International Tiger Day
News @ BCR Carole Baskin News @ BCR Carole Baskin

International Tiger Day

Human-tiger conflict is one of the biggest threats to keeping the tiger from going extinct. When a human is attacked by a tiger, the natural reaction is to demand the killing of the tiger. Reducing the opportunities for this human-tiger conflict to occur plays a critical role in preserving the tiger.One proven, very cost effective way to reduce the number of attacks is to place solar powered street lights on the paths that run along the perimeter of these villages. Predators avoid lighted areas.

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José Daniel Ramírez Fernández
Conservationist Carole Baskin Conservationist Carole Baskin

José Daniel Ramírez Fernández

Jose Ramirez Fernandez is a passionate conservationist working tirelessly to protect small wild cat species in the dense forests and rugged mountains of Costa Rica. As a native Costa Rican who is an expert in rodent biology, Jose brings a unique perspective and skill set to his mission of saving animals like the elusive oncilla, powerful ocelot, and the newly discovered clouded tiger cat.

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