.We waited to make sure he would wake up OK from the anesthesia, which he did rather quickly, and then covered him up to rest quietly in the dark over night.  Being a wild cat, close proximity to humans is very agitating.  His whole life has been based upon the knowledge that man is to be avoided at all costs.If Skip makes it through the night we may set up cameras to monitor him tomorrow so that he isn’t being exposed to constant stress.We have been posting his progress at along with photos and we will be posting video soon.You can check on him there and post your wishes for a speedy recovery.I am very thankful for all the love that has been focused his way and if love can mend a broken bobcat, then Skip will surely be ready to run free again soon.Carole Baskin, CEO of Big Cat RescueIf you would like to help Skip and other bobcats like him get a second chance at freedom, please donate at the top right of this page or here:

Skip's Facebook Fans

Skip the Bobcat became a Facebook Phenomenon over the New Year’s Week of 2010-2011You can join the conversation at or watch Skip in the on site Cat Hospital at Cat Rescue’s posts are in bold, followed by Skip’s 193 pages of well wishes from his Facebook fans. His chat window on UStream was even more voluminous, but is deleted each time the system resets, so we were unable to capture it, but it was very much like the following.Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLBobcat needs emergency vet! Hit by car in Mt. Plymouth at noon. Now in a carrier in a garage. Jamie is on her way from Tampa but is two hours away. I've called 10 local vets and no one will treat the cat for shock until we arrive. If you know a vet between Mt. Plymouth and Tampa please call them and ask if they will treat the cat until we get there.December 28, 2010 at 1:45pmChris Poole, Florida Potter, Lorena Bourque Herndon and 115 others like this.oStephanie Winters good luck!December 28, 2010 at 1:47pmoPattie Huggins Deitrick Good luck.... I wish I was able to help... Prayers sent!!!December 28, 2010 at 1:47pmoJacquelyn Rapp-Blake wish I knew a vet in that area-good luck and let us know how the poor bobcat does?I sent you a smiley!December 28, 2010 at 1:48pmoStacy Watts how could they say no!? Hope you can get to him/her in time. Thank you for all you do.December 28, 2010 at 1:48pmoVivian Wolpers sending up prayers for the bobcat to survive !!!December 28, 2010 at 1:48pmoAurora Tännenbaum And WHY will none of these vets treat the hurt animal? That's what vets are for! To help all animals, not just to help furry-fluffy pets!December 28, 2010 at 1:49pmoWendy Wojcik Where is Mt Plymouth??December 28, 2010 at 1:49pmoDiane Mentzer Oh no! I hope someone is able to help.December 28, 2010 at 1:50pmoAngela Goodson Abbott That's about as sorry as anything I've heard...NO vet in the area will treat the poor thing for shock just until someone can get there?? Seriously, WTF???? All I can offer are prayers and good wishes, too. Hang in there "Bob!"December 28, 2010 at 1:51pmoKimberly Jones You've got to be kidding me!!! Not even vets that are used with the national wildlife service? Ugh!! That's inexcusable!!December 28, 2010 at 1:51pmoChristi Miller Saying prayersDecember 28, 2010 at 1:51pmoJohna Whitesell what about vets at the FWC or Busch Wildlife?December 28, 2010 at 1:53pmoMary Thompson How sad.December 28, 2010 at 1:53pmoAshley Wunderlin IM CALLING VETS TO HELPDecember 28, 2010 at 1:54pmoSonya Cabral Thats terrible!!! What is wrong with vets??? They won't treat wild animals only pets! { wish i knew someone there!!! I send all my prayers that this poor bobcat survives!!! Hang in there BOB!!!December 28, 2010 at 1:55pmoKristal Roebuck Hope this baby can be saved. Sending up prayers also ?December 28, 2010 at 1:55pmoKristal Roebuck Go Jamie go!!!December 28, 2010 at 1:56pmoPatrice Ann Cartolano Marotta If you were up by me in N. Illinois my vet treats big cats.December 28, 2010 at 1:57pmoSally Chancellor Peters boo hiss on the locals ; an animal is an animal. praying for the bobcat.December 28, 2010 at 1:57pmoSally Chancellor Peters why on earth are people clicking that they like this?December 28, 2010 at 1:58pmoHeather Aday mt plymouth is north west of orlandoDecember 28, 2010 at 1:58pmoAurora Tännenbaum At age 15, I've already cared for cheetahs, jaguars and servals during an internship and these folks are grown-up veterinarians scared of a bobcat!? ô.O Isn't there something like professional honor anymore? -.-December 28, 2010 at 1:59pmoNanda González Poor animal. nobody goes there to see the cat.December 28, 2010 at 1:59pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL People click the Like button because there isn't an Important button, not that they like a cat being hit by a car.December 28, 2010 at 2:00pmoJessica Newton people are clicking like instead of posting in terms to wish their likes to help them get the help for the kitty! im too far i live in GA... drive that car fast!December 28, 2010 at 2:00pmoSally Chancellor Peters ok thanks for explaination!! shame on the vets in that area.December 28, 2010 at 2:02pmoHeather Aday here's one not far from them? worth a shot or they can direct u to someone else?East Lake Animal Clinic31415 CR 435, Sorrento, FL (352) 735-2882December 28, 2010 at 2:02pmoJennifer Hertzog Miller Praying for a happy ending! Keep us posted.....December 28, 2010 at 2:02pmoSally Chancellor Peters keep us posted!December 28, 2010 at 2:02pmoMargie Anderson Linnane That's not right. :( What is wrong with these animal doctors, shame on them.December 28, 2010 at 2:03pmoPattie Huggins Deitrick Wow... Aurora... You are so right!! You can make a difference... Your job is to become a vet and teach show what professsional honor is!!December 28, 2010 at 2:03pmoDiane Supowit I am praying!December 28, 2010 at 2:04pmoDonna Ralphs I don't know about Florida's laws but the domestic animal vets here in Mass I'm told are NOT allowed BY LAW to treat a wild animal if they aren't trained for wild animals too.December 28, 2010 at 2:05pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL I called E.Lk first and they were helpful but their vet is there alone and in surgery all day. We have Ehrlich Rd Animal Hospital and FVS here in Tampa who will see him, but I was trying to find help closer to where he is so that he doesn't die from shock.December 28, 2010 at 2:06pmoSarah Jane Maxey poor kitty!! I hope he'll be alright! I pray for him!December 28, 2010 at 2:06pmoAurora Tännenbaum ?@ Pattie Huggins Deitrick: After finishing school I applied to study vet. medicin, but here in Germany it's all about marks at school and my diploma was 0.8 points too low. I was told to wait 5 years to *maybe* get a place at an university. -.-December 28, 2010 at 2:07pmoDiane Supowit Praying for him to pull through and for peace, AND a vet to get there asap!!December 28, 2010 at 2:08pmoJennifer Wehman Boyd Is someone just randomly calling vets in that area? I think that should be done. But we shouldnt have 10 people doing it. Is anyone actually making the calls?December 28, 2010 at 2:08pmoVicki Eddy sorry, wish I was near, how bad? You should be able to at least get a vet tech or two to help, they sometimes know more than the actual vets...hope cat wil be ok....prayers...December 28, 2010 at 2:09pmoPattie Huggins DeitrickI know it is a wild kitty, but this is what I found!! maybe it can help!!Step 1: Examine the cat for shock; gently lift the upper lip so the gum is visible. Pale or white gums indicate the cat is almost certainly in shock and may have seri...ous internal injuries and/or bleeding. If the gums are pink the cat is probably not in shock.Step 2: Place the cat on its side on a blanket, towel, or jacket with its head extended.Step 3: Clear the cat's airway.Step 3a: Place one hand over the cat's head so that your thumb and index finger fall just behind the long canines (fang teeth), the head resting against your palm.Step 3b: Gently tilt the cat's head back so its nose is pointing upward. Push your thumb toward your finger; the mouth will open.Step 3c: Gently pull out the cat's tongue to keep the airway open. If the cat resists your attempt to pull the tongue out, do not repeat Step 3.Step 4: Elevate the cat's hindquarters slightly by placing them on a pillow or folded towel.Step 5: Stop the bleeding immediately.Step 6: To conserve body heat, wrap the cat in a blanket or jacket.Step 7: Transport the cat to the veterinarian immediately.See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 2:09pmoJennifer HarmonHere's the thing- most likely the vets won't treat the animal "until someone gets there" because they don't want to be stuck with an abandoned bobcat or (even worse in their eyes) the bill if no one shows up or follows through. It's total c...rap. They're not afraid of the cat, theres ways of dealing with even the most fractious animals- and if its shocky enough to have been able to be crated, there is no issue!!! they're afraid of losing $. I've been working in the veterinary business (and I totally mean it when I use that word "business") for many years, and am getting out of it to do law enforcement (animal control) cuz I just can't take the corruption and profiteering that goes on anymore. Some situations require special action. Regardless the outcome, you think it would be good PR for a vet to do this!!! Ugh, I get so disgusted talking about this. Best luck, kitty, and Godspeed.See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 2:11pmoTed Heine It makes me so angry that "vets" are not bound by the same ethical and moral considerations as human doctors. They certainly charge enough, yet can pick and choose which suffering animals to help. That's just disgusting, inhumane and EVIL!December 28, 2010 at 2:16pmoJanet Powell Bisson Please, please be ok little furball......December 28, 2010 at 2:16pmoAurora Tännenbaum ?@ Jennifer Harmon : Hearing this is really repelling >.<December 28, 2010 at 2:16pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL We have offered to pay the bill, in advance via cc. Have called these in the area so far: East Lake, Pet Care of Apopka, Longwood, Mt Dora, Palmetto, Shamrock, Lake Vet, Winter Park, a vet named Jason, and all were either on vacation, off today or overloaded already. Some gave no reason other than to say they "don't do wildlife."December 28, 2010 at 2:16pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL I have a few leads on the far East side of Orlando, but that just adds to his drive time to get the bobcat back to our vets here, so hoping to find someone midway.December 28, 2010 at 2:18pmoTed Heine PS...I realized this when my own cat had a traumatic injury which resulted in her losing a leg. The very well known veterinary school and hospital which shall remain nameless......but is in West Philadelphia....told me that they were under no obligation to treat her...and they left her linger in a cage with a shattered femur for two days until they were sure I could pay them.December 28, 2010 at 2:19pmoKreative Altruism i love you guysyou almost make me cryi wish i was more able to help you guysDecember 28, 2010 at 2:19pmoJanet Ladwig Prayers from my family to the cat. How sad...if you don't LOVE animals you shouldn't be a vet.December 28, 2010 at 2:19pmoAngelina M Wormald need to know how young the cat the vets that I call will know...I WILL DO MY BESTDecember 28, 2010 at 2:20pmoMargaret Hill are there any vet schools along the way?December 28, 2010 at 2:21pmoAshley Wunderlin IVE CALLED 6 vets all of which have said no and thats B.S WISH U GUYS WERE IN OHIO I COULD BE MORE HELP THEN BUT IM STILL TRYINGDecember 28, 2010 at 2:23pmoDale Sullivan STUPID PEOPLE. NO WONDER I PREFER ANIMALS AT TIMES LIKE THIS!December 28, 2010 at 2:25pmoJennifer HarmonAgain- too 'overloaded' for an emergency?! I just... Have a real hard time getting right with this. Feline anatomy is feline anatomy. And it's not like were talking about a full grown panther, here! It's an injured, shocky bobcat. Ive dealt... with them before (previous animal control exp at calls before fish & game arrived & a drop @ the shelter), and in my experience, dealing with an unhappy adult Rottweiler is way worse, lol! It's simply unethical. I'm saddened by it. Again, I'm wishing the best ?See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 2:25pmoCandace Thompson any Zoo's with Vets?December 28, 2010 at 2:26pmoMaegan Gaudreau Make sure you call any zoos between Tampa and Mt. Plymouth to ask if there vet is available to help, they obviously deal with wild animals so they at least can't give the excuse that they don't do that...December 28, 2010 at 2:26pmoSnow Bop It's not like the bobcat was injured naturally, and that nature should take its course. The bobcat was hit by a car - HUMAN interference - therefore, humans should intervene. Wish there was something I could do... Thank you BCR for everything you are doing for the injured kitty!!December 28, 2010 at 2:27pmoKatherine Craig oh no! please keep us posted on how things are going.December 28, 2010 at 2:30pmoMichele Sanchez Ortiz ?: 2840 E Irlo Bronson Highway, Kissimmee Florida 34744 Telephone 407-847-4472Try these peopleDecember 28, 2010 at 2:31pmoMark LaughingBear BCR, Jennifer may have hit on it. Is there a Fish & Game unit in the area, or an animal control department that could at least stabilize the poor kitty?December 28, 2010 at 2:33pmoDeanna Moores Has anybody tried calling a vet at a zoo or Busch Gardens or any of the animal parks in Orlando? There's a vet at Fishhawk that interned with a could try them? 813-681-9080December 28, 2010 at 2:34pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL The vet school is in Gainesville, so out of the way. Zoo between here and there is Lowry Park and their vet, Dr. Murphy is already available to us here in Tampa. Our vet is calling around here in Tampa to make sure the 25lb male bobcat can get in right away upon arrival which should be 5:30 to 6 pm EST.December 28, 2010 at 2:34pmoCindy Rose Fries Stump Did you try Animal Kingdom?December 28, 2010 at 2:36pmoMaegan Gaudreau Central Florida Zoo (407) 323-4450 about 20 minutes from Mt. Plymouth. I'm in Massachusetts at work, so I didn't call, I hope that helps.December 28, 2010 at 2:39pmoAllison Meese Kavanagh Good luck! People are idiots, shame on these vets :( Brings tears to my eyes...December 28, 2010 at 2:41pmoAngelina M WormaldFound one that will help if you still need help. Here is the info they do ask that you pay upfront grrrHere is the info:ANIMAL CLINIC 1922840 E Irlo Bronson Mem HwyKissimmee, FL 34744Phone: 407-847-4472...Fax: 407-847-8843See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 2:42pmoAngelina M Wormald if you can't take the bobcat there let me know so that I can call them back and let them know that their services are no longer needed PLEASEDecember 28, 2010 at 2:43pmoKat SullivanWhat about this one in Deland? It's farther east, but not far from where the bobcat is. They treat wildlife.Erin Hall Holder, DVM115 E Euclid Avenue * DeLand FL 32724(O) 386.734.9899 * (F) * FloridaWild@cfl.rr.comSee MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 2:43pmoPeggy Robey Whatever the outcome,and I do pray it's a good one,I want to say THANK YOU for doing your very best to save this life..It's important to do something to help,rather than stand around always expecting someone else to step up to the plate and do the right thing!! Prayers for his/her survival and again Thank You for trying.December 28, 2010 at 2:47pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Dr. Wynn arranged with Dr. Danielson to see the vet at Ehrilch Animal Hospital. The person who rescued the cat said he is wrapped in blankets and seems quite content to be resting in the carrier. They said he put up a fight going in to the carrier, so hopefully his back and pelvis are not broken beyond repair.December 28, 2010 at 2:47pmoHeather Greene Animal lovers are the greatest people. hope everything works out. I'm praying for the little guy. ?December 28, 2010 at 2:48pmoAngelina M Wormald Oh good at least someone will see him and lets all hope for the best for this baby...I will let the vet that I called know that his services are no longer needed THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me know :) PLEASE keep us informed of the progress of this beautiful catDecember 28, 2010 at 2:50pmoKatherine Craig Kissimmee closer?December 28, 2010 at 2:51pmoLisa Olson Oh no, hope he will be okDecember 28, 2010 at 2:53pmoAshley Wunderlin AMENDecember 28, 2010 at 2:54pmoDonna Raihl Hope he/she gets better!December 28, 2010 at 2:56pmoIliana Marie Malcolm ?**Aurora for some high-up decision-making leadership position** :)GL Kitty!!December 28, 2010 at 2:56pmoSilvia Loehrer OMG!! My prayers are with the kitty b-cat...I wish I knew of a vet in that area....I'll ask around!December 28, 2010 at 3:00pmoAnthony Scott Jones Well I hope he makes it!!! resting in the carrier is good , Glad someone is gonna HELP!!! :)December 28, 2010 at 3:02pmoMelissa Koblin Hope the little guy is ok!December 28, 2010 at 3:03pmoJoAnn Paolantonio Thank you to BCR, Dr.'s Wynn & Danielson, Ehrilch Animal H. & the angel who rescued of Bobcat. I hope we can get a picture of the rescuer, the Bobcat & the story...December 28, 2010 at 3:04pmoKaren Norris-Rocha Positive wishes and prayers to the precious bobcat. Please keep us posted on his condition Seeing an animal injured just breaks my heart. But to know there are actually people who care and are making a difference gives me hope for mankind.December 28, 2010 at 3:05pmoPrinting Graphics This needs a share buttonDecember 28, 2010 at 3:07pmoAmanda Lyn I absolutely love my vet- he has a heart of gold. Saved my dog's life and his staff is beyond caring. He would probably be able to help- hes in Brandon @ Brandon Lakes Animal Hospital.December 28, 2010 at 3:13pmoLori Tuscano Jurkowski wish I was there, not that I am a vet, buyt I could helpDecember 28, 2010 at 3:14pmoJudy Taylor Have you contacted University of Penna. Veterinary College and Hospital. I know someone commented badly about them earlier but this is a different circumstance. Worth a try anyway.December 28, 2010 at 3:16pmoKathleen Robertson have you tried any zoos to se if they're vets would help?December 28, 2010 at 3:16pmoAmy Milligan ?(((((GOOD VIBES))))) are being sent to BCR for their efforts on behalf of this injured kitty AND!!! (((((PRAYERS FOR A SUCCESSFUL RECOVERY))))) are being sent to the injured bobcat!!!! (((((THANKS))))) are being sent out to the vets that are treating this kitty!!!December 28, 2010 at 3:20pmoKathy Foreman WernerI'm in the clermont/minneola area. I don't know the area well enough but our vet is South Lake Animal Clinic on Highway 50 between 8th & 12th Streets. Call them 352-394-2202 OR the vet trama center in groveland 244 W. Orange St,Groveland,... FL 34736352-429-7707they're right on highway 50See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 3:22pmoJennifer Harmon I am beyond relieved to know that the little guy (or girl! ;)...) will soon be getting the help it needs. Yeay BCR and yeay wonderful, compassionate people!!!!! :) x a million (at least!!! lol)December 28, 2010 at 3:24pmoJennifer LaMond I am so not surprised that Dr. Danielson at Ehrlich Animal Hospital stepped up.... he is the absolute best!!! He took care of my little one in his last minutes and he holds a very special place in my heart!! God bless him, BCR and Ehrlich Animal Hospital!!! Prayers for the big cat and BCR!!December 28, 2010 at 3:25pmoSilvia Loehrer Surely there is a VET out there that can help!!!!!!!Looks like this location is north west of Orlando...near Sanford or Tavares if anyone lives nearby and can offer vet assistance.December 28, 2010 at 3:26pmoKathy Foreman Werner my 2 neighbors in Minneola are groomers & they highly recommend Dr. Z here in Minneola on 27 His # is: (352) 394-7444 (the name of the office is All Care Animal Hospital)December 28, 2010 at 3:27pmoSilvia Loehrer As big as Orlando is...there has to be a kind VET that can help out.December 28, 2010 at 3:27pmoKen Weyrauch WOW lots of people looking to help. That is great. hopefully this bobcat is okay.December 28, 2010 at 3:28pmoKathy Foreman Werner so glad someone is able & WILLING to helpDecember 28, 2010 at 3:29pmoMegan Watson I'm so sorry to hear about this and I agree that vets should be held by the same ethical obligations as doctors. Most sure do charge enough which causes people distress in itself. I realize people need to have the money to care for a pet but it shouldn't be to the point of making people bankrupt. And I agree also it is very much a business. I wish the cat a speedy recoveryDecember 28, 2010 at 3:30pmoColleen Tracey hope you guys took the pictures of ur adventure of getting that kitty :)December 28, 2010 at 3:30pmoElizabeth Meade Praying for his recovery! & BLESS the Cat's rescuer & BCR & all those assisting!!! Makes my heart sing to read all the advise & help being offered!! I now live too far away to be of assistance beyond what has already been offered but I'm so happy to see the quick response from everyone! The faster the cat is treated the better his chances of his recovery! We're praying!December 28, 2010 at 3:30pmoCarrie Leo did this cat get the medical attention it needed? Is it doing ok? I just read the post just now. I wish I could help!December 28, 2010 at 3:37pmoCarissa Trotter oh god i hope the cat makes itDecember 28, 2010 at 3:39pmoFancy Katt Hugs to the BobCatDecember 28, 2010 at 3:41pmoKae De Ville Any luck yet? How is the cat?December 28, 2010 at 3:43pmoRebecca Vernon I'm glad to hear he or she put up a fight about going into the crate...although of course bobcats are notoriously bad-tempered...but hopefully that means he's not too badly injured or dying.December 28, 2010 at 3:45pmoCindy Khalsa not sure how close dade city, brooksville is but bet Peggy Flemig the holisitci vet would helpDecember 28, 2010 at 3:46pmoSuzie Buck I wish I was closer I would treat it myself.....December 28, 2010 at 3:49pmoJihmns Sulek oh my, i hope he's okDecember 28, 2010 at 3:54pmoDonna Coffey crossing fingers and saying prayers for bobcat...please please let us now how he/she is!December 28, 2010 at 4:03pmoGinny Carlson How I wish you were closer! My GREAT vet would. My prayers with the poor creature!December 28, 2010 at 4:05pmoHelen Cooley How Is he? Is he alright? did you make it in time?December 28, 2010 at 4:14pmoAmanda Baker How is he? Has someone helped yetDecember 28, 2010 at 4:17pmoEddie Hale It's absolutely amazing how everyone is pulling together for this wild cat. Very cool:)December 28, 2010 at 4:19pmoKatie Mikszewski Rest Please kick us updated on the kitty's status!December 28, 2010 at 4:20pmoMarie Council So glad to know a vet was found who will help. I was astonished that some refused. In such an emergency situation, they should make an effort even if they don't normally treat wild animals.December 28, 2010 at 4:24pmoCarol Walker Oh my gosh that's awful, Vets need to realize in that area its their job is to save, help animals , WTH is wrong with people these days????????December 28, 2010 at 4:34pmoCarol Walker Hope the bob cat can be saved.December 28, 2010 at 4:34pmoTiena Harvey Ellis Poor kitty. Healing blessings on it way for the little guy!December 28, 2010 at 4:36pmoLorena Bourque Herndon Kudos to the vet that offered to help this baby. I would be more than happy to make a donation to the vet's office to help with his care. Can someone post the name of the vet, etc. and how we would go about making a donation - or should we just make it to BCR?December 28, 2010 at 5:12pmoKris Barrett Daugherty Prayers for bobcat and dr working on him! Blessings to the person who picked him up and to BCR for taking care of things. Blessings to everyone here who wants to help.December 28, 2010 at 5:15pmoJodi Cohen Huge prayers for a speedy recovery for the 'big' little fellow!December 28, 2010 at 5:22pmoCat Stanley SHARED!December 28, 2010 at 5:30pmoMichael James Kelly Hoping he is going to be ok hereDecember 28, 2010 at 5:31pmoJennifer Parsons I hope he pulls through! Yay to BCR and all the help from everyone!December 28, 2010 at 5:40pmoSusan Hoover I'm surprised the Florida fish & game didn't have someone who could help!I am so glad that there was, finally, a vet who would/could treat the shocky bobcat near the pick-up point.December 28, 2010 at 5:47pmoKathy Shane hope he will be okDecember 28, 2010 at 5:52pmoLaura Kloss Please post how the bobcat is doing.December 28, 2010 at 5:56pmoSam Snell Pore bobcat!:(December 28, 2010 at 6:01pmoShelley AndJim Poston thanks for helping him/her. so sorry I know no one in the area. keep us posted & keep up the great work!December 28, 2010 at 6:16pmoKim Cisco i'm late to this or i would have made some calls, even though i'm on the west coast. i hope you found someone and he is being treated at this moment.December 28, 2010 at 6:32pmoJocelyn Owens keep us posted on how he's doing. i'll be praying for him. poor thing :(December 28, 2010 at 6:43pmoTerri Halle Only posts WITH LINKS get a 'share' button . . . Otherwise it's considered a status update and/or personal comment.December 28, 2010 at 6:54pmoSue Ross Zielenski Please let us know how he or she is doing!December 28, 2010 at 7:01pmoCandy Feldt God bless you at BCR.December 28, 2010 at 7:26pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Thanks everyone. I just got back from the vet's office. I have some photos that Jamie took with her phone. I will post them in a new thread here.December 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoRich Gomez I hope he/she's fine now... :(December 28, 2010 at 8:41pmoLacy Wynterz any new updates on the bobcatDecember 28, 2010 at 9:05pmoJudy Roberts Purvis What kinds of vets are these that won't help an injured animal? Hope I never have need of one of them.December 28, 2010 at 9:32pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Poor kitty!December 28, 2010 at 9:46pmoRobbie Lorraine I hope I NEVER meet any such cruel vet.December 28, 2010 at 10:06pmoJudy Roberts PurvisI had an unpleasant experience with a vet once. I was trying to save two one week old kittens. They got to where they wouldn't eat and were crying all the time. I called a local vet but they wouldn't see the kittens because they were early. I then called a vet 30 miles away and they told me to bring the kittens right in. One died before I got there but the vet did check out the other though didn't give me much hope. The point is that this vet at least took the time to try to help. Needless to say, this is the vet I take all my animals to now even though it's further for me to travel.See MoreWednesday at 12:02amoBobbie Tharp Carter I hope you found someone. Prayers for the bobcat coming.Wednesday at 12:16amoPatricia Morris MacDonald My God, why would none of the vets treat him for shock? That's terrible!Thursday at 8:25am   Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLJamie got the cat. Says he is alert and TOTALLY bobcat. Will arrive at vet in 30 minutes. I'm bringing dinner so everyone can work straight through to save him.December 28, 2010 at 5:18pmChris Poole, JoAnn Paolantonio, Breawna Smith and 349 others like this.oBeryl Bales Yay...way to go Jamie!December 28, 2010 at 5:18pmoAllison Friedman Thank you BCR for all you do! Good job!December 28, 2010 at 5:19pmoAmy O'Donnell Wow. Y'all are incredible. Thank you for caring fro the cats.December 28, 2010 at 5:19pmoPattie Huggins Deitrick Thanks so much for the update!! He or she will be in my prayers... Great work as always!!!December 28, 2010 at 5:19pmoColleen Tracey YAY!!!! YIPEEEE a great way to end the old year! a live bobcat! :)December 28, 2010 at 5:20pmoHelen Cooley Thank you so much for letting us know !!! good luck!December 28, 2010 at 5:20pmoMike Bond Great work,enjoy your updates.December 28, 2010 at 5:21pmoNancy Ellis Bless you all!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 5:21pmoAngel Camacho This is amazing! Great job guys! Hope the bobcat is OK. Please keep us posted and post a picture of the beautiful kitty when it's back on it's paws.December 28, 2010 at 5:22pmoSteve Knox Hope it turns out good please keep us postedDecember 28, 2010 at 5:23pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt God will bless yall for all of your good animal deeds!December 28, 2010 at 5:23pmoStephanie Turner Doran Praying for ya'll and the cat.December 28, 2010 at 5:23pmoKitty Dolan Praying like mad for him! Thanks BCR you and the cats are always first in my heart! Every one we save is one small step towards keeping these great cats safe and free.December 28, 2010 at 5:23pmoLisa Olson Yay that is good news, keep us posted on his progress!December 28, 2010 at 5:23pmoMichelle Bafik-Vehslage Best of luck... You all are wonderful.. Plz keep us posted... TYDecember 28, 2010 at 5:24pmoAshley Paro Thank you for keeping us updated... my prayers are out to the bobcat. God bless you all for everything you do.December 28, 2010 at 5:24pmoMarie Council Great news. I hope he survives and will be ok.December 28, 2010 at 5:25pmoBonnie Kelley you guys are so wonderful, hope to see pics when he feels better!!!December 28, 2010 at 5:26pmoBeth Giannosa BCR, y'all ROCK !! Thank you for caring for the big cats and doing all you do to educate the public and us, your adoring fans ! Good luck to the little Bobcat...hope all goes well :) Tribe Giannosa will be purring and praying for him !!December 28, 2010 at 5:26pmoBeth Thiel Good fingers are crossedDecember 28, 2010 at 5:27pmoTina Todd Great News! On the other hand, what a shame that none of the other vets would even consider looking at him... They wouldn't be MY vet for long, after that...December 28, 2010 at 5:28pmoSheila Fath Great team work BCR, praying that the bobcat will be ok. Thanks for the update. Please let us know how he or she is when the vet has had a look.December 28, 2010 at 5:29pmoKristal Roebuck I am so happy to hear the good news! Thank you Jamie and everyone at BCR! Hope the bobcat will be ok and thanks for keeping us all updated. :)December 28, 2010 at 5:30pmoDiana Britt You guys are the best!December 28, 2010 at 5:32pmoRebecca Vernon I love that quote - alert and totally bobcat. Having worked with wildlife, I know just what that's like!December 28, 2010 at 5:32pmoAshley Burleson wonderful news! kudos to BCR!December 28, 2010 at 5:34pmoAugust P. Doggest Yay! I have seen wild bobcats...and you have your hands full!! Thanks for the work you do!!December 28, 2010 at 5:34pmoAshley Wunderlin YAY IM SO HAPPY THAT MAKES ME WANNA CRY TEARS OF JOYDecember 28, 2010 at 5:35pmoAlex Foxx Awesome! You are the best!!December 28, 2010 at 5:35pmoMolly McFerran Great to hear....You guys & gals at BCR are angels.December 28, 2010 at 5:36pmoJada Hope offering up a prayer for BobcatDecember 28, 2010 at 5:38pmoBecky Fredericks Praying for a good outcome! ? ? ?December 28, 2010 at 5:38pmoColleen Tracey this would be the bestest xmas/kwanna/hakkuah gift ... a life being saved ;) a wild life!December 28, 2010 at 5:41pmoRuth Leikam GOOD LUCK WITH HIM!!!December 28, 2010 at 5:42pmoCalifia Hurtado Good luck! I hope he pulls through!December 28, 2010 at 5:43pmoBrian Howle Big Cat Prayers all around. Bob to the Cat, y'all!December 28, 2010 at 5:48pmoStephanie Humphries Pahren Best of luck!December 28, 2010 at 5:49pmoMelissa Garman Scandariato If he is healed ok, will he be returned back into the wild?December 28, 2010 at 5:50pmoMaria Velandia awesome job guys!!December 28, 2010 at 5:55pmoMary Thompson God Bless you all for your work and dedication I hope things work out for the poor baby.December 28, 2010 at 5:57pmoEilene Wood Praying for the Bobcat. he seems a feisty kitty.December 28, 2010 at 6:01pmoMarcus Taylor Good luck with it. I'm sure the great team will save himDecember 28, 2010 at 6:02pmoSammy Williams How wonderful! You're so sweet bringing dinner! Help that bobcat and send him back home! =DDecember 28, 2010 at 6:02pmoNicole Zimmerman whew... I will send up a prayer for him!December 28, 2010 at 6:03pmoKathy Shane so glad hes being saved. thank youDecember 28, 2010 at 6:05pmoSonya Alden prayers are going up for you and your team and for a very special bobcat who will be in your care tonite...much love and many blessings from vermont...December 28, 2010 at 6:07pmoLinda Davis please keep up the posts and, thank you so much for doing this...December 28, 2010 at 6:09pmoTiena Harvey Ellis Yeah! Thanks for such dedication to our wild kitties. Many Healing blessing for bobcat as well blessing for team that will help him. BCR you are the best!December 28, 2010 at 6:09pmoLinda Jones Richardson Thanks for letting us know. He's so lucky to have dedicated people who care.December 28, 2010 at 6:12pmoAngela Goodson Abbott He sounds like real scrapper! That's a good sign, right? I'll be hoping and praying with everyone else! (Just curious...who was the thoughtful person who picked him up out of the road, initially saving him? They deserve some thanks, too, so thank you!)December 28, 2010 at 6:13pmoConnie WoundedArrows picture!!!December 28, 2010 at 6:20pmoKim Cisco bravo!December 28, 2010 at 6:21pmoKim Rogers God bless you!December 28, 2010 at 6:25pmoRandy Whittington Wow, that is so awesome! You guys are amazing.December 28, 2010 at 6:26pmoAshley Tyler Wonderful news! Well wishes for the recovery for the Kitty! Thanks for all You do BCR!December 28, 2010 at 6:26pmoOlga Cisneros Hope cat will be okay :) Sending good vibes....December 28, 2010 at 6:28pmoDe Ja Foster Yipeeee...way to go Everyone !!December 28, 2010 at 6:29pmoDiane M. Duhaime Awesome!! Will keep the prayers going that he continues to do ok!!! Hope he isn't seriously injured!!! Thank you for doing what you do for the animals!!!December 28, 2010 at 6:33pmoKaren Swain Sending prayers for the kitty...December 28, 2010 at 6:43pmoCarissa Trotter Sending you guys all the love in the world and I hope the bob cat makes it!!!! we are all praying and hold our breathDecember 28, 2010 at 6:43pmoCathy Heasley-Fann praying ...December 28, 2010 at 6:44pmoSuzanne Manser all the best, hope it goes well.December 28, 2010 at 6:56pmoHope Gold Thank you, God Bless!December 28, 2010 at 7:01pmoChristina Bond Bless all y'all!December 28, 2010 at 7:02pmoChristopher Shaber Glad to hear that you got there in time. What happened to him exactly?December 28, 2010 at 7:12pmoSam Snell Ya!!!I'll pray!December 28, 2010 at 7:22pmoMack David ?:-))...xoDecember 28, 2010 at 7:24pmoPatricia Massari sending you and the bobcat every good thought i have ?December 28, 2010 at 7:26pmoShannon Fenner Laurer Great news, any better news yet???December 28, 2010 at 7:26pmoJanet Davis Thank you for posting an update. I hope all turns out well.December 28, 2010 at 7:27pmoAlexis Blanton I'm so glad to hear that... I was there when the call came through and couldn't stop wondering what happened. Best wishes Bobcat buddy!!! Bless every one of you helping with this (thank God for people like you and for Big Cat Rescue!)December 28, 2010 at 7:30pmoElizabeth Meade I vote to name him "Lucky"! Because that is one LUCKY Bobcat!! Prayers still going out for his full recovery!!December 28, 2010 at 7:38pmoDana Stangel you guys rock.December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoSonya Cabral I'm praying that he makes it!!! I honestly wished that vets would come to their senses and help wildlife too!!! All creatures need help from vets too when they need help!!! They are gods creatures too as well as our furrypets!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 7:49pmoJanet M. Dean praying for the bobbie!!December 28, 2010 at 7:57pmoSilvia Loehrer Please let us know who the vet is because I would like to donate to whoever helped the bobcat. Thank goodness for cool people and nice vets/assistants...I feel relieved now...XOXOXODecember 28, 2010 at 7:57pmoAmy Milligan ?@Sonya Cabral..... My kitties are not my pets! It's the other way around..... I am their human and they run things in my house!December 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoSilvia Loehrer Oh and thank you Big Cat Rescue for caring enough for our wildlife!XOXOXO I am donating to you as well!December 28, 2010 at 8:02pmoSharon Jenkins I meant to send a message earlier. I do energy healing and sent distance healing when i saw the message about the bobcat. Works wonderfully for animals. *BCR may contact me anytime you need healing sent for one of the animals*, no charge of course. I do it because i love animals.December 28, 2010 at 8:59pmoLaura Cole Thoughts and Prayers are being sent for Skip....Poor guy!! Thank you BCR for your big hearts and dedication....Way Awesome!!! ?December 28, 2010 at 9:58pmoBreawna Smith Thanks Jamie, hugs and prayers I am sending to help him feel better.December 28, 2010 at 10:35pmoSilvia Loehrer I just got done donating to you guys...thanks again for helping this beautiful kitty...the least I could do!December 28, 2010 at 11:34pm  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLBobcat has broken pelvis and some internal bleeding. Did X-rays and bloodwork.December 28, 2010 at 7:44pm via iPhoneNoelia Forman, Chris Poole, Janie Little Marlow and 34 others like this.oSandi Krick will say a prayer for the baby......December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoShannon Heitt howd it happen?December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoDan Drum Frawley Get well soonDecember 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoCara Wilson ? ? ?December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoSammy Williams oh no! Internal bleeding is bad!!December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoSue Drake oh poor thing, do you know if he's going to be okay yet ?December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoLesa Cox oh no!! what happened!! I will be in prayer for Him!December 28, 2010 at 7:44pmoShannon Fenner Laurer Thanks for the update! Prayers being sent for the poor thing and a positive outcome!December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoPatricia Morris MacDonald Dislike!!!December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoJessica Bray ?:( will be saying a prayer for him!December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoLinda Reilly hang in there, buddy!December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoAlexis Blanton he was hit by a car... Please keep the updates coming, THANK YOU!!!December 28, 2010 at 7:45pmoSuzie Buck Sending healing prayers and thoughts for the poor thing. Maybe he will rise like the mythical Phoenix and walk again. Please keep us updated, I am pulling for him and I will let my coven know to send healing energy to the poor little guy.December 28, 2010 at 7:46pm 4 people4 people like this. ·oPattie Huggins Deitrick So glad you got him/her there!! Prayers for the little sweetheart!!December 28, 2010 at 7:46pmoKathy Rivera Oh no pray for quick recovery for this poor bobcat..December 28, 2010 at 7:46pmoAmanda Nicole Scaggs Thats HORRIBLE!!! Good luck and I will pray for it!!!December 28, 2010 at 7:46pmoRobin Ross Poor kitty! I hope he recovers quickly!December 28, 2010 at 7:46pm 2 people2 people like this. ·oLisa Marie Babbitt Unlike - - will keep the prayers going for bobbie.December 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoRhonda Mengarelli Awww I hope you can fix him.Its so sad. My prayers are with himDecember 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoLynda Stephens Will s/he make it?December 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoDebby Stenson-Leighty Thank God you guys got there when you did!December 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoLinzee Mundtt how is he doing.any shock symptoms?? im glad he is at a vet..December 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoAndrea Ortiz Will he be ok????? Im sure if you put a post for donations to cover surgery or any treatment people will donate! Every little bit helps! I dont have much but i'd help!December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm ·oHelen Cooley Is he going to be alright?????????December 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoMack David ?:-((((((((((((((((....xxooDecember 28, 2010 at 7:47pmoMaria Hancock Bobcat + car = bad news bobcat. TG you all are there to help. poor dear. I will pray.December 28, 2010 at 7:47pm 4 peopleYou and 3 others like this. ·oVivian Wolpers It sounds like confinement for the pelvis to mend.... I hope the internal bleeding is not too serious.. I am praying for the bobcat to recover !!December 28, 2010 at 7:48pmoPenny Forest Kolacki Poor baby, I hope all goes wellDecember 28, 2010 at 7:48pmoMichael Sell may the winds be with himDecember 28, 2010 at 7:48pmoQsita Gamble I don't like this =(December 28, 2010 at 7:49pmoLesa Cox ok i have been outta the loop I found out what is going on.. I will be in prayer.. poor beautiful thing..December 28, 2010 at 7:49pm 1 personYou like this. ·oBonnie Kelley get well bobcat!!! you guys are lifesavers, thanks so much! would you like to play a pic game on my cloud pic today! it is an animal we just don't know which one it is and it is on fire!! it was sunrise. heck it could be a cat!! good luck bobby!!!December 28, 2010 at 7:50pmoAlison Roth Prayers sent up to St, Francis for Bobcat's speedy and full recovery. Hit by a car you say?!December 28, 2010 at 7:50pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oKatharine Sharp Im following his story. Kitty's in my prayers.December 28, 2010 at 7:51pm 1 personYou like this. ·oMichele Crow Anello Poor baby! Thank God you guys were there to help. IM sending love and prayers.December 28, 2010 at 7:51pmoAmy Milligan BCR!!! What can I say about you that hasn't already been said? You guys are IT!!! Sending positive and gentle vibes to the injured/sick bobcat!!! {{{{{+++++POSITIVE AND GENTLE VIBES+++++}}}}} {{{{{SPEEDY AND COMPLETE RECOVERY}}}}}December 28, 2010 at 7:52pmoMollie Smith Sending out good thoughts for the bobcat's recovery!!December 28, 2010 at 7:52pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oLynda Blackwood Murphy thats a tough injury for an animal. I know that he will get the best care possible and all the rehab that can be done.December 28, 2010 at 7:52pmoKokoro Fur?ku im sure it will be fine ... coz bobcats will just not die with little injuriesbut i will still send prayers so that everything will be all fineDecember 28, 2010 at 7:52pmoAngela Goodson Abbott Poor you think he'll be okay? Will he live at BCR or can he be released back into the wild?December 28, 2010 at 7:53pmoElizabeth MeadeMy sweet dog just had this very same thing happen about a month ago! He had internal bleeding which stopped & was reabsorbed by his body after 12 hours & we were fortunately able to afford the surgery to fix his pelvis with a plate & screws.... This is the 5th week since it's happened & he's made nearly a full recovery! Even uses his leg (left side pelvis was broke)I HOPE & PRAY this Bobcat is as strong & healthy as my dog is and so helps his chances of recovery!!! See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 7:53pm 5 peopleYou and 4 others like this. ·oKyle Schnarre best wishes for that bobcat UwUDecember 28, 2010 at 7:53pm 1 personYou like this. ·oSytske Kimball I hope he/she makes it!!December 28, 2010 at 7:53pm 3 peopleYou and 2 others like this. ·oKathy Robles Hoping the bobcat heals rapidly!December 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoLotta Williams Bengtsson Blessings to you and prayers for the Bobcat?December 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoElizabeth Meade The dog in my profile pic is the one I'm talking aboutDecember 28, 2010 at 7:54pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oRoxanne Coryell Poor baby! Praying for him???December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm 1 personYou like this. ·oFran Naturale Sending comfort and love. May he recover quicklyDecember 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoSonya Cabral Oh no!!!!! I'm praying for the little guy!!! i hope the sweetheart makes it!!! I love cats big and small pets and wild!!! Hang in ther little guy :( You are such a sweet guyDecember 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoSheray Shardy ?:(December 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoKatrina Gibson Ray not good...sending healing raysDecember 28, 2010 at 7:54pmoKaren Norris-Rocha Prayers to the patient :( I'm really hoping he will make a full recovery. Poor little guy.December 28, 2010 at 7:54pm 2 peopleYou and Sue Drake like this. ·oSandra Davis Poor little thang get well =(December 28, 2010 at 7:55pmoPatti Starkey Leonard Poor baby!!December 28, 2010 at 7:55pmoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Prayer and good energy vibes being sent Bob's/Barb's (lol) way!!December 28, 2010 at 7:55pmoTangela Hill Hope e'thing goes well for bobcat... Bless her/his heart!December 28, 2010 at 7:55pmoMary Thompson Is he going to be okay?December 28, 2010 at 7:57pmoEl Burke I hope you can make kitty better! Sending healing thoughts his/her way.December 28, 2010 at 7:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·oEliza Howard Blessings from my family !!December 28, 2010 at 7:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·oJennifer Lynn Oh no :(December 28, 2010 at 7:58pmoHelen Cooley Get well BOB you have the best there for you now!December 28, 2010 at 7:58pmoKim Harmyk Dever Will keep him in my thoughts and prayers..December 28, 2010 at 7:58pm 1 personYou like this. ·oKim Cisco please update with prognosis when you have it.December 28, 2010 at 7:59pm 1 personYou like this. ·oKerry Jordan my prayers are with the wee one...all god's creatures...great and small...December 28, 2010 at 7:59pmoLynn DeBruler Barker Poor Bobcat! Praying for recovery!December 28, 2010 at 7:59pmoBrion Vallone ?:( :(December 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoWendy Stodder Hope he'll be okDecember 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoJennifer HarmonEeeesssshhhh- I know you were saying earlier that you hoped it wasn't a pelvic injury. That's a real tough one, especially with a heavier boned, stocky, wild feline. Are they able to discern the source of the internal bleeding and correct i...t? I'm sure many decisions are being fraught over and weighed for and against relating to quality of life. I'm so glad it's BCR making the decisions, as you guys know intimately the recovery and rehab of a wild cat better than anyone. I'm sure if quality can be acheived, you'll be there every step of the way. We're behind you no matter what you decide :) See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoAnita Christine Haywood Oh no! Now what?December 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoDarlene Masone You guys will help him/her through this, our prayers are with you!December 28, 2010 at 8:00pm 1 personYou like this. ·oSnow Bop May human hands be guided to help heal the bobcat, so he can grow to be an awnry old cuss!December 28, 2010 at 8:00pmoNoreen Raudabaugh Oh, no. I hope you can save him. The poor babe...December 28, 2010 at 8:01pm 1 personYou like this. ·oLinda Moch That is awful, prayers are going out to the sweet cat and prayers to u for your help with these beautiful animals.December 28, 2010 at 8:02pmoEdie Enders My prayers are with him/her.December 28, 2010 at 8:03pmoKathy Case Love and prayers to the bobcat and all those who are trying to help!!December 28, 2010 at 8:04pmoTammy Campbell Oh,I hope it will be OK!December 28, 2010 at 8:05pmoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Well, just learned Bob actually has a name after all: Skip!! Yay. Get well Skip!!!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 8:06pmoLisa Polo Sending healing energies!! xoxoxoxDecember 28, 2010 at 8:07pmoHeather Cantrell Poor Bob! My heart goes out to him! Thank goodness you were able to get to him...please keep us updated!December 28, 2010 at 8:08pmoMario Nistico My best wishes for this poor creature. Thanks to people like you, he has a fighting chance.December 28, 2010 at 8:08pmoMarie Council Sure hope he is going to be ok.December 28, 2010 at 8:09pmoAmy O'Donnell Oh, poor kitty. But s/he has a guardian angel and one more life, thanks to BCR.December 28, 2010 at 8:15pmoMelissa Koblin Hopefully BCR got to the kitty in time...keep up the great work!December 28, 2010 at 8:16pmoMarie Frawley On my prayer list~December 28, 2010 at 8:19pmoAldana Vandervoort Big Cat Rescue is incredible and God bless all the volunteers, workers and the beautiful felines that call BCR home.December 28, 2010 at 8:19pmoZoe Kaschkadajew feel better sweet kittyDecember 28, 2010 at 8:23pmoPhoebe Katherine Raymond hope he gets better :(December 28, 2010 at 8:23pmoAmanda Reynolds ?:( thank goodness he/she has you guys!December 28, 2010 at 8:24pmoCheryl Schaeffer Hope the bobcat makes a full and speedy recovery. I can't imagine how anyone could hit one... I'd probably die trying to avoid it.December 28, 2010 at 8:34pmoLisa Ginkinger-Silverstein Prayers with the bobcat. Hope they can stop the internal bleeding asap. hope the pelvis is able to be repaired also :(December 28, 2010 at 8:37pmoKathy Dunn I hope the doc can repair the crushed pelvis...prayers for SkipDecember 28, 2010 at 8:45pmoJan Kelley Hope the cat makes it. Thank goodness for BCR.December 28, 2010 at 8:58pmoLeslie Snowden Hoping for the best :)December 28, 2010 at 9:21pmoMartha Hoffman Skinner I hope little Skip will make it ... prayers are being sent his way.December 28, 2010 at 9:32pmoMichaela Heilhecker Just wondering if you guys need OR supplies that we can't use on Humans (they are not in sterile wrappers anymore). I sometimes get supplies from hospitals they can't use anymore.December 28, 2010 at 9:32pmoCatherine Anne Remy Our Prayers and thoughts go out to Skip the adorable Bob cat that he has a speedy relaxing recovery if I lived there I would come take care keep a eye on Skip as well as any Big Cat I do have some Experiance with Big Cats even if I had to bring in big baby cat milk feed them and watch over them even sleep somewhere keep a eye on the baby Skip we love ya little guyDecember 28, 2010 at 9:42pmoKristal Roebuck Hoping for a speedy recovery and thank you for coming to his rescue! Keep us posted. Sending prayers and hugs ?December 28, 2010 at 10:07pmoCrystal Susan Bloom God, please watch over those of your creations who are ill or injured and cannot heal themselves without your help and guidance. Thank you.December 28, 2010 at 10:27pmoAj Silver ?:( Hope hes ok!!December 28, 2010 at 11:51pmoMelanie Shand Praying for healing...bless you for caring for this injured being.Wednesday at 3:16amoMartha Hoffman Skinner How is he doing this morning?Wednesday at 9:32amoSally Chancellor Peters speedy recovery to Bob & kudos to the staff who rescued him & those who are treating him. I wish I was closer so I could volunteer (IL)Wednesday at 9:51amoDiane Supowit Praying for his recovery and for comfort!Wednesday at 10:01am Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLTo see photos of Skip the bobcat who was rescued today and rushed back to Tampa to see a vet, check out Jamie Veronica in facebook, or maybe this link can get you to her album of rehab bobcats. His will be the most recent photos!/album.php?aid=333474&id=772945452 or go to Carole Baskin where I posted just his photos on my profile.December 28, 2010 at 8:03pmSilvia Loehrer, Florida Potter, Alexis Blanton and 148 others like this.oAlene Greto sharing.December 28, 2010 at 8:04pmoBonnie Kelley thank you so much!!!December 28, 2010 at 8:05pmoJeri Moll What gorgeous photos! God Bless BCR!! ? +^..^=December 28, 2010 at 8:05pmoStacy Watts thank you for saving him.December 28, 2010 at 8:05pmoMarie Council I am so glad you were able to save him!December 28, 2010 at 8:05pmoLesa Cox will be praying big Time!!December 28, 2010 at 8:07pmoHolly Oxenfree Oh my goodness! What a beautiful cat! I live near Mt Plymouth, so this cat was my neighbor. Poor thing! Thank you for your help in trying to save the cat. I'll be sending good vibes.December 28, 2010 at 8:07pmoLesa Cox oh and THANKS for all you do.. when i get bummed about the human race.. i feel better when i get your posts...December 28, 2010 at 8:07pmoRebecca Hagen What happened to the kitty with the broken pelvis? Is he going to be ok?December 28, 2010 at 8:09pmoHeather Cantrell God Bless you, Skip. You're in good hands.December 28, 2010 at 8:09pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Skip was hit by a car. If he heals OK he will be released back to the wild. The internal bleeding is probably just from the impact and may all reabsorb. His organs all look pretty good, except for the spleen. That's the big worry right now. Lungs are clear. No head trauma. VERY bruised from waist to tail.December 28, 2010 at 8:12pm 2 peopleLoading...oAmber Waters Glad he was able to be seen & get some help! Poor thing.December 28, 2010 at 8:12pmoMary-Ann Roach keep us informed. Not every injury can be healed, but you are trying and that is what counts. Skip isn't alone by the side of the road waitingDecember 28, 2010 at 8:13pmoKelli Polsinelli You're in good hands Skip.December 28, 2010 at 8:13pmoMargie Anderson Linnane Hope he/she heals up so can go back out into the world.December 28, 2010 at 8:14pmoKathy Farley-Panaras I hope Skip is ok and that his hip can be fixed!December 28, 2010 at 8:15pmoToni Tedesco Royer Thank you, BCR!December 28, 2010 at 8:15pmoJessica Bewsee oh, hai!December 28, 2010 at 8:18pmoDiana Britt Those x-rays look pretty scary.December 28, 2010 at 8:18pmoKristen Dawley You all are doing a wonderful thing working hard to save his life! I hope Skip gets better soon :)December 28, 2010 at 8:19pmoClaire Piper Poor Skip... what's the prognosis?December 28, 2010 at 8:21pmoMichele Crow Anello Absolutely beautiful cat!!December 28, 2010 at 8:22pmoRebecca Hagen Thank you for the update and for everything you do!!December 28, 2010 at 8:22pmoLisa Olson Yes thanks for the update and for all you do for these wonderful cats!!!December 28, 2010 at 8:26pmoChristopher Shaber Broken pelvis? Looks like Skip may have a long road ahead of him.December 28, 2010 at 8:27pmoCatherine Holder-Pepper he is so precious. and so pitiful. thank goodness he's in good hands and has a chance of recovery!!! thank you BCR for what you do!December 28, 2010 at 8:31pmoJan McLean Please update us with Skip's prognosis when you have a chance. Erhlich Animal Hospital is the best!December 28, 2010 at 8:35pmoBarbara Crowell McCarthy What a sweet boy. Sending healing energy to little Skip, and much gratitude to everyone who helped to save his precious life.December 28, 2010 at 8:36pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL The best thing we can do for him for the next couple of days is keep him quiet and on pain meds and if his spleen isn't completely trashed we will attempt a plate in the pelvis. His legs look OK. It's broken in a very bad spot though, so I don't know if there is much the surgeons can do. We will give him every opportunity at a second chance at freedom. Bellona's surgeries were more than 7500.00 but we will spend that to help him be free again, if we have to.December 28, 2010 at 8:38pmoMary-Ann Roach Everyone who has 'friended' BCR knows you'll do all you can. Hoping and praying that everything works out for the best for Skip.December 28, 2010 at 8:53pmoEilene Wood Thank you everyone for rescuing this baby. I hope he makes it.December 28, 2010 at 8:54pmoLynette Tinsley I hope he will be okay. It may take a long time but please be okay Skip. We are praying for you!December 28, 2010 at 8:56pmoAlex Foxx Thank you very much for the update and especially for saving Skip's life. You do awesome work. My thoughts and prayers are with Skip. He is gorgeous!!December 28, 2010 at 9:09pmoBarbara Trovato I didn't know bobcats were so small - hope he makes it.December 28, 2010 at 9:10pmoAngela Goodson Abbott Poor, sweet kitty...I know he's in good hands. Thanks so much for taking such good care of him. ?December 28, 2010 at 9:16pmoCee Dee THANK GOD for you guys... my stomach actually hurts thinking about this poor baby all the way from CT...December 28, 2010 at 9:45pmoMary Thompson Is he going to make it?December 28, 2010 at 10:21pmoDebi Gungor lovely photos ,u guys are doing a great job,do u have many bobcats in the wild there in US ,Wednesday at 4:36amoEileen Edgecomb How is Skip doing?Wednesday at 7:30am From Skip's Facebook Photo AlbumJennifer LaMond, Timothy Fairclough, Darla Ostenson and 671 others like this.oBetty Johnson Glad he's getting treated promptly.December 28, 2010 at 9:23pmoDeirdre Zang Thank God for people like you guys I mean it!!!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 9:24pmoEl Burke I just want to hold him gently and stroke his ears to let him know it will be okay... poor feline... :(December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoMichael Collins I'm hoping for the best!! Thanks BCR for caring!December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoVivian Wolpers Glad he is in safe hands to nurse him back to health...December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoShannon Cohen Poor baby!! He is so lucky you saved him!!December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoGinny Carlson POOR Baby!!Prayers for a speedy recoveryDecember 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoMyra Ryckmen I hope this little guy will recover quickly.December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoAshley Paro beautiful and we are praying for a speedy recovery...December 28, 2010 at 9:25pmoHolly Hill I'm so glad that BCR is one of the charities on the Combined Federal Campaign, and that I was able to help support your work.December 28, 2010 at 9:26pmoMack David ?(((HUGS)))...xoDecember 28, 2010 at 9:26pmoLisa Kane AWWW Looks so helpless!! Poor baby! :(December 28, 2010 at 9:26pmoAraceli Molina OMG! Praying for Skip :)December 28, 2010 at 9:26pmoKatrina Gibson Ray sending healing energyDecember 28, 2010 at 9:27pmoAndrea Ortiz Praying for a full recovery!!!! Hope and wish he can be released! Thank you for saving him!December 28, 2010 at 9:27pmoLisa Polo Sending healing energies Skip's way.... