Trade in Bobcats and Lynx 2004-2008

2014 60 Bobcat Pelts Seized

60 Bobcat Pelts SeizedCalifornia Department of Fish and Wildlife Warden Nick Buckler recovered pelts from 60 poached bobcats and gray foxes. (California Department of Fish and Wildlife) Tracy Lee Shultz of Courtland, south of Sacramento, was fined $5,000 and ordered to forfeit the pelts worth nearly $15,000 according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

2012 Cruel Leg Hold Trapping & Torture of Bobcat Speak out against this here: CatLaws.comBobcat Leg hold Trap 

Trade in Bobcats and Lynx 2004-2008

 The following charts are from and show an alarming trade in wild cats. Bobcats and Canda Lynx are the Top 10 Skins In Trade 2004-2008 Bobcats and Canda Lynx are the Top 10 Skins In Trade 2004-2008 note LynxFelids are the Top 3 Traded Skins 2004-2008Lion Captive Bred Trade Skins 2004-2008.  Raised in cages to be killed as trophies.Canada Lynx Captive Born to be killed for their fur 2004-2008Wildcaught Bobcats and Canada Lynx make up 99.9 percent of the TradeUS is the second largest exporter of cat skins from 2004-2008

Warning Graphic Image

 Do not scroll down if you are faint of heart because this image is just heart breaking.When the Rescuers were trying to catch the bobcat, he was running on all four paws, even though both front legs had been chewed off.The bobcat kitten had obviously been struggling to survive for days, as the bones were completely dried out.It’s gut wrenching to see an animal in such condition, but this is the reality of trapping, and it has to stop. Contact your lawmaker at and ask them to ban fur trapping and fur farming in the U.S. Bobcat-Both-Legs-Gone


Kirby Van Burch Retires Tigers


Cat Chat 59