Tarzan the Jungle Cat
Male Jungle Cat
Born 5/1/93 - Died 12/3/09
Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 9/19/94
Tarzan came to Big Cat Rescue in the Spring of 1995. His owner had purchased him for the purpose of breeding hybrids, but Tarzan hated domestic cats and so became worthless to his owner. When Tarzan arrived, he was neutered and placed in a large natural enclosure with a very feisty female Jungle Cat, Shaniqua. He fell in love with her right away and the two have beeninseparable ever since. Tarzan is one of the more food motivated felines at the sanctuary and absolutely loves to eat. You would never know of his voracious appetite to look at his sleek build. Tarzan is also very vocal and is often heard caterwauling as the sun sets. The sounds that come from these small cats are unbelievable and rival their larger feline cousin, the leopard.
12/3/09 Tarzan went in to Dr. Wynn's clinic today because he was seen limping. He has been struggling with renal failure and treated almost continually over the past year for upper respiratory infections. He has also been slowed down considerable by advanced arthritis. His x-rays indicated he had fractured his leg and with his bones and joints being so far gone and arthritic, the only humane option was to put him to sleep. At the age of 16, he was our oldest Jungle Cat and it is not likely that he could have withstood surgery and the long and painful healing process given his advanced age and ailments. It is always a hard decision to make, but we believe it was the kindest option for Tarzan. Be sure to give Shaniqua a little extra love as you walk by.
Losing any cat is tough, but when you have to watch a mate they've left behind......well, it's heart-breaking. Tarzan, our jungle cat, has moved on to the jungle he always deserved. Shaniqua still waits with us here. I'm sure he knew that we'd make her days as pleasant as we can until she reunites with her jungle man. It's a sad day for those of us who cared for him...and still care for her. Julie, Volunteer Senior Keeper
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