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxDecember 28, 2010 at 9:27pmoWilda Komora hope he heals , thanks for sharing these pictures. Best of luckDecember 28, 2010 at 9:27pmoLisa Ginkinger-Silverstein poor baby boy :( prayers with you Skip :'(December 28, 2010 at 9:28pmoAmy Evangelisto BCR is AMAZING! Praying that he will be alright! Such a beautiful young cat.December 28, 2010 at 9:28pmoAlexis Blanton Oh! Bless you little buddy and you Jamie for all you've done for him and everyone that played a role in helping! :)December 28, 2010 at 9:28pmoMelanie Lowe i hope you guys know that you are some of the few real heroes out thereDecember 28, 2010 at 9:28pmoLisa Kane Please keep us posted on his recoveryDecember 28, 2010 at 9:28pmoCathy Artzner Toth He's beautiful!! Prayers sent! I was just talking to a friend of mine who works for Seminole Animal Control. She told me we have a large amount of those guys in my area in Longwood. Sadly, one was killed up the street from me a couple weeks ago. They are so amazing. Give him kitty kisses for me.December 28, 2010 at 9:29pmoMarcia Nichols Thank you for what you do! And Thank you for sharing!December 28, 2010 at 9:29pmoStacey V-AwarenessHelps Citraro This is so sad but it sounds good that he will make it through okay. Thank you so much for being there for him and your dedication to his care. You guys are wonderful. It breaks my heart to see animals hurt, especially if people are involved.December 28, 2010 at 9:29pmoLinda Schafer How is he doing? You guys are such a blessing. You guys do such great work. It is so great that there are people like Big Cat Rescue in the world.December 28, 2010 at 9:29pmoLinda Reilly he seems like he is in good hands!December 28, 2010 at 9:30pmoJennifer Albold Will it heal good enough for him to br released or will he have to live at the sanctuary?December 28, 2010 at 9:31pmoLi Ha saying prayers for this beautiful baby that he pulls through.. please keep us posted on his recoveryDecember 28, 2010 at 9:31pmoMary Sahlsteen Earnest prayers going out to him. May God bless Jamie and BCR and the vet office!December 28, 2010 at 9:31pmoKathy Rivera Would love to see the out coming of Skip please keep post how Skip is going so far...would love to see Skip be safe in your place...December 28, 2010 at 9:32pmoCindy Davis Please keep us updated on this sweetheart. ?December 28, 2010 at 9:32pmoJrad Tiran my god what happened to them? ...judging from the hip and stomach area ..they look very underweightDecember 28, 2010 at 9:33pmoMichelle Campione Awe good luck kitty!December 28, 2010 at 9:33pmoShe Szimanski Not sure I wanted to see pictures of the sweet little guy until you know he is going to make it. If his spleen injuries are too severe, then it really won't matter how many hearts are broken.December 28, 2010 at 9:33pmoWilliam Dager He looks so young. A pelvic fracture is pretty bad for a feline. I'm glad he found you. Wishing him the best and a full recovery. Know he is in the best hands now.December 28, 2010 at 9:34pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL With all the love being focused on him I am very optimistic that he will recover miraculously and be running free again by spring.December 28, 2010 at 9:34pm 7 peopleLoading...oMisty Maher Y'all do such an awesome job. May GOD bless You and the bobcat!December 28, 2010 at 9:35pmoLisa Eagle Shuping God bless all of you for taking such care of one of His creatures, with so much love!December 28, 2010 at 9:35pmoDonna Thomas God bless you guys and all you do for the cats. They are truely amazing animals that need protection. Sending prayers and healing thoughts!December 28, 2010 at 9:35pmoRebecca Mary Romoshan God Bless you all at the BCR. You are all angels....hope Skip makes a full recovery. Breaks my heart to see any animal hurt. They are beautiful creatures (ALL cats). ?December 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoJrad Tiran whoops my bad ..i just saw william dager post on the pelvic fracture ...i knew something was wrong ...glad to see he was rescued : )December 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoHolly Oxenfree How did you know the bobcat was hit? I'm thankful to whomever contacted you.December 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoWilliam Dager I know humans can have their spleen removed, but I'm not sure about felines. Would that be an option if it is too damaged?December 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoRebecca Baker love and light to kittyDecember 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoJan Kelley Poor Skip. Hope you're able to help him.December 28, 2010 at 9:37pmoDebbie Biamonte Get better Skip...we need youDecember 28, 2010 at 9:38pmoDeb Wentzel Aww, I hope he can be rehabilitatedDecember 28, 2010 at 9:39pmoLynda Stephens Yes, BCR, all hearts are swelling with love for Skip, you & his rescuers. Our love will make the difference.December 28, 2010 at 9:39pmoDana Gilkey what a beautiful creature! thank-you for helping him! he looks on the thin side but guess that is becos he is young & wild? fingers crossed for this kitty!December 28, 2010 at 9:42pmoFran Harrington Big kisses to you and Skip. Thank you for making a difference!!December 28, 2010 at 9:42pmoSonya CabralThank you Jamie for all you do to help these innocent animals!!! I sure hopes that he makes it!!! There are people that just don't give a a darn about these innocent animals!!! Hang in there skip you sweet little guy!!!! Hope you have a spe...edy recovery!!!!See MoreDecember 28, 2010 at 9:43pmoKim Haller Thank you for working to save Skip!December 28, 2010 at 9:44pmoMelanie Spangler ReMine So beautiful! Love to you, Skip, and thank you guys for helping him!December 28, 2010 at 9:46pmoHeather Rodman Ohh.....December 28, 2010 at 9:47pmoKimberly Hayes cant wait!December 28, 2010 at 9:47pmoEsmeralda Martinez Sending Skip positive thoughts!December 28, 2010 at 9:47pmoAileenLiddy Bahia-Bulldogs I can't believe no local vet would help to see him. I'm glad he is doing better. I hope he recovers soon. Poor baby and god bless him. I'm glad we have people like you to save and care for this helpless animals.December 28, 2010 at 9:50pmoKim Cisco thank you to the BCR team for your devotion to helping wildlife! ... prayers being said for skip's recovery.December 28, 2010 at 9:53pmoPhyllis Sobczyk poor he going to make it?December 28, 2010 at 9:53pmoDonna DeSantis Williams Glad to hear he is doing better!December 28, 2010 at 9:54pmoMelissa Koblin Good luck Skip!! Thanks BCR!December 28, 2010 at 9:56pmoHeather White awwDecember 28, 2010 at 9:57pmoClemencia Giron he ok?December 28, 2010 at 9:58pmoRhonda Mengarelli Prayers an thoughts are with him.He couldnt be in better hands. Keep us postedDecember 28, 2010 at 9:59pmoCarolyn Schellhardt Please tell me that Skip is okay.December 28, 2010 at 10:00pmoRobin Dougherty bless you guys for helping this beautiful wild creature!December 28, 2010 at 10:04pmoGayle Hutchens oh, poor guy. I had one that came to my yard for water. Animal control said I was on his route. They're so beautiful.December 28, 2010 at 10:04pmoZawadi Sacrilege Get well soon skip :)December 28, 2010 at 10:05pmoDominique Veillette omg, i just want to cuddle him. Is he ok ? will he be ok ? I was just at the BCR 2 weeks ago when i visited from Montreal. I loved your place and i WILL go back ! Come on Skip, i want to see you next time i go !! hugzzzzzDecember 28, 2010 at 10:07pmoSharon Cutshaw Hope she will be betterDecember 28, 2010 at 10:09pmoAmber Bruno ?December 28, 2010 at 10:09pmoTerry Cassada Deason Poor baby! Hope he is up and about soon. So glad you were able to get to him.December 28, 2010 at 10:10pmoPadme A Tea Dear Ones: am sending distant healing to help Skip recover. Blessings to you for helping him. H's gorgeous.All LovePadme A'TeaDecember 28, 2010 at 10:11pmoKrystal Gill Praying for the bestDecember 28, 2010 at 10:12pmoDena Hough Clark For Christmas my sister gave me a visit to BCR.....hope to see Skip up and around when I come over. Thanks for all you do!!December 28, 2010 at 10:15pmoMeleah Kirby Thank you to Jamie and everyone at BCR for all you do to help the cats. I hope Skip gets well soon!December 28, 2010 at 10:17pmoSammy Barnes Makes me wanna cry. Hate it when animals hurt for no reason.December 28, 2010 at 10:17pmoMary Thompson What's the story here is he going to make it?December 28, 2010 at 10:19pmoAnne Good hope he gets better, Iam surprised no vets would help him.December 28, 2010 at 10:19pmoTalia Barr Get well soon Skip!! :-DDecember 28, 2010 at 10:19pmoCarissa Trotter Jamie you are so really are.December 28, 2010 at 10:20pmoSue Brooks hope he'll be okDecember 28, 2010 at 10:21pmoDonna Raihl Get well baby Skip. We are praying for you!!December 28, 2010 at 10:21pmoRandy Whittington I do hope he pulls through! He certainly has the best care now.December 28, 2010 at 10:22pmoKristal Roebuck What a sweetie! And so tiny! Have a super speedy recovery Skip. Thank goodness for Jamie and BCR! ?December 28, 2010 at 10:22pmoRosemary Woolever You all do great things. Thank you!December 28, 2010 at 10:22pmoTisa Sutherland Please get well soon little oneDecember 28, 2010 at 10:25pmoDeborah Good Thank god someone had called you! In good hands now.December 28, 2010 at 10:27pmoShawn Young Prayers for a speedy recovery Skip!!!!!!! Sending healing energies your way!!!!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 10:28pmoChrissy Phillips Thanks for taking care of this beautiful lil guy! I'm sure he will be grateful when he's back to hunting and enjoying himself again! :)December 28, 2010 at 10:33pmoMichelle Klein-Hass Feel better, little fella...thinking good thoughts for you, little one.December 28, 2010 at 10:35pmoNina Rozankovich-Woeachko Get better Baby!December 28, 2010 at 10:37pmoRebecca Vernon Oh...our boy Skippy is just a little guy. Poor little flat kitty. I hope he feels better soon, and his spleen is okay. I used to see one that hung out in the field next to the old farmhouse where I lived. I tried talking to him at first, thinking he was a housecat from a distance. As I got closer I realized, Wait a minute, that's an awful big - and very serious-looking - kitty! He just sat there in the field looking like he thought I was crazy for talking to him... I was probably disturbing his dinner.December 28, 2010 at 10:37pmoBrandi Bandy He's so tiny, sending lots of love & healing to him, I hope he pulls though with flying colors and hopefully you can release him :)December 28, 2010 at 10:37pmoSandra Sego Schrotenboer Get better little fella! Thanks for all you folks do at the Big Cat Rescue! God Bless YouDecember 28, 2010 at 10:40pmoHeather Cantrell Feel better, little Skip-aroo! You're in good hands.December 28, 2010 at 10:43pmoMarie Frawley Thank you for all your rescue efforts on behalf of all the cat lovers that have a voice...December 28, 2010 at 10:47pmoColleen Tracey Keep us posted on Skips recovery and thanks for getting him! u will make a difference in the wild life conservation !December 28, 2010 at 10:56pmoPatricia Massari much ? to skip and blessings to all of you at bcr!!December 28, 2010 at 11:01pmoDiane Dusty Bauman Poor baby, hope he'll be able to walk again. He is quite thin!December 28, 2010 at 11:01pmoKaren M Sulewski Poor Skip!!December 28, 2010 at 11:04pmoAnne Vineyard He is so beautiful, I hope all goes well!December 28, 2010 at 11:08pmoLaurie M Jones u found a vet to treat the shock? whew....December 28, 2010 at 11:10pmoSilvia Loehrer what a beautiful kitty...thank goodness you are in safe hands. Keep us posted on his progress...pleaseDecember 28, 2010 at 11:15pmoCarrie Gleason Please keep posting and keeping us informed on Skip's progress!!! BCR is the BEST!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:17pmoRondi Kay Abbott Please keep us informed updated on the poor bobcat's condition!!December 28, 2010 at 11:17pmoMary Dail Poor baby. Stay with us little boy.December 28, 2010 at 11:26pmoBrian Howle There once was a bobcat named SkipGot hit by a car, broke his hipHis future was lamey, until saved by Jamieand Big Cat Rescue, 'cause local vets didn't do ZIP!YOU GUYS RULE! :)December 28, 2010 at 11:40pm ·oLamia Harb Ohhhhh Skip :( hope you get better love ?December 28, 2010 at 11:45pmoJudy Leach You guys are awesome!December 28, 2010 at 11:46pmoMidnyte Blacke is that a baby bobcat? bec he sure is little, My American Bobtail is bigger than him..I hope he makes a full recovery, so precious!Wednesday at 12:09amoElaine Livingston I hope he will be ok.Wednesday at 12:13amoDiane Campbell So So Cute!!Wednesday at 12:22amoSylvia Klasson Miller God bless Skip, and God bless all of you who care for him and so many others!Wednesday at 12:29amoAlice Rebeck O'Connor You are angels for the animals!!! Get well beautiful kitty!Wednesday at 12:37amoCarol Walker Get well Skip.Wednesday at 12:44amoVictoria Garcia Get well little boy !Wednesday at 1:25amoOlga Cisneros best wishes little kitty. hang in there. bless you all for your work :)Wednesday at 1:36amoCandy Feldt poor baby... hoping all works out in her/his favor.Wednesday at 1:55amoArvind Christopher Get well Skip hang in there. bless youWednesday at 2:18amoRik Chandler I am a retired X-ray tech and the x-ray made me cringe! Keep up the good work!Wednesday at 3:35amoGill Tyson Thinking of you Skip, get well soon.Wednesday at 3:56amoSuzy Hochstenbach Thank you, your very special people !And a vet who doesn't help an injured animal is NO vet, but a profiteer.Wednesday at 4:50amoCathy Kuras Dygert So glad you were able to get him before it was too late! You guys are awesome!Wednesday at 5:48amoKathy Shane i hope he will be okWednesday at 8:13amoJudy Bauernfeind Thank you for what you do.Wednesday at 8:19amoMichelle Able I pray skip heals quickly!Wednesday at 8:34amoMarie Council Bless his heart, I hope he is going to be all right.Wednesday at 8:58amoAmanda Reynolds Where can we find the updates on him?Wednesday at 9:05amoGerda Mink ohWednesday at 9:33amoYvonne Perkins get well little man......prayers and love xWednesday at 10:04amoMike Bond Just beautiful, i pray for his recovery.Wednesday at 10:19amoTammy Berry thank you jamie for going all out to help this beautiful baby, keep us updated & prayers will be said for a full recovery.Wednesday at 10:21amoKitty Hawk Stewart I pray for his speedy recovery!Wednesday at 10:26amoCynthia Horne-Hunley Jamie, you (and BCR) ROCK!!!! Thank you for looking out for the little guy.Wednesday at 10:55amoRoman Osipov Guys you are awesome! Thank you for taking care of those kittehs!Wednesday at 11:02amoDamia Turek I am anxiously waiting to hear that Skip's spleen is functioning OK and he will be able to have the surgery to repair his pelvis .....I hope this brave guy has several more lives left !Wednesday at 11:06amoTara Green Childers Thank God for all of you. To see your love & dedication to these beautiful cats restores some of my dwindling faith in this world!!Wednesday at 11:36amoLinda Tappan Thanks so much to all of you at BCR for what you do! And for Skip and Nic for not leaving him on the roadside!Wednesday at 12:16pmoJoyce Garite Brady Good luck little one....Wednesday at 2:35pmoVicki Eddy PRAYERS...Wednesday at 2:58pmoBill Somrak Purring for Skip's recovery. Thanks BCR ...Wednesday at 3:56pmoLinda Davis o that poor baby...makes you want to give him a hug and hold his little paw! prayin' for him...very grateful for the updates! thank you!Wednesday at 4:40pmoDavid Lester get well little furry one, get wellWednesday at 4:59pmoNuria Rodriguez Poor little guy. I hope you get better quickly sweet boy! Bless BCR for bringing him in.Wednesday at 5:06pmoCarolyne Wood What ever his fate will be..we know you all did your very best and with all your love and compassion. Thank You BCR for all you do!Wednesday at 6:13pmoRachel Castle Farmer Hope he's ok :(Wednesday at 6:49pmoLaura Kloss Is the cat ok?Wednesday at 7:45pmoPatricia Sheridan Praying for you Skip! You are in our thoughts & prayers in Texas. Big Hugs & Kisses! Sending Lots of Love your way! Get Better Soon!!! XOXOXOXOXOWednesday at 8:58pmoFanny Charpentier Get well little boy. Kisses from France. Good job BCR. You're the Best!Wednesday at 9:45pmoJennifer G. Sherwood poor kitty - I hope you can do something for himThursday at 8:25amoKaushani Ghosh i pray to god..that he gets well as soon as possible !!Thursday at 9:29amoVicki Eddy Poor baby...Thursday at 10:29amoAngelina M Wormald keep praying and hoping that this little guy pulls through PLEASE HE HAS GOTTEN THIS FAR...EVERYDAY IS A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTIONThursday at 10:42amoBob Bennett Such a beautiful cat, here's to a full recoveryThursday at 11:05amoBarb Campbell Sending prayers and well wishes from Canada! Bless your heartsThursday at 11:43pmoRachel Alonzo many good thoughts and vibes coming ur way Skip-i hope u will make it!!;)))Yesterday at 1:52amoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL I pulled these from Jamie Veronica's album because she may not be able to accept all the new friend requests for you guys to see the photos, but she will be updating her site as she gets photos, so it is worth trying.Yesterday at 11:49am 5 peopleLoading...oEliza Howard All blessings for you Skip!!!!Yesterday at 11:49amoLynda Stephens Skip, I'm having some wonderful catnip tea, thinking about how much you will be enjoying playing with catnip in the years to come. XOXOXOYesterday at 11:50amoMary Thompson Be strong and fight Skip we love you.Yesterday at 11:51amoKristine Busch such a handsome boy.. good luck sweet skip xoxoxoxYesterday at 11:54amoJane E. Faulkner Here's wishing Skip a full and speedy recovery. Thank you BCR for all that you do! Skip is so lucky to be in the hands of such capable and dedicated people.Yesterday at 11:56amoNora Mutao Frost come on boy. Its not as hard as it seems.Yesterday at 11:56amoTammy Dulaney Bless BCR & Skip!Yesterday at 12:00pmoAlan Cordova Aww poor guy, hope he's doing well.Yesterday at 12:00pmoSheryl Bottner Be strong, Skip. Fight as hard as you can to stay here!Yesterday at 12:01pmoRachel Castle Farmer Bless his little heart! I hope he pulls through. Prayers are with him and the staff that are caring for him! You guys are awesome!!!Yesterday at 12:04pmoJerrica Beek be strong , ?Yesterday at 12:04pmoKris Barrett Daugherty waiting for news...keep watching Jamie's wall as well....prayers, prayers, prayers for Skip and his doctors....Yesterday at 12:04pmoMarie Hopkins We had a cat who was hit by a car with resulting multiple fractures of the pelvis. I couldn't afford the expensive surgery so the vet advised to keep him confined and quiet and said he might recover but would have a limp. He made a full recovery and no limp. Hoping Skip will do as well!Yesterday at 12:07pmoEl Burke Just read Jamie's post and he's doing great!! Yay Skip!!Yesterday at 12:07pmoNagy Alexandra I'm rooting for him! He's a survivor. ^..^ Thank you, BCR for helping the big cats :)Yesterday at 12:08pmoKris Barrett Daughertyfrom Jamie Veronica's wall just now:45 minutes in to surgery and Skip is doing great. Dr. Hay has just installed a couple of metal plates to hold Skip's pelvis together. The team at Veterinary Surgical Services on Paula Drive in Tampa has b...een exceptional!See MoreYesterday at 12:10pmoMichelle Morton So happy to hear that! Thanks for the update Kris!Yesterday at 12:12pmoCindy Askew thank all of you who have taken the time taking care of this animal.Yesterday at 12:13pmoLinzee Mundtt oh that is great.thanks so much to the surgival team..blessings to them all and to skipYesterday at 12:14pmoKelli Polsinelli Prayers for you little one.Yesterday at 12:17pmoEilene Wood Keep hanging on Skip, we all are with you sweetie!!Yesterday at 12:24pmoRwm Tiger i hope skip is getting better :)Yesterday at 12:26pmoVicki Eddy UPDATE PLEASE>?Yesterday at 12:34pmoLisa Polo If anyone would like to light a healing candle for Skip, I put together a virtual candle lighting group.. Just click the link :) at 12:35pmoDara G. Carritt I cant wait to hear how Skip is doing!Yesterday at 12:36pmoDamia Turek Hang in there little guy Skip - your determination to survive is strong - and my wholehearted thanks & appreciation to the awesome surgical team that is determined to do everything they can to help you survive .Yesterday at 12:42pmoNanda González Let's hope it recovers quickly to resume normal activities :-) and we can see it.Yesterday at 12:44pmoKris Barrett Daugherty Look up Jamie Veronica's wall - she is with Skip and will have updates before they post on BCR - that is what I'm told.Yesterday at 12:44pmoSilvia Loehrer I read that he is doing great if that helps nerves are shot!..LolYesterday at 12:44pmoLlyn Walker god bless this bob cat, hope he gets well soon!Yesterday at 12:53pmoVicki Eddy Checkin every day!Yesterday at 12:54pmoMelanie Lowe the world is rooting for you little one...but no pressure :D you are doing great keep it upYesterday at 12:55pmoHeather Cantrell Jamie's last post said he's doing great so far. Sending Skip some more love...Yesterday at 12:57pmoLisa Cupp Vollenweider You all do such wonderful work, I admire your dedication...God bless you all!23 hours agooRobin O'Connor C'mon Skipper!!!23 hours agooLinda Davis I know he can live without his spleen cause I lost mine...are they removing it too? Will that be a problem for a cat in the wild? God bless him.23 hours agooLinda Davis extra blessings for the whole team that's taking care of him!23 hours agooKris Barrett Daugherty more from Jamie:Dr. Hay has completed installing the plates in the left side of Skip's pelvis and is now resetting and placing a screw in the right side of the pelvis which had been separated from part of his vertebrae.23 hours agooDebbie Watroba This is so amazing!! It is just so gratifying to have all these great people come together for this beautiful animal! And to be able to actual keep us all updated on this surgery! What a great gift Dr Hay has! God bless you for your efforts on behalf of this little wild bobcat.23 hours agooRondi Kay Abbott You can do it Skip!!!!!!23 hours agooChristine Evert C'mon Skip! Your recovery is my wish for the New Year! You've got the cattitude to rock this surgery!23 hours agooEilene Wood Yes, a beautiful gift Dr. Hay has, God given!! Thank you Dr. Hay and your staff!! You are the best!! Skip thanks you too!!23 hours agooChrissi Barnett You guys rock! Thank you for sharing this with us. Go Skip!!!22 hours agooKelly Kosinski This has been a beautiful saga to follow, in spite of Skip's horrific injuries. I cheer you all, you wonderful well-wishers. The love you have shown is truly inspiring that one day there will be Peace on Earth and good-will toward ALL!! Hang in there Skip, I will be watching. xoxo?22 hours agooMarloes Lucy Duizer Oh gosh, horrible fracture! Hope it heals good.22 hours agooEliza Howard All blessings for Tony and Skip !!!!22 hours agooSusanne Brandofino WOW!!! Still praying, sending love ?22 hours agooSasha Root He's lucky to have you to help him!22 hours agooSandra Lachs Prayers for Skip's recovery. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!22 hours agooMargo Bangert Heal Skip! Heal! Thank you all for your work.22 hours agooMelissa Rice Helms All my love and prayers have been sent to Skip since you picked him up. There are so very many people that love him and are praying for him. I can't help but cry with hope for him every time I see an update.22 hours agooRobin Bead hope little skip makes it!!22 hours agooEric Krotzer My cats and I are pulling for Skip to pull through!!!!!22 hours agooLinzee Mundtt oh wow ..i hope it all heals nicely22 hours agooBrian HowleAs a writer, I can tell all of you: this writes itself. Besides knowing Skip is such a little fighter and that the staff at BCR and their circle of Vets are doing a yeoman's job to save him - all you folks who give support, positive energy..., prayers and love for this little bobcat just amaze me. A random collection of decent, good, caring Americans? In this time of self-indulgence? Who woulda thunk it ...I'm really looking forward to writing about Skip's sojourn to share with my local readership next issue!!! :)See More22 hours agooCathy J Stone Kline WOW!22 hours agooVaughn Boyd amazing!22 hours agooJudy Leach Lets all send a donation to BCR for Skip! They really do a great service to these wild animals that don't have anyone else.22 hours agooChristine Andrade Poor baby - but he is in the best hands!22 hours agooDoug Rose Thank you for the work you do to help big cats!21 hours agooSilvia Loehrer I want to thank the couple Skip and Cici (hope I didn't butcher your name)that never left Skip's side...if it wasn't for your help, Skip wouldn't have had a chance. Thank you so much!21 hours agooJudy Leach You can donate online at or send a donation to BCR 12802 Easy st. Tampa FL 3362521 hours agooLisa Duque Zilinski Amazing. Thank you for sharing these. Prayers going out to Skip, Dr. Hay, his team and BCR!21 hours agooJennifer Sandifer Thanks for everything you do, BCR! You're all awesome! Happy New Year, Skip!21 hours agooLes Habitants The little guy is kind of like a bionic bobcat now.21 hours agooLaura Kloss Go Skip!21 hours agooLinzee Mundtt woohoo blessings xox20 hours agooElizabeth KlobucharI have a question for the staff: This is a fabulous rescue story, but why didn't the people who first found him call the DNR? I do NOT live in FL & yes, do understand that there is a real likelihood that they would have felt that putting down might be best. However, I do know of many times (in my state) they have helped with securing & even transporting injured animals (especially when a medical plan is in place). Very happy this worked out so well but have wondered if they could have helped expedite the first part.See More20 hours agooKerry Jordan just as soon as i am totally convinced that people just SUCK...and are a virus on planet eart...something this...and makes me aware that many people bring good things to the table19 hours agooDebbie Watroba I will definitely be sending a donation tho Big Cat rescue in Tampa! I can't believe the wonderful work you are doing!19 hours agooJan Kelley Thanks Dr. Hay. Today you worked true surgical magic. Blessings!18 hours agooCathy McLean Way to Go BCR!!!! Another success story!!! Thanks for all you do for these cats.....Godbless you all!!!18 hours agooAngel Villano Happy New Year Skip..... :) I knew you were a fighter.... Thank you St Francis and all at BCR!! Every state should have a chapter in it. Can't wait to see "The Skipster" up and around in due time.18 hours agooCarmencita Falcon Keep up the fantastic work are the greatest!! Happy New Year!!18 hours agooColleen Algeo Kasperek The poor thing! I had a full knee replacement a few years ago. It's NO fun and I understood what was going on. This fellow only knows he's in pain.17 hours agooJacq Ranches Good job all of you! please keep up the good work....Every time i look at your site, i shed a tear because of the cruelty some monsters perpertrate on these amazing animals......16 hours agooRik Chandler After x-rays look a lot better than than the before images. Here is hoping for a good outcome.15 hours agooJudith Brown Get well soon Skip! Many blessings to everyone who is helping him heal! :DI sent you a smiley! Want to see it? hours agooCarol Walker Hope Skip gets better!12 hours agooSylvia Klasson Miller Will keep praying for our sweet Skip! He is so blessed to have his special friends nurturing him! Love you!11 hours agooSylvia Klasson Miller Jamie -- you are someone very special. Thanks for all you do, and Happy New Year!11 hours agooRonald Mclean why did someone put my full body scan on here..I pissed :)7 hours agooLian Martin-Hill Healing thoughts for Skip. Please get better.4 hours ago 1 personYou like this.  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLRead Skip's saga here: the BobcatDecember 28, 2010 at 11:02pmJennifer LaMond, JoAnn Paolantonio, Jeff Kremer and 158 others like this.oRwm Tiger now that is a cute photoDecember 28, 2010 at 11:03pmoIndigo Tiger God Bless BCR, & all involved w/this rescue!! U guys r AWESOME!!! Praying for a full recovery....December 28, 2010 at 11:04pmoMia McDonald Here's hoping Skip makes it through the night....December 28, 2010 at 11:08pmoPattie Huggins Deitrick Wow... You guys are awesome!! So happy Skip is in great care!! Prayers from my mouth to God's ears that this little darling makes it through all this!! Please keep us all posted on his progress!! God bless you all for caring so much!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:09pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen I hope Skip will be okay!December 28, 2010 at 11:11pm 1 personYou like this. ·oAnn Eastham Best of luck to the little fighter!!December 28, 2010 at 11:13pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oSandra Davis GET WELL SKIP!December 28, 2010 at 11:13pmoVivian Wolpers his name is Skip now? great... praying for him to recover ....December 28, 2010 at 11:14pm 1 personYou like this. ·oNicole Brown Awwwwww Skip, story made me cry... *sniff*I hope you get better!December 28, 2010 at 11:15pm 2 peopleYou and Amy Milligan like this. ·oCarrie Gleason Best wishes for skip! BCR and all the humans who are involved and care are most definitely guaranteed a place in Heaven! It's always WONDERFUL to know that there are still people who care in this world! Thanks to the Veterinarian who is helping Skip! Please keep posting regarding Skip!December 28, 2010 at 11:16pmoSonya Cabral I cried when i saw his pic & read about what happened to him!!! Hang in there you sweet baby!!! I pray that you will make it threw the night!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:20pmoAmy Milligan ?{{{{{SKIP}}}}} non-contact cyber-hugs to you big guy! Thank you to the people that found Skip, thank you to the FANTASTIC vet and vet techies for helping this furry friend! BCR as usual goes above and beyond the call of duty on behalf of the kitties!December 28, 2010 at 11:22pm 1 personYou like this. ·oAmy Milligan If I have missed a few people that need to be thanked for their efforts on behalf of Skip..... I apologize and Thank you indeed!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:23pmoLes Habitants An injured bobcat loose in a back of a SUV can't be good. Thanks for taking the time and stopping to help an injured animal. Hope Skip has a speedy recovery you're in good hands at BCRDecember 28, 2010 at 11:30pm 1 personYou like this. ·oJennifer Harmon I am so so happy. I don't get emotional much, but this story has really touched me. Bravo to everyone involved & keep fighting, Skip. This is why I love BCR- such hope from such chaotic beginnings! I can sleep better tonight, lol. Thanks for the timely and thorough updates :)December 28, 2010 at 11:32pm 2 peopleYou and Noreen Raudabaugh like this. ·oSarah C Braun Hugs to Skip!December 28, 2010 at 11:33pm 1 personYou like this. ·oMelissa A. Arnold Podolak I hope you will be able to help him...December 28, 2010 at 11:36pmoRichard Wilson PRAYING that this beautiful cat will pull thrua huge THANK YOU 2 the staff @ BCR-u always go above & beyondDecember 28, 2010 at 11:37pm 1 personYou like this. ·oKatie Yates Thank you BCR and everyone that was involved in helping this little guy. Praying that Skip pulls through.December 28, 2010 at 11:37pmoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Prayers for Skip!!!!! And a huge thank you to BCR for doing such an awesome job rescuing these beautiful animals!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:37pmoAmy Epps Stewart Much love sent to Skip for a speedy recovery. And thank you to everyone who made the effort to help this poor little guy out!December 28, 2010 at 11:38pm 1 personYou like this. ·oJanet Davis Thank you so much for posting updates, and the great care you are giving Skip and all the other rescued cats! I will keep them all in my prayers.December 28, 2010 at 11:40pm 1 personYou like this. ·oDena Ginkinger Garcia I wish Skip a fast & speedy recovery. Thank you for helping him and so many other cats!!December 28, 2010 at 11:42pm 1 personYou like this. ·oLamia Harb Ohhhh my that's heart breaking :(Hope Skip has a speedy recovery ?December 28, 2010 at 11:42pmoLisa Polo Keeping Skip in my prayers and sending him continous healing energies!! xoDecember 28, 2010 at 11:43pm 1 personYou like this. ·oRebecca Vernon If I had a new van to donate to you guys, I would. As it is, I can only afford a few dollars but I will send them, for Skip's care. I only wish I could send more.December 28, 2010 at 11:43pmoKathi Trott Turner Get well buddy!December 28, 2010 at 11:45pmoKelly Kosinski Stay strong Skip and hang in there! Love and prayers from Arizona?December 28, 2010 at 11:50pm 1 personYou like this. ·oAmy O'Donnell BCR--Tampa's Boddhisatva central. Poor Skip. He's in good hands now!December 28, 2010 at 11:50pmoKaren Christopherson Hang in there skip!! Everyone is pulling for you to make a complete recovery.December 28, 2010 at 11:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·oLiz Kowalsky You can do it Skip!!!!! C'mon kitty!!!!!!!December 28, 2010 at 11:57pm 1 personYou like this. ·oMary Thompson Thoughts and prayers for him I hope he makes it.Wednesday at 12:34amoMari Fielder Greatly hoping that Skip will make a full recovery. Hang in there kitty!Wednesday at 12:42amoKelly Barron crossed fingers and good vibes for Skip to make a full recovery and get back to being a happy healthy bobcat soon!Wednesday at 1:02amoChad Snyder I had to put my cat, Bandit, down today. Tore me up. Reading this stroy about Skip has been good for me. Just saying...thanks BCR for being there to do the right thing by those who can't do for themselves.Wednesday at 1:05amoBecky Fredericks Prayers and healing for Skip. And grateful thanks for all the wonderful people involved in his rescue. ? ? ?Wednesday at 1:28amoJennifer Godfrey Might be good to change the wording so people don't misread Skip as a verb - pass (skip) the bobcat, skip over the bobcat... "Bobcat named Skip" or "Bobcat, Skip" ... Or maybe call him Skipper to still honor the rescuer.Wednesday at 2:28amoAl Tate Just "some internal bleeding" is good news. Hoping the little warrior can make it through the next couple of days.Wednesday at 2:50amoBeth Bursley praying for SkipWednesday at 2:58amoKathy Maynard Cournoyer OH MY GOSH- he was only 17 lbas...geesh my house cat outweights him by 2 lbs.... hope he gets better and fatter :) soonWednesday at 3:33amoCaroline Carlson Abrom Am so thankful for everyone involved in the rescue of Skip. You all are amazing people! Am praying hard that this beautiful cat makes it through the night and to a full recovery.Wednesday at 3:50amoAdawn F YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! I wish I could be there to help, and one day.. I will!!! Hope everything goes well, I will be watching for updates!Wednesday at 4:42amoDonna Coffey I donated for Skip but did it through the 'matching' funds you have up on your site. That way, my donation was doubled. I hope my donation helps just a little bit for Skip. Get well soon, buddy!Wednesday at 6:48amoEliza Howard All blessings are with Skip !!Wednesday at 7:03amoEileen Edgecomb WOW! great story! Right people, at the right place at the right time. Prayers for Skip's recovery.Wednesday at 7:27amoSharon Niesen Good luck, Skip and thank goodness for the caring people that found you and for Big Cat Rescue!Wednesday at 7:39amoTeresa Peck Praying for a speedy recovery for SKIP!!! woo hoo that was my Aunt and Uncle that found this cat and now has a chance to live a full life.. thanks Nici and SkipWednesday at 8:09amoNoreen Raudabaugh You people rock!!! I'll be thinking about Skip and all of you today, and hoping for the best.Wednesday at 8:11amoNoreen Raudabaugh Hugs to you, Chad!!! I'm sure your kitty knew a lot of love.Wednesday at 8:13amoJane Alexander Barcroft I have just sent in a donation to the general fund, and salute all the people who were prepared to save this boy.Wednesday at 8:53amoMichelle Congdon I'm trying not to cry here.... I hope Skip will be OK, and I sincerely thank all of you at BCR for everything you're doing to help him and all the other animals you care for ?Wednesday at 8:53amoLesley C Irminger Poor thing, best wishes to a speedy recovery for this cute little guy. Glad the family that saw him decided to stop. Many people would just drive on by.Wednesday at 10:23amoNancy O'Connell Fenton Jennings From the people, brave and caring enough to stop to the BCR people who care enough to fight for these glorious creatures to the Vet's who tend to them , Thank you SO much for all your unselfish acts of kindness and I'm sure the hours upon hours you donate to such a worthy cause. I applaud you ALL. !Wednesday at 10:46amoDawn Lisowski Oh, poor baby! :'(*prays for Skip to pull through and be healthy*Wednesday at 2:12pmoAmy Boyer Poor guy, looks like he has been through a lot... I will say prayers for him & a speedy recovery...Thursday at 10:05amoElizabeth MeadeAs I posted on other updates about Skip, my dog just went through this same thing, infact his x-ray was nearly identical! We also had a plate & screws inserted to repair the damage done. It's week 5 and my dog is playing with his kitty play...mates and uses his leg now and acts totally normal. He only picks it up when he runs away from me to play, which he is quickly told to calm down so he doesn't over-do it. So, if Skips internal organs are not too badly traumatized I have high hopes for his recovery! Thanks again to BCR, the rescuers & the vet & staff for the love & care Skip is receiving now! ? ? ? Words can't describe how much this warms my heart!See MoreThursday at 6:08pm  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip made it through the night. He hasn't moved his back end though, even when we gave him a pain shot this morning.Wednesday at 10:01amChris Poole, Carissa Trotter, Lenore Infanti and 173 others like this.oLisa Polo Continuing to send healing energies Skip's Way!!Wednesday at 10:03amoDiane Mentzer Poor guy! I'm glad he has you all to look out for him.Wednesday at 10:03amoTammy Havlik Waters Poor baby, I hope he pulls through this and makes a full recovery...Wednesday at 10:03amoStu Elman He still has me pulling for him.Wednesday at 10:03amoMichelle Congdon Thank you for the update!!! Hoping he'll be okWednesday at 10:03amoNoreen Raudabaugh Nice to hear he made it through the night, but that's probably not real good news. I feel hooked to this story, and will be projecting whatever positive energy I can to Skip and your people. Thanks for doing what you can for those helpless creatures who need you.Wednesday at 10:04amoDiane Supowit What is his prognosis?Wednesday at 10:04amoKathi Trott Turner Yayy!! Hang in there buddy and before you know it you will be out doing cat things again soon! Sending scratches your way from chilly VA!Wednesday at 10:04amoNancy Matthews Ewe Come on Skip hang in ere! You can get better!!!Wednesday at 10:05amoLaura Balzekas i feel bad for him, someone obviously hit him with their car and didn't even stop to see what they hit. If I ever hit something "knck on wood" I sure would stop and see if it was alive and could be saved.Wednesday at 10:06amoAl Tate Maybe he's too self-aware about his injury and doesn't know he can try to move.Wednesday at 10:07amoCorriene Tiffin so so sad poor little mite, hopes he pulls through and gets better real soon xWednesday at 10:07amoMelissa Philipps ?:( very much dislikeWednesday at 10:08amoKim Haller Keep on fighting, Skip! Thanks BCR for continuing to help the little guy!Wednesday at 10:09amoHeather Greene You can do it!! ?Wednesday at 10:09amoSue Drake every hour he survives is good news, healing takes time & Skip is in the best hands, Thanks for the up-dates BCRWednesday at 10:10amoDiana Perry-Walsh Hopin' for the best but it sounds like he may have nerve damage and that is usually something they cannot repair. Only mother nature will tell.Wednesday at 10:10amoKerstin Wulff Can he move his toes?Wednesday at 10:10amoMary Thompson I hope he continues to fight thank you for what you are doing and for keeping us posted.Wednesday at 10:10amoLyn Reid Sorry my iPad went a little haywire! Anyway best wishes x 3!Wednesday at 10:10amoNicole Zimmerman still praying!!Wednesday at 10:10amoRegina La Croix Thank you for doing work like this - it warms my heart. Hoping Skip rallies,Wednesday at 10:11amoStacey Hopkins Please fight, Skip. I'm pulling for you.Wednesday at 10:11amoCarusio MystWolf Please do what you can to save him. The poor thing deserves a second chance.Wednesday at 10:11amoAshley Elizabeth Jones Hanna Awe :(Wednesday at 10:11amoJulie Hornick Hope he makes it -- thanks BCR for doing so much for Skip.Wednesday at 10:11amoAlex Foxx I'm hopeful that Skip will make a full recovery. Continuing to send positive vibes your way. He's a trooper and I think he'll be back out there where he belongs. Thanks for the update!Wednesday at 10:12amoCindy D. Wren Like the fact he made it through the night but concerned about his back end. Hopefully it is just temporary. Come on Skip, a lot of people are pulling for you!Wednesday at 10:13amoMichelle Able I hope he gets better!Wednesday at 10:13amoYa Stra-Le bless him and all of you great people who have helped him, from the startWednesday at 10:13amoDiane M. Duhaime Thanks for the updates!! We are all pulling for Skip and want to continue to know how he is doing!! Thank you all for your hard work and devotion!!Wednesday at 10:13amoMona Cayabyab Many thanks for all that you do BCR! Skip is in good hands!! Hang in there buddy!!!! ?Wednesday at 10:13amoKatrina Gibson Ray hope he gets better, sending healing thoughts and energyWednesday at 10:13amoSheryl Grimes My cat got hit by a car. He was'nt moving at all when I brought him home. A few days laters he hopped up and was moving again. A bit of a stagger now and then but he was fine. So come Skip! If Max could do it so can you!Wednesday at 10:14amoKristal Roebuck Come on cutie pie! We are all pulling for you hun. Sending you good thoughts for a full and speedy recovery ?Wednesday at 10:15amoJennifer Depew Sending positive thoughts and tons of hope for this little guy.Wednesday at 10:15amoDaniel Cedilotte will he be able to make a full recovery or is he in too much of a bad shape? I hope for the full recovery but I know there are times when nothing can be done.Wednesday at 10:16amoDiane M. Duhaime After my cat got hit by a car, the vet didn't think he would make it. His jaw was broken in 2 places, his nose and eye were all swollen up, he looked awful! We had to feed him through a feeding tube for a while and he had a rough time for a few weeks, but now you would never know anything ever happened to him! He is now too fat and full of the dickens!! Runs all over the house, jumping up and over furniture! So am praying for the same for Skip!!!Wednesday at 10:17amoBeryl Bales Ditto Diane!Wednesday at 10:18amoKim Cisco prayers being sent for skip. rest up little one and gather your strength, you can do it! recovery!Wednesday at 10:19amoColleen Tracey whoohooo!!! now thats a big sigh of relief ...well for now .... hes gonna feel groggy for a while ... glad that he made it thru the night ...Wednesday at 10:19amoRhonda Mengarelli Come on Skip you can do it,we are all praying for youWednesday at 10:20amoPatricia Massari Many thoughts and prayers to Skip ?Wednesday at 10:20amoJoyce Garite Brady Feel better skipWednesday at 10:22amoKayleigh Harrison Thinking of Skip! Wishing him good health and a long life, thanks to you guys!Wednesday at 10:23amoDebbie Watroba Continued prayers for Skip and gratitude to BCR for all the love, dedication and sacrifice to help wild animals.Wednesday at 10:23amoJennifer Wehman Boyd I hope and pray Skip makes a full recovery!Wednesday at 10:23amoBonnie Kelley i hope that is just the pain doing that! i would hate to see him crippled, but he would lead the best life possible if bcr had anything to do with it. thanks for the update!!Wednesday at 10:25amoAmanda Nicole Scaggs Aww We will keep praying for him!!Wednesday at 10:25amoLes Habitants That's encouraging news. Hang in there little guy !Wednesday at 10:26amoPatricia Morris MacDonald Hang in there, Skip!Wednesday at 10:27amoDeana Koopman Oh no. I thought about him, I sincerely hope and pray the poor little guy isn't paralyzed =(Wednesday at 10:30amoDebi Gungor come on skip u can be strong little one xxxWednesday at 10:31amoAldana Vandervoort you can do it Skip!!!!Wednesday at 10:32amoAngel Camacho Baby bopcat will recover just fine! Poor thing has been through a lot and has a bit of a recovery to still go through. He's in the best hands possible and trust he will pull through! I really need to make a little donation to this organization. Is there an easy way to do this?Wednesday at 10:33amoSheila Fath Hi Skip, Praying so hard for you to be healed, hang on you've got good people looking after you. Thanks BCR for going the extra mile for this little guy, xxxWednesday at 10:33amoBoni J Rychener sending love and positive energy skip's way...Wednesday at 10:33amoBeth David-Hower awww I hope he feels better~Wednesday at 10:34amoBrouns Robin if he only knew how many people over the hole world are supporting him and keeping their fingers crossed...Wednesday at 10:34amoRita Nunn Sure hope he makes a good recovery. It's wonderful you have the resources to spend that much on one little bobcat. I totally agree they all need to be saved, but I can't imagine how you manage to FEED them all, let alone do all these expensive medical procedures.Wednesday at 10:35amoAmy Milligan Skip! Get better big guy!Wednesday at 10:35amoDavid Bartosic Poor Skip. And BLESS you for caring for him.Wednesday at 10:42amoJennifer HarmonI don't think I'd be moving my back end much either after having it crushed, and suffering internal bleeding!!! The day after a bad tangle is always miserable. There's still so much swelling going on and raw tissue damage- hopefully nothing... truly neurologic. Besides, he hasn't had his surgery yet, it's a long road. Yall know that! But I've seen miracles. Animals battling through things where I was like "no way", and they made astounding recoveries :). Skip's already proven to be a toughie. Keep up the great work, guys!!! ?See MoreWednesday at 10:50amoDeanna Voorhees Praying for Skip. Love and hugs coming your way to little boy.Wednesday at 10:51amoNora Mutao Frost I'm glad to hear it too. I was rooting for him :DWednesday at 10:52amoAmy O'Donnell Good sign, yeah? We'll all be keeping our fingers crossed and praying for the little guy.Wednesday at 10:52amoCathy Houdelette Bonner Praying for Skip. Thanks for all that you do for God's creatures.Wednesday at 10:55amoEileen Edgecomb many good things came together for Skip...prayers going up for complete healing!Wednesday at 11:07amoKristine Busch i have my fingers and toes crossed for you skip!!! xoxoxoxWednesday at 11:08amoNagy Alexandra I hope Skip will be okay. He deserves a long life :) Thank you guys for all your hard work.Wednesday at 11:08amoBrian Howle Down but not out ... Skip is one lucky feline ... you guys are the absolute best! Thank you for all you do :)Wednesday at 11:09amoMary Hartwick Garcia Hope the poor animal improves.Wednesday at 11:10amoAminah Ameeri Sending good wishes and glad he made it through the night. When will get his surgery?Wednesday at 11:27amoSonali Shah I hope he is better soon.Wednesday at 11:32amoAraceli Molina Praying for you Skip, God still gives us Miracles, and I pray you will be One of many.:-)Wednesday at 11:32amoJenny Langlow So thankful that there are people like you and all the folks at BCR.Wednesday at 11:37amoCarol Lloyd Glad to hear he made it! I'm praying for the poor thing!Wednesday at 11:38amoMari Fielder Good to hear, hopefully there will be good news about his spleen too.Wednesday at 11:40amoMelanie Lowe well if good thoughts being put out means anything he has many people out there thinking of him and hoping for him to make a full recoveryWednesday at 11:41amoMelanie Shand Keep the faith. Still praying for healing...Wednesday at 11:44amoRebecca Anderson Skip has been in my thoughts. Thank you for all your great work.Wednesday at 11:47amoElizabeth Meade Glad he made it thru the night! Has his internal bleeding subsided?? Is surgery to fix his pelvis an option?? If he pulls thru & recovers successfully where is he going? Will he be staying at BCR?Wednesday at 11:48amoJanice Spitaleri Wolfe We are all pulling for the little guy.Wednesday at 11:48amoAlexis Blanton You can do it Skip! You have sooo many people rooting for you ? and so many great people taking care of you!!!Wednesday at 11:50amoRobin Dougherty the poor lamb! please keep us posted!Wednesday at 11:53amoAnthony W. Calabrese much love to Skip from Ufo, Lucio, Smushi and me ? :3Wednesday at 11:58amoSandra Davis Hang in there SKIP Sending you hugs and kisses and prayers too!Wednesday at 12:06pmoMeleah Kirby Bless his heart. Praying for him and those who are working to help him.Wednesday at 12:09pmoJennifer L. Moore Hope he makes it, poor guyWednesday at 12:27pmoLauren Quigley Betz I wish the best for Skip. He deserves to have a full recovery! God Bless Big Cat Rescue and SkipWednesday at 12:31pmoEilene Wood We are praying for yo Skip, hang in there sweetie.Wednesday at 12:36pmoHeather Cantrell Come on,Skipper! You can do it!Wednesday at 12:39pmoSonya Cabral I'm so glad that he has made it threw the night!!! I'm glad that there are people like Jamie who devotes herself to saving & helping these defenceliss animals!!! Good job guys!!! Hang in there skip you are a sweet little guy!!!Wednesday at 12:39pmoMarie Council Come on Skip, you gotta pull through. Lots of people are pulling for you. Please get well.Wednesday at 12:47pmoChris Naven Pearce Give it time, he's had a very rough time :0)Wednesday at 12:48pmoSue Reimer Hutchinson Poor fellow ...Wednesday at 12:52pmoMo RepeatDat Mielke prayers!!Wednesday at 12:59pmoNici Haerter So glad our Skip made it through the night!! My husband, Skip, is the "bobcat handler--more like wrestler" that helped capture this poor cat!! Our prayers are with him and, BCR,--you are the GREATEST!! What would we do without you!!???!! Please keep us updated!!! So anxious to hear more!!Wednesday at 1:36pmoJennifer LaMond Still praying for Skip and for those caring for him... thank you BCR, Dr. Danielson and all involved!!! Your dedication and love for these big cats doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated!! xoxoWednesday at 1:38pmoNigel Duffett Praying for you skip. Keep fighting buddyWednesday at 1:50pmoSharon Moore KEEP ON PRAYING!!Wednesday at 1:52pmoTangela Hill Glad you made it thru the night! Prayin' for you Skip! Keep fightin' n' gettin' better! Here's my kiss...Wednesday at 2:01pmoErica Bertram Sending ya strength little guy-Wednesday at 2:04pmoCaroline Carlson Abrom So happy to hear that little boy made it through the night! I'm still praying!Wednesday at 2:06pmoLenore Infanti God bless himWednesday at 2:08pmoJessica Bishop From the looks of his x-ray it didn't look good at all, I fear that he may have paralysis in his hind quarters, if he was to have paralysis, what then would you do could he have an optimal life with BCR and would you take him on, or would you Euthanize him, I sure hope he dose pull through this, he has been in my prayers, I know your busy but if you do have the time to answer what his chances are with BCR if in the event he was paralized, Deeply concernd...:-(Wednesday at 2:18pmoRobin O'Connor Thank you for doing what you do...Skip, keep fighting!Wednesday at 2:24pmoBarbara Trovato If his pelvis is smashed to smithereens, it would be pretty hard to move. Poor thing.Wednesday at 2:27pmoColleen Tracey?3 cheers for Nici and Skip the bobcat wrestler =^^=Nici Haerter So glad our Skip made it through the night!! My husband, Skip, is the "bobcat handler--more like wrestler" that helped capture this poor cat!! Our prayers are with him and, B...CR,--you are the GREATEST!! What would we do without you!!???!! Please keep us updated!!! So anxious to hear more!!See MoreWednesday at 2:45pmoMia McDonald Praying for a full recovery for Skip....Wednesday at 2:49pmoAngel Camacho Are there any updates on Skip? I've been thinking about him all day. :(Wednesday at 2:52pmoBrian Howle ?"Totally bobcat!" ... Love that assesment of Skip by Jamie!!! Best quote since Pam Ravencroft's "Blah blah, vampire emergency blah!" :)Wednesday at 2:52pmoDorita ReyenLots of love and prayers are with you all, Skip and BCR. He is in the best of hands.There is a little bulldog that comes to one of the festivals I attend. He was paralyzed in the hind quarters after and accident. His owners rigged up a l...ittle "wagon" that supports his back end and he can pull himself around with his front legs. He even has an umbrella for rainy days!See MoreWednesday at 2:53pmoJustin Buzzini he's probably just taking it easy. its natural to not move something around right after it just got fixed. rest and TLC is all he needs.Wednesday at 3:08pmoNikki Neilon Skip hope you are better soon!Wednesday at 3:08pmoDonna Coffey Comeon Skippy baby, you can do it :)))Wednesday at 3:33pmoPeggy Robey Prayers for his FULL recovery..I'm curious if the driver who hit him stopped to help?Wednesday at 4:04pmoPeggy Robey Never mind..I read his full story..God Bless the folks who DID stop..Wednesday at 4:07pmoJoyce McNevin God Bless u all who are working to save Skip and Skip youre in our prayers for recovery and full life ahead of you. Thanks again BCR and those who captured him tooWednesday at 4:15pmoSue Fair Sending healing energy your way Skip. Stay strong!!!!Wednesday at 4:15pmoLinda Davis o please God, just one more miracle...Wednesday at 4:51pmoCynthia Carr Kelly What would we do without dedicated people like Nici, Skip and Jamie - and everyone else at BCR - who go to such extraordinary lengths to save these beautiful animals? We're pulling for Skip up here in PA. Please keep us updated.Wednesday at 5:18pmoRosemarie Plaetke doesn't look good? ... sorry guys to hear that. too bad that it hit him so badly.Wednesday at 5:31pmoMichael Collins Hoping for a full recovery!!Wednesday at 5:44pmoLeo Daher I hope he can recover fully, poor thing.Wednesday at 5:49pmoBarbara Crowell McCarthy Nici, people like you and your husband help me keep my faith in mankind. Many blessings on you both! Keeping little Skip in my prayers this evening...Wednesday at 6:51pmoJames Morgans C'mon Skip. Hang in there buddy.Wednesday at 7:29pmoMelissa Pollard Sending lots of good thoughts for you, Skip! You can do it!Wednesday at 7:44pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen Hoping and praying that Skip will be able to go through the surgery. A special thanks to the couple who stopped to pick him up on the road! Not everyone would have shown such compassion.Wednesday at 8:32pmoSilvia Loehrer Oh Skip, please pull through love...Wednesday at 9:11pmoJohn Petrucco You know how to HOP your name is SKIP all there is left to do is JUMP back up on your feet and bounce out of there! Let's go, time to kick it up a notch!Thursday at 1:12am 1 personKatherine Craig likes this.  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLDr Wynn spoke w/ Dr Blair who doesn't think Skip's shattered pelvis can be fixed surgically. We are consulting other bone specialists before we give up. He got fluids and is eating well but not urinating or defecating so we are worried that he can't; which means even cage rest can't help. Your love and healing thoughts may be his only chance. Not giving up yet.Wednesday at 7:54pmChris Poole, Debbie Huckaby, JoAnn Paolantonio and 235 others like this.oBrett Hall paws crossed! ?Wednesday at 7:55pmoMelissa Gordon So sad : ( Good luck Skip!Wednesday at 7:55pmoKasia Varsak God bless Skip! Praying for the poor little buddy tonight!Wednesday at 7:55pmoMichael Sell I shall send all of my nergies his way,,and ask the winds for help in his recovery.Wednesday at 7:55pmoMaria Hancock I dont know what to say. Sending skip healing vibes & for you all keeping him comfortable thru this trauma.Wednesday at 7:55pmoKelli Polsinelli Prayers sent.Wednesday at 7:55pmoTorri Chandler Poor thing. Prayers for himWednesday at 7:55pmoLinzee Mundtt thats too bad..Wednesday at 7:55pmoRomana Welch Come on Skip your in my prayersWednesday at 7:56pmoRose Jackson ???????Wednesday at 7:56pmoGabrielle Annabella Rose Watson I really hope he recovers. Poor thing. ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoHelen Azar Sending positive thoughts! ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoPenny Forest Kolacki Will keep prayingWednesday at 7:56pmoLesa Cox i will be praying harder! This beautiful animal needs to live we need his beauty and love...Wednesday at 7:56pmoEliza Howard All prayers and blessings for you Skip ? ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoWendy WhodatCakegirl Westfaul Sending much love...and hopeful thoughts for a viable alternative...(my high school mascot was the bobcat, so they are very special to me)Wednesday at 7:56pmoLora Fleming Poor baby ... do what's best for HIM : ( We're pulling for you Skip!!Wednesday at 7:56pmoMelissa Olson Awe poor baby I will pray to God for himWednesday at 7:56pmoDiane Supowit I AM PRAYING HARDCORE FOR HIM!!!!Wednesday at 7:56pmoBarbara Crowell McCarthy Come on, Skip. You can do it! ?Wednesday at 7:56pmoAngel Villano cats have 9 lives...please let this be Skip's #1 and he has 8 to go. Not giving up on you yet Skip either.Wednesday at 7:56pmoClarisse Ann Bradley I'm praying for him.Wednesday at 7:56pmoJulie Peterson ?Wednesday at 7:57pmoToni Tedesco Royer my prayers will be to St. Frances..protector of animalsWednesday at 7:57pmoDee Dee Rayburn Im praying for u sweet baby!!!!!!!!!!Do whats best for the poor man. I hate to see an animal suffer!!!!!!!!!!Wednesday at 7:57pmoDiane Supowit My brother was involved in a major car accident and suffered a shattered pelvis. He died 8 days later. BUT, healing is still possible! Let us all come together and pray for Skip's healing and recovery!Wednesday at 7:57pmoElise Evans Sad story; yet we are still hoping for the best outcome. Thanks to all who are helping poor Skip.Wednesday at 7:57pmoAmy Swanson Awww get better Skip - best wishes and a fast recovery!Wednesday at 7:57pmoDee Dee Rayburn Thank u for all u do!Wednesday at 7:58pmoLisa Polo Awwww healing energies, candles lit, and prayers abound for Skip!! xoxoxox ?Wednesday at 7:58pmoEilene Wood Lots of good positive healing thoughts.Wednesday at 7:58pmoJudy Jackson Williamson Love and many healing thoughts and prayers headed your way. Cats are so resilient. May Skip prove to be as well! ? ?Wednesday at 7:58pmoKristine Busch Please don't give up yet Skip!! XoxoWednesday at 7:59pmoStephen Parker Poor kitty.Wednesday at 7:59pmoGayle Boddy Clark awww thought and prayers heading Skips way! ?Wednesday at 7:59pmoJennifer Wehman Boyd So sad :-(Wednesday at 7:59pmoSherry Scales Sending prayers to Skip - come on buddy you gotta make it!Wednesday at 7:59pmoDiane Supowit Pray, pray, pray!!!Wednesday at 8:00pmoScott White Many good thoughts for Skip!Wednesday at 8:00pmoLee Miles Bradford Poor little guy. Sending good thoughts his way.Wednesday at 8:00pmoMelissa Koblin thinking happy healing strong Skip!Wednesday at 8:00pmoSusan Roberts Kiernan Poor thing. ill b thinkin bout himWednesday at 8:00pmoSheryl Bottner So not fair. Don't give up, Skip.Wednesday at 8:00pmoRomie K. Francis Fye Oh there must be some way...... A miracle please!Wednesday at 8:00pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Im was up late last night thinking about this little guy...I hope and pray that a miracle can be worked...If there's any surgeon that could fix him, It would be Henry Bianucci in Mt. Pleasant, SC...he has operated on several of my pets and rescues...he just fixed a broken spinal cord-vertibrae on a dog that everyone else said would never walk....3 months later, she's great! It would be worth emailing or faxing him the xrays and results...I would be happy to assist in any way i could help from here in Charleston.Wednesday at 8:01pmoJeri Lynn Thompson ?*hugs* to all helping care for Skip. I hope this has a good outcome. He and all caring for him are in my prayers.Wednesday at 8:01pmoDebra Taylor sending good vibes Skip's wayWednesday at 8:01pmoNoreen Raudabaugh Hoping so very hard that handsome Skip pulls through. Trusting that you'll do everything you can and will make the best decisions possible.Wednesday at 8:02pmoCindy D. Wren Come on Skip! Sending lots of healing thoughts your way.Wednesday at 8:02pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Sending my love and healing thoughts to Skip!Wednesday at 8:03pmoShannon Cohen Praying for the little angel Skp.!!Wednesday at 8:03pmoShelley Miller Praying for Skip, you, and the bone specialist, that there may be a positve outcome.Wednesday at 8:04pmoPaul Deutsch I hope he gets better!Wednesday at 8:04pmoLisa Kane AWWWW! That is awful! At least he is not in pain!!Wednesday at 8:04pmoSuzanne Palmer Sending love and prayers to Skip ~ ~ ? ~~Wednesday at 8:04pmoKathy Maynard Cournoyer sending him much positive energy- hope you can find a way to help- and if he needs to be put down- then at least you all can take comfort in the fact that he will go in a peaceful sleep instead of starving to death or enduring pain for too long.Wednesday at 8:04pmoEsmeralda Martinez Sending positive thoughts to Skip and co.Wednesday at 8:05pmoBeth David-Hower Im glad you are not giving up on this baby!!! thank you for your determination!!Wednesday at 8:05pmoLisa Kane Thank you for not giving up and keeping us posted!Wednesday at 8:05pmoCandi Ausman Prayers for Skip!Wednesday at 8:05pmoRobin Ross Hang in there, Skip! ?Wednesday at 8:05pmoDeana Koopman This makes me so sad =( Poor thing gets hit by a car, there's practically no where for him to be out in the "wild" and now he's got very minimal chances to recover. Makes me want to cry for him, and for all the people who have been struggling to save him.Wednesday at 8:05pmoSandra Davis God will help you SKIP!Hugs and kisses and prayersWednesday at 8:06pmoDominique Veillette tomorrow will be a better day for him. It just has to be. Hugzzz to you sweet Skip. You're just so darn cute.Wednesday at 8:07pmoMaria Velandia hope is all we have now.Wednesday at 8:08pmoPatricia Presley My prayers are with little Skip always! He is a little fighter and he will not give up!The poor baby needs all the prayers he can get!!!Wednesday at 8:08pmoBrett Hall to think some idiot hit him and left him like he wasn't worth anything. I applaud the BCR for taking him in.Wednesday at 8:09pmoAnna Rouselle DeGrandchamp Sorry to hear about Skip!!! What happened and what kind of cat is a picture for us to see!!! Heal my poor kitty!!! ?Wednesday at 8:10pmoBonnie Kelley oh no oh no oh no! skip fight, fight, fight! oh baby they worked so hard please baby get better for us!!Wednesday at 8:10pmoRita Rodriguez Jackson Get well Skippy.. I will pray for you again tonight sweet baby.. ? Everyone is pulling for you baby!!Wednesday at 8:10pmoNatalie Lane Sending prayers and positive, healing energy to our boy Skip! He's a fighter, or he wouldn't even have made it this far. Thank you so much to Jamie, BCR, and all who are working so hard to save him... We are all pulling for you, little buddy!! ?Wednesday at 8:11pmoKathy Farley-Panaras Prayers for Skip!Wednesday at 8:11pmoShelly Maslak My thoughts are with this poor babyWednesday at 8:11pmoMarcella Careta Praying to St. Francis asking for his help with Skip no matter what the outcome is.Wednesday at 8:11pmoRhonda Mengarelli If anyone can help him you guys can,If he cant be fixed then god will take care of him.Again prayers are with skip and of course all of you that are there trying to save his precious lifeWednesday at 8:12pmoAlex Foxx Love and healing thoughts to dear Skip. He has the best caring for him. I pray for a miracle worker to fix his broken pelvis. No giving up yet. Hang in there, Skip!Wednesday at 8:13pmoJayme Griffiths Prayers for Skip, there's an excellent ortho doc out in Town and Country not too far from you guys...def prayers....Wednesday at 8:13pmoSarah S. Patton Thank you BCR for doing your best for Skip. I am praying that a second opinion will be good, and they can repair his pelvis. Hope and love to Skip.Wednesday at 8:13pmoChris Naven Pearce Thoughts are with SkipWednesday at 8:14pmoDonna Ralphs My heat's aching for this sweet young kitty. :( Skip is clearly already deep in the hearts of many here who cherish these special cats. Thank you sooo much BCR for doing everything possible to give him the best chance...and for letting us know how things progress. We love you Skippers! ?Wednesday at 8:15pmoMarie Council So sad. Still hoping.Wednesday at 8:15pmoBetsy Ross Best wish for you Skip.Wednesday at 8:15pmoAshley R Richard ?:( Please God help this beautiful creature!Wednesday at 8:16pmoDana Gilkey very sad news. i know sometimes animals can't be avoided but there are those people who don't even try to AVOID them! he must have nerve damage and/or damage to internal organs. doesn't sound good. poor baby. just hope he isn't suffering! prayers for you, sweetheart!Wednesday at 8:16pmoCameo Haddan Healing thoughts to Skip...gratitude to all that care for him!Wednesday at 8:18pmoAndrea Ortiz Positive energy, thoughts, prayers. He WILL get better and will recoverWednesday at 8:19pmoKarie Vander Werf Have you talked to the University of Florisda? They have world renowned specialists who fix pelvises like that every day. Talk to them - can't hurt!!! Dr Isaza is an awesome wildlife specialist and the surgeons are amazing.Wednesday at 8:19pmoWendy Stodder I want him to live but don't let him suffer. He doesn't deserve that :-(Wednesday at 8:19pmoLotta Williams Bengtsson ?Wednesday at 8:19pmoTina Reed Poor kitty. I am not a Vet by any means, nor have I seen Skips x-rays. I work in a specialty vet clinic. I have seen multiple hit by cars not walk, and not urinate or deficate. The pain/swelling can cause them not to want to do either. I pray this is the same for Skip. Any possibility of placing a urinary catheter for the time being to help relieve this poor guy?Wednesday at 8:20pmoLisa Polo Hi Everyone I have lit a virtual candle for Skip here.. the group is BCRYou can also light one click the link ? at 8:20pm ·oKyle Thorleifson C'mon Skip hang in there buddy. We need you to get well soon!!!!!Wednesday at 8:21pmoHeather Greene Hope it's not his time, he's a fighter. ?Wednesday at 8:22pmoMichael Collins Still hoping and praying for the best. It's really sad....Wednesday at 8:22pmoMags Shoebooty Featherbottom ?:(Big kisses and hugsWednesday at 8:23pmoLauren Quigley Betz I believe anything can be fixed and that he deserves the chance. We all need to slow down when we drive and be careful. I see many dead animals on my ride to work and I can't help but think that some of them would be alive if we all slowed down.Wednesday at 8:23pmoIndigo Tiger Sorry 2 hear that!! Poor Skip! =(Sending lots of Love, Light, prayers and Warrior Reiki for Skip's injuries ? ? ?Wednesday at 8:23pmoCarusio MystWolf Oh please do what you can. We're all praying for him and wish the best.Wednesday at 8:24pmoAshley Evans I am so proud of big cat rescue!!!!!!!!Wednesday at 8:24pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Our vet is continuing to consult with others and we have connections at UoF. Skip is on pain injections day and night, so at least he isn't suffering while we try to find help for him. He has the hospital here to himself, so it is quiet & warm.Wednesday at 8:26pm 15 peopleLoading...oDawn Freeman My Prayers are with him.Wednesday at 8:27pmoFrieda Corley The poor little thing. I hope it can be repaired. Such a tragedy if it can't. :(Wednesday at 8:27pmoMichele Crow Anello Still in my prayers...praying for the best.Wednesday at 8:29pmoKim Lopresti Johnson sending prayers, I know you do right by Skip!!!!Wednesday at 8:29pmoClair Pacetti thts so sad i hope he gets betterWednesday at 8:29pmoJerilyn Heiner Gauthier I applaud and appreciate your efforts to save him.Wednesday at 8:30pmoDeanna Voorhees Praying Praying Praying... God loves little Skip to take care of him... And he brought him to the right people. Thanks so much for being there for him. Thoughts and Prayers through the night!! xoxox Skip!Wednesday at 8:30pmoJessica Godfrey Hang in there little one! You're in my thoughts sweetie.Wednesday at 8:32pmoDana Gilkey people need to be more careful driving. could have been a human as well. had a brother killed standing beside his disabled truck in florida. tragic whether a beloved human or animal! my heart has tears for you skip!Wednesday at 8:33pmoKristin Miller I am so profoundly touched by this story. I'll be praying for the miracle Skip and his helping angels deserve.Wednesday at 8:33pmoRobert LyonsCome on Skip, the humans aren't giving up, don't you ! You can pull through this Skip, please, who ever or whatever is the bigger power in the universe, don't let this be the end for Skip . I am not going to be able to sleep worrying that... he might get put down . There has to be something else that can be done to help him . Please someone or somethinmg help him get better . Don't put him down, you woudn't put your grandmother down , even if she ask to be , and Skip isn't asking, he just wants to live . I'm sending good, healing thoughts to you Skip . Please get better !!!!!See MoreWednesday at 8:34pmoJoyce McNevin we're here for ya Skip, dont give up, we arent!!! God Bless u all working with himWednesday at 8:34pmoDebbie Messner Rodriguez Sending prayers and healing thoughts for Skip...Thank all of you for what you are doing for the little guy.Blessings to all~Wednesday at 8:35pmoLeslie Snowden How sad, thank u for trying!!!! BCR rocks!Wednesday at 8:35pmoMarsha Saintz Lessig God bless himWednesday at 8:36pmoNahnie Myles Poor baby! I hope little Skip gets better :-S But no matter what happens I am so glad you guys are trying everything to give him a chance at life ?Wednesday at 8:37pmoJada Hope Awwww, Skip! C'mon buddy! I'm praying for you.Wednesday at 8:38pmoPatrice Kumaran Positive thoughts being sent his way.Wednesday at 8:39pmoTiena Harvey Ellis Poor Baby! Many healing blessings for the little guy.If it not meant to be he will at least know he was loved.Wednesday at 8:39pmoClaire Piper oh Skip. So sorry for this. So sorry.Wednesday at 8:41pmoAnn Zettervall That is so unbelievably sad.Wednesday at 8:43pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen Whatever the outcome, I'm so thankful that he is being made comfortable and is not in pain. I know you will do what is best for him!Wednesday at 8:43pm ·oCarissa Trotter keep up the good fight.... we know you will all do your very best for this special bob cat.Wednesday at 8:44pmoKaren Allard Healing thoughts are going out to you Skip. Hang in there little buddy if you can! So much love for you. And thank you BCR for such a courageous attempt. As Tiena says, at least he knows that he is loved! Praying to St. Francis, Aine, Archangel Ariel and Archangel Raphael!Wednesday at 8:45pmoDara G. Carritt my prayers are with Skip...Wednesday at 8:46pmoJennifer Depew Still praying for Skip. Poor, poor wild baby. Hope and Faith coming your way little guy.Wednesday at 8:46pmoCyndi Dallow So hope he has a chance at a meaningful recovery.Wednesday at 8:46pmoDonna Raihl Prayers for Skip! Non stop praying for him! Come on Skip!!!! You can make it little boy!!!Wednesday at 8:46pmoKay Buckner ?:( Poor Skip.Wednesday at 8:46pmoRita Rodriguez Jackson Just lit a candle on Lisa Polo's link above.. Try this link it was so awesome. Thanks for the link Lisa.. <Wednesday at 8:47pmoAlison Roth Prayers going up to St. Francis - who looks after all the animals...Skip you are in my thoughts. Pull thru big guy!Wednesday at 8:48pmoLes Habitants Get well little guy, keep fighting.... As long as you don't give up the good people at BCR will do everything they can to get you healthy and running in the woods again. Hang in thereWednesday at 8:48pmoLaura E. Felton Dont give up and we wont give up on our prayersWednesday at 8:52pmoNellie Workman Prayers for SkipWednesday at 8:53pmoMeadow Milligan i hope he gets better :( he is cuteWednesday at 8:54pmoSilvia Loehrer OMG....I hope that something can be done. I am staying hopeful and vigilent for the Skip.Wednesday at 8:54pmoBarbara Runcie White light and prayers going out for Skip.Wednesday at 8:54pmoShe SzimanskiI hold anyone who tries to help the wild felines of this world in high regard, and am thankful for anyone who is able to make these efforts. However I am still mindful of the fact that a wild cat after being so wounded whether the pain is m...asked or not is probably far from comfortable, think of the fear and terror you would experience being poked and prodded by giant naked apes who can'y speak your language. My grandest hope for Skip is that he will have peace in some form or another, because I am quite sure he does not know anything of love in his current condition. Bravo for BCR doing their best and fighting for the little guy's life, but it is silly to try and tell ourselves that he knows they are there to help.See MoreWednesday at 8:55pmoRondi Kay Abbott Never give up!!! Praying for Skip and all of you who are trying to help him!!!Wednesday at 8:57pmoMarcella Mirande-Ketcham So sad. I will pray for him not to suffer.Wednesday at 8:59pmoMarcella Mirande-Ketcham So sad. I will pray for him not to suffer.Wednesday at 8:59pmoKathy Farley-Panaras Hang in there Skip! you made it this far. With God all things are possible. Praying for a speedy recovery and for the vets taking care of him!Wednesday at 9:01pmoAndrea Tomich Ohnstad It's possible you're right, She. I'm sure Skip is terrified. Either way, I hope for peace for him. If it's in the form of being healed and becoming a rescue at BCR, that's great. And if he does pass, at least he won't have died on a cold asphalt road. THANK YOU to BCR for coming to this cat's aid!Wednesday at 9:02pmoArlene Hoffer Oh dear. I do hope the very best for Skip....but if he can't live a decent life, that is, if he can't walk or even walk properly, please....I beg of you....don't do some barbaric "miraculous" surgery on him and then make him submit his remaining life to some prosthetic "get up". I'm NOT saying something terrible here, and I'm pulling for him....Wednesday at 9:02pmoChristine Mcnamara Reinsel Hang in there skip!Wednesday at 9:03pmoSue Brooks prayingWednesday at 9:04pmoShara Johnson please, please, please let him be alright...BCR and the kind couple who stopped to help are truly herosWednesday at 9:04pmoDena Richardson Definitely praying for his recovery!!!!Wednesday at 9:06pmoJennifer Depew Lit a candle suggested by Lisa Polo. Here's the link. Thanks Lisa.You can also light one click the link ? at 9:07pmoRoger Schultz Jr. I sure hope Skip can be saved! Poor little guy!Wednesday at 9:08pmoSheryl Braswell Our Maine coon cat was hit by an suv 15 years ago. He had basicly the same sort of break. He couldn't urinate or deficate. Vet refused to operate. We brought him home to tell him goodbye. Well, he started getting better. Was able to use the bathroom within a week. Was walking within a month. Was blind in one eye. Lived another 10 years. It just took time for him to heal himself.Wednesday at 9:10pm 1oAnne Good I wish I could actually do something to help him.Wednesday at 9:13pmoAlex Foxx Skip may be terrified, but I truly believe that on some level he knows BCR's kind people are trying to help him. Kindness is a universal language. And they always put the cat's best interest first.Wednesday at 9:14pm ·oColleen Mulloy Smolen We are pulling for the little fella. Prayers coming his way.Wednesday at 9:16pmoTina Todd IF he passes, it won't be cold and wet on the side of the road, and maybe he'll have a proper burial. He may just surprise you though, and be the Big Cat, and pull through. Here's hoping... ^..^Wednesday at 9:17pm ·oSteffi Finnerty Thoughts & prayers with you all. You are doing your best for Skip.Love & healing thoughts ?Wednesday at 9:21pmoDelores Lee Thanks for the update. Saying a prayer for Skip with tears in my eyes.Wednesday at 9:22pmoDorita Reyen Lots of loving prayers for you, little guy. We all hope that you can find a way to bless us with your presence on this earth.Bless you all at BCR for helping.Wednesday at 9:22pmoShi Silverleaf My prayers are with Skip and I"m praying for his excellent recovery and healing. Keep us updated!!!Wednesday at 9:22pmoAmanda ReynoldsNever give up! Several members of my family have been given a ZERO to 2% chance of recovery or coming out of a coma state and guess what? Both my Father and Aunt did the "impossible" claimed by doctors. This has really touched my heart......I LOVE all cats, big and small. It's so sad to see that people are such careless drivers. I see house pets like this all the time, even on my 20 mph street. Breaks my heart :( I really hope he comes around and that they can make the repairs needed. I will be keeping Skip in my thoughts and prayers and spreading the word as well!See MoreWednesday at 9:24pmoMari Fielder I hope you get a different second opinion and that Skip will pull through. Any update on his spleen yet?Wednesday at 9:26pmoChristi Miller Many Many hearfelt prayers that he will hang in there- so happy there are people like you who care & will give him the time he needs to heal- maybe he will come out of it like the Sheryl' maine coon didWednesday at 9:26pmoArlene Hoffer Tina Todd, you are SO right! IF, and I say IF, he passes, he's in a safe, warm loving place. But Sheryl B, as you wrote, your' beautiful Maine Coon lived another happy 10 years after a similar injury! Hang in there Skipster! Sky is the limit!Wednesday at 9:28pmoEileen Danielson I'm rushing my love to Skip and all the little (and big) furry ones you rescue... God Bless you for the work you do. I would like to share my artist husband's site with you.. I think you'll enjoy it DanielsonFineArt.comWednesday at 9:31pmoRobin Dougherty this is awful. poor little bobcat! --thank you so much, BCR, for caring!Wednesday at 9:31pmoAngela Goodson AbbottPoor Skip...lots of love and prayers for you and all of those around you who are helping you.Bless the beasts and the children...for in this world they have no choice, they have no voice...Bless the beasts and the children...for this worl...d can never be the world they see...Light their way when the darkness surrounds them...Give them love let it shine all around them.This song always comes to mind...See MoreWednesday at 9:39pmoCat Stanley Prayers going up for Skip! Our best wishes & heartfelt wishes that he can be saved. ?Wednesday at 9:40pmoKelly Kosinski I am heartsick yet hopeful. I continue to pray for Skip's recovery and comfort regardless of the outcome. Thank you BCR for all you do.Wednesday at 9:42pmoMichelle West Tears... A very very sad thing happened to him. Keeping him calm and pain free until he heals or cannot go on. I am hoping with my whole heart he can recover....Wednesday at 9:44pmoJanet Powell Bisson I believe in time like the present :)........Just believe!!!Wednesday at 9:44pmoMichelle West Thank you BCRWednesday at 9:44pmoSally Chancellor Peters sad news. hope this changes for the betterWednesday at 9:45pmoAmy Milligan ?{{{{{SKIP}}}}} +++++{{{{{POSITIVE VIBES}}}}}+++++{{{{{BCR}}}}}+++++{{{{{Dr. Wynne}}}}}+++++{{{{{LOVE}}}}}+++++{{{{{St. Francis we NEED!!! your intercession}}}}}Wednesday at 9:47pmoMartha Dilts Positive healing energy being sent. Hang tough, Skip, you're in good hands.Wednesday at 9:48pmoDana Gilkey Isn't it truly AMAZING that we live in a Country that treasures Wildlife so very much! Thank-you, BCR!Wednesday at 9:48pmoDawn Lannin Sending healing thoughts to You Skip....please dont suffer! I am always hopeful that You will get better and be free in the Bobcat world real soonWednesday at 9:51pmoShannon M. Skevakis If he's not urinating or defecating... fixing his pelvis is the least of his problems... sad story... unfortunatelyWednesday at 9:52pmoChristina Hibler I was also touched by this story,how wonderful to see people at their best,united by a common concern ,focused on making the world a better place one big cat (or little =) cat ) at time and in doing so making it a better place for us ,sending all my good energy to skip and his care givers ,and a thank you to everyone who's helped by just being themselves and caring =)Wednesday at 9:54pmoJustine Pinckard sending healing thoughts & lots of love!Wednesday at 9:55pmoDiane Dusty Bauman Oh, that's so sad! I'm so sorry for the little things. Thanks for not giving up...he my be a miracle!!!!!Wednesday at 9:55pmoStacy Kligerman Keep the faith kitty puss....will say a prayer for you! =^..^=Wednesday at 9:56pmoCarolyn Schellhardt Prayers and more prayers going out to Skip.Wednesday at 9:57pmoJennifer Lupo Love and prayers are headed you way! We love you skip! Hang in there!Wednesday at 9:59pmoBenita Ross So, sadWednesday at 10:00pmoRosanne Labbato Patsy I will pray for a miracle for him!Wednesday at 10:08pmoRebecca Baker sending love and light i know how hard it can be we had a cat rescue and now we have the unadoptales blind back injuries one eye ect.Wednesday at 10:09pmoHeather Cantrell Hang in there, Skipper...Wednesday at 10:10pmoTina Todd We all love the Kitty's. Big or Small. Kitty's Rock! Sending loads of Kitty Love to Skip, and all the other kitty's that have no one. :) Yes, Kitty, you have Some One. ^..^Wednesday at 10:12pmoKathryn Reis doesn't sound good! Sending good wishes anyway!Wednesday at 10:15pmoErica Posada Angel He is in my prayersWednesday at 10:16pmoMelissa Harlow Poor Skip. I hope he gets a late Christmas miracle!Wednesday at 10:17pmoColleen Tracey talked to a friend of my who is a cat lover and told her about Skip. She thought Skip was cute! but in unfortunate situation. She told me that she will add him in her prayers. :)Wednesday at 10:19pmoMary Thompson I hope he is given every chance I will continue to pray.Wednesday at 10:22pmoPatricia Massari i wish skip a miracle...they do happen!! ? to you skip boy...thanks bcr for being a beacon of compassion in a world that needs it!Wednesday at 10:26pmoColleen Tracey lit a virtual candle for Skip ;)Wednesday at 10:28pmoSusie Gaitan ?:/ All you can do is your best.Wednesday at 10:32pmoMeleah Kirby This is so sad, I have tears in my eyes from reading the update. I am continuing to pray for him. I know BCR will do everything they can and consult with every vet possible before giving up on the little guy.Wednesday at 10:35pmoLucille Fortier Fight on Skip!Wednesday at 10:36pmoNina J Patrick Sending love and light to Skip...Wednesday at 10:38pmoLinda Rose Crenshaw praying for SkipWednesday at 10:39pmoKris Barrett Daugherty Prayers for Skip and the doctors.Wednesday at 10:39pmoCindy Hawbaker May he not be in pain and be able to Run someday again! Blessings Be! ;*()Wednesday at 10:43pmoCindy Chyz Casteel This is unbearably sad. Praying that a miracle finds Skip.Wednesday at 10:44pmoMelissa A. Arnold Podolak I hope something can be done.Wednesday at 10:45pmoNina Rozankovich-Woeachko Come on Skip! You area miracle!Wednesday at 10:55pmoMichelle Able Love and prayers for skip!Wednesday at 10:56pmoAnita Christine Haywood Awe, sorry to hear this. Sometimes things just aren't meant to be and as sad as it is there might not be an answer. I will pray for God's will. You can't say you didn't try to help...Wednesday at 10:57pmoNancy Matthews Ewe come on Skip!!! you can do it!!!Wednesday at 11:06pmoJan Doerter So beautiful, hope Skip can be saved and survives.Wednesday at 11:10pmoEl Burke Sweet Skip, don't give up yet. You are safe now.Wednesday at 11:11pmoAlesia Abatie sending best wishes and hugs to Skip!Wednesday at 11:13pmoNancy Gelonek Johnson Love and prayers to Skip. Praying for a miracle for the baby. If, however, God needs him elsewhere, he has spread love and compassion to a few more good souls. Hang in there BCRWednesday at 11:18pmoTammie Ekkelboom Prayers and positive healing thoughts to this little beauty. Tears in my eyes, but not giving up hope. Hang in there, Skip. And thank you BCR. ?Wednesday at 11:24pmoJessica Stanton C'mon, Skip! You can do it! So lucky to have someone stop for him and end up with BCR...someone has to try! *crossing paws*Wednesday at 11:28pmoZawadi Sacrilege Please do whatever you can to save him. It wasn't his fault he got hit, poor little guy.Wednesday at 11:32pmoLisa Polo Hi Everyone I have lit a virtual candle for Skip here.. the group is BCRYou can also light one click the link ? Please light a candle for Skip.. at 11:39pmoSonali Shah We are praying for a speedy recoveryWednesday at 11:42pmoKaren Swain Sending prayers for a miraculous recovery for Skip, however, I am also certain that BCR will do what is best for this precious kitty, and if that's to keep him painfree until it's time to relieve him of his suffering, then I trust them to do so. God bless your little kitty heart Skip, and know that you've touched so many of us, and made us realize what really matters in this world.Wednesday at 11:51pmoCat Listening you precious living thing pure love to youThursday at 12:08amoSylvia Klasson Miller Skip is in my prayers.Thursday at 12:29amoPaula Cat ? Sending Lots of Love & Healing Vibes ? Years ago a feral cat in our neighborhood who visited occasionally for food showed up on my doorstep with a fractured pelvis. While his injury wasn't as bad as Skip's, I couldn't afford surgery and pins. The vet suggested I keep him caged for 2 months and let it heal itself. It worked and within a few months he jumped and ran like he never had an injury and did so for over a decade. I will pray for Skip. ?Thursday at 12:39amoBrian Howle And yet, somewhere out there, Justin Bieber is yet again going on stage? Just not right ... everyone pray to the Big Guy for a world that makes sense, where a little bobcat beats the odds and prevails and the rest of us can believe again.Thursday at 12:41amoKaren Marcus A lesson that we all need to drive slower esp. on back roads where there is more wildlife. God bless the little guy.Thursday at 12:46amoDebra Hancock Prayers going up for Skip...God Bless his heart and heal his poor little body!Thursday at 1:24amoOlga Cisneros Still sending good vibes :) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skip, get well soon!! :DThursday at 1:26amoCarol Corey Leuenberger I'm so sorry - I Skip makes it.Thursday at 1:29amoBarbara Trovato This doesn't sound like it's moving in the right direction, not good at all. Is his spinal cord crushed? Hoping for better news tomorrow . . . xoxoxo to Skip.Thursday at 1:35amoBarbara Trovato ?@BCR, please read Sheryl Braswell's comment on how her own cat healed from the same inoperable injury, and he couldn't pee or poo at first. Maybe the painkillers are having a constipating effect on Skip?Thursday at 1:40amoRandy Whittington Hang in there little Skip. It's so heartwarming and inspiring to see such compassion and caring from BCR and everyone posting here!Thursday at 1:48amoEilene Wood A friend sent this to me: The kitty I found hit could not urinate or deficate on her own for almost two weeks!! If Skip is eating that's a great sign!!Thursday at 1:53amoNora Mutao Frost but...he's a pretty big kitty. He deserves at least a tryThursday at 2:06amoKimmie D Roberts he has all my love, prayers and thoughts! I pray he gets better soon!Thursday at 2:11amoAnn Eastham Please pull through, little one!Thursday at 2:29amoMia McDonald Thanks for keeping us posted...:0(Thursday at 2:52amoRuth Williamson My healing thoughts r DEFINATELY with poor little Skip & do hope with all of my heart that something can b done about it. Send all of my love.Thursday at 2:59amoCaroline Carlson Abrom Please don't give up! So many people are praying for this precious boy. Just breaks my heart.Thursday at 3:50amoDebi Gungor awww skip come on little fella xxxxThursday at 4:54amoDonna Coffey Hang in there Skip..we all need a new years miracle, and none of us would be happier than if it were you. Please?Thursday at 5:10amoJanet Yancey Poor baby - I feel for him - I know what it's like to see someone you love - suffering and not in good shape - Do not feel guilty if you do what you have to do - know what I mean ??Thursday at 5:52amoNagy Alexandra I wish I could do something... I'm praying for him from Hungary. Hope he'll be fine. He deserves a chance in life. I know you're doing everything you can, I'm sure Skip appreciates it.Thursday at 6:04amoDora Arsenault I hope poor Skip recovers, it would be so sad if he cannot be saved.Thursday at 6:29amoColleen Tracey I m hoping that if there a specialist do works with pelvis/hip replacement who might wants to try a new way of performing on crushed pelvis/hips proceduresThursday at 6:35amoKathy Shane hope he will be okThursday at 7:24amoKate Maas Jenna and I are praying for a miracle!Thursday at 7:29amoDiane M. Duhaime Praying for a miracle for Skip!!! I know you will do whatever is in the best interest for Skip, even if that means putting him to sleep. But praying that isn't necessary and Skip will go on to a full recovery!!!Thursday at 7:42amoGinny Carlson Love and prayers are his. Thank you for your care of this poor baby.Thursday at 7:47amoAlexis Blanton ?*praying* ? ? ?Thursday at 7:57amoNoreen Raudabaugh Checking in again and hoping for the best...Thursday at 8:31amoDena Ginkinger Garcia My prayers are with skip!Thursday at 8:40amoShauna Fulco I read Skip's story, Bless you BCR, prayers for u and SkipThursday at 8:57amoChristopher Shaber so if his hip can't be fixed what does that mean for Skip? No rehab prospects or (shudder to think) euthanasia?Thursday at 9:01amoSharon Moore aww that dont sound good,but ill keep praying theres always hope!!Thursday at 9:41amoTeresa Waynick McCauley What a shame!! You guy's are GREAT!! Not many people would have even tried.Thursday at 9:52amoMelanie Shand With you all -& Skip, too- in heart, thoughts, and prayers. Come on, Skip!!Thursday at 10:08amoJuana Soto I hope he gets well soon.Thursday at 4:42pmoLaura Kloss I'm praying for Skip. God bless you all.Thursday at 6:28pmoCarrie Gleason Sending healing & loving thoughts!Thursday at 11:01pm Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip pooped! He also managed to drag himself from squeeze cage to larger cage area. Not using left leg and no urine yet so he's not out of the woods yet.Thursday at 9:49amKim Harmyk Dever, Fiona Giannandrea, Donna Raihl and 486 others like this.oAngel Camacho OMG! This is great news!Thursday at 9:50amoSheryl Bottner Yay! Poop is a good sign.Thursday at 9:50amoMichelle Congdon Yay Skip!!!!! Come on, buddy, PEE!!Thursday at 9:50amoAmy Epps Stewart Well, it's a 'poop' in the right direction! GO SKIP!Thursday at 9:50amoRobert Brown Get Well Soon Skip!Thursday at 9:51amoHeather Greene Now just need a "number one"! Yeah Skip! =)Thursday at 9:51amoAdawn F Great to hear good news in the morning.. hopefully the good news keeps coming. You guys are awesome.Thursday at 9:51amoEilene Wood WooHOO!! for poop, I am a supporter of some horse rescues (don't own a horse, just 3 cats) but I know how important poop is!!Thursday at 9:51amoMariana Pires One step at a time!Thursday at 9:51amoDebi Gungor come on skip :) xxxThursday at 9:51amoDiane Supowit I am still praying for him and will keep on doing so!!Thursday at 9:52amoCorriene Tiffin He will soon, it's jsut a matter of time xThursday at 9:52amoLinda Davis see? there is a God and he's helpin' our Skip!...come on everyone...pray HARDER !!!Thursday at 9:52amoJanet Davis Keep praying everyone!Thursday at 9:52amoAl Tate Never underestimate the will to live. Hoping the best for the little warriorThursday at 9:52amoRebecca Belofsky Shuer Hooray, he pooped! Our paws are crossed for more positive news.Thursday at 9:53amoPatricia Massari YAY!!! Come on pee!! I ? you Skip!! Sending you every healing thought I can!!!Thursday at 9:53amoJanet Powell Bisson I never thought I'd be sooooo excited about "poop"....way to go Skip...come on little can do it!!!!!Thursday at 9:53amoLisa Nunez Shorts often do you get hundreds of people waiting for poop? LOLOLThursday at 9:53am ·oIndigo Tiger Skip u r in my thots n prayers baby!!! Sending more Love, Light and Warrior Reiki energy for continued healing for this courageous lil fighter!!! ? ? ? TYVM Jamie & BCR 4 giving him this chance....God Bless u all! =)Thursday at 9:54amoNicole Zimmerman that's a great start! Will keep praying!Thursday at 9:54amoRhonda Mengarelli Keep going Skip.... Still saying my prayers for him.He's going to get better I can feel itThursday at 9:54amoCindy Hawbaker ?~that is great news,Skip we are all pulling for you@in our prayers!Blessed Be ;*)Thursday at 9:54amoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Yeah Skip! You can do it little buddy! We are all pulling for you!Thursday at 9:55amoSally Chancellor Peters Great news though!! Maybe cage rest will be enough!!Thursday at 9:55amoDebbie McManigal Ellsworth Come on Skip, you can do it! Come on buddy.Thursday at 9:56amoJennifer Depew God and hundreds of people believe in you Skip. Positive thoughts and hope being sent your way. Poop is progress buddy. Fingers crossed for continued progress.Thursday at 9:56amoSally Chancellor Peters we want pee!! we want pee!Thursday at 9:56amoDonna Coffey Come on can do it buddy! We're all pullin' for ya!!!! GOOO (and I mean GO!) Skippy!Thursday at 9:56amoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Never thought I'd be happy about poop before, but in this case I'm ecstatic!! Keep up the good work Skip and we will keep praying!!!!Thursday at 9:56amoEmma Bagwell I don't think I have ever been so relieved to hear that a cat has done a number 2!Thinking of you skip! xxThursday at 9:56amoTammy Berry our prayers are reaching you skip, come on baby we are all rooting for you....let you be the good news story of the new year!!Thursday at 9:56amoKathi Trott Turner Yay Skip!! Keep it up buddy!Thursday at 9:57amoRobert Lyons Yay !!!!! Come on Skip, you can pee, I know it . Thank you, whoever or whatever is responsible for these improvements in Skip ! Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!! Keep up the progress Skip, I'm sending more good and healinh thoughts your way a.Thursday at 9:59amoPhyllis Sobczyk YIPPIE!!! KEEP GOIN LIL DUDE!Thursday at 10:00amoSue Brooks it's an improvement...still prayin'Thursday at 10:01amoSharon Moore keep it up!!Thursday at 10:01amoLisa Polo Yay!! But it IS improvement and that is a good sign!! Yay all the healing energies and LOVE are helping.. Going to continue on my quest of having folks lighting a candle for him!! LOVE YOU SKIP!!You can do it lil guy I just know you can!Thursday at 10:01amoSuzanne Manser Wonderful news. Strange to feel happy about a big little cat pooping but yay! Keeping everything crossed. XThursday at 10:02amoLauren Quigley Betz If he can crawl and poop I'm confident he'll urinate. Go Skip, you can do it. I'm sending healing energy Skips way. Thanks for helping him.Thursday at 10:02amoNora Mutao Frost Wow I never thought hearing about a cat pooping would be good news but lol. I really hope this turns out okay.Thursday at 10:02amoDebra Hancock Prayers going up for Skip and hoping he will be a strong kitty and pull through!Thursday at 10:02amoJim Harrington Just in time for New Years!Thursday at 10:02amoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Sorry, I was trying to like a comment just now and accidentally deleted but don't know whoThursday at 10:03amoEric Krotzer Me and my four cats are pulling for skip!!!!Thursday at 10:03amoDale Sullivan it's a small step towards the right direction!Thursday at 10:04amoJim Helmer prayers are with him for full recovery...God bless you and all your efforts BCR.Thursday at 10:04amoBrian Howle I can't honestly say I've ever been happier to hear that a poop took place. Guess that verifies that BCR is the ... naw, too easy! Paws crossed! :)Thursday at 10:04amoSarah Hoey He's in my thoughts! I hope he gets better soon! Poor lil guy. D:Thursday at 10:05amoSue Drake one step at a time Skip, sending lots of love and best wishes all the way from the UK, from me & my 2 cats, Kevin & Smokey Jo xThursday at 10:05amoPatricia Morris MacDonald Go Skip!Thursday at 10:06amoSylvia Myers Thank you for the update. Hang in there Skip!!Thursday at 10:06amoCarol Lloyd Awesome news!!! Love and prayers for Skip! If he's drinking, surely the urine will come. Bless him. :)Thursday at 10:06amoLora Fletcher Great news! Keeping him in my thoughts ?Thursday at 10:07amoLisa Polo Here is where u can light a virtual candle for SKIP!! I began a group just for him! :o) at 10:07amoPammy Rae come on skippy boy!!!! you can do it!!!!!! :@ ))Thursday at 10:07amoBonnie Kelley oh god!!! wow how wonderful who would have thought poop would excite us!! hope he pees soon!! such a tiny guy, i wish him a safe and speedy recovery, well it does not have to be speedy just hope he gets well any way he can. we love you skip!!!Thursday at 10:07amoTammy Denham That's great. Thanks for the update. Keep us informed and hopefully all will work out great inthe end.Thursday at 10:07amoDonna Arsenault Bryant This has to be the only place on fb where the updates are about poop and everyone likes it. rofl. Thank you for the update. Pulling for him to recover.Thursday at 10:08amoLynda Stephens BCR, believe it was Lisa Polo that started a virtual candle lighting for Skip. Can you post so all of his followers get the link? at 10:10amoCindy D. Wren Good sign, though, right? more positive healing energy coming your way, Skip!Thursday at 10:11amoLynda Stephens Sorry, that should have the // after HTTP:Thursday at 10:12amoHeather Greene ?128+ people like poop... This makes me giggle. Team Skip! =)Thursday at 10:14amoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Yea for poopies....Come on Peepee, lets go!Thursday at 10:20amoCameo Haddan Yeaaaa to poop!!! Heal Skip Heal...a healing chant or cheer. I've got the pom-poms out for Skip to pee!!!Thursday at 10:22amoKris Barrett Daugherty The prayer warriers are working it for Skip! I firmly believe that Skip will be healed...Thursday at 10:23amoKaren Allard Keep the good thoughts flowing and the prayers coming. It's a start Skip!Thursday at 10:23amoJessica Stanton That's great! Keep it up, little guy! You got a ton of people pulling for ya!Thursday at 10:23amoAngela Goodson Abbott Progress is progress...keep it up Skip! We're all rooting for you! ?Thursday at 10:24amoPammy Rae tip!!!! run the tap in the surgery... always works for at 10:24amoDena Richardson Yeah! Good news so far. Keep it up Skip!!Thursday at 10:24amoApril Peterson he will pee. he has to. hes come to far not to. come on skip prove to these people that you are a fighter!!!!Thursday at 10:25amoChristina Bond ?'s to Skip!Thursday at 10:27amoJoe Matocha Yahoo!!! Go Skip!Thursday at 10:29amoColleen Tracey Whoohooo he pppppoooooooeeeed!!!!!! Dang it. !! No pee! :(Thursday at 10:29amoEliza Howard Yes !!!!Thursday at 10:29amoDeanna Floyd The Lord is taking good care of him! Get well soon Skip!Thursday at 10:30amoHillary Jollimore Pooping is good.Thursday at 10:31amoAraceli Molina Still praying for you Skip, and thinking about you. Like I said yesterday, God still gives us Miracles and I hope u r one of many. Skip, u should know we care if we get excited because u popped!!!! :-)Thursday at 10:31amoShezael Zael Gogogo Skip we all except you to pee (OMG What am I saying oO),I really hope he will be fine soon Keep it up Skip !Thursday at 10:32amoMichelle Able Good news! Keep fighting skip!Thursday at 10:33amoRita Lawrence Thanks for the update. Skip is in my prayers.Thursday at 10:34amoAldana Vandervoort come on Skip!!! I have been praying for you all week!Thursday at 10:35amoLeslie Cannon ?@Lisa Polo-candle litThursday at 10:37amoFrieda Corley YAY!! Any progress is good. With time, hopefully everything will start to work.Thursday at 10:38amoSiân Obermaier C'mon Skips kidneys n bladder, give him a widdle as well as a poop, fingers crossed. Thanks from the UK for the update.Thursday at 10:39amoNagy Alexandra I'm so happy for him! Yes, he's not out of the woods yet, but he had the first steps.Thursday at 10:39amoJeanne Stuart Yeah Skip! Just sent in my donation. My nickname is Angelica. I read that one of your Bobcats there has the same name. How could I not send in?Thursday at 10:39amoBarbara Crowell McCarthy Hurray for Skip!!! Now if only I could feel as happy about the "presents" my kitties leave in their box for me... ;-)Thursday at 10:41amoAngelina M Wormald COME ON SKIP LETS GET THROUGH THIS. YOU CAN DO THIS. EVERYONE KEEP PRAYING AND HOPING THAT HE PULLS THROUGH PLEASEThursday at 10:45amoLynette Tinsley I lit a candle for Skip! Check out the link above! It is really great! There are almost 40 candles lit from around the world for little Skip! Go Skip!Thursday at 10:47amoAmanda June Morton Come on Skip! You can do this!! Show them what you are made of! Lots of prayers headed your way!Thursday at 10:52amoJoyce Garite Brady good luck little oneThursday at 10:54amoSandy Hoitinga poop is good, but pee is better. If his kidneys are failing, that is NOT a good sign.Thursday at 10:56amoRebecca Vernon Yay poop! That is great news! Go Skip!!Thursday at 10:58amoSilvia Loehrer I am praying for you can do it! XOXOThursday at 10:59amoMelanie Lowe keep fighting little guyThursday at 10:59amoAdam Cheattouten Skip Rocks! Thanks for the update!Thursday at 11:01amoLisa Marie Babbitt Candle lit - - hang in there little buddy.Thursday at 11:01amoAlex DiGiacomo i know what's it's like with the uncertainty, my cat just came back from having his sutures out and it was a rough two weeks ^^ i hope skip does as well as my cat did, stay strong Skip and dont give up!Thursday at 11:01amoSilvia Loehrer I pray for Skip, to "skip" right out of the danger zone cause he has a lot of bobcat left in him and things to do here! My pug and I are paraying for you to pee soon...XOXOXOThursday at 11:02amoHl Rankin Was it a good one? not too runny, no blood, etc?Thursday at 11:03amoEl Burke That makes me happy. I was holding my part maine coon cat, Thor last night (he's a mama's boy) and telling him about Skip and that he needs to think of his relative too and hope that his bowels and such begin to work. Thor instantly began purring. I told him they'd make good friends, since Thor is a large cat... LOL. YAY SKIP!! Don't give up sweet Bobcat!Thursday at 11:06amoLevi Gray I never thought I would see a facebook message on my list with over 250 people liking it and the 2nd word being "Pooped".Thursday at 11:06am ·oNan Kesti This little guy deserves to LIVE, so I hope and pray that with all these positive thoughts and prayers he will.Thursday at 11:07amoMarianne Weaver I Love you guys! I was almost fearful to watch his journey, but never stopped thinking of him and what the outcome might be. I will be stopping in Florida for a week in Feb. And will make time to come by! All my ? !Thursday at 11:09amoPaula Retter Nolte Go Skip go!!!!Thursday at 11:12amoNoreen Raudabaugh Woohoo!!! I've never been so happy to hear that a kitty moved its bowels. Skip's a fighter. So glad to hear he's taking some baby steps toward recovery.Thursday at 11:14amoDorita Reyen Whoooppeeee! Pooooopppie!Thursday at 11:14amoColleen TraceyDr Wynn spoke w/ Dr Blair who doesn't think Skip's shattered pelvis can be fixed surgically. We are consulting other bone specialists before we give up. He got fluids and is eating well but not urinating or defecating so we are worried that... he can't; which means even cage rest can't help. Your love and healing thoug...hts may be his only chance. Not giving up yet.Lets hope that Skip will prove them wrong!!!!!!!!!! Keep on Pooping and Peeing!See MoreThursday at 11:16amoTiena Harvey Ellis Come on Baby you can do it. More healing blessings coming your way.Thursday at 11:18amoJustin Buzzini as i said, TLC, and a little time. many wild animals can take care of themselves. wolves can heal wounds, tigers could easily blend well with their surroundings, and cougars always get their prey (no, not those cougars). but i believe the phrase "Skip Pooped" is the ultimate definition on the year 2010. yay :P.Thursday at 11:24amoKaren Pastore Never was so happy to hear that an animal pooped!!!!!!!! YES!!!Thursday at 11:24amoBarbara Runcie More white light coming to Skip. Never underestimate the power of white light.Thursday at 11:26amoDawn Freeman Awesome! Poop is good! Healing prayers are heading your way! Get stronger Skip! xoxoThursday at 11:28amoBeth Giannosa Skip, we know your will to survive is STRONG ! You've got hundreds of people praying for you, and hundreds more cats/dogs/ect...purring for you. YOU CAN DO THIS !! BCR will do all they can to help you, so will we....all you have to do is show them that you want to live. So, once you pee, they will figure out the rest ! Blessings and healing love and light are being sent along with this message !! ? ? ?Thursday at 11:29amoDeb Penny McManus When my cat broke his leg the vet told me that as long as both ends of the bone were in the same cat, it would heal. Let's hope she was right. Hang in there Skip, you have a lot of life left to enjoy.Thursday at 11:29amoMarie Council Please, please get well Skip.Thursday at 11:30amoDee Iminurputer Yay Skip!Thursday at 11:31amoWormald Angelina M PLEASE PRAY FOR SKIP HE NEEDS US AND HE HAS STOLEN OUR HEARTS AND I AM PLEASED TO SAY THATThursday at 11:31amoLisa Polo Keep him in your prayers and light a candle here.. at 11:31amoLinda Reilly come on, Skipper!!!! you can do itThursday at 11:32amoLaura E. Felton Awww i am sending prayers and love to himThursday at 11:34amoJohn Palmer Never underestimate the power of nature or prayer. Yet, I've saved injured house cats, spent thousands, only for them to be miserable. It is so hard to know what the right thing is in these situations. But I absolutely support this organization. We also need to put our money into protecting the habitat of the Earth's dwindling wild animal populations. It is their future and ours too.Thursday at 11:37amoJennifer LaMondWonderful, little Skip... keep up the good fight. Your strength is shining through!! Keeping you and all the BCR workers and Vets that are working on you close in thought and prayer! I lit a candle for you and appreciate those who shared... the link to do so!! I'm passing along so others can do the same, if they like. you Skip!!See MoreThursday at 11:38amoJenny TowhillThere is an incredible orthopedic surgeon in London who may be able to advise. He has cats walking that most other vets would have given up on. His name is David Kydd and his website is the local vets send him their most difficult cases, I know its far away but I am sure he could advise over the internetSee MoreThursday at 11:42amoAmy O'Donnell Never thought I'd be glad to hear that a cat. . .Thursday at 11:44amoChris Naven Pearce Still pulling for you buddy :0)Thursday at 11:45amoAmanda Nicole Scaggs Aww that is great news. I hope he pees soon!Thursday at 11:45amoKim Haller Come on, Skip!Thursday at 11:47amoAshley Hawes ?:)Thursday at 11:50amoAmy Milligan Okay St. Francis of Assisi..... PLEASE help Skip the bobcat! He needs to start peeing! His kidneys need to work! Please BLESS!!! the couple that rescued Skip! Please BLESS!!! the vets treating SKIP!!!! Please BLESS!!! the vet techies treating Skip!!!! Please BLESS!!! BCR and all their staff and animals so that they may continue to provide the care and support the kitties need!!! {{{{SKIP}}}}} {{{{{+++POSITIVE+++VIBES+++}}}}}!!!Thursday at 11:52amoDonna Raihl Thank you LORD!!!! GO SKIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 11:55amoChristiane Lappe keep my fingers crossed for that great little fighter!Thursday at 11:55amoBrett Hall C'mon Skip! Paws are still crossed for youuu! ???Thursday at 11:56amoDiane Dusty Bauman That's Awesome!!!!!Thursday at 11:57amoAmanda Reynolds Praying that he pulls through! Thought about him all night!Thursday at 11:59amoArlene Hoffer OooRah! The mighty Skip has managed to begin the healing! Come on Skip! We love ya buddy and we're all pulling for you! I sent off a donation for the Skippers and hoping for the best! You can do it Skip! We love you!Thursday at 12:00pmoAmy Milligan I never thought I'd be so happy to hear about the bowel movements of a bobcat!!! :-) Now be a really good boy Skip and start peeing!!! (please!!!). Pee on the table. Pee on the vets. Pee on the vet techies. Pee on the floor. Just please start peeing NOW big guy!!! {{{LOVE}}} {{{POSITIVE VIBES}}}Thursday at 12:01pmoAmy Milligan Thanks to everyone that 'liked' my St. Francis of Assisi comment! I am a severely LAPSED Catholic so if any of you are 'good' Catholics you probably have a little more 'clout' with the appropriate powers that be! Please get to bothering St. Francis so he sends his healing powers to Skip and everyone caring for him! THANKS!!!Thursday at 12:04pmoMeleah Kirby I'm so glad he has made some progress. Praying for him to continue getting better.Thursday at 12:07pmoDeanna Voorhees THANK GOD FOR POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT SKIP!! FIGHT LITTLE BOY FIGHT!!! :)Thursday at 12:08pmoNatalie Lane Way to "go", Skip! I think that Skip the bobcat has the heart of a lion and will keep fighting like one!! EVERYONE: light a candle for Skip at Lisa Polo's link above- it's awesome! Thank you for sharing it, Lisa. We continue to pray for this boy and his complete healing and recovery. ?Thursday at 12:11pmoPatricia Sheridan Praying for you Sweet Skip! XOXOXOXOThursday at 12:24pmoKim Lopresti Johnson thank you for keeping us posted and not giving up on him. Good news tho, will keep the prayers comingThursday at 12:31pmoAlicia Harvey One step on the road to recovery.Hoping that Skip continues to improve.Thursday at 12:34pmoSusan Roberts Kiernan So happy he went. show us some pee now. u can do it!Thursday at 12:44pmoDawn Getyina SO glad to hear that, will keep him in my prayers!Thursday at 12:45pmoMaria Hancock but thats improvement!! come skip you can do it! survival instincts!Thursday at 12:47pmoJudy Rice Norcia Thanks for the good news update!!Thursday at 12:48pmoMichele Sanchez Ortiz YAY!Thursday at 1:00pmoSandra Davis X0X0 Yay SKIP!Thursday at 1:01pmoHeather Cantrell Hooray for poop! Keep up the good work, Skipster! Baby steps can lead to giant steps. We'll keep praying for some pee..Thursday at 1:02pmoCaroline Carlson Abrom YESSS!! That is such GREAT news! Prayed and prayed for him last night. You can do it little guy! Thank you, wonderful people at BCR, for all that you are doing. You all are amazing people and all of your hard work is so appreciated!Thursday at 1:03pmoZeki Gunay Sent him Reiki just now.Thursday at 1:04pmoDeborah Good Well hopefully he makes it. Good news thoughThursday at 1:10pmoSonya Cabral I cried when I heard and saw pics of skips injury!!! I still cry!!! I'm glad that skip is doing good!!! If people would pay attention to their driving this wouldn't happen!!! Hang in there skip you sweet little boy!!! I'm praying for you to make a speedy recovery!!!Thursday at 1:16pmoTammie Ekkelboom This news just made my morning! More positive and healing thoughts coming your way, Skip!! ? ?Thursday at 1:18pmoNancy Matthews Ewe Go Skip GO!!!! We need a Christmas miracle!!!Thursday at 1:20pmoSherri Wilson Reyes Sooo very excited about the pooping!! Saying prayers for peepee!!!! Please God, heal Skip!!!Thursday at 1:23pmoDeana Koopman I'm glad he did #2. Here's to hoping #1 happens soon and he starts to move around even more! Hoping and praying for Skip!Thursday at 1:26pmoMary Thompson Still praying for this guy.Thursday at 1:28pmoGerri Paniccia knowing this actually gave me comfort/a sign of progess.. but funny since i don't have kids and get annoyed when friends post that so-so went on the big girl/boy potty..Thursday at 1:38pmoJoyce McNevin One step at a time, that's great Skip....good going we luv ya and not giving up on can do it!!Thursday at 1:39pmoDeb Wentzel So happy to hear that, I am still thinking of him & praying that he is able to have surgeryThursday at 1:43pmoBarbara Trovato This is great news! He pooped, and I'm sure peeing will not be far behind! Thanks to all the wonderful people at BCR and the vets who have helped him.Thursday at 1:58pmoMichelle West Wonderful - keeping my fingers crossed for him!Thursday at 2:02pmoKaren Norris-Rocha Yay!!!!!! As a nursing student, I have learned to appreciate the value of a poop from a patient! GO SKIP!!!!! Now, onto the peeing. I know he will do it! Can he have surgery on his pelvis? Prayers continue for this little fighter :)Thursday at 2:04pmoOlga Cisneros baby steps... You GO SKip!!!Thursday at 2:31pmoRichard Brown It's kinda sad we are happy for poop and sad for not having pee but hey we all love to see these animals get back on there feet after they get sick! So what the heck "Yay poop!" &"Come on pee!"Thursday at 2:43pmoMelissa A. Arnold Podolak glad to see some improvement, and hope it continues...Thursday at 3:10pmoKathy Shane glad to see alittle progress with himThursday at 3:29pmoDamia Turek You're a trooper Skip ! Sending all my prayers your way .Thursday at 3:45pmoCandy Feldt sounds more hopeful... (keeping fingers and toes Xd)Thursday at 4:06pmoRuth Hart poor thing I hope he gets better.Thursday at 4:15pmoPammy Rae to all my us friends i said tap... in usa thats aforcett.. sorry.... just turni t on maybe he wud like to drink from it like our cats do too....skippy wud be a great hope for the new year and the for...castQ (cats\)Thursday at 4:42pmoPammy Rae cum on skip... show us some light for the new year.....we all need some focus.... and .. everyone dont foget to donate to bcr match for match!!! also purrfect santury and ark rain who burnt to the round i know its a struggle but they need us....Thursday at 4:45pmoDorothy Scanlan Sending good Karma his way...Thursday at 4:51pmoKristen Dawley Never been so happy to hear about a bobcat pooping :) hope he continues to get better!Thursday at 5:15pmoLes Habitants That's good news, just checked the webcam and he was awake and alert. He's sleeping now, get some rest little guy and hang in thereThursday at 5:45pmoCharlene Picard But he's that much closer! Keep up the good works, BCR!Thursday at 6:06pmoRobin Dougherty poor sweet little skip!Thursday at 6:08pmoSilvia Loehrer I am watching him live...not sure if he peed, but we think he did. Anybody hear more news about his spleen?You can watch him live here... at 6:25pmoKim Harmyk Dever You go Skip. We are rooting for you.Thursday at 7:12pmoMichael Collins Some progress is better than no progress. Encouraging for sure!!Thursday at 7:13pmoMichelle Morton Watching the live feed - he just urinated!!!Thursday at 7:35pmoJennifer Lovelady YAY! Who'd have thought poop could be so exciting.Thursday at 7:38pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen Prayers do work! I hope Skip continues to improve, and I will continue to pray for him!Thursday at 9:42pmoJames Morgans Hang in there Skippy!Thursday at 10:00pmoAmy Milligan ?@Michelle Morton..... YAY!!! Skippy peed!!! Glad to hear it!!! Go Skippy!!! Get pooping!!! Get peeing!!! Get better!!! {{{{{SKIP}}}}} {{{{{LOVE}}}}}Thursday at 11:31pmoAnita Christine Haywood I'll keep praying for the little guy.Yesterday at 10:41amoHl Rankin If there is a God in heaven, I will someday meet the jerk who ran into Skip, and devote five busy minutes to him with an axe handle.21 hours ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLCheck on Skip's recovery LIVE with our hospital cam :)BigCatHospital on USTREAM: This is the recovery cage inside the West Boensch Cat Hospital at Big CatJennifer LaMond, JoAnn Paolantonio, Kim Harmyk Dever and 276 others like this.+Claire Bivins This is so cool! Thank you!Thursday at 2:18pm+Jessica Dawn Miller Awwwww be rescued, during the holidays- hope you have a great recovery- sweetiepie- you're so cute!!:)Thursday at 2:18pm+Jenn Hansen Get well soon Skip. =33 ?Thursday at 2:19pm+Jamie Malmqvist I agree with Claire! Thanks guys!Thursday at 2:19pm+Susan Hughes I live just down the road from Big Cat.Is there any volunteer work I can do?Thursday at 2:20pm+Tamz Wagner I like how you have a phone number up in case anyone sees a cat in distress. Very cool. And the cat is funny. It's like he knows the camera is there lolThursday at 2:20pm+Jenny Barker i would like this a whole lot better if it were not for the noisy ad that just burst in . . .Thursday at 2:21pm+Elise Evans Thank you, this is great! I hope for his complete recovery.Thursday at 2:21pm+Angie Pyle I pray Skip gets better....thank you for being angels on earth for these wonderful animals!Thursday at 2:21pm+Michelle Klein-Hass Sleepy recovering kitteh. Good luck, little one!Thursday at 2:23pm+Gayle Boddy Clark is Skip doing better today?Thursday at 2:23pm+Marie Anne Lefebvre I hope Skip gets better very soon...Thursday at 2:24pm+Eileen Edgecomb How is Skip?Thursday at 2:25pm+Jenny Bean Sturtevant Awwwww, get well soon Skip!Thursday at 2:26pm+Lisa Tibbetts We're sending our love and get well wishes for little Skip! Get better quickly little guy!Thursday at 2:27pm+Patricia Morris MacDonald I almost hate to watch in case he doesn't make it. It would be even more upsetting after seeing video of him.Thursday at 2:28pm+Celeste Widman He's sleeping and looks more chilled out. This is a good sign. Yes?Thursday at 2:28pm+Natalie Lane We are pulling for you, little Skip! I think the man who rescued Skip (who Skip was named for) should be be COMMENDED and APPLAUDED!! Not many people would stop to help & actually pick up a wild animal in those circumstances. Thank you, "human Skip"!! I would like to know more about this kindhearted "stranger", wouldn't you?Thursday at 2:29pm 1+Heather Greene So who's going to take the first peepee watch?!? ;)Thursday at 2:29pm+Debi Gungor come on skip ,hes gorgeous well done human skip for rescuing him xx this cam is greta xxThursday at 2:30pm+Randy Whittington This is so cool to be able to see him live! Thanks guys. We're pulling for you Skip!Thursday at 2:31pm+Rhonda Mengarelli he seems to know you guys are trying to help him.He looks so relaxed in the videoThursday at 2:32pm+Amanda Nicole Scaggs This was awesome!! Thank you!!! I hope he has a strong recovery!!!Thursday at 2:33pm+Nagy Alexandra He's so adorable. I hope, he'll be okay.Thursday at 2:33pm+Deborah Caron Oh, I wish I lived any where near Tampa. Would love to help with this wonderful project. As for now, all I can do is support. Prayers keep on coming, Skip! Hang in there!Thursday at 2:34pm+Sue Drake I was a bit worried until I saw his head move just then. I SO hope he makes it . He's a beautiful cat .Thursday at 2:35pm+Lisa PoloLove IT!!! Thanks for allowing us all to observe Skip!! You canlight a virtual candle here and send Skip healing energies and prayers. I put a group together just for him. Just click on the link. MoreThursday at 2:36pm+Colleen TraceySkip and Nici should get some kind of a honouary big cat plaque for saving Skip the bobcat. It s wonderful to see him laying there but ..... as you guys at the BCR said that hes not out of the woods yet , it would great that we re ALL mo...nitoring him ..:)Hope things do go well for Skip the Bobcat ;)See MoreThursday at 2:37pm+Kirsten Moodie Sleepy Head lolThursday at 2:40pm+De Ja Foster Thank You SO much for all you do BCR! >^..^<Thursday at 2:43pm+Amy Milligan ?@Lisa Polo..... thanks for posting the link! I just lit a candle for Skip! Start peeing NOW!!! big guy!!! You can do it!!! {{{LOVE}}}Thursday at 2:45pm+Colleen Tracey skippy s awake!!!!! go to the link now !!!Thursday at 2:46pm+Colleen Tracey moved his left leg a little !! yahooohooooooooooooooooooThursday at 2:47pm+Candi Durkin Poor baby- at least with dogs and cats with broken hips you can wrap a towell under their bellies like a sling and get them moving around a bit - guess with awild animal that's out of the questionThursday at 2:47pm+Judit Tövissy He moved his left hind leg, I hope that means he's gonna be okay :)Thursday at 2:47pm+Connie WoundedArrows he's looking better!!!!Thursday at 2:48pm+Colleen Tracey ?@ candi hes a wake!!!! go look nowThursday at 2:48pm+Terri Halle Looks exhausted and probably is pretty stressed.Thursday at 2:50pm+Gabriele Herbst Geb Schön Get well, soon, sweety !!!!Thursday at 2:50pm+Angela Goodson Abbott Awesome! Nice to see him sitting up. He doesn't seem terribly stressed right now, that's good! Sure hope he recovers...?Thursday at 2:51pm+Andrea Tomich Ohnstad THANK YOU BCR for posting this for us! I agree--I think I saw him move his left leg a little. I am pulling for him!Thursday at 2:51pm+Angela Goodson Abbott And to the guy he's named after, Thank You! If not for you this sweet guy wouldn't even have had a chance. Bless you! ?Thursday at 2:53pm+Tricia LymeMom poor little guy....hoping for a speedy recovery ?Thursday at 2:54pm+Colleen Tracey ?@ candi , he has crushed pelvis theres no way u can put a sling on him ..Thursday at 2:55pm+Sue Drake ?@ BCR, what are his chances of recovery & IF he recovers, will he ever be able to be released back into the wild again ?Thursday at 2:57pm+Jody Holzhauer Poor kitty!! :(Thursday at 3:00pm+Kelly Borg Absolutely adorable! Thanks BCR for letting us be able to see him recover. Mostly looks sleepy right now. But that does seem like a good sign for recovery!Thursday at 3:01pm+Silvia Loehrer Oh, look at him...he is soooooo adorable. He just had his head up for a minute. Oh, I hope he makes it! That stain almost looks like pee...probably is something else, though...hoping and praying for his New Year to come and give him a chance at a full recovery. Skip, give us a New Years present...peee buddy...pee. :)Thursday at 3:03pm+Debbie McManigal Ellsworth come on little buddy, you can do it.Thursday at 3:04pm+Sue Reimer Hutchinson Poor wee fellow ... hope that he recovers well ...Thursday at 3:06pm+Jessalynne Deanna Zondra Peters awe!!! He's so cute! Poor little guy. :'(Thursday at 3:10pm+Sawsan Al-Hadhrami He's adorable! It's heartbreaking to see him dragging his useless left leg around :(:( He just fell asleep in his food!Thursday at 3:12pm+Heather Greene The candle lighting is so cool! =) I'm on my phone can't wait to check out the web cam when I get home!Thursday at 3:13pm+Kayla Barber hope he gets better soonThursday at 3:13pm+Drucie Peterson Bless his little baby heart....I hope he makes it.Thursday at 3:13pm+Colleen Tracey He moved!! AGAIN! hes now sleeping on his right side! PAWSTIVE SIGNS!! WHOHOOOOThursday at 3:21pm+Christy LeDuc Was it wishful thinking that I thought I saw pee on the cover when Skip rolled over a couple of minutes ago.Thursday at 3:22pm+Colleen Tracey he breathing good ! > good signThursday at 3:23pm+Debi Gungor aww hes turned round and i missed it xThursday at 3:27pm+Kat McFeaters Keep fighting the good fight Skip ?Thank you for allowing us to hopefully watch the miracle of his recovery.Thursday at 3:29pm+Robin Dougherty so incredible to watch him just breathe!Thursday at 3:45pm+Fran Harrington Thank you for sharing his recovery. Sending positive thoughts and love his way. You people at BCH are really, really great!! Keep up the great work!!Thursday at 3:51pm+Damia Turek I LOVE this live cam ! Thanks for sharing ! Skip is so beautiful ....Thursday at 3:53pm+El Burke He breaks my heart. I wish I could just pet him. I just watched him and his head was up, looking around a bit, then he put his head down and sighed. :( I hope you can help him get better. I know you all will do the best you can.Thursday at 3:55pm+Danielle Burdt Wake up Skip :)Thursday at 3:59pm+Sheri Freeman King This is very cool!!! I'm praying for Skip's speedy recovery ?Thursday at 3:59pm+Mary Thompson This is great thanks for sharing I hope he makes it.Thursday at 4:34pm+Holly Oxenfree Skip looks kind of relaxed, very even and slow breathing.Thursday at 4:44pm+Robin Dougherty hello, chip! slightly awake, i see? i can see from your stretched paw that you are feeling fine!Thursday at 5:00pm+Nora Mutao Frost Hiss...hiss...hiss claw....hey whered you go I just wanted to play. Ooo food...nomThursday at 5:11pm+Mario Nistico Still not moving his back legs?Thursday at 5:11pm+Colleen Tracey SKIP ATE!!! WHOHOOO!!!!!! SAW HIM EATING SOME PIECES OF MEATThursday at 5:13pm+Debbie Massey Glad he seems better,time will tell.Thursday at 5:21pm+Heather Cantrell Skip, you're even more beautiful than I thought. Feel better!Thursday at 5:30pm+Kevin Da Kat he is so beautiful, always on his guard, but seems to know he's in safe hands..Thursday at 5:41pm 3 peopleArlene Hoffer and 2 others like this. ·+Arlene Hoffer Keeping our paws crossed for you Skip. We all love you and we're all rooting for ya buddy!Thursday at 5:46pm+Colleen Tracey he even moved around in the cage he even stood up for a moment then laid down again ! fought with the water cup ! yep TOTALLY BOBCAT ATTITUDE!Thursday at 5:56pm+Colleen Tracey lets hope he pees!Thursday at 5:57pm+Colleen Tracey Still sleeping ?Thursday at 6:15pm+Roberta Lioness Bown awesome :)Thursday at 6:17pm+Rebecca Vernon This is great!He's drinking water, looking around and grooming himself, these all seem like good signs.Thursday at 6:18pm+Kimberly Jones He peed!!! :D I saw him do it on cam!! He's eating and grooming and moving and drinking! :D Yay!!!! Go Skip!!! :)Thursday at 6:21pm+Sam Snell He looks so relaxed.Thursday at 6:24pm+Donna Coffey He really peed? YAY! He's grooming himself now...a very good sign. I saw him move around a bit and use one of his back legs some :) GO SKIP!Thursday at 6:28pm+Donna Coffey Stretching out that one back leg...a great sign!Thursday at 6:29pm+Rebecca Vernon He's stretching out his right leg...but not the left one, I haven't seen that move yet.Thursday at 6:33pm+Rondi Kay Abbott Praying that Skip makes it!!!Thursday at 6:34pm+Suzie Buck Go Skip.. We at the Smolen home are praying for you..Thursday at 6:38pm+Dorita Reyen It's so great to be able to watch his recovery. Thank you! He is looking livlier.Thursday at 6:43pm+Arlene Hoffer I just checked in again, and I understand he peed and stretched his back leg! Way To Go Skip! You can do it buddy! We love ya!!!Thursday at 6:46pm+Eilene Wood Yea, for Skip!! Time and prayer for healing. I don't know about anmals, but probably being in shock, it took awhile for all the normal functions to kick in?Thursday at 7:06pm+Lily Chaves Wow. He's moving. Hi Skip. You're looking good.Thursday at 7:13pm+Eilene Wood Yes, Skip and Nici thank you so much for saving this little guy,he had his guardian angels, looking over him. Thank you Lisa for the candle link. I've been lighting candles since 2006, I never heard of this candle link, well I never really was on a computer until then, for personal stuff, just work. I started lighting candles when Barbaro the race horse broke down on the race track. Now my friends and I like candles for animals/humans.Thursday at 7:14pm+Noreen Raudabaugh So beautiful, moving and sad at the same time. I love seeing him move, but I want to reach out and help him! Thank you again, BCR. Your karma must be amazing. May good things come to all of you.Thursday at 7:14pm+Janet Ladwig Skip, God sent people to help you for a reason-Hang in there little buddy! Thanks to those who stopped to help & those continuing to help. I am not sure that I would know what to do-learning so much!Thursday at 7:15pm+Noreen Raudabaugh I'm pretty sure we saw both feet move a bit.Thursday at 7:16pm+Eilene Wood I saw his little foot move just a little!! :)Thursday at 7:21pm+Betsy Pheil Did I see Skip urinate? Hope so!Thursday at 7:32pm+Kathy Farley-Panaras skip looks pretty good considering. Feel sorry for him trying to get around. Noticed he is going to the potty! He has a long recovery ahead of him but he will make it!Thursday at 7:33pm+Lily Chaves Did he pee? That spot wasn't yellow before. Yay.Thursday at 7:34pm+Karen Norris-Rocha He pee'd!!!!!Thursday at 7:34pm+Debra Schaefer Did Skip just pee? I can't tell if what I am seeing is a shadow or if I saw lots of urine being absorbed into his cage liner. Oh please let Skip be getting his functions back!Thursday at 7:34pm+Karen Norris-Rocha I'm in tears watching him move around - but I'm so happy he's fighting. I just pray they can fix his hip...Thursday at 7:35pm+Tabatha Lewis i think i seen him pee!! this is awesome !!Thursday at 7:36pm+Michelle Morton He definitely urinated - quite a bit, too. I hope he can get some fresh bedding soon.Thursday at 7:40pm+Rebecca Vernon He peed, I watched him do it. He's dragging himself around using his front legs, which is heartbreaking to see, but he did just pee.Thursday at 7:42pm+Michele Crow Anello ?7:35pm I see Skip is trying to stand, but the poor baby can't understand why he can't use he back legs, so sad:( I am praying Skip will have a Happy and Healthy New Year.Thursday at 7:42pm+Colleen Tracey Let's ask the BCR to take a pix of the cage liner to check if Skip did peed during the night ??Thursday at 7:43pm+Michele Crow Anello ?7:44pm Well he just went doo dee!!!! Never thought I would be saying this but great news!!!:) DOO DOO!!Thursday at 7:46pm+Tabatha Lewis he moved to the middle and sat for a few sec's and then yellow appeared on the blanket by his bottom. my girl's said " mom he pee'd". my girl's are praying for skip and very interested in watching his recovery because there grandparent's are skip and nici the people who rescued skip and hope he gets better.Thursday at 7:46pm+Samantha KowalskyTHANK YOU for this stream! I just happened to log in, and was JUST IN TIME to see him have a BM! It didn't just fall out, he pushed it out. That's a great sign that his spine can still send signals to his lower body! :DNever thought I'd be happy to see a cat poop, lol!See MoreThursday at 7:51pm+Shannon Cohen OMG I am soooo happy!! I have been thinking about him!! Thank you guys!!Thursday at 8:07pm+Shannon Cohen Get well soon little skip. :)Thursday at 8:10pm+Toni Tedesco Royer This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing. He has so many people praying for him and watching him like this makes us feel that he belongs to us (which he does)! Bless you BCR.Thursday at 8:11pm+Tracey Miles Poor baby...he does not look happy. he keeps crying...Thursday at 8:30pm+Tracey Miles I saw him move and kind of sit up and am glad to see others have seen him pee. He seems to be so uncomfortable that he can't relax. He keeps trying to lay or sleep and then wakes up repeatedly and kind of crys like he is either in pain or doesnt understand what is going on. I hope u can fix him up and he can recover quickly....Thursday at 9:39pm+Lisa Polo Don't forget to light a virtual candle and send healing energies and prayers his way... at 10:54am+Llyn Walker good luck skip. :)19 hours ago+Gabriele Herbst Geb Schön Wow, he already startet to eat. That´s great !!!!18 hours ago+Amy O'Donnell Thanks for letting us see Skip. He's gonna be fine, thanks to y'all at BCR.16 hours ago+Lora Fleming YAY!!! Thank you for caring about the wild animals!2 hours ago+Monica Spires please start the year off and Donate any amount and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR! $25 will feed a bobcat for 2weeks! bigcatrescue.org2 hours ago+Karen Patrick Webb If Skip can't run will he remain at BCR?about an hour ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLGreat news! Skip peed and is going in tomorrow morning for surgery. Dr. Wynn found a bone specialist who says he thinks he can get Skip back on his feet, he just isn't sure he will ever run. It's a first step & worth a try. You can watch Skip at Fairclough, Silvia Loehrer, JoAnn Paolantonio and 188 others like this.? Karen Norris-Rocha Thank GOD!!! I'm so happy :) Sending TONS of prayers and positive thoughts!!!! Thank You!!Thursday at 7:41pm? Jody Melissa I'm so glad!!!Thursday at 7:42pm? Linzee Mundtt that is great news..i wish him the best ..blessings..the camera is a great idea tooThursday at 7:42pm? Tiena Harvey Ellis That is fantastic! Many blessings for young Skip. He really derserves a second chance.Thursday at 7:42pm? Carole Bakke thank goodness. prayersThursday at 7:42pm? Linda Reilly even skipper never runs again, he will always have a wonderful life and home at BCR...Thursday at 7:42pm? Kayla Barber thats awesome newsThursday at 7:42pm? Tiena Harvey Ellis Since he won't be able to run does that mean he will become a permanent resident at BCR?Thursday at 7:43pm? Lisa Polo YA YA YA YA!!1Thursday at 7:43pm? Linzee Mundtt i see him moving his head i take it he is not sedated but prolly on pain meds????Thursday at 7:43pm? Chris Naven Pearce Atta boy Skip, good luck with your surgery and remember you have to walk first and then worry about running :0)Thursday at 7:43pm? Diane Supowit Praise God! I will keep on praying for Skip!Thursday at 7:44pm? Jrad Tiran i love ustream ..glad to see you guys on it : )Thursday at 7:44pm? Nora Mutao Frost I've heard doctors tell paralized people they'll never walk again only for them to turn around and do it anyways. Do it Skip!! Show'm whatcha made of!Thursday at 7:44pm? Robert Lyons Yay, Skip !!!! I knew you good do it ! This is such great news, thank you again to whoever or whatever in the universe is watching out for and helping Skip, and thank you Big Cat Rescue for your helping Skip too . This is such great news !!!!!Thursday at 7:44pm? Michele Sanchez Ortiz That's wonderful!!!Thursday at 7:44pm? Sue Drake looks like peeing isn't all he's done lol good luck with the surgery tomorrow Skip =)Thursday at 7:45pm? Rod Waddell I'm thankful for that and for people like those at BCR and other upstanding sanctuaries! Great newsThursday at 7:45pm? Ryan Kennedy he just messed and is trying to move away from it! poor cat :( you all are wonderful for all you are doing for this animal!Thursday at 7:45pm? Patricia Presley My prayers are with Skip and all the Doctors and all the helpers.You are in my prayers Little Skip!Thursday at 7:45pm? Melissa Olson im so happy for skip. he just pooped in the video and thats such a positive step.Thursday at 7:45pm? Aldana Vandervoort God is watching out for Skip!Thursday at 7:45pm? Colleen Tracey Yah and a bunch of us will be waiting in the virtual waiting room with coffee and sandwiches ! LOLThursday at 7:46pm? Lorelei Kathleen Hickman many prayers for Skip!!!Thursday at 7:46pm? Connie WoundedArrows He poooooped!Thursday at 7:46pm? Aminah Ameeri great!!!Have been watching him on the video> Glad to hear he will have a chance? Now when is dinner??Thursday at 7:46pm? Deborah Budesa This is joyful news. Dear God, can we please have one more miracle before this year ends?Thursday at 7:47pm? Tammy Perkins Awesome!!!! Thank you Scott and all of BCR for everything you do for these cats. Society would be a MUCH better place if more people had your heart and compassion for all God's creatures. Hope everyone there has a terrific new year! And thx for all the updates on Skip!Thursday at 7:47pm? Ryan Kennedy and I was just thinking, if this surgery is not successful has been contacted to see if they will donate/personalize a wheeler for you?Thursday at 7:48pm? Brian Howle So proud of Skip for being such a fighter ... and there you have positive proof of the power of prayer! BCR rules! :)Thursday at 7:48pm? Susan Roberts Kiernan Yeaaa! great news!Thursday at 7:48pm? Jake StandingDown He'll prob. have to stay @ BCR if he can't run, I'd assume. Bobcats eat all those tiny Agilent critters.Thursday at 7:48pm? Mia McDonald that is FANTASTIC news!!!!!!Thursday at 7:49pm? Robert Hodge Great news! Hope he continues getting better!Thursday at 7:50pm? Lynda Stephens Our prayers are being answered.Thursday at 7:51pm? Maria Farmer Bartholow He was looking into the camera when I logged on!Thursday at 7:51pm? Diane Dusty Bauman I've never been so excited that an animal peed & pooped!!!!!Thursday at 7:51pm? Carusio MystWolf Thank the spirits! This is great news. Give Skip our love BCR. Keep doing the good things you do!Thursday at 7:52pm? Li Ha this is good news.. been watching this beautiful baby on the webcam, please continue to keep us posted on his progress saying many prayersThursday at 7:53pm? Suzie Buck Its not much be we sent a small donation your way. I hope it helps. We are so very happy to see how well he is doing here.. we are praying he does well tomorrow.Thursday at 7:54pm? Gail Oehlbeck Phillips Such awesome news!!Thursday at 7:54pm? Lisa Polo Keep lighting those virtual candles for Skip here.. :)? at 7:54pm? Lisa Polo Ya!! GREAT NEWS!Thursday at 7:54pm? Lisa Olson yay may Skip be healthier soon :)Thursday at 7:55pm? Diane M. Duhaime Fantastic!!!!Thursday at 7:55pm? Michele Crow Anello EXCELLENT NEWS!!!!! Skip has so many people praying for him and thanks to the angels who found him and to you who drove him to get proper care. See love and prayer does work:)Thursday at 7:55pm? Sheryl Bottner Really good news! I just saw Skip poop on the cam. If he can never run, will he live at the sanctuary?Thursday at 7:55pm? Michele Sanchez Ortiz What a beautiful cat! I love his face! Good luck tomorrow Skip!Thursday at 7:56pm? Hansi Schaffer Brittain Can't "like" this news enough!Thursday at 7:56pm? Leslie Snowden OMG, that is great news!!!! :)Thursday at 7:56pm? Leslie Snowden Thank u!!!Thursday at 7:56pm? Amy VJ As you know, eating and peeing are the best signs! Good luck!Thursday at 7:56pm? Eliza Howard My kids are elated me too ?? for Skip !!Thursday at 7:57pm? Romie K. Francis Fye I knew it! I knew with all of our positive energy, prayers, etc..... That Skip would be okay! Thursday at 7:57pm? Melissa Pollard This is the best news i've heard all day! I'm all teary eyed now GO SKIP! ?Thursday at 7:58pm? Janet Mathis Arnold Thanks for posting this!Thursday at 7:58pm? Ashley Jager You can do it skip ! We are pulling for you Thursday at 7:58pm? Steve Shelby Sending lots of prayers. Was going to send money but apparently prayers are the in thing now. Hope the exchange rate works out.Thursday at 7:59pm? Allison Friedman That's amazing. One step at a time. Thanks for updating.Thursday at 8:00pm? Martha Wexler thank goodness!Thursday at 8:00pm? Connie Halsey I really hope he can survive and has the kind of personality that will allow him to be happy at the Sanctuary if he can't go back to the wild!Thursday at 8:02pm? Marie Council What good news!!!Thursday at 8:02pm? Debra Hancock God bless the surgeon and we pray Skip will be back on his feet step at a time!Thursday at 8:02pm? Marie Anne Lefebvre YAY!!! Good luck Skip!!!! Thank you so much BCR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 8:02pm? Toni Tedesco Royer How wonderful! Thank you St. Frances and keep your hands on this little one!Thursday at 8:04pm? Nagy Alexandra I'm so happy for you Skip. Get well soon! :) I'm watching you live. You're gergeous!Thursday at 8:04pm? John Petrucco I told you! Just a HOP SKIP and a JUMP away from being back on your paws buddy!!Thursday at 8:05pm? Melanie Lowe one puddy step at a time you can do it SkipThursday at 8:05pm? Elise Evans Been watching Skip on the web cam and sending along positive thoughts for his recovery. Thank you, BCR, for your commitment to the wonderful creatures in your care. It is great to see that there are so very many good people in this world who are praying for this little guy's recovery.Thursday at 8:07pm? Heather Cantrell Such good news! I sent a donation the other night through the matching funds thingy...I don't know if it'll go straight to Skip, but maybe it can help cover something. This little angel deserves a second chance!Thursday at 8:09pm? Janet Powell Bisson That just brought "happy tears" to my eyes......that is EXCELLENT news!!....Keep up the good work BCR :)Thursday at 8:10pm? Gee Whiz McGee Oh jeez, somebody clean up his poop over there!Thursday at 8:11pm? Caroline Carlson Abrom Hallelujah! Thank you Lord! Thank you sooooooooooo much BCR!! We are all so overjoyed by this wonderful news!!!Thursday at 8:13pm? Christine Andrade Let's go Skip! You can do it!Thursday at 8:14pm? JoAnn Paolantonio good news indeed!Thursday at 8:14pm? Stephanie Winters he is sawing logs right now...I can see his little side go up and down...Thursday at 8:15pm? Arlene Hoffer Alright Skip! Pooping up a storm! Way To Go, buddy, literally! We love you buddy! Rest up and get well darling boy, you can do it!Thursday at 8:15pm? Bonnie Kelley bcr stands for best care round!!! thanks so much for all you do!!!Thursday at 8:17pm? Janet Davis That's amazing! Thank you too a BCR teachers, supporters, and vets.Thursday at 8:19pm? Alex Foxx Whoo hoo! I've been waiting all night and day for this news! It's even better than expected because he peed! I am so proud of Skip and elated beyond words. Thursday at 8:20pm? Amanda Reynolds I was afraid to watch get too attached but I am so glad I did because I see some poopy right beside him! Sooo happy to hear he is peeing now too!!!Thursday at 8:24pm? Sonya Cabral Awesome!!!!!!! I'm sooooooo happy that our beloved skip has finally peed, he is having surgery tomorrow!!! I'm also happy that there is a vet that can make him better, butI'm crying that he might never be able to run again!!! Hang in there you sweet boy that you are skip, there are millions of people who love you and are praying for you to make a sppedy recovery!!! :) GO SKIP!!! GO SKIP!!! :)Thursday at 8:25pm? Alex Foxx I can't wait to go home to log onto the webcam. Can't get it on my phone. Sorry I missed him poo! Thank you BCR and Skip, the wonderful man who chased him down, and the awesome veterinarians! Go Skip, go!Thursday at 8:27pm? Silvia Loehrer I also donated, but through their paypal option site...this was a piece of cake...just wanted to post the link for anyone that would like to do it through can also donate using a cc card using this link... at 8:29pm? Silvia Loehrer Thank goodness he is going in for surgery tommorrow! That is such great news!!! We are all in this with you Skip!! May you get through the surgery with flying colors!! XOXOXOThursday at 8:31pm? Kris Barrett Daugherty If he can't run BCR will definitely keep him right? I just donated and am watching the Skip cam. BCR rocks! I'll keep praying.Thursday at 8:32pm? Les Habitants Good news. I'm watching the live cam and he's alert and snarling so he still has lots of fight in him. Get well little guyThursday at 8:32pm? Silvia Loehrer I also want to send loving thoughts and energy to the surgeon that isn't giving up on Skip either!!! We love you and thank you so much for helping Skip...blessings to you and your loving staff...XOXOXOThursday at 8:32pm? Michelle Congdon Oh thank god!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 8:34pm? Dena Richardson Such great news! Good luck in surgery tomorrow Skip! I'll be praying for your speedy recovery! Thursday at 8:35pm? Sasha E. Vides Yay! I was beginning to worry. So happy :)Thursday at 8:35pm? Arlene Hoffer How wonderful! Someone just came in and slowly, gently removed Skip's poop with big tweezers...Skip moved about alertly, ready to defend himself, but he was cool, he didn't freak out....he's definitely not sure of his surroundings, but he's cool and taking it all in. Then they lowered the lights, all the while slow and calm....great job all you Hospital folk, Great Job!Thursday at 8:36pm? Ann Zettervall I am so glad Skip will get surgery! I hope it goes well enough that he can walk again.Thursday at 8:37pm? Florida Potter was very happy to see skip poo!!!? he sure looks spirited...? Wishing him BEST of luck tomorrowThursday at 8:44pm? Amanda Nicole Scaggs That is GREAT news!!!!!Thursday at 8:45pm? Michelle Able Yeah!!! I pray his surgey goes well and for his speedy recovery!Thursday at 8:46pm? Annarosa Berman Fantastic news. Thanks for helping this beautiful creature.Thursday at 8:47pm? Holly Oxenfree Yay!!!!!!!Thursday at 8:48pm? Torri Chandler That is great news. Prayer are with him for a full recovery!!Thursday at 8:50pm? Donna Ralphs Woo Hooooo!!! (Doing cartwheels!!!)Thursday at 8:53pm? Eilene Wood Great news!! Praying for Skip.Thursday at 8:57pm? Sammy Williams If Skip cant run, he wont be able to hunt! That would be bad! Will you have to make some ultimate decision once he finishes recovery?Thursday at 8:58pm? Eilene Wood Let's light the candles for Skip. at 9:05pm? Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Other cats, like Ace and Alachua Bob were rehab bobcats who could not heal well enough to run and they live out a quiet life here, away from the tour route, just getting room service twice a day.Thursday at 9:07pm 11 peopleLoading...? Donna Ralphs Nice, spoiled kitties ;) They deserve it!Thursday at 9:08pm? Rosemarie Plaetke did the surgeon make a prognosis re. walking?Thursday at 9:09pm? Kimberly Jones Thank you for all that you are doing for him at BCR! :)Thursday at 9:09pm? Les Habitants ?" If you make your best effort to be kinder, nurture compassion, make the world a better place, then you can say 'At least I've done my best’." ~ Dalai Lama Thanks to the rescuers who stopped to help Chip, the doctors and of course BCR for showing so much compassion and giving the little guy a chance. Hope the surgery is successful and he recovers. You are all indeed doing the best you can. ThanksThursday at 9:10pm? Suzie Buck Someday when I get my Act together, and come down to intern. (working on my Zoology degree here) I will be honored to meet all the small critters and learn all i can about there care. I have wanted to come and work at BCR since I first hear of them.Thursday at 9:10pm? Deborah Caron Oh this is wonderful news!!! What an incredible start to a new year. I've been waiting for this good news all day. Thursday at 9:10pm? Richard Brown yay!!!!Thursday at 9:11pm? Annette Johnson-Braswell Way to go Skip!!Thursday at 9:15pm? Jane Alexander Barcroft If our boy can just get around when the surgeon has done his magic, it's good. Miss Jane had a vet for her house kitties who repaired a broken pelvis in his own domestic cat, and she lived a long and happy life motivating all over his house, including on the ceiling if he held her up to it.Thursday at 9:24pm? Sandra Davis Yay =)Thursday at 9:25pm? Ann Eastham Yay Little Skip! Let all your inner frustration fuel your recovery! Be a little pisser!!Thursday at 9:27pm? Donna Raihl GO SKIP! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! May God be with the hands and mind of Dr. Wynn who is helping Skip back on his feet. God be with you all!!Thursday at 9:28pm? Ruth Williamson Hoorraaah!!!!! That's wonderful news. Good luck!!!!Thursday at 9:38pm? Chris Tremlett Yay! You go, Skip! And many thanks to the wonderful docs helping take care of him!Thursday at 9:38pm? Jada Hope I've never been so happy to hear about a cat peeing before!!! Yay Skip!Thursday at 9:44pm? Lynne Lewis Donahue Oh yay! I've been afraid to see the updates, but this IS good news!!Thursday at 9:52pm? Amanda Reynolds EXCELLENT!!! Will be praying for him!!! I'm sooooooooo happy to hear, what a little fighter! Gotta love him :)Thursday at 9:54pm? Angie Krohne Pontynen Thank you BCR and the Vets and Techs who did not give up on Skip! Such great news!Thursday at 9:56pm? Andrea Ortiz Positive positivism!!!! keep it coming!Thursday at 9:57pm? Barbara Trovato He peed, the news keeps getting better and better! The live cam is off, I guess the turned the lights off so he can sleep?Thursday at 10:02pm? Snow Bop Wow, that really is great news!!Thursday at 10:06pm? Karen MacNeill Swartz Hoping for a healing new year for Skip and relieved he is in the best hands, especially with this cold weather!Thursday at 10:12pm? Ashley R Richard YAY!! SKIP!!Thursday at 10:20pm? Pati Renteria Oh, it's so CUTE!!!!!!Thursday at 10:23pm? Meleah Kirby Thank you to the bone specialist who is willing to try and help him and to everyone at BCR for not giving up on him.Thursday at 10:29pm? Melinda Whitfield So so glad he is better and can have surgery. I was so worried.Thursday at 10:48pm? Frances Pappas our prayers r with you Skip,,,XOXOXOThursday at 10:56pm? Amy Milligan Good boy Skippykins! I am so happy that you have pooped and peed! (and that's not something I say very often!!!). Okay, it's not something I've ever said to anyone/anything but the sentiment is real! Thanks to EVERYONE that helped Skip! To his rescuers, BCR, the vets, the vet techies, and everyone pulling for him on facebook! GO Skip GO!!! Thanks to St. Francis of Assisi for intervening and sending his healing powers to Skip/etc.!!!!!!!!!!Thursday at 11:47pm? Lynette O'Brien Yes!Yesterday at 12:02am? Susie Gaitan Yay for Skip!!!Yesterday at 12:22am? Eilene Wood Amy I've never said pped and pooped before either, but since I've become involved witih horse rescue, I've said this many times, horse people "get it" or should I say "animal" people "get it". Everyone thank you for giving this beautiful boy a chance, I know he feels the love.Yesterday at 1:29am? Dana Gilkey the news just makes me want to cry w/joy! give skip lots of hugs from me and a big kiss! and once again, thank-you for all you do!!! peace!Yesterday at 1:34am? Kimmie D Roberts yeahhhh go skipper!Yesterday at 4:46am? Pammy Rae YAY SKIPPY!!!! COME ON DOWN...! lol.. pee poo and come thro!!! routin for ya baby!!!!Yesterday at 5:28am? Stacy Kligerman I told ya all you needed was FAITH! : )Yesterday at 6:04am? Donna Coffey If Skippy makes it but can't run, will BCR be able to take him in? I know you have limited room and I'll challenge everyone out there that's pulling for Skip to go to the BCR website and donate just 1 or 2 dollars @ the matching grant (your donation will be doubled) to help pay Skippy's bills. I already donated...will you?Yesterday at 6:27am? Donna Coffey ?:::Still saying prayers to St. Frances and St. Gertrude (the latter is the patron saint of cats) for Skip in his surgery today. I have to work alll day so won't be able to check on his progress until late this afternoon...please let it be good news! Amen :)::::Yesterday at 6:28am? Donna Arsenault Bryant I wish I could donate but my husband was laid off 3 days before Christmas. I will post the donate link on my site again though.Yesterday at 6:53am? Donna Arsenault Bryant I can't find the donate link for the matching funds so I can post on my site. Can someone post it?Yesterday at 6:55am? Donna Coffey Donna, those links above "should" work. If not go to and click around. :) You'll find it. And btw..THANK YOU from Skip!Yesterday at 7:06am? Donna Arsenault Bryant I found it and found the matching one, embedded it on my site. :) I have dj's on there too from an online radio show. Some of them may even put an ad for it. We'll see. Thanks for the link. Here's the link to the matching donate page. at 7:06am? Donna Arsenault Bryant BTW - For those of us that can't donate, you can copy and paste the donate link to your facebook status, post the link on every site you go to like myspace, etc. If you have a blog or other type of site, mine is a social site like facebook, embed the ad on your site so we can get some funds for BCR.Yesterday at 7:07am? Donna Arsenault Bryant Here's my status, copy and paste it to yours if you want to.?? Big Cat Rescue is trying to save a bobcat that was hit by a car. You can help by donating here and right now, funds are being matched! Pretty... cool.See MoreYesterday at 7:11am? Donna Arsenault Bryant Alright, I've taken over the post here. lol. Here's a challenge to all of you following this bobcat's rescue. Let's take this donating post viral. In other words, all of you post the donating status to your page and encourage all of your friends to post it as well and let's see how many people we can get involved in raising money! Let's make it a New Year's BCR Party right here! For Skip, let's POST!!Yesterday at 7:19am? Arlene Hoffer I love how thrilled we all are for the Mighty Skipster when he poops and pees! I understand he's going in to surgery today, and I feel so hopeful! You guys at BCR and this hospital are the best! Paws crossed for ya Skip! We love you!Yesterday at 7:42am? Llyn Walker I hope it works.18 hours ago? Caroline Am I know Skip's injuries are much worse than my Baron's bad knee was...But, the day after surgery, when Baron was not supposed to be jumping AT ALL, he jumped on the couch as soon as he got home! I hope Skip makes a full recovery as well. Dr Hay is great!8 hours ago? Amy Milligan Yay!!! Baron!!! I love happy endings!about an hour ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLI set up the transport cage next to Skip's cage tonight so he can move off the wet blanket and be ready for his ride to the vet tomorrow. If you don't see him on UStream, he's probably in the other side. Lungs starting to congest from impact so surgery will be touch and go. Send the loving thoughts!Thursday at 10:11pmSandra Roberts-April, Kym Marszal, Toni Brodnick and 241 others like this.oKathy Farley-Panaras will keep Skip in my prayers!Thursday at 10:12pmoKelly Nance hang in there Skip.Thursday at 10:12pmoRebecca Barrar Petrilak Keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.Thursday at 10:12pmoWanda Wilson Tierman Fight with all you have !Thursday at 10:12pmoMichelle Bafik-Vehslage Blessings said... St Francis will be watching over, Skip..Thursday at 10:12pmoRuthann Seitz Kling i hope everything works outThursday at 10:12pmoCrystal Codina I think i missed it. How did he get injured?Thursday at 10:12pmoScott Cote prayers going your way Skip .... pull through boy, nothing hurts you ...Thursday at 10:12pmoVivian Wolpers I send not only lots of loving thoughts.... I send up prayers for the surgery to go well !!!Thursday at 10:13pmoLinda Davis got hit by a carThursday at 10:13pmoCarla Hlatky Hope all works out! I'll be visiting Big Cat on my trip to Tampa!Thursday at 10:13pmoLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Oh no!! Praying for Skip!!!!!!Thursday at 10:13pmoEliza Howard All my familys blessings and prayers for you Skip-? ?Thursday at 10:13pmoLinzee Mundtt ustream is off ...blessings for skip..Thursday at 10:14pmoCara Wilson ? ? ?Thursday at 10:14pmoJanet Naylor Vandenabeele Hang in there, little dude!Thursday at 10:14pmoTammy Wragg oh sending love and prayers for skip, i hope he makes it..he just has too...Thursday at 10:14pmoMelissa Koblin Lots of love and good thoughts!!! ?Thursday at 10:14pmoKrystal Grohman Sending prayers & healing thoughts to Skip..Thursday at 10:14pmoLinda Moch Prayers that the surgery goes well also. Loving thoughts coming Skips way.Thursday at 10:14pmoAndrea Kartchner Cupp Even if he passes on he does so with much love and comfort. Obviously I hope he spends a long, healthy spoiled life at the sanctuary (if he can't be released). You guys are wonderful. ? to Skip and prayers for a sweet recovery :)Thursday at 10:15pmoLinda Davis come on God, what better way to end the year than with another miracle...You brought him to it, please bring him through it...Thursday at 10:15pm ·oBrian Howle Stongheart, Skip!Thursday at 10:15pmoLisa Olson Oh no my Skip love, hang on guy you can make it!!!Thursday at 10:15pmoAngie Krohne Pontynen He's fought so hard and come so far, I'm praying he'll make it!Thursday at 10:15pmoAnita 'Greenberg' Beaudet I'll keep him in my prayers!!Thursday at 10:16pmoNina Lyman purring and praying for SkipThursday at 10:16pmoLisa Olson Me too AngieThursday at 10:16pmoBonnie Kelley oh please let him be alright!!! i am wishing so hard for him!Thursday at 10:16pmoLeslie Snowden Angel Skip is in my prayers, hope somehow he can recover :)Thursday at 10:17pmoJane Alexander Barcroft So many people love you, Skip! can you feel it? Hang in there!Thursday at 10:17pmoLinda Reilly keep you in our thoughts, skip! be strong buddy, only good things await you after this!Thursday at 10:17pmoAlison Roth All my best thoughts and prayers Skip!Thursday at 10:17pmoMary Thompson I watched him for a while today and he seemed to peaceful I will continue to pray he will make it.Thursday at 10:17pmoLuanne Seiverd McKnight Sending prayers and warm wishes for Skip...I hope he makes it through this journey..Thursday at 10:18pmoLisa PoloSending healing and protective energies Skip's way!!Please light a virtual candle and say a prayer and send healing energies to Skip during his surgery as well as recovery.. Thanks!Click on the link MoreThursday at 10:18pmoChristine Calder thoughts and prayersThursday at 10:18pmoJeri Lynn Thompson praying for the little guy!Thursday at 10:20pmoJoanie Maverick Team Skip all the way. Hope he holds on.Thursday at 10:20pmoSonya Cabral We are praying for you skip!!! May god help you to make it!!! What a sweet little boy you are!!! LOTS OF LOVE & PRAYERS for you skip!!!Thursday at 10:21pmoRhonda Mengarelli awwww he's come so far PLEASE Skip you can pull through this.God is watching over you,he wont let you suffer anymore then you need to.I'm praying for you Skip and all of those who are trying to help you.Please keep us all up on what is happeningThursday at 10:22pmoAshley R Richard Lots of loving thoughts and healing energy!!!Thursday at 10:24pmoJerrica Beek ?Thursday at 10:24pmoAmanda June Morton Sending loving thoughts and prayers for skip and his care providers.. you have a whole team cheering for you..Thursday at 10:24pmoKaren Hampton Come on Skip,you can do it xxxThursday at 10:24pmoLucille Fortier My prayers are with Skip!Thursday at 10:25pmoKaren Swartz Hang in there Skip! You will make it. Be Strong!!!Thursday at 10:25pmoLee Miles Bradford Sending good thoughts your way Skip! Poor little guy.Thursday at 10:25pmoRandy Whittington You guys are doing an incredible job of working to save Skip. It's such a wonderful thing to see! You're going to pull through Skip, I just know it.Thursday at 10:26pmoMeleah Kirby Sending lots of love and prayers for Skip.Thursday at 10:27pmoClifford J. Weyrauch GO SKIP!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!Thursday at 10:27pmoKen Weyrauch Much love for SKIP!! good luck buddyThursday at 10:27pmoAngela Goodson Abbott Come on Skip, you can do it, buddy...we're all thinking about you and praying for you. You've made it this far and we aren't giving up on you! Be strong sweet boy! ?Thursday at 10:28pmoDorita Reyen He really has come a long way. Let's all keep praying and sending out loving healing energy his way. Bless you little Skip!Thursday at 10:28pmoRachel DeFauw Sending lots of prayers for Skip. I have a big heart for animals and it hurts me to think he's suffering. I hope he pulls through. Sending lots of love and prayers to him, wherever his journey takes him?Thursday at 10:28pmoDeborah Caron We're all with you Skip. Just feel our loving and healing thoughts and prayers double strength.Thursday at 10:28pmoMary Thompson I tried to see him just now but it was off.Thursday at 10:28pmoBlair Bocock We are all pulling for you little man. Healing thoughts for a productive surgery. I was watching you on the webcam and you are such a cutie.Thursday at 10:30pmoLes Habitants ? good luck little guy, hope all goes well and we see you soonThursday at 10:30pmoJoyce A. Bendishaw Thoghts and prayers and God Bless you for making the trip and doing all you can to save Skip!Thursday at 10:31pmoTiffanie M Kines Hunt saying prayers for skip and the docs! and for BCR!Thursday at 10:32pmoWilliam Dager Hang in there SKIP..Thursday at 10:36pmoRobert Lyons Sending lots of loving thoughts and healing thoughts to Skip and the vets that are going to make him better . Keep up the great progress, Skip !!!!! .Thursday at 10:36pmoChantal Sullivan prayers....Thursday at 10:36pmoJulie Shaw Well send healing thoughtsThursday at 10:36pmoCaroline Burgess Nelson Prayers and love to Skip!Thursday at 10:37pmoColleen Tracey If the lungs starts to congest the dr won t do the surgery til its clear. That's not a good sign! :( hopefully that they have something to relieve the congestion. Come on Skip ... Plz make the last day of the year a miraculous day!Thursday at 10:41pmoBarbara Trovato What's the wet blanket for? Lungs getting congested from impact of accident - didn't know that was a side effect. Poor little guy, everybody's pulling for him! It made my day this morning when I found out he'd pooped, and now he's peed, too. Good luck tomorrow, little buddy!Thursday at 10:42pmoLinda Crowder Manous Poor Skip. I'm so sorry.Thursday at 10:42pmoMia McDonald we are...thanks for the update.Thursday at 10:44pmoCindy Hawbaker God will here the prayers and make his choice,Blessings to Skip in this life and next! ;*()Thursday at 10:45pmoCindy Hawbaker God will here the prayers and make his choice,Blessings to Skip in this life and next! ;*()Thursday at 10:45pmoRondi Kay Abbott The power of prayer is amazing and I know that Skip will pull through!!Thursday at 10:46pmoKate A Shaffer Goode God is watching over his creatures, Hes watching you Skip and He will direct the Drs in the right direction to help you!! He wont let you suffer, Hes with you!!Thursday at 10:47pmoKaren Christopherson Come on Skip we are all holding you in our warm embrace and willing you to heal. Praying for a New Years miracle for you and all of us. gentle ear scratches.Thursday at 10:47pmoGinny Gugliucci Healy Come on Skip!!!! You can do this beautiful boy! Please ?Thursday at 10:48pmoRobin Dougherty the poor little lamb!Thursday at 10:48pmoAlex Foxx It brings tears just thinking of all your fans, Skip. Everyone loves you and wants you to pull through this. I'll be praying and sending healing energy your way. Go Skip!Thursday at 10:49pmoDarlene Richardson My thoughts and prayers are with Skip and for all of the wonderful people that are helping him ... ?Thursday at 10:49pmoDebbie Messner Rodriguez Loving and healing thoughts and prayers coming his way!" We're all pulling for you Skip"...Thanks again to all of you for all you do for these animals?Thursday at 10:53pmoMelinda Whitfield Praying for those who will perform the surgery tomorrow and praying for Skip...Thursday at 10:54pmoNina Rozankovich-Woeachko You got this Skip! Be strong Baby!Thursday at 10:56pmoCarrie Gleason LOVING THOUGHTS BEING SENT!!!Thursday at 10:56pmoDebbie Drammeh Prayers are with you Skip!!, You're a strong boy..Stay strong!!..Lots of healing energy coming your way!!..Thank you BCR for all you are doing!Thursday at 10:58pmoColleen Mulloy Smolen He's in our thoughts and prayers. You can make it Skip!Thursday at 11:00pmoDeana Koopman Oh Skip. This makes me so sad, I'm almost crying thinking about him. For him to not make it is just so heartbreaking. I don't want him to suffer, but I was so hoping he'd get better. If the surgery is a success, it will be a wonderful thing. If not, I hope he is happy & pain-free in kitty heaven.Thursday at 11:04pmoJewels Jazlin PRAYERS for Skip!!Thursday at 11:04pmoLenore Infanti Xoxox much prayers!!!!Thursday at 11:06pmoTammy Dulaney Love you Skip! Blessings your way!Thursday at 11:08pmoShannon Sopoci Corn My thoughts and prayers are with you skip and with the amazing people who are fighting to help you through this. BRC thank you for being a vessel of love and compassion for god's creatures.Thursday at 11:09pmoConnie Halsey Little feisty one, I'm pulling for you to make it! I am worried about the congestion though.... :(Thursday at 11:10pmoMelissa A. Arnold Podolak Loving thoughts are on their way...Thursday at 11:11pmoDena Richardson Hang in there little Skip. You can make it through! All of us here are sending loving thoughts and praying for your recovery!!Thursday at 11:17pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Wow, this is so stressful...feel helpless. I am praying and hoping that things will get better for Skip. He is a beautiful creature that deserves the chance that yall are giving him!Thursday at 11:18pmoAndrea Tomich Ohnstad God bless little Skip and everyone who's working to save him. It's amazing to experience such wonderful kindness and love for a wild creature. Prayers to you all. And if it's time to cross over, Skip, may flights of angels see thee to thy rest.Thursday at 11:21pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt Channel is offline??? I hope everythings ok!Thursday at 11:21pmoShawn Hegerich Prayers for SkipThursday at 11:23pmoGina Rodriguez Buchardt After Skips recovery, yall should have a big celebration and invite all of his followers on FB so we can all bring donations , needed items and such to help out your tremendous efforts! It would be well worth the 8-9 hr. drive from Charleston!Thursday at 11:23pmoJessy Carrington I hope he pulls through all this. His life has just begun. Skip is such a amazing cat and it would be a tragedy to all if we lost him. This little bobcats life has just started and he has so much more ahead of him. Thank you BCR for giving him the chance to live that life to the fullest. Thank you for caring, if only everyone was like the amazing people that are at BCR the world would be a better place for everyone and every living thing on this planet.Thursday at 11:24pmoJennifer Ruggiero Hansen Skip stay strong for the surgery! We all love you and are sending you positive healing vibes!Thursday at 11:25pmoBreawna Smith Praying and sending airhugs.Thursday at 11:35pmoNancy Gelonek Johnson We are all here for you and youir doctors, Skip! Healing thoughts, hugs, tummy sugars and prayers for you and the doctors. BCR is the best and they will do everything humanly possible for you.Thursday at 11:36pmoAngel Camacho Skip is in my thoughts constantly. My puppy and kitty are cheering for him too!Thursday at 11:36pmoEl Burke Stay strong lil one. Soon you will be fixed and on the road to recovery. You will have a good life with BCR, so don't give up yet. My furbabies are all purring for you. ?Thursday at 11:36pmoBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL UStream is on, but the lights in cat hospital go off at 9pm so their internal clocks don't get messed up while confined inside.Thursday at 11:39pm 2 peopleLoading...oBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL Vet says the congestion is normal a couple days after a car strike. Probably from the internal bleeding. Xrays were clear the day of, but now he is a little wheezy. Not too bad. Just letting you know.Thursday at 11:40pm 12 peopleLoading...oAmy MilliganOkay St. Francis of Assisi..... sorry to keep pestering you BUT!!! please send your healing powers to Skip the bobcat. Please send the gift of steady hands and determination to the vets operating on Skip. Please send good vibes to the vet t...echies that are also caring for Skip. {{{{{POSITIVE VIBES}}}}} {{{{{LOVE}}}}} {{{{{RECOVERY}}}}} {{{{{BCR}}}}}See MoreThursday at 11:42pm ·oJoyce McNevin Skip, you're in our prayers, don't give up just yet, hang in're young, give it all u got....we're with ya!Thursday at 11:43pmoLisa Fleming Philpot Sending him healing light and love.Thursday at 11:44pmoAllison Friedman My happy thoughts are coming your way skip! You are already such a fighter!Thursday at 11:49pmoJune Kramer good luck skip!!!!Thursday at 11:52pmoAngel Villano It will all work out....It sounds as if you have the best of the best helping you and prayers from everyone else. Soon all this will be but a bad memory and you'll be nursed back to health by very special people. St. Frances is watching over you tonight and he will be with you during your surgery tomorrow. I'm sure you will be on a lot of peoples minds for the next few days and I hope you can feel the love they all have for you.Thursday at 11:53pmoMelanie Smith love and prayers and hugs and kisses, good luck skip!Yesterday at 12:04amoDanielle Gastineau Cool, I'll watch a little when I get home.Yesterday at 12:05amoAnita Christine Haywood Wow look at all the prayers. Add mine to the list. I will pray for Skip tonight. Healing prayers are on their way.Yesterday at 12:07amoEl Burke I wish there was some way to stop the poor creatures from walking onto roads, highways, etc. It breaks my heart every time I see a dead animal on the side of the road and I imagine how terrified they must have been before they were hit. I am so grateful to all those people who help the poor things before it's too late. And especially grateful to Nici, Skip Sr (human rescuers) and BCR for helping those you have!Yesterday at 12:08am ·oNancy Matthews Ewe Hang in there Skip!!! We know you can take it and get back up on those beautiful furry paws!!1Yesterday at 12:09amoMelanie Shand You got 'em. Prayers, love reiki...the whole nine yards. COME ON, SKIP!Yesterday at 12:12amoAndrew K. Moldenhauer I hope all goes smooth for him!Sad to be in that position, at least he's in loving CARE!!!!!!!Yesterday at 12:14amoAmy O'Donnell Keeping the faith for the little Bobcat named Skip. Come on, buddy! You're in good hands, now it's up to you!Yesterday at 12:15amoAlesia Abatie Sending best wishes and a hug to Skip!Yesterday at 12:20amoSilvia Loehrer I don't think I will get much sleep tonight and at 9 am I am gonna' be even more of a I am praying and everything you can imagine right now! He will pull through and surprise us all. Goodnight little one....tomorrow you are going to show us what you're already made of. We love the cat in you! We all will be waiting for you to get back on that camera, so we can just sit on our computers and stare at ya' ALL DAY!Yesterday at 12:23amoVicky Zulli Belveduto Too sad to even read about.Yesterday at 12:30amoDebbie Watroba Loving thoughts and prayers for Skip. ?Yesterday at 12:31amoTrish Mitchell Consider major loving thoughts sent. ?Yesterday at 12:31amoAlex Foxx Thanks for the update. Really appreciated!Yesterday at 12:40amoKerri Simson I hope he pulls thru... thank u BCR for all that you do....true god sendsYesterday at 12:42amoSylvia Klasson Miller God bless Skip, and God bless you for taking care of him! He and you will again be in my prayers.Yesterday at 12:51amoWendy Boorstein DAMNGOOD LUCK SKIPYesterday at 1:02amoLinda Winstanley Thoughts and prayers xxYesterday at 1:19amoKimmie D Roberts Ill be praying for you skip! Should you walk the rainbow bridge our prayers and luv will followYesterday at 1:21amoKim Cisco prayers sent!Yesterday at 1:28amoAj Silver Best and loving thoughts sent!!Yesterday at 1:30amoRachel Alonzo good thoughts and vibes your way Skip ;)) I hope u make it ?Yesterday at 1:44amoDebi Gungor Awww skip you was doing so well last night , come on little boy fight xxxxYesterday at 3:34amoMichelle MortonThanks for the update about the lung congestion, BCR. I realize it's still touch & go, but I feel a little more hopeful than I did after first reading about the congestion. I watched him for so many hours today - I will be so brokenhearted ...if he doesn't pull through. *Sending positive vibes and love* Stay tough, Skip!Excuse me while I go & give my kitties extra hugs now.See MoreYesterday at 4:12amoDonna Coffey Comeon can make're a tough lil cat! If you only knew how many people were pulling for you!Yesterday at 4:57amoEliza Howard My family is praying for you beautiful Skip all love and blessings your way GODSPEED to recovery and a great life at B.C.R.Yesterday at 5:04amoNagy Alexandra I woke up an hour ago and the first thing I did was turning on my computer to check on Skip :) I'm praying for him, and sending all my happy thougths. Yesterday I sent my mom the link of the livestream. She called me an hour later: "He's not moving... Tell me that he's just sleeping, tell me immediately". Of course XD So she's rooting for Skip as well. Many loving thoughts from Hungary :)Yesterday at 5:13am ·oDora Arsenault Prayers for SkipYesterday at 5:20amoJudit Tövissy Good luck Skip, we are rooting for you even as far as Hungary :) Lots of love, pull through this one too.Yesterday at 5:22amoNagy Alexandra Skip is so lucky that he's in the BCR's care. Thank you BCR for all the work you do.Yesterday at 5:22amoChristine Evert Good luck Skip!Yesterday at 5:56amoRich Gomez Aww... Thank you BCR for the hard work. :) Skip I hope you will feel better soon. :)Yesterday at 6:05amoCarusio MystWolf Please do what you can for him. He deserves this! Good luck Skip, we love you!Yesterday at 6:29amoNora Mutao Frost Youll do it Skip keep it up, show them what big cats can do!Yesterday at 6:35amoDonna Coffey I'll be worried all day at work wondering how Skip is and praying he comes through the surgery okay...comeon Skippy boy, you can make it!Yesterday at 6:40amoDonna Coffey PS...thank you BCR for coming to Skip's rescue. You all totally rawk :)Yesterday at 6:40amoDeborah Jo Williams Sending good thoughts your way Skip.Yesterday at 6:59amoHeather Adler Sending positive energy to all your cats.Yesterday at 7:03amoHeather Cantrell Rooting for you, Skip!Yesterday at 7:08amoKathy Shane I hope he will be okYesterday at 7:12amoJanice Spitaleri Wolfe He is in my thoughts already.Yesterday at 7:16amoToni Brodnick Sending Skip loving thoughtsYesterday at 7:34amoNora Edwards Best of wishes to Skip. Praying for a quick and complete recovery.Yesterday at 7:39amoDorita Reyen Lighting more candles and sending more prayers for Skip and all the people caring for him now. Thanks, BCR!Yesterday at 7:47amoDiane M. Duhaime Good luck, Skip!!!Yesterday at 7:59amoSue Fair Good luck Skip :))Yesterday at 8:00amoBeth GiannosaSending positive, healing energies to Skip...we know you have the will to live, and the strength to survive, just hang in there buddy !!! To the Dr's operating on Skip-steady, loving, healing hands to treat him ! Many thanks to BCR for all... you've already done, and will be doing in the future ! Looking forward to watching Skip's recovery....because it's just a matter of time now. HE WILL HEAL, AND RECOVER !! No doubt in MY mind !! Go Skip go !!! The Giannosa tribe will continue to pray and purr for you, with much ? in our hearts ! :)See MoreYesterday at 8:04amoHolly Delgado praying for Skip...and BCR staff...I know how hard this must be ...pull through little guy...Yesterday at 8:06amoLaura E. Felton Awww thoughts and prayers are sentYesterday at 8:07amoArlene Hoffer Paws crossed for you Skip! We love you buddy!Yesterday at 8:09amoMariana Pires Good luck Skip :)I sent you a smiley! Want to see it? at 8:23amoDebbie Biamonte Awww...will say a prayer for him...Please be strong SkipYesterday at 8:26amoSharon Moore IM STILL PRAYING,PLEASE KEEP ME POSTED!!Yesterday at 8:41amoMarcia Katz I'm sending you love Skip! BCR is a place for survivors so you have the best team by your side!!! We are all praying for you!Yesterday at 8:47amoLisa Hoffman Schneeman I'm praying for you SkipYesterday at 8:50amoAraceli Molina Loves Skip! You're In good hands, and its God who uses those hands, so let God's will be done. Hugs and Kisses Buddy!Yesterday at 8:58amoMonica Hancock sending my warmest healthiest thoughts and just made a $100 donation.Yesterday at 9:03amoKipi Martin Harbour Still saying prayers for Skip !!!!!!Yesterday at 9:10amoPatricia Morris MacDonald Please keep us updated!Yesterday at 9:26amoAmy Milligan ?{{{{{LOVING THOUGHTS}}}}} {{{{{THANK YOU ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI and ST. GERTRUDE}}}}} {{{{{THANKS YOU BCR}}}}} {{{{{THANKS YOU TO THE VETS AND VET TECHIES}}}}}Yesterday at 9:30amoNici Haerter This is wonderful news---we are all praying for you Skip!!! Cant wait to hear the update after surgery!!!Yesterday at 9:52amoKimberly Jones Hang in there Skip!!! Keep fighting!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you! We love you Skip!Yesterday at 10:09amoSilvia Loehrer I am up and waiting for great ya' Skip! Can't wait to see ya' in the recovery room getting well....Yesterday at 10:13amoAnn Hartley ?Yesterday at 10:17amoPaul Deutsch I hope he's going to be OK - it makes me nervous that he isn't on the ustream feed...Yesterday at 10:17amoAminah Ameeri Does anyone know if Skip has made it through the surgery yet?? and is my ustream just down or is everyones?Yesterday at 10:39amoLisa Polo Don't forget to light a virtual candle and send healing energies and prayers his way... at 10:54amoCeleste Widman Live and be happy, Skip!!!!Yesterday at 11:03amoMarianne Weaver Heros.... here's to the big cat soldiers of love! For every caring and compassionate effort and passionate drive to save each one that comes your way and to all of those elsewhere who conserve our animals... May you be blessed for eternity! ? U ~ I am honored to call you friends~Yesterday at 12:00pmoPatricia Sheridan Praying for you, Skip! May God protect you! Big Hugs & Kisses! Lots of Love! XOXOYesterday at 12:07pmoDamia Turek Hang in there little guy - we're all routing for ya !Yesterday at 12:36pmoDiane Supowit Praying!Yesterday at 12:42pmoVicki Eddy hugs, prayers and kisses~Yesterday at 12:50pmoMichelle Able Prayers his way!Yesterday at 12:56pmoLela Brisco-Titus our Love, Prayers and Blessings are being sent. Hang in there little buddy21 hours agooHl Rankin ooohhh man, that is a scary xray even as a thumbnail. Doesn't look good, but I'll spark up a candle and hope for the best!21 hours agooMartha Hoffman Skinner Praying for him.21 hours agooTerry Brodner God Bless you, skip. ?21 hours agooVicki Eddy When I heard..and saw pick, u were in my heart!!7 minutes ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSearch Jamie Veronica for Skip updates as she is with himYesterday at 10:44amJeff Kremer, Chris Poole, Carolyn Cruz Yurkins and 60 others like this.oJeanne Stuart Still sending energy to Skip. I don't want to disturb Veronica.Yesterday at 10:48amoSilvia Loehrer Thank you so much.Yesterday at 10:52amoLisa Polo Don't forget to light a virtual candle and send healing energies and prayers his way... at 10:53amoBrian Howle Same here. But should it be, "Ommmm ... ommmm ... ommmm" or "Nommm ... nommm ... nommm?" Fight the good fight, Skip!Yesterday at 10:54amoLaura Grove Jeanne: you don't have to disturb Veronica. Just checked out her page. She posted some pictures about an hour ago that can be viewed by everyone... And thanks to all of you at Big Cat Rescue for doing what you do!Yesterday at 10:55am 1 personYou like this. ·oLeslie Cannon you can't see her page unless you "friend" her.Yesterday at 11:00amoAmanda Reynolds awww....poor baby :( thankfully he is in great hands! Praying he pulls through, what a strong boy!Yesterday at 11:01amoAnna Rouselle DeGrandchamp So I take it that Skip is the the picture of that beautiful tiger!!! Good luck...please do all you can to save him he is beautiful!!!Yesterday at 11:04amoKim MacDonald Grant all paws at our house are crossed for Skip!!! (and that is a LOT of paws)Yesterday at 11:05amoHolly Oxenfree Thank you all so much for helping Skip, and thank you to the specialists!!Yesterday at 11:10amoRich Gomez I really wish he's going to be okay... :)Yesterday at 11:14amoJoyce Garite Brady happy new yearYesterday at 11:18amoDebbie Massey fingers crossedYesterday at 11:18amoJodie Stein Bell I know Skip got HBC and I saw the x-ray of his pelvis. What exactly are they doing for him surgically????Yesterday at 11:30amoDebi Gungor thanx bcr xxxYesterday at 11:30amoRhonda Mengarelli Prayers are with Skip and all working with himYesterday at 11:34am 1 personYou like this. ·oColleen Tracey Some of us can t check on skips progress via jamie.. Is there another page we can look and read about skip. I feel like I'm ion a waiting room anxiously waiting for the results of the surgery ! Pacing back n forth in there !! LOLYesterday at 11:34amoSandra Lachs Prayers for Skip.Yesterday at 11:38amoSally Chancellor Peters there are lots of people on FB by that name. how can we find her?Yesterday at 11:40amoDebbie Watroba Still praying for Skip and the dedicated doctors and technicians helping him. God bless all of you!Yesterday at 11:41am 2 peopleYou and Amanda Reynolds like this. ·oSheila Fath Anna, Skip is the young Bobcat who was hit by a vehicle, rescued by BCR, and is presently undergoing surgery, we think for an injury to his pelvis. Skip is in the photos of the operating theatre at the top of the page. The beautiful Tiger is the BCR profile. Keep everything crossed for Skip. xYesterday at 11:53am 1 personYou like this. ·oBruce R. Johnson Hoping for a full, or at least a partial recovery for Skip.Yesterday at 11:59amoSissy Dorothy Clark Hadley aww facebook wont let me send jamie a friend request :( now i cant get skip updates from herYesterday at 12:14pmoMelissa Pollard For those of you looking for the right Jamie Veronica, here's her profile link: at 12:31pmoAmanda Reynolds I really think he's going to do great, gotta stay positive! he's come so far :)Yesterday at 12:45pm 2 peopleYou and Rhonda Mengarelli like this. ·oHeather Cantrell Jamie's FB Wall:!/profile.php?id=772945452&sk=wallYesterday at 12:54pmoShannon M. Skevakis Glad to hear that he urinated and defecated... that adds a lot to his prognosis. Really hope he pulls through the surgery and does well. You are all so great for helping him. He is so fortunate.Yesterday at 1:02pmoHeather Cantrell Jamie just posted some new X-Rays showing Skip's new hardware. I'm so happy for Skip!22 hours ago 1 person Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLDr. Hay has completed installing the plates in the left side of Skip's pelvis and is now resetting and placing a screw in the right side of the pelvis which had been separated from part of his vertebrae. See new photos by Jamie Veronica in album below.22 hours agoJeff Kremer, Janie Little Marlow, Nanda González and 171 others like this.oSusanne Brandofino still praying ?22 hours agooPatricia Morris MacDonald Come on, Skip! Hang in there, buddy!22 hours agooCynthia Whittler Kudos to all of you. You are all fabulous!!!22 hours agooCher March Prayers said!22 hours agooAlex Foxx I second that.22 hours agooJudy Chance The pix are amazing! Good luck to Skip and god bless to Dr. Hay!22 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer and 2 others like this. ·oKim Haller You're so close, Skip! Keep on fighting! Thanks BCR and Dr. Hay!22 hours agooGerri Paniccia Thank you Dr. Hay.22 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Lisa Polo, Silvia Loehrer and Amy Milligan like this. ·oLisa Olson Me too!22 hours agooLisa Polo Big Hugs and kisses to Big Cat Rescue, Dr. Hay, Skip, and all involved in his rescue and care!22 hours agooLisa Polo Continuing to send healing energies for a successful and speedy recovery for Skip! ?22 hours agooLinda Reilly might need to change his name to Steve Austin after this! good luck, Dr. Hay and good luck skip!22 hours agooCathy Houdelette Bonner Looks very promising. Good work!22 hours agooChristine Mortimer Turso Truly amazing! Thank God he landed in your hands! To a speedy recovery a happy long life! Good Luck Skip!!!!22 hours agooMary Lou Phillipson-Valdes Dr hay is the best...he placed pins in both knees of my Yorkie and she's been great!!!!! wonderful person too! Skip's in great hands..22 hours agooArlene Hoffer Yay! Looking good....I got online just now JUST to find out about Skip. I'm so glad....his new bionic status looks great! Looks like he'll need a Spa Retreat at BCR!22 hours agooChristy Matsuoka Hang in there, Skip! And thanks to BCR & Dr Hay for caring!22 hours agooDebbie McManigal Ellsworth Come on buddy! You can do it! We are all rooting for you! Soon this will be behind you.22 hours agooLinzee Mundtt bless them all and skip22 hours agooKathy Shane it's amazing what you guys can do. thank you for helping this kitty. keep us posted on how he's doing, please.22 hours agooMichaela Heilhecker How I wish I could help, I guess I'll just keep praying.22 hours agooJoanie Maverick Go, Skip, go!22 hours agooJohn PalmerI have a crushed right elbow. It has 22 screws and 4 plates but it works about half way. I also have 3 crushed fused vertabrae. The pain never goes away without narcotics. If Little Skip makes it he has a hard life in front of him. At least... he will be able to do it at BCR where he will be cared for really well. But a cat is not a human. It remains to be seen if he will have the quality of life a wild cat should have. There are so many unknown factors. It is so difficult to know what is best. But still I salute you BCR and I will support you with money as best as I can. You are wonderful.See More22 hours agooCheryl McClary Sending prayers and LOVE ? for this lil guy. Bless you BCR and the vet for the wonderful work!22 hours agooJohn Palmer Dr. Hay is my hero!22 hours agooNoreen Raudabaugh It's so wonderful to see y'all doing all you can to help Skip. It really does warm the heart, and is exactly what we all need more of in the coming new year... more compassion and kindness. 'Cause they can't say it themselves, I feel it necessary to say it for them: "You guys are amazing! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts." Wishing all of you and Skip a fabulous new year.22 hours agooLisa Polo I put this virtual candle group together for Skip.. you can say a prayer, send healing energies and light a candle for Skip.. Just click on the link. hours agooDeanna Voorhees I feel like I am sitting outside the OR waiting for news... I am there with you Skip in spirit.22 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Mary Lou Phillipson-Valdes, I am glad that your doggie is doing well... I hope that Skip will recover and not be in pain for the rest of his life. I am glad that he has Dr. Hay working on him! Blessing to you all for the New Year! XOXO. Thank you Dr. Hay and your team for helping Skip, thank you everyone at BCR, thank you Skip for stealing our hearts, thank you everyone here at this site..Happy New Year to you all! I can't wait to hear how he is recovering.22 hours agooKris Barrett Daugherty Skip the Bionic Bobcat!22 hours agooJody Holzhauer Poor thing is in for a rough recovery. God bless everyone helping!22 hours agooCynthia Whittler Anyone who can make a donation to them, no matter how small, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated.22 hours agooColleen Tracey will light another candle for Skip for a speedy recovery and get him back to being ' wild ' again! I know BCR will ensure his quality of life will reach at its optium and allow him to ' hunt ' in his enclosure once he can able to walk again22 hours agooCaroline Carlson Abrom I love you guys!! Thank you for what you are doing for this precious animal!22 hours agooSheryl Braswell praying all goes well for the little guy.21 hours agooTammy Dulaney God bless these drs!21 hours agooAmy Milligan Yay! Thanks to Dr. hay!!! Thanks to BCR!!! {{{{{SKIPPY}}}}} A very special thanks to St. Francis and St. Gertrude for their healing powers and help for Skip and everyone involved in rehab for the feisty guy!!!21 hours agooMonica Spires donate by midnite and your donation is doubled!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

21 hours agooDonna Coffey AMEN...and thank God for Dr. Hay AND BCR AND especially the people that cared enough to stop for Skip. Haven't found the newest updates yet, but then again I've only been home 5 minutes! LOL18 hours agooDonna Coffey Can't wait till he's back online. I'll probably spend the weekend babysitting him from Ohio! LOL :::waves at Skip!::::18 hours agooSherry Anthony poor baby!16 hours agooCarolyn Nassif God bless you all!14 hours ago 1 personYou like this. Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSurgery went well! Skip is on his way back to Big Cat Rescue!!Keep him in your thoughts during his long road to recovery :)21 hours ago CommentJennifer LaMond, Brigitte Latton Brdije, Arlene Hoffer and 431 others like this.oJake StandingDown YAY!21 hours agooChristopher Shaber Excellent news. How is his spleen?21 hours agooMichelle Klein-Hass Yay! Mazel-tov, kitteh!21 hours agooMonica Spires I got a Bobcat Buddy sponsorship ... can I put Skips name on certificate?21 hours agooRhonda Mengarelli I having been praying from the start and will keep praying for skip and all of you that helped him.You guys are the BEST21 hours agooJoyce McNevin YAYYYY We knew u could do it!!! Thanks so much all of u involved with're the GREATEST!! God Bless21 hours agooVivian Wolpers Hurray !!!21 hours agooBrian Howle Yay, Skip!!!!!! Now I can start celebrating the New Year with added fervor and enjoyment! Happy New Year, everybody! (Especially Dr. Hay and BCR)21 hours agooMonica SpiresMATCHING GRANT IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM AND LOIS MODGLINThanks to the generosity of the family of William and Lois Modglin of Glendale, California, this grant provides that any donations to Big Cat Rescue that indicate they are to be submitted ...for a match from this grant will be matched dollar for dollar by a donation from this grant immediately upon receipt of you donation up to the $200,000 maximum. This 100% match means your donation has twice the impact!

21 hours agooSandra Lachs Great news!21 hours agooChristina Decoste Thank you for all the updates, BCR. And thank you for doing all you can to rescue this precious life.21 hours agooEl Burke Yay Skip!!! Sending love your way little one! ?21 hours agooSusanne Brandofino YAY! Dr Hay and the folks there at BCR are guys and gals ROCK!!!Come on Skip...we're with ya, buddy ?21 hours agooDe Adney I've been praying for him. God bless all who are helping him.21 hours agooEliza Howard Thank Goodness !!!!21 hours agooDebi Binkley Praying for the little guy on his road to recovery! Blessings to you all for everything you do!21 hours agooLynda Stephens Standing Ovation to Dr Hay & Team!!!21 hours agooKelly LeBel Sending good thoughts to Skip!!21 hours agooMarie Frawley Yay Skip! Great team work:)21 hours agooDebbie Drammeh That's so wonderful. Will keep praying for his recovery..Will Skip reside at BCR when he is recovered..I am so happy, This is such great news!!..Stay strong Skip! ?21 hours agooLinda Reilly we are rooting for you, big skip!!!21 hours agooClaes Nordström we keep our fingers crossed for skip, and a happy new year to all of you at BCR21 hours agooChantal Sullivan Makes MY New Year !! good news for 2011..prayers do work ! HNY skip...& all @ BCR what a dedicated team & Skip's saviors...Yay..21 hours agooKim Lopresti Johnson this is great, Hope BCR has a great new year.21 hours agooNanda González Everything going well with the skip.21 hours agooGabriele Herbst Geb Schön He is in good Hands and will do well !!! He just has ,too.21 hours agooJudy Rice Norcia Already 100 "Likes" for this good news!! A lot of us are following closely.21 hours agooNora Edwards Get well, Skip.21 hours agooSheri Freeman King Such good news! Get well soon Skip!!! Kudos to the doctors and BCR!!!21 hours agooMelinda Whitfield Is physical therapy the next step? I started PT for my lower back/pelvis today. Skip and I can be PT buddies!21 hours agooDena Richardson Yeah!!! Good news for the New Year!!!21 hours agooLisa Kane Thanks for keeping us updated!! Thanks for not giving up on him!!21 hours agooLori Johnson Poor little guy. Skip is lucky to have you all at BCR. Great job and thanks for all you do for these amazing animals!21 hours agooCarol Lloyd Awesome!21 hours agooLisa Olson Whooohoooo!21 hours agooLaurie Johnson Great work Team! Sending lots of healing energy Skip's way. Hang tough, Baby!21 hours agooBetsy Ross Go Skip, so glad to hear...prayers for a speedy recovery21 hours agooLes Habitants YAY! Skip21 hours agooBonnie Warren ?? Sending healing thoughts his way :^)21 hours agooDeborah Caron Thank goodness!! Big sigh of relief. I know it's not all over yet, but just so amazing how strong this little guy is! Thank you BCR for all that you do.21 hours agooNora Mutao Frost Its gonna be hard, but you'll be just fine. Keep on going Skip me and my daughter are rooting for you!21 hours agooPatricia Massari This is the BEST news I've heard in a long time!! So glad you were able to do the surgery and that Skip is getting better...? you Skip and wish you many years of life!21 hours agooChristine Kreevich Shellard What a way to start off the New Year. Yay Skip, so happy surgery went well. I will continue to keep him in my prayers.21 hours agooSue Fair You go Skippy! Stay strong. Can't wait to meet you :))21 hours agooPatricia Presley My prayers are with Little Skip always! Love you Little Skip,you are in my prayers Baby kitty!21 hours agooRita Bagala Awesome-theres no better high than helping an animal in all must be thrilled-kudos!!21 hours agooHolly Blue Prayers up for Skip's speedy recovery and Happy New Year to all you wonderful people at BCR x x x21 hours agooYa Stra-Le yay! Hang in there little warrior. Good job bcr and helpers!21 hours agooLorraine Kinnaird ?:-Dsuch gd news x21 hours agooCheryl Schaeffer YAY, Skip!!!!! I hope the video feed goes back on so we can watch over him.21 hours agooCindy Chyz Casteel This is the best news!!!!!! Yay!21 hours agooBarbara Crowell McCarthy Wonderful news to end the year with! Hope 2011 sees Skip making a full recovery!21 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Thank goodness...what a relief! Will you have him on ustream for observation soon?21 hours agooKatharine Kipp Good news to start the New Year off knowing that Skip is on the road to recovery. These are the things that I like to hear about. Thank you for doing such a good job in taking care of these wonderful big cats.21 hours agooMonica Spires hours agooDawn Skis Get better soon, Skip!21 hours agooAlex Foxx Awesome news, great way to start celebrating the new year. Thank you BCR, Dr. Hay, and all who are rooting for Skip. You go, Skip. The people that mattered most never gave up on you!21 hours agooMonica Spires donate by midnite and your donation is doubled!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

21 hours agooHeather Cantrell Hooray! He's got a long road ahead of him, but I know he'll get the best care! Dr Hay and BCR...god bless you for what you do!21 hours agooNina Rozankovich-Woeachko Way to go Skip! We knew you could do it!21 hours agooTina Reed I apologize if this question has been asked before. Will Skip stay at BCR now, or are you hoping to release him back into the wild? If he will be released, will you place a tracking device on him so that you can monitor him? I worry about a wild animal with implants. You never now what can happen with implants. I have seen animals who have had implants for years suddenly have problems.21 hours agooKayleigh Rhodes What a lovely New Year gift to everyone at BCR! Well done to everyone involved, may all of your New Year be blessed with happiness :-) Xx21 hours agooMonica Spires I believe he will become a resident of BCR...21 hours agooSandra Davis God is watching over you SKIP X0X021 hours agooLisa Cupp Vollenweider What is the vet's name? He did a fantastic job!!21 hours agooNagy Alexandra OMG! I'm so relieved. I'm truly happy for him. [My cat (his name is Io) is sick, pour soul. I'm just so happy to hear good news.]21 hours agooJan Swanson Great news!21 hours agooNici Haerter I knew he would pull through! What a fighter!!21 hours agooElizabeth Meade Yay!!! Fantastic news to start off the new year with! I imagine that he will not be able to be returned to the wild....will he be residing at BCR? I would looooooove to meet the Famous Skip next time I come to FL!!!21 hours agooLisa Marie Babbitt I believe the matching grant goes for another year - - but we're already more than a quarter way. Wonderful to see the support for these phenomenal creatures.21 hours agooMartha Hoffman Skinner Calling on Patron Saint for Animals .. St. Francis of Assisi ....21 hours agooStu Elman Yay, Skip!21 hours agooSheila Story Yay Skip!!!! My sister's ten-year-old cat died yesterday, so it's been kind of sad in our family. I hope the vets and rescuers know what a comfort it is to some of us to have a few of these terrible things made right. May God's blessings rain down and bring you joy in the coming year.21 hours agooBarry Rodberg While most people are getting ready to party, you guys and gals are extremely selfless putting the life of that beautiful cat before your own. I applaud all of you.21 hours ago

oKim Haller So glad to hear! Healing prayers going out for Skip!21 hours agooMichelle Able Terrific news! Keep fighting skip!21 hours agooAraceli Molina OMG! Great news as we head into this new year. Thank You Lord, for You have heard my prayers. :-)21 hours agooKen Weyrauch GO SKIP!!!21 hours agooTerry Cassada Deason Hang in there Skip! You're a fighter and I know you can do it.21 hours agooKim Cisco great news! thankx to all who helped in him getting this surgery and who will help in his recovery and rehab!21 hours agooAmanda Reynolds What a fighter!! Gotta love the power of prayer and hope :). We LOVE skip !!! So glad things went well.21 hours agooMary Thompson Always.20 hours agooMonica Spires

20 hours agooLi Ha my question is as a few have asked, bless you for all the work you do and thank goodness skips surgery went well, have been saying lots of prayers... but if he is able to walk, not run, and with those implants is he still going to be released back into the wild, or will you be keeping him at bcr to live out his life safely?20 hours agooDebi Gungor thinkin of you skip ,see you later on webcam xxx20 hours agooChloe Coombs Yeah!20 hours agooJrad Tiran Woot again thank you for the ustream link I enjoyed last night : )20 hours agooChris McAlister Skip is in my thoughts and prayers.20 hours agooDamia Turek Accolades to all ! Yeah !20 hours agooDebbie Watroba Thanks to all the wonderful people who never gave up and thanks to God who must have been overwhelmed by all the prayers for Skip!20 hours agooMeleah Kirby I've been thinking about him all day. So glad the surgery went well. Will continue praying for a successful recovery.20 hours agooNuria Rodriguez Praying you will get better really soon Skip!19 hours agooRyan Bridges I am so glad the surgery went good for Skip. Prayers to you!19 hours agooSharon Moore i will continue to pray and keep him in my thoughts!!19 hours agooLorelei Kathleen Hickman many prayers for a speedy and complete recovery for Skip!19 hours agooKristine Busch That is awesome, good job little boy!!19 hours agooDonna Coffey Thank God! I was worried all day at work...when I got home the FIRST thing, here I am checking on Skip. Prayers around the world were answered for this very special little cat!!!!!18 hours agooDiane Supowit I pray that Skip makes a full and complete recovery and thank God at how well he's doing. He is already a Miracle Cat!! YEAAHHH!!!! Thanks to all who cared for him and will continue to do so, God bless u all! *applause*18 hours agooRomie K. Francis Fye Awesome as I said yesterday with all of our positive energy and prayers I knew Skip would be okay!16 hours agooChris Naven Pearce Great news for the New Year ... you go Skip :0)16 hours agooMonica Spires please start the year off and Donate any amount and your donation is DOUBLED!!

2 hours ago Skip the bobcat arrives back at Big Cat Rescue to rest and recover :)Donna Raihl, Jennifer LaMond, Brigitte Latton Brdije and 205 others like this.oSammy Williams That is one gorgeous and huge van21 hours agooChristina Decoste Wild van! Must get a lot of double- and triple-takes from the public as it's being driven around.21 hours agooPatricia Presley Thank you for all your hard work and loving care for all the cats!21 hours agooLynette Tinsley Love the van wrap!!21 hours agooLori Johnson Nice! The Big Cat Limo!21 hours agooDena Richardson So happy he made it through surgery!21 hours agooTerry Cassada Deason Love the van!21 hours agooAlex Foxx Welcome back, Skip. Speedy recovery, big guy!21 hours agooLisa Olson Yay! Happy New Year Skip and BCR21 hours agooLucille Fortier Quick recovery, Skip! Happy New year21 hours agooJoe Sneden thats a wicked cool van i want one!21 hours agooBrian Howle All the kids home for New Year's Eve! Wa to the Hoo, y'all!:)21 hours agooMary Thompson Can't wait to see him on Ustream.21 hours agooDiane Dusty Bauman That's so great!!!!21 hours agooHeather Cantrell Happy New Year's to all the kitties!21 hours agooAnnette Johnson-Braswell Way to go!!! No other way to go but up now!!!20 hours agooHaoie Tails That is one pimped out ride20 hours agooBeth Elcox Good to hear! Happy New Years!20 hours agooChris Milson Good :)20 hours agooAraceli Molina Get well Quick, Skip :-) I hope to c u soon at BCR.20 hours agooGoonerette Hall just lov the van great20 hours agooJack Savethewildcats Yutzy I bet "big cat" from fantasy factory would love this van20 hours agooLeslie Cannon If I remember right, the van was about to break down on the way to get skip. Maybe there is a mechanic out there who could donate some work on it!20 hours agooTrista Cronin can't imagine how slow that trek down the BCR driveway must have been!20 hours agooNora Mutao Frost he needs it. Some kinda spa thingy going for him ;) Some kitty massages lol joking20 hours agooTiffanie M Kines Hunt What an awesome van! I'm so glad the surgery went well and Skip is back at BCR to recover! God Bless all of you!20 hours agooMelanie Lowe happy homecoming20 hours agooRita Rodriguez Jackson Welcome home Skippy!! We are still praying that you have a speedy recvery!! ?19 hours agooDonna Coffey Welcome home Skippy! You're a scrappy little thing...looks like all our prayers are being answered...and if you can't return to the wild, I'll just betcha BCR becomes your new home...and IF it does, you let me know and I'll sponsor ya!!!! :)18 hours agooJustin Buzzini saw skip on the cam. he's going to do great. buy him some snuggies and broasted turkey-legs and he'll be alright. but seriously, he'd appreciate an XL shag fabricated snuggie, alot :P.18 hours agooDonna Raihl Oh so wonderful! What a blessing. I am reading about Carole Baskin the founder of Big Cat Rescue. She is my hero!!!Read about her here: hours agooDonna Raihl Get well little Skip ! We all love you and God Bless Big Cat Rescue!!16 hours agooRoni Dorf Skip speedy recovery and a healthy new year and long life!11 hours agooCarol Bowen keeping my fingers crossed3 hours agooMarcia Katz Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful news to wake up to! Thank you BCR/Jamie for all you do for our beloved big kitty friends! You guys are amazing! Happy New Year!!!!2 hours ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLLAST CHANCE TO GIVE A TAX-DEDUCTIVE DONATION TO BCR FOR 2010! Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

21 hours agoJeff Kremer, Lisa Polo, Chris Poole and 61 others like this.*oKaren Norris-Rocha I donated last night, I hope I did it right so it gets doubled...didn't see that :(21 hours agooLindsay Marie Ferguson Donated! Yay for kitties.20 hours agooRobert Bell COME ON PEOPLE!!! This is a GREAT opportunity to double up!! BCR is THE best wildlife sanctuary for big cats! Please Donate! :)20 hours agooLynda Stephens Donated & Shared!20 hours agooAlicia Harvey Don't think it happens if we donate from the UK?20 hours agooAnne Castellano Done. You guys are wonderful.20 hours agooLisa Olson Will do as soon as I get home!20 hours agooGerri Paniccia agree with robert...c'mon folks..36k fans on facebook and your contribution gets these kitties. bcr's great work has been ever-so-evident with the efforts to help save skip.20 hours agooEl Burke Just donated. I dedicated it to all those felines who couldn't be saved.20 hours agooKitty MacAlpine I'd've donated to take advantage of the doubling but only takes credit cards. So I just made a small regular donation instead.

20 hours agooEl Burke Hey it helps Kitty and all those cats are very grateful to you. :)20 hours agooHeather Cantrell Donated and shared. Good luck!20 hours agooAngie Krohne Pontynen Donation made.20 hours agooChristina Bond Monthly donation set up! This was so easy:)19 hours agooPatricia Sheridan Donation made. Thank you for all you do!19 hours agooLisa Olson Done, Happy New Year BCR!!!!!18 hours agooAlison Roth A small donation in honor of my "little" cats past and present! Get well Skip!18 hours agooDonna Coffey Happiest of New Years BCR!!!! With Skip on the mend, I'd bet it's celebration time in Tampa tonight!18 hours agooMarly Barker How can you not take advantage of that matching contribution. Thanks to the family of William and Lois Modglin for their generosity and thank you BCR for all the wonderful work you do, hope 2011 is a wonderful year for the big cats!18 hours agooLyn Reid Just donated for Skip, keep on hanging in there. Hope you have a happier healing Hogmanay from Scotland.18 hours agooLori Salas Donated and share to. Thanks for taking care of the big cats..Happy New Year to all!!!! God Bless!!18 hours agooEilene Wood I just donated too!!17 hours agooLisa Polo DONE! :)17 hours agooNancy Ellis Whew! Glad I saw this just in time!!! Happy New Year to some of the world's most special people....and kitties. :)17 hours agooMaggie Russell A donation for all the big cats17 hours agooDeborah Caron I just donated $25 and I'm challenging other BCR fans to do the same or better. After following the saga of Skip for the past several days we are all now poignantly aware of the dedication, selflessness, perseverance and love involved in BCR's mission. In these last few hours of 2010 let's make a huge donation surge!!! Start 2011 off with hope and support for the's for their lives. Happy 2011 everyone!14 hours agooDeborah Caron Oh, and don't forget....your donation is doubled!!!!14 hours agooTracey Miles Rich I just donated $25 and set it up for monthly...this is an incredible cause as Deborah defined so perfectly. I have worried and checked on Skip all day. Everyone, please help this wonderful organization.14 hours agooTerry Cassada Deason I donated today before the deadline. Glad to be able to help Skip and all the other cats. I have been constantly keeping a check on him since he was brought in. Hope he's up and about soon.13 hours ago   Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip the bobcat is back at Big Cat Rescue and will be up on UStream soon. Jamie, Justin and Dr Hay's staff celebrated with sparklers in the parking lot after a long, tense day21 hours ago via iPhoneChris Poole, Willow Hecht, Darla Ostenson and 273 others like this.oAlexis Blanton You all ROCK! :)21 hours agooSteve Knox Great job everyone21 hours ago ·oTami Shafer Walters Great news!21 hours agooMary Thompson I can't wait to see him bless his heart and a big thanks from us for what was done.21 hours agooNagy Alexandra Thank God, he's okay and safe. Thank you BCR for your work.21 hours agooSue Fair Thank you all. Glad to have people like you in the world. Rest little Skip. Heal quickly.21 hours agooTracy Green Thank you all for being the kind of amazing people who would do anything in their power to save a life that others might deem doomed or insignificant. Your dedication is inspiring, and your updates on Skip bring tears to my eyes. Happy New Year!21 hours agooMelissa Koblin Skip is a lucky kitty...thanks BCR! Just wondering, what are the odds of Skip being able to be released?21 hours agooEliza Howard Yes great news !!!!21 hours agooColleen Tracey any left for us ?!?!?! LOL20 hours agooRhonda Mengarelli Will skip be on the same channel he's been on??? Can't wait to see him20 hours agooKaren Norris-Rocha That's awesome!!! Their dedication should be celebrated. Way to go Team Skip!!!!!20 hours agooLaura Grove Excellent news! Been on the edge of my seat, following events as they unfolded. Thanks yet again for all that you do!20 hours agooSandra Davis Thats great news !20 hours agooDe Ja Foster As they should have! They are all Angels! Thank you Everyone for helping Skip and for being so Awesome as to let us all take this journey with you!! > .. <20 hours agooSue Drake you people are amazing, today is my birthday & this is the best news I could have wished for !20 hours agooMonica Spires

20 hours agooDonna Smith The cats of Florida are very lucky to have you and your team...Thank you for all you do for them. And the doctors20 hours agooDeborah Good Here to a happy new year for skip and healthy20 hours agooDebi Gungor happy new year skip xhope you have a full recovery xxxx20 hours agooLorraine Kinnaird Cats rule Ok! Wat fabulous news!20 hours agooGerri Paniccia sparklers after a long day and hoping to toast Skip and All's efforts into the New Year..thoughts & prayers to a new beginning.20 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Thank goodness he is doing great! Now I can celebrate!20 hours agooPammy Raeyayayyayayyayayayay2.5 hrs to new year here in uk.. bcr i love u so much cnst wait to come back again nxt year 2011... ive been every year since 2006 and my friends caroline sheen and more have come on my recco....we adore u.... finggre sc...rossed for skippy!!!! that wud be our \ny joy!See More20 hours agooLinzee Mundtt Ive never met them but i love them and every one at BCR..hugs and blessings for a healthy new year to skip20 hours agooRosemarie Plaetke bcr: this was an ending of 2010 for you .... all the best for you & all cats in the new year!20 hours agooLisa Cupp Vollenweider Dr. Hay...YOU ARE THE BEST!!! The staff too!! Will drink a toast to you all and to the success of Skip's surgery!20 hours agooMissy Kimsey Excellent outcome.20 hours agooKristin Boggs What is the prognosis?20 hours agooGabrielle Boyce good outcome promising a good year!20 hours agooMeagan Fulford YAY!!! Thank you BCR, the vet staff and doctors, his brave rescuers, and everyone else involved with Skip! You are all angels and have changed the life of that cat forever!!!20 hours agooMonica Spires Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!!

20 hours agooPammy Rae i donated to the fund.... imn mem of willaim and lois.... and ill post it again.. bcr we love u xxx20 hours agooMaggie Patterson Yeah!!20 hours agooAngie Krohne Pontynen What a great way to start the New Year! Thanks to everyone involved in rescuingSkipt and not giving up on him!!!20 hours agooLinda Davis I just gave and what a blessing you all are!20 hours agooNoreen Raudabaugh What a novel way to unwind! Have a wonderful evening, you angels at BCR. :)20 hours agooElise Evans Thank you BCR, vet staff and all involved in Skip's rescue. Your kindness and dedication are uplifting. I know my donation will be put to good use!20 hours agooDeb Wentzel So glad he made it through!!20 hours agooElizabeth Meade He Vets rock!!! BCR rocks!!! Skip's rescuers rock!!! Happy New Year Skip!!! May you have a looooooong & healthy life!! Happy New Year to BCR & all those mentioned above! ???19 hours agooTricia LymeMom ?\o/ so glad Skip pulled through...everyone deserves to celebrate!19 hours agooLinzee Mundtt im glad they got fleas and ticks of him too..bless him..i dont have a job but when i get some extra cash im gonna send it for favorite dog was a runt a black poodle his name was i love his name.. :P19 hours agooEilene Wood Thank you Jamie, Justin and Dr. Hay, Happy New Year from Skip and all his followers.19 hours agooBrigitte Latton Brdije This is SOOOOOO Great, wath you done! ? ? ?19 hours agooCaroline Carlson Abrom Hoorayyyyyy!!!! Overjoyed at this news! Thank you wonderful rescuers, vets and people at BCR!! You have made a great start to the New Year for us all!19 hours agooJody Melissa So, so, so glad to hear it!!!19 hours agooDiana Perry-Walsh I believe Skip will have a Happy New Year!!!19 hours agooDeborah Budesa It's my great honor to share the planet with these special folks who gave it their all to give young Skip a second chance. Thank you doesn't seem adequate but it's all I can manage through these happy tears! May God bless them all!19 hours agooRita Rodriguez Jackson Yay Skippy.. You had angels watching over you and so many of us lighting candles and praying for you sweet boy!! Thank you BCR for not giving up and him.. ?19 hours agooVicky Zulli Belveduto THANK GOD!!!!!!!!19 hours agooMarly Barker OMG, that is wonderful news. After yesterday's x-rays and description, I didn't have much hope, Dr Hay and staff, thanks you are miracle workers!!! I will be saying a prayer for Skip, that he makes a good recovery and doesn't have to suffer with pain. thank you guys for your great work.19 hours agooKelly Kosinski I cheer you all and wish you the HAPPIEST New Year. Stay strong Skip, your will is enlivening. I pray for your robust recovery. ?19 hours agooDarlene Ijams I'm behind you Skip.18 hours agooDiane Supowit Oh, thank You, God!! Been praying for Skip so much!!! SO GLAD!!!18 hours agooSally Chancellor Peters Praise God!! Hope is on the mend now. Thanks to those who have worked so hard to save him. I wish we had them here where I live. He is gorgeous. Here's to a speedy recovery for Skip!! [-]18 hours agooVicky Zulli Belveduto Now that's a wonderful way to start the New Year.......with Good News!!! Bless you BCR and all those who helped Skip!!18 hours agooJennifer Ruggiero Hansen We love you Skip!17 hours agooDebbie Massey How are his lungs?Still have fluid?16 hours agooBeth Milton yay!11 hours agooAmy Milligan Great big Canadian thanks to all involved with caring for and rehabing Skip!!!about an hour agooMartha Hoffman Skinner Anxious to see how the little guy is doing!8 minutes ago  Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLHelp us keep an eye on Skip the bobcat as he awakens from a full day of surgery by Dr. Hay at Veterinary Surgical Services to repair his shattered pelvis. He is in the small squeeze cage for now to keep him from moving around too much. Poole, Jeff Kremer, Silvia Loehrer and 130 others like this.oMichelle Klein-Hass Get better, little sweetie!18 hours agooDeborah Armstrong Poor baby.... I'm glad he's resting safe!!18 hours agooSonya Lee Pull through, little buddy.18 hours agooAngel Camacho I've been watching over that little prince... He's gotten a second chance at life thanks to your organization. You are all angels! Thank you again for keeping us updated.18 hours agooBarbara Runcie Get well, little guy18 hours agooEliza Howard Blessings for Skip ? ?18 hours agooAlene Greto Thank you for keeping us updated. (Sharing)18 hours agooEl Burke Oh we're watching... lol18 hours agooJanet Davis Thank you to Dr. Hay and all the BCR staff. We wish Skip a speedy recovery.18 hours ago 3 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer and Debi Binkley like this. ·oTammie Ekkelboom Oh, he's eating a lot!!! :D He's so beautiful!!!!!! Go Skip!18 hours agooAlex Foxx Awesome, thanks again for the updates and for saving his life. You guys rock! Get well, Skip, you trooper!18 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer, Arlene Hoffer and Eilene Wood like this. ·oLisa Hemmerle Hats off to the vets who fed him without patting! It would have been all in my power not to have sneaked a sedated big cat a pat in!18 hours ago 7 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer, Arlene Hoffer, JoAnn Paolantonio and 3 others like this. ·oEliza Howard Hungry beautiful baby. :) :) Thank you B.C.R.18 hours agooRosemarie Plaetke I am so lucky... watch you feeding him.... he is doing so well how he responds to your food. reaching for it. he moves his left leg.this little guy is hungry ... so much food!18 hours ago 4 peopleYou, Silvia Loehrer, Arlene Hoffer and Eilene Wood like this. ·oJudy Jackson Williamson Bless you all at Big Cat Rescue! ?18 hours agooRenee Eva Patricia Awwww ?18 hours agooFran Harrington Thank you to the Drs!!! I have great Drs for all my animals and sure do appreciate them, so thank you again for saving this guy!!18 hours agooEilene Wood He's so cute!! Is this normal breathing for a bobcat? I didnt notice this last night.18 hours agooKimberly Jones Keep fighting and being tough beautiful boy! We love you! ?18 hours agooCindy Heisler Maybury Thank you to everyone who worked so hard since Skip has been rescued and for all the wonderful people in the operating room-God Bless all of you! Thanks for letting us view his recovery!18 hours agooJoAnn PaolantonioThank you to the medical team that is taking care of Skip. I appreciate your dedication to all animals domstic and wild.Skip looks like he not quite sure what is going on however I can sense he is calm and peaceful within this journey he is... having in this life cycle in this moment in time. Om Shanti Amen.See More18 hours agooScott White So happy for Skip!18 hours agooLori Beth Kidd Poor lil fellow. I hope he's got good pain meds! Get well soon, Skip! ?18 hours agooKiersten B Greenfield So happy Skip is recovering!!18 hours agooBrigitte Latton Brdije Love you Skip!!! ? ? ? <you will make it!18 hours agooCarolyn Schellhardt Bon chance, Skip!!! I'm praying for you!!!17 hours agooHolly Oxenfree ??????.•*¨?`*•.¸????????¸.•*¨`*•?.?????????????????? ????? ????????????* ?H?A?P?P?Y?? * ?N?E?W? * ?Y?E?A?R? *???????????? ????? ????????????17 hours agooRuth Leikam You can do it, Skip! Sending lots of love and prayers to you!17 hours agooHannah Haunert this is way cool17 hours agooBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL is Dr. Hay's clinic. Let him know you love what he did for Skip the bobcat at Big Cat Rescue17 hours ago 11 peopleLoading...oKitty Dolan Praying like mad for Skip, I think he knows by now that he is in the best hands he could be in, BCR. All he has to do is get well and either go back to the wild if he can or spend his days at BCR either way he is a winner. A million cat kisses to him and BCR.16 hours ago Michelle Morton like this. ·oCarol Davidson Bruce BCR, you rock!! Thanks for caring.16 hours agooAlex Foxx Yep, I will be sure to let Dr. Hay and staff know how much I appreciate their heroic efforts!16 hours agooSherry Anthony most beautiful site "A beautiful Male Lion" and a White tiger" Resting together and getting better at the hospital. Bless their hearts!16 hours agooRachel DeFauw I emailed Dr. Hay and his staff at to say thank you. I am so happy that Skip survived the surgery. Now prayers, hugs and love to get him through a long recovery. Thank you BCR for all that you've done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15 hours agooLotta Williams Bengtsson Lots of ? to all kind people with big hearts!15 hours agooKaren Norris-Rocha Just logged back on to see our guy and it's Off-Air...hope Skip is ok...15 hours agooSilvia Loehrer He looked great when I was on. Visiting hours end at 9 p.m. Eastern time, US so that he can rest and all. He ate and had a great appetite! I am so happy! I wonder what time we can log on tomorrow morning to see him?15 hours agooAmy O'Donnell Just sent an email to the vet's office. Saw Skip earlier on cam. He's so cute, and his little chest was going up and down. Hope he doesn't mind his butt shaved, though. Poor kitty, he's going to be better than before. Keep Calm and Carry On!14 hours agooRosemarie Plaetke ?@sherry anthony: just a good, healthy photo of cameron & zabu at bcr ...a couple. there are good videos on them on bcr's website. they have a good life together & enjoy it as you can see.14 hours agooLinda Crowder Manous I'm so glad he made it through surgery. Sending lots of positive kitty energy his way.14 hours agooSandra Davis Get a good nights rest SKIP I will be dreaming And praying for you xoxo14 hours agooMonica Spires Donate by midnight and your donation is DOUBLED!!

14 hours agooAnnette Johnson-Braswell been watching him since yesterday, and I hope and pray that he will do alright. Our prayers are with him. God Bless all who is involved in his care!13 hours agooSilvia Loehrer Happy New Year Skip and friends!!! XOXOXOMuch Love and Blessings from Florida!13 hours agooHolly Cat It says its offline on my computer, could that be cause im not in the US?Thanks so much for saving him. Its so great that there are such caring people in the world.Cant wait to come and visit one day when im finally done with all my study.7 hours agooMichelle Morton Holly, they turn off the lights after 9pm US Eastern Time, and I think they turn off the online video feed then too. I think it should be back up again to coincide with daylight hours here - maybe in an hour or two from now.7 hours agooColleen Tracey skip s monitor wasn't on ?!?! :( wanted to see if the guy doing ok4 hours agooShe Szimanski This 'ustream' thing is a great idea for being able to keep a close eye on your patients while still attending to the rest of business and life. I hope all is still well with his recovery, since the channel is offline.4 hours agooAnnette Johnson-Braswell he has a lot of love and prayers for him! Just waiting to see how he did through the night! Prayers are still with him...Happy New Year Skip and BCR!!3 hours agooColleen Tracey our baby is on!!! looking good, about to fight with water cup .... good sign! LOL3 hours agooLisa PoloGood Morning all the Skip the bobcat supporters and fans out there.. don't forget to keep the healing virtual candles lit throughout his recovery.. they go out every 48 hours.... Thank ya Kindly xo More3 hours agooBonnie Kelley oh skip with the bare bottom! don't be embarrassed it is for the good hon!! we promise not to look!!! oh skip we are so happy you have pulled through so far! our thoughts and prayers are with you. you sweet precious cat!! thank goodness for bcr and jamie and her crew!!2 hours ago Big Cat Rescue - Tampa FLSkip is live on UStream right now and has pulled through his first night after major surgery to repair a pelvis shattered by a car strike this week. Bandy, Sandra Roberts-April, Joanne L McGonagle and 114 others like this.oRachel Castle Farmer Hang in there Skip! I know you can do it!! :)3 hours agooBeth Giannosa Thanks SO much BCR for enabling us to keep a watch over Skip. As you can tell.....we all ? him very much !!!3 hours agooElise Spears Skip the amazing Bobcat!!!! GDspeed!3 hours agooAllie Maheral Hang in there Skip!3 hours agooShezael Zael I saw him move his 'back leg' (sorry do not know the english word for it) He looks better and better ! Gogo Skip !!!3 hours agooGoonerette Hall im rooting for you buddy get better soon from london england3 hours agooLisa PoloYay! Good Morning all the Skip the bobcat supporters and fans out there.. don't forget to keep the healing virtual candles lit throughout his recovery.. they go out every 48 hours.... Thank ya Kindly xo More3 hours agooDeanna Floyd SO blessed to have people lilke the Big Cat Rescue! Have a GREAT SPEEDY recovery Skip! We're ALL praying for you!3 hours agooBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL ?9:58 VERY exciting to see Skip stand up on ALL FOUR feet, turn around and lay back down. The new hips seem to be working!3 hours agooChristine Evert Wonderful to see him move his legs and standing up! Happy New Year Skip, a new lease on life!3 hours agooCarol Safford DeBeradinis He looks like he is doing well. Looking forward to seeing him better each day. Thank you for taking such good care of him!3 hours agooSue Drake just saw him 'stand' on those back legs. He's a strong boy. Incredible job BCR & co !3 hours agooLinda Noel Sld Merchandise Thank you Lisa for that link, I just lit mine for Skip! Congrats BCR for all the wonderful work you do!!!!3 hours agooNoreen Raudabaugh We just got to see him stand on all four paws too! He has a cheering section, and I hope he can feel the love. Y'all at BCR are some amazing angels, and I wish for karma to find each and every one of you this year.3 hours agooEliza Howard This is fantastic news thank you.B.C.R.3 hours agooMelinda Whitfield Someone is on the chat with the video feed posting very obscene things -- BCR can you please block them?3 hours agooBig Cat Rescue - Tampa FL My chat window only shows the last couple of posts. What is the offender's handle?3 hours agooKim Haller So excited for Skip's progress! Sending prayers for healing and recovery!3 hours agooMelinda Whitfield David_Koresh is his handle. It's awful what he is posting.3 hours agooMelinda Whitfield He keeps posting every few seconds.3 hours agooAshley Burleson BCR and Dr. H you have proven once again that u can work miracles! almost cried when i read that he stood up! Have a wonderful new year!3 hours agooColleen Long Such a beauty..keep resting, brave many are hoping for you to run free again.3 hours agooLaurie Johnson Happy New Year, Skip! Wishing you a quick recovery and a healthy 20113 hours agooMonica Spires please start the year off and Donate any amount and your donation is DOUBLED!! Give as little as $10 and it would go a looong way to help Skip and all the cats at BCR!

2 hours agooDebbie Massey BCR,Will Skip stay with you when he recovers?2 hours agooMonica Spires on BCR home page they hope to release him...once he is fully recovered back to where he was found (by state law) but he will recovered at BCR for a while :)2 hours agooRomana Welch cool get well Skip2 hours agooGerri Paniccia good morning sweetie!!2 hours agooDebbie Watroba He looks pretty comfortable. This is such a miracle!2 hours agooRon Hopper YAY! GO SKIP!2 hours agooFelicia Raphael He's been moving a little - looking straight at the camera. He's so beautiful. He seems comfortable. Thanks for taking such good care of him.2 hours agooMichelle Klein-Hass Keep on healin' up there Skip! We love you! ?about an hour agooMichele Crow Anello So happy, great news for the new year, Skip looks great! All are payers have been answered!! :)about an hour agooLyn Reid Wishing you all the best for 2011 Skip, the couple who rescued him, all at BCR and Dr Hay and his team.about an hour agooUros Ralovic awwww...he's up & watching around :))about an hour agooLesa Cox awesome good news!!about an hour agooEilene Wood Skip is so cute!! He really looks so good, alert!! Happy New Year Skip and BCR!!about an hour agooMelanie Lowe just watched breathlessly as he got up and turned around alert and moving slowly but surely :Dabout an hour agooMelanie Lowe he seems to have finally tired himself out and is ready for a little healing nap :D57 minutes agooDeborah Good I hope he will be able to walk after all this.55 minutes agooEilene Wood Time for kitty nap!!! Rest is good Skip, you have been through so much in less than a week. Thank you for your special angels that found you and called BCR.43 minutes agooBonnie Kelley can't wait for the fur to grow back skip!!but you are beautiful anyway!!!33 minutes agooLeigh Ann Frontz Christenson Skip is so cute I'm praying for you baby!!! =) Thank you to BCR for saving this sweet little guy. BCR is amazing I love looking at your fb page wish I lived closer so I could visit in person!31 minutes agooTiena Harvey Ellis Come on Skip. I'm pulling for you baby!27 minutes agooLinzee Mundtt he looks good on ustream..woot14 minutes agooFran Harrington He's looking great!! I hope that he's feeling great too :)4 minutes agooMichelle Able Keep fighting skip! Praying for ya!3 minutes ago · Like


Purr-sistance Ocelot

